ORIQON CITY INTEftPRill, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1003. DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1 906 Notice of Sheriffs Sale TAX EXECUTION STATE OF" OREGON, County of Clackamas, as, To K. Jl. lli'iitln. Hhnrlff of Clackamas County, Oregon, Greeting: In Itm tiitmn of Uio State of Oregon you are hereby commanded to advor tint) am) Hull In tho tnuiinor provided ly luw tho several articles of poraoiial property iiiul pareela of real property upon which taxes have boon levied for thtt year I1I0II mid which are mnrknd Mlil extended n unpaid BUd tliilllKJUHI t iii"ti Hit) tax rolls for mild your 1900, iiml that you pay over all money so ( ollnctoil to tin) County Treasurer of t 'India inn County, Oregon a pro v i t ' ( I hy law, WltntjHx my hand ami tho seal of tho County Court of tho state of Ore gon for tho County of Clackamas, ihU 2oth day of December, A. I). il)07. (SKAU) I-V W. GREENMAN, Chirk. STATIC OK OREGON, County tif ClackaiiinH.RS, I hereby certify that tho foregoing In a true ami correct copy of tho origi nal warrant for tho collection of tho lhliiKjiit.Tit taxes fur tho year 1906, ami Hid wholo thereof of Huch original now in my hands ami that tho aamo wan received ly mo on tho 20tli day of le comber, 1907. R. II. HEATH!, Hherlff and Tax Collector for Clacka- tuna County, Oregon. Now, therefore. In obedience to tho coiniuanilH of tho aald abovo mention til warrant, 1 will on tho 24TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1908, at the hour of a' o'clock a. in., at my offlco In tho Clat'kamaa County Court IIoiimo In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, aell tho aevoral tracta or parcela of real property embraced lit the delinquent Hat of Clackamua ciunty, Oregon, fur tho year 1900, and a d'4Hci Iptlon of which property, tho amount of taxca and tlu, name of the owner when knowj ;ir pen on to whom taxed, la aa follow, tovH: Atkinson. Amt. Due f Eastern Invent ment Co., Atkln aon, Iota 3 ami 4, 9 70 acre.. 10. 08 Barlow. Anna Holt, Harlow, lot 4, blk 1. .63 A 141 a Holt, Harlow, lot 9, blk 1. .63 (1. V. Offleld. llurltiw, lot 9. blk 2 CJ M.'t.' Morris, Harlow,' FrYbik S 1.05 Sarah B, NordHtroni, llarlow.lot 8 blk 6 42 Jnhn Gatke, Gatzko'a Add. to Harlow, lota 2 to 8. blk A. . . . 2.94 John Catzke, GnUko's Add. to Harlow, lota 1 to C, blk C... 2. S3 Bolton. Emma Dowty, Holtott, lot 3. blk. 17 1.29 Hnlton IjuuI Co., Holton, lot 1, blk 33 94 Boring Junction Tracts. F. M. AlllHiiti, HorltiK Junatlon's tracta. Improvement on tracta II and 12 32.45 Cambridge. Peter Fisher, Cambridge, lot 3, blk 31 1.38 Canby. Hannah Blacker. Cunby, lota 2 and 3, block 2 7.74 Kmma J. Dowty, Canby, lot 4, block 2 3.90 MrM. U J. Harton. Canby. lota 7 and 8, block 4 3.0C Chan. Schmidt, heirs, Canby, lota 6 and (5. block 6 6.48 A. E. Wulto, Canby, lot 6, block 11 54 A. 15. Walto, Canby, all of block 12 3.82 Canemah. Mr. A. K. Latourette, Canemah, lot I and 2, blk 17 7.28 Mrs. A. K .Latourotto, Canemah, lota 7 and 8, blk. 17 2 CO Richard McMahon, Canomah, lota 3 and 4. blk 22 3.12 A. E. Walte, Canemah, lot 4, blk 25 l-3 Jkhho Glbbs, Canemah, lota 3, 4, and 5. bill 32 .- 78 ChrlHtlan FroebHel, Canomah, lot 3, hill C 2.08 I (1. Rambo, Canemah, lot 4, blk. C 1-EC Elizabeth Rlnehart, Canemah, frl. blk., not numbered, be tween 45 and 40, lota 1, 7 and 8 - 78 Elizabeth ninehart, Canomah, frl. blk., not numbered, be tween CI and 62, lota 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8 1-30 Elizabeth Rlnehart, Canomah, frl. blk., not numbered, be tween 35 and 36, lot 1 2d Thomas Glbbs, aa dos. in Record of Deeds, Hook 03, page 415. .52 E 0. Caufleld, First Add. to Ca nomah, lot 5, blk. 0 1.30 Clackamas Fruit Lands. Mrs. Nelllo E. Godfrey, Clacka mua fruit landa, bllis. M, N, O N. 2 acres of 1 8 acres 5.42 Mrs. Nelllo R. Godfrey, Clacka mas fruit lands, blka. Q, It and S. 5.07 acres.. 5.42 Clackamas Weights. A. 0. TramplcnBure Clackamas Heights, sub. dlv. Of blks. 19, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 39, lot 2, block 30E 51 G Schlndlor Clackamas Heights, sub. dlv. of blks. 19, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 39, lot 12, blk. 29H .51 IS. F. Kennedy, Clackamas Heights, sub. dlv. of blks. 19, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 39, lots 1 and 2, bik. 191 1.02 E. P. Kennedy, Clackamas Heights, sub. dlv. of blks. 19, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 39, lots 11 and 12, blk. 191 10-07 Clackamas Park. L. E. Williams, Clackamas Park, E 1-2 of blk. 6 and E 1-2 blk. 7 7.20 Eaglo Creek. Laura D. Stolnman, Eagle Creek, Amt. Due I lot, 8, blk. 0 27 Eatacada. O.V P. Townalte Co., Eatacada, lota 13, 14, 15 and 10, blk. C. .12.05 HiihIh CrottHO, EttUcada, lot 6, blk. 8 1.73 O. W. P. Townalto Co., Eatacada, lot 10. blk. 13 40 Mra. I. M. Corthlll, Eatacada, lot 10, blk. 14..... 40 li. 1). Johnaon, Eatacada, lot 8, blk. 15 40 L, A. Livingston, First Add. to Extacada, lot 4, blk. 22 40 O. W. P. Townalto Co., First Add. to Eatacada, lot 7. blk. 27.... .40 R. L. Courtwrlght, Flrat Add. to Ektaeada, lot 2, blk. 28 40 O. W. P. Townalto Co., Flrat Add. to Eatacada, lota 1 and 2, blk. 30 92 O. W. P. Townalto Co., Flrat Add. to Eatacada, lot 0, blk. 31 40 II. W. Downing, Flrat Add. to Eatacada, lota 3 and 4, blk. 24 .92 O. VV. P. Townalte Co., Flrat Add. lot fl, blk. 35 40 Mallory & Paulson, ZobrlHt's Add. to Eatacada, lota 11 and 12, blk. 11 92 Friends' Oregon Colony. 15. J. Adklna, Friends' Oregon Colony, 1 aero In NW corner, blk. 115 2.15 Chaa. Scott, Exr., Frl"nda Oregon Colony, all of ox. 1 aora In N. W. corner, blk. 115. 3.45 acres. 2.04 E. J. Adklna, Frlenda of Oregon Colony, blk. 110, 10 acres.... 4.48 A. J. Kellum, Frlenda Oregon Colony, blk, 117, 15 80 acres... 7.70 John H. Gibson, Gibson's sub, d! vlalon J. A. Logan Tract, tracta 3 and 4 4.60 Gladstone. M. F. McOown, Gladstone, blka. 1 to 21. and frl. blks. A and 11, lot 12. blk. 9 1.02 H. C. Stevens, Gladstone, blka. 1 to 21 and frl. blka A and U, Iota 1 to 5. blk. 19 3.82 Willamette Valley Chautauqua Aasn., Gladatone, blks. 1 to 21 and fr l. blks. A and D, lot 15, blk. 20 77 Mary Wills, Gladatone, blks. 1 to 21, and frl. blka. A and II, lota 6 to lOlk. 21 3.83 Mrs. Mary Heatley, Gladstone, blka. 22 to 103 and frl. blka. C to H. lota 1 and 2, blk. 30... 11. 47 C. H. and I. Johnaon, Gladstone, blks. 22 to 103 and frl. blks. C to U. lota 15 and 10, blk. 45... 17. CO W. HV Kelly, Gladstone, blks. 22 to 103, and frl. blka. C to II. lota 11 and 1, blk. 61 1-53 W. J. Ranch, Gladstone, blka. 22 to 103 and frl. blka. C to H, lota 5 and 6. blk. 75 1-53 West Gladstone. W. J. Hloomer, West Gladstone, lot 17. blk. 11 77 D. E. Henderson, West Gladatone, lot 13,' blk. 12 77 Lots Adjoining Gladstone Park. Harry W. Hull, part of aa dee. In Record of Deeds, Hook 61, pago 201. lot 110 4.08 Jesaio A. Glbbs, part of aa dea. In Record of needs, Hook C3, pago 415, lot 110 61 Jennlng Ledge. A. C. and F. E. Hodgklua," Jen- nlngs Idge, lot 9 1.90 H. and C. Klaer, Jennlnga Lodge, lots 20 and 21 3.04 H. and C. Klser, Jennlnga Lodge, lots 27 and 28 3.04 11. and C. Klser, Jennings Lodgo, lot 37 9-50 A. C. and F. E. Hodgklna, Jen nings Idgo. lot 42 1-90 B. and C. Klser, Jennings Lodge, lot 43 190 A. C. and F. E. Hodgklna, Jen nines Lodgo. Doardman's Add. to, lot 20 4.08 Linn City. Walter Pomeroy, Linn City, lota 7, 8 and 9, blk. 1 70 M. 11. Wakeman, Linn City, lots 6 and 6, blk. 8 47 Loflus Tracts. Joaoph Hawkins, Logua Tracta, Tract 4, 14.91 acres 23.00 Marohbanke. Johanna Ruckey, Marchbanks, lot 35, blk. 7 10 D. J. Huckley. Jr., Marchbanks, lot 30, blk. 7 09 Wm. Buckley, Marchbanks, lot 37, blk. 7 09 C. A, Gove, Marchbanks, lot 1, blk. 9 09 Harriet Lee, Marchbanks, lot 2, blk. 9 -09 Harriett Lee. Marchbanks, lots 3 to C, blk. 9 30 C. A. Gove, Marchbanks, lot. 8, blk. 9 10 0. Svarvend and J. L. Frazler, Marchbanks, lota 12 to 15 blk. 9 37 C. A. Gove, Marchbanks, lot 16, blk. 9 09 Marahfield. W. H. II. Gentry, part of as dos. In Record of Deods, Book 78, pago 89, lot 1, blk 2 3.20 Peary Black, part of ,as des. In Record of Deods, Book 78, page "89, lot 3, blk. 13 1.50 Mary E. Talbert, Talbert's Add. to Marshflold, lot 2, blk. 20... .80 J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to Mnrshfleld, lots 1 to 7, blk. 4. . 2.80 J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to Marshflold, lots 9 and 10, blk. 4 80 J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. ' to Marshfleld, lota 11 and 12, blk. 4 80 J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to Marshflold, lots 3 and 4. blk. 14 1.20 J. W, Roots, Roots' Add. to Marshfleld, lot 1 an dall of ex cept 4 foot off S side of lot 2, blk. 19 70 onrj 'uiv J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to Marshfleld, lots 3 to fl, blk. 21. 1.C0 J. W. Roots, Roots' Add. to Marahfield, all of blk. 27 2.40 3. W. Jloots, Roots' Add, to Marsh Held, lots 4 to 7, blk. 28. 2.40 Mllwaukle. Tho Title Guarantee & , Truat Co.. W 57 ft. of lots 4 and 5, bik. 30 17.68 C. A. Cogswell, Mllwaukle, Cogs well's First Add, to, blk. D...12.48 Mllwaukle Heights. Francis Dwyer, Mllwaukle Hts., 1-3 of lot 6, blk. 33 11 Mllwaukle Park. HllnTtila Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lota 1, 2 and 3. bik. 4 .7.... 1.38 J. 0. loo, Mllwaukle Park, lota 9, 10 and 11, blk. 4 1.38 Ht'-rnla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lots 14, 15 and 10, blk. 4 1.38 Illbernla Savings Hank, MUwau klo Park, lot 8, blk, 6 40 Elizabeth Hastlan, Mllwaukle Park, lots 3 and 4, blk. 9 1.38 W. Cornfoot, Mllwaukle Park, lot 10, blk. 9 40 Hlbernla Savings Hank, Mllwau l:!o Park, lot 10, blk. 12 40 Hlbernla Savings Hank, Milwau klu Park, lot 8, blk. 13 40 Hlhernlu Savings Hank, MUwau Klo Park, lot 1, blk. 14 46 Hlbernla Savlnga Bank, MUwau- 1 klo Park, lots 17 and 18. blk. 19 92 Hlbernla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lota 15 and 16, blk. 22 92 Hlbernla Havings Hank, Mllwau kle park, it 1, blk. 23 40 Hlbernla Savlnga Hank, Mllwau kle park, lota 13 to 18, blk. 24 2.76 Hlbernla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lot 3, blk. 24 46 Hlhernia Savings Hank, MUwau-' kle Park, lots 13. to 10, blk. 20. 1.84 Hlbernla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lot 4, blk. 27 32 Hlbernla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lot 6, blk. 27 38 Hlbernla Savings Hank, Mllwau kle Park, lots 6, 7, 10, 11. blk. 27 1.49 Hlbernla Savings Hank, Mll waukle Park, lot 5, blk. C... 1.80 Hlbernla Savings Hank Mllwau kle Park, lots 9, 10, ll, blk. C, 5.40 Chaa. R. Hlnes, Mllwaukle Park, lots 4 to 8, blk. D 8.10 Sellwood'i Add. to Mllwaukle. Fred l hman, Sellwood'a Add. to Mllwaukle, all of blk. 8 11.36 Thos, J. Clark. Sellwood'a Add. to Mllwaukle, Iota 1 and 2, blk. 9 5.20 Mlnthorn. R. J. Hendricks, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 25, 26, 27, blk. 12 42 J. H. Westeott, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lota 14 to 25, blk. 13. 1.65 Mra. Mary Leanian, Minthorn Add. to Portland, lots 29, 30, blk. 16 28 Honora Howe, Trustee, Mln thorn Add. to Portland, lots 13 to 21, blk. 41 1.65 Oregon Ijind Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, all of except 100 feet oft north end of lots 19 and 20. blk. 68 09 Oregon Innd Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, all of except 100 feet off north end of lots 21 and 22. blk. C8 09 Oregon Ijind Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, all of except 100 feet off north end of lots 23 and 24, blk. C8 10 Ira Erb, Mlnthorn Add. to Port land, lot 47, blk. 69 14 M. W. Sprague, Mlnthorn Add. to fc.rtland, lots 5 and 6, blk. 71 .27 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 5 and 6, blk. 72 28 Jennie C. Reed, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 7 and 8, blk. 72 .28 E. and Q. Reed, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 9 and 10, blk. 72 27 Oregon Iind Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 40 and 41, blk. 73 28 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 3 and 4, blk. 77 .". 28 Oregon Ijind Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 16 and 17, blk. 77 28 Oak Grove. Oregon Land Co., Minthorn Add. to Portland, lots 1G to 19. blk. 78 55 J. S. White, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lot 38. blk. 84 14 Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland.lot 16, blk. 87 14 Oregon ImA Co., Minthorn Add. to Portland, lots 25 and 26, blk. 87 27 6re?on I.and Co., Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 7 to 14, blk. 89 1.10 Chas. B. Craven, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lots 1G to 19, blk. 91 65 Chas. B. Craven, Minthorn Add. to Tortland, lots 34 to 40,' blk. 91 97 II. W. Hatch, Mlnthorn Add. to Portland, lota 38 and 39, blk. 92 28 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co.. Oak Grove, block 36, 7 acres. 13. 30 Wm. Wlckllne, Oak Grove, blk. 49, 5 acres . . 9.50 Sollwood Iand and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, blk. 51, 9.05 acres.. 18. 05 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, blk. 62, 10.20 acres 19.38 Wm. Wickland, Oak Grove, blk. 64, 5 acres..,., 9. 60 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, blk. 6G, 5 acres. ..20.90 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, blk. 67, 10.95 acros.26.9S Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, blk. 81, 11.55 acres.22.04 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, blk. 82, 14.25 acres.26.98 Sollwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, all of except N. 120 feet lot 4, blk. 7 1.14 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, 50x367 feet of lot "3, blk. 8 1.S3 D. A. M. Mclntyro, Oak Grove, all of except W'ly 210 feet lot 1, blk. 19 1.62 Sollwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, all of except as des. In Rocord of Deeds, Book 83, page 417, lot 2, blk. Amt. Due 19, and tho E'ly 111x100 of lot 3, blk. 19 2.28 Sellwood Ind and Imp't. Co., Ottk urove, E'ly 113 feet x 106 feet, lot 4, blk. 19 1.14 Sellwood Iand and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, all of except W. 217 feet lot 2, and all of except W. 215 feet lot 3. blk. 30.... 3.04 Sellwood Land and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, all of except 220 feet of lot 4, blk.30 1.14 Sellwood Iand and Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, all West of 11. II., Jot 2, blk. 76 1.14 Peter stoller, Oak Grove, lots C ana 7, blk. 87 9.88 C. V. Smith, Trustee, Oak Grove, lot z, blk. 88 76 Claudle I.awrorice, Oak Grove, lota 17 to 20, blk. 91 4.94 Sellwood Land & Imp't. Co., Oak Grove, 30x205.30 feet, that por tion of Hazel at. N. of Tract 93, vacated 1.62 Oregon City. Eastern In v. Co., Oregon City, lot 7, blk. 13 5.90 Hank of Oregon City, Oregon City, all of blk. 14 23.60 Eastern Inv. Co., Oregon Cltyv lots 1 and 2, blk. 19 14.75 Bunk of Oregon City, Oregon City, all of blk. 43 5.90 Hank of Oregon City, Oregon City, all of blk. 44 -29.50 Jane Baxter, Oregon City, lot 2, blk. 45 4.23 Harriet Moser, Oregon City, lot 3, blk. 45 2.95 Harriet M osier, Oregon City, lot 6, blk. 45 1.47 June Baxter, Oregon City, lot 7, ulk. 45 2.95 I. G. Rambo, Oregon City, lot 3, blk. 40 11.80 Katherine Healy, Oregon City, w'ly 12 lot 4, blk. 47 4.43 Jennie Meldrum, Oregon City, lot 2, blk. C8 8.85 Ivy Straight, Oregon City, lota 2 to 8, blk. 72 10.33 Helen I stratton, Oregon City, e'ly 1-4 of lot 1 and e'ly 5-6 of lots 3, 4, 5, e'ly 3-4 of lot 6, and the e'ly 1-8 of lot 7, blk. 84.. 6.49 Helen L. Stratton, Oregon City, all of blk. 85 4.72 Ilelen I Stratton, Oregon City, lot 1 and the e'ly end of lots 2 and 3, blk. 86 1.18 Eastern Inv. Co., Oregon City, all of blk. 87 11.80 IMen I Stratton, Oregon City, all of blk. 89 11.80 Helen L. Stratton, Oregon City, all of blk- 90 4.72 Helen L. Stratton, Oregon City, all of blk. 91 4.72 Mahala Eaton (heirs), Oregon City, lot 6, blk. 97 7.37 Otto Deute, Oregon City, 60x06 feet lot 4, blk. 112 5.16 Chas. Scott, Oregon City, lot 3, blk. 120 2.95 E. K. Campbell, Oregon City, lots 3 and 4. blk. 123 11.80 L. D. Leonard, Oregon City, lot 7, blk. 123 7.37 E. K. Campbell, Oregon City, lots 3 and 4. blk. 149 4.43 W. F. Whlllock, Oregon City, lot 6, blk. 173 3.54 Alex Simmons Oregon City, lot 6, blk. 173 ,...12.39 W. F. Lehigh, Oregon City, lots 3, 4, 5, blk. 177 1.77 G. W. Woellener, Oregon City An nex, lots 15 and 10, blk. 2 19 Theresa Finds, Oregon City An nex, lot 18, blk. 2 10 Leopold Troendle, Oregon City Annex, lots 1 and 2, blk. 4 20 Peter Hagorlk, Oregon City An nex, lots 1 and 2. blk. 6 19 M. J. Downes, Oregon City An nex, lots 1 and 2, blk. 13 12 August Boomer, Oregon City An nex, lot 4, blk. 13 07 Frank Warren, Oregon City An nex, lot 2, blk. 18 05 T. A. McBride, County Add. to Oregon City, lots 1 to 5, 6, blk. 34 32.45 T. A. McBride, County Add. to Oregon City, lot 8 33.93 G. W. Grace (heirs), County Add. to Oregon City, e'ly 50 feet lot 3, blk. 42 2.36 G. W. Grace (heirs). County Add. to Oregon City, e'ly 60 feet lot 4, blk. 32 4.72 Goo. Boylan, County Add. to Ore gon City, lot 2, blk. 47 2.95 Goo. Boylan, County Add, to Ore gon City, lot 7, blk. 47 6.63 Sarah J. Randolph, County Add. to Oregon City, blk. E 1.48 Mitchell. Louis & Staver Co., Darnell's Add. to Oregon City, lots 1 and 2, blk. 1 2.95 John R. Edwards, Darnell's Add. to Oregon City, lot 4, blk. 1.. 2.95 Anna Boylan, Darling's Add. to Oregon City, 1-2 of lots 4 and 1-4 blk. 4 6.79 Geo. A. Harding (trustee), Edg wood Add. to Oregon City, lot 10, blk. 2 38 Goo. A. Harding (trustee), Edg wood Add. to Oregon City, lot 12, blk. 2 25 Geo. A. Harding (trustee), Edg- wood Add. to Oregon City, lot 13, blk. 2 38 E. A. Newton, Edgwood Add. to Oregon City, lot 11. blk. 3 20 Mrs. M. E. Johnson, Edgwood Add. to Oregon City, lot 18, blk 6 76 Alex Bollo, Edgwood Add. to Oregon City, lot 2, blk. 7 5.86 W. W. May, Ely Add. to Oregon City, lot 1, blk. 1 2 E. O. Seeley, Falrview Add. t Oregon City, 1-2 of lota 4 and 5 and 6, blk. 2 10.32 E. O. Seeley, Falrview Add. to Oregon City, lots 15. 16 and 1-2 of 17, blk. 2...; 2.58 Chas. A. Ross, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 9 and 10, b!k. 1 2.95 David Fancher, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 9 and 10.. 2.95 Anna M. Seol, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 4, blk. 4.... 1.48 Anna M. Seol, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 7 to 10, blk. 4 8.85 Anna M. Seol, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 6, blk 5 1.47 R. G. Pierce, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 12 and 13, blk 8 -2.36 Sophrona M. Rlggs, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 6, blk. 20A 10.32 Amt. Due f Clara P. Williams, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 6, blk. 20A 9.74 Clara P. Williams, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 8, blk. 20A t2.36 Clara P. Williams, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 10 blk. 20A 2.95 Helen M, Stratton, administra trix, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 13, blk. 20B 73 Henry Schlnck, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 3, blk. 25.. .89 O. F. Howell, Green point, lot 2, blk. 4 3.83 Bank of Oregon City, Metes and Hounds to Oregon City as des In Record of Deeds Book 74, Page 150, 1 acre 6.90 Samuel Marrs.Metes and Bounds to Oregon City, as des In Rec ord of Deods Book 32, Page 453, 180 acres 26.55 George Lawrence, Jr., Metes and Bounds to Oregon City as des In Record of Deeds, Book 61, Page 132, 32x50 feet, und. each.; H. M. and W. M. Cake, Metes and Bounds to Oregon City as des. In Record of Deeds, Book 61, pago 132, 32x50 feet, und. each 53.10 Margaret J. Wisher, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, und. lot 7, blk. 3 14 Margaret J. Wisher, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, und. lot 8, blk. 3 15 W. and Priest J. Scleman, Moun tain View Add. to Oregon City, lot 8, blk. 4 45 J. A. and L. E. Thayer, Mountain view Add. to Oregon City, lot 1 9, blk. 4 44 1 Grace E. Loder, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, frl. bik. 6 1.48 Grace E. Loder, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, s'ly 100 feet of blk. 7 1.18 Ella L. Caufleld, Mountain View Add. to Oregon City, lot 16, blk. 3 2.21 Anna S. Warren, Park Add. to Oregon City, lots 9 and 10, blk. 10 3.54 Katie Hart, Park Add. to Oregon City, lots 6 and 7, blk. 16 8.41 Matilda G. Miller, Parker Hill Add. to Oregon City, lots 1 and 2, blk. 1 1.41 Geo. Shipley, Pleasant Place Add. to Oregon City, lots 8 aad 9, blk. 3.54 John Bastarch, Shaw's First Add. to Oregon City, lot 9, blk. 7 38 Herman Schaeffer, Shaw's First Add. to Oreggn City, lota 11 and 12, blk. 7 76 W. S. Wright, Shaw's First Add. to Oregon City, lots 14 and 15, blk. 7 77 Caroline Fischer, Shaw's First Add. to Oregon City, lot 16, blk. 7 38 L H. Wasserman, South Oregon city, lots 4 and 6, blk. 2 1.84 D. C Telford, South Oregon City, lot c, blk. 2 92 Edwin Collins, South Oregon City, lot 11, blk. 8... 69 E. K. Campbell, West Side Add. to Oregon City, lots 10 to 14, blk. 3 7.05 Oswego. Chas. R. Johnson, Oswego, lot 12. blk. 28 96 Mary E. Weber, Oswego, lot 1, DIR. 31 1.68 C. Rondeau, Oswego, lot 14, blk. 32 96 Adam List, Oswego, lots 1 and 2, DIR. 33 1.92 G. E. Russell and C. L. Smith, Oswego, lots 7 and 8. blk. 33.. 1.92 F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego, 101 z. oik. 34 96 F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego, lot 7, blk. 34 96 Geo. McBaln, Oswego, lot 9, blk. 34 96 F. F. and C. E. Smith, Oswego, lot 10, blk. 34 96 Geo. McBain, Oswego, lots 12 to 14, blk. 34 2.88 F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego, lot 15, blk. 34 96 C. M. Diller, Oswego, lot 1, blk. i 96 F. C. and C. E. Smith, Oswego, lots 1 and 2, blk. 46 1.92 Pacific States Savings Building Loan Co., E4 of lots 18, 19 and 20, blk. 138 1.36 E. W. Cornell, South Oswego. lots 1 and 2, blk 29 48 Geo. L. Parrish, South Oswego, lots 3 and 4, blk. 29 48 E. II. Habighorst (trustee). South Oswego, lots 5 to 7, blk. 36.. 1.08 L. A. Caphall, South Oswego, lots Sand 9, blk. 36 72 J. D. Lee (trustee). South Oswe go, lots 10 to 12, blk. 36 1.08 J. F. Dickson, South Oswego, lot 13, blK. 3G 36 E. H. Habighorst (trustee), S. Oswego, lot 14. blk. 36 36 Nancy Wilton, South Oswego, lot 15, blk. 36 36 Nancy Wilton, South Os-yego, lot 5, blk. 42 36 J. D. Lee (heirs), South Oswego, lots e to 9, blk. 42 96 E. W. Cornell, South Oswego. lots 1 to 6, blk. 45 1.80 B. W. Cornell, South Oswego. lots 1 4to 18, blk. 45 1.80 E. W. Cornell, South Oswego, all of blk: 69 6.48 E. II. Habighorst (trustee), Os wego Heights, Eft of blk. 4, 12.85 acres 1.20 Parkplace. Geo. McKinnas, Parkplace, lots 7 and 8, blk. 3 5.87 Louis Dlckleman, Parkplace, lots 9, 10 and s'ly of 11, blk. 4. .12. 11 Florence B. Shepard, Apperson Sub. Div. of lots 5, 6, 7, Park place, lot 1, blk. 6 1.02 V. M. Moore, Apperson Sub. Dlv. of lots 5, 6, 7, Parkplace, lot 9, blk. 7 1.02 M. M. and II. G. Lee, Apperson Sub. Dlv. of lots 5, 6, 7, Park place, lots 15 and 16. blk. 9.... 2.04 Mrs. W. Galloway, Sub. Div. of Sub. Div. of lots 5, 6, 7, Park place, blk. C 6.12 Louisa Praeger, First Add. to Parkplace, lots 2 to 5, blk. 1.. 4.08 Mary E. Huerth, Straight's Add. to Parkplace, lots 2 and 3, blk. 1 10.33 Mrs. W. aGlloway, Sub. Div. of Amt, Due blk. D, by J. A. Chase, park-' r place, lota 5 to 8. blk. D. .. ... a OA Emma Galloway, Sub. Dir. of bin. v, by J. A. Chase, Park place, blk. F ao o People's Transportation Coa Lota. Daniel Harvey, People's Trans portation Co.'s lots, lot 1 65 Pleasant Little Homaa. Thomas Huston, Pleasant Little Homes No, 1. lot 9 .18 T. H. Smith, Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lot 60..... 18 Samuel Swanson, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lot 18. blk. 2 27 M. A. Honeyman, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lota 31 and 32. blk. 2 M M. A. Honeyman, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots 1 and 2, blk. 3 K4 Lucy K. Richards, Pleasant Lit- 110 Homes No. 3, lots 3 and 4, blk 3 .54 John Watrin, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots 22 to 28, hlk. 4 1.89 John Watrin, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots 8 to 14, blk. 3 1.89 John Watrin, Pleasant Little Homes, lots 22 to 28. blk. 4 1.89 A. R. Burford, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lota 17 to 21, blk. 5 1.35 A. R. Burford, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots 13 to 17, blk. 6 I.35 Arthur R. Cummins, Pmneland, lot 68 10.00 Robertson. G. W .Allen, Robertson, lot 11, blK. Z 6.67 Francis W. Dwyer, RobertBon, lot iz, blk. 3 80 Mrs. Lizzie Lord, Robertson, lot 1, blk. 20 81 Mrs. Lizzie Lord, Robertson, lot 11, bik. zo 80 Rockland. Matthew Brown, Rockland, lot 1, blk. 5 18 Rosewood. .. O. I & S. Co., Rosewood, lot 76.. 3.10 Saffran'a Peninsula. O. I. & 8. Co. Saffran'a Penln- sula, tract A 4.50 O. I. & S. Co., Saftraa'a Penin sula, tract F 5.50 ' Sunset City. Peter J. Winkle, Sunset City, U or except 8x80 feet of lots 8 and 9, blk. 21 7.76 Waverly Heights. Henry F. Cannon, Waverly Hgta., blk. 4 23.00 Wichita. Frank J. Finger, Wichita, blk. 7. 2.76 Frank J. Finger, Wichita, blk 10 2.76 Willamette Falls. J. S. Beavans, Willamette Falls, lot 11, blk. 12 6.72 Willafette Tracta. Willamette Falls Co., Willamette tracts A and B, blk. 23 2.10 ' E. F. Grider, Willamette Tracta, as des. in Record of Deeds, Book 92, page 431, 1 acre, blk. 32 42 Charles Moehnke, Willamette Tracts. S. 125 feet x 193 feet, blk. 32 21 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Tracts, lot A, blk. 37 1.05 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Tracts, lot A, blk. 40 1.05 . Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Tracts, lot 6, blk. 62 84 Windsor. Ella Schwing, Windsor, lota 6 and 6, blk. 1 1.68 H. C. Allan, Windsor, lots 5 and 6. blk. 2 1.68 John H. White, Windsor, lots 9 to 10 1.88 William Roche, all of blk. A 7.62 - S. C. and E. Parker, Windsor, lot 1, blk 7 94 S. C. Parker, Windsor, lots 2 and 3. blk. 7 i.8g Mead Hamilton, Windsor, lot 4, blk. 11 94 L. L. Porter, Windsor, lota 3 to 5, blk. 15 2.82 G. A. Hoffman. Windsor, lots 9 and 10, blk. 15 1.88 C. E. Warren, Windsor, lots 11 and 12, blk. 17 1.88 Annie Brlsterfeldt, Windsor, lot 3, blk. 21. 94 Township 3 South, Range 1 West Elmer Calkins, twp. 3 S, range 1 W 43 acres, as des. in Rec ord of Deeds, Books 91 and 92, pages 525 and 85. sec. 4, twp. 3, range 1 W, 43 acres 4.14 L. M. Herron, as des. in Record of Deeds, Book S, page 281, sec, 4, twp. 3, range 1 W, 82.34 acres 13.68 William Scott, W& of WV4 of SEU sec. 8, twp. 3, range 1 W, 40 acres 8.64 T. M. Baker, E of SW, sec. 9, twp. 3, range 1 W, 80 acres. 14. 85 John Zumwalt D. L. C. No. 49. G. W. Yergan, lot 4, sec. 27, twp. 3, range 1 W, 19.68 acres 3.51 M. C. and L. A. Young, 194 Zumwalt D. L. C. No. 49, 194 46-100 acres as des. in Rec ord of Deeds, Book 62, page 171, sees. 20, 21, 28, 29, twp. 3, range 1W 17.64 R. B. Graham, 113 60-100 acres as des.' in Record of Deeds, Book 92, page 274, sees. 20, 21, 28, 29. twp. 3, range 1 W 36.54 Township 4 South, Range 1 West C'aas. Schneider, 10 acres in SW Vt, of SEtt and SE cor of NE of SE4, sec. 1, twp. 4, range 1 W 1.90 William Elliott D. L. C. No. 45. Isabel Pope, Wfc of William El liott D. L. C, sees. 11, 12, 13, 14, twp. 5, range 1 Wr 116.11 John Newman D. L. C. No. 73. Clyde Ainsworth, 2 60-100 acres as des. In Record of Deeds. Book 91, page 350, 5 acres, sees. 24 and 25, twp. 5, range 1 W 1.45 S. K. Noel, as des. In Record of Deeds, Book 88, page 233, sees. 24 and 25, twp. 5, range 1 W .90 Geo. Wills D. L. C. Nos. 42, C3. C. R. Wills, 25 40-100 acres as des. in Record of Deeds, Books I, 58, pages 237, 24, sees. 3, 25, 26, twp. 1, ranges 1 and 2 E, except as des. in Record i of Deeds, Book 94, page 294, : sees. 3, 25, 26, twp. 1, ranges I 1 and 2 E 32.01 ! E. L. Thompson, 6 92-100 acres 1 as des. In Record of Deeds, i sees. 3, 25, 26, twp. 1, ranges