Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 10, 1908, Image 2

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John Young and family have moved
to thrlr new home.
F. F. Seeley and family nnt New
Years at the home of their daughter
In Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bar
ber. Mr. and Mrs. Port Baker have mov
ed to Portland to live after a few
weeks of honeymoon with friends here.
Miss Ellen Probst has returned to
her ehool duties In Oregon City after
a pleasant vacation season here.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Chttter, of
Portland, spent the holiday season
with friends here.
The new teacher engaged for Wil
sonville will move his family here and
begin duties next Monday.
Our O. A. C. boys, who have been
home for the holiday season, have all
gone back to work.
The electric line to Salem Is oper
ating one car now, going to Salem one
day and to Portland the next.
. Mrs. A. P. Todd is visiting in Wil
lamette this week guest of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Baker.
Drew Lanker. a well known Snake
River steamboat man. is visiting
eredfrien Hlek backtnwH2armnn dofiy
friends and relatives here.
. v
Our farmers are getting disgusted !
at so much rain, as but little work can !
be done here on account of so much
water on the ground. j
Our road boss Is having a hard time j
keeping our roads passable. j
All kinds of stock are looking finei
here. Our farmers seem to have
plenty of feed, and some have hay to
George Oglesby and sons were call
ing at Cribble's Sunday.
Several social parties have been
pulled off among our neighbors here
the past week.
Ernest Hltchman. of Monitor, was
burled at Rock Creek cemetery last
week. He was a member of Needy
Camp. No. 511, W. O. W., and was
' JL' v.,u !
sick for a long time and was kept In j
pood standing by the camp. His wid
ow and two small children will get
$2,000 from the order.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaetz have a
youngster at their home,
Wade Cribble Is getting the ground i
ready to plant a large apple orchard.
He will plant only first-class stock.
Hop union is all the talk here, and
almost all hop raisers here have
signed up the roll of membership.
Miss Garsen was a truest at Henry
Krause's the past week.
Miss Viola Cribble Is teaching
school at the Feller's schoolhouse,
near Butteville.
We have had no snow here a3 yet
but rain galore.
Ralph Koeher Is attending a busi-
ness college in roruana.
A. D. Gribble has one of the largest
stock barns in the county, and it is
np-to-date in all 1U various depart
ments. HOOD VIEW.
John Young and family have moved
Into their new house.
Christmas trees were a scarcity
here, owing, we snppose, to banking
business. Our Sunday school had a
small one, with only candy and nuts
for the members of the Sunday school.
The Ladies' Aid met in the parson
age Thursday, with a social to the
husbands of the same, serving them 1
with a nice dinner.
na pn aua najmuna oewy iu uo.-
ns loung returned 10 scnooi at cor-
vallis today j
Amos anu Auna. omey Bpeui r n-.
day and Saturday with George Seely
and family.
The street cars are running at Wil
sonville. making one trip a day to
Salem one day and back to Portland
next day. We expect good service in
a short time now.
The Hood View and Graeme Bchools
opened last week, but owing to the
lack of a teacher Wilsonville will not
begin until January 13.
Having our Sellwood cars back we
are now anxious to know what the
railway commission will do about the
5-cent fare.
Our shingle mill has resumed oper
ations and we are told that the com
pany has orders ahead for three
Mrs. Quinn, who has sold her place,
is preparing to build on the lots re
cently purchased next to J. H. Reid.
The Minthorn Flower Club, compos
ed of dear young girls, is arranging
for a benefit pound social, proceeds to
go to a worthy couple who are in need.
Mrs. Sargent is still very ill.
Mrs. Ballard, our postmistress, has
been very sick and "Bee" Bullard has
been doing the work in the office.
Our Corvallls students, of which we
have nearly a dozen, have returned to
their duties.
Misses Eva and Marie Duffy have
returned to Mt. Angel College after a
pleasant holiday season.
We have a buyerfor timber lands and for two ten
acre tracts.
Wc have for sale some fine river front properties.
Have made some nice additions to our list in last few
A good. Mails convention was held
In Scramlin's hall on New Years eve,
With Judge Dimlck and T. B. Killln
present The subject was discussed
pro and con but no vote taken and the
convention adjourned sine die. As no
tax has been levied so far we don't
know whether we are to have needed
Improvements or not. Not much en
thusiasm was hown.
W. C. Wilson's new barn is "coming
on" some.
When J. W. Smith's new bungalow
Is completed it will bo the fiuest this
side of Oregon City.
Wm. Johann aud daughter Freda, of
Portland, are visiting friends here as
guests of Fred Johann and his mother.
Tat Murray has moved Into the Still
well house.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Polk county,
spent their holiday seasou with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Miller.
Miss Lulu Miller Is suffering severe
ly with rheumatism and friends fear
it may attack her heart.
And still it rains.
Miss Cleo Douglass has returned
m venon. Wash., where she has
K- , . , , ... .
Walter Douglass and family, of
Boyd, are.vislting his pareuts.
Messrs. H. S. Gibson, E. S. Palfrey
and W. F. Douglass went to Portland
Thursday on business.
Mrs. J. D. Wordle and son, Claud,
went to Portland on Friday last.
Charles Mark wood, of Calaveras
County, Calif., is visiting relatives
1 here.
Henry I'dell and family, of Dover,
were down to Mrs. Udell's father's, Mr.
Gibson, on Saturday. Mr. Gibson and
son, Dick, had a hog-kllling bee; they
butchered four hogs.
Ed Douglass Is busy plowing his po
tato ground. Charley Markwood Is as-
Bating him,
.ii a. in f x: i i viui lieu l.viuc J " -
i Year's from Portland, where she had
been visfting relatives tnd friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Douglass gave a
turkey dinner at their home on Chrst
mas to a few of their relatives and
friends. Everyone had a very enjoy
Rble Ume And ,B the evenlng a few
of the neighbors came in and they
tripped light fantastic until early
Very suddenly on Friday afternoon
Miss Helen Brower took her books
and left the school, not to return. She
is going to Estacada to attend school.
Miss Bina Douglass celebrated New
Year's by scrubbing the schoolhouse.
She was assisted by Miss Effie Grace
and Roy Douglass. Cleo Douglass and
Mrs. Gibson were In attendance as
Elmer Douglass Is digging
holes for David Hoffmelster.
On Thursday evening Mrs. Gibson
and Miss Effle Grace called on Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Douglass.
Mr. Stubble, of Estacada, was seen
In our burg Thursday evening.
Jim Menane returned to Silverton,
having spent his Christmas vacation
with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Douglass gave
a dinner on New Year's. All present
spent a very enjoyable day.
Roy Cooper, of Hood River, is help
ing Ray Wordle cut wood for J. P.
Mrs. Rolfe, having received a tele
gram stating that her daughter, Mrs.
Cornish, is severely ill.
left Friday
morning for Medford
where her
daughter resides.
Mr8 Cahm anj Mr McCord are on
!. iu is
Fred Cooke, of Damascus, was seen
in our burg Sunday evening.
School commenced this morning
after the usual holiday vacation.
A good many were at church Sun
day, expecting to hear our new minis
ter. Mr. Devin, but for some reason he
failed to come, so the choir led in a
song service instead. We are hoping
he will not disappoint us next Sunday.
Special music will be given. All are
Mr. Trullinger has resumed work on
his new house, after some delay in
getting the necessary lumber. He
hopes to have it completed by Spring.
We must not forget to mention our
new church choir, lately organized, as
follows: Mrs. Masson. soprano; Mrs.
Thurman, alto; Mr. Thurman, tenor;
Mr. Masson, bass. We look forward
to some real musical treats .
Mrs. Grubbs and children are Just
home from a pleasant visit to Mrs. G.
Roberts, in the Superior sawmill dis
trict. Elmer and Arthur Wohler, of Hills
boro, spent the holiday season with
friends and relatives here.
James Forbes, of St. John, spent the
holidays here with his mother and
Mrs. McGruo was visiting friends In
Oswego this week.
Fred Curran, manager of the Super-
lor mills, was seen on our streets this
J. Murrow la moving to the Ijuld
poultry farm at Sellwood.
Grandma and Rev, M alloy are on the
sick list again.
Mr. Miles and family have moved to
the house recently vacated by J. W,
Currln and family.
Mrs. S. J. Burns has recovered from
a severe attack of grip.
B. II. Burns has a new gun that will
shoot a thousand yards.
N. H. Darnall was a Sunday guest at
S. Wright's.
Max Ileus made his periodical visit
to Colton Sunday.
Fishing for small fry Is good even
at this season of the year.
There was quite an exodus of logs
in the Molalla it the last rise, but
many of them got stranded before
destination was reached,-
W. O. Vaughn has purchased some
high priced turkeys for breeding pur
poses. William Morey is very sick, having
suffered a relapse In the past week.
Fat hogs and beef have been picked
up pretty close In this neighborhood.
Some little plowing Is going forward
every time it stops raining for a few
Mrs. A. J. Mclirew, of Oregon City,
was guest of Oswego friend Tuesday.
The Oswego Women's Club met at
the home of Mrs. G. 11. Pettinger Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mrs, Ruth Wlnt Is numbered among
the sick.
Ed Gottlierg, of Oregon City, was a
guest Tuesday of his sister.
Emil Messing was visiting Oswego
friends Sunday.
The United Artisans Installed the
following officers Saturday: Mrs.
Agnes E. Cox, past master artisan;
Wilder Wllmot. matter artisan; Miss
Gladys Nelson, superintendent; Mrs.
S. E. Prosser, secretary; Samuel E.
Cox. treasurer; Vernon Nelson, In
spector; Edwtn Hawke. senior conduc
tor; Ethel Blazer, Junior conductor;
Josephine Hansen, master of ceremo
nies; Henry Plait, Instructor; Gilbert
Haines, warder: Mr. and Mrs. Phllo
Zimmerman, field commanders.
Sam Hendricks, who recently Joined
the ranks of the benedicts, has moved
to Needy.
Pat Dozier Is home for a short stay.
Mrs. Percy Rltter has been enter
taining her mother, Mrs. Reams, of
George Ieffler was a caller Suaday
at the Noblltt ranch.
Mrs. Grant Dimlck, of Oregon City,
spent the holidays here with her par
ents. Miss Wllda Elliott was In Hubbard
Saturday for a short csJ'.
A little' son of B. D. Yodcr had his
nose broken at school while playing.
The County Surveyor was trying to
locate Mr. Carother's farm for him.
He is now satisfied that he still lives
in good old Clackamas.
Miss Lucy Armstrong Is again liv
ing In Needy. (
Frank Fish and family spent Sunday
evening as guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Garrett.
Frank Spagle made a recent visit to
his old home here.
Mrs. Dan Flood, of Upland. Cal.. has
been a guest of Mrs. A. W. Thompson.
Miss Estella Criswell, who has been
very sick. Is reported much better.
Miss Alderman, our school teacher,
Mrs. Jennie Noblltt and son have
returned from Eldorado, where they
spent the holidays.
The holidays passed off wet and
quiet. Those who went to Wilsonville
to the New Year party there report a
good time.
Fred Waelhke, son of Rev. Waelhke,
Is assisting with a revival at Forest
Grove during his vacation. He Is
studying for the ministry himself.
Mr. anil Mrs. Gag have been enter
taining Mr. and Mrs. Brittaln, of St.
Mr. Herm's daughter Is sick with
what Is supposed to be measles. Slfe
had Just returned from the hospital in
Portland a few days before she was
taken sick with her new ailment.
Miss Bee Gage has been spending
her vacation among friends here.
Judging by onr winter we ought to
have a record-breaking crop next year.
Holidays passed off quietly. No
weddings, births or deaths that your
correspondent has heard of. The gen
tle rain has fallen very persistently
with now and then a let-up to encour
age newcomers.
On Thursday evening 30. friends and
acquaintances gave Miss Bee Gage,
who was spending the holidays with
relatives in Stafford, an agreeable sur
prise party. When she opened the
door to their knock she said she
thought there was no end to people
and lanterns. It was a complete sur
prise to her, although the family and
some visiting friends had been ap
prised of It some days before. She
returned to her studies on the 5th,
well satisfied with her vacation.
Messrs. Brink and Nussbaum have
been building new picket fences
around the house and yard.
Mrs. Powell returned Monday from
a visit among relatives at Mt. Angel.
Mrs. Keller has Joined the Church
of God in Portland.
Mr. Aernl's daughter, recently out of
the hospital, has been sick at home
the past week with something thought
by the family to be measles. The
father notified the teachers and kept
the children out of school. A couple
of the others have had a fever in the
last few days, but did not break out
Mr. Neissbaum seems to be the
champion pig-sticker and In demand
from Dan to Bersheba, as It' were.
Philip Masslnger, who is now work
ing in a furniture factory In Portland,
came home for a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Shubel made a
business trip to Portland one day last
Our mall carrier had a break-down
ne cold and rainy evening last week
up on the Highland part of his route.
Good roads are essential to satisfac-
I Male Your Bedroom
Wc am sell you a hand
some suit that will plense
you. One-third your life
is spent in bed, so why not
make the bedroom home
like. We con do it for o
little money. Try us.
There is no "break" at our store
V- .OR
tory mral service.
Jay Dlx, while hauling a load of
lumber from his mill to Chris Horn
schuh's place last Saturday, hail quite
a break-down. While trying to make
the turn In the road near the Hill
place, where the new plank road from
Highland Joins the darken road. The
man who supervised the laying of the
turn either knew very little nlniut
plank laying or had less regard for
those who are compelled to make the.
turn. In either case, he ought to be
ashamed of his work
Mrs. Fred Moehnke, a beloved and
honored woman of this community,
died of pneumonia Thursday, Decem
ber 2C, l'.07, and was laid to rest In
the Lutheran cemetery the following
Sunday. While her death was some
what sudden, Hhe had been a sufferer
from asthma many years.
John Hettman and wife, of Dufur,
have returned to their home after a
visit of several weeks with his par
ents here.
Charley Kllnger has gone to East
ern Oregon to work again, after having
been home for several wf-eks.
Henry Hettman has gone to East
ern Oregon on a visit.
Misses Lulu and Heulah Hornschuh
visited with their sister, Calla. In Port
land during the h61ldajB.
Samuel Elmer went to California
lat week to look after his farm, which
he Ixmght last year, and to see how
he would like it there.
Mr. Mudgett and Mr. Davidson went
to town on business last Monday.
Mr. Lund has come buck on his
place to stay, and Mrs. Lund Is In
Clarkes' school started agala Mon
day, after a short vacation.
Mr. Bottemlller has the first new
milch cow of the season.
Miss Grace Smith has rime back to
Timber Grove to finish her term of
schfxil. a
The Methodist Episcopal Church
had its quarterly meeting last Sun
day. Rev. O. J. Rleker, of Newberg,
was here to preach.
Patrick Sullivan left for school again
Mrs. Iarklns went home last Sun
day, after a pleasant visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Nicholas.
Ben Marshall Is finishing his new
Mrs. Ben Marshall Is in Portland vis
iting friends.
The Grangers had their regular
meeting Saturday in Clarkes.
There was a masquerade ball on
New Year's eve with a large crowd,
held In the Grange hall.
Miss Mabel Jefferson, of Salem, Is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs, G. W. Pros
ser. David Nelson and family have moved
Into their new home near the school
E. J. Russell Is visiting with his son,
Fred Russell, at Cottage Grove, Or.
Miss Jessie C. Van Horn Is elected
to fill the vacancy In the primary de-f
partment of the Oswego school, caused
a in . '. i
I in r . . , : ut i
1 uJ :'
, . - Jvt.V .. , . "ft7.. fH i.f
i ji.i :i )
- n -v ,..,.11 "
by the resignation of Miss Eunice
Miss Edna Klr.gkiide Is the guest of
Miss Maud Zimmerman, Portland, this
A very pleasant birthday party wan
given at liryn Avon on Ni'w Year's
day. One of the Interesting features
was an original em read by Deucon
O. Eaton, who Is now jn his SSth year.
Miss Catherine Burns, of Portland,
was visiting Oswego friends on New
Year's day.
Miss Ethel Thompson was the guest
of Miss Bessie Francis, Portland, New
Year's day.
Miss Julia Thompson returned home
from St. Vincent's Hospital yesterday,
On Monday evening Miss Eunice
GardeM and Mr. I'age, of Portland,
were married by Rev. D. H. Gray, at
tils home In the city. Miss Garfield
was, for atvernt years, a primary
teacher In the local school.
James Wolf, of Elkton, South Da
kota, returned home New Year's clay,
having been gone two years.
Mrs. Kltzmlller entertained all her
children anil grand-children, and Mrs,
J. W, Exon and daughter, Jennie, at
dinner New Year's.
Charles A. Keith was In Oregon
City Thursday and Friday In the In
terest of the proiHjsed new road dis
trict. Mart New and wife went to Portland
last week. Mrs. New was having
some dental work done.
The I)over mail-carrier bad a run
away Saturday; In consequence, the
mall was over an hour late.
John Roberts returned. to his school
The Dover school opened Monday
morning, having had a vacation for
two weeks.
C. A. Keith went to Sandy Monday
with apples and a hundred ismnds of
home-cured, smoked meat.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith entertained the
Hews family at dinner New Year's
New officers were elected for tho
Sunday school December 29; Mrs.
J. W. Exon, superintendent; C. A.
Keith, assistant superintendent; Mrs.
Joe DeShager, secretary; Mary Bews,
treasurer; .'In:. K.dtlt, librarian.
Mr. and Mrs. W, D. Adams celebra
ted their fiftieth anniversary on New
Year's day. There wen- 32 relatives
present and a host of friends to par
tlclpnte In the happy occasion. The
worthy couple came here from Illinois
over 40 years ago and have been good
The Molalla telephone company has
decided to construct a line from the
Graham corner to Oregon City, and an
assessment of $1 was voted to defray
the expense.
A new switch board is to be Instal
led in the near future. The expense
will total about 200.
'Mr. and Mrs. I). ICngle Rre Joyful
over the possession of a handsome boy
baby, born Christmas day,, weighing
12 pounds.
Miss Sadie Thomas has returned to
Homelike I
. . A it
except in prices.
Dn'1 'ct buildings RO
through the rainv season
lftlAllt, nm nrr
without some protection.
We can out sell all com
petitors. Stoves,
We can sell you stoves
that are fuel-savers and j
heat generators that will
surprise you. Prices al- 4
ways below competitors.
We are chopping both
ends off all prices. J
ORFhon riTV nnpr.niM
school dudes at Mt. Angle.
Mrs. M. II. I tt, who ban been with
her ulster, Mrs. Thoiiuin, during her 111.
ness, linn gon on n visit to friends In
Portland and Seattle.
Molullu Grange Installed Its officers
Inst Saturday. A good time resulted
Mrs. Hayherst, of Gladstone, I vis
iting friends here.
I-s'er, Anna and Mary Glpson with
borfte fur the holiday but have return
ed to Portland.
The l ulled ArtUnim held their In
stallation Saturday evening
Molalla lodge No. 1M nnd Rebekah
Oak No. lr.'J held Joint installation
Saturday night, starting off the new
year right.
All our Covatlls student t hnt were
home fr the Christmas season have
returned to their school duties.
FOR SALE 27 acn-s onion land. 12
cleared; good fences, new house,
Kiultry yards and house, stable, 10i
fruit trees. H acre small fruits;
spring water; i mill's from Oregon
City. Good ronnon for selling. Ap
ply E. Hughes, R. K. I). So. 5.
Oregon City, i-;;t
i.eave Arrtvw Leave Arrive
i s
en t
a -S e !
I a a I
ft. - Ji g g ft.
O O u o
M:0o 5:40 5:48 6:60:00 0:54
6:25 7:20 7:30 6:25 C:35 7:29
7:00 7:65 8:06 7:00 7:10 8:04
7:35 8:30 8:40 7:35 7:45 8:39
8:10 9:05 9:15 8:10 8:20 9:14
8:45 9:40 9:50 8:45 8:66 9:49
9:20 10:15 10:25 9:20 9:30 10:24
9:5510:50 11:00 9:65 10:05 10:59
10:30 11:25 11:35 10:30 10:40 11:34
11:05 12:00 12:10 ll:05 llilS 12:09
11:40 12:35 12:45 11:40 11:60 12:44
12:15 1:10 1:20 12:15 12:25 1:19
12:50 1:45 1:55 1 2:50 1:00 1:54
1:25 2:20 2:30 1:25 1:35 2:29
2:00 2: 50 3:05 2:00 2:10 3:04
2:35 3:30 3:40 2:35 2:45 3:39
3:10 4:05 4:15 3:10 3:20 4:14
3:45 4:40 4:50 3:45 3:55 4:49
4:20 6:15 5:25 4:20 4:30 5:24
4:55 6:50 6:00 4:50 5:05 6:6(1
6:30 6:25 6:35 6:30 5:40 6:34
6:05 7:00 7:19 6:05 6:16 7:09
6:40 7:35 7:45 6:40 6:60 7:40
7:15 8:10 8:20 7:15 7:25 8:1
7:50 8:45 8:55 7:50 8:00 8:54
8:25 9:20 9:30 8:25 8:35 ,9:29
9:00 9:52 9:00 9:51
10:00 10:52 9:35
11:00 11:52 10:00 10:55
12:05 12:52 11:00 11:65,
To Mllwauklo only
!Vla Imt'a Junction, dally except
Sunday, leave on Sundaya, 4:30 a. m,
A. M, flgurea In Roman; P. M. In