lummnm In U. Circuit Court of th State of . rW Clackamas County Hall, Dtjfimdant. To liurton o. Hall, defendant: In the name 0f the Btate of Ore- Li S tl" complaint filml against you in tbo almve entitled unit 1WH. that ...Inn the aMt day pr crlbiMl in the onior of publication of tliln summon, and If you fall to ho .K-ar and answer mhI, romplalnt the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho rollnr therein prayed, to-wlt: H divorce from tlm nmrrliiKo existing between you and plaintiff. Thin summons In published In the Oregon City Kiiternrlwi, for six rote m.cuilvfi week, by order of Hun. yum. A. Mcllrlde, Juto of tho said Circuit Court, mado on tho lsth day of, 1WU7, tho first publica tion being on tho 2Dth day of eeem ;. JU07. H. It. IIAIIIUNOTON, B' 7t Attorney fur plaintiff. Nolle of Filing Final Account. Notlca la hereby given that tho un dersigned ha Med IiIh final account m admlnlNtrator of tho tmtate of Bar Hh V. Fornmn, deceased, In tho Coun ty Court of tho Kiato of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, and that th said Court him fixed Monday, tho 20th day of January, JOim, at 9:30 o'clock A, M., In tho county court Tiiooi In the courthouse, In tho City of Oregon City, County of Clackamas, ai th" tlnm and place for bearing objec tion thereto and aetlllng thn name. WANK M. It. MAN, Administrator of tho Kstate of Hnrah W, r'orman. I (weaned, 63 61 Notlca of Filing Final Account. Notice I hereby glveu that the un designed ha filed hi final account a admluliitrator de bonu mm of the estate of (ieorgo Fornian, deceaited, lu the County Court of tho Btate of Oregon, for the County of Clackamaa. and that the said Court ha fixed Monday, the 20th day of January, 1H. at 9:30 o'clock A. M In the county courtroom In tho courthouse, In tho City of Oregon City, County of ('lackartia. Htato of Oregon, a the tlmo and placo for bearing objoctlona thereto and aettllng the name. FRANK M. FOR. MAN, Administrator do bonu mm of tho ICntate of (Jeorgo Fornian, De ceased. 63 Jt Special School Mtlng. Notice la hereby given to the legal voter of School DUtrlct No. CJ. of Clackama County, State of Oregon, that a special meeting of aald dlitrlct will be held at the county court room In the courthouse at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, tho 30th day of December, 1907, at 7 o'clock P. M . for the following object: For the purpno of levying a apo dal tax for chool purpoe. Datd thl 20th day of December. 1907. CHARLES H. CAUHELD. Chairman Iloard of Director. Atteat: E. E. ItRODIE. DUtrlct Clerk. B3tJ Citation. to the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka ma. In tho matter of tbe gtiardlanihlp of Hilda M. Fonberg. Harriet F. Fort berg and Anna horalne Foraberg, Minora. Now on thla day com Martha Foraberg. guardian of tho above mi nor, by her attorney, H. K. Croi, and file her petition In court, asking for a license to sell the hereinafter described property, and roapectfully represent to the Court: 1st That the I the legally appoint ed, qualified and acting guardian of the said minor. 2d. That the Inventory In the above estate and guardianship wa filed on the 2(5th day of October. 1907. front which It Is made to appear to the Court that aald minora are the own era of the following described proper ty, to-wlt: UAt Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) and Six (6) In niock Twenty two (22), and lot Five (5) In Block Twenty-eight (28) In the town of Hoi ton, In Clackama County, Oregon, as shown by said map now on file and of record In the County Reoorder'i office In and for aald County and 8tate. And that ssldr property has been ap praised at the sum of One Thousand iiaoi Book and Job Pointing 0 All Hinds Low Prices Prompt Service Sta Pess Job Room OREGON CITY, OREGON I I Two Hundred and iron iimaam Dollars. 3d. That atld minora at the present tlmo, reside with tholr mother, this petitimor, upon tho property above doMrtrlbod but hava n0 Income from tho same for their support and main totinnci), and that said minora have no other Income from any aource whatever. And It appearing to the satlsfac tlon of tho Court from such potltlon and from tho facta and circumstance therein net forth, that It la necessary and would be beneficial to aald wards 'hat all of aald reu estate be sold, and that tho proceed b put out on Interest or Invented for tho benefit of "aid ward. And tho Court being of the opinion that a larger Income will accrue to their aald nutate by reason of thn muIo and Investment of tho proceed thereof, , It In therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that tho next of kin of aid ward and all person Interested In their extatn appear In thl court on Monday, the 13th day of January, A. D. 1908. at tho hour of ten o'clock A. M., to then and there ahow cauae, If anv tbev have whv miM llcnnaa nf Halo Mhould not be granted, a afore-1 saia. It I further ordered that a copy of thl order bo published In the Oregon City Enterprise for three successive week before the hearing of said pe tition. Dated ICth day of December, 1907. GRANT n. DIM1CK, County Judge. Attest; F. W. ORRENMAN. Clerk. II, R, Cross, Attorney for Guard ian. E3t3 Notlc of Final Settlement, In the County Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for the County of Clacka ma. In the Matter of tho Enlate of Arthur I.. Albright, Deceaaed. Notice I hereby given that the un designed, admtnintrator of the e tate of Arthur I Albright, deceased, ha filed In the above entitled court hla final account an euch admlnlNtra tor, and that the aald court hit fixed Monday, the 27th day of January, 1908, at tho hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of aald day, at the courtroom of aald court. In Oregon City, In, aald Clackamaa County, a the time and place for hearing objection to aald dual account. WANKLIN T. GRIFFITH, AdmlnUtrator of the Estate of Ar thur L. Albright. Deceaaed. F1rt publication Docember 27, 1907. 6t5 Notice of Final Settlement. Nfrtlee la hereby given that the tin-deralgru-d, executor of tbe estate of Mary A. La-Mar, deceased, baa filed bis final report In said estate In tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. The court thereupon fixed Monday, the , 3d day of February, A. D. 1908. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., aa tbe day and time for the bearing of objec- i . . ... i . . . . . i . i Kim uj mtua report ana ior me am Moment of aald eatate. II. B. CROSS. Executor. Oregoa City. December 22d, 1907. BUS Executor's Notlca. NoUce I hereby given that the undersigned haa been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamaa County, Oregon, executor of the last will and testament of David W. Jamca, late of Reaver Creek Proclnct, County of Clackamas. State of Oregon. All persons having claims agalnat the said estate are hereby notified to file the same, duly verified according to law, within alx months from date of thla notice, with my attorney. C. H. Dye. C01 Main St. Oregon City, Ore gon, that same may be duly audited and paid, according to law. Dated thla 27th day of December, A. D. 1907. THOMAS DANIEL, 64tS Executor aa Aforesaid. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Rachel Boatrlght, plaintiff, vs. Wal ter E. Iloatrlght, defendant. To Walter E. Boatrlght. defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, .you are hereby required to ap pear and answer tbe complaint filed I I against you In the above-entitled suit, on or before tho 17th day of February, 100S, that being the last day pre scribed In the order of publication of thl summons, and If you fall to so appear and anawer aald complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein prayed to-wlt: a divorce from the marriage existing between you and plaintiff. Thl aummona la publlHhed In the Oregon City Knterprle, for nix con secutive week, by order of Hon. TIiom. A. Mcilrlde, Judg.i of the aald Circuit Court, the first publication be ing on the 3d day of January, 1908. JOHN P. LOCJAN, l-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Joseph M. Fay, Plaintiff, vs. Kllabcth J. Fay, Defendant: To Elizabeth J. Fay, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed ogalnst you In the above entitled cause and Court on or before tho expiration of alx week from the date of the first publication of this num inous, and If you fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree against you forever dissolv ing the marriage contract now exist ing between you and tho plaintiff, and for such other and further relief an to the Court may, seem Just and equit able. Thla aummona In ordered published In the Oregon City Enterprlne, a weekly newspaper of general circula tion In Clackamas County, State of Oregon, printed and published at Oregou City, In said County and State, said publication being made for six consecutive week In accordance with an order of Hon. Tho. A. Mc lirlde, Judge of said Court, tho date of the first publication to be on the 3d day of January, 1908, and the date of the last publication to be on the 13th day of February, 1908. JOHN F. LOGAN. !l-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. in the Circuit Court of tho 8tate of Oregon, for Clackamas County. L"na Prlvett. Plaintiff, vs. Claude Prlvett, Defendant. To Claude Prlvett, tbe above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause and Court on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and If you fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree against you forever dissolv ing the marriage coutract now exist ing between you and the plaintiff, and allowing the plaintiff to recover the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. This aummona Is ordered published In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circula tion In Clackamas County, 8tate of Oregon, printed and published at Oregon City, in said County and State, said publication being made for six consecutive weeks In accordance with an order of Hon. Thoe. A. Mc Brtde, the Judge of the aald Court, the date of the first publication to be on the 3d day of January, 1908, and tbe date of the last publication to be on tbe 13th day of February, 1908. JOHN F. LOGAN, l-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for the County of Claca mas. Alta Rosslter, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph 8. Rosntter, Defendant To Joseph S. Rosslter. the defend ant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 17th day of February, 1908, that being tbe date fixed by the Court for such ap pearance or answer In and by the or der of the Court for the publication of this summons, and If you fail to ap pear and answer, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for In thla complaint ,to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the marriage con tract now existing between the plain tiff and defendant above named and for such other relief as to the Court may s?em meet and Just This summons la to be published In the Oregon City Enterprise, for not less than once a week for six consecu tive weeks prior to said 17th day of February, 1908, by order of the Hon orable Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of said Court. JOHN F. LOQAN. l-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. Notlcs of Final Settlement, Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned executors of the estate of Benjamin Jagger, deceased, have un der date of December 31st, 1907, filed their final report in said eatate, In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas And the Court has set Monday, February 3rd, A. D. 1908, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m.. as a day and t'.me for the examination of said report and for the hearing of objections to the same, if any there are, and for the settlement of said estate. . L. JAGGER, FRANK JAGGER, Executors. H. E. Cross, ASrney for the Ea tate. its FINALLY TO JAIL. After flghtirg tt.elr cate for more than ten years In the various courts of the United States and even Invoking the Privy Council of England in their fight against extradition, Benjamin Green and John F. Gayner were last week beaten In the Supreme Court of the United States and will have to serve their sentences of four years each in the penitentiary and pay a fine aggregating over $1,000,000. Green and Gaynor were the famous c r.tractora for th- Savannah harbor work, the men who conspired with Captain Oberlln M. Carter, the Army Engineer Corp officer, to do the gov ernment out over a million dollars. Carter was the first and only army tnglneer who baa ever gone wrong la money matters, and his downfall u a severe blow to the pride of the corps ord almost killed General J. M. Wilson, the then Chief Engineer of the Army. Captain CarU.r fought bis cane hard and denied that he bad prof ited by any wroigdolng, but the court took a different yjw of It and Carter came up like a man, served his term In Leavenworth, and got through with It. He always was a fii.e engineer, whuttver other short comings he t.lght have had, and he Is now In :he employ of a big rail road and his past almoxt forgotten. Rut Green and Gaynor were rich men rf Me from the fruits 'of tbeK crook edness, and they fought extradition as long as they could In New York, and then Jumped to Canada. They lived at the bent hotel In Quebec, lived like n.illlonalrts thty were, but they were cut by the only people they would have liked to associate with finally fell out with each other, so list thty muil htve led a very un pleanani existence. Finally tbey were lodged in Jail for neven month uid then brought back to the United States. They were couvictel In Sa vannah and now thy have the pros pect of four years In the penitentiary ahead of them with a fine of over half a million each and having spent $200,000 each to prevent being con victed. Their sordid romance la all over but the sentence. Justice bas caught up with them at last, and prob ably they thlr.k now that Captain Car ter was the wUer man. Tha Only Way. Cassldy Ah, well, no wan kin pre vlnt Wat's past an' gone. Casey Ye could if ye only acted quick enough. Caaaldy Oo long, man! How could yer? Casey-Stop It before it happens. Philadelphia Press. A Joy to Him. "Hey. w'atr cried the first boy. "Ain't yer vacclnatlori healed up yet?" "Naw!" replied the other. "Huh! Don't it make yer mad?" "Naw! Do doctor told mom 1 must not take a bath till it's all bealed." Denver News. Banaath Notica. "Mike." said Plodding Pet, -what would you say if soma on waa to offer you work?" "I wouldn't say anything. Such a bad judgo of human nature wonldat bo worth talkin' to." Philadelphia Proas. Paroalvad Scant Prograaa. "Bliggiaa says that bis two-year-old baby knows most as much as Its par ents." ' "Humph r rejoined Mr. 8lrius Bar ker. "What can the child hava been doing wttli Its timer' Washington Star. A Paradoxical Prarogativa. Tors is a queer thing in one re spect" -What la that r Tt is about tho only thing of other people'a that we can keep and return at tho same time," Baltimore Ameri can. Her Singing Laaaonel ,Toong Wife I can't see what you have to object to In my singing lessons. Papa, pays the fees. Husband Yea. but who pays for all I have to spend In the club while you're practicing? Ueggendorfer Blatter. Another Piotur. Eva now queer of Ethel! Every time ahe glances at ber old beau's watch ahe atarts to cry. I wonder why? Edna Oh. there Is another woman In tho case. Chicago News. Truth Is Jest Tou get to know lots of people In this business, don't you?" asked tbe customer. "Tea." replied the barber; "1 acrnpe a good roan acquaints sew here." Kansas City Tluiea. REAL ESTATE Western Banking Co. to C. W. Moah lots 1 and 2. blk. 18, Zobrlst Add.. Estacada. $100. . W. W. Everhart to Everman Rob bins, lots 2 and 3, blk. 1, Everhart's First Add., Molalla. $300. Pauline Ost to Wm. Ost, NH of NE4 of NWU sec. 1, twp. 2 S., range 2 E., 20 acres. $1. U. S. to Saml. L. Campbell, part sees 9 and 10. twp. 2 S., range 2 E.. 320 acres. Patent R. F. Watts to Sophia Schovley, lots 6 and 7, blk. 95, Gladstone. $400. R. H. Shearman to John T. Hoopes, NH of SE& of SE sec. 12, twp, 4 S range 1 E. $500. D. W. James to Mrs. Jane Edwards, part Worsham die, Beaver Creek pre cinct, twp 3 S., range 2 40 acres. II. Frank Grim to Fred Schafer, tim ber on SW of SW4 of sec. 7, and SWj of NWVl sec. 18, twp, 5 S., range 3 E; EH of SE'4 sec. 12 and NEH of NEMJ sec- 13. twp. S S., range 2 E 220 acres. $1 per thousand. David Harris to W. E. Austin, part Wm. Russell die, twp. 4 S., range 2 E.. 100 acres. $1,450. Selwood Land & Im. Co. to Geo. Blgham, lot 4, tract 60, Oak Grove. $200. Edwin Hyde to H. J. Restall, lots 1 and 2, sec. 24, twp. 5 S, range 2 E., 82 acres. $800. Martha A. Lelchtwels to H. J. Restall, undivided interest EH Clifton R. Calahan die, sec. 19, twp. 5 S., range 3 E. $250. PROFESSIONAL HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real RaiUite, Loeinet, Insurance GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in Oilfield Bldg., Main and Eight Sts THOS. F. RYAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Probata and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Inaurance and Loans. Office Upstairs,. first building south of Courthouse. W. 6. C'REN U'REN & ATTORN EVS-AT-LA W- Will practice ia all courts, make collections and settlementa of ertates Forauc abstracts iA title, lend yon money on first mortgage. Office in ENTEOTUE Building, Oregon City, Oregon. ' J. t HEDGES F. r. CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House C. I. Davles to H. J. Restall, und. in-' terest same. $350. Dlllard B. McLIn to H. J. Restall, EH Clifton R. Callahan die, sec. 19, twp. 5 S., range 3 B. $25. John Calahan to H. J. Restall, all rights to above estate. $100. Dlllard B. McLIn to Julia F. Steu dlnger, all right to 40 acres In north west corner John Albright die, sec. 12, twp. 5 8., range 2 E. $10. Chas. Zech to Sylva A. McCrochen, part T. H. Forrester die. Bee: 24,-twp. 1 S., range 3 E., 6.27 acres. $375. H. B. Nichles to E. A. Gottberg, lots 2 and 3. blk. 1. Mountain View Add., Oregon City. $250. B. A. Anderson to Leonard Lun berg, part Ezra Fisher die, twp. 2 S., range 2 E.. 14 acres. $2500. Joseph Haas to B. A. Anderson, part L. D. C. Latourette die, see 33, twp. 2 8., range 2 E., 26.86 acres. $2500. Chas. M. Daniels to W. H. Seltzer, 84 acres, sec-s. 16 an-17, twp. 4 S., range 2 E. $800. F. A. Davis to Emma May Hicks, lots 4, 5 and 6, blk. 18, Milwaukle Park. $145. John F. Toft to Chas. U Urfur, EH of 8EH see 20. NW of SW and lot 6. see 21, and NH of NH of NEH of NEK see 29, all twp. 3 S., range 1 E. $10,000. Helen M. Woodruff to W. P. Lyman, part Ezra Fisher die, twp. 2 S., range 2 E., 40 acres. $1. C. M. Wonacott to E. L. Wonacott und. H lot 3, containing 33 acres, see 26, twp. 3 S., range 4 E.; also part S. M. Palmanteer die, twp. 3 S., range 4 E. $10. John P. Sharkey to Security Sav ings ft Trust Co., WH of NEH; see 28, twp. 1 S., range 3 E., 80 acres. $10. H. S. Anderson to Thos. E. Ander son, part Wm. Arthur die No. 33, twp. 2 S., range 3 E., 80 acres. $5000. Caspar Anacher to Peter J. Morltz, lands see 12, twp. 2 S., range 2 E. $5000. Ferdinand Schawfer to August Ken pin, lots 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14. 15, 16, 17, blk. 64, Oregon Iron ft Steel Co. Ex. First Add., Oswego. $325. Mattes Dldzun to Ferdinand Schawfer, und. 1-2 lots in Oswego. $325. Thos. C. A. Llvesay to Lydia R. Clevlnger, part Geo. Abernethy die, twp. 2 S., range 2 E., 8 acres. $1. Mary M. Charman to Chancey Fer guson, blk. 37, Clackamas Heights, 2 acres. $l.x T. L. v Charman et ai. to Chancey Ferguson, same as above. $178. Hanah E. Calkins et al. to E. V. Allison, part sec. 4, twp. 3 S., range 1 E., 11.60 acres. $290. Sell wood Land & Imp. Co. to An thony Linde. lot 2, tract 60, Oak Grove. $200. Gotthard Muchenthaler to Lucy Ann Gilbert, part J. D. Garrett die, sec. 31. twp. 1 S., range 2 E., 10 acres. $6000. E. G. Jones to W. J. Dodson, 30 acres, see 8, twp. 3 S., range 1 W. $1500. M. T. Sherrett to J. H. ohnson, part Samuel L. Campbell .lie, twp. 2 3., range 2 E., 25 acres. $4500. THE ARISTOCRAT AMONG THE WHISKIES OF THE ""' OLD SCHOOL WITHOUT A PEER. For sale by ( E. MATHIES. DIRECTORY Main Htreait, OREGON CITY C. SCHDEBEL SCHUEBEL -DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT LIVY STIPP ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City J.U.CAMPBELL ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Orofw. Will practice In all courts of the state Office in Caufieid BuiUing. O. D. EBY ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Money loaned, abatracta furnished. Iaa4 tUea examined, estatea settled, renorai law businesa transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. LOG CABIN SALOON BENNETT & F0UMAL Proprietors. OREGON CITY. - . ORIQftf HEADQUARTERS FOR Choice Cigars andTobaccos, Ice-Cold Hop Gold Beer, High Grade Bottled Whis keys and Wines. Iinapp& Nobel MAIN STREET Heckel & England The Hub Saloon has changed hands, Carlson & Block sel ling out to Heckel & England. 523 MAIN STREET Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 609-608 Chamber of Commerce, , PORTLAND, OREGON. Full equipment of maps, plats, ab stract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money loaned, titles perfected. E. F. A P. B. RILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. W. S. EDDY, V, $., M.D.V. Graduate of tbe Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and tbe McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, haa located at Oregon City and established aa office at The Fashion Stable, Seventh Street near Main. Beth Telephones Farmers' 13a Mail 131 1 STRAIGHT & SAUSBUKY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau lic Rams a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon.