Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 03, 1908, Image 7

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Mr. ft nd Mr. Bruce 0. Curry en
ttrtalntt1 friend Now Year's with a
card party.
Tho Hunk of Oregon City ha boon
distributing a very handnouio cairn
dar for 1908.
Tim quarantine on tho Montrur
noanung house u lifted In time
for tho Inmates to enjoy Now Year' '
Canby cltl.oiiN Instituted an Odd
Follow' encampment Friday nlglit,
Judge Uyaii and Falla Enrumpmetit
ti-am assisted In the inaMtullon.
John MiMini, Ireland J Gerard Otto,
Holland. Frank Hokne, Frank Hajovlc,
Matthew rollnalr, Austria, took out
their first paper In Oregon City last
Alexander Robinson, arrested for
bitting hi neighbor on tho bead with
a lantern, wan ruleaaod on bla own
recognizance, trial to Im given him
Member and friends of tho
iNulMcho Vwrelu enjoyed tliemsolvo
Sunday evening with a Christina tree
and literary and musical program at
Knapp'a hall.
Alx Kohlnaon, charged with beat
ing another with a lantern, Im given
himself up Ui Sheriff lleatle, a charge
of assault having been preferred
against him.
Willamette Itebekah 1tidgo, I. O.
O, F. gave a watch party on New
Year Evo In tho Odd Follow ball.
Jlrhekatm and Odd Fellow wera on
band for tha occasion.
Walera In the Willamette bavo fall
en no (hat the paper mllla and wiaden
mill have been aide i.) reNiiuio opera
tion. Homo lluio damngo waa douo
at the Wlllamettn mill.
A contrail filed with Recorder
lUmsby lant we k ipeclfW that John
lleliu, of MarkNhurg. ihall sell hi
hop for lttoH, I9U9 and 1910 Ot Hur i
gr Hn Co at 9 centa a pound.
Mra, May II. Taylor, wife of I. I).
Taylor, dlej Tio'Nday afternoen at tho
family bomo on Cluckai.-.a HelichlM,
aged rt9 year, fl month and i day.
Hho had been 111 for aever&l months.
A benefit ball will be held at liar
ton hall for the benefit of Mr. Free
man, an aged man with a deaf muto
wife, who are In dnatltuto circum
stance. Hall tickets, 11.00. Including
F. M. King, of Gladstone, was Tue
day morning fined 50 for lairony,
and In default of the payment of the
amount wa sent to the county Jail
King pleaded guilty beforo Justice of
tho Peace Htlpp,
A movement la on foot to build an
other new church In Canby. Thl
time It I the Scandinavian Evangeli
cal Frw Church, and tho committee
ha rale( subscription to the ex
tent of $100.
Fi;ty-even United Artisans, from
the local lodge, went to HellwiNMl Mon
day night to assist in tho Initiation
of 20 candidates. A fine time resulted
and the Hell wood lodge will return
tho visit hi the future.
Hay and Uussell Wilcox were ar
rested for using profane language on
the street of Gladstone, Justice
Htlpp, after hearing the evidence In
the case, fined each $20 for the mho
of big exploalves In lanaaugo.
Frank llrophy ,who I going to South
America to assist In stocking the
Mtreama of that country with fish,
will Noon leave for his new position,
taking with him an abundance of eggs
from the best American varieties.
A birth occurred In Caahler and
Mrs, E. L. Fraley'a family Monday,
and a 7 pound airl was added to the
capital stock of the Estacada State
Hank, and she Is no clearing house
certificate, either. Estacada News.
Friends of Htuart Frey gave him
an Informal reception last Friday
The Right
kind of
la hard to find. Wo believe we
have a lino of Coffees that for
rlchnesH of aroma and delicacy
of flavor ennnot be uurpnHsed.
With Your Next
Grocery Order
Include a pound of Sooley's
Special illend Coffee. We In
vite you to do this because we
foci sure you will bo so pleased
with the Coffee that you will
thank us for the suggestion,
Oth And Main Sts., Oregon City
evening on tho eve of bin dupitrtur i Bingham, Mm. Howell, MP. and Mm.
for Nuw Zealand, whore be (too to Don Hayhurst, Mm, Taylor, Mr, and
Httidy the country with a . view loMr. Robert lllanchard, MIm lymlse
mulling bla home In that part of the Follonsbee, MIhh Minnie Itakel, Mis
world. Reta Carothers, MIhn Nalnoen Btan-
Tho Alumni Association of tho Bar-1 chard, Mian Kmlly Mldlam, Ml Lora
lay HIkIi school will moot In Knapp'a
null IIiIh evening. A movement I on I
foot for Hid establishment of a county
high school, and It lit auld tho assoela-
tloii Im Interested t tho proportion I
and will take step to aid It.
Willamette lttdxiNah Uir'uo aavo a
M 'h l"rty Ini tho ball of tho In.le-
penilent Order of Odd Fellow Tuc
day night. Mr, an I Mr, Henry Sal
isbury, Mr, J. L. Wabiron nud Duane
0. Ely won (ho pwe at whlat and
Niipper wa served.
Clackamas county rural
rlera will bold a meeting Haturday
fveiilng, January 4, In Oregon City, In
the band hall, over tho old lets work,
on Main street. K, 1'. Iop, of Mc
Mlnnvlllo, preldeiit (f tho Oregon
rural lellercarrler. will bo present.
Tha Electric Hotel changed band
tho brut of tho year, Jamo Casaull,
who ha inado a popular landlord, re
tiring, and John J. Tobln aioiumlng
tho nianagement of the house. Mr.
Tobln come from tho East, whore
many gol lniHlneN men grow up.
Iieglnnlng tho flrnt of tho new year
Oregon t'lty stores cloao at 0:30 p.
m. except Saturday and papormlll
payday, Thla will provo a boon t
tho clerk and ineri'iaiit, it will not
bo quite a convenient to farmer who
may wish to do a little trading even-
Tho auditorium of tho Mcluighlln
Inatltuto waa crowded Friday night
with people In attendance at tho
ChrlNtma intertalnnient given by
tho puplU of tho chd. The affair
wa very Nuccennful. and alout 75
wu re.tll.ed. Tho atago wa decorat
ed with Niuall ChrlHtmaa troea and
(overnor Chamberlain lat week
announced the appointment if f)r, It
""""y. Portland, and Ir. E. 11.
McUanlel. of llaker City, a member
of the gtate Medical Hoard, Dr. Cof
fey will succeed lir. W. B. Carll, of
Oregon City, chairman of the board,
who recently resigned, and Dr. Mc
Uanlel niu th vacancy created by the
reiiignatlon of Or. A. 11. Ollll, of Sa
lem, Frank Hurh, the big merchant of
Ixiwer Main atreet. Im the first one
to successfully raise Eastern brook
trout In this section. Two years ago
ho secured 1500 young trout ami since
that tlmo be ha carefully watched
their growth until now be ha trout
from 6 to 11 Itu-hen In length. Mr
Hunch has demonstrated that brook
trout csn be grown In Oregon, with
proper care,
The steamer Annie Comings, from
Portland to Camas, Wash., with a
load of machinery for the pulp and
paper mill at that place, was wrecked
In collision with the French bark Eu
rope of St. John, at 5:60 o'clock Mon
day nlKht and Is a total loss. None of
the crew was Injured. The steamer
landed broadside acroa the bow of
the sailing vessel and broke In two.
She went down within ten minutes.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Green gave a
watch party at their home Tuesday
evening. The evening was spent
with game, and refreshments were
served. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. C. Schuebel, Mr. and Mr. Harry
Mulr. Mr. and Mr. Elmer Cooper. Mr.
and Mra. A, E. Frost, Mrs. It. B.
Park, Miss Alwym Edwards, Mis Beth
Cooper, Miss Retta Pierce, Harold A.
Rands. Wilfred White and Miss Kato
J. E. Schaffer ha purchased the
Seventh street bakery of Walter &
Doerlng and taken possession. Mr.
Hcbaffer will completely overhaul the
room, machinery and Usds and put
tho bakery Into first-class condition.
Ills specialty will be a fine grade of
butternut bread. In the manufacture
of which he has had years' of experi
ence. Mr. Schaffer assures us that
he will make the finest of bread, cakes
and confections and asks patronage
of those looking for a good article.
Miss Mary Swift, of Myrtle Creek,
Douk'bss county, Is sick at the home
of J. J. DcFord. at Clackamas Heights.
Miss Swift was taken sick Monday of
last week and Christmas day a wed
ding took place at the DeFord home,
no one realising that the young lady
was sick with smallpox, loiter. Health
OHIcer Norrls pronounced the Illness
small pox and now every one who
was exposed is nervously awaiting
the outcome. Tho home was at once
quarantined and everything possible
done to meet the emergency.
Miss Almee Bollock entertained
Tuesday night at her honw on Fourth
street. Tho evening v.a-1 spout with
catds and niuslc. The decorations
were holly, Oregon grape, ferns and
bells. At midnight a luncheon wus
served. The guests were Miss Edna
Caulleld, Miss Nleta Harding, Mlsa
Helen Daulton, Miss Bess Dan I ton,
MIhs Elizabeth Kelly, Miss Sybil Up
pett, Miss Clara Cnuilold. Miss .Ida
Goldsmith, Miss Edna Daulton, Miss
Martha Frances Draper, Miss CIs Bar
clay Pratt, Miss Emily O'Malley, Miss
Myrtle Buchanan.
Miss Kvana Mason was the hostess
at a postal card party Monday even
ing nt her bomb, account her 10th
birthday. The rooms were decorated
with cedar boughs and mistletoe.
Games were played nnd refreshments
were served. Those present were:
Mrs. C. T. Hickman. Mrs. Charles
Ely, Mrs. 10, Brumr, Miss Mary Ott,
Miss Lillian Glllett. Miss May Tlnt
dovf, Miss Ethel Jefferson, Miss Efllo
Jefferson, MIhs Zeta Andrews, Miss
Josle Cumin, Miss Edith Alldredgo,
Miss Pearl Fratucls and tho Misses
Ollvo, Eva, Georgia and Ruth Mason;
Mr, and Mrs. C, M. Masou, and Messrs.
Francis Bennett, Roy Ott, Ernest
Blekester, Walter Yoder, Corlls An
drews, Joseph Jackson, Vane Jeffer
son, Friends of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Blnn
chnrd, of Canemah, assisted them in
tho celebration of their twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary Saturday even
ing. A pleasant evening was spent.
Those present were Mr, and Mrs. R.
C. Gaming, Mr .and Mrs. Fred Talnter,
Mr, and Mrs. Eaton, Mr .and Mra,
Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Hecknrt, Mr. and
Mrs. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. William
Wlldmap, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Klnzey,
Mrs. Flnnegan, Mrs, G. Klnzey, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Faust, Mrs. W. W.
Freeman, Mm. Julia Frost, Mrs. J.
Klnzey, Messr. W. It. IHanchard, of
Brownsville; Oliver Front. Warren
Follonaboo, Ham L. 8tovi), Wllllara
Houge, Ullhorl Ing, Clarence I.
Eaton, Roy Eaton and L Faust.
Halnfall In Oregon City tho pal
rmnth waa 13.1 Incbea. r
Council met lit adjourned' ealon
Thursday night. A largo batch of
buHlneaa waa tratinacted, but inoatly
of a routine nature, with llttlo of In
teroat to tho general public, Tho
city ha about :i2,000 In outstanding
warrant floating about, aa por report
A happy New Yoar to all and hope
of a pniHiK'roua year.
On Chrlatmaa day, at 12 o'clock, a
grand and happy woddlng waa aol
emnl.od at tho homo of Mr. and Mr.
Jame Heed, of Runnyaldo, Itev. Mr.
llowerman officiating. Tho contract
i g parUe were Mr. Wrn Karr and
I .11 II tin M Iliaiail llikflrm Wikinl tn(al
Lillian M. Hed. Hertba Ileed acted
aa bridesmaid and Frank Karr as
groomsman. As the wedding march
was played they marched to their re
apectlve place. Thoao present were
Mr, and Mrs. J. Keed, Mr, and Mrs.
Wm, Karr, Mrs. Karr, Frank and
Edith Karr, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge
Johnson and four children. Grandpa
Johnson was a prominent guest; also
Hertba and Addle Reed, Mr, Iwer-
u.u. ..u mm u k. mar.j wer yrv
vet(i from attending on account of Mr Ben3ftml Blngham, of Eugene, I j!06?1? 'ft UAU'
tho rain, and after the ceremony a h Knfkne Waah for J i Hoatrlght sgalnst Walter E. Boatright,
m,i,.... ntt ',ne w Bpoaane. vvasn., ior a . , . .,.., . .
sumptuous diner waa served and
many Joyful congratulations were
given. Tho happy couple Ua.k the
irin wi rtumiajr mr ion", ur-K",
where they will reside for a time.
Rumor ha It that the Karr still run
at Hunnyslde.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunter were
guest at J. B. Deardorff's on Christ
mas. George Harver, wife and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Hubbard and two children spent
Christmas with their mother, Mrs.
George Deardorff.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Stoll wera at
the Christmas tree at his father's.
perry Hunter, wife and baby, Adolph
Stoll and wife, and Arthur ConiBtock
took dinner at Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt
er on Christmas.
Some new neighbors have moved
Into the Cnxkhank place.
Mrs. Mary CVx Is vlsltng at her
parent's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reed.
A llttlo dance was given at Damas
cus New Year's Eve and they report
a good time.
Grandpa Johnson, Roy Johnson, Ar
thus Comstock, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dear
dorff and family were guests at Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Hunter'a New Year's.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunter and Mr.
and Mrs. Cooke were spending the
New Year with Perry Hunter's fam
ily. BIRTHS.
BOY to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Oatfleld,
of Estacada, Dec. 20, 1907, a son.
TAYLOR At Clackamas Heights.
Dec. 31, 1907, Mrs. May B. Taylor,
aged 39 years.
Jan. 2. 1908, Will E. Brown and Sa
die Simmons, Judge Grant B. Dim
Ick, officiating.
Jan. 2, 19(i8. Will Garden and Zel
ma Johnson, Rev, John M. Linden
RIVERS-CON WAY In Oregon City,
Jan. 1. 1908, Wm. Rivers and Olive
Conway, Rev. John M. Linden offi
ciating. PINKLEYKETSCH In Oregon City,
Dec. 30. 1907. A.' W. Pinkley and L.
M. Kletsch. Judge Grant B. Dlmlck
City. Doc. 28. 1907. J. Olsen and Hat
tie Van Orden, W. A. Dimlck offi
ciating. THOMPSON -RUDOLPH In Oregon
City. Dec. 26, 1907, Richard E.
Thompson and Mary Rudolph, Rev.
John M. Linden officiating.
WAER-DE FORD At home of the
bride, Dec. 25, 1907. Alfred Paul
Waer and Lucy F. De Ford, Rev. W.
H. Meyer officiating.
HATY-Dl'NGAN In Oregon City.
Dec. 24. 1907, Mart Baty and Mabel
C. Dungan, Judge Grant B. Dim
tck officiating.
Will E. Brown and Sadie Simmons.
Will Cordon aud Zelnia Johnson.
William Rivers and Olive Conway.
A. W. Pinkley and L. M. Kletsch.
Oren E. Simpson anil Hattle Van
John Bradbury and Annie M. Pratt.
Th Restless Piper.
A Wall street financier was talking
about music. "I like all luuslc," he
said, "except such native and special
sorts as the tomtom, the bagpipes or
the Indian hufaa give off. Did you
ever notice how n piper prances up
and down as be pipes? He never sits,
he never stands still, but up and down,
round and round, to and fro, be struts
continually. A little boy. listening to
the weird skirl of the bagpipes of a
street performer, once snld to his fa
ther. 'Father, why does the piper keep
on the move nil the time he plays?'
'I can't say, my boy,' the father an
swered, 'unless It Is to prevent any
one getting the range with a cobble
stone.' "
of all kinds of Fruit Trees and Shrubs
.' Address 'K
EMIL TUCHOLKE, Mllwaukle, Ore.
Mia Etta Ilabcr, of Corvallla ,1a a
guoat of Mra. 1C. I'. lurid,
i Mr. Clirl Bchurdifil wai a buslneaa
vlMlUir In Salom Thuraday.
Mra. Howard HrownHI, of Aatorla,
I vlaltlng friend In Oregon City.
Mr. C. A. Naah baa resigned bla po
sition with Hurmelator & Andreaen.
Mr. A. W. Thompaon, of Loa An
gelea, Cal., la vlaltlng Mr. E. P.
Itanda thla week.
Mr. J. M. Mark la home from a
pleaaant vllt to her daughter, Mr.
John Lowry, of San Franclaco.
Mr. K. C. Klonier and Mlaa Pearl
Wood, of McMlnnvllle, were vlaltng
friend Ini thla city laat week.
Mr. Ed Lavjere, of Wood burn, 1
vlaltlng friend In thla city, guoat of
her mother, Mr. M. B. Jlaxter.'
. Mlaa Jean MacDonttld, of La Grande,
waa a guext at the borne of Mr. Ooorge
Harding foi a few days the first of
the week.
Mra. John Walters and children
have returned to their home In Taoo-
, WllHh aftf,r pleaHanl vUlt wlth
Mrs. Walter's slater, Miss Echo Flem
Miss Maude Cooke has returned to
her achool duties at Pendleton after
spending the Chrlatmaa holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W,
Mrs, A. Goldsmith and daughters
calft from 0reKon Clty Saturday
cvn, and t g t the
ome "of Ju,lu(, wtomhh In Eu-
KmmKuf(Mlk9 Guard
short stay after a pleasant visit with
Oregon City friends, guest of Mr. and
jjrB- u. j. 'oteUo
Mrs. G. T. Smith, of Oregon City,
Is in the city, visiting friends. She
expects to leave Tuesday for Loa An
geles, where she will spend the re
mainder of the winter months. She
U accompanied by ber son, Walter,
who has been employed for some
months at Portland. News, Roseburg.
Mr. Cbrl Schuebel, who is a candi
date for the position of U. 8. District
Attorney for this district, arrived
home from Washington Saturday,
where he had spent several days look
ing after his fences. Mr. Schuebel
says there Is nothing new to report,
has little to say concerning accounts
published In the papers, and seems to
be simply waiting the outcome of the
Mrs. James Cassell and children
will leave for Gray's Harbor tonight
for a visit with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Cassell contemplates taking a
rest after a strenuous life as land
lady of tke Electric Hotel for many
A Dsrvd Rtbulo).
A certain author who Is noted for
bis wit and for never being at a loss
for n reply, whatever the circum
stances, was approached the other
day nt bis club by some one who clap
ped hlin eu the back and exclaimed:
"Well, old fellow, glad to see you!
Uow are you?"
The author turned and. not recojrulx
Ing the man. replied calmly, "I don't
know yovr face, but your manner Is
very familiar." Llpplneott's.
She'd Have to Speak.
"It is Impossible." cried Mr. Nagget
flinlly, "for us to live together aud not
"But." suapped Mrs. Nagget, "it is
xKsll)le uot to i:nrret If neither of us
"Of course, but. as I say. It's Impossi
ble for us to live together and not quar
rel." Catholic Htaudurd and Times.
" Eva And now some Danish scientist
bus discovered that there are germs lu
tears. ,
Katharine Gracious! With genua in
tears aud germs lu kisses they must be
jtrylng to deprive poor woman of all
pleasure in life. Chicago News.
Cu:ctions of Art.
"Do you thin!; our money is artis
tic?" "I Uou't know." answered Mr. Cuui
roi, "Noue of the various people who
ask uie for It seems disposed to hold
ou to It and look at the pictures."
Washington Star.
Very Low.
"No, Indeed, I wasn't there," said
Cholly. "I aw only associate with
my equals, you know."
"Really?" replied Miss Pepprey.
"You should aim higher than that"
Catholic Standard aud Times. J
On Thing He Recalled.
Mrs. Beuham Do you remember
when you proposed to me?
Benham Yes; I remember you ex
ceeded the speed limit lu saylug "Yes."
New York Sun.
Stuck Up.
"Gee, she's so stuck up since she's
got dot new dlshpau lid dat she won't
even look at a gent when he bows to
her!"-New York World.
i , A Matter of Grammar, .
'Teacher Yes, Bessie, the old owl al
ways says: "To whoo! To whoo!""
Bessie., Boston Gracious! What an
thgrnmmatlcal owll Ue should say
to whom," St, Louis Kept llic.
Phone 22
Geo. W. Bradley !
Successor to C. N. GREENMAN
Pioneer Transfer and Express I
Sand and
Office: Postoffice Bldg., Main St., Oregon City, Ore. I
8even stilts for divorce wee filed
In the Circuit Court Saturday, as fjl
lows: Dora McKlnstry ngalnit Itlcb
ard McKlnstry, married in Vuncou
ver, Wash., November 14. 1905. Tht
husband Is serving a term In the Ore
Kon Penitentiary for a brutal assault
l I - I H.U. A. ( .
ju uin who, who tiCTiiren uj rtmume
her maiden name of Surfus. Mary J.
Vandenburg against Jesse J. Vanden
burg, married In Colorado Springs,
Colo., March 9, 1901. Alta Rosslter
j against Joseph S. Rosslter, married at
married In Huntsville, Ark., May 24,
1902. Aaron Hubbard against Ida
May Hubbard, married October 14,
1898, In Eagle Grove, la. Hilda Hart
against James Hart, married July 10,
1893, at Kansas City, Mo. Lena
Prlvett against Claude Prlvett, mar
ried July 29, 1902, at Vancouver, Wash.
Mrs. Privett's maiden name was Fou
mal. Mrs. Maud M. Forsyth, who, before
her marriage to Reuben J. Forsyth,
was Miss Maud Mclrvin, has filed a
suit in the Circuit Court for a decree
of divorce, alleging that her husband
treated ber In a cruel and Inhuman
manner and that on the 26th of last
October he ordered her from his house.
They were married in Portland, May
27, 1907.
Flora Belle Sanders has instituted
suit against Fred G. Sanders for a de
cree of divorce. They were married
February 22, 1899, at Lebanon, and
have one daughter. Mrs. Sanders
charges her husband with using Intoxi
cating liquors.
The will of the late Francis M. Os
burn, who died at Damascus October
27, 1907, has been filed for probate.
The property Is devised as follows:
$1500 cash to Louise Osburn, widow;
40 acres of land to C. Edwin Osburn,
a son; 60 acres to A. Wllford Osburn,
a sou; 30 acres each to A. Winnifred
Osburn and Ethel Osburn, daughters.
Charles H. Dauchy, Jr., and J. C.
Pierce were acquitted Tuesday after
noon by a Jury in the Justice Court
on a charge of fishing for salmon on
the Clackamas Rirer during the close
season. The Jury was out only 15
minutes, when they brought in a ver
dict for the defendants.
During 1907, 234 suits for divorce
were filed in the Circuit Court of
Clackamas county, and County Clerk
Greenman issued 334 marriage li
cences in the same time.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Ches-
ter A. Wills and Clifford Wills
To the next of kin or others Inter
ested: By order of the Honorable- County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County, you atje hereby
notified and cited to appear in the
County Courtroom, in the County
Courthouse, in Oregon City, on Feb.
3rd, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.
m., and show cause, If any there be,
why an order of sale of the real prop
erty of said minors, should not be
made in accordance with the petiton
of the guardians of said minors.
In witness whereof I have hereun
to set my hand and official seal this
2nd day of January, 1908.
County Judge. ,
CHAS. N. WAIT, Canby, Or. It5
Pine salve Carboliied acts like a
poultice, draws out inflamation and
poison. Antiseptia, healing. For
chapped handj. lips, cuts, burns. Sold
by Huntley Bros.
Has Purchased the
Seventh Street Bakery, Oregon City, Oregon
He has thoroughly remodeled and carefully cleaned the
store and workroom and will give the people of Oregon City and
vicinity the nicest bread and cakes that can be made.
Batter Nat Bread a Specialty
Res. Phone 2633 I
(Continued from Page 1.)
gold coin In the Treasury alone, not
counting that In circulation and hoard
ed away.
Uncle Sam's working capital on De
cember 14, 1907, amounted to $1,756,
491,464.31 all of which is hard cash.
Of this amount $1,233,705,869, la coin,
is held on deposit to secure the pay
ment of $756,665,869 gold certificates;
$471,525,000 silver certificates, and
IS K15 000 Treamirv nntta niitatinlm
The Treasury reserve, wHch is kept.
hv law nmnni,t tn tir.nn.m nun tv,
cash balance available to pay the cur
rent expenses of the Government on
December 14 was $259,762,303 65.
Uncle Sam does .ot keep all of bis
money in Washington, although there
Is a good deal of it there. The re
mainder is scattered amcng the dif
ferent sub-treasuries, mints and Na
tional bank depositories, as folows;
Treasury, Washington.. $175,591,846.79
Subtreas., New York... 270,623,997.87
Subtreaa., Baltimore... 16,027.023.41
Subtreas., Philadelphia. 18,908,820.00
Subtreas., Boston.
Subtreas., Cincinnati...
Subtreas., Chicago
Subtrtas., Chicago ....
Subtreas., St. Louis
Subtreas., New Orleans.
22,483,714 10
Subtreas., S. Francisco..
! Mintf Philadelphia
Mint, Denver
Mint, New Orleais....
Mint, San Francisco....
Assay Office, New York.
Natlonar banks
Treasury, Philippine I..
In transit between of
fices 496.788.4S
In addition to the working balance
and the reserve, there is a total ot
$811,736,128 in bonds In the vsults at
Washington, of which $63,535,970 is
to secure circulation of National
banks r.nd $178,200,158 to secure de
posits in National banks. An addi
tional sum of $103,751,389 is deposited
I for similar purposes In the subtreas-
uries of New York and San Francis
co, making a total of $9i5,4K7.517 of
other pople'j moiey in Uncl4 Sam's
Mary Ramsey Wood, who was 120
years old May 20. 1907, died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. C. B.
Reynolds, in Hillsboro, Monday. The
cause oi ner aeam was general aeDiu
ty. Mary Ramsey Wood was the
daughter of a brick mason, Richard
Ramsey, and was born at Knoxville,
Tena, May 20, 1787. She married
Jacob Lemons in 1804. Mrs. Lemons
moved from Tennessee to Alabama
with her husband in 1837, and to
Georgia in 1838. Lemons died in 1839.
In 1849 she moved to Missouri. IB
1852 she crossed the plains to Oregon,
riding the entire distance on horse
back on a mare she christened Martha
Washington Pioneer. She settled in
Washington county and on May 28,
1854, she was wedded to John Wood,
who died in the sixties. Wood built
the first frame hotel in Hillsboro. This
was a tavern and saloon combined for
some time, and Mrs. Wood frequently
tended bar for her husband when he
was otherwise engaged.
Lake county is this fall experlenc
ing the mildest weather in her his-
wjij. nui im mc uit-mory oi me oiu
est inhabitant has there been a fall
when the weather was so mild.
The total rainfall recorded at Al
bany during 1907 was 44.43 inches.
will show a comfortable saving if you
do your buying here. And our lower
prices in no case mean lower quali
ties. It is the saving on standard
groceries that makes buying here
truly economical. We have too much
faith in your discernment to offer you
inferior qualities at any psice. Daily
arrival of new season goods in Dia
mond W or Preferred Stock Canned
Fruits and Vegetables, Xmas Candies,
Nuts, Dates, Raising, etc. ' ?
7th Street Grocer