Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 03, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Amt. Due
Amt. Due
1 and 2 E 13. 80
Township 2 8outh, Range 1 East.
Frd'k. Koshland, 30 acres as des.
in Record of Deeds, Book 47,
page 64, sec. 6, twp. 2, rang
1 B 12.60
L. A. Lewis, 6 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 83,
page 479, sees. 16, 21, twp 2,
range 1 e.. 1.26
Patrick Courtney, NW4 of SE
A sec. 17, twp. 2. range IE... 8.40
N. O. Walden (trustee), 2 70-100
acres as Jes. in Record of
Deeds, Book 51, page 347, sec.
36, twp. 2, range 1 E 1.05
Jesse Bullock O. L. C. No. 46.
Mrs. E. II. Monk, 50 acres as des.
in Record of Deeds, Book P.
page 380, sees. 14, 15, 16, twp.
2, range 1 E 60 4S
George Crow D. L. C. No. 49.
S. V. and H. H. Daniels, 14
50-100 acres as des. in Record
of Deeds, Book 92, page 507,
sees, 1, 2, 11. 12. twp 2. range
1 E 16.79
C. S. Arnold. 6 .09-100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Book
67. page 214, Bees. 1, 2, 11. 12,
twp. 2, range 1 E, ex. as des. In
Record of Deeds, Books 93, 94,
pages 417. 430, sees. 1, 2, 11,
12, twp. 2. range 1 E 17.02
Julia Ann Lewis D. L. C. No. 54.
W. M. and M. Yonse, 50x365 ft
as des. in Record of Deeds,
Book 89, page 250. sees. 25. 26,
35, 36. twp. 2. range IE 1.64
R. C. Crawford D. L. C. No. -
M. K. Shipley (heirs). 2 71-100
acres as des. In Record of
Deeds, Book 61. page 12, sees.
21, 2S, twp 2, range IE 1.05
Township 3 South. Range 1 East.
E. B. Harrison. WU of SWU
sec. 4, twp 3, range 1 E 15.00
C. M. Wilson. 49 50-100 acres as
des. in Record of Deeds, Books
82, 93. pages 94. 448. sec. 21,
twp. 3. range 1 E 30.50
S. B. Pomeroy D. L. C. No. 39
R. J. - Beutel, 50-100 acre, as
des. in Record of Deeds, Book
49. page 253. sees 1. 2. 11. 12,
twp. 2. ranee IE 36
A. F. Hedges D. L. C. Nos. 37, 47, 40,
E. G. Caufleld, part of as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 59,
page 417, sees 6, 31, 12, 36,
twps. 3. 2. 3, 2, ranges 2 E,
2 E. 1 E. 1 E 1.56
George Brock D. L. C. No. 46
Harriet Murphy, 21 33-100 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 66. page 47, sees. 15, 16,
21. 22. 27. twp 3. range 1 E.. 4.50
Ambrose Fields D. L. C. No. 52.
Minnie Cllne, 7 acres as des. in
C. C. Journal No. 9, page 231,
sees. 1, 2. 3. 4, twp. 3, range
1 E 4.20
Philander Lee D. L. C. Nos. 49, 56
K. and B. Klausen, 50-100 acre
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 82. page 137, sec. 4, twp.
4. range IE 4
Champing Pendleton D. L. C. No. 58.
J. 1. riageu, ou acres an ucs. iu
Record of Deeds, Book 82,
Dajce 321. sees. 28. 29. 32. 33,
twp. 3, range 1 E 20.80
Township 4 South, Range 1 East.
J. K. Elmer Ett of SWVi of NW
14 sec. 3. twp. 4. range 1 E. . 3.60
Ole A. Bolland. WVi sec. 9, twp.
4. range 1 E 23.22
Aurora Electric Co, 5 68-100 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 90. page 251, sec. 9, twp.
4. range IE 1.08
S. and M. Wilkinson, NWVi of
SWVI sec. 12, twp. 4, range 1 E. 1.08
Unknown. N 10 acres of EV4 of
NWVi sec. 31, twp. 4, range IE. 1.80
J. E. Mitts. SV4 of SEVi sec. 34,
twp. 4, range 1 E 15.34
N. D. Hartzler, SV4 of SEVi sec.
36, twp. 4, range IE 4.32
Albert Fish D. L. C. No. 40.
Ben). Hormesley, 77 acres as des.
in Record of Deeds, Book 30,
page 201 ecs. 20, 21, 28, 29,
30. twp. 4. range 1 E 30.24
Township 5 South, Range 1 East
Unknown, 2 acres In NW corner
of NEVi of SWVi sec. 2, twp.
5, range 1 E 36
J. E. Mitts, NEVi of SYH and
77-100 acres des in Book 79,
page 362, sec. 3, twp. 5, range
IE .. . .2 25
B. M. Dlmlck, sii 'of NWVl sec.
21, twp. 5, range 1 E 20.00
Zoe Dugherty, 78 50-100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Book
94, page 574, sec. 24, twp. 5,
range 1 E 9.00
J. H. and M. E. Comer, 216 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 74, page 14, sec. 35, twp.
0, range 1 E 15.48
Township 6 South, Range 1 East.
Mary J. Stockwell, 3 acres as des
in Record of Deeds, Book 67,
Pages 261 and 362, sec. 4, twp.
6, range 1 East 6.10
M. J. and J. R. White, all of
WVi of NWVi lying east of
Butte Creek, sec. 5, twp. 6,
range 1 E 6.60
D. N. Stelndler, NEVi of SEVi
sec. 12, twp. 6, range 1 E.... 4.95
Township 1 South, Range 2 East.
Chas. C. Henderson, 40 acres as
des. in Record of Deeds, Book
94, Page 318, sec. 26, twp. 1,
range 2 east 12.37
John P. Winkle, 10 acres as des.
in Record of Deeds, Book '92,
Page 373, sec. 26, twp. 1, range
2 east 5.40
C. Reynolds, 5 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 86,Page
168. sec. 28. twp. 1, range 2..
east 6.30
Unknown, 35.100 acre in NW
corner of NEVi of NEVi, sec.
29, twp. 1, range 2 east 36
Fannie Otty, 27 acres as des. m '
Record of Deeds, Book 73,Page
327, sec. 34, twp. 1, range 2 E. .30.06 j
Barbara Strack, NEVi of SEVi,
sec. 35, twp. i, range'2 east. .13.68
Susan M. Fritz, 5 acres as des. in
Record of Deeds, Book 68,Page
42, sec. 35, twp. 1, range 2 east 5.94
J. J. Zinser, 7 50-100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Book
64, Page 261, sec. 35, twp. 1,
range 2 east
J. J. Zinser, Ex. as des. in Rec
ord of Deeds, Book 92, Page
534, sec. 35, twp. 1, range 2
east 2.52
Unknown, lot 3, sec. 36, twp. 1,
Amt. Due
rango 2 cast 1.15
ohn D. Garrett D. L. C No. 38, Sees.
31 and 32. Twp. 1.. Range 2 East;
Range 2 East.
Also No. 61, Sees. 5 and 6, Twp. 2,
nils II. Ijirscn, 5 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 9;t.
Page 8, sees. 5 and 6, twp. 2,
range. 2 east 2 . 70
Mary Rtehet, 2 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Hook 64.
Bage 241, sees. 5 and 6, twp. 2,
rango 2 east 3.15
Township 2 South, Range 2 East.
Cella M. Morris. 20 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Rook 89,
Page 415, , see. 1, twp. 2, range
2 east 9.20
Alta Smith. 8 28-100 acres as dos.
In Record of Deeds, RMk 94,
Page 64!, sec. 2, twp. 2, range
2 east 3.96
Rachel Deardorf, 3 acres as des.
In C. C. Journal No. 2, Page 4S9,
sec. 2. twp. 2, range 2 E 54
Gustav Simon, SWVi of NWVi.
sec. 3, twp. 2. range 2 east.., 16.20
Fred Und, 10 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 55,
Page 422, sec. 4. twp. 2, range
2 east 14.22
Rudolph Weldtnan, 32 42-100
acres as dos. In Record of
Deeds, Book 92, Page 421, sec.
5. twp. 2, range 2 east 22.59
Township 2 South, Range 2 East.
D. C. Latourette, 4 acres, stone
ouarry, sees. 13, 14, twp. 2,
range 2 E 2.70
F. C. Relllng. 1 23 100 acres as
des. in Record of Deeds, Book
86. page 99, sec. 21, twp. 2,
ranee 2 E 1.53
W. J. Cummings, 75 acres as do9.
In Record Of Deeds. Books 75,
82. 91, pages 244. 43. 342, sec.
22. twp. 2. range 2 E 16.20
A. A. .Wheeler. 5 14 100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Book
63. page 223 1.48
W. T. Matlock D. L. C. No. 37.
James Wilson. 40 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 31,
page 390, sees. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9,
10, twp. 2, range 2 E 50.
A. O. and M. L. Hayward, 75-100
acres as des,. In Record of
Deeds. Book 85. page 114, sees.
3. 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, twp. 2, range
2 E 1.00
B. Jennings D. L. C. Nos. 40, 38.
Addle C. Hodgkins, 3 .03-100
acres as des. In Record of
Deeds, Books 94, 93, pages
250, 541, sees. IS. 19, 13. 14,
twps. 2, 1. range 2 E 5.70
Hiram Straight D. L. C. No. 42.
Oregon Packing Co., 1 acre as
des. In Record of Deeds, Book
38, page 340. sees. 28, 29, 20,
21, twp 2, range 2 E 2.55
Ezra Fisher D. L. C. No. 44.
T. Charman, 60-100 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 45,
page 426, sees. 28-29- 32, 33,
twp. 2, range 2 E 54
Helen M. Woodruff, 40 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Book
48, page 284, sees. 28, 29, 32,
33, twp. 2, range 2 E... 7.20
A. W. Cheney, 34-100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Book
84, page 466, sees. 28, 29, 32, 33,
twp. 2, range 2 E 2.56
Wm. Larkins, 1 acre as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 56, page
442, sees. 28, 29, 32, 33, twp. 2,
range 2 E 1.85
Emma. Edmiston, 1 acre as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 91,
page 531, sees. 28, 29, 32, 33.. 3.07
Rachel May, 10 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 91, page
299, sees. 28, 29, 32, 33, twp.
2, range 2 E 7.58
Joseph Kellogg D. L. C. Nos. 53, 47,
39, 67.
Mary Richet, 8 acres as des. in
Record of Deeds, Book 64,
page 241, sees. 6, 1, 2, 31, 36,
twps. 2, 2, 2, 1, I, ranges 2 E,
2 E, 1 E, 2 E 1 E 9.20
Elisha Kellogg D. L. C. No. 54.
J. D. Rusk (heirs), 97 54-100
acres as des. ic Record of
Deeds, Book Q, page 128, sec.
6, twp. , range 2 E ;64.62
Geo. Abernathy D. L. C. No. 58.
Carl Roath, 10 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Books 61, 67,
pages 78, 272, sees. 21, 28, 29,
30, twp. 2, range 2 E 10.44
Archibald McKinley D. U C. Nos.
57, 60.
Harry Jones, 13 15-100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Book
93, page 253, sees. 6, 31, twps.
3, 2, range 2 E 17.70
Samuel Campbell D. L. C. No. 64.
Flora Smith, 50-100 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 91,
page 462, sec. 10, twp. 2, range
2 E 80
Perry Elack, 50100 acres a3 des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 88,
page 259, sec. 10, twp. 2, range
2 E 1.00
D. D. Tompkins D. L. C. Nos. 61, 65.
Claude Hughes, 2 57-100 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 37, page 225, sees. 23,
24, 25, 26, 30, twp. 2, 2, ranges
1 E, 2 E .-: 2.43
Jason Kellogg D. L. C. No. .
M. E. Worthington, 55 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Book
46, page 590, sees. 17, 18, 12,
twp. 2, ranges 2 E, 1 E 63.93
Township 3 South, Range 2 East
Sanford Howell, 10 acres as des.
in Record of Deeds, Book D,
page 470, sec. 10, twp. 3, range
2 E 1.80
W. H. Noe, 6 45-100 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 94,
page 317, sec. 16, twp. 3, range
2 E 1.35
Hal. D. Lindsley, 25 acres as des.
n Record of Deeds, Book 73,
page no, Bec. 21, twp. 3, range
1 2 E
Evan S. Stewart, NEVi of NEVi
and WVi of NEVi sec. 24, twp.
3, range 2 E 9.72
, W. R. Roberts (heirs), NEVi of
E 3.60
Hal. D. Llndsley, 5 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 73,
page 110, sec. 28, twp. 3, range
2 E
Geo. I, Orm, Improvements on
sec. 33, twp. 3, range 2 E 3.52
William Holmes D. L. C. Nos. 46, 38,
T. Charman & Son, 50-100 acres
as des. in Record of Deeds,
Book 65, page 29, Bees. 31, 32,
Amt. Due
5, 6, twps, 2. 3, range 2 E 6.90
J. C. Dixon, IS 100 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 36,
pago 202, sees. St. 32, R, 6,
twps. 2, 3, range 2 E 1.48
Mary A. Rauch, 42 100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Hook .
36, page 321, sees. 31, 33. 5,
6, twps. 2, 3, ranges 2 E. 2 K.U.80
M. M. McCarver D. L. C. Nos. 40, 41.
S. and J. Samnrd. 100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds. Book
91. page 394, sees. 1, 13. 13. 6,
7, twps. 3, 3, ranges 1. 2 E 28.80
S. D. Francis D. L. C. Nos. 48. 42.
E. O. Seeley, 10 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 54,
pago 203, seca. 81, 3, twps.
2, 3, range 2 E. 2 E 1.95
Andrew Hood D. L. C. No. 44.
Got fried Hluhm. 25 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 91,
page 520, sees. 9, 10. 15, 16,
twp. 3, range 2 E 9.00
J. S. Howland D. L. C. No. 45.
J. H. and S. Samnrd. 10 acres as
des. in Record of Deeds, Book
91, page 48. sees. 7. 8, 17, 18,
twp. 3. range 2 E 14.61
Dora F. Millard, 10 acres as dos.
In Record of Deeds, Hook 91,
page 365, sees. 7, 8, 17, 18, twp.
3, range 2 E 5.98
Samuel Vance D. L. C. No. 31.
C. W. and S. J. Heskett. 4 60-100
acres as des. In Record of
Deeds. Book 93. page 279, seca.
5. 6. 7. 8. twp 3. range 2 E....15.18
J. G. Swafford D. L. C. No.
N. V. Richards, 1 acre as des. In
Record of Deeds, Rook 65, page
06, sees. 3, 4, 6, twp. 4, range1"
2 E 39
Township 4 South, Range 2 East
Eastern Inv. Co.. NEVi of SEVi
of SEli, sec. 14, twp. 4, range
2 E 1.38
J, V. and S. E. Adklns. 20 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 91, page 236, sec. 21, twp.
4, range 3 E 5.06
M. L. Morris, 84 68 100 acres as
dos. In C. C. Journal, Vol. 18,
page 88, sec. 31, twp 4, rango
2 E 8.10
William Russell D. L. C. No. 37.
Gilbert White, 50 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 91,
page 325, sees. 27, 28, 29, 30,
33, 34. twp. 4. range 2 E 4.6
Francis Jackson D. L. C. No. 41
T. S. Stipp, 4 30-100 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 94,
page 25S, sees. 29, 30, 31, 32,
twp. 4, range 2 E 1.98
W. W. Woodcock D. L. C. Nos. 48, 38.
Henry Klise (heirs), 141 80-100
acres as des. In Record of
Deeds, Book C, page 380, sees.
32. 33, 4. 5, twps. 4. 5, 2.
range 2 E, 2 E ."..25.20
Township 5 South, Range 2 East
Eliza Ramsby, EV4 of NWVi sec.
11, twp. 5, range 2 E 11.62
Sawtell Bros., 1 acre as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 82,
page 2S1, sec. 20, twp. 6, range
2 E 09
F. S. L. Bagsby, trustee, 80 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 92, page 544, sec. 33, twp.
5, range 2 E 7.20
James Everson, NEVi of SWVi
sec. 36, twp. 5, range 2 E 2.88
William Engle D. L. C. No. 44.
James Hansen, 5 acres as des.
In Record of. Deeds, Book 93,
page 82, sees, 9, 16, 17, 20, 21,
twp. 5, range 2 E 2.25
Township 6 South, Range 2 East
Jobn W. Wllholt, SV4 of SEVi
and SWVi sec. 4. twp. 6, range
2 E 17.46
Thos. Charman, SWVi of NWVi
sec. 8, twp. 6, range 2 E 5.28
John W. Wllholt. NV4 of NEVi
and SEVi of NE',4 ex. 16
acres, sec. 9, twp. 6, range 2 E 6.48
S. and A. J . Coover. WV4 of
NWVi sec. 19, twp. 6, range
2 E 12.21
Wm. Mortenson, SWVi of SE'i
Sw of County Road, sec. 29,
twp. 6, rango 2 E 33
Elizabeth Hulbert, NWVi of SEVi
sec. 35, twp. 6, range 2 E 3.70
J. E. Hoffman, SEVi of NEVi sec.
36, twp. 6, range 2 E 2 .22
Township 7 South, Range 2 East.
J. P. Offleld, EV4 of NEVi and
SWVi of NEVi sec. 2, twp. 7,
range 2 E 6.66
Chas. R. Donnell, NEVi sec. 12,
twp. 7, range 2 E 8.88
Township 1 South, Range 3 East.
Carl Anderson, Trustee, 5 85-100
acres as des. In Record of
Deeds, Book 87, page 248, sec.
25, twp. 1, range 3 E 1.62
Cornelia McCown, SV4 of SWVi
of SEVi sec. 25, twp. 1, range 3
E 6.40
B. F. Hoover, SWVi. ex. O. W. P.
right-of-way, sec. 25, twp. 1,
range 3 E 39.50
P. A .Hunter. NWVi of NEVi sec.
31, twp. 1, range 3 E 24.69
O. E. and S. Haley, 23 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, Book
94, page 476, sec. 36, twp. 1,
range 3 E 13.57
Robert DeShazer, 11 20-100 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 94, page 476, sec. 36, twp.
1, range 3 E 4.42
Geo. Brown, WVi of NWVi sec.
36, twp. 1, range 3 E 29.50
Cabel Richey D. L. C. No. 69.
J. V. Tynl, 10 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 94, page
193, sees. 29, 30, twp. 1, range
3 E 7.50
M. W. Noble D. L. C. No. 70.
John Thomas, 100 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Book 93,
page 410, sec. 30, twp. 1, rango
3 E 140.00
Township 2 South, Range 3 East.
A. J. McCIung, 1 acre as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 94, page
,402, sec. 1, twp. 2, range 3 E.. .74
William Potter, SWVi of NWVi
sec. 2, twp. 2, rango 3 E 15.29
J. M. H. Deardorf, 64 14-100 acres
as des .In Record of Deeds,
Book 58, page 247, sec. 6, twp.
2, range 3 E 25.53
C. E., R. L. and C. R. Wade, 50
100 acre as des. In Record of
Deeds, Book V, page 31, sec. 9,
twp. 2, range 3 E .81
Andrew Vetsch, WV2 of NEVi
sec. 12, twp. 2, range 3 E 59.00
J. W. Forrester, 3 acres as des.
in Record of Deeds, Book 93,
page 213, Bec. 13, twp. 2, range
3 E
Christina Cox, lots 3 and 4, sec.
21, twp. 2, range 3 E 7.50
Kate E. Peterson, lots C and 7,
sec. 27, twp, 2, range 3 13 3.60
William Arthur D. L. C. No, 38.
Anderson & Son, on 11. S. Ander
son's land. sees. 17, 18, 19, 20,
twp, 2. range 3 E 9.00
Joseph Church D. L. C. Nos. 39, 49.
H. ami A. Anderson, iiw acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Hook 89. page 184, sees. 30,
31. 25. 26, twp. 2, rango 3 K.,25.20
Thomas Forrester It. L. C. Nos. 42, 60.
Kate K. Potersoii, 24 68 100 acres
ns ilea. In Record of Deeds,
Hook 42. pngo 43, seca 13. 23,
24, twp. 2. rangu 3 K 8.10
Township 3 South, Range 3 East.
Mrs. A. J. Washburn, N 60 acres
of K'i or SE'i sec, 9, twp. 3,
range 3 E 9.78
, J. Washburn. 8 60 acres of
E-i of SIC '4 arc. 9, twp. 3,
rango 3 K 3.45
Rebecca A. Mooro, WV4 of NEVi
and lot t sec.lll. twp. 3, range
3 E 13.80
John H. Ripley. 64 .05 100 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Hook 92. page 690, sec. 16,
twp. 3, range 3 E 11.60
Robert II. Comer, 1 35 100 acres
as des. In Record of needs,
Book Z, page 279, sec. 16, twp.
3, range 3 E 11
Caroline M. Myers, WVi of SWVi
and lots 3 and 4, aec. 26, twp.
3, range 3 E 15.00
Caroline M. Myers. EV4 of SE4
sec. 27. twp. 3. range 3 K....33.3b
V. R. Roberts, heirs, WV4 of
NWVi c 30, twp, 3, range
3 E 22.50
U-na Miller. S'.4 of SE'i. N of
County road, sec. 32, twp. 3,
range 3 E CO
John Davis heirs. 29 50-100 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 29, page 443, sec. 33, twp.
3, range 3 E 6.28
Caroline M. Myers. NEVi of NEVi
sec. 34. twp. 3, range 3 E.... o.i
A, A. Baker, 60 acres as ilea. In
Record of Deeds. Book 94,
page 316, sec. 34. twp. 3. rango
3 E 8.40
W. W. Harper D. L. C. No. 55.
J. E. and P. O. Noble. 2 25 100
acres as des. In Record of
Deeds, Btxik 92, page 422, sec.
2, twp. 3, range 3 E 18
David Cutting D. L. C. No. 57.
Thos. Charman. 81 acres as dea.
In Record of Deeds, Book R,
page 81, sees. 16, 17, 20, !1,
twp. 3. range 3 E 12.65
Matthew Richardson D. L. C. No. 57.
John R. Richardson, 40 acres as
des. In Record of Wills No. 2,
Vol. 4, page 255, sees. 8, 9, 16,
17, twp. 3, range 3 E .10.35
Township 4 South, Range 3 East
S. A. McSherry, NEVi of SE4
of SW.i and SV4 of SE
'4 and lot 1, sec. 2. twp. 4,
range 3 E 10.08
A. A. Baker, 60 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds. Book 94, page
316, sec. 3. twp. 4, rango 3 E..23.52
William Clark, 8V4 of NWVi and
3 80 100 acres In NV4 of NEVi
sec. 7. twp. 4. range 3 E 4.83
F. F. Sbuto, NE'i of SEVi aec.
9, twp. 4, range 3 E 2.40
F. F. Shute, NWVi of SWVi aect
10, twp. 4, range 3 E 5.78
Rolnhold Melbs, 7 50 100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeds, IUxk
65, page 392, sec. 12, twp. 4,
range 3 E '. 30
Geo. I. Oakley, NEVi of NWVi of
SE'4 sec. 16, twp. 4, range
3 B 1.20
J. F. Dlx. SW'4 of SWVi aec. 25,
twp. 4. range 3 E 1.92
J. F. Dlx, SEVi of SEVi sec. 26,
twp. 4, range 3 E 1.92
O. J. Hoel, NWVi of SWVi sec.
27, twp. 4, range 3 E 5.12
C. E. Gorbett, 82 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 94, pago
399, sec. 30, twp. 4, rango 3 E. 4.48
W. S. Gorbett, 80 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 94, page
388, sec. 36, twp. 4, range 3 E. 2.76
Township 5 South, Range 3 East
L. J. Massey, EV4 of NWVi sec.
2, twp. 6, range 3 E 3.45
Herbert F. White, NV4 of SE'4
and NEVi of SWVi sec. 3, twp.
" 5, range 3 E 11,04
Mrs. E. J. Lamb, WV4 of SEVi
I am overstocked with Guns and Revolvers. Regardless of Price, I must unload.
This is your opportunity to get a Gun at your own price.
FREE While They Last
This Open Face Watch,
a perfect timekeeper,
is yours absolutely free
with every Gun pur
chased during January.
It entitles you to the watch with your Gun
Purchase. Come before .they are all gone.
Oregon City Gon Store
j C. G. MILLER, Proprietor Next to Bank of Oregon City f
Amt. Duu
and Eta of SWVi eo. 18, twp.
5, range 3 E 13.80
Ellen Callahan, 2 acres as des.
In Record of Deeds, Hook 79,
page 301, hoc. 19, twp. 5, range
3 W 23
Unknown, NWVi see. 4, twp. H,
range 3 H 17.70
Township 1 South, Range 4 East.
W, A. Proctor, 130 acres ns ties.
In Record of Deeds, Hook 79,
page 324, hoc, 27, twp. 1. rang
4 K
Wm. 11. Held, WVi of SEVi sec.
HO, twp, 1, tango 4 E 18. u
C. 11. Sloop, 8 Oneres as dus. In
Record of Deeds, Hook 64. page
4S0, nee. 32, twp. 1, range 410,. 17. 17
A. II, Hreyinan, und. V4 of NW'i
of NE'i sec, 84, twp, 1, rango
4 E 00
John Sommervlllo, und, Vi of
NWU of NEVi sec, 34. twp. 1,
nuiKe 4 E 4.00
Township 2 South, range 4 East.
II. J, Hellnrts, 78-100 aor as
de. In Record of Deeds, Book
93. dbko IJU. aec. 13. twp. 2,
rango 4 E 20.21
Victor Forsberg. BWVi of NWVi
hoc. 17. twn. 2. range 4 W 7.00
llosoa Hullou, 300 18 100 acres
as des. In Record of Deeds,
Book 54. until 68. sec. 29. twp,
2. range 4 K 39,60
J, II. Van Curen, heirs. 1 60 100
uores lit SE cor, of 8EV of
SK'i see. 29, twp. 2, rango 4 W
J. II. Colt, 42 acres as des. In
Record of Deeds, Book 87,
page 306. hoc. 33. two. 2. rango
4 E 6.30
Township 3 8outh, Rang 4 East
R. U Robertson. 79 ,09 100 acres
as dos. In Record of. Deeds,
HiHik 89, pago 9, sec, 6, twp,
3, range 4 E 11.
Geo, A. DeShlelds, K 10 acre of
lot 4. sec. 10, twp. S, range
4 E 90
J. II, Cullck. S'4 of SEVi sec. 15,
twp. 3. range 4 H 16.20
J. II. Palinateor, NE'4 of 8 WVi
and lot 2. see, 26. twp. 3. range
4 E 23.86
Max Von Newman, 4 acres as
des. In Record of Iecda, Book
93. page HO, sec. 29, twp. 3,
range 4 E 1.13
Township 4 South, Range 4 East,
Jos. Marchbanks, 8V'4 of NWVi
sec. 3. twp. 4, range 4 E 3.68
Elizabeth Strickland. NWVi of
SWVi sec. 7, twp. 4. range 4 E 3. CO
Mary A. Marchbanks, lot 8, sec.
10, twp. 4, rango 4 E... 2.30
Jobn 11. Iewellen, NWVi of
NE'4 and lot 1. see. 18, twp. 4,
range 4 E 3.65
Anthony McNamara, WVi of
NWVi sec. 31, twp. 4, range
4 E 6.18
Daniel Tucker D. L. C. No. 47.
Win. Wallens, 1 acre as des. In
Record of IHcdn, Book 76, pago
326, sees. 3. 4. 6, 9, 10, twp. 4,
raiiKO 4 E 7.44
Township 7 South, Range 4 East,
C. II. M. ixdghton, NWVi of NB
U and 8V4 of NEVi sec. 27,
twp. 7. rang 4 E 12.96
Township 1 South. Range S East.
C. I.. Dickson, N'25 acre of
NV4 of HWVi sec. 28, twp. 1,
range 5 E 1.35
B. J. WakefWId, SEVi of SEVi
sec. 30, twp. 1, rango 5 E.... 4.41
Township 2 South, Range 5 East.
Plctro Vajeretll, SWVi of NEVi
and SEVi of NW'i sec. 4, twp.
2, rango 5 B 3.24
Adam Andre heirs, 78 37 100 acres
as dea. In Record of Deeds,
Book 63, pago 216, aec. 6, twp.
2, range 5 E 14.04
V. A. Andrews, 50 100 acre as
dos. In Record of Deeds, Book
74, page 412. see. 6, twp. 2,
range 5 E 3. 00
Patrick McCadam, NEVi sec. 8,
twp. 2, rango 5 E 14.94
D. C. Utourotto, NEVi ec. 10,
twp. 2, range 5 K 15.60
W. F. and E. I-chman, 8V4 ' f
NWVi sec. 27, twp. 2, rango
5 E 6 2
Isaac' C." ' Car'ri " 8W 4 ' of' StV Vi
sec. 33, twp. 2, range 5 E 3.36
Township 3 South, Range 5 East.
Henry Schecl helm. WV4 of EV4
of SE'4 and WV4 f SBVi
Amt. Dux
hoc, 22, twp. 3, range- 5 U. .. .11.48
Township 4 South, Range 6 East.
UmiIs (loi'lltiKor, 8V4 see. 1(1,
twn. 4. range 6 E 44,10
F. K. Reiner, NEVi of NWVi of
NW'4 sec. 30, twp. 4, range
5 H fl
A. Rowley, W-4 of NWVi and
NW'4 of NICVi of NWVi sue.
30, twp, 4, range R IS fl.MO
Township 2 South, Range 6 East.
Krtd V. Kingsbury, SIC '.4 see, 4,
twp. 2. range W 11 . 20
Fred F. Kingsbury, NIC'4 sec.
10. twp, 2. range 0 10 19,20
R. 0. Holmes, SW'4 of HIO'4 and
S'4 of SWVi moo. 30, twp. 2,
range, fl E 9. 80
Township 4 South, Range 6 East.
Herman Kneblor, W',4 of NW'4
and SEVi of NW'4 and NICVi
of 8W '4 see. 6, twp, 4. range
C E 7 20
Township 2 South, Range 7 East.
(Son. Hart, SICVi hoc. II, twp. 2,
range 7 E 0.40
Frank W.HdMoy, EV4 of 8 WVi
hoc, 16, twp. 2. range 7 E . . .'. . . 8.00
I A. LewlM. WV4 of SW'4 hoc,
10, twp, 2. range 7 E 8,00
The Wisconsin lov. Co., W',4
hoc, 22. twp, 2. range 7 E....32.00
The Wisconsin Inr. Co. NW'4
hoc. 27, twp. 2, range 7 E....HJ.00
Township 1 South, Range 8 East
W. S. Macruin, W'4 aec, 25, twp.
1. range 8 E 23.08
Joseph A. Wllmm, EV4 of EV4
hoc. 26. twp, l, rang" a K 11. m
Geo, II. Jones, Jr., E'4 of WV4
hoc. 26, twp. 1, raiiK'" 8 E....U.04
Frank II. Huelton, WV4 of WV4
hoc. 26. twp 1. range 8 E 11. Q4
E, O Jones, NV4 of NE'4 and
NK'4 of NW'4 and HW'4 of
NIC'4 sec .35, twp. 1, rango 8
H 1 1 04
I. A. Macrum, NV4 of NWVi hoc.
36, twp. 1. range. H E D 02
T. K-Iler, SW'4 of NW'4 and
W'4 of SW'4 and SE'4 of
SW'4 sec. 3d, twp. 1, range
8 K tt 04
Minnie E. Harper. 100x50 foot In
NIC cor. hoc. 24, twp. 3, range
8 E 18
Township 3 South, Range 8 East.
N. Wilcox, N'4 of SW'4 hob. 28,
twp. 3. range 8' E 4.32
M. C. Strickland.. W'4 of E'4
hoc. 35. twp. 3, range 8'4 E.. 8.64
O. W. P. Townsltu Co. Kstacada.
lot 8. tlk. 7 1.72
0. W. P. Townslte Co, Estacada.
lot 3. blk. 10 1.15
O. W. P. TowiihIi Co., Estacada.
lot 3. blk. 25 40
Wm. (lalloway, part of tbo Hugh
Huru I). I C 14 62
O. I. & 8. Co. O I. 8 Co.'a
First Add. to Owigo, Ints 4
and 6, blk. 4'i r,t2
Julia Slaughter, N4 of NW'4
of NIC'4 hoc. 26, twp. 5. rang"
3 E 1.15
The Hank of Oregon City, I
63 101) acres, part of the Sam
uel shannon D. u (
Richard Schumann, 6 35-100 acre
as des. In Record of eDods,
I look 95, page 2::5, hoc, 14,
twp. 2, range 5 E
Clyde Johnson, Mtnthorn Add. to
Portland, und. 2 15 of lota
1 to 21, blk. 40
Clyde Johnson, Mlnthorn Add. to
I'ortland, und. 2 15 of lots
22 and 23, blk. 40
Clyde Johnsftn, Mlnthorn Add. to
Portlund. und. 2 15 of lots
39 to 48. bik. 4
Clyde Johnson, Mlnthorn Add. to
I'ortland, und. 2 15 of l(s
2 to 9. blk. 45
Clyde Johnson, Mlntburo Add. U ,
Portlund, und. 2 15 of,, lots
10 to 24, blk. 4S 20
To the pers n who offers to pay the
taxes, costs and accruing penalties
therein and take a cortltlrttle at the
lowest rate of Interest and which aald
rate of Interest shall not bo greator
than ton per cent Habl Hale aball tin
continued from dcy to day until the
said list Is cxhaiiHti-d. All of said
tracts of real properly being altuated
In Clackamas county, Orogoa,
Dated this 20th day of December,
1907. R. 11. HEATHS.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
. II
Call and get my price before
yoa bay elsewhere