OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1008. , NEWS OF THE COUNTY BARTON. A rousing road meeting was held here December 26, and voted ft 5-mlll tax for making better roads. Let us hope we will get them. These things have been talked of for 20 years, but still the roada are cut up by mlllmen and cordwood haulers, who pay next to nothing for their use. If a blanket tax was put on wood and lumber of 25 cents per load 'twould be better, and still that would not fix the roads they spoil. Christmas passed very quietly here. A tree at the schoolhouse and a ball or two In this vicinity closed the Christmas program. A special school meeting was held here December 28 and a 5-mlll tax was levied; but, as that don't bring In more thanf 300, It won't be much of a start towards building a new school house. A benefit ball will be held at Bar ton hall for the benefit of Mr. Free man, an old resident of this county. Mr. Freeman Is bedfast and has been bo for months; perhaps he may never get up. All are most cordially In vited to attend this ball, where first class music and a tapper will be fur nished for $1. Remember, this man was once wealthy and we may some time want help. Dix will start his east sawmill Boon, and his west sawmll may start, too. The Northwest Log & Lumber Com pany will startt heir mills again in a tew days. Mr. Griffin, who owned a good farm of 100 acres, has sold out We are glad that newcomers are picking up these cheap places, for they hold down the price of others. Sl'S f;:? - sir; :n v,;r. tracts are sold, that win clean up all the cheap land in this vicinity, and they have 20 acres and 80 acres, re- rhlrrt.- J, tViMit. . T 7 SKV ' E UOr' 86nd Ut your nnrnva t a aapo m ri Knaainw . The skating rink craze' V a as par- J ouwo.ucm. I SnertaI vo u V, nw J, ' 1 aum. Flora. The address of all Is Ea snerman Lyon is the new director ,,i' urn vv. 1 th r, sehlshew'neXSfwrh.10 h ' and 62 w, r -,, ,., ' . 'members In good standing. Mr. Lox ana family went to see' r i j . . , . w ' v.Y. J.ii Rev. Dr. Rowland and his wife were to go round by Robin Hood's barn to aot imnrj tko nv. ... . Ti..,. pjg B H. Ward and wife went to Svcamore for a day or two. to see relatives. i i ncurrn OSWEGO. The funeral of Miss Susie Ouida Fox was held Saturday afternoon at the Methodist church, of which she was a member. Rev. Mr. Moor, pastor, officiating She was 12 years old. The body was interred at the Oswego cem- etery. The pallbearers were Hermon Didzum, Thomas Elston, Emmett Dunn. Willie Austin, Wesley Haines ua neppeu onipiey. i ne large num- i ber of people present and the many beautiful floral tributes from the school, fraternal orders and friends j testified how much the child was ! Miveu. At the special school meeUng lastjold friends in the Dover neighborhood week a 7-mlll levy was unanimously j this week. voted for the support of the school ! perry Kit miller and wife are hon a during the ensuing year and to pay j for New Year's. off one bond of $500. The present Mrs. Wolf entertained the Morrl . del 6 89 of 016 dl3trlct son family at dinner on Christmas, U 14.000. P. H. Jarisch was also Mrs. Roberts, the Kitzmlller family elected director to fill the vacancy! and Mrs. Bens, Mr. and Mrs. Keith caused by the resignation of E. Waun- anj children. k6M v i Guy Wordle and family spent Mrs. Herbert Nixon, of Dallas, Is Christmas with Joseph Wordie. Twjuug ner parents in Oswego. I 0. Jones, of Bull Run. was visltin friends here last week. Mrs. August Gulgnard and Mrs. Chapman, of Hood River, Or., are vlsitng their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Malrs. , Miss Julia Thompson has a severe case of mumps, and Is at St Vincent's Hospital, in Portland. Miss Martha Jarisch is under the doctor's care on account of poison oak. ELDORADO. ' Dr. Groucher made a professional trip to Liberal Monday. Mr. Storks and Julia Paine were on a little trip to Mullno Monday. Albert Goucher has gone to St. Johns to work. Mesdames Goucher and Noblltt were visiting Mulino friends Friday. Al Jans' new pet goat is boss of that ranch now. Mrs. Helvey is numbered among the sick. A man from Liberal has rented John Paine's ranch. Have you turned that new leaf, dear reader? Don't let It flop back too soon. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Frazler, of Port land, have been guests for a few days of the latter's mother, Mrs. A. James. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels, of Eagle Cliff, Wash., are visiting friends here, friends here. Mrs. Smith's little boy was thrown from a horse last week and quite se verely Injured. We have a buyer'for timber lands and for two ten acre tracts. We have for sale some fine river front properties. Have made some nice additions to our list in last few days. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. 606 IUIN STREET OREGON CITY. Some of the neighbors here were eating fresh, ripe raspberries for Christmas dinner. Dr. and Mrs. Goucher entertained a score of friends for dinner Sunday. GRESHAM. Miss Ruth Brightbill, of Oregon City, was a guest of Mrs. J. N. Fer ris, while on her way to Bull Run to resume her school work. Mrs. Frank McMurray and children are visiting Mrs. McMurray's parents at Damascus. Miss Hattie Fierce spent the holi days with relatives at Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. E. White, of Salem, Or., has been vlsitng Mrs. R. R. Carlson. Miss Katherlne Cox and Miss Jes sie Beard visited relatives in Port land during vacation. Three nights of entertainment will be given In the Methodist Church, be ginning January 4. The Robley Quar tette will entertain on Saturday even ing. Monday evening. Colonel So bleskl, Polish spealyar, will lecture on "Ten Years In the I'nlted States Army," the Meneley Quartette, as sisted by Chester Rickets, impersona tor, will provide the Tuesday even ing's programme. The entertainers are members of a traveling Chautau qua Association, from Chicago. ESTACADA. , Garfield Road District No. 10 vot ed a 5-mill tax Saturday. It Is to be apportioned as follows: 35 per cent to the Tracy neighborhood, 35 per cent to the Wagner neighborhood and 30 per cent on the main road. At its meeting Saturday the Garfield M. Gill, lecturer; Floyd Holder, stew ard; Herman Davis, assistant stew ard; W. H. Holder, secretary; Mrs. - - Nora Looney, treasurer; Mrs. M. K. Irwin, chaplain: Ralph Lemon, gate- JVI , .11 a. MUv . . , - . r o. m.ia ro . . i-,... ... r . I... t-l Lached a? Kowiana preacnea ai Sunday. Dr. the different points on the circuit for his friend, Re; Parnain; . . ... a K T,h 51" ,of stacada ,haa levied a 5-mlll tax for municipal purposes. Born, to the wife of W. R. OatflelJ, December 16, a Mm. DOVER, a. J. Morrison and sons and Mr. Bews and C. A. Keith have been doing 8ome much-needed work on Bear Creek road. George Roberta carried the mall last Tuesday Rev. J. W. Exon began revival vices at Bull Run last Sunday, Joseph DeShayn has a very sick horse. Lee Cooper Is home from Portland for the holidays. The I'n.ipirmva famllr am vUlHntf word wimes that Captain Bran son is not at all well. John Roberts is home for the holi days. GREENWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. Gardener entertained a number of young people in honor s of their ton and daughter, who are home on their vacation. A very en joyable evening was spent with games and music. Delicious refreshments were served. Clarence and Winnie Jane will return to their studies at Pacific University Thursday. D. W. Thomas, of British Columbia, was spending a day with W. H. Jones Monday. Elliot Erlckson has returned home from California, where be took his Brother, Oscar, who Is troubled with rheumatism. Mr. anl Mrs. Erlckson and Hugh Jones took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Gardner on Christmas day. Mr. Knowles has been hired for the second term of school. He has Just finished a very successful term. Two farms have recently changed hands In our neighborhood. C. V. Stokes has sold his farm to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Owens, of Kansas; T. C. Thomas has sold his farm to Mor gan Bros., of Portland. We are glad to give Mr. and Mrs. Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan a warm handshake and welcome to their new homes re gretting the loss of our former neigh bors. Miss Anna Marley spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Baker. Mr. Eastman and son. Harry, are In Portland, attending Mr. Kastman, who has undergone another opera tion. Bert Cummins called on Wm, H. Jones Monday. Now I wish ur readers one and all a very prosperous New Year. BEAVER CREEK. Christmas and New Year's passed by quietly in these parts. Miss Tena Bluhm Is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Muralt and Miss Wilson called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Strong Sunday evening. Several from here attended the masquerade ball at Ctarkes New Year's. Mrs. W. F. Hartnett left last week to visit relatives In British Colum bia. Miss Howard called on Misses Min nie and Tena Bluhm Sunday after nxn. W. F. Harris made a business trip to Portland Monday. Miss Hazel Glnther, of Schubel, Is tendtug Central for II. Hughes. The dance at Mrs. Fred Bluhm's Monday night was a splendid affair. John Howells spent the holidays In Portland. If any one finds a lady's opeufaee. silver watch with Cell on face be tween Beaver Creek and Elyvllle will he or she please send It to owner. Bertha Howard, Oregon City, Or. R. F. D. No. 3, and receive reward. The watch was lost Thanksgiving night. CLARKES. Alfrod Martin and AiiKU&ta Marshall were married and left right after. They will make their home In East ern Oregon. James Iiowell was butchering Mon day. Fred Bower has been taken to the hospital for a course of treatment. Otto Elmer came home to spend his holidays; he will be here three weeks. Mr. Clark has come out to visit Mr. Phillips. Ed Grace Is back from the mines to spend his Christmas. Effle Grace came home last Tues day and after a short visit left again. Lena Puty spent Sunday with Ida Haag. ' Our supervisor Is putting In a new bridge on the Wettlaufer road. Captain Branson and wife have left for home. They came to spend their Christmas In Clarkes. Henry Klelnsmlth went to town on business. Mrs. Shepard left to spend her Christmas with her relatives. John Pick went to town last Mon day on business. EAGLE CREEK. A Happy New Year to all. and may it bring many joys to the many read ers of this paper. Well, the usual time for "turning over a new leaf is here, and If an unusual "rustle" Is heard In this vicinity you may know why. Rev. White preached his farewell ser-fermon 'ast Sunday and will be sue- ceeded by Rev. Devln, of Pendleton. All are invited to hear him Sunday next at the usual hour, 3 o'clock. Spe cial music Is being prepared. Mrs. Mary Young, of Condon, is here visiting her brother, Mr. Egbert Foster, and family. Mrs. Ed Bates, of Portland, spend Sunday with Miss Maggie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Garret and Mrs. Glov er were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Sunday afternoon. JENNINGS LODGE. Mr. and Mrs. Spooner are enter taining their daughter this week. Messrs. Shaw and Cook have wood cutters at work making their timber into stovewood size. The Hart residence is being com pleted, but there seems to be no rush about it. We want a school, and we want it badly. We have 35 children needing education and no school. Who'll help? Miss Linda Welsh, a student at the State University, la spending her holi days with her parents here. New mall boxes are jelng put up on this route. Friends gave George Morse a fare well surprise Saturday. He was pre sented with a handsome rocker. Mr. Slocum la planning to move In to the George Morse property, recently purchased by him. Mrs. Bleckner Is proud over her Christmas presents from a son In Portland a kitchen cabinet and a dining table. Mrs. Hugh Roberts entertained friends from Portland Sunday even ing. Miss Llla Lewis, of Portland, is vis iting her brother and sister here, 0. W. Lewis and Mrs. A. L. Stennett. Mrs. Shaver, who underwent an op eration for cancer at the Good Sa maritan Hospital, Portland, Is very low and friends fear she cannot re cover. Miss Ollle and Ella Rose are visit ing friends here, the guests of their parents. REDLAND. J. J. Bargfeld visited friends in Portland last week. Earl Allen Is on crutches again from the evil effects of an accident to his foot some weeks ago. Owen Simpson and Myrtle Doremus have decided to trot In double harness and were hitched up this week. May the pace prove a merry clip for both. Edward Brock, Jr., and Jackie Lew Is got into a mlxup at school a few days ago and will miss a few recesses la consequence. A. M. Kerchem, working In Eastern Washington, was home to spend Christmas with his family. Mr., and Mrs. Stone had as guesta Christmas their daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Mosher, of Salem. We had a great Christmas at the church, and the young people en Joyed themselves, as usual. Boney'a mill Is being overhauled and being put Into condition for bet ter work than ever before. Miss Cox and Claude Stone were at their respective homes for Christ mas. Mr. Keswell, of Alberta, Canada, is a guest at the home of Mr. Hooper. J Wc can sell you a hand- some sulf that will please you. One-third your life is spent In bed, so why not make the bedroom home like. We can do It for a J little money. Try us. X There is no "break" ? BEST LINE OF V r0n . J V ( '" "! " ) t I MAIN STREET OPP. POSTOFFICE MULINO. Several of our "old girls" are wear ing smiles to think that this is leap year. Good luck, girlies! D. L. Trulllnger la visiting friends In Portland and Yamhill. Trulllnger's mill dam and Adkln's saw logs went out together In the recent freshet. This district has voted a 5-mlll tax for road Improvement. Christmas exercises here were well attended and the entertainment given was very appreciable. Come again, Santa. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniels, of Eagle Cliff, Wash., and Mrs. Minnie Gibson and daughter Ruth, of Salem, are guests at the home of Mrs. Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Skein, of Liberal, and Miss Nade I-e were Sunday guests at J. Trulllnger's. Frank Lee came home from Silver ton, where he Is attending school, to spend the holidays. Ralph Derrick came home with him. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Trulllnger and daughter and Mrs. Iewls, of Wood burn, and Miss Minnie Trulllnger and Mrs. J. D. Ralney and daughter, of Oregon City, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Trulllnger. NEEDY. The children of George Brocart are mump victims. Stella Crlswell la reported as con valescent. Ernest Hltchmen, of Monitor, died Saturday, a victim of consumption. W. O. W. burled him. he being a mem ber of that order. Interment was at Rock Creek. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rltter have as guests Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rue, of Wallapa, Wash. Mrs. Nora Armstrong and daugh ter Nellie, of Portland, visited friends here over the holiday season. CAN BY. Now that Christmas has gone by our people are planning for the mon ey they wish to make In 1908. Adam Knight Is doing much work on the Bridge hill road. Friends of 'Mr. Phegley, an old resi dent, are worrying as to what has become of him. He has been ralsBlng for ten days and it Is feared he may have been waylaid. Mrs. Pebbler Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mtb. John H. Burns. Woodcutters are clearing some land on the Malnwood place. Mr. and Mrs. Hal'iy Phelps were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. Wheeler. RUSSELLVILLE. Miss Myrtle Boyles fonnd a nice gold pen, for which owner will be required to prove up. Mr. Wlngneld still has that lost steer, which is certainly eating his own head off. Our present rains are keeping the grass green and the ground wet and the roads muddy. Our school, under Miss Buckner, Is nearlng Its close. We can sure say a good word for our teacher. I f if ! f if , l at our store except in prices. PAINTS IN AMERICA TOLPOLAR Lumber haulers have gone to the bottom of our roada and that's no Jolly. Wide tires orbuttor roads will need come soon. How the coyote does sing these nights; which has a tendency to make the chickens roost higher and closer together. A New Year's dance Is on the pro gram for New Year'a night, at the borne or Louis Paughnrty. MILWAUKIC. High water shut down the shingle mill; do other damage here. School opened Monday, regardleci of the kick of the small boy. Rah for the old Sellwood cars every 15 minutes. Mtlwaukle Is agali, on the map, and don't you forget It. Mrs. J. U Johnson and Mrs. Hitting pent Sunday with Troutdale frlondi. The Grange held a "family party" Saturday evening, and from the "sounds of revelry at night" there must have been a heap of fun. The young people enjoyed the Christmas exercises at the Evangeli cal church and some of the older children, too. Ths University Graft. Mr. Editor: I notice by the papers that Principal Campbull and other unwise friends of the Oregon Univer sity are beginning to put the machin ery In motion to secure the vote of the State for that enormous annual appropriation of 1125,000. The superlative gall of these people after trying to destroy the referen dum and putting the country to such needless expense and trouble by at tempting to thwart the will of the vot ers on a mere technicality stands without parallel In the history of Im pudence. The people who carried round the petitions asking that a ref erendum vote on that monstrous graft for the University are not likely to forget the contemptible tactics the beneflclaricH of that Institution resort ed to to nullify their labors and de privo the people of their rlfthts and privileges. And they now called up the granges and those who signed the petitions to complete the work they began to Bland by their colors and teach Mr. Campbell and his other wirepullers and they cannot bulldo.e the Independent taxpayers into doing what they do not believe In. The p. pie are deeply Indebted to the Su premo Court of Oregon for standing by their rights and teaching certain pettifoggers, miscalled ludirea. Hint their knowledge of law and sense of Justice are about equal to their love for the taxpayers. Let ub show that we appreciate the efforts of our friends and workers by coin to the polls and polling such a majority against tnis bareraced graft as will open wide the eyes of Judge ( ?) Oal loway and other lime-servers like him. Yours truly, v J. II. FLETCHER. Oregon may be short an Inch in Its rainfall, but it takes something be side our last load of wood to ahow" It. : w it Don't let the buildings go through the rainy season without some protection. We can out sell all com petitors. Stoves, Ranges, f Heaters We can sell you stoves that are fuel-savers and heat generators that will surprise you. Prices al- 4 ways below competitors. We are chopping both ends off all prices. ; OREGON CITY, OREGON ftUsls'a Local Bondsmtn. The Hit of Clarksmas cltlins who signed State Treasurer Btwle's bond. In the sums signed for, Is as follows; K. P. Hands. Clackamas 2500 Franklin T. Griffith. Clackamas.. 6000 E. A. Sommpr. Clackamas 6000 J. IT. Campbell, Clackamas 200 C. O. Huntley, Clackamas 5000 W. A. Huntley, Clackamas 60O0 Grant R. Dlmlrk. Clackamas 6000 H. E. Cross. Clackamas 6000 C. H. Dye, Clackamas 2500 Tom P. Randall. Clackamas..... 5000 T. A. Pope, Clackamas 2500 J. E. Hedges, Clackamas 1500 H. 8. Mount, Clackamas 2,600 W. H. Matioon, Clackamas 6000 Lstt.r List For Week ending January 3, 1908: Women's Ust Harlow, Uilu M.: Stryker. Mrs. H. F.; Smith, Mrs. Lll- llo; Van, Mlns Jennie. Men's List Bacon, -T, A.; Bacon, Ralph; HoRun, Irvln; Harris, II. L : Kellogg, Fred; Rudlck, Wm. Congressman Hawlsy In Bocltty. Washington. Dc, 30. Representa tive and Mrs. Hawley made their first bow to official society In Washngton this evening as dinner guests of Vice President Fairbanks. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Hawley will Imi guests of Mrs. Rmevelt nt a musi cal to bo given at tie White Houso. Hon Killed by 8pllnter. A horse belonging to II. Ttlgelow met with a Urrlbli: death a fw days ago on the Molalla road. Blgelow was driving a four horse team after dark, when one of the animals leapdd In the air and, giving a shrill scream, In a few minutes dropped dead. Mr. Blgv low wat horrMed to find that a sharp pointed plank from the n ad had tilt ed up and siruck the aulma' In the stomach, penetrating nearly through his body, the point being only a few Inches from his back. How the World Grows. In a little more than 100 years, ac cording to Government' figures, the population of the world has grown from 040,000,000 to 1,000,000,000, an In creaso of 150 per cent. At the end of so many hundred centuries, in oth er words, there were In the world In 1800 only 040,000,000 of persons, and In IOC years, from 1800 to 190(1, to this number had been added 900,000,000. The total commerce of the world In 1800 was about one and one-half bil lions of dollars; In 1900 It was more than twenty billions of dollars. Oth er figures show that In wealth and the growth of various Industrial agen cies the Increase has been far swifter than that of population. The overpopulation of the world ta not a present menace to the thinkers of today, but the thinkers of a period when there was less than half as many people in the world as there are now seriously debated the Imminence of the catastrophe that the over crowding of the earth would produce.