Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 27, 1907, Image 7

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In th Circuit Court of the State of :
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Daisy K. nan, Plaintiff, va. Burton G
Hall, DofeudanU i 5 ,
ToliurtoO 0.;Hall, defendant: 5
In Uio tiamfiof the state oT Ore
gon, you are horoby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above otitHUwI ault,
on or before the Slat day of January,
MM, that being the last - day ; pre
scribed In the ordor of publication of
tbla summons, and If you fall to o
appear and answer kitld complaint
tho plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief therein prayed, to-wlt:
a divorce from the marriage existing
betweou you and plaintiff.
This aummona In publlahod In the
Oregon City Kntorpriwn, for sis con-1
ancutlve weWa. by order of Hon.
Titos. A. MeHrlde, Judge of the aaid
Circuit Court, made on the 18th day
of December, 107, the first publica
tion being on the 20th day of Decem
ber, 15)07, 8. 11. HAHItiNOTON,
63 7t Atlornt'y for rialutlff.
Notice of Filing Final Account
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned baa filed hla final account
at administrator of the nutate of Bar
ah W. Forman. deceased, lu the Coun
ty Court of tho State of Oregon, for
the Count- of Clackamaa, and that
the aald Court ha fixed Monday, the
20th day of January. 1908. at 9:30
o'clock A. M In the county court
room In the courthouse, In the City of
Oregon City. County of Clackamaa, a
the time and place for hearing objec
tions thereto and nettling the name.
Administrator of the Eatate of Barah
W. Forman. l)cead. 63-61
Notice of Piling Final Account.
Notice l hereby given that the un
dersigned baa filed bla final account
a administrator de bonua mm of the
estate of George Forman, deceased.
In the County Court of the state of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamaa,
and that the aald Court haa fixed
Monday, the 30th day of January,
f ):30 o'clock A. M., in the
-t --. urtror.ra In the courthouse,
f of Oregon City. County of
. , Btate of Oregon, aa the
ilace for hearing objections
d eettllng the same.
tor de bonua non of the
of George Forman. De
Mot ' VCU:
"i, - lal tchool Masting.
hereby given to tbe legal
votera of School District No. 63, of
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
that a special meeting of aald district j
will be held at the county court room
lo the courthouse at Oregon City, .
Oregon, on Monday, the 30th day of
December, 1907. at 7 o'clock P. M.,
for the following object:
For the purpose of levying a a pe
dal tax for achool purposes.
Dated thla 20th day of December,
Chairman hoard of Dlrectora.
Attest: E. E. DUODIE.
District Clerk. E3t3
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for tbe County of Clacka
maa. In the matter of the guardianship of
Hilda M. Forsberg, Harriet F. Fore
berg and Anna Loralne Foraberg,
Now on this day cornea Martha
Forsberg, guardian of tbe above mi
nora, by her attorney, H. E. Cross,
and files her petition in court, asking
for a license to sell the hereinafter
described property, and respectfully
represents to the Court:
1st That abe Is the legally appoint
ed, qualified and acting guardian of
the said minora.
2d. That the inventory In the above
""'" ,X,w Van? fmm!tl according to law.
the 2fith day of October. 1907, from, r .. .v.. .
hlch It Is made to appear to tho
( ourt that aald minora are the own
rs of the following described proper
r to-wlt: Uitu Three (3). Four (4).
Five (5) and Six (6 In Block Twenty
two (22). and lot Five (5) in Block
Twenty-eight (28) In the town of Bol-
ton, In Clackamas County, Oregon, aa
shown by aaid map now on file and
of record In the County Recorder's
office In and for said County and State,
And that said property has been ap -
praised at the sum of One Thousand
All Kinds
Low Prices
Prompt Service
Stat Press Job Room
t0 Hundred and Fifty (11,260.00)
Dollar. j- .,
3d. That '.aid minora at the present
time, reside with their mother. this
potltoner, upon the property above
described but have no income from
the aame for their support and main
tenance, and that said minora have
no other Income from any source
whatever. '
And it appearing to the satlsfao
tlon of the Court from such petition,
and from the facta and circumstances
therein sot forth, that It li neressary
and would bo beneficial to iiald warda
that all of said real estate be Hold,
and that the proceed be put out on
Interest or invested for the benefit of,
said wards. And the Court being of
the opinion that a larger income will
accrue to their said estate by reason
of the oale and Investment of the
proceeds thereof,
It la therefore ordered, adjudged
and decreed that the next of kin of
aald warda and all peraona Interested
In their eatate appear In ihla court
on Monday, the 13th day of January,
A. n. 1908, at the hour of ten o'clock
A. M,, Ui then and there show cause,
If any they have, why aald license of
(ale ahould not be granted, aa afore
aald. It ta further ordered that a copy of
thla order be published In the Oregon
City Enterprise for three successive
weeks before the hearing of aald pe-
tit Ion
Dated 16th day of December. 1907.
County Judge.
Attests F. W. GRERNMAN. Clerk.
It. E. Cross, Attorney for Guard
Ian, 63t3
Notlct of Final Settlement. I
la tho County Court of the State of j
Oregon, for the County of Clacka-j
mas. i
In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur j
L. Albright. Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un-
.1 ...... I .. n .. aJMUl.lMn. ' Ik M.
tate of Arthur U Albright, deceased, j
has filed In the above entitled court
bis ftnsl account as such admlnlstra-
tor. and that the said court has fixed j
Monday, the 27th day of January, 1908,
at the hour of 10 o'clock In tbe fore-
noon of said day. at the courtroom of
said court, In Oregon City, In said
Clackamas County, aa the time and
place for hearing objections to said
final account.
Administrator of the Estate of Ar
thur L. Albright, Deceased.
First publication December 27,
1907. 6415
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, executor of the estate of
Mary A. LaMar, deceased, baa filed '
his final report In aald estate In the!
County Court of the State of Oregon,
fur the fount r of flnrkamift. Thai
court thereupon fixed Monday, the j
3d dav of February. A. D". 1908. at the !
hour of ten o'clock A. M.. aa tbe day
and time for the hearing of objec
tlona to aald report and for the eet
tlement of said estate.
IL E. CROSS. Executor.
Oregon City, December 22d. 1907.
0 Executor a Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned haa been duly appointed
by the County Court of Clackamas
county, uregrm, executor or we ia Adv.Btur -f Ex-Crew Prlneess
will and testament of David W. James, uIm !-.,. t..iii
late of Beaver Creek Precinct. County U.M,'"' "7 8'9"9r' To1,IU- .
of Clackamaa. State of Oregon. All Th blatorT royalty furnishes few
persons having claims against the that of the ex-Crown Prtn
said estate are hereby notified to file j Loulae of Saxony, who recently
the same, duly verified according to
law, within six months from date of
tbla notice, with my attorney, C. H.
Dye, 601 Main St, Oregon City, Ore
gon, that same may be duly audited
Dated thla 27th day of December,
64 tS Executor aa Aforesaid.
Bsautlful Holly Tress.
That are covered with pretty red
beads the children ask about; these
I have been grafted and are the best
; to be had; easily transplanted. Ask
. about them soon as It takes years to
j grow them and the number Is limited.
5U2 Nurseryman, Oregon City.
atici '
Will Teddy Go
He Went Down In tub
marina, and the Army
Balloon May Yet Al
lure Him Aloft.
LITTLE more than a year ago
Trealdent Roosevelt created
something of a aenaatlon by
taking a trip lo a naval sub
marine vessel beneath the watera of
Loug laland sound. There was nat
urally some anxiety aa to what might
befall the chief magistrate of tbe na- (
ttoii down in tbe water's depths, but it
was alight aa compared with what
would be felt should the atrenuous
head of tbe government take a trip In
tbe clouda to test tbe value of air navi
gation for military end naval purposes.
There baa been talk in Washington
that the president might favor the ar
my aeronauts as be did the naval sub
marine men if congress decides on the
creation of a war fleet for the air.
Premier' Cleraencean of France and
tbe mlnlater of war recently made an
ascension In a government balloon. Ex
perts who have vlalted Europe and ob-
i served what Great Britain, France and
1 Germany are doing In tbla direction
! aay that theUnIted States la far be
j bind other countries in tbe matter of
1 applying air navigation to warfare,
i The Importance of the United Statea
keeping op wltb the procession In tbe
matter of aerial science aa connected
with warfare waa emphasized at tbe
! International aeronautical congress,
I which met In New York at the conclu-
f tbe aerial carnival at St Loula
Prominent among the apeakera at
thla congress were members of the
United States army who bave given
apecLs! atudy to aeronautlca. One of
these, Major George O. Squires, who
baa bad charge of tbe government bal
loon experiments at Fort Leavenworth,
Kan., aald: The auccess of aerial nav- j
lgatlon baa been established, and tbe j
success of aerial navigation means the 1
Introduction of new and radical meth
ods !a warfare, extended poaslbllltlea
of producing decisive results by strate
gic movements against untenable po
sitions rather than by loss of human j
life. It means tbe ultimate passing ;
away of warfare la the present sense
and the eventual dawn of the era of
peace." '
The big government batloon United
Statea, piloted by Msjor Henry B.
Ilentey, who went to Spitsbergen wltb
Wellman, expecting to tail from there
for the pole by tbe air route, waa
among tbe balloons which sailed in
tbe contest for tbe James Gordon Ben
nett cap. It lsnded In Canada. Cap-1
tain Charles DeForest Chandler was i
another army aeronaut who competed
for the cup, and it waa be who sailed
' the balloon America from St. Louis
to .West Virginia in tbe race for" the
wedded the Italian teacher and com
poser of music, Blgnor Enrico Tosetll,
... ' " .
hf- .,A-'V--Av!
i . -
5 I
i V;.v
- w ... i, ' ' - - i ' .1
- 4.
in London. SIguora Toaelll might have
been a queen now had ber domestic
relations at the Saxon court been to
her taste. But she and the crown
prince, now King Frederick, did not
agree, and a little less than five years
ago she fled from the palace under the
escort of hor brother, tbe Archduke
, Leopold Ferdinand. At Geneva, Swit
zerland, she Joined tho young French
tutor, Glron, who had been taken Into
her husband's service the previous'
summer. The crown prince got a
divorce, and shortly after the decree
bad been Issued a girl was born to the
crown princess, the Trincess Anne
Monica Pla. The affair with Glron
did not last. He went to Brussels,
where be is now bank clerk.
About a year ago the former crown
princess was presented to Slguor To
aelll at the Villa Montnuto, In Florence,
and their acquaintance soon developed
into more than simple friendship. 1 '
Last July, after Surmounting many
obstacles, the couple left Florence
quietly in an automobile one day, took
a train at a small station and Were
Up In the Air?
Brigadier General Jam Al
t len. Who la Planning a
fleet of Fighting Air
I ahipa For Uncle Sam.
Lahrn cup. The achlevementa of Ma
jor Heraey and Captain Chandler In
tbe international con testa were highly
pleasing to Brigadier General James
Allen, chief of tbe United States army
algnul corps, who baa aupervlaion of
the aeronautical exDerlments of tbe
grmy. He bopea for an appropriation
of $200,000 from congress for tbe aero
nautical work, and Secretary Taft is
understood to favor aucb action. Gen
eral Allen baa studied every type of
balloon and flying machine and tblnka
that tbe dirigible balloons wltb cigar
shaped gaa baga offer the best oppor
tunities at present for achieving prac
tical results In connection with war
fare. '
General Allen, who first won fame
aa press censor at Key West during
the Bpanlsb-Amerlcau war, graduated
from West Point in 1S72 and spent
three years wltb tbe Third cavalry in
Wyoming. He was then' detached for
signal service and remained lu that
branch of the army until 1878. He
aaw service later in New Mexico and
Indian Territory and en the staffs of
Generals Mllea, Ruger and Merrltt, be
sides being an instructor at West
Point for several years. He succeeded
General Greely as chief signal officer
In 1004. Fort Omaha is balloon bead-
Quarters for the ariuy. and Instruction
In military aeronautics will be given
at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
soon on the4r way to London. There
they encountered difficulties on account
of the Insistence of the authorltlea that
the divorce certificate be produced be
fore a marriage ceremony waa per
formed. Obstacles were at laat re
moved, and they were married at the
registry office, a witness being tbe
noted author, William Le Queux.-
Word Derivations.
'Disaster" Is an astrological term
meaning "unfavorable star," one of the
many words that astrology has be
queathed to tbe English language.
"Predominant." "ill Btarred," "In the
ascendant" are other instances, not
to apeak of the expression "My stars T'
Even "influence" la really astrological,
algnifying the flowing In upon human
affairs of tbe power of some heavenly
body. "Petrel" and "petrol" both de
scend from "petra." a rock. "Petrol'
cornea directly enough through "petro
leum," rock oil, but "petrel" through
St Peter, after whom tbe bird waa
named because it appeared to walk
upon the waves.
Ths Wheelbarrow.
Tbe farmer's son looked np from tbe
sporting page.
"By heck." he said. "I wish we had
one o' them there hosslesa carriages."
"We have," returned the farmer,
"and now that you mention It you
might Jest as veil git it and fetch op
a load o' turnips from the three acre
lot New Orleans Times-Democrat
"Henry Is a brave man. The other
night bis wife thought she beard
burglar." 4.
"And he went down?"
, "No. He had the courage to tell her
be was afraid." Circle.
I The Turning of the Worm.
Mollle I wish you were more like
Mr. Simpson. Coddle My dear, If I
were more like Mr. Simpson, I should
have married a woman more like Mrs.
Simpson. St Loula Post-Dispatch.
An Index.
Knicker What Is tlfeir social stand
ing? Bocker Do they call It a barn,
stable or garage? New York Sun.
Litigation is a process by which nt
test we win a cat tnd lose a cow.
Chinese Proverb.
"Why are you so extremely solicitous
about the preservation of trees?" ask
ed the art expert.
"Well," answered the man whose
tastes in sculpture are somewhat re
stricted, "it seems to me that trees are
frequently very desirable things for
itatuary to hide behind." Washington
Cm j
Real Eaterte,
Loana, lnaurance
Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufieid Eldg., Main and Bpn Sis
Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties.
Real Eatate, lnaurance and Loan a.
Office Upstairs, first building sou th of Courthouse.
W. 6. U'REN
Will practice la all courts, make collections and settlements of estates Faratac
abstract oi title, lend yon money on first mortgsge. Office is EHTEgf BEE
Buildiag, Oregon City, Oregon.
J. E
1m M
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
A Crisis and a Craze.
There are two forces which cause
gaodern England to move a crisis aad
craze. It la rar less necessary to ao
something that Is great now in thla
country than It la to do something that
vlll attract the attention of a great
many. Tbe circumstances mignt nave
bad a curious effect on tbe celebrated
of the past could they bave delayed ex
isting until now. For instance, Shake
speare today would probably have had
to attempt to swim the channel to sus
tain the attention of playgoers, Crom
well might have found it advisable to
take tripe In a "navigable balloon" to
keep himself before tbe general public,
Garrick might bave elected to descend
from tbe aklea in a parachute to adver
tise himself satisfactorily, and It might
have been necessary for the beautiful
Ducbesa of Devonshire, to maintain
her social reputation, to figure occa
alonally in tbe divorce court Motor
accidents, thefts of Jewelry and of
other property. Area and civil and crim
inal actions are, of course, more impor
tant elements In the building np and
maintaining of a "reputation" among
as now than la mere excellence. Lon
don Troth.
Explosion by Musio.
One of the most dangerous of all ex
plosives is a black powder called iodide
of nitrogen. When It la dry the slight
est touch will often cause It to explode
with great violence. There appears to
be a certain rate of vibration which
thla compound cannot resist In ex
periments to determine tbe cause of
Its extreme exploaiveneas some damp
Iodide of nitrogen was rubbed on the
strings of a bass vioL It la known
that the strings of such an Instrument
will vibrate when those of a aim liar
Instrument having an equal tension are
played upon. In this case, after tbe
explosive bad become thoroughly dry
upon the strings, another bass viol was
brought near and the strings sounded.
At a certain note the iodide of nitro
gen on the prepared Instrument ex
ploded. It was found that tbe explo
aloa occurred only when a rate of vi
bration of alxty a second was com
munlcated to tbe prepared strings. Vi
bration of the G string caused an ex
plosion, while that of the E string had
no effect Chicago Record-Herald.
Everything In Proportion.
For many weeka the irritable mer
chant had been riveted to bla bed by
typhoid fever. Now be was convales
cing. He clamored for something to
eat declaring that he was starving.
"Tomorrow you may have something
to eat" promised the doctor. The mer
chant realized that there would be a
restraint to bis appetite, yet be saw in
vision a modest steaming meal placed
at his bedside.
"Here is your dinner," said tbe nurse
next day as she gave the glowering pa
tlent a spoonful of tapioca pudding,
"and tbe doctor emphasizes that every-
thing else you do must be In the same
Two hours later tbe nurse beard
frantic call from tbe bedchamber.
"Nurse," breathed the man Ueavlly,
"I want to do some reading. Bring me
a postage stamp.' Harper's Weekly.
Fores of a Cyclone.
Careful estimate of the force of
cyclone and the energy fequlred to
keep a hurricane in active operation
reveals the presence of a power that
makes the mightiest efforts of man
appear us uotblng In comparison. A
force equal to more than 400,000,000
hortsepower Was estlmate4 as develop
ed In a West Indian cyclone. This
greutly exceeds the power thy could
be developed by all the means Within
the range of man's capabilities. Were
steam, water, windmills and tbe
strength of all men and animals com
bined they could not even approach
the tremendous force of this mighty
power. Chicago Journal.
Dgresi of Pity.
The Bachelor-Don't yon pity us old
Young Widow-Yes. but I don't sup
pose I pity you ns much as th old
maids do.-Cblcaxo News.
Main Btreet,
W. H. 8ILCOX, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant
Best Service and Accommodationa
Main St, Opp. suspension Bridge
Justice of the Peace.
Office is Jagger Building, Oregon City
Oregon City, ...... Orsgem.
WIU practice la all courts of the state
Office Id Caufieid Building.
Money loaned, abstracts furnished, laai
tiles examined, estates settled, gtaaral
law business transected.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Choice Cigars and Tobaccos,
Ice-Cold Hop Gold Beer,
High Grade Bottled Whls
. keys and Wines.
Unapps, Nobel
Hecfeel & England
The Hub Saloon has changed
hands, Carlson & Block sel
ling out to Heckel & England.
W. S. EDDY, V. S M.D.Y.
Graduate of tbe Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto. Caaada,
and ! tbe McKillip School of
Surgery of Chics go, has located
at Oregon City and established an
office at Tbe Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
Farmers' 131 Maa 1311
Strictly in accordance with the
Pure Food Law.
417 Main St. - Oregon City
Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau
lic Rams a Specialty.
Phone 2682.
Oregon City, . Oregon.