Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 27, 1907, Image 4

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Oregon Gty Enterprise
Published Ivtry Friday.; ,
Katered at Oregon City, Or Poet
office at second class matter.
Suascrlatien Rates:
Oa Tear
tlx Months 75
Trial subscription, two months.. .IS
Subscribers wtll Bad the date of ex-
KlratWa stasaped oi their papers fol
iwlag their nasie. If last payment la
not credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention.
Seventy-one men have been shot
for deer in Wisconsin during 1907.
There are 71 who know something of
how the deer feels.
Treasurer Steele's friends worked
hard in Clackamas county to secure
..new bond for him, and were success
ful. In view of the erratic actions of
the past, men who refused to sign
cannot be censured, however.
One exchange says that dressed
pork is selling In that town for 7
cents a pound. To which a brother
editor adds, facetiously, . "There's
considerable 'dressed pork' In every
town in Oregon that you can't sell at
any price."
In the panic of 1S57 Henry Ward
Beecher said to those who were
hoarding their money and curtailing
their expenses in every way: "Keep
your carriages and horses and coach
men; you have money spend some of
It You can't take It with you when
you die, and if you did it would melt."
The state. In France, Is forcing the
church to give up property not neces
sary to or used for the purposes of
public worship. Oregonians should
apply this rule to the Southern Pacific
Railway Co. Put an annual tax of
a dollar an acre on available lands the
company refuses to sell and see how
quickly it will come into market
About two thousand years ago
rv ire arose a great teacher who said
t it when you did your alms you
-:. mid do it la secret, not letting your
: : hand know what your right hand
tJ doing. But we do it different in
1 7 we bring our alms to the plat
& . a with great pride while the choir
j "'-3 a specially prepared cantata.
VI those who are giving thought to
'ti- subject of good roads will be In
sted In resolutions passed at the
recent annual meeting of the Na
tional Grange favoring the enactment
by Congress of legislation making lib
eral appropriations for the improve
ment of public highways. The Na
tlonal Grange, with its membership of
nearly 1,000,000, proposes to make an
i Jve campaign along this line.
The fly in the ointment has finally
icme to the surface. Chancellor Day's
!. tred to President Roosevelt is from
. rsonal grounds. A nephew of the
rumcellor was dismissed the service
iu the infantry because of his many
crooked deeds, and Day practically de
manded that Roosevelt pardon and re
instate the young man. Roosevelt's
refusal led to the Day attacks. His
actions are natural to a man with a
small soul.
There are a whole lot of people who
are constantly crying for Justice who
would be In Jail If they got It.
Brownsville Times.
$165 Diamond given awoy
March I.
For every tooth extracted
and with eac.i and every
dollar's worth of dental
work you get of us a coupon
will be given which entitles
you to one chan :e on our
Diamond Ring.
We are doing this to ad
vertise our methods in den
TTr it I I 1
J "ieinuu 01 pamiess extracting ai me usual price oi OU cents per tooth has done its
w stantly increasin? patron; ee. WE SET THE PACE in Crown and Bridge work-
T per tooth. Every piece of
We are competent to do our
office without the least inconvenience.
50c, EXTRACTING 50c.
Guess again, brother. If we had
Justice we would have no Jails. Jails
are a relict of barbarism; a testimony
to the fact that we are hundreds .of
years behind the times in our treat
ment of the erring. No wonder Jesus
wept over Jerusalem when he saw
the treatment accorded the poor. He
would likely weep today over the
treatment we mete out to those who
err. There is a better way, but we
are too busy these days laying up
treasures on earth to think of the
"under dog."
State Senator Milt Milter Is quoted
as saying that if the question were
; put to a vote Oregon as a State would
go dry. He further predicts that the
liquor traffic will be abolished from
the entire United States within ten
I years.
wmsKey is one or itvoao imngs you
can t stamp out. The more you at
tempt to force the Issue the more cer
tain it is to rebound as quick as you
remove the pressure. Present , plans
for ending the liquor traffic are all
of the "force" order; these will never
win, and stay won. The Golden Rule
Is the only solution to the evil, and
as there Is no personal glory in that
kind of a battle we may not hope to
see it taken up from that side of the
controversy for some time yet; and
its end will not come until such time
as the fight is carried on along those
If you draw the pendulum to the
right or to, the left of the strongest
point of gravitation it will at once
seek "its level." This is as true in
things moral as things material. And
If drawn to a considerable degree
to right or left it will not stop at the
center on its return, but will continue
on past to a point but a few degrees
short of the same extreme on the oth
er side. This Is also true morally.
A few years ago the people were
crying for protection from the cor
porations. Now the corporations are
begging for protection from the peo
ple. The pendulum has swung to the
other side. And what a holler the
"interests" are putting up when it
comes their turn to "take the horn."
This is a funny world; and about the
funniest people in It are the people
who get rich at the other fellow's ex
pense. They are very optomlstic as
long as they reap blessings, but let
the pendulum swing to the other side,
and the rain bring roses to the other
fellow and thorns and thistles to
them and their faces get as long as
the moral law. The people are ex
pected to smile even through advers
ity for a sad countenance so depres
ses a moral shark; but when it comes
their turn to "pay as they go" it is
a moral crime to chide them for sad
ness. But the pendulum Is certain to cross
the line on time, and if the "interests"
will bow thistles they cannot expect
to reap roses.
A circular letter issued by the
Portland Commercial Club contains
the following; ,
"Portland is particularly proud of
the fact that she was first among the
one hundred leading cities of the
United States to pay every demand
made upon her In coin, and from the
Drst moment since the 'lid was lifted
Monday, December 16, the amount of
gold in each of the banks has con
stantly increased and now it is pour
ing In at the rate of $100,000 a day. I
We believe in giving the Devil his
due and his whole due, and his due
on both sides of the fence. We doubt
not that the above paragraph Is true,
but It does not express the whole
truth. And, "as the worst is over," as
piEnunEiriiN n
'J'HAT we have succeeded in our ambition
is attested by our constantly increasing
patronage by Oregon City's best families. CaU
at our office and let us make you a price on
your dental work before you contract with
come other dentist at the high prices usually charged people in Oregon City.
. We are equipped to do all branches of dentistry. Our workmanship is
the best obtainable; our prices are right and just the same as at our Portland
. . . . I f m-
den ai work done at this office is
own work; we employ no one.
When other dentists have failed, come in and let's talk the situation over and we
can convince you that our flexible plates are the best on earth. We guarantee them to
fit. Our prices for these plates are not so high as many other dentists charge for the
old style rubber plates. ; .
We hold a certificate from the State Board of Dental Examiners.
we believe, it may do no injury to
now tell the whole truth. , -
The Portland banks were the first
la the West to got the "shivers," It
was they who first run to the Gover
nor and importuned him for holidays.
And in their impertinence they talked
of the move as a step towards protect
ing the country banks. It was not
the country banks that needed protec
tion, but the banks of Portland. And
this Is not all It la doubtful if the
Portland banks were In shape to care
for themselves had their Eastern
balances not been impaired, Port
land, with all Ha bra and bluster,
had got itself Into a hole, and needed
time to patch up the rent in Its finan
cial blanket.
But now. that the clouds have rolled
away, it begins to talk loudly of Its
present con d I ton, and In a tone that
would lead one to think It had not
Just emorged from the "sick" class
that the sickness had been In the
country around and had never
"teched me."
Preferably possum should be cooked
over a wood fire in a log cabin and sea
soned with the odorous blue smoke of
hickory and ash as the lid of the
oven is lifted now and again to give
a glimpse of the promised viand to
those who watt with whetted appetlto
for the coming feast. With the pos
sum and taters there should be served
either the ordluary Kentucky corn
pone If such an adjective may be not
improperly applied to anything so rare
-or the Olympian crackllu' bread of
the hog killing season. Iu Justice to
the possum It must be said that nei
ther corn pone nor crackling bread Is
necessary, but It serves well not only
to mop up the gravy, but also to pre
vent the poesum and the yams from
melting in the mouth' too rapidly for
the flavor to be enjoyed In the fullest
The finest possums on earth are found
In the woodlands of the Pennyrlle dis
trict of Kentucky, and they reach per
fection about the time the perfumed
pawpaw becomes so ripe that It falls
from the parent stem and reposes' in
all of its golden beauty In the orange
tinted leaves that the earth has first
claimed as tribute from the trees for
her enrichment Louisville Courier
JournaL American Tamptramant and Art
The majority of the men and women
who gave American life Its form and
direction were not tbe children of an
artistic race, though they were the
heirs of a great literature. They de
scended from a people who have never
pursued art as an end and whose first
Instinctive expression In meeting great
experiences has never been artistic,
bnt who have never divorced action
from vision nor failed In the long run
to match power In action with some
kind of beauty In speech. From its
English ancestry the country has In
herited an ingrained and Ineffaceable
Idealism of nature, which enormous
tasks and hitherto Incredible prosper
ity have at times smothered and blight
ed, but never destroyed. From other
racea have come richer temperament
quicker sensibilities, craving for Joy
and love of beauty for its own sake,
which have already Immensely enrich
ed American art and are subeolllng
American life. Hamilton Mable In At
lantic. Ths Wettest Trade.
The lot of the Ceylon pearl diver Is
not an easy one. Stones are suspended
on a running rope over an outrigger
projected from the boat's side in such
K convenient position as to allow the
. t .
done by a dental college graduate of ten years' experience.
Nervous people can have
Over Harding's Drug Store, 7
Main Street, OREGON CITY, ORE. X
diver to place' one foot within a loop
affixed to tbe stone. The diver, having
placed himself with one foot On the
stone,"wlth a net around his neck to
hold oysters, draws In hla breath,
closes the nostrils with one hand and
raises his body to give force to tbe
descent The manduck (or divert at
tendant), tn charge of tbe stone and
acta, lets go, and tbe diver rapidly
reaches the bottom, leaves the stone,
which the manduck Instantly haul np
and reflxeo, throws himself cu the
ground, creeping along, and fills hla
net with oysters. This done, he Jerks
the rope, which is pulled up by .the
manduck In charge, and the content!
of the net are discharged Into the boat
The diver meanwhile rises to the sur
face. Ceylon Manual.
rtewa br In Caotus Center we have a4
a hot debate
On reTormln' of our monr so enough will
will '
It was started br Rear Hawkins, who
lowea iwu mi peuei
That brass checks that railed for Itkker
would bring quirk and sure relief. ,
Old Lone Star Thomas argued from the
old and silver side.
And the talk got kinder heated, tilt the '
barkeep runs to hide;
Then the lead begins to aratter, and we
aldnetepped atrayln' shot,
While the ablpfeodled chipped tn Joet to
keep the trouble hot
So we argued for aoma minutes, and we ;
laid out Chlneee John '
(Some one aald a "pro." had done It and '
attll others said a "con."), I
But we seed It warn't settled and a gun -
play was no uae.
Bo Pecos Johnson calls us underneath a .
flag of truce.
"It's plain." aald Tecoa. amoothtlke, as we
tucked our guns away.
"That a compromise, good townsfolk, la
the way to save tke day.
Bo let's appeal to congreea with our pens
and with our Hps
Te stretch our Irgal tender With a lot
more poker chlpe!"
Denver Republican,
In Luck.
The Stranded Aeronaut Well, there's
some good In the old fssbloned tele
graph system still, any way. Pele Male.
Business Instinct
Tbe sexton of a awell colored church
In Richmond was closing the windows
one blustery Sunday morning durtug
service when he wss beckoned to the
side of a young negreea. the widow of
a certain Thomas.
"Why Is yo' sbettiD' dose winders.
Mr. Jones?" she demanded In a hoarse
whisper. "Ie air la die cbnrch Is auf- j
f oca tin' now!"
"It's de minister's orders," replied
the sexton obstinately. "It's a cold
day. Mis' Thomas, atr we ain't goln'
to take no chance ea losin' any o' de
lambs of dls fold while dere'a a big
debt overbangln' dls ehuTeh." Har
per's Weekly.
part in building up our con.
Our recular orice 5s $5.00
their teeth attended to at this
In Days ef Old, When the ttate Had
a Troploal Cllnwte.
That tbe whole of Interior Oregon
was eure the bed of the Pacific ocean
has been proved beyond question by
the Inrestliratlous of Professor Them
is Condon, Dr. Plller and other noted
geologists. That the region was later
tropical country has beeo equally
well established,
Numerous discoveries of the bones
of animals and rocks containing the
perfect Imprint of the plants of tbe
tropica hare been made, and It Is no
longer an occasion for surprise when
well digger or Irrigation exeats tore
unearth the fossil remains of a camel
or a broad faeed ox,
Within recent years many fossil beds
of beautiful palm leaves have beeu
found In eastern Oregon.
The Cascade hills, Illue mountains
and Owyhoea, once Islands surrounded
by tropical lakes, were covered with
luxuriant growth, forests and flower
ing shrubs, for Knowlton tolls us the
magnolia and cinnamon and flg trees
were there.
Today the soil presents a finely
ground mixture of basalt and volcaulc
aah. containing the elements of most
fertile soil, and when properly w stor
ed producing enormous crops of vege
tables, fruits and grains common to
temperate Bones.
Tbe climate has been changed, saya
Professor Condon, by tbe npfoldtng of
the Cascade' range, abutting off from
the Interior the so ft cuing Influence of
the Japan current and the drift of
ocean fogs and cloud. Sunset Msga
sine. Camera Msda Baa Rsllafs.
Carlos Hacwe, an Italian civil engi
neer, hsa originate! a method by which
bas-reliefs of the face may be obtain
ed through the camera which look as
though they were photographs of sculp
tures. The basic Idea behind tbe pho
tosculpture Is that fact well known to
photographers thst a plate of gelatin,
aensltlsed with bichromate, will awelt
In water and that it loses this property
tn proportion to the amount of light
which la permitted to strike IL Signer
Basse therefore projects tbe photo
graph upon such a Dim through two
other plates, which are necessary to
secure the proper Illumination of tbe
face. Klrst be throws a powerful light
upon the salient parts of tbe face snd
procures a negative. Then be casta tbe
light npon the remoter parts of the
countenance and obtains a positive.
These platea, positive and negative, are
placed together, and the light panning
through them strikes the sensitised
gelatin plate, and the bas-relta'f la the
Msgaiine For ths Daaf.
Although tbe Albion, a twenty-four
page magasine for tbe deaf. Is now o
the streets of Indon, no newsboys
are crying its merit. The magasine is
owned by deaf men and women, con
ducted by a deaf mute editor, written
by deaf writers. Illustrated by deaf
artists and aold by deaf canvasser In
the Interests of the deaf community.
Ita editor Is Evan Yellon, who was a
factory band and who la self educat
ed. "The Idea of k new venture." Mr.
Yellon ssld, "Is to provide a special
magasine for a special public hither
to neglected by the general press, so
far as Its particular needs go, to bring
Into touch and fellowship the scatter
ed units of the 120,000 or more deaf man
and women in England and Wales, to
protect them by means of co-operation
against quacks add frauds and to as
sist them In obtaining suitable employ
ment snd remedies for deafnesa."
The Antiqu She Bought
In Cologne a few blocks from' tbe
great cathedral there is a little shop
where one may buy old books, prints
snd curios of all klnda. An American
tourist and his daughter bought somo
trinkets there a few months ago and
were leaving the place when a little,
apparently antique crucifix attractod
the attention of the girl. She ex
amined It, found that it was bronco,
somewhat corroded, and wus told that
it was "very old." The emblem was
purchased and brought homo with
other souvenirs of the voyage, and last
week the evidences of antiquity were
removed when the bronze was polish
ed. The owners were surprised to
find on the rcverso side, scratched
with a sharp point, "8. C." and parts
of another Indistinguishable letter and
under Hiose the words, "New York."
New York Tribune.
Guests Fix the Prio.
v According to a publication devoted
to the Interests of hotel keopers, a nov
el scheme U to be tried by a bonlface
who, to quote his advertisement, poa
sesses "a house of the first order
modern comforts, central heating, ex
quisite French cooking, superb view."
The proprietor will fix no prices ei
ther for the rooms or meals, and vis
ltors only have to call at the office be
fore their departure and pay "accord
ing to their Judgment, conscience and
sense of equity."
The new scheme will have a year's
trial-London Coblo to New York
Hoarding Gold In Egypt.
Lord Cromer In a recent speech In
London dealt with the question of the
Imports of gold Into Egypt, some
2,000,000 of which was annually con
verted Into Jewelry. He Illustrated
the practice of hoarding which prevails
tn Egypt by a curious anecdote of a
substantial yeoman ' who recently
bought an estate for 25.000 ($125,000)
and half an hour after signing the con
tract brought a train of donkeys bear
ing on their backs the entire sum In
coin, which hiid bn burled Id his gar
den. ' i
J : . v - 7 v
The average pig fields li pounds
of pork.
, Tbe sale of women's gloves outnum
bers that of men's seveuteen to one,
Librarians say that people read mom
In November than In any other month.
Two locomotive engines could pass
each other In any on of the four fuo
nels of the new ocean liner, the Msure
taula. Officer at naval recruiting stations
ssy thst, as a rule, If three or more
chums apply to enlist and one falls to
pass the examination the others back
ProfesMor Puuiuel U. Cook, instructor
in a high school iu Kant 8t, Louis, dis
covered that but six out of e'aven were
able to spall President Roosevtlt'i
A serious problem for the people of
Canada to solve Is the fuel supply of
tbe future, No coal of suy kind hsa
ever been discovered in Ontario. Id
the older part of the province tbe tim
ber la practically exhausted.
The Tllton (N. H.I firemen got their
first belt alarm recently for thirteen
mouths. The fire wss In the Tllton
se.nlnnry and waa put out with a baud
extinguisher. Tbe last bell alarm In
this village wss Kept 30, llMXl.
A womsn In Jasper comity, Mo., took
delltMtrata aim at a hnunxmt robber
and killed two of her chickens. Tbe
robber escaped.
Genera! Watts, the famous tbree-yesr-old
trotter, chaws tobacco, a bablt
be learned from his groom. Ths bora
hss a good stomach snd usually Ilea
dowu after eating. "
A man went Into a Hnx'kton (Mum.)
restaurant recently and ld hi stom
ach wss out of condition and be want
ed a light breakfast He ordered hot ,
frankfurters snd with It potato salad
that ba t stood on Ice sll night
A rooster stolen from Itlchsrd P.
Bliss of Cleveland crowed ao lustily
that a policeman was aroused, who
chased tbe thief a mile before be was
captured. In the fight the thief used
tbe rooster as a club on the officer, and
tbe bird was nearly stripped of Ita
f tatbem.
lllshop D. A. Goodsell of tbe Meth
odist Episcopal church I aald to be
the lrget churebmau lo tbe world.
II welgha pouud. Once In a
atreet car iu I'aterson, N, J., h got
up to give a lady a seat, and three
men and two women, the latter with
market baskets, occupied the apace he
, Chrystal Hern is soon to appear tn
a serious drama.
Nat C. Goodwin ssys thst good plays
are desperately bird to obtain.
Clyde Fitch Is at work on a new play
for Grace George for next season.
William Trsvers, who I the husband
of Blanche Walsh, I also a uiemlwr of
htr company.
Couauelo Ilatiey Is In tbe cast of
The Toymaker of Nuremlierg" at tha
Garrlck theater. New York.
There are over lx) persons In thecsst
of 'The Iloudmsn." Hall Calne's fa
mous play, In which Wilton Lackaye
Is starring.
Eugene Jepson, who made a bit Iu
"Just Out of College," Is playing lu
vaudeville in a sketch by George Ade
called "Tbe Mayor and the Manicure."
A pouudT cheese U equal In food
value to two pound of beef and la
generally cheaper.
A slight grating of cheese improves
almost any dish such as poached eggs,
roast potatoes, mushed potutoes and
cream toast.
The difficulty of digesting cheese Is
lesseued if It Is cooked or served bro
ken up or grated. A small pinch of bl
curtxmute of soda is sometimes added
to assist dlgesllou.
For a tomato and cheese sulud, which
Is quickly prepared, cut tlio tomatoes
in thick slices; sprlukle each slice with
a little freshly minced Bermuda oulon
and tbe same amount of grated cheese.
Berve with French or mayonnaise
No one Is content, because no on
Is content to die.
Being a good fellow has cost inuuy
a man a good Job.
You can never Judge from' the size
of tlio quarrel the value of the thing
qunrreled over.
How easy It Is to put a fnlne story
In circulation! Don't assist mischiev
ous and unreliable people.
What an uncommonly fine article of
common sense a man has the day aft
er ho bua made a fool of himself.
When an elderly woman begins a
couvorsutlon by saying, "I raised ray
children without help," it is an intima
tion that she la tired taking care of
iraudchlldreu.-Atchlson Globe.
New York City.
New York city has added 804 families
to Its population during the last month.
It Is estimated that tho metropolitan
district of New York city now contains
0,200,000 persons.
Paved streets of New York city are
long enough to reach from the Atlantic
ocean to IMko's peak.
It eoH'f nearly aa much toJay the
salaries of the municipal servants of
New York city as It does to support the
entire army of the United States. The
salaries amount close to $70,000,000 annually.-
New York IleraLL