OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1907. O NEWS Of5 THEi COUNTY ..o LOGAN. T. A. Mostul has returned from South Dakota, where he went to tell his farm. He spent several, months there bat is glad to get back to Ore gon. " ' " ' " ' ' "'" '! ' The Bonney saw mill ta atlll run ning, regardless o( the panic. After the holiday they promise to make things hum. ; " " JuHus Busch la planning for a hand some addition to hU home. Lower Logan school celebrated the Christmas event with a tree on Dec. 20. The young people gave a good program. Upper Logan school held its Christ mas exercises Monday afternoon. It was a pleasant affair. Two weeks va cation at this school. Feed is scarce and not a few of our dairymen and farmers are compelled to buy. Logan lodge M. B. A. held Its elec tion December 11 President, F. P. Wilson; vice president, Fred Moser, Jr.; secretary, O. D. Robblns; treas urer, Lydla E. Bobbins; conductor, Anna Fallert; chaplain, Rhoda Kirch em; watchman, Jacob Gerber; sen try, Henry Thun; physician. Dr. H. S. Mount every Saturday night, led by the pat rows and teacher. We are to have a singing school at our district school as soon as the new books arrive. Preaching Sunday at 11 o'clock by an evangelist named Sewel. wedding aoon; so, boys, get your horns and your horse Addles ri'ady. Peter Rohlender was In Oregon City last Saturday transacting business. Fred Moehnke Is still somewhat crippled from his shooting otto of the shutes in his barn sometime ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Heft visited Fred Heft and family oue day last week. . RUSSELLVILLE. Mrs. Wlngfleld is visiting friends la Salem over the Christmas holidays. Now that we have voted money for road Improvements next summer will It mean much new mud to plow through next winter? C. P. Carter has returned to his home In Gladstone after a stay on his ranch here. L. B. Trulllnger has carrots for sale by the ton or small package. Mrs. Soott Carter is visiting Oregon City friends for a few days. 0. S. Baylea' new home Is being rushed as fast as three carpenters can push It Mr. and Mrs. B. Buckner were Sun day guests at the home of Mr. Wing field. Amos Johnson has a new steam wood saw and are doing a "l&od office business." Our school is to close in a few days EAGLE CREEK. The Sunday school tree and enter tainment at the church the evening of the 23d was a success. A very nice time was enjoyed by all present The program was as follows: Song By school Recitation Arpha Clester Recitation Manilla Dlx Recitation Paul SjllI Song "Little Stars1 Recitation '....Flossie Dlx Recitation Hal Clester Recitation Walter Smith Song "Lullaby" Minnie Mas son Recitation Nora Judd Recitation Lola Baker Recitation Arthur Smith Song "Tattling to Santa" ..Jlmnile Smith Recitation Milard Trullnger Dialogue "The Answer From San ta" Song Mr. and Mrs. Brower I Recitation Cora Farrester Recitation Lloyd Trullnger . ovaun. anil ueriruue uioou ,.h. ,.Ut) .. STAFFORD. It still rains, which, perhaps, ought not to be classed as an Item of news at this tlmo of year. But the main thoroughfare to Portland or Oregon City Is pretty gtxl. thanks to our efficient supervisors, and the Judicious outlay of the people's money by our Couuty Court. Tbe only real bad place lies between Swells' store and the top of School house hill. The much-talked of potato fork has ben located. Gearhart Peters saw It sticking through the fence and took It home for safe-keeping, until he could nottfy Mr. Schalta, which he did the other day at church. Now, If some one locates Mr. Gage's clothes, Stafford and the gentlemanly tramp will be quits. All but two of Mr. Schatti's child ren were home for Sunday dinner and to welcome brother Jake back. Mr. Nlmtc has gone to Sclo. Mrs. Waehlte has been Quite sick. Miss Kate Weed, from Jefferson, j returned to her home this week. Heavy firing has been heard In the direction or usonviue. tuner me Japs had landed or some or.e had a charivari Sunday night. Conjecture high. Some say It might be i s Make Your Bedroom I I m n li Ir a minimis We con sell you a hand some suit that will please you. One-third your life is spent In bed, so why not make the bedroom home like. We can do It for a J little money. Try us. MARKS PRAIRIE. Several of our sports were at Needy Saturday to the shooting match, but they seemed to get what the boy shot at Ralph and Ensley Gubble were call ing at Oglesby's Sunday. Avon Jesse returned home Sunday to spend the holidays. He Is attend ing school at Forest Grove. Our school will give an entertain ment in the near future. Sandy Leach and Milton Armstrong are cutting cord wood for Henry Deets. We are sorry to learn that Ben Homesly is quite low at Sam Taylor's. George W. F. Taylor, of Paradise City, Is still bale and hearty. He Is one of our early settlers and an In dian war veteran of 1856. The dancing school being taught by Oglesby Bros. Is well attended. It is held every Friday night Very few ducks are showing up as yet. Almost all our hop growers will Join the hop growers union, which Is being organized all over the Willamette Valley. And a hop grower that does not should have a guardian appointed at once to protect his family. Sam Miller got his buggy badly broken up Saturday. His horae tried! to go into the stable while hitched to the buggy, but the door was not wide enough, hence the wreck. Mrs. Henry Kraus has been on the sick list the past week. Frank and Charles Oglesby purch ased a fine driving horse last week. Very few potatoes are being sold here at present Our Road Boss has been doing some Work the past few days. It seems the Macksburg "booze fighters" are up against It since Can by went dry. Doo't cry; you can still go to Aurora and get your tarantula Juice Just the same. Recitation Clifford Masson Recitation Reglna Horger ' Song "He Loved Us So" Dialogue "Mind Your Own Busi ness" Star Drill Cantata "Looking for Santa"... Song "Good Night" Beginning with the new year Rev. Mr. Devln will preach for us at the usual hour, 3 o'clock. Rev. Mr. White has taken charge of another pastor ate. Miss Sarah Masson, of Portland, was the guest Sunday of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mas son. E. E. Elliott, our genial storekeeper, made a flying trip to Portland Satur day. Mrs. Trulllnger and daughter Cor rine and Mrs. Glover, were visiting friends and relatives in Oregon City and Portland over Sunday, returning Tuesday evening. Mr. Harger has been quite ill with the grip. Mrs. Van Curen and children are here to spend the holidays with their friends. Robert Agnew, of the Smith & Ar ment Camp, left Portland Thursday for Kentucky to take his home people by surprise and spend the holidays at his old home, after an absence of sev eral years. Mr. Trulllnger has resumed work on his new house and we predict that when done It will be one of the fin est in this part of the country. C. Masson went up the valley this week and purchased two thoroughbred Jersey cows. ll " 1 iLM if w I LI 1 I StJJ X There is no "break" at our store except in prices. CLARKES. C. Haag went to town last Mon day to buy for Christmas. Bora, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nich ols, a pair of twins, last Saturday night. Miss Grace Smith, the teacher of Timber Grove, went home to spend her Christmas. Alfred Martin has come back from Eastern Oregon. Tom Grace went to town last Mon day to get his children, as they are going to spend Christmas at home. Fred Bower butchered hogs last Saturday and he sold Ave of them in town last Monday. Nate Jones went to town last Mon day. We will have had Christmas before this appears In print and we wish all an enjoyable time. DOVER. J. W. Exon. went to Portland Mon day, returning Tuesday afternoon. William Roberts has built a new fruit house. Joseph Deshayer Is under the doc tor's care, being treated for stom ach trouble. Rev. Engalla was up from Lents lately, looking after the farm which he purchased from Captain Branson last fall. The Dover people are still strug gling with the Improvement of Deep Creek htll, which is getting well nigh Impassable. School has closed for two Weeks' vacation. Rev. J. W. Exon preached at Bull Run last Sunday morning. Grandma Deshayn haa been enter taining her brother from Grants Pass. Miss Alice Cooper Is coming home for the holidays. A. I. Morrison has his barn about completed. CARUS. The dam for Sturgis Bros.' new saw mill Is being pushed as fast as wea ther will permit Division Ten of the Beaver Creek phone company will elect officers and transact other business some day next week. Lulu Hay-ward was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. C. Spence. Central Grange, No. 276, elected of ficers last Saturday. Short literary program was also carried out We had no public Christmas for Cams this year. Many of our young people went to Mullno for Christmas festivities, and they all report a great time. C. E. Spence killed a hog last week that tipped the beam at 600 pounds. It was something of a hog. Mrs. Ward is numbered among the sick, and she is reported as quite poorly. BEST LINE OF PAINTS IN AMERICA Don't let the buildings go through the rainy season without some protection. We can out sell all competitors. I MAIN STREET OPP. POSTOFFICE I s : x Stoves, Ranges, f Heaters i We can sell you stoves that are (uel-savers and heat generators that will surprise you. Prices al ways below competitors. We are chopping both ends oil all prices. TOLPOLAR OREGON CITY, OREGON STONE. Creamery Checks were passed around in time to buy Christmas pres ents. The Clear Creek creamery Is pay ing 34 cents a pound for butter fat. A new family by the name of Rhodes has rented the Walter Shep ard farm. Mr. Shepard has gone on a visit to relatives at North Yamhill. The Clear Creek bridge defense is practically completed. The weather man did not leave it long without a try to dislodge it; the river was mak ing a desperate effort to wash it away. There's an old-time spelling school' SHUBEL. Mrs. Kirbysons' mother, Mrs. Greene, arrived from Philadelphia during the past week. She Intends remaining permanently. Our road supervisor is gradually getting the rock on the road in spite of the bad weather. E. F. Ginther helped Mr. Stuedeman butcher hogs one day last week. On his way home he accidentally made a bad step and sprained his ankle severely. He had to be carried home. Born, to the wife of Fred Klebe, December 20, a son. The different churches here are busy getting ready for Christmas. Three or four of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ginther s daughters have come home to spend the holidays. David Moehnke, our mail carrier, made a business trip to Portland one day this week. Kumor has it that there is to be a COLTON. Mr. Hult got his hand caught in the nlaner a few days ago and was severe ly hurt The doctor was called and dressed the wound and he Is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Kandle have moved to their home in the mountains making the Journey last week. W. E. Bonney went to town Friday lat to interview Santa. Chas. Stromgreen butchered a beef last week and sold It largely to our new Swede neighbors. Two late arrivals among our new Swede neighbors are enterprising young boys. They have built a little bungaioo to live In and are slashing the land in preparation to make a crop next year. Our sports were shooting down at the store last Saturday, for Christmas turkeys and other fowls. We are planing for a great time at the hall Christmas. It is being de rated for Christmas festivities and we all hope to enjoy ourselves. Mrs. Clark Is home after a visit to friends of several weeks' duration. Mr. Snodgrass has started to float his shingle bolts down the river. burnt box, the work of Miss Bertha Knickerbocker. The girls have learn ed a new "yell," In which they are be coming proficient, and of course they must try It on every occasion. Mrs. Sargent, hostess for many years at the hotel. Is sick, to the re gret of her many friends. Mllwaukle Grange held Its annual election of officers Saturday last, as follows: Worthy master, O. H. Ham mond; overseer. Ana Parellus; lectur er. May E. Getchell; chaplain. T. R. A. Sell wood; steward, J. W. James; as sistant steward, E. W. Burwell; lady assistant steward, Maggie A. Johnson; treasurer. O. H. Naef; financial secre tary, Kate Costo; recording secretary, Margaret I. Roberts; gatekeeper, A. Gertsen; Ceres, Hulua Anderson; Pomona, Florence Robblns; Flora. 8a rah E. Bitting; executive committee, J. R. Kelso. B. P. Gray, who recently bought a home here. Is doing considerable Im proving. Sandy Odd Fellows have let the con tract for a new hall, to be 30xGt and two stories high. Our debating society Is running Ml blast with weekly debates Saturday nights. Woman suffrage, Is the theme for discussion this week. Sandy Odd Fellows elected the fol lowing officers: Noble grand, E. F. Donohue; vice grand, E. F. Bruns; secretary, Wm. Morand; treasurer, P. It. Melnlng; trustee, J. W. Root. 8 ANDY. W. B. Allen won a team In a raffle at Gresham that cost him Just 1.83. The team la valued at $300. W. A. Proctor and Fred Koisecker have - completed new residences re cently. George Reugg, of Gresham, has pur chased an Interest In tbe A. G. Born stedt store and will "make a hand" from this on. Chas. Krebs has sold his farm, W. A. Proctor being the lucky purchaser The heavy rains of the past week have made it Impossible to work out of doors. Guess a little rest will do us all good Even work on the Mt. Hood railway was stoDDed over the holidays, the MILWAUKIE. The Mlnthorne Floral Club, com posed of a number of our bright young amnion anrnrlqorl their nresldent. Mrs. Roberts. Monday evening. They car-1 weather making It Impossible to work rled a handsome presem wun mem, a - yruwi.. I I V" A6 tascrurmiwatumf. MIST WflJ.J S IHI&Lrdware It tkes years of experience, fine figuring, and shrewd manipulation of the market supply to provide the high est grade of goods at the lowest prices, as well as years of honest en deavor and straightforward business methods to establish our reliability and superiority as we have done. In selecting your holiday gifts this Is a safe store for hurried peopMe. All toys are sold at a very small margin; you will find that 23 cents will buy more In our establishment than SO cents In the high-rent district stores. We have very' strong lines In Rock ing Horses, Dolls, Boys' Wagons, Coasters, Velocipedes, Mechanical Toys, outside of our regular lines of Silverware, Cutlery, Scissors, Furni ture, Carpets and Hardware. .ELWOOD. Mr. Cox recently killed three hogs that weighed, respectively, 367, 350, 349 pounds. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Henderson are spending the holiday season with friends at Phllometh. Floyd Dibble and James Parks are home from school and will spend the holidays with friends here. Miss Sada Freeman is having her eyes treated with an Oregon City physician. The Freomans, who have been sick In a bunch, are getting better. The heaviest rain of the fall season fell here the past week. Mrs. Lydla Park ami the Blttners will unite In a Christmas tree for the young people. , Miss Zella Surfus Is home for her Christmas vacation. She is the popu lar teacher at West Buttevlllo. Mr. Whiting will spend his Christ mas vacation at home. Brownsville, Is in Sprlngwater visit ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Karl ghlbley, who started to New Mexico for the latter'a health, are remaining at Mesa, In Ari zona. 8. II. Raney has sold bis farm ot 1C0 acres to Mr. Streye. of Mlchlnan. Miss Enna Bhlbley went to Port land to see Hants Clans, Dave Mansfield Is working at the Shlbley home. Parma Wanted. I have customers for reasonable priced farms, ranging in value from 11.500 to IC.000. Places sell best with stock and farm Implements In cluded. List your place with me. 54t2 H. E. CROSS. TEA8LE CREEK. C. E. Dart and family are spending the Christmas holidays with friends near Eugene and Sclo. A fine cedar tree has been erected for Christmas and the little folks are happy over the prospects of good things to them. A sister of E. E. Judd Is spending tho week at his home. She will re main until after Christmas. Rev. Quinn and wife spent last Sun day at the home of Mrs. Joe Simons. No school this week and Young America Is on a rampage. The young people will take a hand In the Christ mas festivities in the church. Mrs. Thomas, who has been serious ly 111, Is slowly but surely recovering Mrs. J. H. Quinn and her society are "for rent" to those who need them, in the Interest of tho finances of the society. 8PRINOWATER. At the last meeting of the Spring- water Orange the following officers were chosen: Master, Edwin Bates; overseer, Sidney Smith; steward, J. A. Shlbley; assistant steward, Rex Gordon; gatekeeper, Ed Closner; lec turer, Sarah Bates; chaplain, A. M. 8hibley; secretary, Erma, Shlbley; treasurer, Grace Closner; Ceres, Mrs. Closner; Pomona, Mary Shlbley; Flo ra, Minnie Kandle; assistant steward, Annie Folsom. Mr. Miller, of Halsey, who recently married Miss Georgle Spurllng, of Office of .Recording, .Secretary St. John's Branch, No. 647, C. K. of A. Oregon City, Ore., Dec. 22, 1907. At a regular meeting of 8t. John's Branch, No. C47, C. K. of A., held on Dec. 22, 1907, the following resolu tions were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased God Al mighty to remove from our midst by death our brother, Joseph E. Kuerten, therefore be It Resolved, that while bowing In sub mission to the divine will, who does all things for the best, this Branch de sires to express its sincere regrets in tbe loss of our esteemed and respect ed member; Resolved, that this Branch extends Its heartfelt sympathy to tho family of our deceased brother In their afflic tion In the loss of a kind and loving husband and father; Resolved, that as a further token of respect -for the memory of our late brother, the Charter of tho Branch be draped In mourning for a period of thirty days; Resolved, that these resolutions be engrossed on the rocords of the Branch, and a copy bo sent to the family of our deceased brother and bo published In the local papers. A. HILLEIIRAND, 9. N. TANZER, H. HANIFIN, Committee. second was a to say a great One Perfect Couple. She was a widow and her venture was a widower. He gentle soul and hadn't much In response when his wife had deal to remind him of, especially when sne compared him with her former' spouse, but when he did speak It counted. One night he went to sloop, while she was telling him the old, old story. She followed him shortly. Along In the middle of the night, says the Llpplncotts' Magazine, she was awakened by his uneasy turning. "John," she said, "are you awake?" "Yes, Susan," he replied, softly. "What's the matter?" "Oh, nothing, Susan; I was Just thinking If your first had married my first they would have been the only perfect couple on earth." Then he went to Bleep again while she was talking.