OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 190. LOCAL lilJIEPS A him'HiiI term of Circuit Joint will convene JitmiHiy 20. PndlinluiuieH will be attended lo In a fnw day, tli-oiK" Morse Iiiim Hold IiIm Mlxnera place t JuiiiiIiik'h Indite to Mr, Hlo cum, from Oklahoma, for fiifiOO, Ht John want to vulo on a propo Httloii to Hiifinl 975,1100 for u ii(,w dock tluit iii'i'iiii goliiK ntcumnri can land at, Our price reduced till March 1 to mlvorllHo our methodM, Coupon on each tooth extracted ii ml every $1,00 III ilcntnl work on ICG illatnoiiil. Nollcti iiilv, of ori'Kon Diniul fur lor on another pin", March 11 dia iiiiiii,! ring given iiwny ut no cunt to yon. F.vcry ImiIi extracted Ht Win or $1.00 In dental worU yon net one. chance, on n $ltir( diamond rluit Ht Orison Denlitl I'lnlnrH, over Hard ln DniK Htoro, I'ft'imi MtimiM fur n (loo entertain ment nd Clirliitniim trim ('IirlMtmnM I'Jvm ul the church ut TYiiHid Creek urn iiroi5i'fiininn nicely, A Unit time Im In ntiilcliiilloii. Oif-nun City mcIiiioIn cloned thin afternoon fur n two wccim' vacation, 'l'li four primary rooum held t'hrll iiiiin muti'Ini-m In tlm afternoon In tin" room prodded over liy Minn Harriet Cochran. lVllniiii'll wUIh'h to I ivcor pontic no Hint It in it y U.oie IiuihIh for water work puriioni'H. Thu plun lo ralw money by piipulnr MiliHerlplloii proved too hIuw to in. 'i t Willi llict approval of thoho Ititereutod, Tim cement witlU of the Maionle ItiilldliiK have become hard mid tln framework li Im-Imk peeled off. An effort U making to orrupy tlm lower tloor Nome time lii Jiiniiiiry, 111 (ill filxleHt Knilie of tlm NeltHOl) wan iliiyed ut W'oodliiirn Hiiiurday, when tho WiMidtntrii JUkH Hehool do- fi'Hled I III I'lietllftWa Y. M. C, A. bllH ketlnill tenm y n neurit of IIS to 17. Till Saturday night the Vancouver J Huh Kctiool (mm Mill piny there. A fire lift week badly diilunKcd a two i.l(ii')- frame residence beloiiRlliK t i ,1, N. Ilorfiimii In Korea! tirove, It li Hllllllted IM'Iir Hie lilnllieHH center mill other btilldlni'.'t ronld mnreely have ,i. (in veil If II llild ll"t lieell fur the heavy ruin. A dninken tiiiin trying to llclii his pipe In ht room Ih Mipptmod lo liuve Hliilted I ho fir. lllnilllllico fl.UMI, with losM conslderab- ly !. ClHi'knmnH "hiiiter. H"5al Arch .ViUHK. Monday liluht elected tlm following oflli't'iH to nerve for the e'l- tiu!jiK yenr: Joint It. Humphry, fclh pi'lext; KlIHit I. ItfllidH. klntt: Hoi (ilirde, KCllbe; W, A. Huntley, captain of the tiled; All tr'W Robertson, m-cro-tary: ThoiniiH K. It) an, treasurer. The oltlrc lo he tilled hy appoint ineiil 111'" principal Hojoiiiner, royal arch a uln. itiitMter of the (tiit. (ocmid nnd third veIN, btid ie-iillH'l, The date of IliMnllultoii lout lint In t II Net, Hlid It may he on St. John's day. Friday. ! n-niher 'it. 'J t". riirce ii-ul t'hnr!eM II. Dmirhy. Jr, wit" nrreiited Wednrtduy hy t'on niiihle i:iy, rhurKe.l wliH ll.dilnu dur liiu the eloMij Heioi'in. Tlit fiiiiiK v.a itlli t'e. In have h en committed i wo inniiiiii itX'i, fin! the warrant wan In jnied N'ovenihcr 1. hut wtw not m rved liecniiHK of tli.i liolldayB. Ilenry lHin-.-r Mii-i urn 4-d for IIh'iIhk wi'hhi n .roMCrllied lH'tUHC' of Ihe t'tOVertl-tin-lit tld.liiK n Tin' three melt v i re r.-h-n cd on tli-dr own n-eoKtil-x-nice mid ill have a preliminary lu'irlim in a f--v iUivm. Mrrt tii'ii;e Mftl'li'), Vklio hll.1 been nick lor hi v ml mould with heart t.-oiihl" died U'i due. lay nt llie home mi Filth uti'i'i I, Cm city. The family luve lieell retddeliU of Oregon t'lty for Id -!! ., coiiiinx here from the lUi'i!. A hit.hiiiid mid three children ll -i! I ll to iiMtirn tiie of wife nlld ..rth.T. . Tie p.np'e living lii the road din tile' of Ili'l.ev'n rialite ill elded last wnl; lo !) a nm- t.i. upeclal, of ," mllli for r.iod mic ;n.f S.iHirday n ir. lit tin' i tilde of Ihe MolaKa ill;i irlct al io voii I 5 niilhi for Niiecial mud p.ii'j.,,...,. As the foiiniy Court Iibh i,:i. i'.-d a Iniini i of ?::on to i iieli road n;iti'h 1' Hint w;il h-vy Hpedal taxes tor r.ii'd .veil; L Ii an Incenilve.to "do it. ro'A." ' N.--W mid illH'rli'tM in-,, cr.iiti'inplaled In Ihe Moiall.i li' Ir.iihorhood. Old Hew ill .trM'l pmjio.'.ed H the Wllholt 8irll!RH ill.drlet eaihrio li'k' Wllholl Sprifivt mid MIh-oiiiI Itidi-M im fur in Si'i.n'n Mllli, takhi;; In U.at portion of Mnrqnifti t'hiiv" C'e hlhlK'e. The H-cond will mid n perl ion of the M'd nllii district io,t!ie Tenl" Creek road lo thu other "poll loll of YYIHiolt SSprlliK. In neciirdnnc" with iMHtrueliimn from the Mute Hoard of 1'1'iU Cominlilon-ei-H, I'Hdi V'.iidi u Van Dun n hin writ tfii'' to Seni'tor Fiill iii UHklnf? him to tmil.e nn effort to Induce the TniU'd Sliiien CoiuMl-e hnier lo send n Held limn lo the Colui'ilH Hlvir lor tho P'iriio:M of niuMu;; a up '''lal Klndy of Ihe hnldla of milii'.on In the! kIivioii purtleiiholv in rennrd to the niiturnl eiiemlen of the Huh and the mailer of rein mini; the yumi; fry for utateil per iods hi dure turnlin: Hhmii out. The ir.-vi'iiro;l wm of A. It. Crosby, of Wooilh'niii, wnn H-rhniHly Injured four mlle:i west of there on the rlmit of way of the new Saleuid'orl land (declrlc mad hint week by Ihe exiihi hIoii or a r.ilnnlloii i;iiMollue tank. The youiiK m:m nuHcn wed the top of Ihe can mid h-ld a' llnhled mutch up to See t;io interior, mid the evplo:don that followed threw blni minimd. n pole, brenkini; UU Wk In two plncort and otherwise hicernl ln him. Wm. I'. Hhlvely, niiinarer of tlio local thciiliT, dropiied dead from heart failure Monday evnlnt; nt hit hiou' In tills ell y. Illtt death wnx not only midden' luii. was without wnrnliiK. imd ciinm in h very Hovere blow to bin famllv mid frlembt. Mr. Sblvely hud l.een 'n W'shlent or Orcein City l'"f 13 years nud wast wdl and favorably Knoivn. lie wiw 5S yi'itrH old and whh u nnllv" of IndliiiiH. At a bohhIoii of tlio County Ciwrt Weilm uav a lurno number of nceu niulutnl clulniH wm'o order"d paid. .1. C. 1 rnlnon, of Oawt'Ko, whs appi'lutod Juidloo of the peacu vlee ,1. V. Van Horn, reHlp;ned. Win. l'.orliu? was imiuoil hm road mtpurvinor In district No. 5, vloo llorann Knox, reHlgned. At tint nnietliijr tlio flrnt Wndnniiduy l'i Jmnmry tlm unniiul tux levy will li" ttiiidt! anil tlm Jury Hutu drawn. Thw Oregon City Junlorn, a IochI KchnluMtle, leinn, will pluy itunm of fool hall on VVIIlmiioltit FullH Field tmxt Kundiiy Hftoruniin hkuIiimI tlio I'm I land MurooiiM, Tlm cHHii of tlio Htatn of Or('K'"i v, iMiiflc I'uriill'iill and ChrU llulliird Iiiim bei n ilboiilHiied by .liiutlcn of tlio I'cuhu KUpp on iii'coiirit of thn failure of Con idali'n Kly to proMecut tlm tdiarnen of ttealliiK a net net mid IIhIiIiik- without n llceiMi', Tlm ciiHit amiliiMt Clnr eiien OmIiiiiii, who wuh not urreHled, WIIH nlHO lIlHIIllltHOd, FnroHt (irove Iiiim orKunl.ed a bourd of Irudii ii ml expectH to become m laiKe iih i'ortlttud wttldn a few yearx. Mr. and Mrn. W. 1L Honney, of Hed land, am proud ovnr tlm arrival of a boy to live with thorn. Tlm children of Ht. John' Catholic parlMh nlve an fiiterlalnitii'tit thin itvcnlnic. A nice crowd attended tlm mumpier mli kIvcii by tlio Oregon City bund Uiiturtliiy eveiiluK, I,cmh lhail half of tint bondH offered fur Hub hy Portland wcro tuken by blddiTH tlm llmt of tlm week. TIiohu nold wer taken In miiiill Iota, Tlm llnuncliil coinlltloii of thn Itochdul" (ViOpornllvo utoro, which rlimed liiHt week, doeit Hot Renin to b In a very had mute ,nnd efforU aro helnit put forth to enable tlio company to H'-ttle with all cieJItorH mid con tlutio Dm IniHlneNM. JihIko Dluilck ban bell bilMy tlio pant few liny ttttenillitK road meet Inns over the county. Thern ha been roiiKlderiildii activity In tnmiy of the roud dlliii'ln over the county look lint lo tlio liiiiroveinent of tins thor oiiKhfiire In tho counly, M ri. Laura II. WllllmiiH, a rctildent of Clitdiilolie, died at Ht. Vincent' I luiMpltal ThiirHday nlKht of lunt week. I Sin had lived In Orenm for 19 yeurn mid wim thu wlfo of C. A. William. Htm leave ii huHhuml and two koiih to mourn Imr Iohh. A clever fori;er, milling tinder the llllim of F, II. Melldellhlill, lian been operatliiK I" Klamath FulU, havln lu-tt week paHed two checktt, for $75 mid $10'. n-Hpectlvely, oil tlm Miikoii CmiHtriictloii Company. There t.rnt been a controverny on beiwien Council mid tlm Houtln-rn Pa clllc for Nevernl niontha. Council hat detdred an overhead walk acro the H. I', at yixth Hln-et, but the rail way comiiany In reluctant to Join In the expeliHe, Tlm old WOndell Htltlr- way wan cloned aomn month bko and neirollatlonit from that time lo thin hiavo been unfruitful. An a remilt 'Council him decided to build a grade wnlk at that point, which will neceH nllut th S. P. o cut ltN tralnn. There Ih lllu ly to be a pretty Ht-rap before the rnutler enn In properly adJUHted. JoHeph Kuerten, of CntniiM, SVoh liiKion, dropped (lend In that city Monday. H wan a former resident of Orei;on City and hi remain were IbroiiKht Iki"' for burial. Funeral win I held ThiirMilnv forenoon. Jom-pli Kuerten whs born In Cologne, (ler many. licrnbor lit, IMI, and would liuve lie' n n:t yearH of uku Salurdjy. He came to Orei:oii l'J yearn bk-i, go liiK to fSnlcni, where he tm pmprle tor of a noap factory for two year. From . Salem tin y moved In Oregon Cliv mid for tin eiirn Mr, Kuerten wmi superintendent of t'1' ! far- ! lory In the Oregon city Miinutai iiiiK I Company. Several yenr no !' went i t.i Ciena-; and wii i manac-r of atorc j for the Crov.ll t'olil'iiblii Pulp At Pa ; per Co'iinar.y. lb' H survived by two I dniothterH. Mrn. William Shealimi. of Cioiiai, Wui., nnd Mr-i. Kdwurd Shea i him. of Or.-Kon City. Forhent Pri-Nbyterlan Church, at (' .. corner of Sellwood Ktreet and "t'liiti'tibeln avenue, Portland, wan i hurtled lo l'i" croutiil Tuend:iy uioni- Iih; under conditions which lead the j poile-i and lin nien to .believe the edl 1 tic" wiim lieu roved l 'he lunula of In , ci n.lla'li ti. Smoke wan lirt rein It Uuliui frmii ti e lower of fhe strnrtiire, !und the hi ll niysterloii'dy tolled twice j prior to the tirat outburnt of llatno on .the roof. Th'i church was toippotcd t,, l.e tiexerliid at the time, and neither Iftiinace nor utove line. I for beniiim vmih Hnlited. The church b' a total b.si, Millie b' tUH placed lit $10.111111. i The' los l i covered partially by In- nurunee, i Mr. r.nd Mrs. Ullil I. J'"!"' "t,'r i tallied the mi'int ers of the Tuesday ! pcii'ne Chill III their home hist Tiles idny evening. Tlm pri.es were won 1 by MrM Kher A. Chapman and Frank jlln T. Crimtli. Those pre.snt were: ' !. nn I Mrs. P.ruce C. Curry, Mr. mid Mr'-. Friifiklln T. C.rllllth. Mr. and Mr, i Kher A. ChMDiiutn, Mr. nnd Mrs. John : daiiis. Mr. and Mr.L 1-. I-. Porter. IK Mm Alfred 1 Her.tle. .Mr. mm Finest P. Hands, Miss CIs p.ar Pra't. Mr. mid Mrs. lJtui K. i. The next meeting will be held Ycar'a eve ut th' home of Mr. deed of IiIm friend. I In prefer to chldo them and direct thorn away from their error. Hut a flKht oa tin Prealdent by all the "Intun-ata" would fores holli Ins and hi friend to "pij It all out" and In doing thl not oven hi personal frlendn could b aaved. 1 May Hoimovelt bo Riven Dm nomina tion; may tin Ihhiio b forced and may thn bat.tlo becoma titio In which the wholij trulh Hhull coiiih out. "IaX no Kiillly man cncapii," nbould bo thu war cry; and with audi a alonan HiMmevelt could aaln aucceed hi in-1 eir, j And It I lilgh Hum tlm whole, truth ' wu known. Hut for the combined effort of tlm better clement In tlm financial world we Kliouhl have had a panic curryliiK dentriictlon through aoveriil year. All brought about by IntereMlH that wert trainplltn; undur I foot tho flolden Kiilo, (Had aro wo. that llm pniilc wa averted; (?lad to en thn Kullty naved atnoiiK tho rent; i but thn Nation Hlioubl bo told who tlm Kullty purtle were, and In what their Kullt consisted, that the pmijiln may; bo ahln to avo'd th' Mann; pitfalls in j tho futiirn, and Innocent partlen - j capo tlm lloecltiK In atom for thoo i who yield to tlm coaxlnt; to "como , and pluy with tlm fire." Keep up tlm din for Kooaevelt; let' havo a tight to the finish In 1908 and may It "finish" tho man with unclean hands, ami M i-. clav Jolle New and Mrs. Curry. ROOSEVCLT v. "THE INTERESTS." Periling no one thins- could bo mud" Hiich an !ii;ency for k,m1I '!,t Amer ican people as Ihe noliilnatUm for President next year of Theodore Roosevelt. Not that Mr. Roosevelt Is the only American citizen capable of ll'liii;,' that high (dllco for he is not -but from the fact that If he lit nom inated Ihe "Interests" will endeavor to make out that ho Is nn unsafe man, Hint ho brought on tlio recent panic ini.l that !i;j In general is thu nfie man who Mhould bo Idaavd for evcrylhlnt? that has happened recently looking to dlsliirliaiice of any kind. And (hose aro tlio kind of charsjes Hint, we v.iuit to peo made. Those !iri Hie chiii isi'h which will lead tho Pres ident, and his fiiemlH to not only dis prove them ,ut. will make It Impera llvo that the ftory ns to who is and wan really lo bhimo bo Riven to tho world. It will prove n buttle royal and the President Is certain to ciucn;u from It without, even tho smoll of sinoko on his KiirinenlH. Not. that tho President, lias made no mistakes wi iio not think that but It: Ih the "intercuts" that have done the tlniiuu;o; have committed tho rob bery pure and simple; nnd a flsht forced on the President nnd his friends Is the only thing that will emue tho truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. Ihe truth to be told. The President Is human, and he does not like-to turn the llinellKbt on the evil MORE LIGHT; NOT LESS. Thern Ih nothing ao conducive to r, rooked in' a luck of Information on the part of tlm public. When a crooked Individual wishes to work a shady bill through tho legislature he endeavor to do It with as llttlo pub licity hw possible. Bo, too, In a city council. "Keep It under your hat" U thb ulogan of all who are trying to float a crooked deal. It docs not follow, however, that all men who Hick to avoid publicity are crooked. Some men aro timid and the "llnm light" disturbs their nervous system. Hut crooked men avoid the light because of their fear Ihfit the light will show things to th public that they do not wish tho pub lic tn know. In the Fast the people, recognizing these facti. are demanding uml the legislatures are providing, that more, and more enactments of council and ScgitdatureH shall be publlwhed In the papers- that all Interested may . In the Went, however, the drift Is In the other direction. Crooked men of the West wish to l.c-p their crookedness well under cover until the Job is com pleted. And for aome reason many wim lire not phmnlng for wrongdo ing nre being led to think that there ? little necessity to publish acts 01 legislatures and councils. In this they are mistaken; the light nhould be turned on, not off. If a proper dissemination of fact concerning many past Hchentes had been made oy llie pa pern me people oi ori'nuu would have been naved many thou--and of dollars. Every act calling for expenditure of money Hhoul.l be pn.perly published. Not necessarily each Item of expense, but the Im provements should be advertised 111 Berie.-i nnd then the several improve ments should not total a greater amount than the advertised announce no nt, t The Hallas Observer lias this to say uloriK" that line: 'Doubtless secklio; to keep the pub lic In Ihe dark as to the future pro-ci-odlPiTs of Hie city council, the char ier commission i f Oregon City nought b have the charter ami tided so as to :tivIiU' for the posting of city ordi nances on bulletin boards Instead of publish In ir them In the local n-ws-puper.'.. Thinking to make sure of the passage of this amendment, the commission attached it as a rider to a proposal to reduce the city Indebted ness by a bond issue, the latter being ii meritorious measure nud one highly oopilur with the votcrA nnd tax payers. This direct slap at the local Pupi-M aroused the antagonism of the .uiiilbhers and caused the defeat of tin.' bond amendment, which would have unquestionably been enacted had It not been saddled with the objec tionable features. The newspapers put up ft decent, manly light in de fense of C.ielr business, and the peo ple were fa!r-Miided enough to rec e;;nl;'i the jut'tlee of their cause. There is u lesson In this for the publishers of Oregon. In no other state in Ihe t'nieii have Ihe newspu m rii been so shabbily treated by the lawmaking bodies as Oregon. No move to keep people In the uaik con cern'.ng things they have a right to know has been overlooked hy tho corporation-serving legialntures, nnd it has seemed the easiest way to avoid publicity by taking away as many le i,:i! notices as possible from the news p.iners and posting them on barns end gateposts where the least possible number of people would sec them. The latest move of this kind is the new law to abolish ndverttrlng of do linouent tax sales, which Is to become effective text year. This! law nifty not be appreciated by the newspaper' publishers and good citizens who pay their taxes promptly, but 11 will be wnrinly welcomed by the "tax doiiner" nnd ".slow payor," in whose interest In wns mised. "And so if. goes. In most stales, Ihe cumber of legal publications Is being siuniilv Increased: In Oregon It. is being steadily diminished. Many of the stales publish oyer 200 dilTorrnt forms; Oregon publishes lo- than 20. The newspaper men of this state have felt, the ln.lust.lce of this right along mid while fully renlixlns font it was In their power to remedy exist Ins con ditions, have for the greater part neglected to assist In bringing about desired results, "it Is hoped that every newspaper publisher in Oregon will attend the moiling of the Press Association in Portland next, month, and neip nnug about tho organization so badly needed for the protection of the print ing business. With nincompoop log IsdaluroH and city councils flgjitlv.g liini on one side, nnd the Government printing ofllco compe ting with him on tlio ether, it is about, time for tho Oregon publisher to exhibit u little of tlio Oregon City spirit." t I ij I t it ! ! O o t o $ o o o 1 A Word We have been asking you to believe that this is a good place to come or yotir Christmas remembrances. We have told you that for reasons of newness; for reas ons of variety; for reasons of what you get for what yoti pay it is useless to go ehewhere in this city r in Portland. If you look for still further proof, you will find it right here in the store. Plenty of it. Enough to con vince the hard to convince. Enough to put the stamp of truth on all that we have told you about what is here. This list tells only of goods that are actually stock. Only a visit will give you the right idea. in Diamonds Watches Rings Chains Pins Lockets Bracelets Parker and tain Pens $5 to $500 $1 to $100 65c to $250 I5cto$ 25 25c to $ 50c to $ 75 25 30 $1 to $ Waterman Foun $1.50 to $8 Umbrellas and Canes $1 to $15 Cut Glass Chinaware Clocks Music Rolls Silverware $1 to $25 15c to $100 $1 to $15 60c to $3.50 35c to $75 Kodaks & Cameras $ 1 to $35 Spectacles and Eyeglasses $1 to $10 Opera Glasses Violins Guitars Mandolias $8 to $20 $3 to $50 $5 to $25 $5 to $25 Victor Talking Machines $10 to $500 Edison Phonographs $12.50 to $55 Columbia Graphophones $10 to $200 If you (Jo not know all about our easv-p:yment plan, come and let us talk it over. We know it will please you. in t A & And Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon City Jewelers t O 1 At Its annual meeting on Saturday evening, December 14, Ixne Pine I (idRC. Xo. 53. A. F. & A. St., elected the following officers: Rodcrie, W. M.: Frank P. Wilson, S. V.;' Samuel (".. Oerhor, ,T. W,; Siffron Kirchem, treasurer; George C. Armstrong, see etary; Thos. V. Foster, S. D.; Wm. ". Ponnev, J. D.; Wm. J. Lewellen, S. S.; Charles C. Miller, J. S.; W. A. lleylman, tyler. This lodge is making steady growth and is in a prosperous condition. PERSONALS O Airs. Sade C. 1 lowland, of Grants Pass, is here to spend the Christmas holiday with Oregon City friends. She will be a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chase. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pearl are guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. 1). Wilson. Mrs. Pearl and Mrs. Wilson are sisters. Mr. C. L. Morgan, Oregon City, was in Sllverton last week, returning to his home Saturday. Sllverton Ap peal. Mr. W. S. King, of Oregon City, Or., who has been seriously ill of a fever for several days, now is con valescent aud hopes to be able to be' out In a short while Yuma (Ariz.) E.aniinet Mr. Eli Crlswell and daughters Nora and Stella, of Maple Lane, who have been visiting friends and relatives in the Fast, arrived home last week. While away they visited points in Iowa, Illinois and Kansas. Mrs. Bert Clark is home after a pleasant visit to Kansas and Iowa friends and relatives. Mrs. C. O. T. Williams, of Oregon City, arrived here Thursday to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. J. M, Lawrence. Roseburg Review. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Iluniphrys, of Astoria, were visiting relatives in Oregon City this week. They will j soend several days in Southern Ore-1 j gon before returning to Astoria, j I w here Mr. Humphreys is manager of ! I the Postal Telegraph Company. j Mr. George W. Wilson, who has been foreman of the shops of the steamboat line at Whitehorse, Alaska, will spend the holidays here and will return to Alaska early in January with, his family, consisting of a wife and three children. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller are spending the holidays with friends at Hillshoro, guests of Mrs. L. M. Iloyt, Mrs. Miller's sister. Mrs. George W. Grace Is visiting friends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Scott, who have been visiting friends in Missouri, are home nnd report a very pleasant trip. Mr. Milton May, of Portland, spent Sunday with Oregon City friends. N Miss Grace Roberts Is home from a pieasuiu visii. wun t oruanu inenus. fPi&v Pol YOUH BILL FOR GROCERIES will show a comfortable saving if you do your buying here. And our lower prices in no case mean lower quali ties. It is the saving on standard groceries that makes buying here truly economical. We have too much tuitli iu your discernment to offer you inferior qualities at any price. Daily arrival of new season goods in Dia mond W or Preferred Stock Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Xmas Candles, Nuts, Dates, Raisins, etc. A. ROBERTSON 7th Street Grocer