OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1907. Oregon Gty Enterprise Published Every Friday. By THE STAR PRESS. Entered at Oregon City, Or, Post office as second class matter. Subscription Rate: One Tear $1.50 Blx Months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. .25 Subscribers will And the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment is not credited, kindly notify us, and Ihe matter will receive our attention. I f ,t that whlch u trll0 Nothing sticks out more clearly Friends of Governor Chamberlain MIGHT DON'T MAKE RIGHT. The wise man Is one who recognizes conditions and acts accordingly. The man who acts on his own precon ceived ideas regardless, of the condi tions that surround Mm and in many cases conditions which he sees, or at least partially sees Is a fool ish man. Wo of this generation havo much history with which to store our minds and from which to learn facts of past conditions. Some of this history Is unreliable, hut that which is mate rial to our welfare Is, In most cases, correct or in a condition so that a little study may enable us to choose FREE! FREE! are pushing him to the frout for the nomination for Vice President on the ticket with Bryan. The Tortland man who shot a newsboy in the early morning think ing he was a burglar must be quicker on the trigger than in the head. Such an Individual is certainly an unsafe proposition with a pistol within his grasp. m '" When religious weeklies like the Outlook, Dr. Lyman Abbott's paper, will print apologies for the Standard Oil Company, either at so much per line or in consideration of a fat do nation, is it any wonder the common people are losing faith in religious papers and preachers? Diamond given away March I. For every tooth extracted and with each and every dollar's worth of dental work you get of us a coupon will be given which entitles you to one chance on our Diamond Ring. We arc doing this to ad vertise our methods In den tistry. OREGON DENTAL CO. P rnw.!i MAS BEEN OlK AIM. TFFTH JpHAT we have succeeded In our ambition is attested by our constantly Increasing; patronage by Oregon City's bet families. Call at our office and let us make you a price on your dental work before you contract with some other dentist at the high prices usually charged people in Oregon City. We are equipped to do all branches of dentistry. Our workmanship is the best obtainable; our prices are right and just the same as at our Portland office. A Seattle preacher has been ar rested for eating a quail in a Seattle restaurant. While it was. perhaps, a bad example for an expounder of the moral law to set. still it is no worse for a preacher to eat a quail out of season than for any other man. That suggestion about stone throwing may not be amiss in this case. The people of Spokane are tired of "blue Sundays," and as the result of a meeting of the business men last week decided to call Council in spec ial session and legislate accordingly. This is the other side to that bright Bhleld that some have been carrying around to use as a mirror on their neighbor. President Josselyn, of the Portland Ranlway, Light & Power Co., says that his company is operating every closed car they own, fit for service, and that It is putting into commis sion a new car every 4S hours. The company seems to be doing all it can to care for the "rush hours," the rriv rritirism that, seems fair is to charge that the company did not gin to plan quite soon enough. in the history of past nations ana peo ples than this fact: That the ma jority has in many and many In stances been in the wrong; It is only through the majority being In the wrong that evil can overtake a nation or a people. All trouble that has figured In the destruction of na tions and peoples has come, then, through the wrong-doing of the ma ioritv. And In many Instances the greater part of these majorities have , been people who were honest in ineir intentions but were led into error by friends, or through an appeal to some selfish instinct that often dominated their acts. Ronmn.Egje e arc competent to do our own work; we employ no one. Nervous people can have their teeth attended to at this many other nations mat nave on.- to pieces on the rocks of time were: J all impaled on that destructive horn j J of the majority. "Hut," says the man with an ax to grind, "shall not the majority rule?" ! And if you answer without thinking j J vou say "Yes." And without thinking (V you naturally wfciu uv I --- , " .?J r.4 r .... f ..... .. L..L - J. -t l. . in. v-ur prices ior mcsc piaies are not so nign as many omcr acumis cuarc iur wic old style rubber plates. We hold a certificate from the State Board of Dental Examiners. NO PAIN IN EXTRACTING TEETH? NO GAS? NO COCAINE. ly 4 nthod of painless extracting at the usual price of 50 cents per tooth has done its part in building up our con- stantly increasing patronage. WE SET THE PACE In Crown and Bridge work. Our regular price is $5.00 per tooth. Every piece of dental work done at this office is done by a dental college graduate of ten years' experience. ofiice without the least inconvenience. FLEXIBLE RUBBER PLATES. be- A prominent Senator, who has the confidence of the President, is author ity for the statement that next De ber, in his. last annual message to the Congress. Mr. Itxsevelt will strongly urge that the salary of the President of the United States be increased to $100,000. The President hopes that one of his last official acts will be to sign such a bill, enabling his success or draw the increased salary from the beginning of his t"rm. The fight for the shut s of District Attorney Bristol, who has resigned, is waxing hot all along the line. Pro ecu'or Henv has gone on to Washing ton to Kara why Mr. Bristol is to be ousted at this time. Chris Sciim-lr-l. who has' been an aspirant for the i-osi-tion. has gone too that his fence? niay be pro"uriy taken care of. What the ouicoir will be is h;l to, tell, but Mr Schuebe! affirms that he hail no ilesir to pm-h Mr. Bristol out; that h ves simply trying to secure the place in case that it was sealed that Mr. Bristol was to retire in any event. tn lie the rase. Rlrtinc alone the railway on a fast train it is easy to see mat your iram i i is moving fon you can "see the j fields and hills go by" and you can count the telegraph poles if you arej in doubt. , ' But that Is not the case iq the flight - W of time. We are a part of "time' and fly along at so nearly the samej pace that we cannot look out upon "time" and note which Is moving the faster, and we often wonder if we or "time" is moving at all. If we would take 'note of "time" we must look across the mile-poles of the cen turies to see the progress that is making. But if we look back we can see what were the main causes in the destruction of the nations of the past that have gone to pieces on the rocks of time. And if we will look closely enough we can see that it has been mainly due to the errors of the ma jority. .. ... Vioiher point in connection with this discussion that is not often seen. If it is wrong for ore person to do a certain thing it is wrong for a doz en The size of the majority does not change conditions. For example: If it is wrong far one man to kill another it is wi'ong for a dozen or for a thousand to kill. Numbers do not change conditions. It Is just as wrong for a nation to kill men as Tor the individual. That brings us up to tlw 'K,lnt f i-,u..- If the majority of the people vote to do something that is wrong I that dues net make u ngni v c..: , 'he deed. If a majority vet" not to do something which it is me pne l..ge of the minority to do if they see fi' at'.! then takes ?teps to force tne minority to do something which against its will, just because t.i .i.r tv wants in don", the majority ommitis a wrong; numbers Co not count in making an act good o- bad. Idaho the -morn ei-.i.--". r.i fores the "immoral i as the "moral people .,..) The "moral peopu; ;-- .. .. !...!,.. nrwl f'J.t are tn trie i.;aj"-j , to be oiayeu. u is agree .iient on i When other dentists have failed, come in and let's talk the situation over and we can convince you that our flexible plates are the best on earth. We Ruarantce them to OUR OFFICE IS OPEN EVENINGS, AND SUNDAY, TILL 1 O'CLOCK TO ACCOMMODATE THE WORKINGMAN. WE CHARGE NOTHING FOR EXAMINATION. WE GIVE 10-YEAR GUARANTEE, WITH BANK REFERENCE. WE WILL TELL YOU IN ADVANCE WHAT YOUR WORK WILL COST, AND REMEMBER, OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE. OLD AND YOUNG RECEIVE THE SAME CONSIOERATE TREATMENT AT THIS OFFICE. LADY ASSISTANT ALWAYS PRESENT. PLATE $5. CROWNS S3. OUR FINEST GOLO FILLING l, SILVER FILLING 50c, EXTRACTING 50c. OREGON DENTAL COMPANY, SSSTSw. o Representative Acheson. who comes from a temperance town in Pennsyl vania :; or,ti!U Mastic ovr the prop osition to vote $:joo"0,(Mo for inland waterways that he has im ro iuce, a i.iii in fnni'res to raise the amount by increasing the tax on beer from $1 to $2 p-r barrel. He explains that J last year there were consumed 52.- j (MMien;) barrels a feer, ana as i-.n sumption is constantly on the th(. mlditional tax would more than enough to improve wi!...m a few years every river end haritor in tlio countrv. Here is a man Oo pretends to be a believe rin anc wants to do .: " thin: tim to Jii't people up. he s In striving pie to do is right- they they purpose .. ..injcrii iti of HXl " 7 ....... .1 t l nom iuimi " ter. ;;ul tne inoi at j that it is rigrit nun m , rest of the com mit . per t" a ys but I he ,is not averse to making me n- j wit!, the bad habir pay in round :", nr. -a fir lis habit. L' t rs ami ihr,t .titi-ni'tit-he would ta'.'o o'i the mouths of the families of the ma wirl, i;.e l.t.fl habit this $rA0l AVe have our doubts of a man w : pr'f-s --es ?oad xbln th; mom-nf hf wants io plan 'o r.-cCre ImproveT,- '; an.l (.'her h. nefits for lli'l!s-.-f at t.. expense of t:;e family of t'.v rvar has the bad habit. s right, ior airree in the ir.a eiement says g.llNK '- - ,lt,. ..f munity to do as u sajs H-ua.m.n., ... what may be right. V. won't argu-i the (uiestion as to which is risht in this contention, but we will say this: Even if th "moral element is rl.t. and the liberal e ., . . thu fore nz of the li.c , I I i ! L VI I J , , ,. : era! element to do what thi- con-ei-v?tiv" elem.nt say.i i rht-ev-n f it is risht-is a ten-fold greater evil , ' " 1 " ... . , . ..a, i i.v the he evil t.'.ai is c ".- "' l ,r.d the ; this to oo trie eleinint. worhl prove. element that. of la: ). t.ian "r.l-.r: ;.f th' CJ-e. .... .. .ttv iu the 1 ne of"-.- - - , f , na'iou i -at nas past; study this soibjrct find tli" proof. U it in the fooisteprf j cr,mmUter the the past; tiiei Wit'.l US.' Hubject to Ore- r .lined every pieces In the :.r.d vou C'l'l wine, th.r-n, lo follow of those who il!JV' gravest of ciim' i, vi i-l ihlll" of the :.v who do :.ot ' This is a p'Tti.'ieii ... I ' ' t nil Ui-eii'-'e in will Kvanjt'.-u Afer Sunday a word papers. The rroort is cirrnit that the clos est fri'.nds of th5 administration are c-'ivinced tiint vat mi "is of rnore y av-i being expended to iii.-cred;l President Rriosovelt, and especially th policif s for which he stands, a!d as an Instance or the latest de V' loprn'nt of tlus movemrjiit is cited the widely distriimted advertisement that has appeared i-i the newspapers of the c-'Tintry from one end to the other, entHied "Theodore Vloosevf It Dt'Str'oyer." An lnvef--v.ifrat.U--n has i,, .,,-. t t,i i; -bt the fact. that, nn ex pense of I'.'im'i.WO has already been en-1 tailed in the publication of this ad-1 vertisenicnt, presumbably to promote i ti,(. t-iile of a somewhat, obscure mag-1 oytne and the natural assumptioii is j nry, that the expenditure is the outcome of a conspiracy, known 10 exist by it. i-.r thp fidniiiiistratioii. to nrevent a continuance r.ir.H for which Mr. and to defeat trie nomination oi m one candidate for the Presidency who is in lu'i JUQKnieui oi me i i-"-1" capable and viinn; lie has begun u vresldent and the friends of the administration have no cause (,itv m it is only neccssar; the grlat body of the people to Know t,.. ci j,,;ins I'ei-iew says; "Why DonVdml Kill the D-vU?" Is the ,ue i-,:t that will be considered at. tae al chvire-h next sun'iu e.-... j,r.-i'iln to that subject on that oastor shouid never r.i, about ".eie-utloual" The Orefvjn Brewers' Association that, saloon men v. no n.- iws ana city oi iiiiuiii.- ive mipport trorn me ociation or as in- has decided i-e-ard State shall not rem brewers as an ivi duals. of the poll- Koosevelt stands t carry on tne V- believe that Secretary Cortelyou. of the Treaa- and Secretary Mercau, ' ''- Navy, are grip victim.-, aiei ......... .. to their homeH for a few days. for for the facts thatvast sums of money are ?ng lavishly used to defeat the pol . , ,i,(M, Mr Roosevelt stands. DEATHS. WILUAMS In Oregon City, Dec. 12, 1907, Mrs. Laura H. Williams, ased ad years. JIARLEY At her home In Oregon City, .Dec. 18, 1307, Mrs. fJcorgB Marley, from heart trouble, aged 42 years. WARNER At a hospital In Kennet, Cal., Dec. VI, 1907, Charles T. War ner, aged 21 years. Death due from heart failure, the result of an Ill ness from typhoid fever. Agents For Standard Patterns 1 s r IS HUE Agenti For StarSStar Shoes Grow 'Have you arranged to meet Santa Clauv? Hit b fust as l'y this year as ever; az doesn't make him weary or dell; if you have never m?t th? Grand Old Min dan'l mns th opportunity this year. See him and arrange for presents for yourseli and for ycur friends. Bring the little folks in and let them look around and express their choice and then we will da the presents up so that th?y nuy be none the wls?r until Xmas. Buy yom Christmas Goods Easfly Finished Pillow Tops. Last season we ran short cf CHrlstm.i good this soason we have a much larger stock, but yet we may net be able to sjpply the demand fcr those inexpensive items that hive mace our counters famous. Scalloped edi:", emhroidereif nlip, hand-painted, 3 do-sign:-?, jack rone, Ktppy and wuntlower, each 25c Finished top with over-Htitched !d(jfs, floral designs .emhrolileri-i - effects, each ; FinlHhcd slip, 22x22, tan lintrutle in tints of brown and while; the newest thing In art plllo.v tup; rustle and Indian design Wo (iirry the liraim rd & Arrnfitrong emhroldi-ry sulhs In Filo- lioaian, Caspian and twilled i-miroldery, per ikein, ., 0M I J'lv nil The Famous Henty Books Stories tint never grow old -1 liindHome new edition in ( in(!i with a variety of cover d sli.rm; giKid print and 'paper. Our upeclal price A hue !is(irtmeiit of toy lunik Jn hoth paper uud linen rovers 5, 10 ami '1'nst' r Itrown" and his funny pianlm; a herlen of ten hooks; hoard cuvers, earh i IrfioUs, huard covert, each 12, 15, 23 and printed on good paper tlth-s In pold and 15c .SCc ,4c I I.-iiii!,sot:ie gift hooks, floral, gold top, e .:3c Standard copyiigiit hooks, IncludliiK Home i,f the llti i.iry i-iieces-hi m of rerent yearn -'"I'ho Wenteiiers," Pillar of Linht," etc., ;t, Decorated Tea Sets China Tea pi- ees, (,".ii:ia T'-a pl"ee,-i Tin Tea K-t.s, 7 pieces Tin Tea .Sets, 12 pieces, larger Child's tin cup and saucer Child's tin miiKS, decorated,... Child's China miis, docorated. th tH, Id 2ic 's"is, and larger 40c 13c fdze, . .8 and ..Cc 12c Come here for Decorated China, Cups and Saucers, Salad Bowls, Plat??, Va?es, etc. A On at Varirty of Mechanical Toys we have ne.er he fore shown. Automobile in a number of different Htylea with good, Htrong aprlngs, each 25c TurkeyH that gobble and geeso that quack, too many to toll you about; come and see them. ' Iron toys for roiiRh lioys from 5 to 50c Hook and Ladders, fire engines, express wagons and tralnH, 25 and 30c Tin and Iron toys for little ones 5 and 10c Dolls Dolls 4c .'iff! I '.I. .t Mi N r. - 1 N .1:0 ,25c .15c Itisipio Iolls, loiij,; hulr, jointed arms Iilsrpie 1 lolls, lotij; hair, full Jointed arms and h-j-s, painted eyes , Heal I!ls(ui lolls, full Jointed nrms aril legs. loin; hair, Hleeplu eyos Kid body Dolls, 11 laches lorn,-, nice hair.. Kid-body Do'ls, II! Inches Irni;;, curly hair, . - ..- y Hiec-piiiK eyes 2rjt .;' , 'fl) Kid body Delhi, (deeping eyes, nleo early f 1' fj:i'4lj ,,alr. 48c, 85c and $1.13 j l' M'i V-rJm ""'''y Md-hody Dolls, 2?, Inches I011K, HHttirul curly hair, vlaiblo teeth $1 33 a Same In largo sl.e $2 00 l-v r- t- r- r-. i-. r-v tvm t - VI We have a fine line of Dressed, jointed, bisque-head Dolls, with shoes and atocklngs. Dressed Dolls, 1 In., Htationary eyoH, 25 H!d 33c lieautifully dressed Dolls, w llh Hleejilng eyea, Hhoen and Htockliif?s and pretty htitf), each 43, 63, Vti mid ('lie Kxlra flno dressed Dolls, largo kIzch, trimmed hals, sleeping eyes; one that will gladden tho hearts of tho llttlo ones, - t,acn' $1.25, $1.50, $2.25 Flno largo dressed rubber Dolhi 25 and 4Ro Stuff oil brown Bourn, Jointed limbs, 23 and 35c T? 0iX&mSf ! We sopply your wants tip lo the last mra?at bzfore Santa starts on the road, bat the iXimclllVCi: l "early fed'' gets the choice. If you don't see what you want m the other stores be sure to come to us, we may have fast what yoo are locking for. No troable to show poods: alwavs oleaspd to greet old and new easterners. COME EARLY AND OFTEN. V P a CORNER 10th & MAIN STS., OREGON CITY, OREGON J t X