Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 20, 1907, Image 2

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There was a little snow In the air
here Tuesday morning.
Grandma Molloy is around again
and feeling quite herself.
F. M. Darting Is showing some fine
lettuce these days.
Willis Cox, of Idaho. Is visiting
friends in this burg, a guest of his
Bister, Mrs. Cora Jacobs.
Messrs. J. M. and Will Gillett and
Will Jackson were hunting in the
mountains last week. Will Jackson
had the luck to kill a lynx.
Curtis Selby broke his wrist in a
fall at the skating rink last Tuesday.
He is forced to carry It in a sling now.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey, of
Portland, spent Sunday evening with
Mrs. Weidner.
Ed Gottberg has purchased the
Mickel's property and is erecting a
blacksmith shop.
Miss Pearl Curran is home from a
visit at the Superior mills.
Mr. Moran is building an addition
to his blacksmith shop.
Miss Mabel Francis Is able to be
out after her severe spell of sickness.
Miss Clara Morey, of Liberal, was
visiting friends here last week.
Mrs. Sinclair and son, Leonard, are
home from a long stay in Kansas and
Rev. John Devln, of Pendleton, will
move here in the spring and take up
pastoral work in our midst
The Sunday school here will give
an entertainment Christmas eve.
Mr. Strunk, who recently pui chased
a farm on the Stillwater east of the
mountain rancher, has taken posses
sion. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lincoln, of Port
land, are visiting relatives and friends
Mr. and Mrs. Guttrldge, a newly
wedded pair here, were given a sere
nade in their new home the other
Our school is doing fine this winter.
Tommy Evans killed a wildcat last
week and can now talk of his prow-
Mrs. Ward is still sick; her son
and daughter are here to spend the
Christmas holidays with her.
Protracted meetings are breaking
up the monotony in this neighbor
hood. Mrs. Mary Jones has a felon that is
causing her much trouble.
Mr. Fred Bower is ill and his son
took him to town last Monday.
W. H. Wettlaufer butchered 11
hogs last week and sold eight of
The Harmony school will have a
two weeks' vacation over he holi
W. G. Klelnsmith is hauling his po
tatoes from Timber Grove to his
Ben Marshall and family were In
town, last Saturday on business.
Mrs. Larkin was visiting Mrs. Frank
Vicholas last week.
Rev. Rinehard preached last Sun
day night and the church was full.
G. Marquedt was in town last Sat
urday on business.
J. Lavell has been sick for the past
two weeks.
Mr. Hofstetter and W. H. Botte
miller are the committee to buy toys
for the Christmas tree in the Sunday
We are having foggy weather and
it froze ice the other night.
Next week will be Christmas and
we have two Christmas trees this
The German M. E. Church will have
Christmas exercises on Monday night;
and the English on Tuesday, and then owner3 can have by calling and set
they want to have a masquerade ball tlin . fp
in Clarkes on New Year's eve.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stromgreen were
in Portland last week on business.
J. Puty and W. H. Bottemiller run
over the dlvison to fix their lines.
Everybody get up gooa cneer, for
dear old Christmas is almost here.
The Governor's holiday's are over.
The banks are open now and Needy
has awakened and gives a ball De
cember 21. Everybody cordially in
vited. C. C. Molson's family have all been
on the sick list.
The Misses Criswell have returned
from their trip East, and. Miss Es
tella Is very sick.
Mrs. John Elliott is visiting rela
tives in Portland.
Mrs. Fred Smith Is visiting friends
in Salem.
Andy Thompson and his bride are
expected home to spend Christmas.
I . x I JVr Attmmim9WWM Iff Wfc W V
Mrs. Kate Sconce made a flying
trip to Nwdy last week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ackerson have
gone to Oswego to spend the holidays.
There will be a Christmas tree in
the Smyrna church. Everybody go
and see Santa Clans.
Mr. and Mrs. Dossier and family vis
ited their daughter In Paradise City
last Sunday.
Frank Fish and family made a
business trip to Woodlmrn last week.
The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Claud
Reed and great granddaughter of C.
W. Noblltt, died and was burled last
Sunday at the Hubbard cemetery.
Died. December .1, Mr. Orlo
Smucker, formerly of Needy. He
leaves a wife, two small children and
many friends to mourn his loss.
The directors visited Professor
Fisher's school last Friday and they
seemed well pleased. They hired
him for the ensuing term.
Clarence Carothers has purchased
a fine new horse.
Mrs. Philip Mohr is able to be out
again after a sick spell,
i Everybody get ready for the big
shooting match next Saturday.
Mrs. Kate Ritter and Mrs. Yoder
were out driving last week.
Charley Noblitt made a business
trip to Aurora one day this week.
Mrs. A. W. Thompson was visiting
her parents last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Garrett went to
Woodburn last week.
Otis Townsend was in Hubbard this
Albert Elliott has gone into the
stock business.
Miss Grace Thompson was visiting
Mr. Garrett's folks last week.
Hard times have no ill effect on the
mill here. The Myers mill is running
steadily and two new hands have been
added to the force.
Miss Marsh, our teacher. Is doing
a good work this winter and patrons
are well pleased.
Stanley Turol is sick and finds it
necessary to stay away from school
Miss Georgia Rowe. aged nine years,
Is a recent addition to the school en
rollment. Chas. Bard Is a new addition to the
number of lumber handlers, he hav
ing a position hauling lumber.
A basket social is being planned
for. about February 1. Ladies will be
asked to bring baskets and the men
Invited to eat their fill.
There's little to write about from
Monday night we had our first snow
of the season, and but little of that.
Mr. Whiting, who teaches here,
went home last week for a short visit.
Mrs. Freeman Is a pneumonia vic
tim and other members of the family
are ailing. A number of people here
have the grip and everyone seems to
be suffering with a bad cold.
Messrs. Gillett and Will Jackson
were out for a long tramp and survey
of the country last week. They say
they had a good view.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stamp are bap
py; It's a girl. Father and child do
ing as well as could be expected.
A long felt want at our school Is a
new well: also to have the house
painted. Either a special tax or con
tributions are in order.
Mr. Nightingale killed hogs recently
all big porkers and he will make
a mes3 of bacon that will last for a
Chas. Thomas has moved from Coal
Creek further up the valley.
straw .Bttlp nt Wine-field's that the
News is scarce hereabouts, for two
reasons First, we are good and make
no bad news; second, the financial
stringency tied our money up In the
banks and we cannot Jollify.
Our Grange will hold its election of
officers Saturday. A special program
has been prepared for the occasion.
Santa Claus trade has broken loose
from the financial stringency and
from now on to Christmas our mer
chants look for lively trade.
The Grange bazaar netted $G0.
They are now planning for a social
December 28, at which time Mr. and
Mrs. John D. Rockefeller will bo pres
ent and bold a reception. Also certain
other celebrities.
Chas Ballard has sold the Bee to
Mr. Price, who has been in charge of
the Sellwood end of the enterprise.
Mr. Ballard does not contemplate
leaving Milwaukie.
The son-in-law of Mr. Marks was
held up by footpads the other night
and all he had with him 15 was
taken. The robbery occurred near his
home; no clue to perpetrators. !
Warren Kindle la manufacturing
railroad ties and Bhtpplng them from
Harlow. t
A repertoire Bnow is holding forth
all week. !
Mr. Philllpine has descended into
Mother Earth 45 feet already In a
search for good water and thinks be
will need to go a scoro more feet to
get what he wants. '
The boom at Molalla broke last
week and let 6000 ties Into the Wil
lamette Itlver.
Our merchants are all pushing hard
for Christmas trade and getting It.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ilurns arc
home from a visit to thetr daughter,
who lives In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman Just re
ceived the pleasant news of another
grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs, J. Mc
Glven. of Ijebanon.
School will close Friday for tho hol
idays with a Christmas tree In the
afternoon. Miss Ellen Moohnke is
The youg people enjoyed themselves
last Saturday evening with a danco at
the home of Henry Hansen. There
was a nice crowd present.
Jacob Hermon, Jr., was a Sunday
visitor to friends in Redland.
After a pleasant week visiting the
family of her brother. J. Wolf, Mrs.
C. H. Cooper has returned to her
home In Portland.
The children of V. Rohlender are
victims of the measles, nearly all
suffering from the malady.,
August Bluhm Is numbered among
the sick.
Miss Ray Staben is visiting friends
In Portland.
Mrs. Bertha Nelly, who was a form
er resident of Beaver Creek, left last
Saturday to join her itisband In San
Francisco, after a pleasant visit here.
Will Martin and Emmet Hughes
are cutting wood for J. Bohlauder.
The weather has been pretty good
with some sun. for the past three or
four days, and the usual amount of
Young JaRe Schatz has returned
home after some months of wander
ing, having been in New Mexico,
where he found no good drink water
and the food was beastly to a palate
brought up on an Oregon farm and
accustomed to an excellent cook. In
Colorado the cooks did fairly well.
but the water even there was not very
excellent. He Is now helping his
father to right up the tower to the
windmill; the moles had dng under
the foundations so as to render it
unsafe with such a load of water in
the tank. Jake finds Oregon a pret
ty good place, and 'Stafford the Gar
den of Eden, and it is pretty handy
tnr hnv to come home once in a
while and be willing and able to
help out
An entertainment is planned for the
night before Christmas at the school
house. s
Henry Gage and wife Btarted Last
of the mountains 6a Monday of last
week In hopes the change may benefit
his health, and to visit friends and
relatives. The doctors tell blm he
has either an abscess or cancer of
the stomach, which Is a sad lookout
for a man In the prime of life.
Archie Weddle found Mr. Schatz'B
potato fork stuck through the fence
Into Sharp's field, but forgot the men
tion of It for a number of days, and
when the boys went after It, some
one else had found It and taken it
away. It will be remembered that a
tourist, doing the state and the peo
ple, and calling himself Leslie Wheel
er walked off with the fork, which Mr.
Schatz kindly loaned him; also some
working clothes loaned him at Gage's
to save his own, as they were of good
material, and he had found a Job of
dleeine notatoes. Whoever found the
fork and took it away, kindly return
it to Wm. Schatz.
Clara Oldestadt has gone to Port
land to work . .
Report says the proposed condensed
milk factory Is to be switched into a
creamery because of the fact that a
trust controls the condensed milk in
dustry. People of Molalla think they know
who found a purse, lost here recently,
and an effort Is being made to force
the party to "give up."
People on road district No. 28 have
decided to tax themselves for addi
tional road work. The levy will be
five mills. The plan is to raise $2700
for the improvement.
Mr. Woodslde is putting gravel on
the Molalla road at present.
R. H. Trullinger has resigned as
tMnlrn Vaiii. DaIyiaAITI
mittlvt) lUUi DiMUimi
J Wc can sell you a hand-
some suit that will please
$ you. One-third your life
is spent In bed, so why not
make the bedroom home
like. Wc can do it for a
J little money. Try us.
There is no "break" at our store
teacher at Macksburg and accepted
a position fn Oregon City.
Claud Howard has tired of logging
and is resting from such active duties.
it A. Davis was elected director of
the telephone company at a meeting
Saturday night.
Rev. Spies, who preached here last
Sunday, has accepted the work of
preachlntg here regularly. He will
n-011.h at 1 1 ft m first Sunday and In
the evening on the third Sunday In
the month.
Mr. Mallatt has a fine new colt, by
Mrs. Mary Martatt, of Meadow
brook, daughter of Mrs. Davis, Is
quite sick and Mrs. Davis It at her
Aihrt PMcknon sold his norkers
' In town and delivered them Tuesday.
Our Council Friday night ordered
that North Main street Improvements
be held for better weather. Also that
Mullno and Molalla be taken Into the
city rimits.
Mrs. Mallatt and daughter, Alta,
are numbered among the sick.
Another saw mill has "blown In'
here recently and got to working nice
ly and this without regard to the hard
times. '
Mr. and Mrs. Tyson were Sunday
visitors here.
Seeking for Information.
Mrs. JoneB I think It's the most
ridiculous thing to call that man In
the bank a "teller."
Mrs. Smith Why ho?
Mrs. Jones Because he simply
won't tell at all. I asked one today
how much my husband had on depos
it there, and he Just laughed.
li takea years of experience, Tine
figuring, and shrewd manipulation of
the market supply to provide the high
est grade of goods at the lowest
prices, a well at years of honest en-'
deavor and straightforward business
methods to establish our reliability
and superiority as we have done.
In selecting your holiday gifts this
Is a fafe store for hurried people.
All toys are sold at a very small
margin; you will find that 25 cents
will buy more In our establishment
than 50 cents In the high-rent district
We have very strong lines In Rock
ing Horses, Dolla, Boys' Wagons,
Coasters, Velocipedes, Mechanical
Toys, outside of our regular lines of
8ilverware, Cutlery, Scissors, Furni
ture, Carpets and Hardware.
aril ,L' , -
Jj ..: ;
iH1. -' b J
f lui mot mm. J
4 - swwS
Ken I Kntate,
I. Mi tin, lnnurnricc
Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufleld Bldg., Main and Eig t Sts
Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan t.
Office Upstairs, first building sou th of Courthouse.
Will practice la ill courts, tnske collections and M-ttlrtiirnts of mutes Kiinum.
aWiacU ul title, lend you money on lirst mortgage. Office in EIVTERPSISC
Building, Oregon City, Oregon.
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
Oregon City, Oregon
Will practice In all courts of the atat
Office In Caufleld Building.
Careful of
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co,
Phones, Office 1121, Residence
except in prices. $
Don't let the buildings go
through the rainy season
without some protection.
We can out sell all com
petitors. Stoves,
We can sell vou stovei
that are fuel-savers and J
t . L-i iff
ncai generators mat wm
surprise you. Prices al- 4
ways below competitors.
We are chopping both
ends off all prices. J
Mnln Htrcrl,
W. H. 8ILCOX, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant
Best .Service and Accommodation
Main St., 0pp. suspension Bridge
Your Property
525 Main Street