OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1907. "ITS AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS NOBODY GOOD" Hundreds of Oregon City Folk Have been Made Happy in the Last Few Days at the Great must-have-money-sal: NOW ON AT LEVITT'S CLOTHING MAIN STREET TWO DOORS SOUTH OF POSTOFFICE OREGON CITY, OREGON THE FIGHT OF THE MONEY KINGS and their cries for ready cash enables us to sell goods at a great discount. Never in the history of the present generation has such a bonified, legitimate sacrifice of high class wearing apparel for men and boys been known under Oregon skies. 2fl ft fl Worth of the highest grade Clothing, Hats; Shoes and Furnishing Goods thrown on the altar of sacrifice at U UUU P"CCS at Set P"1"525 f tnc most skeptic in action. The prices-tell the story of the great need of cash. The at a big saving. Read a few of the hundreds of good &ings in store for you at this fine store. I A 'YW S .f 'V. A I A V : Mi' 1 J? c vn i t j-.s:-;-' - -4 LW 'IP I i : ? 'A Hi -! ' ;a Wi IF j 7 f t-; y 4 . WrS ' Ji for UJ v , 'f SCHLOSS BROS. I CO. Fine Clolhes Makers Baltimore and New York MEN'S SUITS Men, picture yourself as no doubt you do, dressed in the neatest, nobbiest and best fitted suit in town, draw upon your imagination until you have decided upon the swellest suit your mind can conceive, then come to this store and see just the suit you want. WE HAVE IT, whether it be Black, Blue, Orey, Brown, Plaid or Check, and can fit the long or the f-hort, the slim or stout, in the largest varietyin Oregon City, at such extremely low prices you will be astonished. Agents for the celebrated Schloss Bros. Clothing. Men's $10.00 wool and worsted suits, new T1 QT nobby goods, and well made at .4 ' Men's $12.50 Fine Business Suits in all the CQ QZT popular weaves, now ; p Men's $15.00 excellent dress" suits, hand C f f IZfl felled and worked 4 Men's $20.00 best dress suit, hand tailored, single or double breasted, over thirty styles to C i Q choose from, now Also the celebrated Schloss Bros. Suits, the acme of suit perfection equal to the finest made-to-order C f O H tZ suits on earth, worth $30, all go at r OVERCOATS This line presents just the opportunity you have been waiting for. All the new styles and cloths at just about one half the price you will pay in other stores. $ 8.50 Overcoats $ 4.95 $10,00 " 6.45 $12.50 " 8.95 $20.00 " U.85 $ 0.00 Ulsters : .' 5.95 $10.00 Cravenettes '. 7.S5 $12 50 44 .'. 9.65 $18.00 " J3.85 SHOES Men's, Women's, Boy's, Girl's and Children's Shoes At Sacrifice Prices. Men's $2.50 work or dress Shoes, now pair.. .. $1.85 Men's 3.50 fine Shoes, now pair Men's $5.00 best dress Shoes, now pair Men's $0.00 Kraussc loggers Shoes, now pair.... Men's $3.00 Stillson loggers, now pair Ladies' and Misses' $2.00 Shoes, now pair Ladies' and Mioses' $2.50 Shoes, now pair Ladies' and Misses' 3.00 Shoes, now pair Ladies' $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, now pair Boy's $2.50 dress and school Shoes, now pair ... Lot Children's Shoes, sizes 10 J to 2, worth to $2.00, now pair 2.45 3.35 4.55 6.75 1.35 1.85 2.15 2.65 1.35 59c MEN'S PANTS About 1,000 pairs varying from the heavy coarse working pant to the finest of dress trousers; all offered to you at a tremendous discount $1.50 Pants $0.9' 2.50 Pants, Corduroy. 1.59 $3.00 Pants .. ."" J. 95 14.00 Pants 2.90 $5.00 Pants S.25 Peg Top Corduroy, light colors, $3.00 values 3.15 BOY'S SUITS Of course you are going to buy the little one a new suit for the holidays and here's the place to buy for you save more than half on each boys' suit. Boys $2.50 Suits $0.95 Boys $3.00 Suits 1.45 Boys $4 and $5 Suits 1.95 "FIXINS" FOR MEN Men'g 20c wool sox, pair 12c Men's 25c Suspenders, pair . . , 15c Men's President Suspenders' pair 39c Men's 25c Socks, wool 3 pair 50c Men's 15c Socks, pair , 9c Men's 50c Neckwear 39c Men's 25c Neckwear . . ; 19c Men's black and white striped Work Shirts, good, heavy materials, fast colors and well made 39c Men's new and handsome $2 and $2.50 Negligee Shirts for $1.40 In Pongee Silk, white or shaded. Men's $1 Negligee Shirts Mc Men's 75c Negligee Shirts 59c Men's 50c Negligee Shirt Kite 11.50 values flannel shirts S"ic $2.00 values flannel shirts 11.25 $2.50 values flannel shirts $1 115 $3.50 Rain Proof Col. Flannel shirts t2.4" $1.50 all-wool Sweaters U5c $3.50 Sweater Coats, fancy borders f 2. (15 Men's Red Handkerchiefs, 3 for .,,... , 10c 75c fleece lined Underwear 4."c Ribbed Underwear 50c value 39c $1.25 fine wool Underwear , . . . K5c Men's Work and Dress Gloves $1.50 Dress Cloves $1.13 i ft! 00 IIuU 1.35 $2 00 Dress Cloves fl 35 110c Work Gloves 45c $1 00 Work Gloves 75c fl 5 I Work Gloves $1.10 HATS Hats Favored by Fashion Hats made on lc tding fuKhiomtble blocks, in every styl Uh flu; e, soft an 1 tlifT, black, pearl, gray, tan,, brown and all pup liar rul ir, products of America's leading factories all a; Simi liter Sule Prices, vtx: S3 Oil Hats , ' $215 Haw, 1 05 NOTE: No disappointments at this sale, every article just as advertised or money refunded. A fair and square legitimate money raising sale; come and see for yourself and yot will quickly be convinced of our sincerity. Our lines of Holiday Gift Goods are replete with all the fads and fancies ol the season and EVERY ARTICLE IS BEING SOLD AT SACRIFICE PRICES. , The Store That Sets the Pace. LEVITT'S CLOTHING STORE Main Street. 2 doors South of P. O. miSXTXftltUlUi EXTEND POWERS OF PEOPLE. Bill Introduced to Provide Amend ments to Constitution. Washington, Dec. 8. The new State of Oklahoma offered today, through Representative Fulton, to engraft the principles of the Initia tive and referendum and the recall upon the Constitution of the United States. One of several bills Intro duced by Mr. Fulton provides that In "all general elections for representa tive or delegate In Congress, the vot ers shall have the right to have print ed on the ballot and to exercise their judgment on the ballot and to exer cise their judgment upon any political questions." i Request for the submission of ques tlons must be by petition to the Pres-i ldent, and must be Blgned by the Na tlonal chairman or secretary of some political party, or by one-half of 'Tj ..r per cent of the voters of any 10 states. To the President the bill gives "the final authority to pass on any ques tion provided for." Mr. Fulton's proposal took the form of a Joint resolution for an amend ment to the constitution of the United States, as follows: , "Eight per cent of the voters of hot less than 15 of the states shall have the power to propose by peti tion any legislation, and 10 per cent of not less than 15 of the states shall have the. power to propose amend ments to the constitution, and 5 per cents of not less than' 15 states shall have the power to petition the Presi dent.". x LOST On Seventh street hill, Ore gon City. Nov. 27, a dark brown calf skin handbag. Had rod poppy design with order for paintings and postal cards" Inside. Ida May Garmlre, box 84, U. F. D. 3, Oregon City. J