Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 13, 1907, Image 5

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The Congregational church held It
tin mtlily "Church Night" Thursday
"The Holy Cllf" Is billed to play at
Hhlvoly opera house Monday, lem
Iht R
Tim residents of Oswego and vicin
ity ii ml itrn suffering from mump or
tho (cur f urn in im.
The dance given hy the Gorman So
ciety Hiii unlay evening proved a very
I'lijoyuliln affolr to participant.
TIm'io was a law attendance.
The Oregon City Hand will give n
mask hull Saturday night, An effort
'is being made to secure new uni
forms. (
J. II. Hutu, arrested last week for
stealing un undershirt, was sent to
JuH ten day hy Recorder Dlmlck for
hU offense.
James B. Waggeimr, of Vancouver,
mi hkxiI pioneer of Oregon, tiled In
that city Monday at tho homo of hi
Hun, JiuiK-a WagR-eiier, Jr.
The Canby saloon men are now
lluah. Ilttlo saloon: don't you cry,
You'll be a drugstore hy and hy.
Canity Tribune.
Ahcrnathy Grange at Park place
gave a reception to Mr. and Mra. J.
Wlllett last week at which limit thl
newly wedded couple were made tin
recipient of IibihIhoiiih present.
Ilev. J. II. Qulnn, who prcaehea at
Teasel Creek, ha been returned to
that chnrKii hy conference, much to
th Joy f the church,
Robert Tyler, of Mllwaukle, who 1
spending tlm winter In Seattle and at
tending school there, cut off a part of
hU thumb ono day last week whllo
cuttltiK kindling.
Tho Vancouver Independent office
wan burKlrlod last wek and the
cttKh ri'Kl"ter wa carried Into the
hack yard and broken open, No fund
were kept In the pointer and It "
Hot locked.
Mra. Samuel O. Dlllmati entertain
ed the IMckena Club Monday after
noon. Tho reading wero "David
Coppprfleld." Next meeting of tho
club with Mr. E. A. gommer, first
Mmday afternoon In the new year.
Ml Eva llenaon, pianist, will give
a recital at the homo of M. I). I'bll
lip. Monday evening. December 16,
at 8 o'clock. She win be aHlNted by
Mra. J. 8. Hamilton, rnntn aoprano;
Mra. ChrlHtlnw Nllmton MorKan, read
er; and Ml Louise Huntley, pianist.
The football nam played at Wil
lamette Field Sunday afternoon be
tween the Oregon City team and the
Albany Victor reunited In a victory
for the visitor, the score standing 6
to 2. Rain fell during tho blgicest
part of tho conteHt.
Canby voted to ko dry at the elec
tion Monday. That mean a loaa of
1 1 BOO a year revenue to the cit y. Hut
what a great graft It will be for the
drug atore to open up and have tho
Ntojse drlnkera "sign tho book."
Aurora llorealla.
At fottrell achool an entertainment
and basket iclftl wa given Friday
evening for the purpose of raiding
money to piirchane an orjan for tho
achool. Tho affair wan very aucce
ful, both socially end nnanclally, the
net proceed being fitf.bO. Tim pupil
gave a drama. "Topy Turvy."
Portland "need the money" and to
get It will Bell 10,001) In Imlld, Bell
ing In denomination a low an $250.
An effort I being mado to popularize
the Issue and thu bring out of hiding
small sum In tbtt hand of people
who are laying up for a rainy day.
The St. John Review ': The
Home phone company notified the
city council lat week that they wer
unable to meet tho term of their
franchlHO at prenetit becauao of their
fund being tied up In one of the ail
pended hnnk In Portland.
(. Wallace, of Highland, aold ten
head of fat cattle to a local dealer on
Monday. Ho received 34 ceut a
pound, live weight. Mr. Wallace alo
chipped a load of butter pears and
apple to Portland, finding no aalo In
the local market. He received 1125
for pear and II for apple.
Mr. William SchwarU entertained
a few friend laat week with a "kof
fee klancel" at her home on the Wct
Side, (iuenta prcHent were Mr. I).
M. Klemaen, Mra. I A. Nobel, Mr.
A. Knapp, Mra. Chrl Hnrtmann, Mr.
Htrohmeyer, Mra. Bchoenhetn. Mra.
Chamber, Mra. Kllngor and Mr.
Mr. Alma llrelthaupt, wife of H.
A. Brlethaupt. who - lived at
liarton, died Sunday morning, aged
49 year. The funeral took place at
11:30 o'clock Monday morning Jrom
the M. R. church at Danmacu. and
tho remain were Interred In Dama
Mra. llrelthaupt I aurvlved by three
children, all of them grown.
W. 10. Mumpower. of Stone, waa
Ht'veroly Injured Friday whllo at work
In CireeniKilnt. In Home manner a
heavy log waa rolled acroaa his leg,
breaking two of tho bones below the
knee. He wa taken to the Drunawlck
Hotel after the accident. He la a
noon of J. L. Munipower, of Stone.
Dr. J. W. Norrla. County. Physician,
has returned fronj Cottrell, In Kaatorn
Clnckama. where he went to make
nn Inveatlgatlon of smallpox condi
tion. Tho Doctor found two new
ciCea and two convalescent. The
latter were In the family of Paul
Dunn, and are on the road to recov
ery. The Cottrell school has been
closed and effort are being made to
atatnp out the disease.
Miss Abhy Whltoaldo, pianist, gave
two recitals In Oregon City last week.
Friday nfternoon she played at the
home of Mra. C. H. Cnuflold, who en
tertained the Derthlck Club, and in
tho evening Mrs. Kva Rmery Dye en
tertained frlonds, Miss Whiteside giv
ing the program. FrlondB In attend
ance1 on both are loud In their pratse
of Miss Whlteside'a technique and In
terpretation. Oregon City 'Lodge, Fraternal Bro
therhood, Wednesday night elected of
ficers as follows: Henry Pearson,
president: J. F. Searlo, vice presi
dent: Mrs. Pauline Schwarta, chap
lain; MIhb Ethel Green, secretary;
Mrs. II. W. Stroblg, Inner doorkeeper;
H, Van Way, outer ..doorkeeper; Fred
Metzner, treasurer; Inftaljatlanj first
. meeting in January. N
Norman Smithy Who lives at Rock
wood, near Greshain, wan hold up and
robbed of 5 by three masked men, on
the Huso Mho Hoad shortly after 7
o'clock Saturday nlglit, Smith was
returning from Portland and met the
footpad about three mile eimt of
Mount Tabor. In rifling the oclel
of their 'victim the footpads fulled to
find a f2ll gold piece Smith had pluceil
111 his shoe before leaving Portland.
Th" Hochdalo Co-Operutlve Com
pany's store on Main street wa tem
porarily closed Thursday, pending a
settlement with creditor. It Is said
the company Is Insolvent, but that
creditor from Portland wanted their
money uiiil as the store could not pay
on demand tho iiuuiukit closed by or
der of the company until such time
a a decision Is reached as to what to
do. The claim Is mude that too many
goods were purchased In the fall and
that the bills for these coming duo
now could not bo met from tho re
ceipt of the business,
The Linn county council, patron
of Husbandry, In aneetlng at Tang
ent Saturday afternoon, began action
to Interest voters of tho State In the
effort to disapprove the University of J
Oregon appropriation, which will he
voted on at the next State election by
virtue of referendum petitions circu
lated by tho Grange. A committee
consisting- of lCugene Palmer and Cy
ru II. Walker waa named to look
after the ecurlng of a suitable title
for the bill on the ballot and to form
ulate plan for Interesting voter of
the State In tlm movement.
The Concord achool has a new gym
naHlum that wa dedicated but Sat
urday with appropriate ceremonies.
Superintendent of County School T.
J. Gary was present and delivered a
brief speech, congratulating the
school patron on their enterprise.
Tho gymnasium was built partly from
fund raised by the school, and part
ly from a apodal tax, The pupil
gave a special prok'riun at the (led I
catory exercise. Mis Iu Albee Is J
teacher of tho achool
The Genlnl case got Into the local
court again Friday. Tho ' father
charged that the grandparent, with
whom the little Genlnl girl wa stay
ing, allowed her to stay alone In the
houe with Jeffrie, the. man charged
lth breaking up tho Genlnl home.
ana tnai me association coum noi tnu
he bad for the girl. Tho Court ruled
that the child be given Into the cus
tody of Mr. and Mm. J. I
Cole, at
Orcicon City achool director are
preparing to call au annual district
meetinK which will be heUr during
the last week of December for the
purpose of voting a apeclal tax for
general school purposes. The levy I
last year wa 24 mill, and It will I
probably be fully as great thl year.
The annual report of estimate of the
receipt and expenditure for the com
ing year will be made at thl meeting.
Meeting In road districts have
been scheduled as follow: Molalla.
Friday. December 13. afternoon; Wll-
noil, waiumay, iiecemner 14, arter- Tn8 Molalla Condensed Milk Com
noon; Boring, Saturday, December 21.lm.nv fit.., antri... rt t,.mrnorfinn in
afternoon; Barton, Thursday, IK-cem-her
2C, afternoon; Cherry vllle, Sat
urday, December 2, afternoon. The
afternoon meetings will be held at 1
i ociock. mere win 00 meetings
this month at Beaver Creek, Macks
burg, Lower Oswego and In other dls-
llr,, county. Half of the stock has been
pioneer Chapter. Order of Eastern subscribed, and construction of a fac
Star, held Its annual election of off!- tory will be commenced at an early
cer In the Masonic Temple Tuesday (late. The Incorporators are: F. C.
nlKht. and the following officers were Perry, E. E. Judd. T. S. Stipp, G. II.
chosen: Miss Alvena Horn, worthy 1 Nlcolal and I. M. Tolllver.
matron; Frederick W. Greenman, wor-
thy patron; Mis Annlo Howard, as.j0
Bocime matron; ,nw Aiyrtie nucnan-
an. conductress; Nils Gussle Hum-'
phrey, associate conductress; Miss
Helen Daulton. secretary; Mrs. John
II. Walker, treasurer.
Oregon City Aerie No. 993. Frater-
nal order of Eagles, Monday ntKht
elected the following officers: Grant
B. Dlmlck, worthy president; A. M.
Slnnott. worthy vice president; W. A.
Dlmlck, worthy secretary; A. Knapp, ;
worthy treasurer; P. 8. Flnucane,
conductor; John Woodfln, Inside
nuanl; G. E. Campbell, outside guard;
Dr. C. A. Stuart, physician; W. E.
LanKsford, musrelan.
There will be a two weeks Christ
mas vacation In the Oregon City
schools this year. The holidays will
begin Saturday. December 21, and end
oiiinin, jiiiiiuuj o. litis OBCiuni i
upon at tho regular meeting of the
Board of Directors held Monday night
In the office of the Clerk. Christmas
and New Years fall on Wednesday,
squarely in tho middle of the school
week, this season, and the directors
concluded that little could be accom
plished In the two' days preceding
Christmas or In tho two days follow-!
lng New Years,
Isaac ruralful Chris Bullard and
Clarence Osburn are accused of steal
ing a set net from Charles Ely. a
well-known flshermnn and Constable
of Justice District No. 4, and they
are also charged with having fished
with a set net without a license. Pur
slful' and Bollard were arrested by
Sheriff Iteatlo, hut Osburn disap
peared Friday. The set net Is val
ued at $40. It Is alleged by Constable
Ely that his net was taken Inst spring.
Hu!lnrd and Pursiful furnished bonds
in the sum of $100 each on the lar
ceny charge, and will have a hearing
next Monday. On the charge of fish
ing without a license they were al
lowed to go without ball, and this
charge will probably be heard next
Council met last week and trans
acted routine business and thenad-
Journed to Monday evening, Decem
ber 23. At that time an effort will 1
be made to clean up. the business of Mr. David Nelson, Jr., Is Buffering
the city ln preparation to turning tram ftrt attack of typhoid fever,
things over to tho new Council: Bonds Mrs. Mlntle, of Portland, was the
for street Improvements aggregating 1 Rest last week of, Mr. and Mrs. Rub
$(1027.45 will be Issued by Oregon City, I sell. ' i,.
and ordinances were presented and Miss Nell Younger Ib home after a
passed their first reading for the is-; pleasant visit' with friends at Peoria,
suance of . street Improvement bonds : Chicago. Slon City and other Mld
on the, following streets and amounts: t dlo West points 1
Madison, $4409; Seventh, '$307.70; Mr. W. J. Carson Is home from a
Ninth, $254.25; Tenth, $310.93; Tenth short vIAlt to friends at Lebanon.
Extension, $13,1.01; J, Q.. Adams Ex- 'Mrs. D. II. Howell and family mov
tension, $395.99; Fourth, $210.6T. ed to Gladstone this week.' !
There are many property owners who 1 ; Miss Grace Marshall Is a new clerk
have taken advantage of the Ban-! tn the Rosensteln store.1' ,J
cfyft Act to pay their street assess-1. Miss BerthaChambers Is home for
menu In ten equal payments, cover, the holidays, after a pleasant sojourn
lng a period or teni years, and th?s with her sister,' Mrs. Miller, In Clat
bonds are issued to give the city monilkante, 1 .t , -,
eyi 10 ' cover tne work. The rate Oft
interest:! thessarao. bo that the city
neither loses nor gains in the; tran!
The JOugene Guard says: Winter
lightning Is seldom seen In this conn
try, but last night there were several
flashes In the west, and thunder could
bo lizard occasionally, I
I'lifi Qfti.iinl jiliHit. lit M ti 1 t.rwirn r. h I
I-odao No. 1. A. F, and A. M.. will be
noid Haiunwy, uecemner 21, and
Clackamas Chapter, Koyal Arch Ma
sons, will elect officer next Monday
D. M. Klomson, A. Knapp, P. 8. Fin
ucane and Dr, C. A. Stuart have been
appointed a committee to arrange for
a Christmas tree celebration for the
members of tho Kale and their, fam
ilies on Monday, Decern her 2.1.
Judge Wolverton, of tho Federal
Court, Wednesday removed George H.
Hill as receiver of tho Title Guaran
tee & Trust Co., Portland, and ap
pointed K. C. Mears, cashier of the
Hankers' & Lumberra.cn' Hank,
succeed him.
There will be a meeting of the
Clackamas County Horticultural Socl-
ety held at the Court House on Satur
day, December 21. The election of of
ficer will occur at that time and a
full attendance I desired. An effort
will be made to Increase the member
ship and widen the 'Influence of the
The old rifles formerly at the col
lege at Corvallls, and recently re
placed by the new Krag-Jorgensons,
are to be sold for $2,&0 each by the
colleKn, authority having been receiv
ed from Washington to make such
disposition of them. There are 250
to be sold at this price, 80 of which
are In splendid condition.
The Cataract Hose Company Tues
day evening formed a foot ball team,
with H. W. Stratum as mananer. The
company ha Issued a challenge to
any one of the fire companies In Ore-
gon City for a foot ball game to be
played on Willamette field on Christ
mas Day or on New Year's Day for a
stake or Kate receipts.
The Willow Creek Gold Mining and
Milling Company ha purchased a
flour gold amalgamator for use In Its
mines at Ilalley, Idaho, where the ma
chine will soon be Installed. Dr. C. A.
Stuart. C. P. Farr, M. P. Chapman,
GeorKe Keddaway, Captain Itatnbo, H.
If. Hoggatt, and Ira Ham bo went to
I'ortlar.d Tuesday to Inspect tha ma
mma in operation at toe uewig aim
Clark ground.
The annual election of Cataract
Temple No. 42, Pythian Systers, was
held Tueaday night, with the follow
ing results: Mrs. Alda Simon, most
excellent chief; Mrs. M. P. Chapman,
excellent senior; Mra. Leolla Blount,
excellent Junior; Mra. Nellie Cooper,
manager; Mrs. Uzxle Gcsslfellow, pro
tector; Mr. Chas. E. Burns, Jr.,
guard; Mrs. Del Hart, mistress of
record and correspondence; .Mrs.
Clara Calllff, mistress of finance;
Mr. Elmer Lanklns, past chief; Mrs.
mniee Zumwalt, trustee,
the office of County Clerk Greenman
Tuesday. The capital stock of the
company Is 25.000, divided in shares
0f 150 j.ach.
All of the stock Is held
by farmers of the Molalla section,
and this is the first venture of the
kind to be attemnted In Clackamas
M. Frank Newton, of Toledo. Is a
! Ku,'Bt her parents, Judge and Mrs.
'Thus. A. McBrlde.
Etne' Thompson has accepted
position at Portland In the offices
0 ,ue u-
Mrs. C. O. T. Williams has gone to
Southern Oregon for the winter. She
will be a guest of her daughter at
Uoseburg, Mrs. J. M, Lawrence.
Thomas Hembrough and J. G. Et
linger, of British Columbia, who are
looking over the Northwest, were in
the city last week looking for pros
pects. Mr. and Mrs". James McFarlane of
n. ru.. ..i..u i t u.i.-.i .
n a?. et
sister, Mrs. G
Ward, Sunday. St.
Johns Review.
Mrs .Ward la spending a week
with relatives In Oregon City. St
Johns Review.
Miss Mary Dolan, a former resi
dent of this city but now of Port-
'aud- was ln the c,ty Monday on buSl
Mr, J. C. Zlnser. former superinten
dents of school, waa ln the city Mon
day night In attendance on the moot
ing of the Masonic lodge.
Miss Relta Carothers has resigned
her position as chief operator of the
Farmers' telephone company, which
she has held for nearly two years.
.Mr. Edgar M. Faulk, former super
intendent of the Oregon City schools,
was calling on friends ln the city on
Mr. Daniel Fisher, of Idaho, Is In
the city visiting his parents. He will
spend the Christmas holidays with
friends here. ' ...
Mrs. L Halllnan was Tlsltlng
friends ln Portland Thursday as a
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Walling.
Miss Augusta Schrader, left Wed
nesday for New York, where she goes
to finish her stuftles and services fn
a hospital in preparation for her du-
ties as trained nurse,
Mrs. M. V. Blnford has returned to
hrr homo, In Portland after a pleasant
Visit with her mother. Mrs. J. ' W.
Grout, of this city. "; '
Not at Christmas time assuredly NOT.
To promote that cheer which should character -ize
the season, there MUST be giving of gifts.
But the same old question arises 4 1 What shall
it be?
We make no attempt to answer that question
for you in this ad. But our stock will do it for
you without the least trouble.
Keep this store in mind. To miss our display
is to miss a good deal of the pleasure that be
longs to the season.
There is a constantly growing custom to GIVE
parents to children and from children to parents
it's the same, and from friend to friend.
But we have many other lines. Here are just
a few of them: Cut Glass, Hand-painted
China, Fine Hayiland China, Vases, Kodaks
and Cameras, Canes and Umbrellas, Water
man and Parker Fountain Pens, Ebony Goods,
Spectacles and Eyeglasses, Opera Glasses,
Musical Instruments And a large variety of
Victor Talking Machines, Edison Phonographs
and Columbia Graphophenes.
Prices as low as they can possibly be.
Try to be an early looker. .
Btwmeiste? & Aacfeesen
Suspension Bridge
Miss Wllhelmine Joenke, an Oregon
City girl who spent her summer vaca
tion here, sailed from New York city
Monday for Guayaquil, Ecudor. Miss
Joehnke makes the South American
trip aa a special representative of
certain educational bureaus and news
papers of the East, She will stop off
enroute at Panama, making a stay
there of several days, and will be
abroad for about six months. ...
I , ,
The home of S. H. Tanzer, of Bol
ton, was partially destroyed by fire
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tanzer were
visiting ln Oregon City ln the after
noon and while the three small chil
dren were "keeping house", a small
stove was allowed to become too hot,
w,tth disastrous results. Damage done
of $200, the larger portion of the
house being saved by neighbors.
iA dispatch from Canby reads: "It
la alleged that the recent municipal
tjoction In Canby was Illegal. Rev.
John Samuelson, who voted the pro
hibition ticket under challenge, does
not UveMn the city limits.' This fact
was established by surveyors this
week, and a contest may result.' The
fact that Rev. Samuelson Is not a
lqgal voter Invalidates the whole
election;1 it is alleged: , : " '-
JearB, Roebuck, & Company, a mail
order house of Chicago, was Wednes
day indicted on the charge of fraudu
lent use of the mails. ' It Is alleged
that the company misrepresented ar-
tl-lflfa 1 Mt A.I In Vml lolnmii Tha
Retail 6rooers Association is behind
the investigation of the Chicago flrm'a
. Peter Lungreen wa3 Instantly killed
Wednesday afternoon by a fall of 15
feet from the basin breakwater on the
east side of Willamette Falls to the
rocks below. His skull waa fractured
at the base and consussion of the
brain resulted. j
Luhgreen had beef a resident of
Oregon City for Beveral years. Tor
more than a year he had been work
ing as a logger for the Crown Colum
bia Pulp & Paper Company and Wed
nesday, while assisting in getting
logs from the basin to the east side
pulp mill of the company, he met his
death. No one saw him fall, but it
Is supposed that In walking on the
breakwater he stepped on some nar
row planks, slipped ' and fell to the
rocks. ." He -was missed by his fel
low workmen and search . disclosed
his body. He probably struck on his
head, causing Instant death, and he
had been dead about an hour when
found. ". , . -
Lungreen was about 35 years of
age and had a wife and four chil
dren. Coroner Holman held an in
quest was held over the remains, the
verdict being "accidental death."! '
f . Pine salve. .Carbolised acts like.
poultice, lraw out taflarrmtion Jand
poison, v v Antlseptle, . healing. Pot
chapped hands, lips, cuts, burns. Sold
by Hunt'.y Bros.
The Oregon City Jewelers
Terry McGovem Not Invincible.
Terry McGovern, the whirlwind
prize . fighter, took the count Wednes
day, when he was knocked out by a
stranger in a cafe in the Madison
Square Garden, New York. McGov-.
ern was watching the bicycle race,
when he became engaged in an al
tercation with a stranger. As a re
sult the two men mixed things. When
the fray wa3 over Terry was in the
land of dreams. A doctor was called
and was compelled to take several
stitches in McGovern's scalp. His
eye was badly blackened.
Japs Are Shipping to Mexico.
Japanese laborers are going from
Los Angeles to Mexico In such num
bers that the Pacific Coast Steam
ship Company has found it necessary
to have its regular steamer, tho Cu
raco, stop at San Pedro on the run to
Mazatlan, Guaymas and other Mexi
can ports. The agent of the steam
ship company has already booked a
number of Japanese laborers who are
enroute to Sinaloa, to work on the
Harrlman railroad now being built
in that section of Mexico. "
. Turkey Poor Electrician.
A turkey roosting on the high volt
age wire of the Northern California
Power Company left Redding and An
derson in total darkness for four
hours Wednesday night' The bird
was electrocuted, but - it caused a
short circuit and cut the power Off. A
small army of employes spent hour
locating the trouble.