Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 13, 1907, Image 3

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Great Possibilities In Small Fruits
Whon Properly Cultivated.
An authority Miiyit Hint on mi arm
of rich, cultivated luml $r,00 worth of
IjiutIi'h iniiy In' grown, Hint that h n
Mcrt'H IiimiIiI iniiiicii nt tin' ruto of
W IiiikIu'U.
Cnumm fur a Hliort crop tuny ho lull)
nt tlui iliiur of land ili-llcli-iit In for
tuity or plant food. Hucli luml should
Iiiivc composti-d iiiiiiiiirn appllod uii'l
turiU'tl tttttlr bioiidciiMti'd. Auolhor
r iiniin I lm pi-iM"r preparation if tho
noil. I'luw ilM'py iuhI burrow until
line, light mill iik'IIiiw, Again, thcro
U n poor crop when vari'ttn aro
planted tluit mi nut adapted to that
particular Mud nf Mill Mini clliiuii".
TIiIh can Im determined i-liliiT liy tho
HIICCI'MH lf till' III'IkIiImH'IIIK flllllHT of
tlmt locality, or hy teniing it limited
it ii tn b-r of plants, Failure ofti'ii comes
fnun setting poor plant; only lmnly,
vigorous planU nIiuiiIiI Iki purchased,
Ciiii'li'UNly (telling out plant will uIhii
riiiimi a hlmriHKi!. Tln'y should not,
tin i xpiiMi'il in tlui nun or wind before
setting, When pill out tlu root
should ln well spread mill Hint illrl
firmed it roil n l tluui.
I'hliiK Impelled fertilizer. Im an
other riiiiHc. There Im ii mi-x In plnnts,
I'IhIIIiiIi-H (female) IIIUHt llllVll KtHIII-
juntos (niaU) iti'l Willi them to liiHuri;
good i-rops, Cultivation hould not
lm neglected. ''I'lli! ground at all
time niii'il lm flint, nifllow uixl frt-o
from weed,
llutli front nml drought are tu'tn Ih
of a kooiI crop, ami the. moHt ilirilrult
to overcome. Ilrrry t1tJlH well ctiltl
vati'il ri Hi'Vi'iul degrees warmer
tlinn iiiHMilthnti'l field, therefore le
liable to damage hy front. Ketaln
mulching iih In1" an poHHllilu on straw
berries lu spring.
Teet Beetle at Home.
The Depart inent of Agriculture, In
order to aid fanner to determine fur
themselves without much trouble the
germluatlve j ii t 1 1 f 1 of seeds haa In
tied a short bulletin on the subject
A very simple apparatus for sprouting
aceiU la dincrlbed. It cuiill of a
ahollow ,biiHln In llcb placed a
amall Mat of imunuia clay, The aeeda,
after havlnit been anaked, aru laid
tietwei'ii two hlicitg of IiioIhI IiIiiIIImk
paiicr or fliiimel. A pane of k'hih
cover the dlali, which ahould lm kept
In a temperature of alxuit 70 ileKreea.
AtnuiNphere of an ordinary living
room U aultable If the apparatua I
left near the atovo at night. Heveral
klnda of nceda may be leated at onco
at a trlfllUK rout. Tho bulletin con
tluna the farmer BKnlimt extremea of
lieat or inolHture.
When Sheep Are Barren.
Bhecp nut In lamb may bo. noticed 1
near to or In lambing lime by the!
following algna: In fine weather j
tlu-y will be ween jumping and playing j
abi.tit; ttlno when they are called up
at feeding time It will be noticed that
thoan not In lamb are the flint to come
up, but t bono In lamb come up much
alower. aya V. U. Gilbert. They aro
lcna bulky In the region of tho abdo
men than tlume In lamb. Any dirt
about the tall la often n algn of bar
renneaa. Another teat la lo turn tho
ewe up, and If ah la barren alio will
ahow no Increase In the hUi of the
udder and will have a coiiKlderabln
amount of yellow waxy excretion on
the akin around the udder. The wool
near tho udder la generally of Wrong
er growth and more firmly attached
than that of an In lamb ewe.
Insects of Ancient Lineage.
The humble and not very winning
eockroueh can booHt of an antiquity
far beyond the wildcat dream of tho
moat arroKimt human family. In
fart, according to tho beat AclentMc
authority, the father of all black
bet tlea probably walked the earth
millions of yeara before neolithic
man had even a black envo to offer
with the remnlna of laat night's sup
per for tho cockroach of tho period
to enjoy.
The Invcxtlgatlons of a Ilrltlali
scientist have established the fact
that lu tho Silurian period Micro were
such Insects, although, as the only
piece of his remains found was a
wing, there hits been sonio dispute as
to the exoct species.
Farm Management.
Economy Is wealth. Extra and un
necessary expense Is a tnlllstono
around tho neck of ninny who other
wise would succeed. Discharge the
unprofitable, employe. Stop every
leak of unnecoHsnry expense. Money
saved Is money made. Money In
vested In tho host seeds and appli
ances Is economy. Tlmo wasted, la
bor wasted Is extravaganco.
A successful farmer says ho does
not have to Inspect a farm to see
Deposit What You
When You
Hut loK)slt your money HERE.
It Is possiblo you have never folt the absolute
necessity of having a honk account. It Is probable
you could drift along for years without ono but IF
life In a financial way It Is essential that you have
a nank Account.
Wo give you a personal Invitation to make this
bank your depository whether you have a small
sum or a largo ono to lay aside for Bafe keeping.
whether It pay or not, "JuMt glvo
urn a chnnro to look Into tlm barn.
The condition things ar kept In In
a tclltalo on tint curiOi-HH or waste
ful farmer. In fact, economy In farm
lug Im'kIiih at tlm liiru In tlm proper
handling of fooil, carliiK for tho
immure, earn of toolH ami harness
nni the earn given ,t" 'ho livestock
at alilcit there. Thorn la always a
hi'Hl way to do things, mnl lint ln.'Ht
way la gem rally tlm pitying one.
The Girl with a Hen.
A farmer In a nearby county, whllo
In a generous fnun e of riilud, gavo IiIh
daughter a Ik-n mid a rooster ami
hade her run away ami lm tt good girl,
promising Iht that If alio would look
lifter them he Would feed tlm In
crease fur four yearn. Tho girl, as
It were, planted those two chick
and tlm result, nrrordlug to her
futlier'N report, la astonishing. Ho
Maya aim him I'll In the hank and haa
2nn rhlckeiia which he hud to feed
hiMt winter. According tu tlui farm
er' heal. calciilatloliM, his daiiKhter
will own tlm farm at the end of four
years and will ho elm ikI'ik hliu rent
fur living on It.
Sawdutt and Soli,
1'rof. V, 8. Mnaey nay a anwduat
from reHluoiiN plue decaya alowly In
the aoll, and will aour the land when
decayed. ICvun when uaed for bed
ding In HtiiblcM, tint manure la not
worth half an much a that with or
dinary bedding. liok about, tho r
uialna of mtwdunt accumulated alxuit
abandoned mill altea that are com
mon In the plney wooda, and you will
ace that It taken a long time for any
vegetation to atari where aawduat
haa been acattered.
Ueeful Bob White.
Jamea itnrbank, a MIhhuuiI farmer,
wiw recently Maying a guod word for
tlm uiitliiiinll xhooUng law, and ad
vlhing our citizen not to kirk agalnat
It. One day laat winter he ahot four
qualla and hla children In cleaning
them found In their rrawa great wada
of dead cinch bug. Tln-y aoaked ono
wad out,, and counted bugR, be
Idea a lot if oilier Insect matter
which la undoubtedly Injurloua to
cropa. And ihla la why Mr. liurbauk
will never again willingly kill a iutt!l.
Beet Race Pigeone.
It la not generally known aayathn
Header, that beea are awlfter In flight
than plginna that la, for abort dla
tancea. Bonie yeara ago a pigeon
fancier of Haninie, Wcatphalhi, laid
a wager that a dozen beea liberated
three mllea from their hlvea would
reach Imme In Ichh time than a doz
en pigeons. The competitors were
given wing at Itybern, a village nearly
a league from llamme, and tho flrat
bee reached the hive a quarter of a
minute In advance, of the flrat pig
eon. Three other beea reached the
goal before the second pigeon. The
beea were a! ho allghtly handicapped,
having been rolled In Hour before
Blurting for tho purpoao of Idetitltl
ratlon. Pruning Fruit Trees.
In trimming trees It should be re
membered that the wound made by
cutting off a limb close to tho trunk
of a tree will soon heal over, whllo
the wound made by cutting off the
limb two or three Inches from tho
trunk lends to decay and sometimes
causes tho ultimate loss of tho tree
Starting Blackberries.
Tho easiest way to start a block
berry plantation Is to dig tho roots
In November, cut them tip Into C to
8 Incji lengths, bury them In sand
layerA through tho winter and plant
out (ono piece In a place) next spring.
A Good Word for the Catalpa.
The catiilupa tree Is ornamental, a
fast grower, hardy, and Its wood Is
becoming of value. It makes tho best
of fence posts. Is fine furniture wood,
and recent experiments have proved
that It Is the best material for making
paper. Tho cultivation of tho cotulpa
Is liable to bo a paying Industry In
this country In the near futuro.
Fence 2000 Mllea Long.
In West Australia, after five years'
work, a great transcontlntneal rab
bltproof fence has been completed.
Its length Is 20:iC miles and tho cost
of Its erection has been nearly $1.
2 15.000.
It Is furnished at Intervals of five
miles with systems of traits, In which
hundreds of rabbits are captured and
destroyed dally.
On the eastern side of tho fence
tho animals nro teeming nnd vege
tation Is almost completely absent.
Insido the barrier there appears as
yet no trace of their presence.
The Bank of Oregon City
Itoosts should only bo a foot from
tho ground.
I tu lid your poultry houses so that
they run bo easily cleaned,
Hoft shelled eggs are a sign of want
of llmo In tho aoll.
The leghorn Is the common fowl
of Italy.
Thn man who has tho milking of a
cow Urn first year of her milk pro
duction determines her valuo as a
milker ever afterwards.
It Is Just as much scrub farming to
waato or glvo away part of tho fat
from a high bred milk cow as It Is to
waato fat by feeding a scrub.
Experiment madu by German scl
ent lata show that butter koepa best
when preserved with from 3 to 6
per cent of salt. If tho proportion l
higher than that, tho results are less
Hy tho lino of tho separator the
cream can bo more thoroughly sepa
rated from tho milk than by skim
ming and perfectly fresh crearn and
skim pillk aro produced.
There, aro so many trottlnglbred
mures In every nelghlsuhood that
there la a wide-spread demand for
German and French coach stallions
wherever tho farmers have learned
to bred gisid tuarca to a gisid coach
, stallion, they grow Into high market
; prices.
Your fowls can't do without ani
mal food in tho winter time.
Keep nothing but pure bred fowls,
lei the breed be what It may.
It la the cow that Is up In good
flesh that does her beat. When sho
is thin and hungry all tho time, sho
will sun-ly put the biggest part of
what you give her to eat on h-r back.
That rneana leas for you In tho pall
and In the butter tub.
If yJni have gisid stallions In your
community, get a pair of pure-bred
mare and get Into tho moat profit
able horsobreedlng. You will soon
breed into a hundsome Income every
Tho cost of Its production and keep
aro comparatively o slight that tho
farmer who raises a first-class colt Is
more certain of profit on his work
than the producer of any other kind
of young stock.
Work up a trade for your eggs and
droHsed poultry among those that are
willing to pay an advance over mar
ket price for strictly frenli eggs and
guaranteed poultry. It can be done
and Is done in many localities.
Tick out market tdrds a few days
ahead of sale, and fatten on a little
old corn, and some pudding of oat
chop with middlings or ladled pota
toes, the whole mash mixed 'up with
warm skim milk.
With geese their feathers aro a
regular source of Income while the
surplus birds find a ready market at
remunerative prices at certain sea
sons of the year. '
Tho Cow with a long body Is apt to
bo a better feeder than one with a
short body. IMk over your herd and
soo If this will not hold good; the
big body denotes big copaclty for
The successful swine breeder does
not keep hogs, he mokes tho hog
keep him.
There aro only two strictly bacon
types of hogs, the largo Yorkahlre and
tho Tamworth. Tho fat In an ideal
bacon nuiat be evenly distributed, and
tho under cut must bo as nearly as
possible the same thickness as the
upper cut
An aged sow that has proved her
self a gsd breeder and suckler
should not bo made way with to make
riMim for a young and untried sow as
long as sho will raise a large litter
of giKid pigs.
Tlui climate and soil of the United
States afford unequaled facilities for
fruit culture, both In the orchards and
In the gardens.
A handful of bone-dust mixed with
the soil at tho roots of a tree or grape
vino will show its beneficial effects
for a number of years.
Candy or Intoxicants.
"Give children plenty of pure sugar,
taffy and butterscotch, and they'll
hnve little need of cod liver oil," says
Dr. Weald Hutchinson. In the Christ
mas Woman's Home Companion.
"In short, sugar Is, after meat,
breuj and butter, easily our. next
most Important and necessary food.
You can put the matter to a test very
easily. Just leave off the pie, pud
ding or other desserts at your lunch
or midday dinner. You'll be aston
ished to find how quickly you'll feel
'empty' again, and how 'unfinished'
the meal will seem. You can't get
any working man to accept a dinner
pail without a pie In It. And he's ab
solutely right. The only thing that
can take the place of sugar Is beer
or wine. It is a significant fact that
the free lunch counters run In connec
tion with liars furnish every Imagin
able thing except sweets. Even the
restaurants and lunch grllla attached
to saloons or bars often refuse to
serve desserts of any sort. They know
their business! The more sugar and
sweets a man takes at a meal, the
loss alcohol he wants. Conversely,
nearly every drinking man will tell
vuii that he has lost his taste for
sweets. The more candy a nation
consumes the less alcohol.
"The United States government
buys pure candy by the ton and ships
It to the Philippines to bo sold at
cost to tho soldiers In the canteens.
All men crave it In the tropics, and
tho more of It they get, the less 'vino'
and whiskey they want.
"In fine, the prejudice against sug
ar la born of purltanlsm and stingi
ness, equal parts. Whatever children
cry for must be bad for them, accord
ing to the pure doctrine of original
sin; besides, It costs money. I know
families in tho rural districts yet
whore the head of the family groans
over every dollar's worth of sugar
that comes into tho house as a sinful
and 'unwholesome' luxury."
Prof. Koch Makes Discovery.
Professor Robert Koch, upon whom
Emperor William conferred the title
of excellency In recognition of his
services in discovering the origin and
treatment of, the African disease
known as "Sleeping sickness," has
sot forth in an official report the de
tails of his prolonged investigations
Into the Victoria Nyanza region. He
supplements the general results pre
viously cabled by giving a statisti
cal comparison showing that only
about 8 per cent of the sleepers treat-
620-624 Main Street
Corner 7th
I will meet yot
i and Seventh
Monday and Tuesday nights. Little Child
ren, if you will be good yoti may write me
ftist what you want. Jast address yoti letters
to "Mr. Santa Clatis, 620-624 Main Street"
and I will get them all right.
Also N.bw LiUB of EDRKITURE for tlie HoUtlays
The Home Furnisher
ed with aa antoxyl injection died,
whereas the great majority of the
untreated sleepers who arrive at the
mission stations died.
"Professor Koch's Investigations
shrowed that the fly which causes
the Bleeping sickness subsists on the
blood of reptiles and animals, and
cannot live without it for more than
three or four days. The microscope
showed that the blood sucked by the
files was chiefly of crockodiles. The
professor therefore recommends a
bounty on crocodile eggs in order to
enable the natives to exterminate
them. It would be comparatively
easy, since the crocodiles have cer -
tain well marked breeding grounds in
the Nyanza district, where the eggs
can easily be collected.
Professor Koch also suggests clear
ing away the timber around the wa
tering places near the forts and vil
lages where the natives gather, be
cause the flies cannot live out of the
shadows of the trees.
The University of Oregon is expe
riencing the largest demand in its
history for graduates, both men and
women, to take prlncipalships and
positions as teachers in the high
schools of the state. Of the 53 mem
bers of last year's class, 20 are teach
ing in the high schools and colleges
of Oregon and the Northwest, and the
demand was much larger than the
supply. At the present time there
are a number of positions vacant be
cause there is no one available who
is adequately prepared to take them.
Two men tried to rob the Albany
postofflce last-week but were fright
ened away by a citizen living opposite
who was awakened by the noise
made in removing the iron shutters
to the rear windows.
The Portland-Salem elctric road is
to he extended to Ashland in the near
October and November statistics
for wheat and flour shipments from
Portland and Puget Sound ports are
particularly interesting as showing
the immense resources being convert
ed into actual cash In Oregon and
Washington. 7.434. C91 bushels of
wheat and 640,012 barrels of flour are
the exact figures, yet It must be re
membered that the crop is only Just
getting under way in earnest.
The Treasury Department has de
cided to station a revenue cutter at
Astoria as soon as the Mcpullough,
which has been assigned to the post
can be repaired.
Boosters at McMlnnvllle are trying
to make tho military company there,.
Co. F, Fourth Infantry, O. N. G., thel
best In the State. Oregon uity s
crack company may have something
to say as to which company Bhall be
the best in the State.
o o
a -
C -- m rr1 0 "
Stsf between 7
I Mm
The Government snagboat Math
loma has been detailed to remove
snags and Improve the channel in
Grays River on the north side of the
The finance committee which has
been Investigating the affairs of the
city of Boston report that the net
debt of the city at the close of the
last fiscal year was $111,848,735. in
stead of IC8.821.359, as reported by
the City Auditor.
Recruits for the Fourteenth Infan-
try continue to come in rapidly at
1 Vancouver. It is the opinion of the
regimental quartermaster that the
regiment will be filled to the maximum
strength of 875 within the next few
days. The slight depression in the
labor market has had its effect on
the Army. A great number of recruits
have enlisted in the past month in
nearly every Army post in the United
States. Reports from the Navy De
partment show that the Navy also is
gaining its quota of enlisted men.
Choice Cigars and Tobaccos,
Ice-Cold Hop Gold Beer,
High Grade Bottled Whis
keys and Wines.
Heckel & England
The Hub Saloon has changed
hands, Carlson & Block sel
ling out to Heckel & England.
W. S. EDDY, Y, S., M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario VeteiU
nary College of Toronto. Canada,
and the McKlllip School of
Surgery of Chicago, baa located
at Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephonea.
Fanners' 133 Mail ijii
M()A Main CMrt
Corner 7th
comet Main
and 9 o'clock
Main and Seventh Sts.
Clackamas County
606-608 Chamber of Commerce,
Full equipment of maps, plats, ab
stract books and tax rolla
Agents for Clackamas County Lands,
Money loaned, titles perfected.
E. F. & F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law.
Plumbing & Tuning
Dot Air Furnaces, Btp Pipes. Pumps,
Spray Pomps, Water Pipes,
Spraying Materials.
All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty
Estimates G'ven on All Classes
' of Work.
Res. Phcne 1514 Shop 1616
914 N. Main St, Oregon City, Or
Strictly in accordance with the
Pure Food Law.
417 Main St. - Oregon City
'SjIMlinliili ' WWII
For sale by
I aix4m.n I