Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 13, 1907, Image 2

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Our hopgrowera will soon organize
a hongrowors' union on plans sub
mitted by the hopprowers or Califor
nia. It Is proposed to unite every
liopgrower of the Pacific Coast in
one big union.
Jack Kerr was visiting at Grove
McGonegal's Sunday.
W. Sutherland was a caller at
Oplesby's Sunday.
Wm. Leach purchased a horse of
Franck Ixtckwood last week. William
now sports a span of horses.
Henry Kraus is doing some ditch
ing on his place at present.
There is talk of changing the
boundary lines of road district No.
23 so as to take in a part of district
No. 25.
Mr. Scramlln, our big phone man,
sustained considerable damage to his
phone lines by the high wind of last
Coleman Mark is feeding several
fine geese for the holidays.
All kinds of business is still at a
standstill owing to the legal holidays.
Your correspondent Is pleased to
see Canby go "dry," as that town
was getting almost as bad as the
North End. of Portland.
Jas. McGill, who recently lost a
leg by accident, is able to get about
a little on crutches.
We are having plenty of rain now
and we can all enjoy a good rest for
some time.
Mrs. Stennett has moved Into the
Lk H. Chambers property, from Ore
gon City.
Mrs. George Morse Is visiting rel
atives and friends in Iowa.
The worst drawback to our town Is
the lack of school facilities. Our
children must needs go to Oregon
City, Parkplace or Concord.
George Boardman has lately moved
Into his new home.
The wind blew something frightful
the first of the week. Central is hav
ing much trouble in making connec
tions for our people since that time.
Mr. Hart will soon have his new
home completed.
The York family have moved to
their new home In Washington, and
Mr. Blanton and family will soon
move from among us.
Mrs. Boardman is home after a
long spell in a Portland hospital.
The play, entitled "Capt. Racket,"
given Saturday night by the dramatic
club of this place, was a real success.
The characters were as follows:
Mr. Herman Duns Capt. Racket
Miss Frieda Duns Mrs. Racket
Mr. O'Connel Mr. Tollman
Miss Martha Zeek Mrs. Tollman
Mr. Dalroy Mrs. Tolman's father
Mr. Homer Glover. ."Uncle Obadiah"
Miss Minnie Steinman. .French maid,'
The parts were well supported and
speak well for the talent of the club.
Several choice selections of music,
both vocal and Instrumental, were
given between the act3 by several dif
ferent musicians, each of whom re
sponded to an encore. Two good rec
itations were also given by Mr3. Gib
son and Miss Helen Brougher. At
the close of the program the baskets
were sold at all the way from J1.50
to $4.50, $SG being the gum total taken
In. A large crowd was in attendance,
ending the affair by a general old
time dance.
We hear that St. Nick the genuine
ld Santa will be at . the Eagle
Creek church the evening of Decem
ber 23, where a really good program
la promised, under the able leader
ship of Mr. and Mrs. Masson. There
will be a tree and every little scholar
will be remembered. Everybody in
vited. Two young men, lately from the
East, commenced work for Mr. Glov
er. A few days since, one of them
(we have not learned his name) took
sick, and is now quite bad with lung
f,ver. Dr. Adix, of Estacada, is in
attendance. Later we hear he Is a
little better. We wish him better
luck in the future.
' Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Glover were
out from Portland Sunday calling on
friends and relatives.
A masquerade ball is to be given
at Wilbur's hall December 24. We
have not learned the particulars but
suppose, as usual, all are invited.
Peter Schiewe bought a farm last
week from Mr. Stoub, for $0090, and
Mr. Stoub is going to leave for the
old country with his family. He left
the farm last Monjay and Mr.
Schiewe Is moving Is moving to the
place already.
Fred Bower Is sick In bed.
Bat Sullivan Is coming home again
this week from Oregon City.
Mrs, Bower and her son went to
town last Monday to bring Mr. Sulli
van home.
Mr. and Mrs. Pulj! went to town on
last Saturday on business.
V. 11. Wettlaufer was at Dix's saw
mill last Monday to got some lumber.
Mat Scribner is our road supervisor
now. in Mr. Sullivan's place, ns he
was sick so long.
Mr. Maxson was hauling lumber
last Monday.
Mr. l.ee's family moved Into their
now house last week.
On division 8 G. Rutherford put on
the button and connected them and
division 14; put theirs In last week
themselves, and they work fine. What
will the rubbernecks do now?
Mr. and Mrs. Schorruble wore In
town last Friday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Hettman. from Beaver
Crock, were In Clarkes'last Sunday.
Jake Cooper has a now carriage.
Mrs. Wolf is entertaining the Ke
pres family from Kelso this week.
Rev. J. W. Kxon preached at Bull
Run Sunday night.
J. W. McClure returned Thursday
from Portland.
The Kitzmiller family spent Sun
day with their boys at Beaver Creek,
returning Monday.
The schoolmates of Miss Mary
Bews gave her a surprise party Sat
urday afternoon in honor of her Uth
Mr. Berkhouse made a trip to Port
land last week.
Mrs. J. L. Robertson returned to
Dover last Saturday.
Mrs. Joseph DeShazer has a new
The approach of Christmas holi
days keeps every one busy with the
pleasant mysteries of the season.
The Christian ..Endeavor of the
Congregational church realized $10
net profit from the Dutch market
held last week.
The Mothers' Club of Clackamas
held an informal meeting last Friday
afternoon. It was decided to post
pone further meetings until the after
noon of January 10, 1908.
The Ladies' Aid of the Congrega
tional church met at the parsonage
last Thursday afternoon. The time
was pleasantly spent in devotional
exercises, roll call and informal dis
cussion on business pertaining to the
society. Tea and refreshments were
served by Mrs. Meyer and Mrs.
We are informed that the Ladles'
Aid of the Methodist church will hold
a bazaar Friday of this week; but
cannot state time or place.
A carpet ball social will be given In
the Grange hall Wednesday evening,
December 18. Proceeds will go for
the benefit of the hall.
Frank Knolls and wife left Clacka
mas for Dallas, where Frank's father
has purchased a large stock ranch.
We understand the place is about
four miles from town, and is to be
well stocked with sheep, goats, cattle
and horses.
Mrs. G. A. Helms, of Portland,
spent Sunday with her brother, A. O.
Hayward, and family.
Ye scribe has been "a good child"
th3 past year, and Santa rewarded
her early with a phone; 19 is the
number, one long and four short rings
the call. Friends take notice and
"ring up."
Under the auspices of the C. E. of
the Presbyterian church an enter
tainment sociable was held at the par
sonage Thanksgiving evening.
Miss Grace, of the higher grade of
the Sprlngwater school, attended the
teachers' institute at Portland last
A rancher from east of the moun
tains has purchased the Albright
farm and Is moving hi3 family here.
Farmers are busy plowing on high
ground; stock have been taken to the
straw stacks, and are In good condi
tion for the winter; grass is still good
and with this moderate weather will
stay so. Early sown grain looks fine,
and a very healthy growth, as a gen
eral rule last spring-sown clover is
rather thin on the ground. Some
freak In the weather must be the
Another big drive of ties by J. E.
Broughton passed by Wright's bridge
Sunday. At this stage of the water
I they will be at Barlow by Tuesday
night. A crew of seven men were
crowding tnem through.
ePte Hornick and crew are below
Liberal with their logs. Mr. Hornick
! is one of the best river drivers on
this stream, or at least he has the
I'torce Wright is plowing sod and
killing gophers for a change. Per
haps ho doesn't go far enough on tho
north side of the river, eh?
Won't tho gold be drawn from the
bunks mill nut. In n eluv luinU- nfter
the 14th of this month? lok out,!
boys, there may be another holiday
called. Is this paper that Is going
the rounds money? Has It got Uncle
Sam stamped on It?
Max lluss Is busy clearing his piece
of land getting It ready for spuds In
the spring.
R. A. Wright has his new house all
plastered and has one of the finest
houses on the river.
J. O. Morris returned from San
Francisco last Thursday. No place
like Webfoot for him ami lie did not
bring back a cook either.
As for weather, we have all kinds
except cold and dlsagreouble. No ex
cuse not to work.
O. S. lloylos and his carpenter are
progressing nicely with their house;
in a few weeks It will be pronounced
E. P. Carter Is camping on his farm
In our country enjoying the fresh
mountain air, while he does some re
pairing work on Hie place,
Clarence Ramsay seems to be go
ing to make O. S. Boyles a new yard
gate. He seems to be viewing It ctose-
Mr. Ix'hman, the mllltnan, treated
his family to a new graphophone a
few days ago. Music Is often heard
from that direction, as well as sound
of the mill whistle.
Mr. Daugherty has butchered sev
eral fine beeves this fall, and one to
winter himself on (wife excluded).
Roy Trulllnger has been attending
the Molalla school for sometime, and
will probably attend all winter.
Mrs. Wlngfleld is expecting to
spend Christmas In Salem with Mrs.
Jane Bagby.
Mrs. Percy Ritter spent last week
at Buttevllle, having some sewing
Lucy Armstrong visited at Wleg
and's Sunday.
Jack Kerr and George Oglesby had
their wood rawed this week bv Carl
Oscar Jack and wife visited Grove
McGonegal's Sunday.
Ray Fish called on Miss Laura
Kocher Sunday.
D. B. Yoder helped R. W. Zimmer
man butcher Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Moehnke
came up from Portland and are vis
iting here a few days.
The literary and debating society
Is bringing out the young folks from
far and near, and In the near future
we may hear of some great orators,
who will say, "my first experience be
fore an audience was at Shubel de
bating society."
The young folks are practising
pieces for Christmas tree entertain
ments at the different churches.
Mrs. E. W. Hornshuh has been
spending a few days with her mother
at Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lleser, of Sell
wood, and Val Lieser, of Oregon City,
were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G.
A. Schubel.
R. Glnther and family spent their
Thanksgiving with some friends at
The windstorm played havoc with
some of the telephone lines.
Will some on please explain why
the Home telephone people charge us
25 cents to phone to Macksburg? I
thought we were to have free ex
change over all lines In this county.
Some of the boys think the hunt
ing season for birds Is still open. Bet
ter look a little out. The pheasant
season closed December 1.
We are Informed that another
change in hello girls takes place this
week. Miss Hazel Glnther will at
tend to the switching.
It is possible that there will be a
change In the pastors in the Lutheran
church, as Rev. J. F. Doescher has a
call from another church with an in
creased salary.
The Southern Pacific Railway Com
pany had a man to examine the land
they own in thels neighborhood and
to report as to timber, etc.
Ed Schmidt is able to be up and
around again, He was confined to his
bod about four weeks with typhoid.
A merry Christmas Is expected In
our little burg. There will be a Xmas
tree at the hall. The program will be
rendered by the school, church and
Grange combined.
Mr. Woodslde is doing some fall
Mrs. Nellie Haden and Miss Pearl
Hydinger are visiting at the house
s a
i Make Your Bedroom
Wc ton sell you a
some suit thai will please
you. One-third vour
Is spent In bed, so why not
J make the bedroom home-
like. Wc tan do it for a
little money. Try us.
X There is no "break" at our store
the former's father, Mr. Iirunrr.
Mrs. Annie Johnson sp'tit the day
with Elva Daniels Monday.
Mlxs Spulak spt-nt Sunday at the
Llnqulst home, near C'oltoti.
Marguerite Manning, who has been
working at Scllwood, has returned to
her home.
A. Erlckson killed a beef Monday.
H. Turner has moved onto Mr.
Evans' place for the winter.
Louis Churchill has moved Mr. and
Mrs, Guy Jewlt to Llndsley's sawmill.
Will Fairfield has gone to Molalla,
where be will continue his work an
Mr. Holsteln's son Is staying with
him at present.
There Is still talk of the sawmill be
ing built at Mullno. The work will
start soon after Xmas.
A. Dougar is hauling cream now.
H. Seltzer will move to his new
home in the near future.
Mrs. Daniels and daughter. Katie,
dined with Agnes Woodslde Monday.
Mr. Johnson, a farmer who lives
near Oswego, had his legs badly
crushed while hauling wood.
The Artisan lodge Initiated several
new members Saturday evening. Af
ter the initiation lunch was served,
and all had a most enjoyable time.
David Nelson, Jr., who has had the
typhoid fever for some time, is con
valescent. The Oswego Women's Club met at
the home of Mrs. Wm. Gray Wednes
day. Mr. B. Messing was visiting friends
here Saturday.
The brass band Is preparing to give
ofan entertainment and dance soon.
i '" J .X ( "''" )
It takes years of experience, fine
figuring, and shrewd manipulation of
the market supply to provide the high
est grade of goods at the lowest
prices, as well as years of honest en
deavor and straightforward business
methods to establish our reliability
and superiority as we have done.
In selecting your holiday gifts this
safe store for hurrlel people.
All toys are sold at a very small
margin; you will find that 25 cents
will buy more in our establishment
than 50 cents In the high-rent district
We have very strong lines In Rock-
Horses, Dolls, Boys' Wagons,
Coasters, Velocipedes, Mechanical
Toys, outside of our regular lines of
Silverware, Cutlery, 8clssors, Furni
ture, Carpets and Hardware.
hand -
& i i mi. v.v"' ill ii. ..xi.'.' ' i
Hen I K(o(c,
LcMirin, Insurnncr
Phone, Main 521 Office In Caufield Bld., Main and Eig Sts
Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans.
Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse.
Will practice is. all courts, mulct collections and settlements of ritatrs Kuril im.
iMtiactsul I title, lend yon money on 11 rot mortgage. Office In ENTERPRISE
Building, Oregon City, Oregon.
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
Oregon City, .... . Oregon
Will practice In all courts of the atat
Office In Caufield Building.
areful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving
Williamc Rrno Trnnofoi P
Phones, Office II2I, Residence
except in prices.
Don't let the buildings go
through the rainy season
without some protection.
We can out sell all com
petitors. Stoves,
Heaters f
We can sell you stoves
that are fuel-savers and T
I . . .L-. .:tt
ucai gciicraiura uui win
surprise you. Prices al- 4
ways below competitors.
We are chopping both
ends off all prices. J
Mnln Hirer!,
v F. f. CniFFITH
W. H. 8ILCOX, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant .
Hest Service and Accommodations
Main St., 0pp. suspension Bridge
1833 525 Main Street !
, IF I I '
t ti'-.