Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 06, 1907, Image 5

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I : All EL&dy
I JFdDr Y&vj. FJffiw"-1
One candidate watt Inltlat-
Tim Woodmen will initiate i clun
of candidate Hulurday night,
The Oypslna will mwt with MIhm
Lniiia pope Saturday evening.
Tin (Human aoclety will give
daiiro St lh Arrimry Saturday night.
Itlvmbrlnk skating rink Im open to
ladle wIki wIhIi to tnrri U katn
afternoon Wednoaday,
Tim Oregon City hand will give a
masquerade IjhII at the Armory But
unliiy night, December 14,
J. 11. Duta I in Jail on tlm charge
f dlMulliig k shirt, lie had the ahlrt
on nt thi! time of IiIn arrt'wL
Senator Fulton want an approprla
lion of f 000,0110 to enable him to pur
chomi tho lock at Oregon City.
MIhh Marian I ,t ti w a it m wan hoten
to the Aloha Club, t her home In
Went Oregon City, yetcrdny after
noon, Tho woolen mills have Instituted a
new scale of wage, Home uny ihey
ml) make tlm HtllllM WHK"N Under tlio
new aa the old, but others any not.
The rainfall at Oregon City for thn
laat three month wa icon Inches,
The precipitation for fotir doy of the
lKt 'k of November wan 8 inches,
Tho Oregon State Dairyman' As
sociation uieeta In Portland neit week
Tuesday and Wednesday, Speaker
from abroad will have place on the
ProgreMa In tho erection of the ow
O. W. I', Bridge acroa tho Clai-kama
at (lladatono haa proceeded far
4'itouith o that cara are running
ttcro It,
An "All Oregon , Apple Show" I
being planned for rint yt'ar. Grow
er; of apple are Invited to plan for
thn event.
Dr. W. H. Carll and thn Crown.Col.
umbla Paper Co. remembered th 8t, ! "" of 11,11 leKlalature. Mr, W. 8
Ml Dorothy (irny entertained &
number of her young friends at Imr
homo In Green Point Frldny. Tho af
ternoon wax spent In game and mu
sic after which a ropaat wna 'aorvod
by. tho IiohIdhm' inothor, Mra, J. W.
Urny. Thomi who finjoyod tho youiiK
hoMteHH' hoapltallty wore Jotinlo
Hchntjs, HitiRol Btoadman, Cnrrlo Cnmx,
Kllulniili Hi-lmt,, llattlo Unma, Uuira
Head and Vt-rno Croaa,
Twenty of the 4(1 aawmllla In Clack
ftmaa county linvo lii'on forced to uh
pond opiTatloiiH on account of short-
axA of cara and tho ItiureaM In rail-1
road ntti'S. Hovcntyrlvo percent of
tho mllla on tho lino of tho Orison
Water Power and Hallway Company
In tho ISMtacadti auction are abut
d()wn. More than 3U0 men In tho mllla
and loKKlna; :ampa ar out of employ
incut, which inciuiM a lo of t25,()00
por day,
Mra. UJ.Ui Umg, wla of Tbpmaa
M, Inig, dld auddonly Saturday
mornlriK nt Jnr homo In Canemah,
BKd 49 year. Bbe had be. afTllcted
with huart troublo for about four
ytara, and durln the lut two wooka
Imt condition waa critical. Mra, Ing
W04 bom In Clackamaa county. Bho
waa ft daughter of tho Into Joacph IS,
and ICIlen J. Hodkea. 8ho left a hua
band and five children, Tho funeral
waa hold Sunday.
Young frlenda of Mlaa Alotha Otflea
by plcuantly aurprliiod her at lilad
atono Baturday afternoon, The tlma
waa uiotit enjoyably punned with
mimic and Ramon, and dainty refreah
menta were aerved. Thoao prcaent
wir Nella Johnaon, Zula ilelatand,
Francoa Croaa, Edyna Hoar, Muriel
Maria, Amy I'eckover, Iva WKzlK,
Orace Clydo, Aletha Ogleaby, Reta
Holoma, Huth I'eckover. t
The huHineaa men and bankera of
Oregon held a convention In Portland
Baturday lattt and finally dwlded not
to ak the (lovernor to call an eitra
, Mr. K. A. Evann, of Ban Franclaeo,
waa vlaltlng hla brother-in-law, Mr.
IS. C. Thomaa, of tho KntorpriHe, for
a few duy last week,
(Jrand Cblcf Patriarch Beckltb
vlBlted Falls Kncampment I. O. Oi V.
Tueaday evonlrm and enjoyed a pleaa
ant occaalon with local Odd Follow.
Mr. and Mrs. Charloa Heed were
Butiday Kft of Mr. and Mrs, A. M.
White, Mr. and Mra. Rood have rent
ed a farm In Kuatern Oregon and will
aixiti take poaaeaaton.
Saturday tbero waa a colllalon be
tween a Mount Tabor and Mount
Bcott car at Fortieth street and Haw
thorne avenue, Portland, In which
five people were aerloimly Injured. A
a renult an order lamieil Sunday by
Him tiiHiittiri.nif.nt rf tlm lrtrllfitt( Onll.
way, Light & Power Company, paa-'
Agne nby Home with turkeys for
I eankainving. , i
ih bt aoclal at the Went Bide
achKila netted $25 for the library.
Thoae who participated enjoynd a
pleaaant evening.
J. Wlllei. who waa married Monday
to Mra. Minnie A. Ingram, haa purch
iiaed a livery bualnea at Vancouver
end will move to that place.
t'lntt aalve CarbolUed acta like a
touitlce, drawn out Innamation and
U'Ren argued In favor of the apeclal
aeaalon, declaring that the bualneaa In
Ureata of the state required an ex
tra aeHlon In order that the holiday
and attachment laws might be amend
ed no that dtaontrou reaulta would
not follow the resumption of judicial
At tho regular monthly meeting of
the OreKon State Woman Btiffraice Aa
aoctatlon held Saturday In Portland,
petltlona with more than 8000 algna-
turol were reported. Theae petltlona
antiKur are prohibited from riding
on tho front platform of all the O. W.
P. dlvlalon care, which tneana that
all Minoklng on theae cara muat atop.
Hy the rule made by tho company a
fw montha ago, amoklng waa prohib
ited on tho rear end of all cara op
erated by the company, and the new
order almply mean that the commut
ers realdlng In Lenta, Arleta. Mount
Tabor and Bollwood will be forced to
go without their uxual morning amoke
while on their way to work.
It In evident that the order was
laaued aa a reault of Saturday nlght'a
coliialon, and the Oral of the week,
whenever paaaonger attempted to
ride on the front platform of the cara
they were told by the car crew that
nobody but the motormoa were al
lowed there.
AUI,,r,,uc, neeimg. nr ! demand that the woman auffrage
chapped hand. Hp, futa, burua. 8ld J amendment to the atate conatltutton
by Huntley Jiroa. bft glrtjmnu.,i t the oJectra of the
The Anaora goat Indualry la flour- atate at the election next June, Not
Inning In Claekamaa county. Wm. enough algnera have been aecured ao
Hardin, of Alma, now haa abont 180 j far. but It la believed the required
Koala and Peter Hela. who Uvea near l number, will bo appended within a
Orient, la making a aucceaa with An-j few week.
KorM- Article of Incorporation of the Wll-
Sheriff Dealt haa nine men at hla low Creek Mining Company were Died
uoarumg nouae. lie la full ud and It Tueaday with County C erk Green-
man. The capital atock of the con
cern la placed at 1500.000, divided Into
behoovea tho people of Claekamaa
county to be g.iod or they will be mm-
ixneu in neing compelled to bluld a 600.000 ahare. with a par value of $1
larger Jell, jeach. The' Incorporator are William
Frank Miller la wanted on the Ramiw, H. I. HoKgatt and George Red
charge of theft and forgery. He ha daway. The company ia intereated in
wiTii pinyioypa oy tiarry joiiea, wno i " v ,' ' niiiw k.irr uib'
liaa been building aew atreet in Ore-
Kim City the pant'r, -Warrant' (
ut for th young man,
Dr. Carll announcea that hla cam
paign eipenae were only 10.90. He
ttemlxea, aa followa; Cljeulara 5,
etampa to mall them 13.65, envelope
and mailing 2, hot coffee for men at
voting booth clgara 91.25.
I lob Shlnborn, of Carua, captured a
foK'the first of the week. The doe
ir.lt r "iMintor a tree and the boy
thotiKht thy had a coon In eight but
trlct near Halley, Idaho. Tho officer
are. Dr. C. A. Stuart, president; N. B.
Farr, vlce prealdent; M. P. Chapman,
secretary; William Rambo, treasurer;
Owirgo C. Hrownell, attorney; George
Reddaway, William Rambo and U. I.
Hoggatt, dlrectora,
Atntut half the aawmllla In tbla
county have cloned down r"dHr. ke
Mra. Martha Olaen committed ul
clde Thursday morning at her home
1 mile eaat of Canby, by hanging
heraelf. Her l)ody waa found by ber
huaband, R. Olaen, about 9:30 o'clock.
A phyalchvn waa called but life waa
extinct. Coroner Ho! man waa noti
fied, and went to Canby to bold an
Inquest, the Jury returning a verdict
of aulclde.
Mra. Olaen would have been 50
year of age next March. She had
been resident of Canby, with ber
family, for about 10 year, and had
worked hard to make a home; and her
health failed aeverol yeara ago. Tbla
caused her to become despondent and
ahe frequently eald ahe bad nothing to
live for. Thursday morning ahe aeera
ed brighter than usual, and her bus
band last saw her about 9 o'clock. Go
ing into the pantry about half an hour
later he found her Ilfe.'ea form. She
had made four atrand of chalk line,
which ahe had fastened to a nail; four
feet from the floor, and, making a
nooae, placed It about ber neck and
laid down on the floor, where ahe
atrangled. When found ahe bad ceased
to brthe. t ...
Rarely, if ever, has such a complete lice of merchan
dise' been presented for your examination.
We don't think we ever were so successful in securing
such a beautiful collection of holiday offerings.
There is not an unworthy article in the lotnot one.
Wall Y(nra all?
We are anxious to get your opinion.
No matter whom you desire to remember with a gift,
you can do it gracefully by selecting it from our stock.
This list reminds you of some of the articles in stock,
and for every, item we print there are a dosen that are
not mentioned. Only a visit will give you the right idea.
Diamonds Watches Kodaks and Cameras
and precloua atonea, alwaya ap- For boys $1.00 to $10.00. Brownie Cameras $1.00 to $8.00
propriate gift. Price $5.00 to For Men $2.50 to $75.00 Kodak $5.00 to $35.00
250' ' For Ladies $5.00 to $1004)0 Developing Machine and tank.
Silverware Clocks T i
for he table In Sterling Silver ... , ' ' Jewelry
and-Silver plated; the kind . . d "hape from Chains, Pins, Locketa, Bracelets,
that wear . 1JX) to $25.00. Rings, Etc.. appropriate for any
' , : member of the family.
Cut Glass Chinawaxe
Llbby'a and several other This Is something that appeals wptlCal OOOdS
makea. prices from $1.00 up. to tne Ladles; pieces from 25c Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Opera
up to complete seta for $804)0 Glasses, Reading Glasses.
Umbrellas, Canes . n , Z . .
for gents. -$i.oo to $io.oo.. La- Musical Instruments Farker Fountain Pens
die' Umbrellas, gold and silver Vlollna. Guitars, Banjo, Man'do- Waterman FountainPenS
mounted from $1.50"to $15.00.. Una, Harmonicas. pearl pen holders and pencils
. ' -" j
i Good Roads Meeting. '
A public good roads meeting was
held at Forest Grove Friday afternoon
to consider a proposition to unite the
four road dlatricta of North Forest
general return of confidence. The Hat
follow: Cole Ilroa. t Co., Canby, 10,
OW; Monney ft Ilaker, Moburley, 12
... instigation It provod Ui be a bte W- A" V"'- Oregon City, 10,
tree. A nlre lot of hony waa aecured.
000i GreenwtMid Lumber Company,
15,000; Storm ft Storm. 10,000; Super
m i u.. ... . . ..ib.uuw; o"rm c oiorm. iu.uuo; super-
u-eM n. ,n ,.',.8 ? Chamber of ,ur L,uraber Company, Clarkea, 20,000;
rf l t?Xll!luM?lmA . fe.W!rl Broa. ColU.n 15.000; J. T. Myeri
1 ,nor f t, 1?.nUJ wn'" ln Son. IVidge. RO00; Burkhart A Hen
honor of their parent. Mr. and Mni.'ki. .ai. cm soon- hit
Savege, of Tulatln.
HiieDt with gam-
Tbe evening wa
and supper wit
An authority on fruit aaya: The
fruit tree are now dormant, the wea
ther la Juat right, and every orchard
1t' should be dousing hla treea with ' Co., Eataeada, 15,000; Kelao Tie Co.,
lime and sulphur to kill anthraeehoas . Boring, 10.000; O. A. Palmer, Boring,
and scale. No time like the present, 25,000; Shellenberger ft Wilson. Bor
and It won't hurt the treoa to give' l"K. 10.000; 8. T. Dorlng Lumber Com-
niYWA QlllfK rnroal Hmvo Ttlllntf mnA
aettlement of freight ratea and the j Tn.tcher In levying a apeclal road tax
to be expended In building a macad
amised road running through the
four district. Mayor Laugblin, of
Forest Grove, presided and ihd propo
sition waa discusaed by Colonel
Haynea, Judge Hollia, Hon. VV. K.
Newell County Judge Goodin, Senator
Haines and other. At the bloae, a
motion waa adopted unanimously fav
oring the proposition and directing
the chairman of the meeting to ap
point a committee to aee that tho mat
ter waa brought before the people in
accordance to law. The county haa
built some small patches of macad
amized road and the people like it
o well that they want more of It.
kle. Eagle Creek. 80()0; Dlx Broe.,
Ragle Creek. 10,000; N. Heiple, Eagle
Creek, 8000; Sellwood Lumber Com
pany, Ragle Creek. 10.000; I F. Bon
ney. Eataeada, 10,000; S. ft W. Davis.
Katacada, 15.000; Dubois Lumber
Company, Hatacada, 20,000; Ftaley ft
them aeveral dose ot It,
Ber-a laxative Cough Syrup for
coughs, cold, croup and whooping
cough grows In favor dally. Mothers
should keep It on hand for children'
Jt la prompt relief to croup. It la
Kfntly laxative, driving the poison
Phlegm from the system. It gives im
mediate relief. Guaranteed. Sold by
Huntley Broa. .
pany, Sprlngwater, 12.000.
Mlas Gertrude Gray, of Eugene, was
a iriinHt lnnt week nt Minn Manrnrnt
inn-, iKiwun, recwir or hi. Paul's : Uondfellow, .
ffSUrrn0" Ex-Representative P. S. Noyer. of
Tor evening services In December as Molalla. was trarmnMinir h.iinpi in
follows: December 8. "The Problem ! X. 'tt Tueadav sl ,n
.f. Sorrow"; neeember 15, "Our i 1 , ty, ? ay'e . ' ' t
Double SelvRa"; December 22 "Jeaua1 Mls9 I(,ft Mae Sm,tn- who 8Pent
Banishing 8ln"; December 29 "The' 'Thanksgiving with Salem friends, nr
Closed DMir." ' j r'vpd home Sunday.
The election of Dr.' Carll has set Mr- Bml Mr8' R- D- Jll80il w"l visit
men to guessing as to whom his Bp- fr,tn(,s Rn,) relatives In Oregon City
polntee will be for the positions thnt thls Salem Journal,
tho Mayor has to fill. The Mayor will Miss Ethyl Park, who has been vis
have five places for favorItesChlof Itlng in Vancouver, Wash., for several
of Police, two night police, city en- months, returned home today.
Klneer, and street commissioner. Wise; Miss Ellen TirohHt tflneher in -the
ones think they can pick the comb!-, Barclay school, spent Thanksgiving
Mtttln. J holidays at her home In Wilsonville.
The Mt. Pleasant Improvement So- Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Cross spent sev
enty disposed of the plow awarded it era! days the first of the week in San
by the Clackamas County Fair at Its Francisco, combining business and
m-(;uiiK i uesuny evening, uert uiark pleasure.
- senator Fulton has introduced an
amendment to interstate commerce
Jaw to prevent railroads from raising
rate until the Interstate Commerce
Commission shall hold such Increases
to be reasonable.
A Victor Talking Machine or an Edison Phonoraoh
makes the merriest of all Christmas Presents. Thcv
furnish enjoyment, not alone on Christmas Day, but day
I after day and year after year.
Prices from $10.00 to $100.00. And we sell
$ them on the Easy Payment plan. Come in and enjoy
Iiester Derlch and Ida Lenon.
Howard C. Lord and Genleveve
Chas. Beede and Ruth Marie Ilelt
ler . .
J. WHlett and Minnie Ingram.
Otto Zarecky and Christina Seldel.
held the winning number, 113. There
were 70 numbers sold, nt 25c a ticket,
netting the society a nice sum. This
society will hold social Christmas
week, when a good time Is planned
Ordinarily It pays as well to sell
potatoes when they are read v for C .
sale as to hold them. Under existing im"uays-
llnnnclal conditions,! however it only Mr- L- Pter and family return
tends to depress prices to offer more p1 to Orona City Friday after a nice
potatoes for sale than are wanted Thanksgiving visit in this city. Cor
for Immediate consumption. Oregon vallls Times.
potatoes ore bettor than usual this ' Mrs H.F. Cramer, now of The Dalles
year, and ought to bring better prices but formerly a cigar manufacturer of
Mr. and Mrs, George Broughton,
and Mrs. C. C, Hancock, of Portland,
spent Sunday with' Oregon City
friends. t
Mr. Joe Qoodfellow, employed by
the Warren Construction Co. nt Eug
ene, was home for the Thanksgiving
than are now offered.
; Oregon City, was calling on friends
Wacheno tribe No. 13. Imbroved Or-!tlie Past week-
ler of Red Men, Tuesday night elect-! " Miss Edna Caufield Is in Salem at
d the following officers to serve for tending the wedding of her friend,
the ensuing year; . , Frank Koenlg, Miss Gertrude Moores, a former real
nachem; Dwlght Bain, senior saga-. dent of this city.
more; Chauncey e. Ramsby, Junior
ter, Nov. 27. 1907, Robert Guttrldge
and Miss Ltnna Raney, Rev. Lands
borough officiating.
WILLETT -INGRAM At Presbyterian
'manse Dec. 2. 1907, J. Wlllett and
Mrs. Minnie A. Ingram, Rev. J, R.
Landaborough officiating. ,
CONE-ALLEN In Portland, Nov. 2S.
' 1907, Rev. J. M. Linden officiating,
, George W. Cone and Mrs. Anna B.
Allen, formerly of Maple Lane.
DIMICK-LENON In ' Oregon City,
Dec. 5, 1907. Lester Dlmick and Ida
Lennon. Judge Grant B. Dimlck
BEEDE-HEITER At ' Oregon City,
Deo. 4, 1907, Chas. Beede and Ruth
Marie Helter. Recorder W. A. Dim
lck officiating. , ' i
LORD-HARRIS At Oregon City,
Dec. 4, 1907, Howard C. Lord and
Genleveve Harris, Recorder Walter
A, Dimlck officiating. , v.
LONG At her home in Canemah, on
' Nov.' 29, 1907, Mrs. Lisszie Long,
aged 49 years.. ;. .,
TIETZ At his home In Sandy, Nov.
27, 1907. Tletz, aged about 70
years. ' He was burled according to
the Masonic ritual.
- Any article in our store may be selected now, and will be reserved for delivery
to suit the customer's convenience.
tit meistef & Anm eseti
Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon City Jewelers
The political organization planned
for the Philippine Islands by the civil
government act of July 1, has been
completed In the election, by the Phil
ippine Legislature, of two . commis
sioners to represent the archipelago
price. To lend only 75 per cent on.
New York City bonds, even at such a
time, -would have been a Deculiarlv
At 4. 1 Jt I .. r "
ai uie qaraesi nour oi ine panic, , snrewa transaction.
when a score of banking institutions
at Washington and sit in the lower! were on the edge of failure, John D.
house of Congress. It is to be ereat- Rockefeller heloed stem the nio hv
Keueo rW thrW MS
the Filipinos will result from the v wealth ,nto tha breach.' The day
arter Rockefeller made tbe announce
ment, a small, but solvent, banking In
stitution was hard pressed for cash
on Philippine products and to give to 11 bad plenty of good securities, but
appearance of the new delegates at
the capital. A willingness to remove
the unnecessary burden of taxation
the people as free an entry Into our
markets as has been given to the peo
pW of Porto Rico and Hawaii has al
ready been shown by the House of
it could not get cosh
Hearing of Rockefeller's offer for
aid, the directors went to him and of
fered a large block of New York City
Representatives. : But for some In-1 bonds, provided he would give them
scrutable reason, the Senate haa held
out for a discrimination, which can be
based on neither economical or politi
cal grounds.' If it Is any assistance
to those people for us to take their
products rather than the similar Dro-
ducts of foreign countries, It is only
justice and good policy on our part to
do so, and especially as our Industries
are In no wise threatened by their in
dustries. Their progress should be a
gratification to ua aud so long as we
retain possession of the Islands we
should be just and square in all our
dealings with them, politically, eco
nomically and commercially. :.. :
casn. Rockefeller offered to give
them cash for the bonds, provided he
got tnem at a discount of no less
than 25 per cent from the market The Review.
Chamberlain. to Meet Surety Co.
Governor Chamberlain has made an
appointment with the representatives
Of the A mpriro n fiiircvtir Pimnonir trt
meet them in Portland Friday morn
ing, and discuss the payment of the
bonds given by the company to secure
the State against loss of funds in the
hand3 of State Treasurer Steel. The
Governor is confident the surety com
pany will "make good."
"Did you hear about the deface-
ment of Skinner's tombstone?" "No.
What was it?" "Some one added the
word 'friends' to the epitaph." "What
was the epitaph?" "He did his best." '
LOST On Seventh street hill, Ore-1
Con CltV Nnv 57 n rinrlr i hi-nwn nttlf.
mr. ann mrs. vvm Hiianic. or Oregon ; skin handbag. ' Had red poppy design
sagamore; E. L, McFarland, chIet,.ot . City. werY gueats ofSarvey ' Blwe I wi h 0 for pgaS po'tal Beaver Cr
WumcAaK'SS o! JYV!?,, ThMtaWn VlvTr Thanksgiving. I
wampum,, curia Hartmay keeper of Canby Tribune. 84, R. F. D. 3, Oregon City. 89, R. F. D. 8, Or
LOST-i-Ladies' open face watch,
silver, with "Ceoil" on face; lost' be-
eek and Elyvllle, on
Bertha Howard, box
Oregou City,
... kr
Is turned out by the basketful in thia
laundry shirts, collars, cuffs and all
else requiring starching and stiff fin-4
Ishing. Our latest improved appli
ances, coupled With skill born of long;
experience, enable us to turn out first-
class work quickly and cheaply.
Oregon City,