Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 06, 1907, Image 3

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Rules Laid Down by th Vermont
Dairymen's Association.
Tho Vermont Pnlryiimn's AmnocU
tlnii linn promulgated tho following
rules for tho iiiuiiiiKi'mi'nt r dairies:
Tho stable should be well ventllut-
l, lighted nml drained; nhould have
tlKht floors mid wuIIh am) Mliouhl be
plainly constructed.
No uiiiNly or illrty lllter, no strong
Stunning material and no immure
should remain in tho stable Ioiikit
tli mi lit absolutely necessary.
Whitewash tho stable onrci or twice
a your, Would recommend the use of
Inml plaster In manure K'ltter tlnlly,
Feed no dry, dusty fodder previous
to mllkltiK. If dusty, xprlnklo he
fore It In feil.
Jlrush tho udder JiimI before milk
Iiik ami wlpo with a clean cloth or
Keep healthy rows, l'romptly re
move suspected animal. In particu
lar, mill no cows to th herd unless
It Is certain that tiny are free from
I llllt eXCltn COWS or CXpOKU them
to sirens of weather.
Feed a Kd cow liberally with
fresh, palatable feeilliiK stuffs, Ik. not
cliaiiKu these smldi'tily. Provide
wnier, pure, hut not too cold, In abun
lunc. Tho milker should lie clean and tils
clothes likewise,
Milk quietly, quickly and thorough
ly Throw away Into the nutter tho firm
few utrenms from each teat. This
inllk Is very watery, of very little
value and Is unite apt to Injure tho
remainder of tho milk,
Kemovo the milk promptly from tho
stable to a clean, dry room where tho
nlr Is pure and sweet,
Strain the milk throtiKh a clean,
flannel cloUi. or throuKh two or throis
thicknesses of cheesecloth.
Aerate and root the milk as soon as
It Is stratm-d, Tho cooler It Is tho
ruoro soiirlnjr Is retarded. If covers
aro left oft tho cans, cover with cloth
or tnoN(ultu netilna:.
Never mix fresh milk which has
leti cooli-d, nor close a can contain
Iiir warm milk, nor allow It to freer.
Hard Roads of Black Dirt.
At lU'ment, I'latt county, ,Mo a
road maklfiK experiment Is in pro,
ress which will be watched with much
Interest. It Is conducted muter tho di
rection of tho Btato Michway Controls
slon ii m! s Intended to demonstrato
the advanlaKO of tho Mtchly compact
ed earth as an element In tho per
manency of roads.
A stretch of Mad a half a mllo or
more In eiith was excavated to a
depth of 20 Inches tn 2 feet, and tho
i'arth thrown out at tho side. Then an
f-normous steam roller was put Into
this excavation, which Is about 20
fi-et wide, slid the bottom rolled
down as solid as It could bo made.
Then tho excavated earth was thrown
back In by degrees, drenched with
water and rolled thoroughly, and so
on till tho excavated earth was put
back. This rolIltiK process Is so rigid
that tho earth thrown out will not
nearly mil tho excavation, and to com
plete tho fllUti? of tho excavation
anipto ditches sre cut at the aides of
tho road, the earth thrown Into tho
excavation and thoroughly compacted
lylth tho roller. Tho excavation Is fill
ed up to tho height desired for tho
roadway, and thus thn road constat
of a body of earth nearly or quite 2
feet thick, compacted as firmly a It
Ih iKiHilile for a roller to compact It.
Now, the theory Is that, if this
road Is thoroughly drained, no that It
can not bo undermined by water, nnd
Is dressed down on tho top with a
drag whenever It Is wet from rains,
It will shed water on tho top atjd bo
a permunetly solid and smooth road
and one that can bo const ructed at
moderate cost,
Keeping Poultry.
In tho Southern States and other
warm regions, chickens are often pre
pared for the table as soon as killed,
a practice unknown In tho North. In
hat cane the animal Is cisiked before
he animal heat ban left the body,
nd the flavor differs somewhat from
nnt of a bird that Is kept. If a bird
i not to be cooked Immediately that
Is killed, It should bo kept twelve
iurs or more before It la used. After
animal heat leaves the body a
tinge known ns rigor mortis sets
1 This sets the flesh and stiffens
I tendons until they become hard.
W some hours this stlffneB passe
'y. Cold storage usually begins
the season In October and ends
May. Ordinary poultry will re-
sweet for a week or more In a
'Wature of GO degrees Farenbelt.
Nf to be kept longer must be stor-
cposit What Yoo
;- When Yoo
But deposit your money HERE.
It la possible you have never felt the absolute
necessity of having a bank account. It Is probable
you could drift along for year without one but IF
life In a financial way It la essential that you have
a Bank Account.
We give yon a personal Invitation to make this
bank your depository whether you have a small
sum or a large one to lay aside for safe keeping.
oil In a dry temperature that readies
no higher than 34 degrees. All rueaU
should bo used Immediately after
taken from cold slot ago as they de
compose rapidly when brought to tho
air. Much more rapidly than birds
or meat Just freshly killed and sub
jected to same heat and air,
Fish Laws Needed.
Tho new movement will make tho
entlro problem, of tlsh supply ono for
Washltgton to deal with. Kvory State
In tho I'lilon will bo asked to cede
Its rights over the principal rlvera
and lakes which pass through the ter
ritory of other states. Thus empow
ered, the United Mates Government
will bn able to enact uniform laws and
have authority to compel observance
of regulations that will prevent the
wholesale destruction of otie of the
most Important staples of our food.
Fish In the great Inland seas Is not
60 per cent of what It was. Nearly
every statu has some laws to protect
fish and there are also Canadian re
strictions, but they differ, and It Is
not possible U) secure In Michigan
an obeilleiico to an Ohio statute, Ho a
conference between state, federal and
Canadian authorities becomes neces
sary In order to map out a program
that will give thn fish a chance. It
Is hoped that by tho time the United
8tatis and Canada have their confer
ence Uncle Sam will have obtained
from all tho Interested states the
rights necessary to act for all.
Raising Alligators.
Of all the Interesting uses to which
Incubators have been put that of
hatching alligator eggs Is probably
tho moitt striking, says Popular Me
chanics. An Kugllshman at Hot
Kprlngs, Ark., Is engaged In raNIng
allocators for tho market, . The do
man for the hides to use for manufac
turing purpose Is constantly Increas
ing while parks and soon buy the live
reptiles for exhibition.
Currant Cutting.
, Take up thn currant cuttings and
plan In nursery rows, and throw a
rldgo of earth over them ho that they
are covered about 2 Inches deep. In
the spring this covering should be re
moved, so that the tip are left Just
below the surface of the ground. In
this way currants are readily propa
gated from hardwood cutting made
from well rlpened shoot of one sea
son' growth.
A Balanced Ration.
A gsd balanced ration for feeding
cattle recommended by the United
States Department of Agriculture, Is
composed of 12 pound of shelled
corn. G pounds of wheat bran 2
lMiunds linseed meat and 10 Dound
' .rn lI..u... t.im ill.,,., .... ...- ,t 1 AttA
pound live weight. . '
Twig Disease.
It may not be generally known but
many twig diseases of tree are
spread by pruning tool. One very
successful nurseryman dip his prun
ing knives and saws In a solution of
carbolic acid before beginning to
prune another tree, ho If any germ
are on the txl this treatment will do.
stroy them. As soon a a wound Is
made It Is a good Idea to (Uninfect
and paint It to keep out the moisture.
There Is danger of trees contracting
disease as the germs enter the
wounds and diseased place result, or
th exposed part will begin to de
cay as noon bh the moisture gets a
hold. .
Only Healthy Animal Pay.
Pure water only should be supplied
to hogM, Do not think that the hog
wl ent anything and It will be best
for hint Clean food and drink are
better and more profitable for any an
imal. Healthy animals only are prof
itable In this age.
Guinea Fowl.
It It a hard matter to distinguish
tho sex of Guinea fowls. Some author
ities claim that the, male chatters In
a quick manner, while the female
give off a sound like "Otrack," or
"Joe Pratt." or "Ituckwheat." Tho
male gives a sound similar to a
screech turned Into a laugh.
Profitable After Crop.
A man In Cooper county. Mo., sold
a load of clover seed that brought him
IH48.80. The seed were saved from
a forty-acre field after a heavy crop
of clover hay had been cut off. Clover
Is one of the best paying crops that
a farmer can raise, and U a great
benefit to tho ground.
The egg producing hen la the ac
tive bird.
(let rid of all old hens; they are
the drones In the Hook.
The Bank of Oregon City
Feed regularly, Sheep ar good time
keepers, They get resiles if you are
late with food.
If well fed at night, the hogs will
bo kept warm and not become hun
gry before morning.
Wood ashes make a splendid fer
tilizer for strawberries, raspberries,
cunahts and grape.
Don't let any man, dog or animal
iriai nas neon among sick hogs come
near your hogs If you can help It.
Tree should be set exactly straight,
because this add to the Ixks of the
orchard and facilitates cultivation.
You can make vinegar from cider
by adding two quarts of molasses to
every barrel of cider and exposing It
to the warmth and air.
A large quantity of salt Is fatal to
fowls; yet they need salt in all soft
food, the same anion tit we usually
put In for our own food,
A dairyman who ho always made
money out of hi cow tell us he
grinds his feed. He also run his
clover hay through a cutter.
Don't part with the cholera cured
how she will not have It again and Is
worth her weight In Insurance pedi
cles If she f a good breeder,
Tho butter maker at the creamery
never gnoses at things. Ill cream Is
put at the right temperature and at
proper degree of sourness to churn
On almost every farm there I more
or )ch skim rnllk. This make a
splendid feed for adult fowls, espe
cially when they are being fed for egg
Every lot of poor stuff that goo
to market niakes Just that much less
to market for something good. To
leave the good and bad together Is
rank folly.
Thin out tho raspberry suckers
where necessary by pulling them
clean out, using a fork to loosen them
If the soil Is too hard for them to
rise without It.
It pays to feed the young fowl lib
erally until full grown. Chicken are
not unlike calves, colt and other an
imals. Once stunted they never re
gain their vigor, not with the most
careful feeding.
Water poured over the floor tend
to keep the dairy cool, for wherever
there Is evaporation going on heat I
used up In the process, and the sub
stance rendered cooler thereby.
You msy starve your cow Into eat
ing most any kind "of food, but yon
cannot compel them to turn the stuff
Into milk. Moat cow will do their
part, but they must have proper raw
A reader sends this recipe for the
horse that ha a disordered state of
skin: Powdered ginger, three ounce;
emetic tartar, two ounce; opium,
one ounce. To this add enough syrup
to make sixteen pill and give one
each evening In the oft feed.
Many horsese are Injured by going
too long without being fed. This
weakens the stomach and' cause In
digestion. It will be difficult to fat
ten the horses In this practice has
been followed very long. A few
weeks run to grass wlW be of great
benefit to such horse.
A tree taken from the nursery
should be handled Just a carefully'
as a cabbage plant, should be moved
to the orchard with the least possible
exposure, and carefully set. In nine
cases out of ten, where a tree give
poor results, the fault can be traced
back to the careless handling before
"If your move," she smiled.
He smiled back at her, his hand
hovorlng alsive the checker board.
"Really?" he asked, looking at her
In a witty sort of way.
"Huh huh," sho Roftly answered.
"Really?" he asked again.
"Huh huh," she breathed, and de
murely dropped her eyes.
Ills succes began to Intoxicate him,
and he felt that never before had he
boon In such strong form, never had
his wit been so keen or his manner so
engaging. His spirit soared, and he
looked upon his opponent with kind
ling eye.
"There!" he said, making his move
at Inst.
"There?" she asked, giving his ejac
ulation the appearance of having been
conceived in subtle humor. "There?"
"There!" he repeated.
They made eyes at each other and
she moved one of her men. He
briskly moved one of his.
"No, no," she faintly murmurmed.
"You must take me."
"Take you?"
Sh9 nodded her head without look
ing up, and the next moment he had
taken her. and two hearts beat as one.
"And you will always think of me?"
she asked, as he was bidding her good
by, after he had measured her finger
for the ring.
"How could I help It?" he asked.
"Always?" she Insisted.
"Always!" he repeated.
"Will you think of rae tonight as
you go home?"
"Every step of the way."
They parted at last
"He loves me!" she whispered to
herself. "Oh, he loves me I knew It
from tho first! Maybe this won't make
some of thera jealous; and I am the
first girl he ever loved, and It's to be
a diamond band! Oh, oh!"
'And as he walked home he truned
a t nm bled face up to the moon, halted
suddenly and addressed the night:
"When she began that funny busi
ness about taking her I ought to have
sat tight and kept my fool mouth shut;
that's what I ought to have done!"
New York Evening Sun.
Before Marriage.
Facts to ascertain whou meeting an
attractive young woman with whom
you may fall In love;
Is she selfish? You tan tell this In
three ways: By the manner In which
she listens to what you say; by the
way In which she accepts what you
do for her, and by the difference be
tween the way she treats you and the
way she treats others.
Is she fickle? If she talks about
light things she Isn't. Deep, she Is.
Is she extravagant? By the way
she protests against you spendinii
money on her, and always arranges
matters so that you can't help but
do It.
Is she a bad housekeeper? By the
way she dresses. If she Isn't spick
620-624 Main Street
And Here I am, due at Block's Furniture
Store well, I won't exactly say when, bat
will let yoa know later, just watch the
Enterprise. Now, Little Children, if yoti
will be good you may write me fast what
you want. Jtist address your letters to
"Mr. Santa Clatis, 620-624 Main Street"
and I will get them all right.
New Line
The Home Furnisher . Main and Seventh Sts.
and span, she Isn't. If she Is, then she
When you have satisfied your mind
that she is all of these things, marry
her at once. If you can get her, for
the following reasons:
First, because If she really loves
you she will change.
Second, because If you love her It
will be so much more Interesting.
Third, because you are probably
mistaken about her, anyway. Judge.
We praise Thee, Heavenly Father
For sunshine and for rain,
For our every blessing,
For our every gain.
We praise Thee for our loved ones,
And Thy loving care,
And for our own In Heaven,
Who are waiting for us there.
Our Father. Thou who love'st us,
Who careth for us all.
We thank Thee Thou dose ever
Note e'en the sparrow's fall.
Be Thou forvere near ns
Till life's storms are past;
May we when life Is ended
Praise Thee In Heaven at last.
"I suppose," said. the casual ac
quaintance, the day after the wedding,
"it was hard to lose your daughter?"
"No," replied the bride's father. "It
did seem as If It was going to be
hard at one time, but she landed this
fellow Just as we were beginning to
lose hope. Catholic Standard and
Lota of Men and Women Here Had
the Simple Home-Made Mixture
Prepared, Saya Druggist.
Some remarkable stories are being
told about town and among the count
try people coming In of this simple
home-made mixture curing Rheuma
tism and Kidney trouble. Here is the
recipe and directions for taking: Mix
by shaking well In a bottle one-half
ounce Flujd Extract Dandelion, one
ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces
Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla. Take
(good things to give
as a dose one teaspoonful after meals
and at bedtime.
No change need be made In your
usual diet, but drink plenty of good
This mixture, writes one authority
In a leading Philadelphia newspaper,
has a peculiar tonic effect upon the
kidneys; cleansing the clogged-up
pores of the ellmlnatlve tissues, forc
ing the kidneys to sift and strain from
the blood the uric acid and other pois
onous waste matter, overcoming Rheu
matism, Bladder and Urinary troubles
in a short while.
A New York druggist, who has had
hundreds of calls for these Ingredients
since the first Announcement ln the
newspapers last October, stated that
the people who once try It "swear by
It," especially those who have Urinary
and Kidney trouble and suffer with
The druggists in this neighborhood
say they can supply the Ingredients,
which are easily mixed at home. There
Is said to be no better blood-cleansing
agent or system tonic known, and cer
tainly none more harmless or simple
to use.
Choice Cigars and Tobaccos,
Ice-Cold Hop Gold Beer,
High Grade Bottled Whis
keys and Wines.
Heckel & England
The Hub Saloon has changed
hands, Carlson & Block sel
ling out to Heckel & England.
W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, kas located
at Oregon City and established an
office at The. Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street? near Main.
, Both Telephones
Farmers' 133 Man ijii,
arrifl Da!
620-624 Main Street
Corner 7th
for the Holays
Clackamas County
606-608 Chamber of Commerce,
Full equipment of maps, plats, ab
stract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County Lands,
Money loaned, titles perfected.
E. F. & F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys and Counsellor at Law.
Plumbing & Tuning
Bot Air Fonucei, Dei pipes, pimp$,
Jpray Pumpi, Water Pipei,
Spraying Materials.
All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty
Estimates G'vea oa AU Classes
t Work.
Res. Phone 1514 Shop 1616
914 N. Main St, Oregon City, Or
Strictly in accordance with the
Pure Food Law.
4 1 7 Main St. - Oregon City
For sale by