Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 06, 1907, Image 2

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i city c.v f fHi'nr:,
o... ............. ............. ......................... .0
, o
Klatawa Skukum Elihee Mica Kura
trlx (tux) Waake.
No, we don not understand any such
incoherent Jumbling together of mis
spelled jargon, but one thing we do
understand and this Is that we are
living on a seven tree tops' higher
eminence than is our contemporary
correspondent from Molalla, and can
see farther than he can in most any
direction, and enjoy the bright, warm,
beautiful sunshine while he Is envel
oped in a sea of fog and can not see
afar off and needs an overcoat to keep
him warm in the middle of the day.
Which, perhaps, is the reason why
for 30 years he has climbed over the
William Dart and Haseltine hills to
get to Wllholt when a shorter road
would miss both hills entirely and be
a great benefit to all parties Interest
ed or concerned.
O. S. Boyles Is building a new resi
dence. Mr. McFarland, of Troutdale. is
building a house on his land here.
Thanksgiving Day was observed
here with an excellent program at
the school house in the evening, fol
lowed by a splendid feast free for
every one present
N. A. Thlm, L B. Trullinger and
family, and Mrs. Arcada Bowman and
daughter, Hazel, were the guests of
C. W. Brown's Thanksgiving day.
Mr. Wingfield ha9 sold quite a num
ber of cattle this fall.
Here's to the sunshine. May it
remain with us many days!
We were treated to some realistic
fireworks Thanksgiving evening,
when the trolley on the 0. W. P. car
broke causing a delay in traffic for
several hours. The break happened
about dusk, hence the fireworks.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Douglas have
commenced housekeeping in their
new house, recently purchased of Ed
John and Ruel O'Neil and Earl
Beck, ,of Portland, spent a few days
last week with their cousins, Millard
and Lloyd Trullinger.
A Thanksgiving shooting match on
last Wednesday in Eagle Creek, given
by Neil and Jaques. As your homble
correspondent didn't attend we failed
to get the particulars.
eBginnlng with December 2 the
Smith & Arment camp pay their men
only $1.50 per cord. Instead of $2, as
before. Now if the consumer could
only be benefitted by the drop in
prices, but we hear such is not the
case, so far.
Mr. Doskins has moved his family
onto the old Rivers' place, while cut
ting wood near here.
Rev Clarence True Wilson, of Port-
lanu, spoKe nere ou me lemperauce
i i. n u. j . i ji
issue last week. He had a large audi
ence and he interested them greatly.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Lee are visit
ing William Knight and family.
Mr. Reader, of Portland, was a sec
ond temperance speaker to lecture
for us. He was here last Sunday night
and had a good audience.
Mrs. Perry Burns has her Christ
mas gift already; its a nice new stove.
The railroad company is laying a
new track through our town.
Frank Weed is building new fences
and chicken houses.
H. C. Phelps is visiting his daugh
ter here.
Many of our farmers are plowing at .
this writing.
The sick in Logan are all convales-
cent or entirely well. '
The W. O. W.dance Is said to have
been a pleasant function. .
O. D. Robbins has a blind pig that
he says is as smart a3 any other mem-
ber of the "family."
Don't forget election at the next
meeting of Harding Grange. If you ,
don't attend don't expect to get an
The officers of our Grange fire in
surance company are bragging that
there has not been a fire loss in the
company since April, 190G.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnstone are
happy over the arrival of a little son
Thanksgiving day or thereabouts.
Arikin Bros, have been takine advan-1
tage of plenty of water to make.a run
of logs the past week.
Mr. Maples, our popular miller, is
planning to move to Hood River in the
spring. We are sorry to see him go.
Rev. Reams will preach at the
church here Sunday evening,
Arthur Smith wa3 the guest Mon
day of Fred and Agnes Woodside.
Mr. Fairfield, our blacksmith, is at
present moving to Molalla.
Mr, and Mrs. Udell are at present
visiting relatives and friends In Yam
hill county.
Mr. and Mrs. George Burllngame,
of Lygh Valley, are guests of Chas.
Shaw ami family.
Mrs. Mary Mallatt Is able to be up
and around among friends.
Dan Graves has moved to ttie Edwin
Trullinger place.
Mr. Ashby has returned to his homo
in Linn county.
Mr. Raker has uurchased six lots In
Kansas City and will build a home in j
the spring.
A. Sloper, of Black Rock, was a
Sunday guest of John Buyer.
A number of young friends sur
prised Miss Sadie Caunady Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller spent Sun
day with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Delano, of Montavllle,
were visiting friends here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyer enter
tained a few friends Sunday.
Work has been resumed on the Mt.
Hood electric road. Grading is
completed in places and things are be
ing pushed. Some people are acting
stubborn over the right of way but it
is likely to work out all right In the
Sandy is still booming despite the
speculators panic in the East One
new p'.at of lots has been opened and
Sandy citizens are thinking of incor
porating. V. Fosberg has opened a harness
shop. Mr. Fosberg does nice work and
is getting much trade.
. M. McCormack has purchased the
butcher business of B. Hart and will
be found at the old stand.
J. B. Tauney is putting In a new
gasoline engine to run the machinery
in his machine shop.
A sDecial road meeting held Satur-
day evening ended in a contest of
woras oeiween iwu ciuicua.
Our debating society had a hot time
last week. Next meeting Saturday
evening. Debate on "Resolved, That
the money barons of this country are
responsible for the present panic."
J. A. Tletz, who has been an invalid
for the past three years, died Tuesday.
While friends were out of the house
he fell on the stove while trying to
wait on himself, and before help could
reach him he was so badly burned that
he died. Mr. Tletz was an old sea
captain and had lived in Sandy for a
number of years.
The wind blew a gale here Wednes
day. svnnlr Waltprs nf Eugene, is a
m,0ot r.t hU alster Mrs D. W. Grif-
fin whom he had not geen for ft score
OI yeare.
Mrs. Wiley May is still numbered
among the sick.
Curtis Shelby Is driving team for
Ed Gottberg.
A blacksmith from Oswego has
moved here; he lives In Mrs. Lock'B
Miss Pearl Curran is home after a
pleasant visit with friends and rela
tives in Kansas, Iowa and Colorado.
Mrs. Forbes and son, Charles, have
sold their Jarm near Maple Lane and
moved into town.
Mr. Henderson and family are now
pleasantly situated in their new home
to the rear of the United Brethren
Mrs SDeneer and family have movea
from toe Mrs. Hickman cottage to
Washington street.
juss Maud Griffin and Josle Curran
have taken a position in the woolen
j mju
Mrs. DuvalK of Sellwood, was vls-
j iting friends here Monday,
j Mr; and Mrs. C. W. Friedrich spent
the day Thanksgiving with the father
;0f Mrs. Friedrich, in Carus.
will Jones, of St. Johns, was visit-
ing his mother, Mrs. J. P. Rholl, last
Miss Hazel Francis was a guest
Saturday of Miss Haytie Bethke, of
Will Priebe Is suffering from a
poisoned eye.
J. Gerber has taken the school cen
sus this year.
Mrs. Hickman was visiting her son
I in Portland last week.
Eddie Hornshuh was home from
j school at Eugene for the Thanksgiv-
j Ing holidays.
I Saturday, Dec. 7, is Grange day at
j Clarkes. As It is annual election aay
a nig turnout is aeweu.
Mr. Shockley had one of his horses
kicked by one of its mates. Nothing
serious but the horse will walk lame
for some time.
The school at district 33 will have
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saw cutting wood for neighbors.
William Wlndgett mads a bonflr
of his old chicken house after com
pleting a new one.
Matt Kandel and his frau have
gone to the mountains for a few days
on the ranch.
Theo Wlrtji la planning to move
back to this burg from Estacada.
Friends made a surprise for Lloyd
and Eva Schram, who were home
from school last week. Everylmdy
had a good time.
George Boudlsh'a little boy, Buford,
of Portland, formerly of Springwater.
died in Portland. The funeral was
held in Springwater by Rev. Paroun
gian, of Estacada, on November 2(5,
Robert Guttrldge and Llnna Haney,
both of Springwater. were married
In Oregon City by Rev, Landsborough
November 27.
Another farm changed hands In
Springwater; a rancher from east of
the mountains bought the Albright
place and Is moving on the same.
The Christian Endeavor of the
church here had a very entertaining
social at the parsonage Thanksgiving
The Sunday school people will have
an entertainment Christmas eve.
J. A. Shlbley heard a racket among
his prr.e poultry In the daytime and
had the pleasure of killing a large
Dr. Watters and Mr. McClure left
for Portland Saturday.
Mr. Berkhouse, from Eufaula.
Wash., Is here visiting his daughter,
Miss Alice.
Joel Chestine la a new pupil in the
Dover district school this week.
C. A. Keith took a load of apples to
Eagle Creek Tuesday.
Birch Roberts killed a large cougar
near Rocky Scrabble last week. If
measured nine feet from tip to tip.
The hide is on exhibition at the Rob
erts' home.
Mr. and Mrs. Kitfmlller went to
Portland this week.
Rev. J. W. Exon preached at the
M. E. church Sunday.
Joseph DeShazer was transacting
business in Eagle Creek last Satur
day. Frank Ahnert made a trip to Port
land Tuesday.
There was a neighborhood Thanks
giving dinner at the hom of Joseph
DeShazer In honor of his mother. A
bountiful dinner wars served by the
ladies, and Dr. Wafters preached a
fine sermon after dinner. TTiere were
35 present, and all left wishing
"Grandma" many more Thanksgiv
ings. NEEDY.
The young folks from fiere who at
tended the mask ball af Aurora re
port a fine time.
Misses Inez Hlltim and Lucy Arm
strong and Mrs. Thompson attended
church at Rock Creek Sunday.
J. D. Ritter and wire returned from
Southern Oregon Suinlay ewning.
Gus Stiewe came up from Port
land to eat turkey at home.
Ralph Ackerson. from Eastern
Washington, is visiting relatives here.
D. B. Yoder butchered a fine lot of
hogs Monday.
Mr. Will Klrchem, of Ccgan;. visiter
friends here a few days the past week.
Prof. Ogle is giving excellent satis
faction here, as a teacher of music.
Rudy Ritter made a business trip
to Canby Saturday.
Thfi Mutual Telephone Co. hehf
their meeting Monday evening and
elected new directors: B. F. Smith,
C. Hilton, J. Mitts, E. Mitts ami J.
Wnrrhman Miss Grace Ritter was
chosen central girl and the switch-1
board will be moved to J. D. tuners
at once.
A lot of our young folks' were- out!
fox hunting Sunday; but found no- fox.
Otis Townsend has six fine Dira
Some of our "shootists" went to th
shoot at Molalla Thursday.
Joe Johnson Is very sick.
Miss Wllda Elliott was in FTeedy on
business last week. 1
Mrs. Molson and daughter has !wen
visiting her parents at Ballston.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nobntt were
guests last Friday at the home of P.
B. Hardesty.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Ftsn wwre Sun
day guests at the home of A. S.
C. C. Molson lost a gooI horse last
Miss Grace Thompson fs visiting
friends in Portland.
Herb Johnson Is working- at the car
penter trade in Aurora.
Miss May Price entertafned friends
from Portland Thanksgiving.
Charles Boynton, of Woodburn, Is
thinking seriously of toratlng In our
(St E&rdware
: Make Your Bedroom
wc can sen vou a nana-
some suit that will please
you. One-third your life
is spent in bed, so why not
make the bedroom home-
like. Wc eon do it for a
little money. Try us.
Unrn tc nn itUvnnh" ni ami ctnir
nut 13 iiu uitcm ai uui aiuit
vBrmNDQtj WWW, v,'1'!:ji:ii,,-0,'
5 .!.''A''(S3?.
Mta Nellie Blosaer was a giiext for
. few days last week of Miss Z FIhd.
SCrs. Anna Berry, formerly MIhi
Anna lUtter, of this county, dle4 sud
denly at her home in Ashland Ore,
of nermirrhage of the longs, Saturday
evening, November 23. She ha4 suf
fered from consumption for some
The funeral took placw Tuesday af
ternoon from the undertaking cnapel
of J. P. Dodge & Sons, Rev. E. F.
Green officiating; the ItiOirmenC &tng
atongsWe of her late himbana, rratiK
Berry, who died two years ago.
Deceased was bom lit CTaia.mas
county May 4, 18G6, and Is siirvlveil
by two sons, Royal and Percy Hotter.
She leaves a brother. X. D. Ritter, of
Aurora, and four sisters, Mr. Dob
bins, of Marshfleld; Wxs. Harst, of
Hubbard Mrs. Brant, ofjuneaa; Atas
ka, and Mrs. Strickland, of Los An
gi'les, Calif.
Of her relatives only her sun and
ber brother and wife were present at
the funeral.
Shubel School Report.
Following Is the report of dktrtct
No. 80 for the monta endlmr Nor. 29:
Nambr of pupils enrolled 23, num
her nt days taiiKhC 19. avoragp dally
attendance 24, number owes of tardi
ness 6. Those who were neither ab
sent nor tardy are Beulah Hornshuh,
Sophia Bohlender, Bertha Kllnger,
Hilda Shubel, Esther Glnthwr, Alvln
and Wesley Stormer, and Wendel Gin
ther. Visitors preseat dormg the
month 5, Including two of onr direc
tors Jacob GrossmWer and John
Heft. We lavite the patrons to visit
the school. ROBERT CINTHER.
It takes years of experience, fine
figuring, and shrewd manipulation of
the market aupply to provide the high
est grade of goods at the lowest
prices, as well as years of honest en
deavor and straightforward business
methods to establish our reliability
and superiority as we have done.
In selecting your holiday gifts this
is a aafe store for hurried people.
Ail toys are sold at a very small
margin; you will find that 25 cents
will buy more In our establishment
than 50 cents In the high-rent district
We have very strong lines In Rock
ing Horses, Dolls, Boys' Wagons,
Coasters, Velocipedes, Mechanical
Toys, outside of our regular lines of
Silverware, Cutlery, 8clssors, Furni
ture, Carpets and Hardware.
1:11 . .. 1 V
I 1 tr-- - - '- fir'' - - i
Lfxirm, Innurnnce
Phone: Maia 521 Office to Caufield Bldg., Main and Kg t Sts
Probate- and Realty Law Practiea Speclaltiti.
Real Estate, Insurance and Leans.
Office Upstairs, first building toy to of Courthouse.
W. b. U'KHN
Will puctice ia all cxwrli, make collections and settlements at riUtr Fiirnmi.
Uicts ol litW, lend you money on first uiortxsge. Office in ENTEtFlAE
Building, Oregon City, Oregon.
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
Oregon City, - Oregon
Will practice in all courts of the stat
Office in Caufield Building.
areful of
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street
Homelike ?
-4 v
nvrfl in niMTDC
wtv i m puvvj.
Don't let the buildings go
through the rainy season
without some protection.
We can out sell all com
Ranges, !
eatei's :
We can sell you stoves J
that are fuel-savers and
heat generators that will
surprise you. Prices al-
ways below competitors.
We are chopping both
ends off all prices.
Main Hired,
W. H. 8ILCOX, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant
Bent Service snd AccomuiodaMons
Main St., Opp. suspension Bridge
Your Property