Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 29, 1907, Image 5

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The Clark Counly Teachers' Insti
tute will IickIii In Vancouver on Dn.
comber 2.
Wm, Uftiwutt, of Mount I'laMimt,
has Mold IiIh homo and will move Info
I Im properly belonging t' Mrs, Red
dfiway, Tim damage Niilt of Michael lion
iijt against the Willamette Pulp &
Paper Co, Im on trlul this week In Urn
Federal ('unit nt Porthind.
Tim young pMiplK of tin presbyter
Inn church who have been planning
for u hoiik service have postponed u
iinill after T.hnnkKKlvltiK.
Itiilney Freeman have opened a
warehouse for the stile of vehicle In
Ihu Armory building, ami will noon
operut" a Hour ami feed store,
Tho Wyotuiu Whist Club wsh enter
tained Friday afternoon nt the homo
of Mrs, Frederick VV. Humphry, Tho
prize was won hy Mrs. Id-rt '.VIImoii,
Mrs, Samuel Itntdorf died ut Glad
stone Monday evening, ut tho homo of
I'M Harrington. Hho was tho victim
of pni'iimonla and wax VI years of
Tho effort to form a impermaker's
union at tho m.-ciin Sunday night
wa not entirely micreNsful, Another
meeting will ho hold In tho Hour fit-turo,
Mm. lii'wollyn Adams entertained
tho Aloha Club at nor homo Thursday
of last wet li. InldKo wan playod, and
Mrs. John It. l'thwmte won tho
Tho ()uk Grove Improvoiuont Ahho
clntlon will hold a meeting, under
scored important, on Thurnduy even
ing, lite, 5, Ntiw officer to elect,
tho Invitation says,
Ih'Kpi tlii- fuel that wage nro
"coining down" all along tho lin,
there are more applicant for work at
thn mill in thU rlty than can ho
given employment,
A Grange institute wa hold In
Kniipp' I nil Monday. Tho purpoHe
if tlio Institute wn tho Instruction of
offloer and depuilen, ami wu not n
public f iiiifl i hi.
A tax of nvo mills for road purpna
e haa been levied In tho G-orge road
district for road puriHweK. Judge
Dliulik altoiidod Iho meeting Satur
day night at which tho action wax
Special meeting will ho held at
Hull Ituii to coiiKlder voting road
taxes next Haturday at 1 p, in.; Sandy
tx'Xt Saturday evenliiK. and at Oak
Grove Friday, December C, In tho
Chan. Murphy, who I charged with
ordering th" drink and Miming to
pay In tho saloon nin hy Stewart &
Him. on Main street, had young Stow,
art arretted for iiMxaull Thuraday
Ulghl lust week.
Columhla Hock & ladder Company
believe In taking tltn hy tho fore
lock. Among It other plana for It
dance on the night of Washington's
birthday It ha secured Parson or-
lo'ntra for that ocruslon.
Adolph Welderbush, of llorlng. went
to Portland mid becoming friendly with
n nt ranger m taken down the street
to a Kd point for cHcapo and then
robbed by the stranger. Ho was bad
ly beaten; tho robber got
Newton lleer. ImperHoiiator, will
api'icur In an entertainment at tho
Odd Follow hall. Oregon City. Satur
day evenliiK. Nov. .10. Ho la a dram
atic Imperaonator and appear under
the atiHplccH of tho local lodge.
A Crango Institute wa held In
Knapp'a Hall Monday. Only uiemher
who were to receive Inxtructlon were
In attendance, among thciNo being of
ficer and deputies who wlnhed to re
celvo certain aecret work of tho or
der. Monday tho O. W. V. tranpnrted
It piiMMengor nrotiml through Clad
Htone and acroHs tho wagon bridge
lit that point rather than allow of an
accident to passenger who might
venture ncrona It now structure on
Tho local order of tho W. H. C.
wn liiKpceted Monday aftoruiMin hy
Mr. Corn Imvl. of I'nlon, depart
ment proaldcnt, and Mra. Jennie lllg
Kin, of Kugene. department lnnpec
tor. A hocIiiI tlmo followed tho In
a port Ion.
Tho rain of tho past few day
havo enabled tho different depart
ment at tho Willamette and Crown
Columbia paper companies to resumo
work. This move proved very accept
able to thono men who werti laid off
ten day ago.
Tho aiidden ralxo In tho Clackamaa
Ulver Saturday and Sunday washed
out tho fish rack nt tho flnh station
and put an end to tho work for this
oaon. A good work hn hern done
nt thU station and over four million
eggs Hortirod.
Tho Crown-Columbia Tulp & Paper
Coinimnv Wudnemlay aftorncam ills
trlbiited niole than Kit) turkey
nmntifc Ha rmployoH. every man who
I tho head of a family receiving a
lino bird. This la tlio unnual rustom
of tho company and is appreciated hy
the (mii ploy oa.
' Newton Wonncott. little Hon of Mr
and Mra. Kdward Wcmacott. near K
tnenda cot tho flllgera of hlH left
hand in tho wheela of tho cream sop
nrator laat week and they were sg
badly lacoratod that amputation of
,ono of tho fingers was necessary
Tho First Slnto Hank, nt UroHham,
has decided to Increuso iti capital to
$20,0(l(KI. Tho new officers aro A
Meyora. president ; Thoo. llrugger
vice nresldent: L. 11. Stringer, cash
lor. Hoth Mr. Meyers and Mr. Stein
gor will give their whole attention to
tho bank worn.
Lust week Otto Kleatsch secured a
license to marry MIhb Afreda Sngner
but tho ceremony hns been put off
awhile. Tho six months have noi
(dansed Hlnce Mr. Kleatsch waa given
a divorce from his former wlfo who
inn ouiuxi to have the decree net
aside. Kstncada News.
County Hiiperrnlondeiit (lary In miik
lug hluiHoir familiar with bin field of
labor by personal vlalta to the schools,
IfHt week ho vlaltoil Iho hcIukiIh at
Needy, Heaver Creek, Hamsona,
Mackshurg and Dryland, Ho make a
favorable roport of tho progresH ho
lug made In thoHn hcIkhiI,
Council mot again Wednesday even
ing, only to adjourn. No hiiNlne
ha been transacted uliico thn holi
day began, There I considerable
business piling up ahead of the City
Father and It will bo necessary soon
to hold a "Clearing House" Hrsslon.
Tho Congregational, Ilapthit. Meth
odist KplMropal and Presbyterian i
dispute hut that hn did object to tho
leaving of hi gaton open by them. It
will ho threaded out In court.
Thanksgiving morning Jarne Tay
lor, aged 00 yearn, a Portland mor
phine eater, who formerly resided In
Oregon City, wa found In a dying
condition on the river hank In tho
rear of tho old flour mill on Fourth
hi root. When found Taylor wa lying
with laith feet In th water and hi ap
pearance Indicated that ho had boon
exposed to the rain all night. He wa
removed to tho city-Jail and l)r. Nor
rl summoned who stated tht man had
an overdose of morphine. He died In
les than an hour after ho wan found.
churches united for Thankglvlng
aorvleuH In tho First Congregational
church at 10:,'lil o'clock Thurnday.
Itev. K. C. Oakley, of tho Congrega
tional church preached tho Thank
giving sermon. HI subject wa
"Commonplace mossing."
Willamette want to he i, rlty and
to that end T. J. (Inry, C. H. linker
and K. P. Iterdlno have been appoint
id a rommltteii to make a aurvey of
tho town In order to determine tho
Isiundnry line of tho proposed cor
poratlon, They will report at a mas
meeting to he held In tho near future,
Klchard Kublsch, of Clncknmaa
Height, wa committed to tho In
sane asylum TiicHilay, Kublsch came
hero from tho Fast many year ago.
Ho ha alway been peculiar and hi
neighbor have never been able to
get along with him. Several time
hi sanity ha been questioned, but
till 1 tho first time ho ha been
J. A. Young wa displaying a largo
sample of put aloes and a largo turnip
raised on h! farm at Harmony. One
potato In the hunch weigh over three
pound and a half und tho turnip I
as big a your iieaa. one of Mr.
Young neighbor report that tho
hide from which tho turnip came will
make a good well.
Judge lllmlck attended tho road
meeting last Friday night of the Mt.
Pleaaanl and Canemah mail district.
There was a largo gathering and lit
tle opisixltlon to tho Improvement. A
tax of five mill wa voted a a siwr
lal levy, and It I anticipated that th
levy will produce a sum sulllclont for
couAtdcrahlo road building.
The schoo) board of the port fund
school district I In a bail wny. The
board ha a balance In hank of alxiut
Tho body wa removed to Coroner
Holman'H undertaking parlor, where
It. will ho held until hi affalra can
ho investigated.
8TRAYED From Highland, about!
a week ago, a very ainall, brown-1
black dog. Tall curl iiikiii hack, very
pretty dog. Will aoine kind friend let!
u know where' ho Is? Reward will
ho given. V. C. Davidson.
Mr. O. W. Grace and daughter, El
len, visited Portland friend over Sun
day. Mis Harriet Cochran Is on a visit
to Mr. and Mr. John P. Keating, at
New berg.
Mr. John W, Ider arrived homo
last week from a vIhII to friend at
(Irani Pas. !
Judge Uvy Ktlpp, of Chenowlth, !
Wash., wan visiting In tho city a few !
days this week.
Mr. F. C, Woolson, of Kverett,
Wash., spent Thanksgiving with her
Hlster, Mr. C. A. Nash.
! A
Mr. N. K. l-ang, general manager it A
tho Willamette, 1 homo from a Imsl-; A
in' trip to San Francisco. j
Mis Majorlo Caufleld, who I teach- j
lug in the Pendleton school 1 homo
for the Thanksgiving holidays.
Mr. It. II. lleatle had a guoHta on
Monday Mr. Harry Warren, of Port
land, and Mr. Norman Myers, of Til
lamook. Mr. and Mr. U, T. Mcitaln aro on
a trip ut point or interest in van
$;joto and with liabilities of the year, t frnl. and expect to be gone about ,
and salaries maturing monthly. ofaniinlh.
$100,(Mio. It hsik like It would bo
necessary to Ishuo warrant to pay
teacher, and these are likely to cause
no little Inconvenience to those who
must accept them.
The O. W. P. had a hard time Mon
day In an effort to save It new bridge
at (iladstono. The rise In tho river
carried coiiHlderablo dehrl against
tho tomptrary structure in use In
the erection of the new Bteel bridge
acros the Clackamas at that point,
and for some time fears worn enter
tained that tho new structure would
bo washed away.
According tj the school law s of this
State preparation aro made for cir
culating libraries In tho several sclnsd
district over the State, To that end
hook have been received 111 till city
by Superintendent Gary, and are
ready for distribution. Clerks -over
the county will pleas get these biKik
a soon a convenient.
Since the rle In tho river steam
boat have resumed their regular run
to Corvalll. The first boat came up
Sunday evening, and left down the
river Monday morning. She I the
Pomona and she will continue in the
service. The regular departing days
will bo Monday. Wednesdays, and
Fridays as uxual, and arriving days
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
peter James, a young Italian of
Vancouver, was arrested for buying
two blue shirts from a soldier In vio
lation of the federal statutes. He
was held in the city Jail until Satur
day morning when ho was taken be
fore the I'nlted States court com
missioner at Kalama ami placed under
$.5(10 ball. Not being able to secure
hall he was taken to Tacoma to await
his hearing before tho federal court.
The story I being told the rounds
that A. J. Walker, candidate for Coun
cil on the Good Government ticket at
Mllwaukle. has turned over to the
other side and now thinks It would be
unwise with tho present condition of
tho town's finances to cut loose from
tho Mllwaukle Cluh. As It Is too lato
to take him off tho ticket tho conster
nation In the camp of his old friends
Is said to lio great.
Friends of Miss Genevieve Capen,
of Willamette, surprised her Satur
day evening. An old-fashioned candy
pull furnished amusement for the
evening. Tho friends who participat
ed were Vada KUIott. Hael Francis.
Morlota Hickman, Hess Capen, Gen
evieve Capen, Arden Hickman, Gay
lord Godfrey, Mrs. Viola M. Godfrey.
Raymond Olesen, Harold Swafford,
Cnil Schrani. Leonard Kunyan, Mr.
I C. Otto, ex-Chief of Police of
Lincoln, Nob,, where an excise law
hns been tested, will deliver an ad
dress In Shively's opera-house this
evening nt 7:45 o'clock. Mr. Otto will
relate the experience that Nebraska
has had under her. excise lawv May
or Cuulield will make an argument In
support of the charter amendments
that, nro proposed by himself. Frank
lin T. Grlinth, W. S. U'llen and J. U.
Mrs. Martha C. Masters, one of the
oldest residents of Oregon, died on
Tuesday night at tho home of her
son, W. Y. Masters, at C75 East Mad
ison street, Portland, at tho iiko of 7G
yenrs. Mrs. Masters was tho widow
of William Masters, who died several
years ago, and the daughter of Rev.
John W. York. She was born In
Green county, Illinois. In 1852 she
crossed the plains with her father
and mother, and married Mr. Masters
in 1802. She leaves two sons, W. Y.
Masters and F. K. Masters.
Four residents of Abornethy have
I been having trouble over the right of
way across certain, grounds leased
hy Kdward G. ClevenKor. As a re-
Mrs. Ci. W. Grace and daughter,
Kllon, spent Thanksgiving with j
friends at Clarkes, the guests of Mrs.
, i nt..... I
II. 1 4. IIUIKU. i
Miss Ida Fourmal, of Oregon City, 4
ha returned home after visiting Mr.
and Mrs. J. L C. W'ooley In Eugene.
Eugene Guard.
Vli.ain Ruloli'h anil T?lnh CrriHR.
who have been at the Pansy l!asln
mines lor several monins, arriveu
home last week.
Mrs. E. I Shaw, who underwent
an operation for appendicitis In., a
Portland hospital Saturday, la report
ed a Improving nicely.
Mr. E. F. Martin, and her daugh
ter, Mrs. Sadie White, recently re
turned from Alaska, were calling on
friends In Oregon City Saturday.
Messrs. Chas. Gadko and Win.
Schaeffcr are on a trip Into the moun
tains some 30 miles from Oregon City.
They anticipate good hunting and
Mr. John ShulU and family have
moved to Oregon City, where they
will hereafter reside. Their house
hold goods were shipped Tuesday.
Corvallis Gazette.
Mr. Israel P. Putnam, formerly of
Canemah, but now of Battleground,
Wash., was In the city on business
last week and made several social
calls on friends.
Mrs, William Stoever returned
home Sunday from a two months'
visit at Tacoma and Pressor, Wash
being accompanied by her two grand
children. Lea and May Stelnmeler.
Miss Juliet Cross was home for tho
Thanksgiving holidays, from her
schKil work at the University of Ore
gon, as was also Miss Ada Miller from
her school work at Gaston.
Mrs. E. Falrchlld, of Portland, form
erly Miss Myrtle Watson, of Oregon
City, underwent a surgical operation
last week at St. Vincent's Hospital
for a tumor. The operation was suc
cessful. Students home for the Thanksgiv
ing holidays are Miss Edna Caufleld,
Mis Nleta Harding. Miss Clara Cau
fleld, Miss Angellne Williams, Nor
wood Chnrman, George Sullivan,
Florence Sullivan, Sadlo Sullivan and
Elaine King.
ty. and Mrs. George Secrest of Or
egon City have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs, George Klllln for a few days.
Mrs. Secrest has Just returned from
an extended visit through California
Nevada and Mexico. Mrs. Secrest and
Mrs. Klllln were old chool mates.
Woodburn Independent.
Miss Gertrude Moores, only daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Moores,
of Salem, will bo married at her
home next week. Sho is well known
In Oregon City, as she resided here
when Mr. Moores was register of the
United States Land Office.
about the tight sort of a
display of the right sort of
Jewelry-something that ap
peals to the artistic sense.
The wearing of a taste
fully chosen piece of Jewel
ry and of a Diamond is
an evidence of refinement.
It gives the wearer an indication of well-to-do-ness
that could be produced in no other manner.
If you would like to have the pleasure
of viewing a really worthy, dependable array
of DIAMONDS and JEWELRY, make it a
point to visit our store any of these days.
When it comes to purchasing, always be
sure that whatever you buy is worth the
money. If you feel that you are hardly
competent to judge, let us assist you.
We stand behind a stock that invites com
parisons from everybody. A stock that looks
right and is right.
Btimeiste & Andff esen
The Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner
streets; on the other hand, would ob
tain from them all the finances pos- j
slble and expect no favors from them j
Oklahoma has C9.300 square miles,
remarkably free from waste places.
j in mm iru cuuuani. miu luis siaie-
I men Is the following plank of the
I Good Government League, which
In the municipal campaign in Mll
waukle, which ends next Monday
night, It appears that the Good Gov
ernment League, which nominated
three candidates for Councilmen in
,nn effort to capture control of the
A New York woman stood in line
for -fifteen hours the other day to
reach a bank teller's window to be In
formed that her account had been
overdrawn $25. She did not pay the
"Every day of operation of the over draft. That was different
gambling house Milwaukie has lost j
and Is losing some of the elements T , nnn nn. .
that go to make up a good, ordinary iS.OOO.OOO years from now, says a
American community. You may be i , ' "I ' T ?g6 "
n.. o .i t nk k o be no larger than the 8-yearold boy
nv. c i ill r ii is siiLui, uui. ii ( , tint' I m n. A m . . .
generation who expect again to ap-
ni'l'UT tn t on -,rl, o Y mu.-n mane
waukie Voter, you ONGHT to
against it and YOU KNOW IT
hard to defend this resort that they
seem to have no energy left for im-
up their minds to content themselves
with being marked down.
provement of Milwaukie."
If the Good Government
. t An ft itt la hairier moHa tt trrm a
elt government has cot hol.l of 1 " e W1"" uovernmeni league. r'"6 -
gold brick. A. J. Walker, one of the I elects all three candidates it will not new wie to oe cauea unco.n to
,,,, n nominitPii on ihe Good Govern-: have control of the city government of temtory taken from Oregon W ash-
It Is probable that tho 11-story suit of the controversy Anton Ander-
Uoavd of Trade building, of Portland, son. Edward Anderson and Nels Nel-
wlll bo converted into a modem hotel, son have been bound over to court
hy its owners, advances having been in the sum of $100 each for assault,
made for Its rental by a prominent Clevenger claims he had no objection
hotel man. to tbe men cl'08Hln& tne Bljound In
The captain of one of the Frisco
steamers running out of Portland says
that within the past ten days he has
had a number of inquiries as to
whether a man can work his passnge
down. He says this has not happened
for years and indicates that work is
scarce at this time. Farmers through
the country report that they are find
ing plenty of help at this time and
at reasonable wages.
How It Happened.
Mr. Dewtell There goes a ninn who
met with n great disappointment hi
love. s
Mra. newtoU-Why, 1 thought !,
married the girl. v
, M t)pwti.M-Ycs. He I'i.l.-.hV,
It Is netHMsnry to hone, thou.!,!i hope
should be nl.vn; n dehutiv!. t;' hope It
self Is happiness, mid lis frustrations,
however frequent, are yet less drariilful
than Its extinction. Dr. Johuson
; as far as the Milwaukie Club is con-
! ! cerned, in view of Mr. Walker's dec
i lination. As there is one hold-over
men nominated on the Good Govern
ment League ticket, repudiates the
very thing for which the league was
ulnrtoil In n Rtirnrt fttntpmpnf Mr.
Walker says i Councilman, there would be two for
"in presenting myself as a candi- i abolishing the club and two for re
date for Councilman on the Good Gov-' tuning t. It is now too late to take
eminent League ticket for the nextjM""- Walker off the ticket.
municipal election. I will herewith de-, ;
tine my policy regarding the Milwau-j LET goURNE GET MANDATE.
kle Club, etc., so there will be no pos-
slble misunderstanding for the voter, '
and thereby lessening the chance for I How Senator Might Compel Roose
accusatlons of misplaced confidence I Velt to Run Again.
In case of election. Vi . a
"I am not in favor of attempting to The Washington Post recommends
abolish the Mllwaukle Club at the Pla? to Senator Bourne to compel
present time, and in the face of a President .Roosevelt to serve another
National panic as It now exists, which ; ,erra- The, p,a? ,sto bring manda
would mean the canceling of a major , suit in the Supreme Court re
portion of our revenues, which would ' Quiring Roosevelt to obey the will of
necessarly create more burden to the I the people. The Post says:
taxpayer. Hot air Is all right in Its I w "Bourne yearns for Roosevelt as a
place, and talk Is cheap, but It takes ! hart yearns for the water brook. Not
noney to make the mare go. ; only is he deaf to the dissuading
"Hut again, should other mean, 0fj tongue, but there is a menacing note
obtaining sufficient revenue be forth-11" his overtures that is nothing short
coming in the near future, such as 1 of blood-curdling. If Rosevelt with-fmnohiBino-
tho smith Panlfio Roll-! stands him there will ,be tragedy.
, . 1 1 , j
uouriie snoum lei sup iiie uoj;s ui
Ington, Idaho and Montana, and mak
ing Spokane the capital. The people
of Spokane are taking the leading part
in securing the proposed new State.
road, which seems quite probable i
from all indications, or other means
of obtaining revenues, then will I
most heartily indorse the anti-club
movement, for it certainly is In no
wise gracing our otherwise law-abiding
city. Will further state I am op
posed to granting any special favors
to any big corporation, such as free
right-of-way along, or across our
law and draw a mandamus on the
recreant Theodore."
Congressman Bartlett, from Tono
pah, Nevada, announces that on the
first day of the session he would in
troduce as a measure of relief for the
financial stringency a bill for the free
coinage of sljver.
is turned out by the basketful in this
laundry shirts, collars, cuffs and all
else' requiring starching and stiff fin
ishing. Our latest improved appli
ances, coupled with skill born of long
experience, enable us to turn out first
class work quickly and cheaply.
Oregon City,
We Have Plenty
of Gold
- V
to do the finest gold filling;.
No hard times at this office;
ness is increasing every day.
Our reasonable prices for the best
dental work is the cause.
are ordered, and absolutely painless.
Crown and bridge work are two
branches of our profession In which
we claim superiority,. Our bridges
and crowns look well, and they last,
so don't experiment elsewhere.
Teeth,5 $5; Crowns, $5; Brldgework,
$5 per tooth; Painless fillings, 50c.
Oregon Dental
Over Harding's Drug Store. ,