Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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tn tho Circuit Court of the Sluta of
Oregon for tlio County of Clackamas.
Florence I.amour, Plaintiff, vs, Mel
vli KIIhu, A. H. KHmk, Arthur Wilson,
Raymond Wilson, JuriiiM Wilson, I.
WIIhoii, JoMoph WIIhoii, Kay Moody,
Joseph A. Wells, ICihi'l Wells, Itoy
If. W. Jones, W. M. Hudson and John plaintiff shall bo rofiulr(l 'to pay you j 8UMMON8.
Noliui. Dofoiidanta. 'and each of you for said appropriation jn ti Circuit Court for Clackamas
To II. W, Jone and John Nolan, dft- of said land; and
fondant above named. I 3rd, tliut plaintiff recover ltM cost
In tlio name of the State of Oregon, and disbursements heroin,
you aro hereby summoned and requlr- This summons lit published purmi
nit in Hi.m.nr mill malm answer to tho ant to the order of the Honorable
. Iml ri.ninliiliit df iilnlnt Iff. fllod .Thomas A, Mclirlde, Judge of
Oounty, Oregon.
Mary M. Dickinson, Plaintiff,
John Dickinson, Defendant.
To John Dickinson, the defendant
above named:
pouted or published as herein re
quired. If the man or men bent on mischief
can't drive It through that section we
would like to see an example of one
they would prefer to It, And if this
Charter passes where stands the man
tho i In the name of the State of Oregon, i witn tj,o man home, and without
Joseph A. Wells, Ethel Wells, Itoy r"M.iMmv ui " , .you are hereby required to appear I , , . , '
vnu w.,11 wii. iv., : against you In the aboveclltled suit, above-entitled court, made and enter-j ,,, '.,.. ,,,,.d JLlnsl fund to carry on a fight
m .. ... .. ... ... ,. i.i. iMiriiro i tin. z:irn iiiiv or iNovum- , i mo mn imv oi ueuir. . in lit niwivn ont.iimn i n n ana wmi.
jtioouy, r.n'uiiur moony, iMiniii I' iem- ' ' - - -
In the
lug, A. L, KltttntiiK, Alva Fleming,
Wyant, Do-
br, J 907, which date Is subsequent
to the expiration of six week after
the 11th day of October, 1907, which
U the date of the flint publication of
.complaint, to-wlt: For a decree for- j cfff)rt paHg thfe(. own proluctIon
;vit iiivoi i;iii)4 yiaiuuii uuui . . , . ,
... ,i fr m,,, ,.t,iv of their mi- four men come to the front and gay In
Ing, Edward Fleming and U Wyant:
In the naiim of the Stnto of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint fllod agaliiHt
44 7t
Edward Fleming and I
To Melvln Kllmi. A. II. KIIhu. Ar.
tbur WIImo.1. ltiivmon.l Wllmin. .Innmi tlH HllllllllOim, It belnR prescribed 111
WIIhoii. I. Wllaon. JoMcnh WIIhoii. Kay ,"'1,,'r f,,r
m i.. , i. i .....ii.. ...i.. . .....i... mild mimmona lie DUIil lulled once a
i ti ii r. joniHMi i. mum. l'Liiri tvn n. - i
Itoy Welk Cecil WellH, Karl WeUn,w""" Hticceaal ve weekn, and
Ih.ru M.mdy, llleanor Moody, Nellie M y" " l" l,l,"nr pl"'ntlff will
' 1 1.. 1. M .. ti ft ... lt.M .ll..f l.rllV.
Heming, A. U Hftining, Alva Mn. ' . , , . Ml ,.... r,,ri t thn State A
FlrMt, a Judgment appropriating for
a right-of-way for lt railroad the fol-
you In the above entitled huh on or, lowing iiwnurai ni Viv .,.... J( oary,., Defendant
before Friday, the 29th day of Novom-lby the defendant, 11. W. Joiioh, In th j 1 nofendanf
you In the above entitled Court and
l'f.ATT T'f.ATT. !caiiHe OB or before tne mn aay oi jno-
rommerclul lilock Portland vember, 1907, that being the date fixed
40., 0-7 8 Commercial mock, j ornanu, (,(njrt f)f BU(,h appf.arancw or
Oregon, Attorney for I'lalntlff. janHwer In and by the order of the
Date of flrat publication, October 'Court for the publication of thin aurn-
;ii 1907 i ,rrionn, and ir you ian vi m aii:ur
Attack on Newapapert Uncalled For.
The attack on the newpapers was
entirely uncalled for. No where can
the Council find an admission of law-
the clty'g finances by qualifying their
It waa not nlmply the duty of the
Coiincllmen who were choBen to legis
late for the city that each member do
the bent he could for the city; he had
a higher duty and that was to let
his conatltutents know Just how the
clty'g finances stood and not take In
to bis confidence simply Ms personal
friends. The people are to be trusted;
It Is the people's business that Coun
cil Is chosen to look after, not that of
the Councilman and a few friends.
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
Cella ICtta fiarven, Plaintiff,
broken the law, knowing what the
law was, and that you ought to relieve
In the name of tho Btate of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled causo within
six (C) weeks from the dato of the
br, 1007. said date being the oxplra- .County of Clackamas, Btato of Ore
tlon of six weeks from the first publl- g", to wlt:
rations of this summons, and If you j A strip of land one (100) hundred
fall to so appear and answer, for want f-it in width, being fifty (50) feet on
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the m, x Kdo of and parallel with tho fol-
Court for the relief prayed for In plain- iuwng described center line, as tho , lmb,Ctttlon of thU tumm0Bn Up-
una compiaiiH, io-wii; . mmn Is surveyed, siaaou out, n ." lon yoll( to-wlt; within six (C) week
For a decree of partition, and dl-' rated by Mount Hood Hallway '" !frmn u'ie mh' day of October, 1907;
vlHlon and sale of tho estate of Henry I'ower Company, over and across tho (f ym m to aniwer for want
Klbte. deceased, among the heirs of lands of the defendant H. W. Jones, in 'tnorW)f( tbe plaintiff will apply to the
said Henry KIIho, deceased, who are Clackamas oCunty, State of Oregon, j . . th(j re,lfif dt.niand(!(j ia the
.. .. . ........... .i..u..-n... . u ..ii..u.m. I
all named as parties to this sun. Ham ami parucuiany m-ai-nni'ii icomI)ittnt to-wit:
nor child. Cracle.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon, Grant H. Ulrnlck, Judge
v.m I'm iJ uall .fuintv
The date of the first publication or " " '
this summons is October 11. 1907. And certain of these men if closely
JOHN Y, WATTS. questioned will tell you that no one
41 7t Attorney for Plaintiff. . m,iraI rIht tn wron- that
gwKl may come. Yet they will stand
np, In an effort to carry through their
plans and say the Council has been
compelled to disobey law. Let
New Charter Brands Former Council
men. It Is an axiomatic truth that a stat
utory law changes no moral condl-
substance that the Councllmen have1 Hon. In other words, if it is wrong
ustate consists of KM acres of land, Commencing at a point known as
morn or less. In the W. I). Woodcock, R,irvey station No. 107 plus 93.98 of
D. I.. C. No. 3S, In T. 4 8., It 2 15. W.,
M , In the County of Clackamas and
For a Judgment against you In the
sum of $300.00, together with the fur
State of Oregon, and morn particularly
described at page In lUHkf the
Iterords of Conveyances for said Clack
amas county, and being lands Inherited
by plaintiff and defendants from Henry
Kllse, deceased; for her conts and dis
bursements and attorneys' fen of $150
to be paid out of the proceeds of tho
Kale of said lands, and for the distribu
tion of the remainder to the plaintiff
and the defendants, owners thereof,
as their interest therein may appear;
also for the purpose of obtaining a
decree of contribution from said
heirs, requiring them to pay to the
plaintiff their share of tho costs of
maintaining and caring for her In h"r
lifetime, Kllen Kline, wife of said de
ceased Henry Kline, and decreeing
aid contribution to bo a lien upon the
property of said estate, and as to the
defendants against whom servlco by
the railway survey of tho Mount Hood 'thl.r Hum 0f 1 50.00 attorneys fees, and
Hallway and Power Company, said if(,r j,r cmln an,j disbursements bere
polnt being located In the North Une! an,j for an or,j,.r directing the sale
of the Fast half of the Southwest of all your right, title and Interest in
quarter of Section twenty-five (25), In ;ttnd to the following described real
Township one (1) south of Itango J property situated in the County of
four (1) east of the Willamette Merl-Clackamas, Stato of Oregon, towlt:
dlan. east 235.04 feet of the Northwest Tho Northeast '4 of the Northwest Vi
corner of tho Fast half of the South
west quarter of said Section twenty-
rivo (25); thence south 3D 30' east.
1HS.02 feet to survey station No. lit
plus 10 In said surveyed center line;
thenco following tho center line of a
and the South of the Northwest
Sec. 27. Township 7, south, Range 4
east, W. M., containing 120 acres of
land) more or less, to satisfy said
Judgment, which said property was
attached In the above entitled suit on
tapered curve to the right, said taper-aho 2Cth day of September, 1907.
d curve changing at tho rate of two This summons Is served upon you by
degrees each 30 feet, 00 feet to survey (publication thereof In the Oregon City
(Continued from Page 1.)
courts. Uut you know as well as we
that bis appeal would be as expen
sive as the Improvement and be has
the further chance of losing even his
appeal. For the courts are certain to
take all the facts into consideration,
and the fact of the improvement half
made will weigh strongly with any
And the present condition of the
city's finances, the mismanagement of
the past, appeals strongly to the peo
ple as to what may occur In the fu
ture unless there are safeguards to
the hands of the people themselves
they know now that they cannot af-
to leave all to their officials, and
without suspecting them of any
thing dishonorable.
No Notice of Improvement Necessary.
Suppose the case of a property hold
er who goes East on a visit and for
some reason he Is unable to return
home at once. The City Fathers don't
know his address and need not care.
In fact, they may wait until some one
whom they term a "kicker" does go
station No. Ill plus 70 In said survey
ed center line; thence following the
center lino of a six degree curve to
tho right 119 44 feet to survey station
No. 112 plus 89.44 in said surveyed
center line; thence following tho cen
ter line of a tapered curve to the
Entnrnrtso. a weekly newsoaper. by or-1 out of the State and then "Improve'
der of the Hon. Grant D. Dlmlck, his property while he Is away. And
publication of this summons Is made, irKllt( sa, tapered curve changing at
a decree against A. U Fleming. Ed- jtho r0 of tw0 degrees each 30 feet,
ward Fleming, and Alva Fleming In l(;0 f(.,,t to ,urvt,y BUt,on No n3 pill8
tho sum of $15.60 each, and against 9 1 , nM aurveyoil center line;
L. Wyant for the sum of $c:,23 for
said contribution and for such other
and further relief as to this Honorablo
Court shall seem equitable In the
This summons Is published by or
der of Honorable Grant II. Dlmlck,
thence south. 2V 41 east. 117.56 feet
to survey station No. 114 plus 7 In
said surveyed center line; thence fol
lowing the center line of a tapered
curve to tho left, said tapered curve !
changing at the rate of two degrees
each 30 feet. 90 feet to survey station
County Judge of tho said County of INo. H5 plus 67 In said surveyed cen
Clackamas. because of tho absence iter line; thence following the center
of Honorablo Thomas A. Mcllrhlo, lino of an eight-degree curve to the
Judge of the said Circuit Court, from ;left 335 feet to survey station No. 118
tho County of Clackamas, which order jptus 92 In said surveyed center line;
was made and entered on tho 12th Jthence following the center line of a
lny of October, 1907. (tapered curve to the left, said tapered
First publication of this summons 'curvo changing at tho rate of two de
on Friday, the 18th day of October, 'grees each 30 feet, 90 feet to survey
1007. jstatlon No. 119 plus 82 In said survey-
U'REN & SCHEUIiEl jed center line; thence south. 62" 44'
Attorneys for Plaintiff. Oregon City. 347. 77 feet to survey station No.
Oregon 43-71 123 plus 29.77 In said surveyed center
" .line; said survey station No. 123 plus
SUMMONS. ,29.77 being In the East line of the East
County Judgo for Clackamas County,
'State of Oregon, which order Is made
and dated on the 7th day ef October,
1907, and prescribed that this sum
mons be published once a week for
six successive weeks.
The date of the first publication of
this summons Is the llth day of Oc
tober, 1907, and the date of the laBt
publication of this summons is No
vember 22nd, 1907.
44-7t Attorney for Plaintiff.
what Is the result? Why he is given
the privilege of paying that's some
thing. The citizen In question goes East
and the City Fathers don't know his
address and don't want to know it. It
Is decided to Improve In his section
of the city. Notice Is posted on the
city's billboard wherever that may
be, the law don't stipulate whether
It shall bo where the public can see
It or not. No other notice is printed
and he has a circular mailed to him
at Oregon City when the City Fathers
know he is not here and is not likely
to receive the notice in question. And
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Minnie Hull, Plaintiff,
William H. Hull, Defendant
To William H. Hull, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
kia n v.i Vinrnlt V fami I rail tn onnno i a nil
.... --.-e- ----- hBa t ... An(1 to thftt no
answer me compiatm iuea against 1 - - -
them specify the Instance In which
they were compelled to override law
for the public good and leave the pub
lic to Judge as to whether the neces
sity existed or If it was done for prt
vate gain, or If not done now as much
as possible Is being made of the con-1
dltion In an effort to make votes at'
this time.
What think you, would be done to
the clty'a finances la case there was
no paper here to tell the public of
what was going on? What Influence
has so much to do in keeping public
servants in line as the wholesome fear
of the newspaper? Now don't mis
understand us, we have no personal
reference to the present city Council
or present city officers. We
have no Incriminating data at hand
and are not hunting for any; but the
present condition of the city's finan
ces proves conclusively that such a
question Is one pertinent to the hour.
We do thinly however, that present
officials have become discouraged and
In some cases they may not have been
as firm in their convictions as they
might, but that could not have saved
the city from the acta of predecessors.
There are two reasons, then, why
the proposed plans for public im
provement should be made public
through the newspapers and not on
some obscure bulletin board. 1. For
the good of the public and the pro
tection of the man with the small
home. 2. That the newspaper may
be given support warranting it in
staying In the field and safeguarding
the interests of the citizen as against
the man with the ax to grind.
And when the rate sought to be
charged by the local newspapers Is
but 35 per cent of the rate established
his property is "Improved." If the by law in many other States! as spec
notice had been printed In one of the , ified as necessary In case of contem
city newspapers this citizen's friends J Pated improvements, we see no good
would have seen it and some oneiand sufficient reason for the attack
here written him the facts. But It is
posted on this bulletin board and he
you In the above entitled suit, within
six weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, which
expires on the 30th day of November,
1907, and If you so fall to appear and
answer, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in the
complaint fllod in said suit, to-wlt:
A decree dissolving tho bonds of mat-
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of half of the Southwest quarter of said Irlmony existing between the plaintiff
Oregon for tho County of Clacka- Section twenty-flve (25), south 1024.56 l,, lA; f , ,n
feet of the Northeast corner of the no Davg and for Bllch other and
further release aa to the Court may
seem Just and equitable.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. Thomas McPrlde, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas,
dated October 15, 1907.
The date of tho first publication Is
October IS, 1907, and of the last pub
lication November 29, 1907.
45t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Mount Hood Railway and Power Cora- 'east half of the Southwest quarter of
pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, isald Section twenty-five (25);
vs. I 2nd, assessing the damages that
as planned by the City Fathers and
their co-agltatora.
Are Our Councllmen Criminals?
' In connection with the publication
of the proposed new Charter it Is
planned to print arguments for and
aealnst Its Dassace. An argument for
The question of benefits to lands- Ug paggage u publlshed over tne ,g.
uuu inner ii upci uro is 111 a &'ai
Council will ever thus steal a march
on some one whom they wish to "do"
Is to attempt to prove that man has
changed very recently.
Book and
Jofe Pointing
All Kinds
Low Prices
Prompt Service
Star Press Job Room
measure problematical. It Is rare
that the man who owns the property
and the contractor who Is doing the
work and making good money can
see alike. For that reason the law
natures of E. O. Caufield, J. U. Camp
bell. W. S. U'Ren and Franklin T.
Griffith. One paragraph in this "Argu
ment for" reads:
Under our present charter there
is no legal way by which the city can
provides that an appraising board of 'bu,w a brfdge on a gtreet except by
disinterested persons snau review
In the Circuit Court of the State of , tent for the work in hand
and assess. This provision would be
all right if It was certain that this
board should always prove to be com
posed of disinterested persons who
would never make a mistake in Judg
ment. But you know that these
boards are often packed as against
the property holder, and when not
set up against his Interests it Is often
composed of men who are not compe-
Still the
property holder must be at the beck
assessing two-thirds of the cost to
the property adjoining thereto. Every
one familiar with past experience of
the city knows that the Council has
been compelled to Ignore the charter
and build bridges out of general fund.
If they have "Ignored the Charter"
In the past what's to hinder them
doing It in the future. If they have
"ignored" the old Charter what's to
hinder them Ignoring the new one?
And Isn't it. quite a confession to make
In connection with a move for some-
to commit an act it Is wrong whether
such an act has been legislated against
or not. Statutory enactment is nec
essary according to our code of laws
before conviction can be had, but It
In no wise changes the moral condi
tion. Read the following:
"Any Councilman voting to Incur
any liability or to create any debt
In excess of the amount limited and
authorized by law, shall be deemed
guilty of malfeasance In office, and
for such malfeasance such member of
the Council may be removed from of
fice." I To anticipate the revenues of the
city after the adoption of the proposed
Charter shall be malfeasance on the
part of the Councilman so voting;
that's what the new Cbarter says,
and what the present Council decides.
What's your Judgment as to past
Councils, and even to the present
Council? No one Is punishable for
past errors, for there was no enact
ment making the offense punishable,
but how about the moral proposition?
We might add that in these things
we have but roild condemnation for
the present Council .and for any other
where predecessors had made it seem
ingly necessary to "do something" to
get on. But the present Council has
seen fit to hold up the newspapers
of Oregon City to contempt, and has
served notice on the public that It waa
necessary to curb them for "they
might make an unholy combination"
against a "weak and defenseless"
Council, so they pv.t a clause In the
Charter calculated to tell the world
the story of the "wicked newspaper
man." But how does It look to En
terprise readers now? By their own
admission they have done wrong re
peatedly. The plan to retire the warrants
floating around hearing Interest at
6 per cent is a wise move. But while
the public Is concerned In the retire
ment of these warrants It wants to
know, also, how they came to be float
ing around without a string tied to
them. The plan for issuing the bonds
in small denominations and giving
the public an opportunity to secure
them and thus save the interest is
good; but people want to know, too,
why they must be Issued at all.
The people want a clean confession
before they grant absolution; they
want to see the men who got them In
to the difficulty; and they want to
see if the men at the helm now are
capable of piloting them safely to
harbor before they give them a new
There Is but little time between now
and election day, but if the men at
the helm now wish to explain the de
tails of past failures, laying the blame
where it belongs, and show the pub
lic that they have a firm grasp on the
needs of the present-day situation, .
the public are ready to listen to them. "
But It Is certain that the people can
not be expected to continue to follow
blind leaders much further, and now .
is an opportune time for the public's
officials to convince the people at'
large that the scales have really fal
len trnm tholf. AT0
ana can wnnoiu any aoso.uie neees- th,nf, that ,g suppoged to be better?
sity of his ever receiving a notice off tn , ,t wond the ,t
the contemplated Improvement, andu behind for tfcree years Jn u.g pay.
without even knowledge that it , ments of expenaw If Its offlclala "have
been done, learning a year or so after
when coming home from a Journey
abroad he finds another man with a
been going contrary to specific laws?
It seems to be a good time for the
United State Land Office, Portland,
Oregon, October 15, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that the
State of Oregon, on October 2, 1907.
applied for the N of SW', SW4of
SWfc. NH or SEM, and SEK of SE4
of Section 9, T. 8 S., R. 4E., and filed
in this office a list of School Indemni
ty Selections in which it selected said
land ; and that said list is open to the
home on his lands. Council having ,to the next gtep tQ take; when the
soia mem 10 pay ior some lmprove-
neoDle of Oregon City to be certain a9 public for inspection. -
Any and all persoas, claiming ad-
ment which the new owner is enjoy-
i Ing.
In other words, a man may be "im
proved" clear out and off his own prop
erty and he knows nothing about it;
leaders In a move for good govern- , al 8ubdlvl8lon thereof, or
ment confess the seating aside of law claiming the same under the mining
Oregon for the County of Clacka
Julia Boldon, Plaintiff,
William Boldon, Defendant.
To William Bolden, defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed . against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before Mondny, the 2nd day of Decem
ber, 1907. that being the date fixed by
the court for such appearance or an
swer in and by the order of court for
tho publication of this summons, and
If you fall to so appear and answer,
i for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to
1 the court for the relief prayed for in
: her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree
iSMtl ! eve ptimen- - - re tM that 'bTof ore the 30th day ot
dant herein and giving plaintiff an ab-"cailon m ine 01 ' .nlzed at the city government could atfrnon q' DRFSSFR
in a newspaper, ine man witn not be carried on according to law, I Register.
vacant lots may as well deed them to j and that repeated makeshifts must j GEO. W. BIBEE,
the public before he starts on a Jour- be made from month to month until , Receiver.
ney if it is to last more than a few ! something could be done to secure 1 bereby designate the Oregon City
weeks. U new footln. Back in Ohio there ' "P? 2Jl?Seh
, me auuve nuuc is iu no puuusneu.
isn't it time to stop and consider what
kind of a law one can make that
won't be pushed aside?
It has been given out as an excuse
laws, or desiring to show said land to
be more valuable for mineral than
for agricultural purposes, or to object
to said selection for any legal reason,
should file their claims or their affl-
1 and according to the new Charter It . for irregularity by several Council 1 davits of protest or contest in this
; solute divorce from defendant,
This summons is published by or-
Am f9 tha linn f TI nimtnlr -titrlira tf
J the County Court, duly made on the
5 j llth dftv ot October, 1907, and said or
V . der directs publication of this sum
mons in the Enterprise not less than
once a week for six successive weeks,
and that you shall so appear and an
swer on or before the 2nd day of De-
. 1 cember, 1907. . The date of the first
. '.... , : ji
a new footing. Back In Ohio there
But read the culminating clause In 1 was a similar condition in the history
the Charter as to the notice that must of one of Its cities. And one Counci!
be served: , . man, who had a regard for his con-
Section 130.- No record need be , science, often rose in Council and said:
publication or this summons is the . kept of maning 0f any notice in "I vote for this measure as a 'calamity
taatpubVattoM SSjo.Tthli chapter prescribed, and the fail-; makeshift and not because I be
vember, 1907, , ; 4G-fit ure to mall or a mistake in the mail- ( lieve in it." Have any of our present
W. T. BURNEY, j ing of, or a mistake In any such not- i Councllmen called attention or the
Justice of the Peace.
Attorney for Plaintiff. ice, shall not be fatal when notice' is public to the deplorable condition of Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City