Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1907, Image 3

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Pointers That Heeded Will Save
Money and Worry.
A kikkI time l do yimr (ii'hornlim
In to dehorn Urn calves with it k'mkI
(Ii'Ihiiiht when they wo a few days
old. Murk IIk-iii with mi aluminum
ear murk mo ymi uu keep a record
lf tlll'lll.
Keep H record of the brccdliiK of
Huh cow, mo yon will know when she
U (Inn to ciil vc, anil tin. ii ullow tier to
go ilry ,mIx weeks before enlvliw.
Tli" dairy Imll should bo fn l,c n
working horse iiml Nhoiihi receive
plenty of i'xi'icImo. Work liltu In a
trend power,
Tin' mtlklnm Is on of tho most Im
portant parts of the ilnlry business,
Tim cows should lm milked tjttlftt ly.
cleanly mid (iilclly, lo not eelfn
your cow or they will not t down
their milk, Iion't hIhimo a cow liccnuso
lin kicks, If Hill' kl'lH there Is CMIISO
for It, l4iok fur the citiiHo inn) rem
edy It. It miiy he a sore t'-nl. It may
ho mi Intliimmi'il udder or It tuny h
that mIii hiiM been misused ami re
Kurds her milker an an enemy (hut
Mill IllUrtt flKlll. If MIK'h I till CSSC,
tn'iit her kindly and mIh will noon
learn that you are not going to harm
Clip H" h'tiK hair off tlm udder and
flunks and tall, and wipe off the udder
with ft damp cloth l.efore milking, Mid
you will he surprised to nee how
much cleaner the ml!k will ho.
Welch each cow'a milk with an ac
curate hcale and teat tli ml 111 with a
Itahcock tenter and you will hi ahle
to act' how many of your cows are
paying for tlii'tiiMi Iven.
Testing Fertllljers.
The fertiliser tet at the Ni-w
York ICxM-rlnieiit station showed no
gain In iimIhk phosphate or chemicals
whore plenty of manure was mixed
wtth the soil. On sandy loams tho
manure numem-ii n up too iinicii, ann
thw commercial fertilizers proved I
most . mcl.-nt. hut on the clav l.iams !
the oppimlte results were ohtallied.
The exi.erlmei.ts seemed to Indicate
that lettuc e cares less for the form !
..r ,.f itu ,l,n ..l...,.i
the (exeiirt of
tho soil In which it
Fish Off the Prairies.
Tho I'rnlrle Stat., of Illinois shinned , ate money as at the present. Kvery
yRT t'" principal Fast-, th, , fl,rm,.rs s.-lls In either grain
em market. New York, Huston nndlr v. Ht..ck commands a good price
I'hlladeljilila, nearly ;n,oui,(iun imnds BI,d a ready market.
of fresh flth: and them, fish were not j
from like Michigan nor from the j r .
Mississippi, hut, many of them orlg-i . . Grooming Horse.
Inally foundllmts rescued front mud ' 01,1 )'0!, pv",r ,,0,lr" " ""V
holes and overflow ponds, were taken!8" 'l;;rlnMMl Knnimamnit will I.k.K
tit he course f the regular and .cl.-n- ff,,T n',?t PI'"rnc. of his
Hflc development of tho fishing In- '"T K T 7 .. " lw't; J,IK' l "
di.s.ry In the heart of the J'ralrle ' !"',t, ",'M;r,,," 'v nv''' -n h
Htat". Nearly all of lhcs fish weroi " hrugh with tlm cmh and bruKh.
of the variety known as "osrso"- j 'v''"' ' "'" , ; "
carp and l.uffaln predomluatlng-and llK,"ly ,?1'r1 ,h" ''."lr whlrh, r
were for the use of the forelgn-born T.,"?" rn ,of nrl rtrni-
M.pulatl.,n. A small oart. besides n'f" l,'"lilm",5r ,,uv: ' n ,Vfl 81,ld ,1",
ronslilemble i,a.itltv hs ally cotiMimi-' "" 1 , ,T 'H ch""K(,'
ed. were larKe nionthed black bass, j r"r ""' ""'"'r'
cranplo. Htm fish and ther of tho finer , - .
s..rts. The Illinois Hlver. which Is I T, ,ep, B, , V? A.Pp,M; .,
f. form a t.nrt of Chlcatro's deep wn-1 Tho iwimvlcir r .lif erent varieties
terwav to the gulf. Is on. of the most!" , "',',','H I" a matter o
heautlful rivers In America. Formed Ul1 ilrtanco In the handling of
hv the union of tho Fox. tho Knnkn- ""wlnl cn.P. The length of
Jhe trough which was once the outlet
of tho Croat Ukc t the MlHslsslpol.
Owing to Its steadiness and gentl
ness.lts banks are more stahlo than
those of any other known navigable
river, and Its channel does not vary
from year to year. It. Is gms border
ed, and often resembles a broad can
al rather than a river,
Bees in Fall,
Tho busy bee must como In for Its
share of attention at this time. The
honey harvest has practically ended,
and this Is the time when It Is ad
vlsablo to dlapnan of tho crop. Unite
the weak and queonlesa colonics, and
feed all that need It, before tho wenth
t become too cold, prof D, Everett
Lyon, In tho Farm Journal, says that
ns a rule colonies wintered outdoors
will not require more than twenty
five pounds of stores If properly pro
tected, while thoso wintered In the
collar can get along with about half
as much. To ten ikuiihIs of granulated
sugar add one Rnllon boiling water,
and you have an Ideal feed; or else
with hot water thin some ripe extract
ed honey. When the food la taken up,
remove tho feeder and fix the colony
for tho winter. In uniting weak col
onies, always save the best queens.
This should be done after tho "fall
How of honey, Make tho union late
In the evening; smoke the colonies
to be united. Select the best combs
and alternate them In the hive.
Deposit What Yoa
si When Yoti
But deposit your money HERE. '
It Is possible you have never felt tho absolute
necessity of having a bank account. It is probable
you could drift along for years without one but IF
life In a financial way It Is essential that you have
a Hank Account. "
We give you a personal Invitation to make this
bank 'your , depository whether you have a small
sum or a large ono to lay aside for Bafe keeping.
How to Pack Apples.
Two layers of fruit should bo
placed In thn hot torn of a barrel,
wllh stems down and an closo trKoth
er a poMHlhlit, TIh'ho will form th
fiicliiK, for this end will he the top
when opened. Kill In with the same
Krade, shako often and when near the
top put In two more layer with
stems up, Idling tho lust lnycr stand
a full Inch uhove the chlmo of the bur
tel. Now put on the lid end slowly
press Into place, shaking tho barrel
In the meanwhile,
Managing Hem.
A Bcoeted lot of one dozen hens
w lay iu many i-kks as the average
fanner will can to have hatched,
and If th hens are muted to a pure
hie,) cock he will be the aire of all
the chicks hatched on the farm, thus
securing uniformity In color and gen
cral characteristics, Instead of having
chick of all sizes, MhapcH und color
and not of characteristic merit. The
hen not In company with malea will
lay JiiHt us many egg an If with them,
and the KKH will JMmseH better keep
In quallMcd than those that are fer
tile. Roots of Plants.
The root of plants reipilre air, and
when ttiey do Hot get the nocexnary
I amount of air asphyxiation or snffo-
cation takea place. Thin plainly
show the Importance of breaking up
by cultivation the aurface of land In
cropa, the good farmer or gardener
doing thin every time during the
period of active growth of the plant
or crop the moII'm aurface get hard
or baked.
The Up To Date Cow.
Th Improved row, says the Ameri
can Farmer, Is the cow that contin
ually Improves In her milking quali
ties, Hhe Is not the only Improved
row, fur tho producer of gs beef
!,'"'k n' "f ,h" '"'I'roved steer Is an
''"lroyed v,w. It Is not only neces-
sary to have the Improved dam. If
",,T 1 """" " u,nl ,H
!'"??. "'" XHXh" ll"l,r,,v"m",lt
!'" reiniRresHKiii.
The Farmers' Wallet.
There has never iM'fore been a time
j in ino niHtory or tuts country when a
i fnnner rrttilit tmv Ma d,tilii ..i n..f.n.i.n.
miv ni'i'irn limy in rnTini n
.orlal Interest. , Tl.o following gen.
J'"1 Prlnplplr. are Mlrly well cstab
1. Apples grown In a northern lnt
Itnde or high altitude will keep longer
than apples of tho same variety
grown further south or at a lower al
titude. 2. Apples from old or mature trees
will keep longer than the same sorts
grown on young trees.
3. Fruit from sandy soil will usual
ly keen longer than the same vari
eties grown on clay or loam.
i. Well colored, well ripened fruit
will keep longer In good condition
than fruit not fully ripe. This Is con
trary to the general opinion and Is
J subject to possible alight exceptions
in uiu case or rrutt grown on young
and very vigorous trees.
It has been fully proved also that
the manner In which the fruit Is .han
dled has a great deal to do with Its
behavior In storage. The fruit should
he carefully handplcked, handled the
least possible, and placed In storago
at the earliest moment. The common
practice of allowing apples to He In
piles In the orchard for several days
or even weeks l especially repre
hensible. Feeding Wild Animals.
Raising alfalfa to furnish winter
feed for wild animals Is proving a
great success In tho Yollowstone Na
tional Park, One hundred tons of flno
hay have been harvested In tho gov-
The.Bank of Oregon City
ernment field near the Gardiner arch I
and stacked near the soldiers' quart-
era. Three years ago a deer waa sol
doin seen In the vicinity of Mammoth
Hot Hprlng and an an experiment a
few balea of alfalfa hny were scatter
ed near the parade ground, Tho next
day ft dozen blacktall deer made their
appearance, the number ateadlly In
creasing and now comtirlMea over 100.
Tho animals (pilckly loat all fear of
human being mid are not even star
tled by tho firing of tho evening gun
within 100 yard of them, hut show
much inoro Interest In tho lowering
of tho flag from tho staff In the mid
dle of their feeding ground.
Clean Up the Orchard.
Ily tho time It la too cold for any
Insect to llw In tho air, they will havo
taken up winter quarters In tho traah
and rubbish In and around th or
chard, and thin Mhotild bo cleaned up
find burned In order to destroy tho
Well Condensed.
A hog I a wonderful animal when
you come to Mum him all up and la
on of the fixed Institution of thin
country. Some one wittily described
' blm an hruahea, buttons, fertilizer,
jfata. bacon, knife handlea, whistles,
soups, sauce, sausage and satisfaction.
Aa a condenaer ho benta tho flnoHt
Mteatn machinery. He will put ten
biiaheU of corn Into less space than
a buKhel measure.
There Is only one cure for egg eat
Ing and that Is tho ax.
Ism't fall to keep shifting the
chicken c.sips to fresh ground.
I ain't buy your poultry feed at re
tall prices If you can secure It at
wholesale rates.
1sik out for hen lice In tho nsist
I114C places; cleanliness is the best
Ground wheat and corn are given
f.r fattening lambs. Two pints of
wheat and one of corn.
Regularity and good care has a
greater Influence upon tho old cow
than tho kind of feed she consumes,
prr,,',.llng she obtains a sufficient sup
ply. Keep only male birds that are as
nearly perfect In all points as pos
sible. Me up early In the mornings and
feed your chlck.-ns sism after sun-
' rise.
lir.-cdlng sows too young tend to
check their growth and they will not
bo sufficiently developed or matured
to produce vigorous progeny.
A well feij pig Is a contented one
and will take only exercise as re
quired for health. Thrift, not hunger,
should prompt for exercise.
I sui t let your vehicles get Into
rattletrap conditions. Screw up the
bsise nuts so as to tighten all the
bolts and keep them from rattling.
I'se coal oil freely when there Is
rust. Hust does as much damage as
wear on the Ironwork of vehicles.
Leather or ruhher washers should be
always available.
The milk, after being run through
the separator contains much nutri
ments for hogs, calves and hens.
A pig thnt from any cause becomes
unhealthy or unthrifty during the
first six weeks .if Its life never makes
the most satisfactory outcome.
Scalding water and summer sun
shine are both death to bacteria.
MaKo the stahles light and keep the
milk things In the hot sun as much as
Sheep are tho most profitable
lawn mowers.
A reliable horseman says horses'
shoes should be reset at least twice
in three months. S1hss left too long
on the horses's feet may contract
them and cause trouble.
Foul In the ftxit In cattle la caused
by standing In mud. may become ser
ious; to cure, cleanse the space be
tw.t'n the t.Hs by drawing a small
1 rope through, then apply sulfate of
r.lnc, one drachm" In half a pint of
Cows wearing smoked-glass spec
tacles may be seen In the Interior of
Ilussla, where grfat tracts of country
are covered with snow six months of
the year. The ccwa become afflicted
with snow blindness while looking
for fine grass under the melting snow.
To Mllwaukle only, . ,
lYIa Lent's Junction, dally except
Sunday, leave on Sundays, 4:30 a. m.
. A. M. figures in Roman ; P. M. In
0. W. P. RAILWAY 1
t-eave Arrive Leave Arrive
a 1 a. 1 hA?ViLyw
H o 5 3 I ffl Y' '
14:00 5:40 6:48 5:50 CTOO 6:64 If 9yr-v "
C:25 7:20 7:30 6:25 6:35 7:29 tl(m A
7:00 7:55 8:05 7:00 7:10 8:04 j 7sL V J' JA
7:35 8:30 8:40 7:35 7:45 8:39 fm 2$.'f
8:10 9:05 . 9:15 8:10 8:20 9:14 PfeL
8:45 9:40 9:50 8:45 8:55 9:49 tJM Mmm
9:20 10:15 10:25-9:20 9:30 10:24 '''(fllL-el'V
9:5510:50 11:00 9:55 10:05 10:59 7TTfi)rv
10:30 11:25 11:35 10:30 10:40 11:34 r Ny W MTJ
11:05 12:00 12:10 11:05 11:15 12:09 rrr2mV
11:40 12:35 12:45 11:4011:50 12:44 AailP 4 !L '
. 12:15 1:10 1:20 12:15 12:25 1:19 fy ix'il
12:50 1:45 1:55 12:50 .1:00 1:54 fx, 13 . '(Y tfc&t-A
1:25 2:20 2:30 1:25 1:35 2:29 Vk Jp'
2:00 2:55 3:05 2;Q0 2:10 3:04 ( W 7TT I
2:35 3:30 3:40 2:35 2:45 3:39 v. If v f
3:10 4:05 4:15 3:10 3:20 4:14 J, ' ' ' '
3:45 4:40 4:50 3:45 3:55 4:49 j 'V " ' l' , '
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4:55 5:50 6:00 4:50 5:05 '5:59 V L jL 1 k J
5:30 6:25 6:35 5:30 5:40 6:34 ' A JXf j?.-,
6:05 7:00 7:10 6:05 6:15 7:09 VV XP J(J
6:40 7:35 7:45 6:40 6:50 7:40 - SXaZy.
7:15 8:10 8:20 7:15 7:25 8:19 1 svv''
f:ou emo n:&5 7:50 o:uo 8:54
8:25 9:20 9:30 8:25 8:35 .9:29
9:00 9:52 9:00 9:55
10:00 10:52 9:35
11:0011:52 10:00 10:65
12:05 12:52 11:00 11:55
Red 8nd white currants bear mostly
on 2-year-old or older wood, A sue
cchhIoh of young ahoota ahould bo al
lowed to grow In placo of tho old hear
ing wood. Cut. out tho canes aa they
grow too old. Tho partial ahade af
forded by a young orchard aulta tho
currant well,
IlonoH appear to bo tho beat of all
V promte permanent growth and vig
or In a tree.
Small and smooth perches are a
prolific caiiae of deformed breaat
bonea, for tho fowla cannot, cling to
thern without unduo at.raln aa to poa
turo and to certain Important muHcIoa
of the, body.
Never glvo fowls aulphur In damp
or wet weather, and give It cautloualy
even In dry weather. If fed, and the
fowls get wet, It is said to caime
rheumatism and weakness of tho log.
Tho ducks' drinking trough should
havo slats nailed across the top four
or five Inches apart to prevent them
from getting Into It with their feet,.
and making tho water filthy. j
With turkeys the one great ossen-
tlal Is to keep tho birds dry for tho
Ilini UVM or HI A W,'VK,
Tho more small fruits are kept to '
one I- or stem the better, as fruit
gathering and pruning can bo much
more easily done. :
See that no water stands alsmt the
grape vines or ou the strawberry i
beds. j
I)o you know that Plnesalve Carbo-
llzed acts like a poultice In drawing !
out Inflammation and Dolson? It Is '
I antiseptic, tor cuts, burns, eczema,
j cracked hands it Is lmmdlate relief.
Sold by Huntley Bros,
j tfi
f "QUESTIONS" a3 !
t Cuiiyrluliled, i'.C, hy I'. C. Kiutmcut.
U i v.--jw.:;;94
Rolwit Henry C'uthls-rt Pea body
cllinta-d Koletiiiily Into the blue plush
chair und surveyed the fast filling cur
Howu at the fur end wus a mini ulth
a red tvz upon liis bead, and for tht
spare of u full minute 11. H. C. 1'.
regarded tbis strange creature there;
his shrlil v. dee re aliove the bustle
of the Inconiln pusn-ners.
"Whiit's that man wearing a monkey
hat for, I'lirle Harry?" he demanded.
Harry P.luke scowled at his uephew
and whlKM-rcd that the man came
from a couutry where all wore similar
"Are they all monkeys?" loudly de
manded the youngster. Half a dozen
persons tittered, uud the Turkish trav
eler rose and went forward to the
smoker. Blake coaxed the boy to look
out of the window and devoutly pray
ed that this occupation would bold his
attention until their train should pull
out and the roar of the wheels drown
the Incessant stream of questions.
He was more than ever glad of his
strategy when MalI Mauley entered
the car and took a seat diagonally
across from them. It Is unpleasant to
be In the same parlor car with a youug
womau who but the night before de
clared matrimony to lie out of the
question and after having worn one's
engagement ring for more than two
Blake, anticipating trouble, wonder
ed If he would not I able to effect an
exchange Into another car, but the im
possibility of leaving "Questions,"
which was R. H. C. P.'a shorter name,
alone prevented the carrying out of
that plan.
He was just congratulating himself
that they would at least be under way
liefore Questions made the discovery
of Miss Manley's presence when the
youngster turned his attention from
the window and sank back Into bis
"They're beating us," he walled,
pointing to a departing local train on
an adjoining track. "They're starting
first, and It ain't fair."
The tears begun to flow at the treach
ery of thcx other train that dared to
precede the one he honored with his
patronage, but they quickly dried as!
Maiiel tnstinetiviv tnrti f.,r.r,i
comfort hlni. forgetting the scene of hls dlsPlay of temler' roused for a m-
tho night before. ' ment ' ' . .
"There's Miss Mapel!" cried the tor- 8,1 Tlght" ho mured sleep.
ment "Why altt't M'talking to her.'"11 "you're bo,d,n handa'" and bla
Uncle Harry?" eyelids closed again, while Blake whls-
' "She doesn't want to be talked to',' " ?ered t0 Mmself, "It's all right thank
be whispered. ' ',Ood," and smiled Into the answering
"But you're M?:nys . talking Jo herj. jcs of the girl.
ho IntdKted. "Why don't you do It
now?" ,
"Slrj want to bo alone," explained
Blake, but Queatlona wriggled from
tila chair.
"Hho don't," contradicted the youth.
"Hho's calling me."
lie Mprang acrofia the alale and Into
the g'rl'a hip. For a moment he nestled
agalnat her ahoulder, but It wu the
lull of a falae jeace.
"Are you wad at Uncle Harry?" be
"HtiHh, dear," whlnpered the bluHh
Ing girl. "You muatn't ask audi ques
tions." "Hut are your' ho Insisted. "Why
d'1 yu want llIm t0 8lt J"ou an(1
noiu your nana nae you always uor'
"If you say ouch things I shall have
to put you down," she admonished aa
aeveral of the passengers began to
"Uut you do," persisted the little
frlenfL And you klMg blm too! If
aIn.t why don.t yoa kte
lilake reached across the aisle and
ca,,Kl,t bl" liephew n a stern grip,
"You kwT talking and I'll spank
you," he biased through his half clinch-
6,1 tectu- "Now- d"'1' ,et me bear
wonl out ot J"0'1"
"I only get Kpanked when I tell lies,"
defied Questions. "I wasn't telling lies.
It's true; you do kiss her."
uiake caught his nephew's arm In a
t steel and shook him rooLtilv.
1 .
j ut'n iu un is ii 11 iu i i v.
Questions began to cry
"You hurtr be wailed. "I ant
mamma. I hate yon." He nm In
bis wrath and began to pound T Ik
with his chubby fists. Within bfj Ht
! Elsko swora fervent! v that I feel
acaln would he chapron a child, even
to , oblige the best sister that ever
' lived. Ouestlons. tlrlntr of his occuna-
2 ' tlon, abandoned the pommeling and
T I . . . .
oegan 10 cry again, lue irain was in
motion now and the roar of the move-
merit filled the car, but Questions'
walls row; superior to the noises.
Mabel stood It as long as she could,
then she crossed the aisle.
"If you will let me have the child,
perhaps 1 could quiet him." she sug
gested. "Perhaps you would like to
go forward to the smoker for a cigar?"
Blake flushed a grateful ffice into
the clear, brown eyes and re.iuquished
his charge.
"There waa no one else to brlnj hltn
down, so I promised Nell that I
would," he said. "I'm sorry he em
barrassed you so, but I couldn't help
It There are some problems still too
vast for his childish graso and mine,
too." he added under his breath.
He bad Just settled himself com
fortably for a smoke when the porter
of his car came into the buffet, his
face wreathed la smiles.
"The lady done say as to how you
was to come back," he reported. "That
H'l boy sho' enough want you.
.With an exclamation Blake sprang
to his feet, throwing awny his cigar,
and went back to his seat,
"I am sorry to have to send for yon,"
said Mabel, "but Questions seemed to
think that you had deserted blm and
he refused to lie comforted."
"I hope that he w ill appreciate me,
now that he has me back," said Blake,
grinning as he took the boy into his
"I'm sure that he will be good," she
declared, with asmlle. Blake regard
ed the small boy. doubtfully and re
treated to his seat For a full five
minutes Questions was quiet; then he
began to sob afresh.
"What's It now?" asked Blake fear
fully. "I want Miss Mabel to hold my
hand," he sobbed.
"She can't," said Blake, irritably.
"You must be good, or I shall take
you into the baggage ear."
"I want Miss Mabel to hold my
baud," reiterated Questions lu a louder
tone. Miss Manley crossed the aisle.
'Terhaps it will keep him quiet," she
said as she sank into Questions' chair
and took his chubby hand lu her own
slender fingers. "Poor little chap, he
Is not used to traveling without Xell."
"He'll never travel with me again."
declared Blake viciously. "Nell thinks
that his Inquisitive mind is a sign of
mental sharpness. I think It's an In
dication of idiocy."
"You don't mean that," she cried re
proachfully. "Questions is a dear, if
he does make embarrassing demands."
"I couldn't tell blm what the matter
was when I did not kuow myself," be
gan Bluke. "You Just gave me back
the ring and told me It was all over."
"I was at the roof garden, " she said,
"What, difference does that make!"
he asked. "I was there, too, but that
should not call for such stern dis
cipline." "It was that party you were with,"
she explained. Blake's face cleared.
"Good Lord," he cried reproachfully.
"You didn't suppose I was with that
crowd, did you? Those seats at the
tables are reserved, you know, and they
had the other checks. . .
"That chemical blond had been din
ing too well, and she Insisted upon re
garding me as one of the party. It
was easier to let her have her way
than to take chances on a row with the
whole crowd."
"I think I have wronged you," she
said softly. "I am sorry, Harry, but It
looked as though you were with, the
party.: Then when I saw you In the
restaurant later I sent back the ring.
I supposed that you had seen me and
were trytng to prove an alibi."
IT.. ... U I . ! . . a 1 l .
. "?u m "'S " u ?co"' I""". uu
- 1"" " "p uw
. ring into place. Questions, sleepy after
This Town Has Its Share of Dread
Disease, Which Is Said To Yield
to Simple Home Reclepe.
To relieve the worst forms of Rheu
matism, take a teaspoonful of the fol
lowing mixture after each meal and
at bedtime.
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, three
These harmless Ingredients can be
obtained from our home druggists,
and are easily mixed by ahaklng them
well In a bottle. Relief Is generally
felt from the first few doses.
This proscription, states a well
known authority In a Cleveland morn
ing paper, forces the clogged-up. In
active kidneys to filter and strain
from the blood the poisonous waste
matter and urlce acid, which causes
As Rheumatism Is not only the
most painful and torturous disease,
but dangerous to life, this simplere
clpe will no doubt be greatly valued
by many sufferers here at home, who
should at once prepare the mixture
to get this relief. '
It Is said that a person who would '
take this prescription regularly, a
dose or two dally, or even a few times
a week, would never have serious
Kidney or Urinary disorders or Rheu
matism. Cut this out and preserve it. Good
Rheumatism prescriptions which real
ly relieve are scarce, indeed, and when
you need it, you want it badly. Our
druggists here say they will either
supply these Ingredients or make the
mixture ready to take, If amy of our
readers ao prefer.
Heckel & England
The Hub Saloon has changed
hands, Carlson & Block sel
ling out to Heckel & England
W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto. Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
a. Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
Farmers' 13a Man 131 1
Clackamas County
606-608 Chamber of Commerce,
Full equipment of maps, plats, ab
stract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County Lands,
Money loaned, titles perfected. ,
E. F. & F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law.
Plumbing & Tuning
Bot Air Furnaces, Bop Pipes, Pamps,
Spray Pomps, Water Pipes,
Spraying Materials.
All Kinds of Jobbing Specialty
Estimates Q'ven on All Classes
of Work.
Rea. Phone 1514 Shop 1516
914 N. Main St, Oregon City, Or
Strictly in accordance, witn the
. Pure Food Law.
4 1 7 Main St. - Oregon City
' For sale by