Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1907, Image 2

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D. Force brought a cow out to lit
brother at Clarkes. who has bought
the lMe-r Krudcr's store thoro; H
baa rented the store for five years and
will put in a lnr.ee stock of jroods.
GeorRe Wallace and bis mother
went to the mountains to see how
things were Roinir on at the ranch.
A party was Riven at the Sweedish
settlement last week.
Mr. Anderson has a new horse that
be raid $100 for.
Indies from the Sweedish settle- j
ment were visitors at me senoois im
Mr. Stewart Is the name of a new
arrival at the Swedish settlement.
Mrs. Strompxet'n and Mrs. TUiiftlund
were guests at the LlndstroiiR home
Mr. and Mrs. Kandle made a trip to
their ranch In the mountains the first
of the week.
Albert Erickson Is the new engineer
at the Col ton shingle mill.
Charles Stromgreen butchered sev
eral hogs Monday and took bis pro
duct to Portland.
Mr. Scblewe Is still looking for a
place that will suit him better than
what be had.
Mrs. Davidson, of Highland. Is vis
iting with Mrs. Stromgreen this week.
Will Dix was home over Sunday.
Despite the long time that rain was
In coming some people were not ready
for It.
Mrs. Daniels and daughter, Katie,
and Miss Spulak were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Coucher Sunday.
Fred Woodsides Is driving team for
Robhins Bros., of Molalla.
Albert and Johnny Erickson are at
home again: the closing mills put
them out of work.
Lewis Churchill Is hauling lumber
for Udell.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Boynton, of
Woodburn, are visiting friends here.
Rev. Coop, of Woodlawn. is preach
ing here Sunday evenings now, at 7
Mrs. Aug Erickson, Albert Erick
son and Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Daniels
visited relatives at Dickey's Prairie
over Sunday.
Elbert Noves, of East Broughton
burg, was calling on friends bere and
brothers and sisters.
We have not had enough rain to sat
isfy ns yet.
You've heard that old conundrum.
"Whv does a hen cross the road?"
Here's a new one, "Why does a young
man climb a hill Sunday?"
Jot Mallat was visiting friends in
Mulino Sunday.
Mr. Bonaker had a runaway this
week. Report says bis pole came
down and he ha a time in saving
himself from accident.
Young Mrs. Gorbett Is often in our
midst for a time.
R. L. Holraan. of vonr city, was vis
iting friends here Sunday.
Dr. Powell has moved tt the Meyer
building, where he has arranged for a
prescription business.
Mola'la people are not ready yet to
go over to Multonomiih for protection
as we have all we can do now to keep
the county oficlals from moving us , UUm1U trouble.
right into ttu city.
Our star mail carrier was showing
of a new horse Monday. He had some
little trouble with him out this way.
J. W. Thomas has been appointed
deputy state master in the State
Grange, and will go to Oregon City to
receive Instruction ns to his duties
next Monday. His office will bo shut
up for that day.
Molalla Sunday school U getting
ready for an entertainment for
Thanksgiving eve.
Miss Ipha Robblna is home from
Hood River and she brought some
handsome fruit with her.
Kllton Sunday.
Arthur Knight is planning, to fence
the land he slashed the past mimmor.
Mrs. Wheeler has been visiting In
Portland for a few days guest of her
The new butcher shop is open for
Claude Butty has taken possession
of the homo he purchased a few
months ago.
Mr. Henry Smith I laid up with a
sore hand. It Is a case of blood pois
oning, and promises to make hltu eon-
I Make Your Bedroom Homelike
Jacob Smith and Warren Kendle
are both setting up the cigars; and In
both cases It Is a girl.
We have seen about the last of our
fine weather for this season, I think.
George Fllnn has left Salmon and
gone to herding sheep.
There Is much conflict between our
weather prophets. Some foretell a
hard winter, others a mild one. So
far it has been mild enough.
O. S. Bayles Is planning to build a
new house and has secured a number
of brick for that purpose.
Wm. Miller, of Teasel Creek. Is very
sick and there seems little chance of
Mrs. Francis Birch U alo on the
sick list at this time.
Clarence and Leslie Ramsey will
be home from Washington in a few
days. They have been there for sev
eral years.
Our sawmill Is still running regard
less of the panic.
Herbert Knox, of Fossil, was visit
ing friends here last week,
ltumor says there will be another
wedding at Beaver Creek soon. More
the merrier.
Mrs. John Wolf Is convalescing, but
is still far front well.
Mrs. II. W. Parry Is numbered
among the sick.
Willie and James O'Connor were
visiting friends here last week.
Miss Mamie Hollman Is helping
Mrs. Strong.
Martin lVtercher has rented H. Lin
dley's farm.
Mr. Gamble, from Oregon City, Is
working here for W. K. Young.
Fred Henrlcl has purchased a ynrt
of the Henry Henrlcl farm ami will
make it his home.
There will be a host of turkeys go
to market from here In time for the
Thanksgiving feast.
Many farmers In this neighborhood
are sowing timothy seed this fall.
Had to fall back on the old standby.
Our merchant Is cutting down a hlg
fir near his store. He don't want too
much said about Its size till he gets
it down: then you can brag on him all
you want to.
Peter Hornfck and bis n"n re
Mr. Blttner met with an accident at
his mill the other day. In some way
he got his hand caught In the big saw
and before he could extricate It he
lost his first and second fingers. He
came to Oregon City to have his hand
cared for.
Delia Gottberg went to town last
Chester Corbet t Is erecting a new
home at Couiton, with Bert Headers
as boss builder.
Some are still digging potatoes.
Where would they have been If we
had experienced nn early winter?
Snow fell In the mountains last
week, and this warm weather should
soon melt It.
Amlel Bittner has his new house
almost completed.
Wc con sell yim o luirnl
J some suit tluit will plcn.se
J you. Onc-thlrd vour life
Is spent in bed, so why not
moke the bedroom home
J like. We ton do if for o
little money. Try us.
vr. - -. . r. . " b ? 'fir ' - ' fl x
til .. -4 I I
There is no "break" at our store except in prices.
Don't let the builiings go
through the rainy season
without some protection.
We can out sell all competitors.
After a beautiful spell of weather It
rained Monday night.
Mr. Aernl has finished his new cis
tern at the barn and will be clad to
cleaning out the river near Wright's ! nave It feit and there are others.
bridge. There are a large number of
Molalla Saturday, accompanied by hM jogs in the river and a sudden rise
mleht float off a lot of them.
Harvey Everhart. our road super
visor, is putting fine gravel on the
road from Wright's bridge towards
The price of hogs Is down and a
number of our farmers wish now they
had sold earlier.
The Oregon mist Is on us in earn
est. It is still pushing the grass uo
to grfen the earth like spring was
he-e in the 'ast half of November
Our oeo"le are In moderate health.
There will be a host of vouchers In
the Clear Creek Improvement for the
I ennntv to nay soon. Hope the money
MILWAUKIE. ! will hold out
The neighbors and friends of Jos. ! Elder Boles, who Is 78 years old, is
Dohbins eave him a fniit shower 'at ' assisted by Elder G. P. Rich In a
but It will give potato digging a back
A young scapegrace made off last
week Monday with Mr. Schaltz's po
tato fork, which he had loaned to
him. and a suit, we hear, of Mr.
Gage's clothes. Country people will
have to look a little out when they
harbor these kind of people.
Curley (Mr. Mays) Is In a critical
condition: cannot lie down, and his
feet are swollen now. He has been,
and Is, a great sufferer.
' A horse belonging to the Sharp
Bros, fell Into a dry well last week
and was killed.
The clerk of our district was anxi
ous last week about how he was to
get. the money out of the bank at Ore.
gon City, where he had deposited It,
so as to pay the teachers their
month's salary.
Hasn't "Fair Play" got the horns
of the dilemma In both hands when
J V" ton J f fi I tmn . )
Ranges, !
eaters !
We can sell you stoves J
that are fuel-savers and
heat generators that will
surprise you. Prices al-
ways below competitors. J
We are chopping both
ends off all prices.
wpcir in commemoration of his 75th series of meetings here. Two add!
birthday. j tlons to church reported. Elder Boles i be says provide something to take the
Mi'wauki" U all torn un over the j has been preaching for 57 vears. and j place of the saloons for men who
question of a club or no club. Both j is stin a strong expounder of the good have but one cold room to call home
shies are lin ne ud and there will te a ; Wort. I ana saioons won in iw m-ir iu;
hard fight on election day.
Uncle Mark, who will soon b ROjtion. Oregon City once had a free
Wo havo lihrnrv Vn a installed wars old is fl snrv as can be. He Is . reading room, which was better than
for the use of our people. It h o"e looVing well this fall. nothing. I visited It. but It was not
of the travelling institutions sent out; The County Commissioners have an attractive place with Its bare floor,
bv the State librarv commission. -decided to rm the Clear Creek water! bard benches and rusty store; though
Report says Mrs. Irwin has sold fve under the Clear Crek bridge after
acres to a Mr. Jensou. of North Da- this. It has been contrary in the past,
kota: consideration $5000. !
Our shingle mill has closed down; NEW ERA.
presumably account hard times. , ". and Mrs. Oscar Slvter buried
Afro M S Roberts was eslled to , tVir ann Pedrick in the catholic cem
TacOa to attend the funeral of an'etery Sunday. He died Friday, a suf-1 lonkeeper.
it was a beginning, and may have
been replaced by better by now, as
I have not visited Oregon City for
... T nn . n.ftt. Vol- Pit, V ni-rvM I
something better and I am no friend
to saloons, and have no use for a sa-
aunt, Rev. Charlotte M. Lovejov, who ferer from pneumonia
was preacher in
church In that city.
the Splritua'.ist
Our road supervisor is gathering in
his tools for the winter; no more
work this season.
Mrs. Mary Brown, of r.waco, asn..
,T. Burgoyne was transacting bus!
ness in Oreeon City Tuesday.
The Baker boys caught a large fox
a few days ago. It had been seen and
chased a number of times before, but
Mrs. Du-ftin has gone to Dallas to ' to the Baker boys and their dogs fell
assist, in caring for her grandson, Iels.
ton Thompson, who has the measles.
Joe Sevcik was a Sunday guest at
the Houeham home.
Kate Newberry spent Sunnay witn
Is visiting old friends here. From , Miss Mary Lents, of Woodburn, and
here she will go to Los Angeles, to Saturday night they attended the ball
spend the winter with her daughter -at the Armory.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams are ha"
py over the birth of a daughter. It
seems to be the Adams luck to have
all girls.
Robbins Bros, have their gas plant
In operation and It lights up the pre
mises nicely.
We are hoping for a condensed
milk plant. We have $5000 subscrib
ed but it will take that much more to
make It a go.
Mrs. Pennlman Is having a picket
fence built' around her house.
Mr. Fellers is erecting a new home
on the lands he recently purchased of
Frank Kllton.
Ralph Gribble, of Mackshurg. was
a Sunday guest at the home of Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kllton and Mr
the glory of catchlnjf the varmint
Mr. Powell received the sad news
of his brother's sudden death by fall
ing from a roof he was tinning. We
have not heard the particulars, but
' Mr. and Mrs. Powell left Immediately
for the house of moumlnif. Mean
while the store Is closed until after
the funeral, making the second time
within six months they have been
called away by the sudden death of
a dear relative.
planning on a very enjoyable enter
tainment. A play, entitled "Capt.
Rackett," followed by a basket social
Is to be given December 7 at the
Grango hall. Entertainment free.
Mrs. (Garret returned pVydnetulay
evening from a two-months' visit with
friends In Arlington, Wph.
Mrs. Lavanclhea Clark, of Portland.
Is visiting thl week with Mrw. K.I
Miss Delia Glover has returned to
her home after an absence of sever
al months In Portland.
A tiny visitor arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ell Suter last Tu-s-day.
The little man and hla mother
are doing nicely.
MIhs Lena Kellog, formerly of
Eagle Creek but now of Oregon City.
Is here on a visit to her brother, Noah
We are pleased to welcome Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Meyers back to their old
home after an absence of several
months In Portland. Mr. Meyers was
formerly station agent here, for the
O. W. P. Co. and again takes charge
of the office.
After an absence of 20 years, F.
Prehels, of Oleweln. Iowa, Is again
visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Glover,
of this place.
The Dramatic Club.lately organized
and Mrs. Frank Moy visited Grandma by the Grange of Eagle Creek, Is
Henl Kettrtte,
Liiann, Initurnrice
MmIii Hireel,
omcr.o.N city
Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufield Bidg., Ifoln and Elg t Sts
Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties
Real Estate, Insurance and Loan.
Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse.
Woman's list Mrs. W. Cadeth,
Miss Daisio McFarland, Mr. Geo.
Men's list Geo. Baker, Oscar
Baumgaten, Ira R. Bradley, Herbert
Crefferd, Ed Dahl, Mund Darro, Wm.
Johnson, Mr. Looney, E. More, Jas.
L. Patterson, A. L. Turpen, Frank
Williams, 1407, 14th st.
Money transferred by Postal Tele-flraph.
No Rent to Pay
That's why we sell
Ftttnitor e, Carpets, Etc.
Sells Furniture, Carpets,
Etc fo? less.
No Rent to Pay
That's why we sell
Furniture, Carpets, Etc.
Will practice ii all courts, make collections and rttlemrnt of riUtrt Ktinniu.
alwUacts bt title, lend you money on llrst mortKKC Office in tYTLRfBlSC
Building, Orexon City, Oregon.
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
Oregon City, ..... . Oregon
Will practice In all courts of the state
Office In Caufield Building.
W. H. 8ILCOX, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant
Bent Service and Accommodations
Main St., 0pp. suspension Bridge
Careful of Your Property
4 "
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Eusiness
Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street