Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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la tho Circuit Curt of tbt Btate of,
Oregon for tho County of Clackamas.
Florence I.iuiiour, Plaintiff, vs. Mel
vln KIIho, A, II, Kllse, Arthur WIIhoh,
Huymond WIIhoii, James Wilson, I.
WIImoii, Joseph WIlMon, Fny Moody,
Joseph A. Wells, Ethel Wells, Hoy
Wells, Cfcll Wells, Kitrl Wells, Dora
Woody, Eleanor Moody, Nolllo Flam
lug, A. It, Fleming, Alva Plmntnic.
13d ward Fleming uud 1
Wyaut, Do-
To Molvln KIIho, A. H. Kllse, Ar
thur Wllmm, ltnymotid Wilson, Jann-a
Wilson, I. Wilson,' Joseph WIIhoii, Fay !
Moody, Joseph A, Wells, Ethel Wells,
Hoy Wells, Cecil Wells, Kail Wolla,
Dora Moody, Eleanor Moody, NelllQ
Fleming, A. L. FloinlnK, Alva Flem
ing, Edward FlumliiK and J Wyatit:
In tho namii of tho Btate of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the coniplulnt filed ugainst
you In thn above entitled suit on or
1fcri Friday, tho 29th day of Novem
ber, 1907, aald date lining the expira
tion of all weeks from tho first publi
cations of this summons, and If you
fall to ao appear and answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho
Court for the relief prayed for In plain
tlff'a complaint, to-wlt:
For a decro of partition, and di
vision and aalo of the curate of Henry
Kllse, deceased, among the tielra of
aald Henry Kllso, deceased, who are
all named a partlea to thta ault. Said
tato constat of ICO acrea of land,
more or leaa. In the W. I). Woodcock,
n. L. C. No. 38, In T. 4 S . R. 2 B. W..
M., in the County of Clackamaa and
fState of Oregon, and more particularly
described at page In Book of the
Records of Conveyancea for aald Clack
amaa county, and being landi Inherited
by plaintiff and defendants from Henry
Kline, deceased; for her cost! and dis
bursement! and attorneys' fee of 1 100
to be paid out of vthe proceed! of the
ale of aald land, and for the distribu
tion of the remainder to the plaintiff
and the defendant!, ownera thereof,
aa their Interest thoreln may appear;
also fur the purpose of obtaining a
lecree of contribution from aald
heirs, requiring them to pay to the
plaintiff their tihare of the coata of
maintaining and caring for her In her
lifetime, Kllon Kllse, wife of aald de
ceased Henry Kllse, and decreeing
aald contribution to be a lien upon the
property of aald estate, and aa to the
1efendanta against whom service by
publication of thl summons la made.
decree against A. u Memmg, i-weBt qt,arter of aald 8octlon twenty
ward Fleming, and Alva Fleming In LVil thanr- ,h ... an' .sL
the sum of 115 M each, and against
L, Wyant for the sum of $02.23 for
aald contribution and for such other
and further rellnf aa to thla Honorable
Court ahall seem equitable In the
Thla aummona la published by or
ir of Honorable Grant D. Dlmlck,
County Judge of the aald County of
Clackamaa, hocauae of the absence
of Honorable Thomaa A. Mclirldo,
Judge of the aald Circuit Court, from
the County of Clackamaa, which order
was made and entered on the 12th
day of October, 1907.
First publication of thla aummona
on Friday, the 18th day of October,
Attorney! for Plaintiff, Oregon City,
curve to the left, aald tapered curve
Notice of Final Battlement changing at the rate of two degreea
Notice la hereby given that the un- 'ch 30 feet, 90 foot to aurvey atatlon
deralgnod, administrator of the estate No. 115 plua 57 In aald aurveyed cen
of John Helcher, deceased, haa filed In ter line; thence following the center
the County Court of Clackamaa Coun-jne of ,n eght-degroe curve to the
ty. State of Oregon, his final account1, , ,18
a auch administrator of aald eatate.i,pft 335 feet to r Nation No. 118
and that Monday, the 25th day of No-jPl" 92 In aald aurveyed center line;
Job Panting
All Kinds
Low Prices
Prompt Service
Stat Press Job Room
vnmfonr, 1907, at the liour of ten
; 2
Iff slid VSSrt ami tff tt
mont thereof.
Administrator of tho state of John
lltlc)i(r, deceased,
U'REN A. HCIIUEHKL, Attornoyii for
ad mltitMt rti
In ,n" 1 lrc"11 (,mrl "l l,la n'"'0 OI
it l , li ft . . ..A. . At Ml i - M
Oregon Tor tho County or Clucha
mns, Mount JI'Kid Railway and Power Com
pany, a corporation, Plaintiff,
- W. Jones, W. M. Hudson and John
Nolun, Defendant.
To 11. W. Jones apd John Nolan, de
fendant! above-named. '
In the name of the Htato of Oregon,
you are hereby summoned and requlr
ed to appear and make answer to tho
amended complaint of plaintiff, filed Thotnaa A. Mclirldo, Judgo of tho
aKalnat you In the above-entitled ault. above-entitled court, made and enter
on or before the 23rd day of Novem- ed the 8tb day of October, 1907.
her, 1907, which dato la subaoquont
to the expiration of six weeka after
the 11th day of October, 1907, which
la tho date of the first publication of
thin summons, it being prescribed In
tho order for aald publication that
aald summon he published once
week for all auccesslve weeka, and
If you fall no to appear plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief pray
ed for In Ita amended complaint, to
wlt: First, a Judgment appropriating for
a right-of-way for Ita railroad the fol
lowing described real property owned
by tho defendant, H. W. Jonea, In the
County of Clackamaa, State of Ore
gon, to-wlt:
A atrip of land one (100) hundred
feet In width, being fifty (50) feet on
each side of and parallel with the fol-
lowing described center line, aa the
same la aurveyed. ataked out and lo
cated by Mount Hood Railway and
Power Company, over and acroaa the
land of tho defendant H. W. Jonea, In
Clackamaa oCunty, State of Oregon,
and particularly described aa follows:
Commencing at a point known ai
aurvey station No. 107 plus 93.93 of
the railway aurvey of the Mount Hood
Hallway and Power Company, aald
mint being located In the North line
of the East half of the Southwest
quarter of Section twenty-five (25), In
Township one (1) aouth of Range
four (4) east of the Willamette Meri
dian, east 235.04 feet of the Northwest
(Carnt,r ()f lhe Eat ba,f of tn0 8outn
31C.02 feet to aurvey atatlon No. Ill
plua 10 In aald aurveyed center line;
thence' following the centor line of a
tapered curve to the right, aald taper
ed curve changing at the rate of two
degrees each 30 feet, 60 feet to aurvey
atatlon No. Ill plua 70 In aald aurvey
ed center line; thonce following the
center line of a aU degree curve to
the right 119.44 feet to aurvey atatlon
No. 112 plua 89.44 In aald aurveyed
center line; thonce following the cen
ter line of a tapered curve to the
right, aald tapered curve changing at
the rate of two degreea each 30 feet,
CO feet to aurvey atatlon No. lit plua
49.44 In aald aurveyed center line;
thonce aouth. 28' 44' east, 117.58 feet
to aurvey atatlon No, 114 plua C7 in
aald aurveyed centor line; thence fol-
lowing the center line of a tapered
thence following the center line of
ia c,lrve 10 Ul Mt' tM ta
ch th- r.at. " tW d
grees each 30 feet, 00 feet to wirvey
station No. 119 plu 82 In aald survey
ed center line; thence aouth, C2 44'
et, 347. 77 feet to aurvey atatlon No.
123 plus 29.77 In said aurveyed center
line; aald aurvey atatlon No. 123 plua
29.77 being In tho East line of tho East
hulf of the Southwest quarter of aald
Hectlon twenty-five (25), aouth 1024.CC
foot of the Northeaat corner of the
ennt half of tho South weat quarter of
aald Ruction twenty-five (25);
2nd, assessing the damage! that
plaintiff shall be required to pay you
and each of you for aald appropriation
of aald land; and
3rd, that plaintiff recover Its cost!
and disbursements herein.
Tliln mini mono la publlHhed pursu
ant to the order of tho Honorable
405 C-7-8 Commercial Wock, Portland,
Oregon, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, October
11, 1907.
Dato of last publication November
22, 1907. 44-7t
In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
maa. Cella Etta Garven, Plaintiff,
W. H. Garven, Defendant.
To W. H. Garven, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
ink...' the complaint filed ' against
you In the above entitled cause within
six (C) weeka from the date of the
first publication of thla aummona up
on you, to-wlt; within six (6) weeka
from the 11th day of October, 1907;
and if you fall ao to answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In the
complaint, to-wlt:
For a Judgment against you In the
sum of $300.00, together with the fur
ther sum of fGO.OO attorney's fees, and
for her coata and dlsburaementi here
in, and for an order directing the sale
of all your right, title and Interest In
and to the following described real
property aituated In the County of
Clackamaa, State of Oregon, to-wlt:
The Northeaat 'A of the North weat hi,
and the South of the Northwest
Sec. 27, Township 7 aouth, Range 4
east, W. M containing 120 acres of
land, more or lesa, to satisfy said
Judgment, which aald property waa
attached In the above entitled ault on
the 2Cth day of September, 1907. -
Thla aummona la served upon you by
publication thereof In the Oregon City
Enterprlae, a weekly newspaper, by or
der of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck,
County Judge for Clackamaa County,
State of Oregon, which order la made
and dated on the 7th day ef October,
1907, and prescribed that thia aum
mona be published once a week for
six auccesslve weeka.
The date of the first publication of
this aummona Is the 11th day of Oc
tober, 1907, and the date of the last
publication of thla aummona la No
vember 22nd, 1907.
44-7t Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for Clackamaa
Oounty, Oregon.
Mary M. Dickinson, Plaintiff,
John Dickinson, Defendant
To John Dickfnson, the defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled Court and
cause on or before the 8th day of No
vember, 1907, that being the date fixed
by the Court for auch appearance or
answer In and by the order of the
Court for the publication of thla aum
mona, and If you fall to so appear
and answer, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In her
complaint, to-wlt: For a decree for
ever divorcing plaintiff from defend
ant, and for the custody of their mi
nor child. Grade.
Thia 8ummona is published by order
of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, judge
of the County Court of said county.
The date of the flrBt publication of
thla aummona Is October 11, 1907.
44-7t Attorney for Plaintiff.
,In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. I Minnie Hull, Plaintiff,
William H. Hull, Defendant.
To William H. Hull, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
tyou In the above entitled suit, within
i six weeka from the date of the first
i publication of this aummona, which
expires on the 30th day of November,
1907, and if you so fail to appear and
answer, the plaintiff will apply to tho
Court for thw relief prayed for In the
complaint filed In aald suit, to-wit:
a decree nisaoiving tne Donas or mat
rtmony existing between the plaintiff
and defendant,- that she be allowed to
resume her former name of Mrs. Min
nie Davis, and for such other and
further release as to the Court may
seem Just and equitable.
I This summons is published by or
der of Hon. Thomas McBrlde. Judco
I of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas,
dated October 15, 1907.
Tim fluta lf tliA tirut vmi1faHhn l I
October 18, 1907, and of the lam pub
lication November 29, 1907.
45t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
United Stale Land Office, Portland,
Oregon, October 15, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that the
State of Oregon, on October 2. 1907,
applied for the N'4 of 8W'4, BWof
HWV, NV4 or 8K4, and BE1 of SE'
of Section 9, T. 8 8., R. 4E., and filed
In UiW office a list of School Indemni
ty Selections In which It selected said
land; and that aald lint Is open to the
public for Inspection.
Any and all persoas, claiming ad
versely the above described land of
any legal auiKllvmion thereof, or
claiming the same under the mining
laws, or desiring to tdiow said land to
be more valuable for mineral than
for agricultural purpoHos, or to object
to aald selection for any legal reason,
should file their claims or their affi
davits of protest or contest In thla
office on or before the 30th day of
November, 1907,
I hereby designate the Oregon City
Enterprise as the newspaper in which
the above notice Is to be published.
45-5t Register.
United States Land Office, Portland,
Oregon, October 14, 1907.
Notice la hereby given that the
State of Oregon, on July 12, 1907, ap
plied for BV4 NEV4, 8E'4 NW4 &
WV4 SEK. Sec. 2C, T. 7 8., R. 3 E.,
and filed In his office a Hat of School
Indemnity Selectlona in which It ae
lected aald land; and that aald list la
open to the public for Inspection.
Any and all persona, claiming ad
versely the above described land or
any legal subdivision thereof, or claim
ing the same under the mining laws,
or desiring to show aald land to be
more valuable for mineral than for
agricultural purposes, or to object to
aald selection for any legal reason,
should file tbelr claim or their affi
davits of protest or contest In this
office on or before the 2nd day of
December, 1907.
I hereby designate The Oregon City
Enterprise as the paper in which the
above notice la to be published.
45-5t Register.
In the County Court of the County of
Multnomah, State of Oregon.
In the Matter of the Guardianship of
Thomas M. Small, a Minor.
Notice la hereby given that pursuant
to an order Issued out of the above
court In the above entitled matter on
the 23d day of September, 1907, li
censing the undersigned, aa guardian
of the aald minor, to sell at private
sale the Interest of aald minor In the
following described real property alt
uated In the County of Clackamaa,
Stat of Oregon, to-wlt:
"The easterly fifty (50) feet of Lota
15 and 10 In Block 33 In the Oregon
Iron and Steel Company's Addition to
the Town of Oswego, according to the
plat thereof on file and on record In the
offllce of the Recorder of Conveyancea
In and for aald County and State."
The undersigned, aa such guardian,
will, from and after the 18th day of
November, 1907, proceed to sell the
above described real property at pri
vate sale.
The terms of said sale will be either
cash or part cash and part credit
Dated Oct. 4th, 1907.
Guardian of Thomas M. Small, a Mi
nor, No. 402, Falling Building, Port
land, Oregon. 45-4t
Administratrix Notice.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned haa been appointed adminis
tratrix of the estate of John Moronay,
deceased, by the Honorable County
Court of Clackamas County and State
of Oregon. All persons having claims
against the said estate are hereby no
tified to present the same with proper
vouchers to me for payment at the
office of my attorney, Gordon B.
Hasye, rooms 1 and 2, Steven! build
ing, in Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months from the date of the first
publication of this notice.
Dated October 12th. 1907.
Administratrix of the Estate of John
Moronay, Deceased.
Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Ad
ministratrlx. 45-5t
In the Circuit Court for Clackamas
County, Oregon.
Isaac F. Deals, Plaintiff,
Yohanna Katharine Beals, Defendant.
To Yohanna Katharine Beals, the
defendant above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and
cause on or before the day next fol
lowing the expiration of six consecu
tive weeks from date of first publi
cation of this summons, that being
the date fixed by the Court for such
appearance or answer in and by or
dor of the Court for the publication
of this summons, and If you fall to
so appear and answer, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief prayed
for In his complaint, to-wlt; For a de
cree forever divorcing plaintiff from
This summons Is published by or
der of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck,
Judge of the County Court for said
The date of the first publication of
this summons is the first day of No
vember, 1907.
DENHALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Julia Boldcn, Plaintiff,
William liolden, Defendant.
To William Bolden, defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before Monday, the 2nd day of Decem
ber, 1907, that being the date fixed by
the court for such appearance or an
swer In and by the order of court for
the publication of thla summons, and
If you fall to ho appear and answer,
for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for In
her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony ex
isting between plaintiff and defen
dant herein and giving plaintiff an ab
solute divorce from defendant.
Thin summons Is published by or
der of the Hon. G. B. Dlmlck, Judge of
the County Court, duly made on the
11th day of October, 1907, and said or
der directs publication of this sum
mon! In the Enterprise not lesa than
once a week for six successive weeks,
and that you ahall so appear and an
swer on or before the 2nd day of De
cember, 1907. The date of the first
publication of thla summons Is the
25th day of October, 1907, and of the
last publication, the 29 the day of . .o
vember, 1907. 4S-6i
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
John W. Gorman, Plaintiff, vs. Em
ma Gorman, Defendant.
To Emma Gorman, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are nereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 6th day of December, 1907,
which Is six weeks after Oct. 27,
1907, the date of the first publication
of thla summons, and if you fall so
to appear and answer, for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for In m com
plaint, to-wlt: That the bond of mat
rimony now exlatlng between yourself
and plaintiff be dissolved. This sum
mons Is published pursuant to an or
der of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge
of the above entitled Court made and
entered on the 25th day of October,
46-7t Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice 'of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Leonard Schaber, admin
istrator of the estate of Matthew
Atbey deceased, has filed his final
account as auch administrator In the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas County, and that the
said court has set Saturday. November
the 23rd. A. D. 1907, at 10 o'clock
m., and the court room of said court
as the time and place for the hearing
of objections or exceptions to said
final acount or to the settlement of
said estate.
AH persons having objections to
said final account or to the settlement
of aald estate are required to present
the same on or before said date to
said court.
Administrator of the Estate of Mat
thew Athey, Deceased. 46-5t
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
A. D. Perkins, Plaintiff,
Eva H. Perkins, Defendant.
In the name of the Sate of Oregon,
You, Eva H. Perkina, are heheby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you herein, on or
before Saturday, the 21st day of Dej
cember, 1907, that day being six
weeks from the first publication of the
summons herein, and If you fall to ap
pear and answer herein, plaintiff will
appeal to the Court for relief prayed
for In the complaint and Sled herein
to which reference is hereby made
and more particularly as follows:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony no wexistlng between the
plaintiff and defendant on the ground
of defendant's wilful desertion and
abandoment of the plaintiff for the
period of more than one year contin
uously, Immediately prior to the com
mencement of thia action, and for
such other and further relief as may
be meet in the premises.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof for not less
than six weeks In tha Oregon City En
terprlse" published at Oregon City In
the County of Clackamas, State of Or
egon, the place where said suit was
filed and Is pending and is published
by order of Honorable Grant B, Dim
mick. Judge of the County Court for
the County of Clackamas, which order
is dated the 28th day of October, 1907,
and is made upon the application of
the attorney for the plaintiff herein.
The date of the first publication of
this summons is Friday, the eighth
day of November, 1907, and the date
of the last publication of this sum
mons is Friday, the 20th day of De
cember, 1907.
4St7 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Multiio
mah. Joseph M. Fay, Plaintiff,
Elizabeth J. Fay, Defendant.
To Elizabeth J. Fay, defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oree-on
you are hereby required and command -
ed to appear and answer in the above
entitled court and cause on or be
fore the 28th day of December, 1907,
which is the date named by the Judge
of the above entitled court on or be
fore which you are required to appear
and answer, and which date is more
than six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this notice, and
you are required to appear and ans
wer the complaint filed by the plain
tiff agalnut you In aald court and
cause, and for want of such answer
or appearance the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In the complaint, to-wlt: A decree dis
solving the bonda of matrimony here
tofore and now existing between the
plaintiff and you an defendant, on
the ground of wilful desertion, and
for such other and further relief aa
may be Just and equitable.
This summons is published by or
der of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge
of the above entitled court and catme,
made and entered in the atxjve enti
tled court and cause, and the date of
first publication la November 15th,
1907. and the date of last publication
U December 27th, 1907.
49t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Now Is the time to commence spray
ing for San Jose scale, dead spot or
apple tree anthacnose, and all other
fungus diseases of fruit and fruit
trees. From now until next spring
when the buds start is the best time,
for while the trees are dormant the
standard spray for this kind of work
can be put on full strength without
injury to the tree or next year's crop
of fruit.
The "Oregon" spray that Is lime
and sulphur spray properly made
and properly applied, is the standard
winter spray and may be put on any
time during the dormant season.
When the trees are dry, a hair
hour or less li sufficient for the spray
to aet and then it may rain for three '
months steady for all you need to
care. If your spray is properly made
and properly put on It win men ao
the rest.
I am asking you to spray now be
cause from the experience we have
had In the past we have found that if
everybody waits until spring to spray.
then only those who own tneir owu
spray pumps and have sufficient help
of their own to do the work will be
able to get their work done satisfac
torily, and even they sometimes find
that weather conditions are sucn max
they can do only very unsatisfactory
There is no Question but that the
San Jose scale can be easily killed
now than next spring, for a great ma
jority of them are young and have on
ly a very light coating of the gummy
substance over them wnicn proiecia
as well as gives them the title to their
name, "scale." Besides If they live
out of it as they slowly develop, so
much the worse for the tree.
There are a great many other In
sect pests that are effectually put out
of existence at the same time that
you kill the San Jose scale, such as
oyster shell scale, and the branch
form of wolly aphis, also fungus dis
eases of all kinds.
If you sprayed your trees last year
and sprayed properly it will not be
necessary for the fruit inspector to
tell you to spray again this year, for
you will thoroughly understand that
to get results worth while, you must
spray every year and spray every
tree and there is no danger of spray
ing too much li you spray intelligently-
But there are a great many who did
not spray properly last year, and wh1
are damning the Inspector, and fruit
commissioners for what was their own
fault, and if they will get ready to
spray again, he will see that. their
work la properly done next time, and
If they do It right he will guarantee
I found several people hauling
wormy apples to market this summer
who declared that they had sprayed
their , trees at a heavy expense, and
that the spraying did not kill the
worms. When asked what they spray
ed with they answered, "lime and sul
ohur." Now lime and sulphur Is the
best spray in the world for fruit
trees as a general cleaning up spray
and for killing San Jose scale, but It
does not affect the codlin moth In
the least, and of course you know by
this time that "arsenate of lead ap
plied Just about when the petals fall
the first time, followed at the proper
Intervals during the summer is the
only way to handle the codlin moth.
Now for our shade trees In the city.
I hope that the people of Portland
when they spray their fruit trees will
also spray the deciduous shade trees
attached to their property I not teed,
during the summer and late fall that
many of the beautiful shade trees
had become loathsome from the effect
of an aphis which covered the tree
and caused the sidewalk under the
tree to be covered every rnornln with
a sickening black ooze that dropped
from the tree.
1 wouU also like to call the atten
tion of certain real estate agents who
are bubbling over with "hot air
about "roses, roses everywhere, that
If they would spend or cause to be
o few cents or at most a few
dollars on some of the property they
are trying to sell they will be able to
get a much better price for the prop
erty as well as do the public at large
a favor which will be appreciated I
have also seen In a yard full of beauti
ful shrubbery and roses, an old fruit
tree nearly dead from fungus and In
sect pests. Get rid of either the pests
or both pests and trees, and - save
your flowers and shrubbery.
Spray early, for if we have fine and
favorable weather now and during
the winter we are sure to get the rain
in the spring.
Spray now and avoid the possibility
of a shortage of labor or material, and
possibly a short season for spraying
next spring.
Lastly don't be backward on calling
on the State Board of Horticulture
1 or the secretary of the board, or any
of the county inspectors, they are all
willing to help you and are doing the
best they know how, and they will be
only too glad to supply you with Infor
mation on any point you may wish.
They are also glad to learn anything
that may be of Interest to fruit grow
ers In general.