Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 15, 1907, Image 2

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Correspondent writing for station
ery should give their full name and
postoffice address, otherwise their
supplies may go astray.. Write it in
full at the bottom of the last page,
with your request.
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph, of Viola,
Tlsited with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Storni
er Sunday.
Jesse MayfieM and family, of High
land, spent Sunday afternoon with
James Reeson and family.
The Shubel Debating Soctety held
its first debate last Saturday night.
Miss Lottie Hornsehuh has gone to
Portland for a short time.
We are sorry to note that our neigh
bor, Mr. Beeson, Is laid up with rheu
matism. David Moehnke and family visited
with George Kirbyson's last Sunday.
Miss Laura Gtnther, of Oregon City,
made a brief call among relatives
here Sunday.
The Evangelical church will cele
brate Xmas this year, the first time In
several years.
Rev. and Mrs. Doescher went to Or
egon City last Saturday.
Martin Doescher has rented the
Lindsley farm at Beaver Creek.
Rev. Doescher. of the Lutheran
church here, delivered an Interesting
lecture on "Is Man a Developed
Monkey?" Monday evening in the
school house to a large audience. After
the lecture various questions were
asked the minister, questions expres
sing doubt as regards certain pas
sages in the Bible, and other ques
tions of modern church doctrines.
The minister to his credit and honor
be it said, at least attempted to ex
plain as best he understood, the ques
tions asked. This is something un-.
visual in the preaching fraternity.
Some time in the future the minister
will deliver a lecture on Intemper
ance. From another correspondent:
As long as our young people are
good they are to be allowed to use
the school house for debates.
The vonne man who tickled the bald
head of one of our citizens at the de
bate the other evening Is "debating
whether or no it Days.
Philip Massinger, of Portland, spent
Simitar at the old home.
J. U. Campbell and C. Schuebel, of
Oregon City, were hunting nere on
Saturday. Jim said, "I made feathers
flv": and Chris said. "D n such a
dog." But the game sack was not
Miss Laura Schubel, who has been
under the doctor's care for weeks. Is
a netition for a change In supervl
Bors Is being circulated here. Things
might be worse.
H. Ziegler was called to Portland
Sunday. His brother-in-law was ac
cidentally killed Saturday night and
he was called to aid in making ar
rangements for the funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. Eph James entertain
ed in a social way last Saturday night.
Theodore Campan has been engag
ed to teach the school in the new dis
trict just north of Macksburg.
Ben Wolfer was in Oregon City on
business Monday.
There was a big dance at Macks
burg Saturday night and the crowd
enjoyed themselves immensely.
The Aurora bank must have been
hard hit by the panic for It won't
honor checks drawn by its own de
positors. But perhaps the clouds will
soon roll by.
Farmers here have been success
ful in sowing their grain in good con
dition this fall.
Our school is progressing nicely
but certain parents will sure get into
trouble if their children don't soon
appear at school. Some have been
kept at home to aid In the fall work,
which is against the school law.
Frank Morrison came home Mon
day. He has been gone two months
working in the logging camp.
Mrs. Cooper entertained friends
from Portland last week.
Mr. Woodle dug potatoes with his
potato digger for George Wolfer on
Birch Roberts is home for the win
ter. Mr. Bews is building a cow barn.
C. A. Keith was doing business in
Eagle Creek Monday.
The friends and neighbors of Mr.
and Mrs. Bews gave them a pleasant
surprise party Friday night. There
were 30 present. The ladies served
lunch, and all left wishing them good
luck and prosperity in their new
Dr. Wattera and Mr. McClure took
dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Burelson from Tort land
suont several days with Harry Mor
rison last week.
The PoShazer family entertained
friends from tatourelle Falls last
Mr. and Mrs. Kltxmtller and son,
Walter, spent Sunday with the
Woodle family.
Mrs. Frank Ahnort and daughter
attended the party at the Bews" home
Friday night and stayed with Mrs.
Keith till Saturday.
William Roberts made a trip to
Salmon river last Friday.
J. W. Exon preached last Sunday
In the M. E. church.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodslde were Sun
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uvl Steh-man.
Mercury 64 In the shade.
School commenced Monday with
Miss Erma Shlbley as teacher. Next
Monday Miss Grace is to be on hand
as principal.
Captain Phil Shannon, an old pio
neer, has sold his fine 300-acre farm to
Dr. John Hubeack. United States vet
rinary surgeon of Clatskanlne. It is
to be hoped that more homeseekers
will come and locate as there are 12
farms in Sprlngwater without a lady
It is to be regretted that the whoop
ing cough got into the neighborhood
at commencement of school.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shibley start in
a day or two for New Mexico, for the
benefit of the latter's health.
Mrs. Adams has moved Into her
new house. Earl Shibley and W. H.
Kandle, builders.
Mr. Moffat has moved into Mr.
Shannon's house.
Mr. Force moved Into the Clark pn'
store last Saturday.
Joe and Henry Kruder have pur
chased the Davidson farm ut High
land and they have moved.
Hat Sullivan Is on the sick list.
Mrs. lloel Is paralysed again for the
past threee weeks.
Solomon Mick came back to Clarke
again and he Is going to farm the old
Click place.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rlngo have
started back to Eastern Oregon They
made a short visit here.
Mr, Rower, from Colton. was at Mr.
Rottenilller'a place last Tuesday to
get some seed whent.
We have the nicest kind of weather
this fall; It Is like summer.
Carll Stromgreen butchered last
Monday and has taken his hogs to
Portland, where he sold for 8 cents
a pound.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherruble came
back from California last week and ho
was out In Clarkes to visit his par
ents for a few days. He is going to
work In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Hartman, from Oregon
City, were out to spend Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Scherruble.
Following Is the report of school
district No. 38 for the month ending
November 8:
Number od ays attendance 67,
numoer or days aosence a, uumurr
of times tardy 4. number of pupils
belonging 29. average dally atten
dance 27. Those neither absent nor
tardy were: Isaac and Reba Rueck,
Henry, Roy and Leta Zimmerman,
Llnna. Mable and Dewey Wolfer. Mat
tie and Chas. Johnson, Lornle Kerr,
Lois Grlbble, Theollne, Cora and
Nora Larson. Visitors are always wel
Gresham High School pupil have
organized a debating league. Lloyd
Schwan is secretary and can be writ
ten to for dates with outside clubs.
Ed Baker has gone to parts un
known says rumors rife. He sold
half of his crops and goods and left
the rest with his wife, whom he did
not take with htm.
Our people are talking of calling a
meeting to arrange for voting addi
tional road tax for the Improvement
of the thoroughfares in this mad ills
George Stephens and family wore
enjoying a ride in their new hack on
Peter Davidson has sold his ranch
to the Kreuger boys.
L. Shockley has rented the Koenze
place and moved on In anticipation of
a good year's work.
George Stephens has rented the
lands recently purchased by Ell Fellows.
Make Your Bedroom Homelike i
We can sell you a hand
J some suit that will please
$ you. One-third your life
Is spent in bed, so why not
make the bedroom home
J like. We can do it for a
little money. Try us.
y"r. "'.Tj J..i j 4ltU.
I II .pl .JO ' " pjeWHI'i if 1
There is no "break" at our store except in prices.
Don't let the buildings go
through the rainy season
without some protection.
We can out sell all com-petitors.
Harvey Ball, of Molalla, was the
guest last week of his siter, Mrs.
J. Slaughter.
What has become of the money col
lected for road improvements? Not
that it has been squandered, but
what's the use of raising it If we do
not put it on the roads?
The new bridge is completed and
some people drive across it on the
trot. We wonder if It is a "trotting"
bridge, or should those who trot be
called to account?
Mr. Kemp, who has been visiting
friends at Fort Ethan Allen. Ver
mont, his old home, Is back and Is
now stopping with Frank McArthur.
He reports many changes back In the
East and that it don't seem like It
As noted In the Enterprise last
week, Relnhard Gelger had his leg
broken while working on the road. Mr.
Stahely, who was working with him,
had a fall at the same time and had
tbre rib torn loose from his spine.
Geo. Caseday and family are back
from Eastern Oregon.
Sedrlck Slyter is very 111 with pneu
monia. Martin Stauber, who has been at
Chehalis, Wash., for six months has
returned home.
Henry Houghan was out from Port
land Sunday to visit his mother on the
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Wright were vis
iting friends here Sunday.
Ben Faust and family have moved
to Portland and J. Peffer has rented
the place.
Gordon Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred H. Burns, had his back scalded
with hot tea recently.
Roy Graves, of Long Creek, Oregon,
Is here on a visit to his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. Graves.
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Hammond, of
Marquam, and Miss Kate Ridings were
Sunday guests at the home or Mr.
and Mrs. S. Wright.
Mr. James Is building a new black
smith soon on his Liberal ranch.
Miss Alice Moore Is visiting her par
ents in Portland.
Farmers are busy now putting the
finishing touches on their fall work.
Gruel Bros, are fixing uo their lots
In the cemetery with cement curb
ing. .
W. Anderson, of Portland, was vis
iting friends here Sunday.
Wells are going dry and streams
nearly so.
Adolph Fisher, who has been sick for
some weeks, was taken to the hos
pital in Portland to have portions of
two ribs removed.
F. Gniell has purchased hi broth
ers 'interest in the logging kit Bnd
will begin work soon.
R. T. Fullam'has put a new cement
top around his well and put In a new
Mrs. Chas. Senn ha a new cow and
Is supplying her neighbors with milk. '
Rev. Relnhard is doing much of the
work of painting the Redland Metho
dist church, and the paint Improves
Its annearance very much.
Redland M. E. Snndav school ha
decided to have a Christmas tree and
will put forth efforts to make It a
red letter event.
X 1UU,I0,'4 JL v'u"" "iN
J ton J ( tM Hum . )
X Ktmrim f1. V"Mr o. .M.uv'i1
Ranges, 2
Heaters l
Rev. John M. Linden was calling on
Baptists in this neitfiborhood lat
Mrs. Welsh was called to Califor
nia by a telegram announcing the ser
ious Illness of her mother.
Rev. Malloy made a vlst to Wm.
Miller, at Eagle Creek, who is very
Mrs. O. W. Grace was a guest Tues
day of Mrs. Chas. Ely.
Mesdaraes Latouretle and Andre
sen were callers in this vicinity the
first of the week.
Mrs. Malloy. the elder, has been
quite poorly the past week.
Mrs. Mary Berry, who was a gueHt
last week of Mrs. Francis, has re
turned to her home at Napavlne,
Miss Lottie Sinclair, had a toe am
putated recently and is on the sick
list In consequence.
Mrs. May, Mrs. Albright and Mrs.
Gerber are numbered among the sick.
We can sell you stoves
that are fuel-savers and
heat generators that will
surprise you. Prices al
ways below competitors.
We are chopping both
ends off all prices.
John Beatle, son of the Sheriff, was
visiting over Sunday with his aunt
and l iiclo, Mr. and Mrs. Williams.
Potatoes are about all dug and many
of them marketed. The quality and
yield were good and now we want a
fair price. '
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caseday spent
Sunday In Mull no, guests of Mr. and
Mr. Wallace.
Tommy Inskeep and his sweetheart
spent Sunday with Portland friend.
Telephone discussion was held at
the home of C. E. Stewart Saturday
Miss Edna Irish, of Portland, has
been visiting her parent here.
Miss Belle Greagory, who Is attend
ing school at Portland, spent Sunday
at home with friends.
Mrs. Ward Is again quite poorly.
Mr. Johnson announces that his new
home will soon be ready for occu
pancy. A coyote was calling on "friends"
the first of the week. The boys would
do well to organize a chase and hunt
his coyoteshlp to cover.
Tellefson Bros, have started up their
sawmill again.
F. W. King and wife have moved to
Reports say that the men working
Hindus In the Viola sawmill are dis
gusted with the experiment and will
return to American labor. The neigh
borhood Is disgusted, to say the least.
Harding Grange had a large atten
dance at the last meeting and much
enthusiasm was manifested.
Mrs. Dye's book, "The Conquest,"
which the writer has but recently
read, tells much about early day In
the Northwest and something of Dan
iel Boone. Perhaps it is not generally
known that a grandson of the big hun
ter once ran the ferry at Wllsonvllle,
and spent much of his tlmo hunting
In close proximity to It.
Ed. Mrs. Dye would say to the cor
respondent through the columns of
the Enterprise, that her next work,
"McDonald of Oregon," tells the com
plete story of this descendant of
No Rent to Pay
That's why we sell
Furniture, Carpets, Etc.
Sells Ftitnitti e, Carpets,
Etc. lot less.
No Rent to Pay
That's why we sell
Furniture, Carpets, Etc.
Kcnl KnUite,
Loan, Irmurnric
Main Htreel,
Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufleld Bldg., Main and Elg ti Sts
Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties.
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans.
Office Upstair, first building south of Courthouse.
Will practice ia all courta, make collection and settlement of etUtes Furniai.
Wscts ol title, lend you money on first mortKge. Office in ENTERPRISE
Building, Oregon City, Oregon.
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
Oregon City, Oregon
Will practice in all courta of the state
Office In Caufleld Building.
W. H. 8ILC0X, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant
Brut Service and Accommodations
Main St., 0pp. suspension Bridge
Careful of Your Property
4 ,
One of the secrets of our success
In the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Piano and furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence IS33 525 Main Street