Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 08, 1907, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
Entered at Oregou City. Or., Post-'
office as second class matter.
Subscription Rates:
One Year 1150
8ix Months .75
not cn the main chart?
woman who has
honest, Is In better
those errors Intelligently
who Is talking theoretically.
The man or The Portland preacher who Is leek-
made mistakes, lrjurlng on "How to Ho Happy Though
position to talk of Married" can't hold a very high opliy
than one ion or inarrittKe, or he would state
his subject differently. How a welt
.ii.. . '. j balanced person can be happy en-
Not long ago an Oregon City mer- i t'ly satisfied without a life mute
chant complained to us "because.
tu ' Is hard to understand.
said, "people from this town will go
to Portland and pay fJ.RO for na ar
ticle I displayed In my window for
Trial subscription, two months.. .55 $2.S(V' Why do they do It? Because
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment is
not credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will recalve our attention.
the Portland merchant tells the people
through the columns of Portland pa
pers what he has to sell. The Oregon
City merchant puts his goods la "tils
window and expects busy housewives
to take their valuable time t run
aminiit mid see whnt home merchants
Four counties in Western New York have to sou xhey won't do it; life
will receive $5,000,000 this fall for ,s too snort Tmn. roail the papers
their apple crop. The Yankee and the tlipn (now -the crowd," which
Oregonian can shake hands over a nvarlablv goes to the store that ad-
An advocate of the new excise law
Informed the editor of the Enterprise
that unless It did Its share for the
winning of the excise law fight the
paper might expect to loose trude by
It The only reason why that Is not
Intimidation Is that the Enterprise
man was not In that Kind of a mood.
way Commission should hoard the
line up nt a doaon places and not
permit a train to run until Hurrlman
comes to his senses.
vertlses. Tell the people how cheaply
you are selling some of these things
wide expanse.
Well, the Wall Street sharks are on which you can and do best Port
running for cover. They want Roose- land, if you want them to know It.
velt to take a hand in making the Few people are successful mind read
"other fellow" be good. If it were ers; and few housewives have time to
not that they are afraid to trust one run from store to store and take an
Hon. Tom Johnson won In bis con
test for Mayor of Cleveland. This
makes four times for Genial Tom. as
he Is called by Ohio friends, As his
opponent, Theodore Hurton. bad the
suport of President Roosevelt,
Tom's success Is of more than ordi
nary Interest.
The Southern Pacific operates three
trains daily to California points.
another the President would never Inventory of what each ha. Tell ( These three trains are. patronized
be appealed to for laws that will them: use the newspapers of your heavily, putting to the test their full
"protect them from each other." ( own town to tell them: It's your local capacity dally. Now one of these
. , ' papers that are read closely. trains, that has been, a fixture for ten
It has already been discovered that ' r years, is to be taken off the road. U
the 2-cent fare law requires longer Few Individuals but can see the ex- la threatened. If the Southern Pa
trains and more conductors, and as tremes of good and evil. Few whose I cittc does take It off the State Rati
the first reason for the existence of vision does not discern that which Is ) '
railways Is proper service for the pub- morally very bad. and that which Is
lie, it follows that the 2-cent fare Is certainly good. But the point where j
first, a public blessing, and also a good begins to te evil, auu wnere
money-making proposition to the rail- evil leaves off evil and begins- to
ways. i be good. Is not easily determined by
i ; j the average Individual; only those
"There Is just as much" money in ' wh, stop and reason and have thorough
the country as ever there was. There tra,n,n '? cprninent. can and do
Is Just as much property as ever. The see- , T,hBt 9 ? h 8K
land and the mines are as productive PP e e' about by the nose by other
as ever. Upon the whole, there were PeP wm? proclaim from the house
never so many people . before who top that they see. whether they see
tmm Aht s,ir u th xm. or not. The fact that they have cllmb-
ment of a San Francisco paper on the ,0 ,he housetop, and have a good
Four enthusiast for the excise law
signed their names to a statement for
publication In the Telegram claiming
that the salooulsts bad threatened to
boycott those who signed the request
to Council for the enactment of this
new temperance ordinance, A.
Knnpp, for the snloonlsts, comes back
with a sworn statement that there Is
no truth In the production of depon
ents, and there you are. Palling Into
(juentlon the honesty of purpose of
those for and nitalnst Is beginning
early In this fight.
Certain advocates of the parcel
post Insist on a rate of 11 cents the
pound anywhere In the country: I
cents a pound anywhere In the State;
5 cents a pound any place in the
county; with 8 cents, 5 cents and 2
cents for ndJItlonnl pounds, respec
tively. Why will not such a post help
the homo merchant as well us the big
department houses? How could a
department house Injure a local mer
chant's business with those ratts In
vogue? The local merchant could do
business by phone in his own county;
and he gets little If any business out
side that now.
Portland banks have made arrange
ments for large shipments of gold
from lmdon, and It Is expected that
half a million dollars will arrive by
Saturday. As u total over a million
In gold has lieeen arranged for, the
outlook (teems to hnve a better color,
despite the fact that a few weak
banks are being forced out of busi
ness, It Is well for the people to con
tinue to take the situation philosophi
cally, for that Is the wiser course.
If the bank which holds your money
Is Insolvent a rush for funds will not
help, ami If It Is solvent you may
cause u crash by clamoring for money
yon do not need at this time. A
week bank may pay In full If given
consideration; a strong bank may go
down If forced too far.
than half the time; and we have but
to road between the lines to road
when end where,
There Is much noise being inailrt
over conditions at Panama and along
the ('anal route. Critics charge that
these conditions are bad even very
bad. Well, what of It? Did you ex
pect the government to operate Hun
iluy aehoools and give work to only
those who were good citizens? Those
who ant conversant with condition
surrounding such an enterprise as
the building of the Pauaina Canal
know (hut I lie government Is ylml to
get help of any kind, and does not
tin.l can not Insist tm n certificate of
good character. A large percentage
of the men who apply for work on
such nil undertaking are bad citizens.
This Is a nation of majorities, and ! and are certain to remain so while
generally speaking majorities are sup- j they live. A Sunday selusd Is a
posed to determine. Hut there Is one ' gi'd Institution but with most of
thing to consider In this connection: I those nu n a Sunday school has little
llecause a measure wins In a fight ! attraction at this time of life; they
does not nocessnrlly decide that the j prefer the saloon and gaming tablo.
measure winning Is the wisest course i And well regulated Institutions of
and the best. Majorities have made ' that Kind are not so productive of
many mistakes In the past. Thet'evll as the IIKle dns sure to spring
wrecks of nations that are strewn all ' up If the government attempts to sup
along the shores of time prove this, press those that are run with sonm
Had the majority always been In the semblance of order. Tin class of
right tin' story of man would read people who dig canals are not of the.
much different In fact It would be n church-going, Sunday school-loving
story well worth rending. Hut major-' stripe, but why not let them work and
Itles have been in the wrong more earn a few dollars, nevertheless,
financial situation.
The Oregonian's tribute to Hard-
. pair of lungs, leads many unthinking
; individuals to fall Into line without a
1 thought as to where they are being
led. And in the discussion of the ex-
man: The Harrtroan melon, cut ctse ,aw ln Oregon City today we see
iur lies ucuaii in oui ruvfuri s, i
a sucked orange. Or a pumpkin, hol
lowed and scooped out, with a candle
stuck ln it. It's a dividend of shucks
a score of men running around with
an armful of rings and chains asking
permission of the public at large to
snap a ring Into their noses with them
MQMpuiuMiiii. narriman pre- hol(1Ing the chaln We won-t attempt
feents to his shareholders. They have to say tnat wlge exclse law mlght
lost more than money enough to have t be pr0(luctlve of ROoJ: but what
" vr- """" " Is the most noticeable of all Is this,
Joseph Wharton, a Philadelphia fin
ancier who Is worth $30,0o.OOO and
made much of it In a fisheries monop
oly that is directly contrary to all
moral law. blames President Roose
velt for the recent panic scare. Per
haps the President's calliner attention
to such wickedness as Yharton is
the number of blind that are striving
for the front rank in leading the rest
of the blind.
It Is well to consider this fact: that
the Hill lines have not suspended Im
provements. That seems to be the
difference between a railroad builder
and a stock manipulator. Harrlman,
as soon as the government came to
UVlrlP,'lat!? J 'J"L " l the assistance on the money question
the Wharton stripe of wickedness that
made it
The Old Corner, Formerly I. Selling, Corner Seventh & Main Sts.
Immediately ordered all improve-
j nvents stopped and as much repair
. worn enaea as couin ne done wunoui
The averege country editor is an suspending traffic. Whv did he do
easy proposition. But a few short this? Was the panic which he wishes
weeks ago a rich man with Senatorial t0 come headed off bv the actions of
aspirations sent out a two-for-a-cent j,ir Ortelvou in aiding New York
calendar to the editors over the State, banks? And Is he determined to
A few editors bit at the bait and went panic, and If necessary to do
Into profusion in thanking this same s willing to ruin the n'ropertv
wanted-to-be statesman in notices ne represents to do It? There are
worth a dollar or two. A majority did . manv things which make the sltua
not bite at the gush, but among that , tion look as he and his Ilk are de the
number were many who criticised the B,ie 0f the market where a panic will
scheme. This was as good ad vert Is- ad in piin up a few millions,
lng as the praise, and was probably e evidence Is strong that these men
part of the game of securing pub'.icl- ( vouM wlllinglv ruin the whole coun
ty for a cheap calendar, try to make a few millions for them-
. , . ; selves. All honor to Mr. Hill and to
The enemies of Roosevelt, men who' men of R,r,Pe- Thp Peor,,e of ,hl8
would like to see him ret'red to pri- - country should make It a point in go
vate life, are taking Just the steps to lnf, East and In returning to- use any
IPsd him to accpt a nomination for : ntt hl,t th" "arrlma" ,I,nes,"n 11
President the second time. Roose-' "" tlm m that Individual will be
velt is not a man to retire from the Fd- And concerted action of that
front under fire. He is not a coward at,lre on Part "f , the neop e of
and will not ran from a danger; and 0reon wmiId soon brln Mr- Harri-
the fight being put up by the "unde-;nian t0 tlme-
fcirable citizen" of all classes may i - - -
make it almost imperative to accpt j A recent dispatch fn a Nl?w York
the nomination or retire under fire, ! p3per ,ate3 that If William H.Taft
and in .choosing between two evils It lg elected President, next year, Presi
Is possible that Roosevelt would run . rtont Roosevelt will .under certain
forward rather than backward. i condit0ns. accept an election to the
. j Senate to succeed Thomas C. Piatt,
Evidence is very strong that mln- and lf n? "ne othf,r than Taft is
Ions of the Standard Oil Company elected. Mr. Roosevelt will seek some
have bribed United Staf.ee Pourt of-, other field for his activities. It is
fields at Chicago to provide them further alleged that the President
with Inside information a to whst is doe8 not intend, of course, to become
Koing on in cases eeainst them. Isn't an actlve a!ld avowed candidate for
It about time that the peonle rose un the Senate in the closing year of his
and did something to the Standard Presidential term, but that lf the
that will cause its official-? to halt? Xew York legislature sees fit to elect
The Standard is committing all sorts him to uphold the hands of President
cf crime. vt the peonle are Taft he will net decline. He surely
asked to sit idly by whl!') officials are w'" decline, according to his present
debauched, its records tolen and Intentions, to uphold the hands of any
Justice thwarted. It might not be oth"T Renublican President,
morally correct to confiscate a few ' We arc authoritatively informed
millions of Standard property and de-.that President Roosevelt has said It
stroy or divide it. but If the Standard wo,1,d Sive him the greatest pleasure
was given a taste of its own medicine to represent the administration on the
It would soon crv out for quarter. ! foor of the Cnited States Senate In
; cas Mr. Taft should be the next
' President, but It was only in that eon
The English a-e discussing the pro- tlngency that he could accept the
position to abolish the House of Senatorship from New York, should
Lords. There is no excuse that we the office be tendered to him as It
know of for its further existence, would be unseemly for him as ex
There is, too, little excuse that we President, to attack on the 'floor of
know of for the existence of the Uni- the Senate, the policies of his sncces
ted States Senate, outside of the giv- ,snr in the executive chair, and that In
lng of a few fat positions to politicians his opinion Mr. Taft Is the only one
In their dotage. The old Idea that the with whose views on publle policies
Senate would prove a restraint on he could have any sympathy
wildcat legislation has proven ground- To those intimpteiy associated with
less, for of all wild-cattsrs the Sena- President Roosevelt It. Is perfectly
tors have been the wildest. The evil obvious that he has entered this war
that those old fossils have done ln upon the evils of corporate misman
times past has In no wise been agement and the Intrusion of corpora
equalled by the good; and they are an tions in politics, with heart and soul
expensive brake, and a brake gener- and that he believes It to be a work
ally out of repair when most needed, well worth the activities of his re
Abolish both fossil houses at once, malnlng years, whether in public or
yes ! i private life.
A male reformer may be defined as O. L. Puryear has sued the Milwau
a man who has made a failure of bust- klej Club for money lost gambling at
ness, and a female reformer as a wo-' that noted den. We have an abund
man who has made a failure of mar- ance of sympathy stored up for those
riage. Ex. ' entitled to It, but so far our sympathy
Well, what man If honest Is bet- duets have failed to respond in this
ter able to tell others where to look case. The club had no right to Pur
for pitfalls than one who has stum- year's money, it's true; but why was
bled into them, and crawled out with Puryear at the club? He knew he
breath enough to tell where they are, was breaking the laws on gambling;
and the thin veneer that often covers and anyway, he would not have made
them? And what woman Is better such a wry face had he won $500 of
qualified to tell of the breakers ln the the club's money, or from any other
matrimonial sea than one who has had victim who had played against hlra at
her own bark or barks wrecked on the club. Queer what a difference It
the hidden rocks and reefs that are makes whose ox is gored.
for Less ililonev
WJTE MUST have the money. In these days of stringency a little money
V V does a large amoant of talking. A small amount of cash will buy a large
bundle of goods, if you buy now, when money is at a premium. There is to be
no crash; financiers are holding the reins tightly, but within a few weeks the
scare will blow over and money will be easy. But today a little money will go
a long ways; supply your needs now and secure real bargains.
Dry Goods and Dress Goods
At this season of the year we show tho largest line of goods for fall
and winter wear in Clackamas county. There are none of the new things
In Dress Goods that we do not have. We can sell you a handsome dress
pattern or sell you from the piece . We have fifty or more choice things
to select from and the price Is tho most attractive Incident In the sel
ling. We can sell you a suit all ready to put on; tailor-made and tho finest
that can be sold for the money. We stand ready to dress a lady from
head to foot with the best things that manufactures can produce.
Come In and see what we have to offer; it costs you nothing to look
and by looking around you are able to learn Just what are the latest
Clothing and Furnishings
We are headquarters for men and boys. Our line of Clothing anil
Furnishings Is very extensive and nowhere can you duplicate the prices.
We purchased largely for this season and In order that we may not
carry over wo have marked tho goods at bottom prices.
Make your section early; In this way you g't the best for It Is
always the bent that Is chosen by early buyers, Tho selection In un
broken In Suits, Overcoats, single Coats and Pants. We can sell yon
something very fine for little money at this time.
Overalls, Underwear, Socks, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, Ties, etc., ffesh
from tho manufacturer and low to realize cash In this financial flrry.
8' what we have to display and you may find something that will Just
suit you; we will make the price right.
We Bell a bluo striped Overall, with bib, at 45c pair.
Blankets and Quilts
We have a line second to none In
the county. All Quilts, with white
cotton Inside, sell at $1.75 and up, ac
cording to the amount of work on
Oregon City Woolen Mills blankets
at cost. We can' undersell all other
stores on these goods, '
Buy your Blankets and Quilts now;
you will need them a little later and
if you buy now you get the choice of
patterns. The rush on these goods
will come a little later; buy before
the rush begins.
Skirts, Corsets, Underwear
Our line of Corsets embraces the winning styles and makes.
Let us fit you with one; if it doesn't fit It's no sale.
We have a fine display of Skirts heavy for wlntetr, fancy for
fine fabrics, plain for every day, with a few rich silk Skirts that
are the pride of all possessors. Let us show you our line.
Wo have all styles of Underwear unions and piece garments
from light, medium and very heavy. We have garments for stout,
medium and light In weight, and tho price runs Very low for a
good garment. Stockings, handkerchiefs, ties, gloves, mittens,
and the little articles that go to complete a lady's toilet.
We also have a full line of Underwear for tho children and can
sell garments that will wear well despite the rough usuage that
clothing generally gets from tho youngsters.
Bring the little folks In and let us show them what you are
buying for them. They oftjn have their choice In these things
and It costs little more to please the children than to Insist oiy
Just what we older folks see fit to buy for them.
Many household necessities are
classed under the head of Notions,
We have all of them, and we have
them In large lines. These goods
must be turned Into enli to pay tho
bills 'coming duo within a short time
and If you will aid us In raising the
money we will mako It worth your
while In the bargains we will give
We have not space to enumerate
the hundred and one things thin de
partment contains, the housewife
knows whnt they are and where to
find them; but at this time we would
Impress on your mind that It will
pay you to anticipate your future
wants at tho prices wo shall sell at
for the next thirty days.
Shoes for Men and Women
This is the season of the year for Shoes. Everybody must
warm Shoes If they would avoid the ill effects of bad weather.
. carry a full line for Men, Women and Children.
For Men we sell the most reliable makes and carry, a half dozen
styles from each factory. We can give you a dress Shoe, or one for
hard service on the farm, in. the mill or woods or on the river. All
guaranteed Just as represented. Rubber Boots and Overshoes.
For the ladies we have dress Shoes and warm lined Shoen and
Slippers. We can also supply the Children In nearly as great a variety.
We make a specialty of strong school Shoes for boys and girls.
We have a nice line of Slippers suitable for home comfort and holi
day gifts. Don't buy your winter Shoos until you see us and what we
can do for you In quality and price.
Our display of Millinery Is as largo as that shown by mnny of tho
city stores. At tho same time our prices are much less for our expense
Is much less. You can't afford to go to the city for your winter Millinery
until you havo seen us. If we have nothing to suit you then It will be
an easy matter to go on to the city. But If we havo something that
pleases you, you can easily save a dollar or so In buying of us.
Wo carry a full line of tailor-made Hata that we will now sell very
close for cash. Then we have many pretty things in trimmings and
Hats that aro untrlmmed.
City stores cannot compote with us ln prlceH on these goods reg
ular millinery BtoreH cannot duplicate our prices, '
REMEMBER -We need the money, we have the goods and are willing to make you rare bargains In
making the trade; isn't that fair? Now, what remains for yo to do Is to come In and see if we have something
yoa want, then we will price it to yoa and if yoti are satisfied the deal goes through. Oar guarantee is behind
everything we sell; the goods must be as we represent them.
; The Old Corner, Formerly I. Selling
Corner 7th & Main Sts. OREGON CITY, ORE