Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 08, 1907, Image 2

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Jack Frost made his first appear
ance in I-ogan Friday evening, No
vember 1.
One Uigan youth has purchased a
twenty-five dollar pointer. Of course
the birds will taste better henceforth.
The Clear Creek Mutual Telephone
Saturday. It Is the intention to put
up a metallic trunk line from here to
Oregon City In place of the present
one, some time in the near future.
Saturday Harding Grange met in
regular session and as usual all pres
ent spent a very pleasant day. Many
topics of Interest to farmers were
discussed. Everyone was well pleas
ed with the good showing by the Fair,
and declared they would do better
another year.
Frank Wilson has moved onto his
own place again. "There Is no place
like home."
F. Raw and family have moved
down near Mt. Tabor.
J. Boss had one of his best cows
down with milk fever, but the prompt
use of a bicycle pump and a turkey
quill saved" her life.
Frank Rlebhoff came home on a
short visit last week.
V. P. Kirchem Is on the Jury this
F. W. King and family Intend to
move away soon. He expects to move
down near Portland, where he has
work In a sawmill.
The rumor that Wm. Chenoweth's
house was burned w-as a mistake: it
was his sister's, Mrs. Thos. Whythe
combe's home that was destroyed by
Harding Grange passed a series of
appropriate resolutions on the death
of Mrs. Ellen Babler, who was an
honored member of that Grange, last
old place here,
Our farmers wonder how long these
ho'tdnys are to last. Not that we
need the money, but we always like
to think we can get it when we want
M.a Pitta )m timvivl tn Mlhvnitkle.
Salem, expecting to keep house fr M Sln..hrr hamllln a
her brother, who is studying for the i .o(m( coU Ujt wt,)lk WB K,v,,n a
ministry. ; swift kick in the stomach that came
CLARK.ES. I 0ra svt,r n asuln ut work at Do-
We have fair weather again and Lnv,H.K,,r-s n,iii, this time ns chief
we all enjoy it. ..ncineer
Joe and Henry Kruder are out to. ... ,,,.. ,.nt,.rtnlned
night In honor of Messrs.
who have
limner Is moving back to the t 4
I Make Your Bedroom Homelike ;
Company held a business meeting on stay un imir i.v..,8 u " "V"' : Saturday
I lif.v iibic mu p ran l l.molmn tlll.l H. ink 11
I them and the old folks have rented lllt,,,'v rom0 to tnl4 co,mtry from Ohio.
I their store to a Portland man and; M(; am) Mrs SnR1.Uf.y, of Twilight
iney will soon nae ui imnc . i ,,,,,, ,., cosu of Mr.
m.m.. 1
wc can sen vou o nnnu
Mrs. Morrison is reported seriously
111 at this writinir
The oyster supper and dance given
at Wilt Armstrong's Saturday night
was well attended and all enjoyed
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith spent Sun
day at J. D. Ritter's. '
Mrs. P. Ritter and Miss Grace Rit
ter spent Saturday and Sunday at
Mr. Ogle was seen in our vicinity
the first of the week giving music Ies-Bons.
Bill Buckner, from Oregon City,
was in Claikes last Sunday looking
around; he stopped at Mr. Bottemil
ler's for a short time.
Christ Klny is moving to Canby.
John PuU was butchering for Mr.
Berglund last Monday.
Fred Scherruble was In Portland on
a business visit.
Ed Hettman was chopping for Mr.
Wettlaufer for the last few days.
B. Sullivan and Mr. Jones were to
town on business Monday.
Jack Ringo came back from East
ern Oregon last week and their son
Is very 111.
John Marshall had bad luck while
he was sawing wood. He slipped and
fell into one of the cog wheels, In
juring his arm: he was badly hurt
and may lose his arm.
Mrs. Newton Crltoser.
Rings Dyspepsia Tablets do the
work. Stomach trouble.dyspepsia. in
digestion, bloating, etc.. yield quickly.
Two days' treatment free. Ask your
druggist for a free trial. Sold by
Huntley Bros.
Mrs. Captain Lett, of Pittsburg, a
former Oregonlan, and Mrs. K, A.
Parker, of Cottage Grove, are guests
of their sister, Mrs. U. It. Thomas.
Mrs. Itt has been living In the F.ast
for twenty years and remarks very
pleasantly of the many Improvement
that have been made In that time In i
W. P. Herimin is moving to Lents.
He will reside with his son In-law for
a time,
E. A. Shaver, who was last week
married to Miss Nora Leutx. will re
side at the old homestead on Rock
Lark Porter and daughters. Ruth
and Joy. of Sllverton, visited Sunday
with R. R. Thompson's family.
The rain has made It possible, for
farmers to begin their fall work.
Molalla Orange has started Its win
ter literary contest. It will also be a
State contestant.
some suit that will plcosc
you. One-third your life
is spent in bed, so why not
moke the bedroom home
like. We can do it for o
little money. Try us.
in I
wiMV"'!nl I r'V " tfciimn Jim n Mf I SMW H'H"M '
lit- -( I F" T
in prices. J
t There is no "break" at our store , except
Mrs. Anna Cooper sold forty-seven
head of sheep to the Eagle Creek buy
er last Monday.
Mr. Cassady and son are hauling
potatoes to Eaele Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Gny Woodle entertain
ed a few friends October 29th in hon
or of their fifth wedding anniversary.
Freddie Bohlender has returned
home after working In Eastern Ore
gon for several months.
Jacob Grossmtller went to Portland
last week to visit his daughter, Mrs.
Giebler, for a few days.
Wheat and oats sown In September
I and early October are looking well.
Fred Heft and Jay Dix. two of our
enterprising sawmill men, made a
business trip to Portland last Satur
day. E. W. Hornschuh ha.i purchased a
new disc plow.
The boys made good use of Hallow
e'en. They removed a number of
gates, double trees, single trees and
other farm machinery from their
usual places. It no doubt caused the
swear words before he got things
Dlaced in proper position again, but i
See Sandy grow! This Is possible
from week to week; we aro Improv
ing thing down this way now. V
V. Fosberg Intends to open a hirr
ness shop here soon; he halls from
F. Kelsecke Is building a new home.
The I. O. O. F. boya will build a new
hall soon. It will be P.OxfiO, two stor
ies, and will soon bo under way.
U H. Calker and W. H. Proctor are
both building homes.
P. B. Gray, a. brick mason from
Minnesota, will build a new home
here as soon as he can get the mater
ials together.
Dan Herleigh has bought a lot and
Is getting ready to build a home as
soon as possible.
Allen Melnlg and bride are home
from their honeymoon looking none
i the worse for their Journey, and will
; live here.
TVin ft Uvirt ffllli&'ftv pnmnflnv 11
after a l no injury to property has .ork, , on? here b ut des not work
taken place and so long as boys don t ' f , h
destroy or Injure prny. their j fam a,
pranks on this particular night can . Sam)y HeRhtB t() he Cathol!ca for a
be tolera.ert ,., A ! mission school of some kind.
l??:lrZ'"TX: -"l Mr. U. has Just completed
ju.m ..r n , i ' o ! handsome barn.
Potato diggers have been busy but
. . I 1. .... 1 ,i loaf Cnt. I
1.1 ViiJ U uuanitaa lani Sat
George Sawtell has a force of men Mr. anrt .m-s. v.. t. ummer visuen
! I with Will Klfinsmith and fam '.v of
digging his potatoes.
C. A. Keith and daughter, Helen, re
turned Monday from Beaverton.
The bridge on the Donelas road is
In very bad condition. Mrs. Cooper's
horse broke through a plank and hurt
its ee nuite badlv. C. A. Keith nut
in a new plank. The who'.e bridge j for a short time
neeus repiainung.
Clarkes Monday.
The Evangelical church people
have purchased a fine new organ for
their church.
Mrs. HettTan and Mrs. Stelner hav
gone to Portland to visit with friends
Beautiful weather again
little rain.
A land broker comes around now
and then, asks the price and departs. 'Guaranteed.
Some plowing has been done. i
Will Borland has a force of men at
work digging his 10-acre field of po
tatoes. We hear Will has sold hi?
Mothers with little children need
no longer fear croup, colds or whoop-
after our:ing cough. Bees Laxative Cough Syr- girls but one died after a few days
are about through for this year.
There is talk of the bard times
shutting down our saw mill.
Our debating society has been re
organized bv the election of the fol
lowing officers: President. Jams
Bell; vice president. F. E. McGugln;
secretary, E. F. Brims; treasurer,
Miss D. Hedln; marshall, Newton
Hardin. First question for dlsctts
sino. "Resolved, That Foreign Immi
gration Should be Prohibited."
Mr. and Mrs. C. Sharkey had twin
v- fon ) V ( V t nun . )
a A
Don't let the buildings go
through the rainy season
without some protection.
We can out sell all competitors.
Ranges, I
eaters I
can sell you stoves
are fuel-savers and
heat generators that will
surprise you. Prices al
ways below competitors.
We are chopping both
ends off all prices.
"0 tastes good. It works off the cold
through the bowels, clears the head.
Sold by Huntley Bros.
Mr. Holstein made a trip to Canby
Monday to buy furniture for his new
place and Intends to go east of the ; home
Mrs. Churchill and son, Lewis, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar
! latt.
Mrs. J. Tm'.linger spent Saturday
R. A., of
mountains soon, but this is only hear
Curley has been confined to his
bed a part of the time with his old
enemy, me rneumausm, since nis re- j an1 Sun(!ay wlth her son
vum iruiu iuc nui cijuusj. Woor'lawn
Henry uags ana wire are visiting . MareUeritta Manning, of Port-
George Pickens was brought home
from the asylum at Salem and buried
Mr. Llndrev, one of our merchants,
hss been cnlled to Portland to man
age the John Dollar store.
by friends last Thursday evening. A
good time was enjoyed by all present.
J. Stelner and Mrs. C. Hettman
were guests of Portland friends over
at the old home. He broke his ribs
jasi spring aua mey u not mruu as jjnf) frjends
they ought, and the doctor ordered a j Mr and famlIy visited at the
cnange ana resi. ineroiore ue .cl Dunton home in Liberal Sunday,
oairy rancn in linamooK lor a jeai
or two and pulled out.
A party of about 39 invited guests
spent Hallowe'en at Mr. Gage's.
A party of young boys carried away
a few gates and fence rails from their
neighbors' premises and attempted to
run off the school master's buggy, but
he rapped on his window, and the
habit of obedience was so strong with
in them they ran for the fence cor
ners. Mrs. Sweek visited at Mrs. Gage's
Quite a full house listened to a
Warren Kindles has as guest his
sister. '
Our new butcher shop is nearly fin
ished and will be open for business
A new wire fence has been erected
around the school yard.
Our warehouse Is receiving large
lots of potatoes these days.
Andrew Kocher has a large pump
kin in his window of his hardware
Miss Snulak Is giving us good ser-1 store that is a sight.
vice in our public school. Messrs. Corbett and Rates are bull-
Mrs. J. S. Udell has as guest her; ding new residences,
daughter, Mrs. Ella Hunbar, of Port-
What hai become of that prophet
who foretold tuch severe storms for
Oregon in October? Must have slip-
' ped a cog In his calculations.
I Roasting ears In Clackamas county
! November first! What do you think
'of that? Also strawberries; but that
Is old.
First noticeable frost visited us on
November 2. Not so bad?
Mr. Gerber Is doing a good Job at
the Clear Creek bridge.
KcmI Kntnte,
LotJflH, lOHlirHUCr
Main Htreet,
land, was a Sunday guest with Mu-
Oh. such weather as we are having
for this time of the year. Who said
we have rainy weather In Oregon?
Tom Kelland Is reported
proving but slowly, if at all.
The farmers' institute last Tues
day afternoon and evening drew but
good sermon from the Rev. Waehlte j a small attendance. Some say it was
on Sunday evening last. The Rev. poorly advertised.
cr r.n t lorn a n nroafhoa In 'Piip'HbH nn the Mrs Ti MeArthur. who has been
first Sunday evening of each month, visiting in Iowa for several weeks, Is to the Ogden place.
Miss Clara Waehlte has gone up to s expected home some time this weeK.
Mr. and Mrs. James Shannon lost
their little son, who died Sunday.
Miss Marie Herman Is having her
throat treated by an Oregon City phy
sician. Rev. Griffith preached at the Pres
byterian church Sunday.
Mrs. W. E. Young was Visiting her
parents over Sunday at New Era.
Mr. Adklns has rented the Henry
Hughes farm.
W. Phelps and family have moved
Mrs. Tremalne was given a surprise
Butler Would Admit ft.
As Gem Benjamin F. Butler entered
the lobby of the Boston state house
one morning he saw two men whom he
knew engaged In a heated argument.
"One moment, General,"sald one of
them, to him; "can't you settle a dis
pute? We were arguing as to who Is
the greatest lawyer In Massachusetts,
and as we can't agree we will leave It
to you."
"That's easy. I am," snld Butler,
with perhaps more truth than modes
ty. The two men were somewhat taken
"Er er but, General, of course
you know but but how can we
prove It?" the first speaker managed
to get out,
"Prove It? Prove It?" growled But
ler. "You don't have to prove It. I
admit It."
No Rent to Pay
That's why wc sell
Farnitar e, Carpets, Etc.
Sells Fittmtute, Catpets,
Etc for less.
No Rent to Pay
That's why we sell
Furniture, Carpets, Etc.
Phone: Main 521
Office In Canfield Bldg., Main and El t- Sts
Probate and Realty Law Practice Speclsltlet.
Real Eitate, Insurance and Loan a.
Office Upstairs, first building iou th of Courthouse, .
W. 6. U'Rl'.N
Will practice ia all courts, make collections and wttlcmrnu of rotates Furnmi.
thtitrHcUtil title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office In ENTEKPMSE
Building, Oregon City, Oregon.
Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House
Oregon City, .... . Oregon
Will practice In all courts of the state
Office In Cauflold Building.
W, H. 8ILC0X, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant
fist Service and Accommodation
Main St., Opp. suspension Bridge
oreful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, 'Piano and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street