OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1907. OUR FARMERS' PAGE. ENTERPRISE READERS ARE INVITED TO CON TRIBUTE AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, DAIRY OR "BIO CROP" ITEMS FOR THIS DEPARTMENT. FEEDING. FOR OOOD BUTTER. Th. Kind of Food, and Proportion Used, Flouree Largely. An xprltm-nt on tfh ,'"ffoct of wlilo ami ,narrow railiniH for milk cowh ha been mndo at tho I'ennayl vnnltt station. Nlmt Uinrns)r or Krado (Jurnm7 cow alxmt sixty laya frm rnlvlriK wr uaml. Corn, stover and chopped wheat wero fed with different amountM of lluffulo jclulfn meal and lltwed meal, no a to kIvb ration with certain nutrlttvo ratios. ftovt-n of thn nlno cow iiacd In th trial required lexs dlftestlble food for a pound of butter In th period when 'the ration richer In prololn wern fed. There wua a airiall apparent Incn-aeo In th cfTlelincy of the food In tho period when tlw imrrowcr ra tion were fd (I. p., tho ration rich In protein. Th prcniKi of fat wa better maintained and, In fact, In creased allKhtly In th imrlods when thn richer ration wern fed. Our market am treated to entirely too much poor butter. Tho connerva tlvtj dealer will not deal In butter Kreano, and they rompluln that really ftrntclua butter muni of nrealty r main hlth In price, becau ao llttl Kim id butter I to b found In tho mar. ket. Undo 8m ha a worthy movement on foot and I maklnn a great effort to aavp to th jmh'P1" what should b nnn of tho cheapest poaslhlo kind of food. Alrendy he ha given th sub ject much attention. Oood Daya for Farmers. The last two year ha been tho golden an of American agriculture. More advance- ha been madw than In any twenty or thirty year In lh na tlon'a hlntory. land haa lncraed enormoiiHly In value lric lMtrt, and I deatlwd to go higher in tho farm ing sections, i'rlce for product hava b-n good all the time and ara better now than ever. If the linpor tmjco of aKrlculturn and Urn farmer Increase at lha aamo rat In the fu tureand It I aur to do ao tha agri cultural llfo will bi considered the Ideal one. and to own a K1 farm the very acme of felicity. Destroying Thlatlt. No w-eda can thrive If kept down. Homo are annual, coming from wed, and every aeed that germinate end that particular plant if the farmer will but atlr the aoll when auch wwds are In their flmt atagea of growth. Kven the Canada thimle, cotmldered one of the moat peraltent p'1 known to farmer. though growing: from both seeds and root, can be dt'Ktroyed with effort and determination. Known a the Canada thlallo, the weed I really a native of Europe to-lng early Introduced Into Canada and apreaillnie Into every portion of the Tutted State. Experlmenta made at the Ida ho atatlon allow that It I not a dif ficult to get rid of It a haa been aun poxed, although law panned for It a iletmctlon by several states havi been Of no avail. It spreads alnwly compared with aome weeda, due prin cipally to lack of fertility In the aeed. moat of the eed being Unlit, only the heavy onea germinating, and they are not carried far. Hut Ita progreH by meana of long, white root stock la rapid, a large field being covered In that manner In a few yeara, and It then assume a stronjf hold on the aoll. It la perennial, with alender atema. the leave being prickly, the head congregated on tho top of tho atem, while the flowera are roue pur ple. It may bo carried from one point to another In hay, on the top of freight cara or by various other mode. a breeding pen of ducka, If he ha not them already, and especially dealra blii la It provided there ro children In the household, a they will afford an endlea amount of amusement to the llttlo folka In watching their Ind ian fllo march to the water, their awlmnilng, diving and their Mandlng on their head In the ahallow to reach kernel of corn thrown to them and which, aluklng through the water, rent temptingly on tho clear, aandy bottom. Their nightly return to the farm houan or room and the collect ing of the egg In the morning, give the little one care and pleasurea they would not otherwise have. And thin alone, to aay nothing of the egga Iluttnr fat la too valuable to be fed I to plga and calvea. The aeparator will ! take all the fat out and leave skim milk, to be bill lanced up with corn meal and flax aeed meal. With many product, how to aell la a mattor of equal Importance with how to produce, On of the greatest danger of In breeding la that it will result In feublw coriHtltutlon, It la a bad plan to throw out whole eggshell where tho buna can find them. First you know they will be picking Into the whole egg, Better xniHMh the egg up Just aa fine a you can. Weed make bitter milk and the creamery patron with a weedy pas- ture for hi cowa should not be aur MIXTURE CURES RHEUMATISM SAYS MANY PERSONS HERE CAN BE MADE HAPPY AGAIN. PRESCRIPTION GIVEN Tall How Any On Can Prepare Sim pis HomsMade Mixture, Said To Overcome Rheumatlam. 6 0 oside There la ao much rheumatlam bere In our neighborhood now that the fol ium or m cowa snou, , not w, aur- , , d , , eminent author priced If aome of the milk ia refuai-d , wrUe), fe(u,f;rg of a )ar(ce by the butter maker. L-'L.r rtuii ner m .e hlhlv ao- There are a few Importer who buy predated by thoae who auffer: cheap . Inferior atalllona and clamor Ui (. t f ' 4 pharmacy one. aell them cheap but good stallion , )f r, M Extract Dand(;i,on( cannot be bought cheap In France , ComiKiund Kargon, three Kelglum. Germany or England and . of Compoun(, gyrup gargaps. gH.d marea are ao high that most lm- , gh k thwM wu, , a b.ltU(J ar:fJ win e,i. uu i-u.ni nn uvy irnu- not aell them for what they cost. The breed of sheep we want la the for cooking or the luxury of a roast ono tj,at Kv,.g ,.ary maturity duck occasionally, I abundant' reason for their presence In the poultry yard. To feed economically fattening plga should have all they will eat up clean at each meal, but no more. A large number of breeder have An Object Leeeon. One of the moat telling exhibit at ! ma,j larK, HumH of m,mcy frum the the Walla Walla fair thl fall waa that . t(.(.Pi but u aII take har(J work In which applea from the Innon j "Anything worth getting la hard to orchard were displayed able by aide . K,,t , a 0i,j .avinl. from tree that had been sprayed and I The Hhm,p that K0 ,nto wnt.r qtiar. from tree wnu n naa not wen apray ter In ixx,r condition are under a dla- en. me spraying waa none um.er m advantugo all through the cold weath direct ion 01 me exMrimem aiauon ai u.r rullman. It waa an object lesson that could not fall to Impresa even the dull est observer. A statement accom panying thla exhibit waa: "Twenty five applea cover the cost of one tree," In apraylng, Another ataiement: "N'lneiy-elght per cent of gxd fruit" from treea that were aprayed. Whin Money la Wasted. We hear aome of our fanner tell ing alxmt how they wintered their stock, but w have not beard them aay how they wintered their farm lm plementa. The man who wintered hi farm tool In the corner of the fonce waa In to renew hi note In the bank, and the man who depoMlted his money at the bank and hi farm machinery in the corner of the fence came In to draw hi money out to buy new machinery. Advantages of Fall Colts. Fall dropped colta are more conven ient on the average farm than thoae lMro In tho spring. Some of the horse on nearly every farm are Idle all winter anyway and the marea might better bo nursing colta and giv ing them a gcxxl start than to he eat ing their hendH off and giving nothing In return. When the spring cornea and the maro la needed for farm work tho colt can he weaned and the mare can do her work without annoyance from tho colt. One ha to he cnreful of a maro in hot weather while a colt ia- sucking her, becauxe overheating her often give a colt the scour. Hy having the colt come In the fall the mare suckle, him while ahe In doing no work, nnd she can give him a much better atart than when hu la born In the spring. Pleasure and Profit In Ducks. No farmer or poultry ralarr who hni a stream or pond on hltt place should fall to Improve the opportunity thus offered, and add to hla stock at least Wheat Exports Compared. The exporta of wheat from tho three great wheat exporting countrlea of the world t'nlted Btau-a. Argen Una and Russia for the cereal year ncently completed, extending from 8eptemler. 1906, to August, 1907, In clusive, were a follow: United Bute. 107648.000 bushel; Argentina. 104.24S.OOO; Ituaala, 95.112.000 bmthela. itake In Waapoonful doae after each meal and at bedtime; also drink plen ty of good water. It 1 claimed vhnl thea are few vic tims of thla dread and torturoua dis ease who will fall to find ready relief In thla simple homemade mixture, and In most caaes a permanent cure lis the result. This simple recipe la said to strengthen and c'.eane the ellralnatlve tlasue of the Kidneys so that they can filter and strain from the blood and system tbe polaona, acids and waste matter, which cause not only Rheu- matlutn hll, till m.IYII1 Slthpf rilRPAKeil. The turning of the scale between !E man or woman here who feels failure and auccesa often rests with ,,bat tnelr kldnev are Dot healthy and the wiill prepared seed bed. or wn0 uffer, Uom any urln. You had better not attempt to grow ( troub,ft whatever BhouI(, not heg. timothy In your young orchard. The )ta, to make th mxture. aa it la treea need thorough cultivation for aiP,D,n ,r, An ph rivtA ,nrt m. years. When they get to bearing I ' ,, fmm m.,rh m.rv d ,uf. TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B.. PniNCieAL Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation lor thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in. (traction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier ia our shorthand; easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland Fleet to 8a il December 16. Secretary Metcalf has announced that it la definitely aettled that the Atlantic fleet will leave Hampton Roads on December 16 for Ita cruise to the Pacific Coast. This announce ment followed a conference held at the White Houae, to which the Prenl dent summoned Secretary Metcalf, Rear-Admiral Evans, who will com mand the fleet on Ita crulae to the Pa cific, and Rear-Admiral Brownaon, chief of the Bureau of Navigation of the Navy Department. few Condeneed Animal Census. There are In the world today, ap proximately. 429.539.000 cattle of all klnda. 634.284.000 sheep, 138.456.000 awlne. and 105.738.ooo horses and mules. Including buffaloes and rein deer, asaea, camela and goat, making a grand total of 1.308,017.000 domestic animal for a total population of 1,025.183.000 In all countrlea. Propagating Curranta, Gooseberries. Make cuttings of curranta and gooseberries when the plants have matured the shoota of the present year's growth, and are dormant and clear leaves. Cut them atout ten Inches long, cutting Juat under a bud at the Wtttom. and alxmt half an Inch under a bud at tho top. Inaert them In the aoll In rows their full length, so that the bud at the top will be alMuit level with the aurface. A slight mulching of straw or leave between the row to prevent too hard freezing will be of advantage. Caring for Applea. Most storage men believe that ap plea should go Into storage aa soon aa aome varieties it may be well to allow tho fruit to Ho on straw on tho ground for two or thro weeks to secure high er color. If any disease bo present, the aooner the fruit la put into refrig erator the better. fruit you can raise crop of clover and vetch between the rows to great ad vantage to both tree and aoll. Young plga will usually commence to eat when about three weeks old and the more attractive tbe portion put within their reach the quicker they will learn to make a full feed. Farmer of Brown county, Wla., have formed a cattle organization with the object of promoting tbe In dustry and securing a higher grade of animals for It membera. Dairy and F(xd Commlasloner Bai ley saya that In Holland an acre of land aupporta more than three cowa. Notwithstanding tho auperlority of Oregon aoll and climate. It la difficult to get the farmer In thla country to believe that one cow to the acre can be maintained. It la less a question of aoll than It Is of management. Remove all broken limbs from the apple treea aa soon as they are no ticed. They spoil the looka of the trees and beside the wounds should be covered with white lead aa soon a possible to prevent decay or the In troduction of fungous diseases. ferlng after while Our home druggist say they will either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take if our reader ask them. Heckel & England The Hub Saloon has changed hands, Carlson & Block sel ling out to Heckel & England. 523 MAIN STREET It comes put up in a collapsible tube with a nozzle, easy to apply- to the aoreness and Inflammation, for any form of Pllea; It soothes and heal, relieves the pain, itching and burning. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price. 60 eta. Guaranteed. Sold by Huntley Bros. Ike Grafton's Automobile Wrecked. Caught between two trolley-car on Morrlnpn St., at 9 o"clock Saturday night, a $5500 model White Steamer automobile, owned by Isaac Gratton, proprietor of the Mllwaukle Club and a widely known sporting man. waa smashed Into kindling wood and its seven occupants had a well-nigh mi raculous escape from death or serious Injury. Frederick G. Haines, Gratton's son In-law, was the only person hurt He sustained a mere bruise on tbe nose. Acording to eye-witnesses, the ac cldknt was due to the carelessness of Dapp. the chauffeur. He Is said to have attempted to pass over the car tracks between two car bound in op poslte directions. He waa running at a high rate of apeed, and aa the wes bound car waa making its usual speed, the impact waa tremendous. That every occupant of the automobile was not killed outright was marveled by spectators, who agreed that the es cape of all from serious Injury at least waa almost miraculous. Sella 8hortweght Hama. A dispatch from Wood burn says: J. F. Gibbon and Ed Osborn were ar rested In Salem Friday on a warrant sworn out by E. P. Morcora charging them with selling hams abort weight. They disposed of a number of country cured hama to housewives 'and ao manipulated the scales that the pur chaser paid for much more than they got. They were brought to Wood burn and pleaded guilty to the charge. Justice Hayes bound them over to Circuit Court In the sum of $90 and they put up a cash ball and left for unknown partB. Town and Country Klckera. Tho kickers on the farm are not so hard to get along with as tho kickers In town. On the farm there Is the kicking cow, and our long-eared friend, tho mule, while in town there is the old mosshack who wants all the municipal improvements without pay 1ng for them. The cow may be sold for beef, the mule traded for a shot gun, but nothing but a funeral will gut rid of a town kicker. Notes. When a cow becomes accustomed to being fed and milked at a certain tlmo he becomes restless and un comfortable when the hours are changed. Oats will add greatly to the milk flow of sucking sows, and has a very soothing and unexcitahle nature. There 'are throe kinds of cows In this country: Tho special- purpose; tho general-purpoHtj; and tho no-purpose. The latter are In the majority. Deposit What You Like When You Like But deposit your money HERE. , It is possible you have never folt the absolute neeoHHlty of having a bank account. It is probable you could drift along for yeara without one but IP YOU EXPECT TO FORGE TO THE FRONT in this life in a financial way it is essential that you have a Bank Account. We give you a personal invitation to make this bank your depository whether you have a small, sum or a large one to lay asldo for safe keeping. The Bank of Oregon Qty Rings Dyspepsia Tablets do the work. 8tomach trouble.dyspepsla, in digestion, bloating, etc.. yield quickly. Two days' treatment free. Ask your druggist for a free trial. Sold by nuntiey uros. Money tranaferred by Poatal Tele graph. TIME CARD. Makes Demand for Cara. The Rickreall Milling Company, of Derry, haa filed complaint with the Oregon Railroad Commission alleg ing that it placed orders for one freight car September 16, two on September 24 and one on October 4. and has received but one car, that delivered on October 4. The cars were wanted for shipment of grain from Derry to Newberg. The milling company says this failure to furnish cars Is ruining its business and ap peals to the Commission for aid in compelling the Southern Pacific to furnish cars. J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. Will practice In all court of th staU Office in Caufleid Building. CALIFORNIA WINES Strictly in accordance with the Pure Food Law. COBWEB WINE HOUSE 417 Main St. - Oregon Gty H A DELICATE BEVERAGE 1 H A SAFE STIMULANT, Q A GOOD MEDICINE. I For aale by 1 E. MATHIES. Alaaka Want More Chinamen. It would not be surprising if Alas ka canery operators would send a committee to Washington, D. C, this winter to urge an amendment to the Chinese exclusion act embodying pro visions to allow a certain number of Orientals annually to enter Alaska under heavy bond to work In the can neries. Unless the Government amends the exclusion act so that Chi nese help can be obtained in the can neries in the North, the operators declare it Is almost useless to open the canneries, as the labor supply Is short now. 0. W. P. RAILWAY leave ) Arrive Leave Arrive" 3 w to o o ja ja U 2 tli o B H o jjti " Q p U O 14:00 6:40 5:48 6:50 G:00 6:54 6:25 7:20 7:30 6:25 6:35 7:29 . ,7:00 7:55 8:05 7:00 7:10 8:04 7:35 8:30 8:40 7:35 7:45 8:39 8:10 9:05 -9:15 8:10 8:20 9:14 8:45 9:40 9:50 8:45 8:55 9:49 9:20 10:15 10:25 9:20 9:3010:24 9:6510:5011:00 9:5510:05 10:59 10:30 11:25 11:35 10:30 10:40 11:34 11.05 12:00 12:10 11:05 11:15 12:09 11:40 12:35 12:45 11:40 11:50 12:44 12:15 1:10 1:20 12:15 12:25 1:19 12:50 1:45 1:55 12:50 1:00 1:54 1:25 2:20 2:30 1:25 1:35 2:29 2:00 2:55 3:05 2:00 2:10 3:04 2:35 3:30 3:40 2:35 2:45 3:39 3:10 4:05 4:15 3:10 3:20 4:14 3:45 4:40 4:50 3:45 3:55 4:49 4:20 5! 15 5:25 4:20 4:30 5:24 4:55 5:50 6:00 4:50 5:05 5:59 5:30 6:25 6:35 5:30 5:40 6:34 6:05 7:00 7:10 6:05 6:15 7:09 6:40 7:35 7:45 6:40 6:50 7:40 7:15,8:10 8:20 7:15 7:25 8:19 7:50 8:45 8:55 7:50 8:00 8:54 8:25 9:20 9:30 8:25 8:35 .9:29 9:00 9:52 9:00 9:55 10:00 10:52 9:35 11:0011:52 10:00 10:55 12:0512:52 11:00 11:55 12:00 1:00 Mission Supplies Lost. Steamship Ohio, which arrived at Seattle from Nome Friday with 600 passengers, brings word of the loss of the schooner Bender Bros, off the Kuskowlm River. The master of the schooner returned on the Ohio. The Render Bros, left San Francisco Aug ust 21 with supplies for the mission on the Kuskowlm. She was driven ashore at the mouth of the river dur ing a great gale and was left high on the beach. The crew had a narrow escape. After, spending a month try ing to float the vessel, Captain Jutiens gave up the attempt. FRED C GADKE Plumbin g & Tuning let Air FirtacM, Be Plat. anai, Spray Pampi, Water Pipes, Spraying Materials. All Klnda of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates O'ven on All CI asaea of Work. Res. Pboa 1514 Shop 1511 914 N. Main 8t, Oregon City, Or THE BRUNSWICK W. H. 8ILCOX, Prop. Hotel and Restaurant Best Serrice and Accommodations Main SU 0pp. suspension Bridge W. S. EDDY, V, i, M.D.Y. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKUlip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established aa office at The Fashion Stable, Be Tenth Street near Main. Both Telephone. Farmers' 13a Mail ijii When yon require an Abstract of Tltla to land Ia Clackamas County, hay it accurately aad reliably prepared by a responsible company incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rate are reasonable. We Invite you to e amine oar complete set of Abstract Book. CLACKAMAS TITLES COUP ANT, 60S- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldf PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Main Street, OREGON CITY GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufleid BMM Main and B fi Sts THOS. F. RYAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Eatate, Inaurance and Loan a. Office Upstair, first building south of Courthouse. Bryan In the Presidency, In his address in New York William J.' Bryan nepileeted to tell the country definitely whether he would seek the candidacy in 1908. It is under stood that he la reserving this in formation for a demonstration in Washington which he is to attend two or three weeks hence. He is to be the star figure there, and the persons who are getting up the meeting have arrange;! a programme which they expect will make him reveal himself decisively on that Issue. To Mllwaukle only. !Vla Lent'B Junction, dally except Sunday, leave on SundayB, 4:30 a. m. A. M. figures In Roman; P. M. In black. Proclalma Thanksgiving Day. President Roosevelt has Issued his Thanksgiving proclamation, through tho Secretary of State, naming the last Thursday in November, the 2Sth, as the national day for Thanksgiving. Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds or whoop ing cough. Bees Laxative Cough Syr up tastes good. It works off the cold through the bowels, clears the head. Guaranteed. Sold by Huntley Bros. Political gossip In the South em braces the story that Mr. Roosevelt Is convinced that he could now carry two or three Southern states as a presidential candidate, if he should be compelled for any reason to run again. W. S. U'REN C. SCHUEBBI, U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTO RNHYS-AT-LA W- -DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT W ill practice ia all courts, make collections and settlement of estates Furmat. abatiacte ol title, lend yon money on first mortgage. Office in ENTERPRISE Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E HEDCES F. T. CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House areful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street I