Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 25, 1907, Image 5

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Th (irnNliam fnlr whh a great sue-
II. H. Moody Hint family have moved
Into the homo recently vacated by C.
W. ICvaiiH, on Center hi rent.
Juck Caufleld and AiiKimt
r flXllIK lip till) llllHI'MIKIlt
Cull) litlllillliK fur a ImiwIIiik
Th Home Telephone Co, Im
HI) III III) II" w UIIHI U-l M Hill) Im
or tiio
10 answer the "hellos" of aubncrlhurN.
Tin- 0. W. I', has I ii hi a llml a couple
of new electric motors on Its Ca,a
(li'rn Hue ami H hopes to ui t good ser
vice out of tho Innovation.
J, M. Volker U tho name of a new
(IriiKk'iMt on Ki'Vi'iitli street, lu Dr.
Htiiek land's building. IIm hull from
Ciewe, Ijiiio county,
Tim school children are enjoying
n throwday vacation thin week, tho
teachers' Institute claiming the at
1 tnt Ion of the lorn) toucher.
Many wllil '' are reported ko.
lug southward till" early In tho sea
hoii. Weather probs would nay that
thl presage an early winter.
W. H. KIiik hu purchased 10 acre
if what I known a th Chines gar
den near Greenpoliit, thy deal being
negotiated by W, F. rUhooley & Co,
Tho Oregon Water power k Hallway
Company uiudo a half far rate for
tin) Urimham fair luxt week, and a
large number of people went from
thU city.
Grenham held Ita fitlr over Hunday
and gave a sacred concert In tho Ami'
Horliim In the afternoon. Tho Hunday
exhltiiiinn aeenia to ho KrowlnK In
popularity In thl part of Orcicon.
The St. John' Younic JVople'a So
ciety will give ta first annual hull on
Wednesday evening next. Fox's or
chestra will furnish thn muxlc and thn
hall will be decorated for tho occasion.
Tli teacher of thla city received
their salaries Friday. While In some
cane the inciney .received wan not In
proportion to tho service rendered,
atlll all were pleased to receive tho
check nevertheless.
George W. Bradley, who wa In thn
livery business In Oregon City, hut
moved to WiMidhurn In tho Spring,
ha purchased the tranifer buslmma
of K. F. (Jrlsex, and will move back
to thla city.
Fifteen thoiiitand Chinook aalmon
fgg were ahlpped Saturday from the
Clackamaa atatlon to tho Jamestown
Kxixmltlon, where an experimental
hatchery la maintained by tho I'nltcd
Htates Bureau of Fisheries.
Thirty memhera of Court Robin
Hood. Foresters of America, went to
Portland Wednesday evening to par
tlclpate In a meeting of tho Shep
herd of America, an auxiliary of the
A quiet family wedding wit held
at the home of th bride's sister, Mr
llatineford. Wednesday, when Ml
Alice Tufta became the bride of Guy
. Dwlgglns. The young people will be-
Kin housekeeping In a collage on 8ov
nteenth Hlreet,
Strawberries In the market, wild
ranpherrle -rlp on the -hllla. wild
roe In bloom along tho pasture
fence, a temperature o pleasant a
to he divine, that la tho atory of tho
Willamette Valley In tho last day
of October, In the year of our ljrd
Mr. T. W, Clark entertained the
iMckena Club Monday. Tho club will
atudy Dtcken's 'David Copporfleld"
thla winter. At tho meeting Monday
Jlr. Kva Kmery Dye gave a general
talk on tho Dlcken' work. Ml
Anile Itollark will entertain the club
next Monday. A
Mr, and Mr. R. A. Chapman enter
tained tho Tuoaday N'lght Bridge Club
on Tuenday evening, Mra. B, C. Curry
and Dr. A. I,. Heatle won tho prize
Tho participant wero Mr. and Mr
O. W. Kaatham. Mr. and Mr .John
AdimH, Dr. and Mra. A. L. Beatto, Mr
and Mra. B. T. MctSHmi, Mr. and Mr
F. T. Griffith, Mr. and Mr. B. C- Cur
ry, Unn Jonca and Ml lura Beatio,
County CommUsloner John Iewellen
1h In F.fitacada thla week superintend
Ing tho repair work on the bridge over
tho Clnckama. Tho bridge I re
reiving new plank on tho driveway
the end of tho beam are being
titrengthened. and the aupportlng tim
ber on the aouth aide are being re
placed. The work will take but a
few day, and at no time will foot
traffic be atopped. EiUacnda Newa.
Friday Inat Basil Snundera enter
tained hi little friend to celebrate
lila eighth birthday.' Tho prenent
were: 8adln Surfim, Vera Howell, An
Tilo Story, Ethel Younger, Clndya Jan
uary, tirade Sllcox, Andrew Nnterlln,
Cecil Carleton, Cleo Howell, Donald
flllcox, Itennlo Younger, Edmond Sur
fu. Tom Carleton, Bnll Saunder.
I,eley Broww. UefreHhmontii were
nerved at tho cIoho of a nlenaant af
ternoon. Mayor Caufleld'a admlnlHtratlon as
Mayor I meeting the approval of
many of tho better women of the city,
n evidenced by the following reso
lution'. "ItcHOlved. That the women'
wocletloB of tho MethodiHt. Congrega
tional, Preahytorlan and Baptist
churches extend their thnnka and ap
prodatlon to Mayor Caufluld for the
good government ho haa given us
during hla term of office."
i The Knight and Ladle of Security
liiHtallod the following officers Tues
day evening: Pronldent, Mra. W. C.
Groen; vice-president, Flay Painter;
second vice-president, Edwin Men
ard; prolate, Mrs. Luella Wymann;
financier. Mrs. Jennlo Boykes; aoo-
retarv. M. P. Chapman; conductor,
Mrs. C. Klnzoy; captain of the guards,
Mrs. P. J. Lut,; Inside guard, Ralph
Oreon: musician, Mis Maud Wood
ward. After the Installation of ofllcors
a social time was enjoyed.
Tho Klltleg nand, a musical organl
7,atlon 'vlth a big reputation, will come
th trmnrv In Oreixon City on
. ThuiV November 14, undor the an'
pIceB Company O, Third regiment.
The band will give two concerts on
Wthat date, aftornoon and evening. In
Mdltlon to the band the bagpipe play-
. . , 1 .1 Ontllal,
ors. men aim uaiiuvio .mm tii.w.,i,ir,u
chorus will anuear at both concerts
Kilties Band Is known far and wide
and will likely draw two large crowds.
Mayor and Mr. Caufleld are making
a Nhort visit to HwimMh.
Mr. II. C. Moran, of Balom, 1 via
llliig friend In thl city.
Mr. K. A. Hummer I vImIIiik
friend In Newherg, guet of Mra. J.
P. Keating.
Mr, A. IS, McCormaek, of Dundee,
Oregon, wa a Huuday guent of Ml
louva Itandall.
Mr. Robert Campbell, of Eugene,
wa visiting friend In thl city IuhI
week, guet of hi son,
Ml Margaret Mulvey wa aaslst-
Ing Hiiperlnteiident tiary during hi
limtltute riiHh thl week.
Ml Anna Kchrhner, of Portland,
h a guest at the homo of PosimaMter
and Mr. T. P. Randall. 1
Dr. M. C. Htrlckland, who ha been
spending Hi'ventl month in tho Kant,
arrived homo Wedmmday.
Ml Htella Pennlck, teacher of
tho alxth and seventh grade, East
hum biilldliig, ha rimlKiied,
Mr, Cha. Ely and Mr. (). W. firace
were guent laxt Thurrtay or .Mr.
Cha. Moran, at Morburley.
Mr. Bruce C. Curry had a guest
Wednesday Mr. H. U Bailey and Mr.
Charles Waner, of Portland.
Mr. Don Melilniln and Mis Ethel
Albright were guest, Wednesday, of
Mr, Jume Church, of Center.
Mr. and Mr. E. I). Kelly are visltng
friend In Halem, guet of Mr.
Bprague. a sister to Mr. Kelley.
Mr. William Tarpley left last even
ng for OreKon City to visit her sla
ter for a few day Salem Statesman.
Mr. Will C. Green, who ha been
vlltlng friend and relative In Iowa,
ha returned to her home In thl city.
Mr. Anthony W. Tbompson.of Baker
Ijike, Wash., I the auceor at the
Clackamas hatchery of Irving It. WI1-
Mr. and Mra. Merease went to Ore
gon City. Tuesday Mr a few flay
stay with friend there. Forest drove
1 Inie.
MIh A. D. Hoyt. who ha been at
Enterprise f'r some week, I a guest
of her sister, Mr. John R. Hum
Mr. and Mra. W. B. Holman, of Mc-
Mlnnvlllo. were vlltlng friend In the
city Monday, guest of a brother, Mr.
Rowell L. Holman.
Ml Matilda Holme, of Oregon
City, I the gnet of ox-Governor
Moody and family of thl city. Cap
ital Journal, Balom.
Dr. L. A. Morris and Harry E. Drap
er, who have been hunting In the 81-
lets forest, are home and report a
very enjoyable trip.
Mm. 8. P. Davl haa returned to her
home In Oregon City after having
visited Mr. Charles Schwab, of thl
city Salem Statesman.
Mra. A. Brady of Oregon City, who
had been here for a few days visiting
relative and friend returned home
Thursday morning Aurora Borealls.
Ml Pearl Lung and MJh Etta
Hay ward are In Oregon City, where
they will visit friend and relatives
over Sunday. Capital Journal, Sa
lem. Mrs. 8. P. DavU of Oregon City ar
rived last evening to attend the Bap
tist conference and to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Schwab. Salem States-man.
Mr. I U Torter and little son, of
Oregon City, are visiting tho former's
parent. Mr. and Mrs. Hpanglor. They
expect to remain about two week
Corvallls Times.
Mr. Earl Gordon, who I running on
the Southern Pacific from Portland
to Sheridan, with headquarters In
Sheridan, was home on a visit for a
few days thl week.
Mrs. C. C Williams and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. George Harding ar
rived home Sunday from an extended
trip through the East, Going they
made the Journey over the Canadian
Pacific a far as Montreal, visiting the
larger cities In the East down to the
Gulf Coast and returned home via
the Southern Pacific through Texas
and Southern California.
Throughout a very large portion or
the Uulted State nearly every farm
has a certain part of Its area under
wood, either planted, a lu regions
otherwise treeless, or of natural growth,
The value of thl wooded portion, be
sldiM aiTordlng protection from the
wind, la chiefly for fuel, fencing and
railroad tics, with some building ma
terial a kid the wood needed for special
uses about the farm. Without the
wood lot the fern very often would bo
an unprofitable Investment, liecauso the
fanner could not afford to buy the
wood which now cost lilin very little
except the labor of cutting and moving
It, but In the majority of case this
part of the farm I far les tic ful than
It might easily lie made. This Is true
beause the farmer does not study Its
productive capacity ns he does that of
bis field and pasture, and hence doe
not make It yield a fully as be might,
with little or no additional labor, If he
went about It In the right way, Gilford
Tough Rmdit.
Tibet's army Is to ! modernised,
and with It probably will be the grand
lama's military medical staff corps.
The sick Tllietan soldier, It was re
ported a year ago, wa put through a
sort of faith healing process. An army
physician of the old school' chalked a
prescription on a Ixmrd. The martial
patient washed off the lettering and
drank the rlaslus. The plan of tho
younger doctor was alnipler. lie
arav&'l.wl life f Hi. f Inn siti m ,.Iaa et
paper ami gave u to ire invalid to
chew and swallow.
1 t "'A ".' ft, f
t3tutiiit i; tf
" MIflMli,.t
Coming Events
Cast Theit
Shadows Befof z"
HILLY nights and mornings forcttll
the speedy approaco Autumn an J
the immediate need of warmer Clothing.
Now is the time to prepare for Fall and
now is the time when our stock of Men's
CkthlngandFurnishings isatits very best.
We want you to come in ami see
It and get the pick of this fine show
ing of Centlemen't wear early
in the season. If you do not
wish to pay for them now we
will gladly reserve your selec
tion until later.
Windmill and Elsotrieity.
The use of windmill for generating
electric current ha given favorable re-
milt In tin. ..... til ri...,lul.
eminent mane uy rroreor iui uour.
The our wing wheel prove to lie the
best frni. with such a wheel bavin
fifteen square yards of surface he ob
tained two horsepower from a wind of
twenty feet jx-r aecoad aud ten horse
power from a wtud of thirty-five feet
per second. Tho plant will feed 450 In-,
candescent lanin, with some arc lamps
aud motors. Maxwell's TaUaaian.
Miss Ella Williams, have gone top 0f forest Grove,
North Yakima, where they will spend
the winter with Mr. Wallace B. Wil
liams, the former's son.
Mrs. W. S. U'Ron and Mrs. Lin wood
Jones were delegates from the Oregon
City Women's Club to the State Fed
eration of Women's Club that met In
Salem October 22, 23. 24.
Guy D. Wiggins and Alice Tufts,
Arthur Blanchard and Charlotte Dun
O. W. McCrura and Mabel Palmer.
L. Maschek and Martha Hazel.
M. D. Ellis ana Mercy Saundera.
Elll R. Ridings and Bertha Mi Oberst
A. O. Melnlg and Wllhelralna Bosholm
Tho. P. French and Anna May Eric
son. Frank Brown and Francis L. Dix. '
Ernest A. Martin and Doris E. Dlx.
J. C. Ghormley and Mae E. Strange. ,
Alfred Wellman and Minnie Ketlel. 4
HICKMAN- LACY In Vancouver on
Oct. 17, 1907. Rev. McKennle offici
ating. Dr. Harvey Hickman, of Ore
gon City, and 'Miss Lulu Belle Lacy,
of Goldemlale, Wash.
BALDWIN- JAMES In Portland Oct.
20, 1907. Harvey Baldwin, a Forest
Grove business man, and Miss Bird
. James, of Oxford, Neb.
W1RTZ- MACRl'M Oct, 15, 1907,John
Wlrtx and Mr. Llr-ilo Macrum, both
Brown is the prevailing color this Fall, with Gray and Blue Mixtures
tied for second place. The Coats are shorter, the designs notably improved
and a ci-rtain air of new and very stylish smartm is apparent in every
one of these Fall models.
Most of our "better qualities" of Suits and Overcoats come from the
celebrated house of Scjiloss l'nos & Co., whose "Correct Clothes for
Gentlemen" are known wherever good Clothes are worn. We can show
you the very cream of thejr best Baltimore and New; York productions
garments that immediately set the style when they apjear. Besides these
splendid garments, 6hown in many models and styles, is a host of less ex
wnsivo Suits and Overcoats every one of them well-made and stylish.
We cordially invite your inspection of these new Fall Models. v
As a special leaHer we are offer
ing, this week, a fine line of .
BROWN" SUITS in the coming
season's exclusive models and
shades. All sizes, single and
double breasted models, Coats
medium or full form-fitting
the most stylish Suits ever offer
ed in tliis vicinity at
5 and
II W. KlnnnirH In Panemnh Oct. 19.
1907. Rev. A. J. Montgomery, of!
v Portland officiating, J. C. Chormley i
of Portland and Miss Mae E.
YODER-WEAVER At homo of the
brlde'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Weaver, near Needy. Oct. 13. 1907.
Simon Yoder to Miss Fannie Wea
ver, Rev. J. D. Mishler officiating.
house Oct 21. 1907. M. D. Ellis and
Miss Mercy Saunders, both of Bull
Run, Recorder Dlmick officiating.
McCRUM-PALMEU In Oregon City
Oct. 22. J907. G. W. McCrum and
. Mabel Palmer, Judge Grant B. Dlm
ick officiating.
Oct. 19. 1907. A .0. Meinig and Wil
helmlna Bosholm, Recorder Walter
A. Dimlck officiating.
FRENCH-ERICSON On Oct.'20. 1907.
at residence of Theo. Strohmeytfr,
Rev. J. R. Landsborough officiating,
Thos. P. French and Anna May
BROWN-DIX At residence of bride's
father, A. A. Dix, Rev. R. A. Moore
officiating, Frank Brown and Fran
cis L. Dix.
MARTIN DIX At residence of bride's
father. A.. A. Dix, Rev. R. A. Moore
officiating. Ernest A. Martin and
Doris E. Dix.
DWIGGINS-Tl'FTS At the home of
bride's Bister, Mrs. Hannaford, of
Oregon City, October 23, 1907, Guy
Dwlggins and Miss Alice Tufts,
Rev. J. B. Landsborough officiating.
GIRL To Mr. affd Mrs. Henry
Moehnke, of Shubel, Sunday, Oct.
BOY To Mr. and Mrs. Halwell, of
Buena Vista, an 8 -pound son.
13, 1907, a daughter.
LAKE In Portland Oct. 20, 1907. John
Lake, a pioneer of 1853, aged 79
LABOUR At her home In Marquam
Oct. 22, 1907, Mrs. John Labour, 65
years of age.
A small driving team, with buggy
and harness. See or address,
R.' F. D. No. 3, Oregon City.
46 2t
j d a Tl At least bring your catalogue or newspaper and compare
SLIT ImVSSOPf&llS O Eds and prto. It will b. werth your wMe to p,ov.
We Sell Machines on Easy Payment Plan JTSSA
Victor Junior.. $10.00
Victor Z V.00
Victor I..... '..I 22.00
Victor II 30.00
Victor III..
Victor IV..
Victor V..
Victor VI.
.$ 40.00
. 50.00
. 60.00
. 100.00
Victor 8-Inch records 35c, 10-lnch 60c, and 12-Inch
i.oo. ;
We want to call your attention especially to
the Victor Machines, that are equipped with the
tapering arm. This Is the latest scientific method
for reproducing sound.
Before yoti mail that order for a Victor
Talking Machine or an Edison Phonograph
to the distant city house, please give us a chance to figure on it. If you
do, In all probability, yoii will be forced to admit that you were about to
make a mistake.'
OUR CLAIM Is that we match any price, either on machines, records
or complete outfits obtained anywhere. We aTe able to duplicate any
offer that Is made in any catalogue or newspaper.
YES, AND MORE. From a mall-order house you order from a picture;
with us you select from a complete stock. Yes, you see the machines,
horns and the complete outfits, and you listen to every record you select,
You know exactly what you bargained for, before you pay a cent. On the
other hand, you may get the machine you order, and you may not, or your
order for one, two or three dozen records may be filled correctly, and when
you listen to the selection you will find that they are entirely different
from the kind you had In mind.
AND THIS IS NOT ALL. We save you all express and freight charges
and will make the guarantee good ourselves. That Is In case your ma
chine does not work satisfactorily, you return it to us' and we will repair
it free of charge, .
THERE IS NO DELAY. No waiting for a month or more. We de
liver the goods the same day you place the order.
v3 Jl--"
look mo ro
Edison Gem with Large Horn and Stand. . .$12.50
Edison Standard, Large Horn and Stand. . .$25.00
Edison Home with Large Horn and Stand. .$35.00
Edison Triumph, Large Horn and Stand. .$55.00
The Edison Gold Moulded record will play oa any
of these styles, price 35c.
The Edison Phonograph can not be surpassed
as an entertainer. If you are In doubt, come In
and listen to one of them. Catalogues and lists
of records sent free by mall just for the asking.