OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1907, NEWS OF THE COUNTY BARLOW. ! L. Wralstead, a former resident of this place, hns returned and bought a 40-acre tract of land of J. J. Sands Hess and will build up a home here. C. W. Perkins, of Idaho, has pur chased the Ed Hanson residence and Intends to put in a harness shop. The ladles' Aid society of the Lu theran church realized a good price for their poods at the sate on Satur day night, the net profit being $118. Misses Cora Howe, Hattie Irwin, and Cora Sandsness went to rortland Monday morning, having obtained po sitions there. Miss Ida Howe, of Portland, visited relatives here on Sunday. J. J. Wurful Is building an addition to his warehouse. Ed Judy is building an addition to his house. . Mr. Derg Is busy putting a new roof on his barn. The regular meeting of the Twenti eth Century Grange Is on Saturday evening. October 26. All members are requested to be present .and visiting members are very welcome. C. Harding has a new variety of po tatoes, called the Early Irish Cobbler. He planted 1C5 pounds the 27th of May, from which he harvested 84 bush els on less thau one-quarter of an acre. W. C. Hurst & Co. shipped a carload of onion sets from here to Denver, Col., this week. and as It's a good location It will make money for some one. tins Leash, who fell out of the "Old Apple Tree" recently, has a broken nose, but Is not seriously hurt. F. Spraglo and Jude Campbell re cently purchased the Darst sawmill and are setting it up on K. H. Mor gan's place, where they will make a stand. Mr. Iliteman has moved to the old Welsmandel place, from Mrs. Moth er's place. F. Cruel Intends leaving these parts and Is looking for a location. CLACKAMAS. Clackamas Grange. No. 29S. held Its regular meeting Saturday evening, October 19. with Worthy Master L. D. Jones In the chair. The regular order of business was taken up. A motion was carried that the brothers meet next Saturday forenoon and be jtin work on the basement In order to fix a place for a furnaee. The sisters will have a good dinner served at noon for the workers. - An entertainment club was duly or ganized by the grange and the com mittee from the club will give its ini tial program on the evening of Satur day, October 26. Captain Apperson. of Abernethy Grange, has been Invited to occupy the lecture hour of the day meeting in November. Rev. W. H. Meyer and Mrs. Meyer were taken by surprise last Monday evening, when a large company of their friends and church people took possession of the parsonage. Music, games and social converse made the occasion a pleasure to all. Refresh ments were served during the even ing. Monday morning A. O. Hayward was suddenly taken with a serious attack of heart failure. Dr. Mount was hastily summoned. At present writing Mr. Hayward Is able to get about, though his condition is still critical. A good many Improvements are In progress In our little burg It Is a well know fact that persons living in the Pine forests do not suf fer from kidney diseases. One dose of Tlnules at night usually relieves backache. 30 days' treatment, Jl.00. Your money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Huntley Bros. BARTON. Eagle Creek Grange initiated one candidate last Saturday. This Grange is making plans for an entertainment in the near future. An effort Is also making to get out of debt, and proph ecy says that will be eVected by Spring. Mrs. Henkle. who has lived here for years, has sold that part of her place that lies south vof the county road, reserving the timber. Thomas Odell has arrived home from a trip into Eastern Oregon. Isaac Scott, w ho recently purchased a ranch here. Is building a neat cot tage. C. A. Bartelmay Is erecting a barn, and Mr. Trelllnger. on the road to Eagle Creek, is erecting a house. George Brown Is another resident who has sold his place. Business is moving along here des pite the fact that we need rain badly. H. Ward and William Cox went to Portland Monday. Skating has begun at the rink some skate and some slide. Ray Keith is hauling wood from the Dix mill. James Henkle Is son to go to Cor vallis to enter the livery business. Smith Tumor Id hauling lumber for his new house. Albert Turner's llttel girl aud Smith Turner's baby boy have been very slek. Mrs. Charles Peter's mother Is some what better at last accounts. Mr. Mays returned from the Hot Springs, but thinks of going back, ns he felt a ret run of the rheumatism us soon as he got this aide of the moun tains. John Seedling's house Is nearlng completion, and will soon bo ready for occupancy. Aren't we proud that Mr. aud Mrs. Turner, who are almost Staffordltes, collected In the prlr.es at the county Fair oMre of us will try for a share next year. Mrs. Gage received beautiful loKens of remembrance from Willamette friends and others for her birthday, which occurred on the l?th. lation changes so frequently it is not certain who your next-door neighbor may be tomorrow. Mrs. Lena Strite returned last week from a ten days' visit with friends in Forest Grove and Portland. G. A. Wold is making extensive re pairs on the house and premises pur chased from Charlies Nachand. ' Ike Beebe and family have lately come to occupy the Garrison house. Mr. Brazee is very ill. He has been failing for over ten weeks, and is now unable to leave his bed and room. KELSO. A number of Kelso people attended the fairs at Gladstone and Gresham. Geo. Duly has moved to Gresham. Our school is progressing nicely un der the management of Miss Hedln, of Cottrel. W. P. Roberts anl family, of Dover, visited In Kelson on their way to the Gresham Fair. Miss Maude Chastaln, who has been help Mrs. Jarl cook for the mill crew the past three months, has returned to her home In Wamlc. Leo. Rath and his best girl attended the Fair at Gresham Saturday. Miss Anna Jarl, who is attending the High School in Portland, was The popu- home on a visit over Sunday. Rings Dyspepsia Tablets do the work. Stomach troublo.dyspepsln, In digestion, bloating, etc.. yield quickly. Two days' treatment free. Ask your druggist for a free trial, hold by Huntley Bros. BEAVER CREEK. Mr. and Mrs. F, Henrlcl, of Clacka mas, were Sunday visitors at the home of Henry Henrlcl, a brother. Dr. James, who but recently recov ered from a sick spell lasting him several months, suffered a stroke of paralysis last week and Is ill at the home" of Mrs. D. Evans, of Oswego. W. Hughes has wild his funu and will soon move to Elyvllle. We are to have a new rock crusher; the old one went to pieces. Mr. and Mrs. Studeman had as Sun day guests Mr. and Mrs. Klelusmlth, of Ely. Mrs. Mlnnlo Smith and Miss Emma Bohlander, of Oregon City, enjoyed the festivities at the. Holnian homo Sat urday evening. Miss Marie Herman, who has a po sition In Portland, Is visiting her old home here a couple of weeks. Friends are receiving invitations announcing the wedding of Miss Ma rie Schriber and Ernest Wohl, of Portland. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moehnke are the proud possessors of a new girl. Prospects ar good for Henry's recov ery. Ed Schmidt Is reported very low; typhoid feier the cause. John Bohlander has sold his new tam and Is on a hunt for another. He is prospecting around Fossil. Mrs. J. Wolf and daughter are vis iting Portland friends for a few days. Do you know that Plnesalve Carbo- II zed acts like a poultice in drawing out Inflammation and poison? It Is antiseptic. For cuts, burns, eczema, cracked hands It Is Immediate relief. Sold by Huntley Bros. I A Woodman Whose I Chopping Means a iSavIng to You X r Large city dealers are always telling you "' ' of the wonderful bargains they offer. Jast come to my store and yoti can see for yourself yoa can handle them; you can look them oyer before you put your money down. BEST LINE OF PAINTS IN AMERICA Don't let the buildings go through the rainy season without some protection. We can out sell all competitors. NEW ERA. Louie Crlteser's new launch is a neat little thing. He was working it out Tuesday and made a trip to thl3 Tillage and back. John Gulger, of Roseburg, was vis iting friends here this week, a guest of IMss Ruby Newbury. Hallowe'en pranks are about due; don't get mad, though. Miss Gans, of Oswego, was visiting friends here last week. The school board met Tuesday even ing and settled for the new walk from the bridge to the school house. Ray Newbury wa3 given a Mitchell. Jr., farm wagon recently by his brother, Wilber, and he says his goat must pull it. Curtis Dustin, of Champeog, was a Sunday guest of friends here. Gilbert Haugulum Is able to be out again after being In the hospital. Two of Gilbert Johnsrud's girls are 111 with pneumonia. The Pagh and Duly boys, who had their hands torn and fingers blown off by dynamite caps, are at home again. Three German families have moved into our neighborhood recently. They hall from Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stevens, of the First National of Portland, were here Saturday and Sunday visiting the Jarl's and hunting birds. John Roberts of Kelso la teachirg at Sandy Ridge. Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds vjr whoop lne coueh. Bees Laxative Cough Syr up tastes good. It works off the cold through the bowels, clears the head. Guaranteed. Sold by Huntley Bros. DOVER. Alex Bews and family arrived In Dover Mouday afternoon, to take pos session of their farm. Quite a number from this neigh borhood attended the Gresham fair. Miss Jennie Exon, who was quite 111, is about better and began school Monday. Gathering apples Is the order of the day Just now in this part of the coun try. Mr. Morrtson moved Into his new home last week. The Bodily boys were out last week harvesting their apple crop. C. A. Kellt put a windmill pump In his well last Saturday. v ton J X V "unJ ) I? I. i ; X : : Stoves, 4 Ranges, ! Heaters ! TOLPOLAR MAIN STREET OPP. POSTOFFICE OREGON CITY, OREGON . We can sell you stoves X that are fuel-savers and X heat generators that will surprise you. Prices al ways below competitors. We are chopping both ends off all prices. wee k from Portland, where she has I iogs down through the timber on pant been under the doctor's care. Robert Glnther. our teacher, Is at tending the Institute at Oregon City this week. Eil Bates' place, where George IX. Bhlelds, one of the party, met him "face to face" with only about ten feet between them. George lost no REDLAND. It is too dry to sow wheat, but this fine weather has made it easy to har vest potatoes. Miss N. Andrews, our teacher here, reports double the attendance of last year. Prospect3 are bright for our youngsters. Mrs. Ame has gone to Kelso. Wash., to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Warner. E. Noble has sold his ranch to a man from Iowa; price paid, $1,500. Storm Bros.' mill here Is for sale; STAFFORD. We are still having beautiful weath er, and some of the farmers In this vicinity have been hustling potatoes out of the ground before wet weather comes on and a great per cent of them are still green, while some oth ers prefer to make haste slowly, claiming when the skins slip they will not keep. The butchers team ran aws.y laBt week while the driver was talking to the Sharp Bros. Homer Kruse and wife returned last Tuesday from Hood River. Sura Jackson, nee Thompson, of Roseburg. Is visiting her old home. A number of Staffordltes are out of water, and completedETAOINN'NNN water, and are compelled to haul from Mr. Gage's tank, which Is fed by a soring. A live snr'ng Is a valuable assett to a farm In a dry time, Mrs. Wm. Schaltz returned Sunday from her visit In Washington. MEADOW BROOK. Mr. and Mrs. Tyson, of Broughton burg, were visiting friends hereabouts on Sunday. Mr. Dennlson, who has purchased the Holman property on North Main street. Is Improving it and making It more presentable. Mrs. Chas. Holman and son Ralph were visiting friends In this "vicinity Sunday. We have a prospective candidate for Sheriff, and it s only a short time until he'll have his say. J. J. Mallat, Jr., who Is a-sawmill man, is now occupying tne u. i. iay property on Main street. Mesdames Kay, Staudlnger, Hunt and Davis visited at Chas. Hall s Sun-1 day and llstMied to, the muBlc of the phonograph. The Stegeman family Is Improving tlmo In sending several shots Into the i...v i murK lur, and men inn hk mm ur Henry Hettman and E. r . uinmer are building each a shed for housing farm machinery. business trip NEEDY. B. F. Smith made a to Aurora on Monday. MYs. Percy Hitter spent Saturday and Sunday at Buttevlllo. D. II. Yoder and family visited at Smyrna Sunday. KushoI Scramlln was out repairing W'l, -phone Monday. Harvey and Carl Hilton loft for a mountain hunt Monday. Miss Lucy Armstrong called at Hil ton's Sunday. J. D. Rltter finished digging his po tatoes Saturday. bad It In a rough and tumble, loo feet down the bank. It took several long, heavy pulls to get the animal Into a wagon. It weighed about 300. HUNDREDS WILL WELCOME PUT IT IN A SAFE PLACE, FOR IT MAY COME IN HANDY. SHUBEL. Born, to the wife of Henry Moehnke, a little daughter. Mother and child doing well, and Henry well, he has about recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Wenger, of Salem, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornschup, for a short time. Charley and Johnny Moehnke are blowing out stumps on the new farm they purchased from Wesley Hill. David and Otto Moehnke and Arthur Staben returned from Hot Springs Monday with a deer.- G. A. Shubel Intends removing his daughter, Laura, home, one day this W. 8. King, present owner of the Hamilton tract, known as the China gardens, wishes to rent same Imme diately for a term of ono or more years. JOHN W. LODKIl, Agent, Oregon City, Oregon. Bear Story From Estscada. Some' of the families out northeast of town have been feasting on nice, sweet, Juicy bear meat the past few days. Monday morning Milt Marshall dlscoverd that a bear had spent the nicht In his orchard, and had forgot- ten to put the fence up where he made his exit. A bear hunt was at once begun, several of the neighbors Joining In. Bruin was tracked by the 0 9 W MEASURES FARMERS WANT. Many Reforms Advocated by Congrsss at Oklahoma City. The first work of the National Farm ers' Congress, In session at Oklahoma, was the adoption of resolutions. As adopted the resolutions favor reciproc ity with foreign nations, thereby en larging the markets for American pro ducts; the Inltlmlvo and referendum; the prohibition of the dealing In fu tures In agricultural products; the Im provement of all waterways and good roads. They oppose the Indiscriminate free distribution of seeds by Congress men. A resolution asking Congress to ex tend the time of payment by the farm ers who bid In the Kiowa, Comanche Indian lands, was approved, Congressman Charles R. Davis, St, Peter, Minn., addressed the farmers on the promotion of secondary tech nical education by Federal aid. Con gressman Davis has already Introduc ed a bill In Congress for such pur poses. Ho was followed by Professor W. It. Hart, of the Massachusetts Ag ricultural College of Amherst, Mass., and Hon. F. A. Cotton, State Superin tendent of Public Instruction of Indiana. 9 9 Priends and Patrons, old and new, are cordially Invited to visit me in my new quarters corner Main and Elevent Streets. I Have four stories and a basement filled wilh bargains, and when ever we get the stock properly arranged we will be able to show you almost anything you may wish. Don't let the unsetlled condition of our stock scare you out. Come in and see us; we will do our best to fill your wants. 9 9 FR ANK BUSCH OREGON CITY OREGON MIX AT FIRST SIGN Says Home-Midi Mixture Is Prepared, and, Cures Weak neys and Bladder, Easily Kid- WORLD NEWS The Republican National Commit tee will meet in Washington, D. C, December G and 7, for the purpose of deciding upon the place and time for holding the next. Republican National convention. Formal announcement to this effect was made tonight by Harry 8. New, acting chairman of the Republican National Committee. Dr. Emll 0. Hlrsch, a Jewish rabbi, of Chicago, In a sermon to his con gregation declares the world, Includ ing this nation, has lapsed or deter iorated In morals. The ultimate re sult of this would Ki a bloody revo lution and a worse condition for America than prevails In Russia. ;More furs are now produced In the United States than at any former time. The place of beaver, otters and buffalo having been taken by minks, foxes, skunks and muskrats. Commerlcal bodies of Los Angoles, El Paso, and other far western cities will take advantage, of the . Trans Mississippi commercial congress, which meets next month, to urge the establishment of a parcels post system by the national congress. At Seattle the other day 40,000 bushels of wheat sold for May deliv ery at $1 per bushel. Here Is a simple home-made mix ture ss given by ait eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the statement In a New York dally news paper, that It will relievo almoMt any case of Kidney trouble If taken be fore the stage of Drlght'a disease. He states that such symptoms as tamo back, pain In tho side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night; pain ful and discolored urination, aro read ily overcome. Hero Is the reeelpe; try It: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Comixtutxl Syrup SarsaparlHa, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each meal anil at bedtime. A well known druggist hero In town Is authority that these Ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well In a bottle. This mixture has a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon tho entire Kid ney and Urlnury structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of rheu matism In Just a little while. This mixture' Is said to remove all blood disorders and cure tho Rheumatism by forcing the Kidneys to filter and strain from tho blood and system all uric acid and foul, decomposed waste mutter, which cause these afflictions. Try It If you aren't well. Savo tho prescription. WANTED A man or woman In every town or village to represent an old established mall order house; $2. GO per day guaranteed at least; a pos tal brings particulars. Address C. M. Hulborstadt, Molu.Ha, Oregon. 40-lt HORSES FOR 8ALE. Four head, three five-year-old and one six; two colts. One mile up tho Clackamas from Parkplace. 40-lt D. H. OLDENBURG. Letter List For week ending October 25. 1907; Woman's list Armstrong, Mrs. Chas; Jefferson, Burnlce; Bweaney, Mrs. A. M. Men's list Cook, B. (2); Suther land, Geo; Waltrous, L. W,