OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1907. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Mellaril J, BtiMim mid Lucy A. Uliiipxcm. Herman Mol.gur ami Margaret 13. Hll'lllUll. Iliirloy A. Miller and Unmra Herd Ino. J. L. Daniels ami Kll.it llunis, l'lillit 1 Cniwronl ami Lottie J. UlUHlllll, l.uneo Khoekloy ami Anna Huvls, ; Clyilo A. Ilandoll ami Violet C. Todd. W, H, Hughes ami Until Drown. Chn. It. ( link ami Gertrude Mayo. N. I). Mi'l.lr ami Ll..io IMIIor. Jiilm Zurbuehon ami Cvu ttoiitl. CIniH, K. (iiiiittlliiK ami AI,17 Akm lliunlcr. J. V, MeCormaeli ami Lllllo V. Con rad. (I, K. Wyluml ami .losslo M. Taylor. ('. W, Hutlor unit Km ma HehulUo. H, I). Yoder ami KnnnUi WowUm. (', II. Hnmii'4 ami C'urrlo C. Clausen, Fred H. Wright ami Pearl 10, (leveling. MARRIAGES. THOMSON- (JUHTIHH-lii Portland, Oct. 5, 1'JU7, W. (I. TlioiniiHim, of Oregon City, ami Miss ICva Curtis, of IIHImiIuIi), Washington county, Iti'v. Hiavcr off U-lutliiK. XiARUICTBON- IIK.NKICIISKN AT homo of hrldo In Vancouver, Oct. H, 1UU7, T. (iarrctsoti, of Oakland, Cal., and Miss Klslo Hoiirlehsoit, dough (p of J. J. llfiirlctiHon, Hev. W. C. Hltcward offlclollng. HANNKH- CI.Al'SKNAt tho bride's homo In Canby, Oct. 12, 1UU7, O. II. Hiiiiiii'k and Miss Carrlo C. Clausen. 4JOHTTUNU IlKltNllCK At rl di'iieo of officiating prlost, Father lllllidirund, Oct. 15, 1907, Charles ("KH'ltlliiK ami MIhn Alaoy Akik-b lli rnlcr, both of Oregon City. McCOHMACK- CONIlAI At Presby terian Manse Oct. 1(1, 1UD7, Itev. I-atidsborouKh officiating, John Mo Cormack and MIhm Lllllo Conrad, both of Noody. WYLAND- TAYLOH At PrOKbyter lan Manse Oct. 10, 1007. Rev, Unds borough offlclatlnK. (Jllbert Wyland and Miss JhssIo Taylor , hoth of N ly, tfTOOI'rt- KIMPSON-At Oregon City Oct. 9, 1907, Judgo Crant II. Dlmlck officiating, Itlcluird J. Stoops and Lucy A. rUuipson. WKT.LKU- lUNdllAM At Oregon City (H-t. 9. 1907, JndK Crant It. Dlmlck offlclatlnK. Ilormnn Wet- lr and Margaret K. Dlnghum. M1LLKH- MKHD1NK At Oregon City Oct. H, 1907. .Indue Crant It. Dluitel; official Iiik. Ilarly A. Miller and I .emu a llerdlno. I)AN1KIH- HCItNS At Oregon City Oct. 8. 1907. Judg (iranl 11. Dlmlck offlclatlnK. J. U DanlclH ami Klla Hum. CRAWFORD- RANDALL At home of bride In Oregon City Oct. 8, 1907. Phllo f Crawford and Ixttle J. Ran dall. Rev. Arthur W. Ilrown offlclatlnK. 0 PERSONALS Mrs. P. T. Devonian, of t'ark Kan Ida, Mlfin., and Mrs, K. C. Woolson, of Itlverett, Wash., were guests last week of their sister, Mrs, C. A. Nash, Mr, urn! Mrs, O, A, Tliacker, of Ore Kon City, who havo been on a trip to the mountains, and a vlalL to friend. In this city, returned to their homo hiHt evening. Kalent Hlalesnian. Caiituln 1'lckena, of Oregon City, who spout lust week In hunting pheaa antu In thlH vicinity, returned homo Hunday. Uiownavllln Tltnea. Mr. Htrlckland, of Oregon City, with her two Kinall moiih, la vlalllnK her father, W. II. MctSldowny Koreat Orovo Tlinea, Mr, 11. 1). Aden, of WHaonvllle, waa Palling on friend Baturday, and whllu here attended tho Fair. Mr. and Mrx. It. A, Hawyer are home from a vlalt to frlemla In tho Middle Weat. Mra. J, C, Zltmer and Howard and Urace left for Lincoln Tuewlay after MhlppliiK their household effect to their new home, Mr. and Mra. A. Wimler were Kocata at the home of Mra, Don Meldrum the Aral of tlnj week. They were t-n-ronto to their new hom at Redlanda, Cal. Mr. Claude Wllaon waa called to Im Marr, Iowa, th flrat of the week lo teatlfy In a caho In court with which ho waa familiar. Mr. It. T. liurhoiir made, a lniMlneaa trip to Urownavllle the flrat of tha week. Meaara. Jacob and Jainea Straight, aona of Mr, Ivy Straight ,of thin city, left Wedneaday evenlnK for Han Franclaco, where they will tak thu aleauier for Chile, Houth America. They expect to remain there for ev era! year. BIRTHS. HOY-To Mr. and Mra. It. It, Hay hurHt, OreRon City. Oct. 13, 1907. a aon. ROY To Mr. and Mra. Chrl Illulim, of Shllbel. Oct. fi, 1907, a aon. C1IKI-T0 Mr. and Mra. Frank DavN. of WHaonvllle, Hunday. Oct. G, 1907, a daughter. DEATHS. KIJNliF.R At bla home near Corne Hum. WaHhlngton county, Oct. 5. 1907. Michael Kltug'T. agjd C8 year. 8COTT-At lila homo at Beotfii Mllla, Marlon county, Oct. 11, 1907, Thoa. Kcott. aged (!7 yenra. JAKtlKR At hla lanne In Wllaon- vllle Thnraday. Oct. 12. 1907, Emll Jaeger, of pneumonia, neil 117 yeara. KINZKI At Cnnby Oct. 13. 1907, of Strnngulntlon, Charlea Kln.el, aged 15 years. KTF.UKINK-I11 Vancouver Oct. C. 19o7, Mra. Jimeph ICnterklne, aged ftl veara. WILSON At Salmon Crevk Oct. 0. 1907. Mra. Ann Wllaon, aged 8.1 yeara. She waa the widow of T. J. WINon. formerly of Vancouver, IILVIIM At her home In Oregon City Oct. 11. 1907, Mra. Auguatn llltihni,, aired US veara. Kl'DUICY-In Portland Saturday, Oct. 12. 1907. Mra. June ICudiey. a renl- dent of Oregon City, aged 81 yenra. Judge Ryan, T. J. C:iry no 1 Oorx" Ijielln have been u;iiointud m 1 apeclal cominlttcti on ..t, 4 ((ir i' County Fnlr, and t'; !:; in.it. wit'ic. the next alx (!. J '..I.I ItllV.l (lui.'i'.e.; a permnneiit alte. Nine hundred acrea of timber land In the vicinity of Ixigan have been Hold by J. W. Taggart, or Portland, to F. F, Wllllama for 111.000. Albert II. Smith ha Hied a milt agalnat Sadie Smith for a decree of divorce. They were married In Sa lem, December Jl, 1R91. and Smith uy his wife dcacrted hltn February 20, 1 90fi. The Saturday Club of th Congre gational church aerved a hot aupper Wedneaday night to the young men who gavw their aaHlxtanc In putting away the winter' wcaid. The young; ladle of the aoclety alao did their aharo toward putting away the wood. The Mount 1'lcasant Civic Improve ment Club ha been awarded the plow donated by tho Mollno llaln Company for a apectal premium at the Clacka mas County Fair, ami tho aet of prun ing aawa, donated by tht Atklna Saw Company, has been given to tho liar mony Improvement Club. Friend of Representative C. IL Dye are talklnst of him for Councilman In hla ward, the Second. While Henry Comer amj Cub Wil cox of Sprlngwater, were out bird hunting recently. Mr. Wilcox received a charge of ahot In hi face and breaat. A phyalclan picked the ahot out and no aerlotia result attended the accident. Mcatr. John Carothers. V. A. Clear. Cheater Carother and Ray Winter left Tueaday for the mountains on a hunt for deer. 0 FOR SPACE u. With the expectation of moving Into our new store- trade. At the present rate of Drogreaa we will do well The delay In complelelng the bhw Maaonlc Temple mean a Ion of mnnv dollar, to room In the Temple early In November, we bought larJ"l ft it, wi ?. , V , to get Inu, our new ouarter by Soring Th.J . l; lUm expecting U, have our new large an.l omi i . . . 14 ,J'"Plx'nimeni 10 ua. w e purcnaHeu large atock of a dozen different linea, no place to ntore them" IK aZl ,u he SlHnr lV?Jh'Ch.to.dlPlo7' U'r ThfiSe n"W are arriv,"K dai,y ftnd we have good that are arriving da ly. WILL YOU HELP 08? WE'L L M? t2 oZXTlZlZZl'VS 0n,er 10 flnd any pIace ffr the8fl new arriving dally and they muat be M, faat E THE PR,CE AN J" TheHe new K'iods, ordered for fall delivery, are each' day -od im "ZLTZlfy to haVB d!cUled to for certaln llnes t not in mi ouiMiri imir Henioni om.rn.i ui ,t.n !.,.(. ,(..,. . . .... 1.. ' ... - .kuiiiiiik ui 1 mgHon W nurc laae new EfK(la at anch reduction. In nrWa It will 'v. ,M. V?!!,.d..Lnl ':8mln! K'- Kxtra Kial Si aa fwaT .reIuct,on" ,n M pay you Monday Muslin Underwear Hosiery, Wrappers Dress Skirts Flannel Gowns Thursday Cotton Suitings Bedspreads, Towels Lace and Embroidery Tuesday Blankets Outing Flannel Shoes Notions Linens Ftiday Muslins Lace Curtains Wednesday Ladies' Underskirts Ribbons, Umbrellas Ladies' and Children's Coats and Suits Waists Saturday Sundry Items selected from stock AGHNTfl FUR McCall's 1 I Paper Patterns SPECIAL SALES duCe Pri. Ij u oery !y " Peclal 0y- Offering a Many Items at Special Re- Sea Something you Need at Greatly Reduced Price. Be Sure and Save Your Green Stamp.. $fan Adams New Store at Top of Hill, Cor. 7th & Center Sts., Oregon City Ask for I (ttr.;v.u T I A Green Stamps November (1 and 7 hnve been act as tho ilnte for Linn county'a big npile fnlr. The exhibition will bo held In Albany, November fi arid 7 hnve been act n tho date for Linn county's big apple fnlr. The exhibition will bo held In Albany, Jars, Fruits and Spices The eiinniiiK aeiiMon la drawing to a close but wo are Mill lu the midst of the Kcnann of Preaervea and I'lcklea, Nlco rroerves and Sweet Tickles prove very toothsome. FILL LINE OF FRUITS IN SEASON Ami the prices are always as low ns Rood Fruits can be Hold, mid we enn Hell you apices und Hi'tiwonliiKs to pre serve them and to ulvo flavor, GROCERIES IN ALL BEST BRANDS In convenient shape for delivery and In best possible: slmpe to keep until such time ua you cun two them. A little cash goes a long way at our etore. We nre buyers of farm produce, and .pay the lilKliest price for nlco Roods.1 Always In the market for good butter nnd fresh osks. A. ROBERTSON Seventh St. Grocer. , COMMISSIONERS COURT In the matter of the petition of H. 0. Starkweather for county rond: Or dered that board of county rood view- era meet at place of beginning on day of October, 1307. In the matter of town plat of rino- hurst: Ordered that said plat be ap proved and ordered recorded. In tho matter of petition of Mlnnlo loiiovnn for tax rebate: Ordered that County Clerk draw a warrant for $7.37 In payment of same. In the matter of road tux collected within city limits of Estncada: Or dered that tho clerk draw a warrant In favor of suld city for $217.50 being .10 per cent of said road tax so col lected. In tho matter of petition of Pilcher & Hyan for adjustment of taxes: Or taxes on hind tu section ,"t;, T. I 8 11 2 tit loners tho sum of $20.70 In settle ment of said tuxes, for year 1900. In tho matter of petition of A. Vest or nnd others for county road and va cation of port of Hoist road: Order ed that James and Nancy Anderson be allowed $75.00 as damages by rea son of location of snld rond, and that said road lie declared a county road, and a part of said Hoist road bo va cated as prayed for. In the matter of cancellation of 15: Ordered that taxes on sold land 10: Orederd that taxes on snld land and mortgages bo and the same oro hereby cancelled. In the matter of report of rond view ers on Gibson rond: Keport reud first time nnd ordered laid over until to morrow for second rending. In tho matter of claim of Mrs. W River for damages for killing a cow: Ordered that this claim bo settled and a warrant In favor of said claim ant for sun of $50.00. In tho mntter of report of viewers ef tho Gibson road: Report rend second time and ordered submitted to Dis trict Attorney. In tho matter of petition of Geo. lllclnbolbom for rebate of taxes: Or dered that clerk draw a warrant for $1.60 in favor of said petitioner In payment of said rebate. In the matter of deod for county road purposes by Willamette Falls Co: Ordered that said deed be record ed by Clackamas County and tho road declared to bo a public highway. In tho matter of petition of George Snfford for saloon llcenso at Oswego: Ordered thut said petition bo and is hereby dismissed. In tUe matter of vacation of Town of Iiorton: Ordered that all of said town be nnd Is hereby declared va cated. ' Increasing Uu of National ForetU. "Within three decades after tho flrat Federal recognition of forestry, and sixteen years from the date when the flrat 'tlmberland reserve was created, there havo been established. In tho In terest of tho whole people, 150 mil lion acres of National Forests, effec tively protected against fire and tres pass, and thrown open on advantag eous terms to the use of the public Thim reads the annual review of for est work. In the Yearbook of the De partment of Agriculture. "Forests havo so largo a place in tho national life that In aome measure every citi zen shares tho benefits which attend sucessful effort to preserve, restore; or establish them. Yet It will always be tho Western Industries which will most profit from tho presence of Jhe existing Natlonar Forests, upon whose resources mainly wood, water, and range they are largely dependent. The Government always favors sett lers and home builders and prior us ers, both by granting free use of tlm tier and by encouraging small sales. The business of the National Forests must Increase largely: for so vast are tho resources of timber and minerals, and tho opportunities for various bus iness enterprises and for the devel opment of power and Irrigation, that the utilization of tho forests can be said to have only fairly begun. "Throughout the year marked pro gress has been made In securing the most prompt, simple, and precise bus iness methods, and in bringing the forest officers In the field nnd. through them, tho public Into closer touch with the alms of tho Government In Its forest policy. On January 1, 1900, the area of the National Forests was 97.77:1.017 acres, and on December 21, moG, 127.154,371 acres. were based on a monopoly of teie phonlc Instruments, while the fact is that the Instrument is but a small part of the plant required In giving telephonic service. It Is felt that this action may cause It to be more clearly understood that the Hell Company's only claim for patronage Is based on their ability to furnish the best service at reason able prices and not on any, instrument monoply. Mr. Vail explained that at the pres ent time many Inefficient telephone In struments are In use on local and pri vate lines, and that the Bell Compan ies desire to see these replaced by standard instruments in order that it may make traffic connections with the greatest possible number of prop erly equipped lines assuring proper service and transmission. For exam ple: There are thousands of so-called "Farmer Lines" which will furnish valuable feeders for the toll lines of the larger system when properly equipped and maintained. This sit uation can now be provided for through the sale outright of Bell instruments and apparatus. H answer to the question whether It Is intended that the Western Elec tric Company become an aggressive competitor of the independent man ufacturers, who up to this date have had a monopoly of the selling trade, the only reply was that the Bell In terests were fully prepared, either from the manufacturing or operating side of the business, to meet all the needs of the public, and that they wish to demonstrate that they claim or ask no advantages other than their ability to meet those needs under square competitive conditions of qual ity and price there would be no trade war, but any manufacturer who have been selling inferior goods at high prices under the old monoply of the selling trade, would naturally suf fer a loss of business. Adv. A Woodman whose It comes nut ud in a collanslblo tube 'with a nozzle, ensy to apply to tho soreness and Inflammation, for any form of Piles; it smithes and heals, relieves tho pain, itching and burning. Man Zan Pile Remedy. Price, 50 cts. Guaranteed. Sold by Huntley Bros. Interview with Mr, Theo. N. Vail, President American Telephone & Telegraph Co. An Important change In the policy for thirty years of the Hell Telephony Company has been made known. When questioned regarding the rosrt that tho Western Electric Company, the concern that manufactures the appa ratus used by the Bell Companies, would hereafter sell telephones and supplies to nil buyers, President Theo dore N. Vnll, of the American Tele phone and Telegraph Conipauy, con tinued the report. , lie explained (lint the Idea had been under consideration for a long time, but that heretofore ono difficulty had been that the Western Electric need ed more plant; its full energy being required to supply the demands of tho Boll Companies alone. This ob stacle to doing n general business has boon overcome by tho recent comple tion of very largo additions to tho Chicago factory of tho Western filoe trict Company, and hence It Is now in 11 position to take care of outside orders. In reply to a question as to the probable effect of this action on the revenue of tho American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Mr. Vail snld that 110 considerable direct in crease was anticipated, but that a great indirect advantage was looked for from improved relations between tho public and nil of tho associated Boll Companies, because there had been an entirely erroneus Idea more or less prevalent that the charges of those companies for their services x Chopping paving Means a to You J Large city dealers are always telling yoa wonderful bargains they offer JggLcome mY stofe and yoa can see for yourself yog can handle them; yoa can them over before yoa put yoar montY down. BEST LINE OF PAINTS IN AMERICA Mpr impugn V..1.,2V I I. TOLPOL. Don't let the buildings go through the ra'ny season without some protection. We can out sell all competitors. H oves, V asiges, We can sell you stoves that are fuel-savers and heat generators that will surprise you. . Prices al ways below competitors. We arc chopping both ends off all prices. AR f MAIN STREET OPP. POSTOFFICE A. V . OREGON CITY, OREGON