OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1907. Oregon Gty Enterprise Published Every Friday. Dy THE STAR PRESS. Entered t Oregon City, Or, Post office aa second class matter. Subscription Rattt: One Year $150 Biz Months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. .25 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment Is not credited, kindly notify us. and tte matter will receive our attention. Senator Borah's friends made enough noise over his '"vindication." But how about his conscience? Fairbanks la satisfied that a "cock tall cuts a wider swath of destruction than a two-edged sword. The Eugene Register thinks wire less politics would serve this country better than wireless telegraphy. Harry Orchard says the miners' federation killed Brown. That settles It; the miners 'federation has In Or chard's statement a fairly good alibi. A. hunter mistook a child at Hills dale for a Chinese pheasant. It is a dangerous proposition to place a gun In the hands of many a man. Just once more Senator Piatt arises to remark that Mae Wood is not his wife. To which one saucy editor re plies, '"If she ain't she ought to be." No wonder a certain class of poli ticians are fighting Secretary Bona parte. Word Is passed along the line that the Secretary has abolished a $1000 job in his office, that was no longer needed. Editor Bennett, of The Dalles Opti mist, has served notice on his broth er editors that he won't play In the editorial back yard anymore. Well, we guess the back yard won't be boarded up Just because of Mr. Ben nett's grumps. H. F. Gibson, of Barton, was dis playing to friends Monday the quinces that he captured the first premium with at the Fair. The larger of the two weighed one and a half pounds strong, and was a handsome speci men of fruit. A POLITICAL CATECHISM. There Is an election not far oft and we want to put a test to Enterprise readers. If you can't answer all these Questions what do you think of the proposition that you are not well fit ted to vote; Who is the Governor of this State; his polities? How many Congressional districts; In which do you live; who Is your Congressman; his polities? How many Senatorial districts; In which do you live; who Is your Sen ator; political complexion? "Who is your Assemblyman; what does he represent; what Is his poll tics? Who is the Mayor; when doea his term expire; what Is his polities? How many Councilmanlc districts in Oregon City; in which do you live; who is you Councilman: what's his iH)litics? Who is the Sheriff of Clackamas county; politics and expiration of his term? Sit down with a piece of paper and figure this out without consulting any authority or asking questions. HARRIMAN CRYING FOR QUARTER Harriman Is now asking for quarter. President Roosevelt has proven too much for him and his fleecing civ workers, and being cornered he cries for quarter like a coward. But why give quarter? Why compromise with the interest that ceased not to rob until in danger of loosing all that It had? What farmer would compro mise with a skunk who had been steal ing his chickens, once the skunk Is in the farmer's trap, the skunk agree ing as the price of liberty that he will move on to some other farmer s hen house? Yet that is what the cry for quarter from Harriman and his associ ates amounts to, for not one of them have demonstrated their ability to make money honestly, and we doubt if they care to try. President Roosevelt has now the upper hand In this contest with predatory wealth, and If the people will unite at his back he can and will see that there Is a readjustment of conditions and the predatory rich are sent back Into the corner where they belting. Let Har riman and his horde cry for quarter, Mr. President, but let them be shorn of their power to do evfl before there is any let-up In the crowding process. THE SENATORIAL SITUATION. Mr. Lincoln Steffens. in his article in the American Maga.iae, goes too far or not far enough in his criticism of Senator Fulton. The publication of toe Brownell letter will have no great effect, as the general public will not greatly blame Mr. Fulton for trying to shield the man who helped elect him to the United States Senate; but The hoodlum hazera of Corvallls give , Robert Olph, who cut three of them last week, a wide berth. That little knife action may prove a bles- t; ? n it In A ic crtil oa t r tVii-tcA n-h til a Vfifl the part of hoodlum, if they will print statement made by Mr. SteTTens k ,hQ 0,or)mM that there is sufficient proof on fl!e 111 U tftbiliUKLl'U tw vuiliivv .'viinmi Fulton of being a corruptionlst, is a more serious matter and should not be permitted to rest. Senator Fulton is a candidate for re-election, and. though he is not an admirer of state ment No. 1, has stated that if nomi nated at the primaries and defeated at the polls he will not go before the Legislature, but will abide by the ex pressed wish of the voters. This means that his nomination at the pri maries will be an acceptance by the Statement No. 1 Is very unpopular W. L. Chapman to Wright II. Reyn with a man who can't stand the light, Udds, part Samuel L, Campbell die, anil would secure preferment through No. t'l. town lis, range 2e, 33 acres. It. party i favoritism. ' i ' J, W. Hoots to Myrtle 1. Foster, lots l, 2, ;, 4, &, u and 13, bik 10, Roots' 2d add Marahfleld. llMHi. Win, C. Bristol to Leon W, Hyde, Mr. President, why fool away your time In the canebrakes of the nouth when there are hundreds of bears lu Oregon Just aching to dance attend ance on Your Highness? w!i of no VI and hoVJ, of nwVi ami neViof aw ',4', see 11, town 2k, range lie. $1. L, U loiter to John tllnwor, tract fi, I'lnehuriit, I0, C. P. Tullemiui to J, If, V, Alien peril, !lt acres hoc 17, town 4s, range lie. fClUf), Oregon lion &. Blind Co to Fli'imtuio C. Lyiunii, 4.15 acres sett 2, town 2s, range In, $1, , A, uMther to W. L, Cliiiinnuu, mid. id part Humul I. Campbell die, N'. !, town 'in, range !!. 1 1, r WHERE OUR MONEY GOES. Corporation Figures for Six Months of ! the Two Years Last Past. The running expenses of Clackamas county for the last hIx mouths were ' $79,20:1.19. against $t;r,r:i2.77 last year. I The amount of the road warrants Is- sued was $t;o,'.t:!9.61. and during the six months covering the same period In 19M", the amount was $U.fr2.fil. j The amount expended from the gen-; eral fuml was about the same. Fol-. lowing Is a statement showing just1 where the money has been expended j during the last six months: County Court and Conimts- j stoncrs ."...$ M1.P7I Circuit Court 1,5:10. 15 I Justice Courts 4!3.f2 Sheriff 1,392.43 1 County Clerk 1.2Si',.99 Recorder 1.517.152 1 tut.ost 252.10; ....... 72:1.95 j 2.4215.17 Treasurer Coroner Supt. of Schools Assessor Assessment and collection of taxes Tax rebate Curent expense Courthouse Jail County poor indigent soldier Insane Bridges (joint! Election Printing and advertising Damages Road surveys 509.50 Fruit Inspector 92.50 Board of Health 254.70 Road warrants Issued 00.3:19.61 352.03 12S.0S 252.03 2.1S7.6I 177.(18 2.030.01 30.00 103. f.9 137.81 3.90 591.93 753.00 Total $79,203.19 WANTED POSITION, Elderly lady wishes to keep house for gentleman without small chlld- dren. Address, B. M., R. F. D. No. 5. box 32. LOST BUNDLE CARPET. Finder please leave word at this ofllce or at Greenman's transfer office, list between Milwauklo and Oregon City. She is a woman who has a gotHi tieai mr ner ueuei "Down Grade to Portland," the slo gan proposed by Tom Richardson, is a good one for the metropolis to adopt provided It gets busy on free locks at Oregon City and an open river to Cor vallis, canal from there to Eugene and an electric line between Eugene and Portland. Eugene Register. A Louisiana swamp drainage con vention will be held in New Orleans this week. Get all our Inland water-! Republican party of the result of the ways into working order once and more will be accomplished in making the railways be good than all the leg islation of a lifetime. Competition is what make3 a greedy man sit up and take notice. The battleships Connecticut and Virginia have been fitted up with wireless telephones. It 13 said that experiment have been made In which people have talked twenty-two miles, while at sea. and it is thought much greater distances will be covered in experiments for which preparations are making. The Clackamas County Fair is her alded as a grand success agricultur ally, hortlculturally. industriously and financially. Added to the products of farVn and orchard, dairy and stock- election, and. therefore. Republican voters have a right to be Informed. prior to the primaries, of , t'.ie truth or laisny or sir. stenins cnarge. If they are proven to be true Mr. Fulton will be defeated In the election, should he be nominated, and Oregon will send a Demorcart to the United States Senate, for party lines are not strong enough nowadays to compel people to support a nominee whom they have reason to believe Is a tool of the corrupt corporations. Tiierc fore it it important that the Republi can voter3 should be in full posses sion of the facts prior to the prima ries. Oregon Mist. Maud-suffered Ethel Dear me! What Is her belief? Maud She bellves that she can wear s .a l f I a .No. i snoe on INO. U ieei. i u ima. The DIG Store with the Little Prices Rosenstein, Successor to I, Selling Notl iSng hut tSi e Best CAN BE FOUND AT OUR STORE THE BEST IN QUALITY, PRICE AND SERVICE Just now, when our Fall and Winter Goods are fresh and novel, Is a good time for you to put us to the test, to make us prove that assertion. COME AND SEE You will find much that will interest you, much that you need, and ALL BARGAIN'S MERIT AND MONEY'S WORTH Come Early in Order to So euro THE BEST OF THE BEST The rifle team of Company G, Third regiment of infantry, O. N. O., com posed of Sergeant Hllily. team cap tain; Sargeant Kuehl. Corporal Miller, Musician Lewis, Private Young and Private Ream, will go to Portland Sun day to participate In the State shoot and will be accompanied by Captain Ltxjmts, of Company O. The athletic members of the company are forming an indoor baseball team, and as soon as the makeup of the team is announc ed challenges will be Issued. REAL ESTATE Harriman is unfathomable. With more business than his roads every lone of them can handle, lie puts out an Intrenchnient order. It is adver- yard, was the domestic product dear '.Used to the heart of Pre:-,i lnt Roosevelt the blessed babies of many favored homes. The festival properly closed with an exhibit! of this last product. Oregon ian. Citizens of Clackamas county need not be discouraged if the expense of keeping up roads and bridges in this county cost more than anticipated, and more than in many other counties the country ovr. Clackamas county lands lie in such shape that many and expensive bridges are necessary. This makes the per capita expense heavy now that the country is pars'dv set tled, as nearly as much bridging and road Im-Idlng is male necessary as conditions are nov as will be needed when the country fills up later. lint whe the country H filled up the per capita will be much licht"r. and not exceed to any considerable extent the cost in other counties. like: a circus. Next day. as might have been expected, all his stocks take a big slump. Does any one who has watched the career of this remarkable Wall street operator suppose that the "inner circle" of which he is the master spirit Is going to lose anything In the present scram ble? Oregonlan. Will some one givp a gixnl and suf ficient reason why, under the circum stances, Harriman should not be in jail? And if he should whose fault is it that he isn't? Ola M. Gurley to C. L. Bates, lot Can by. $20. C. P. Tall man to ("has. O. Uranson. w'i of wVi of ne'i of neVi. sec. 1", town 4s, range -le, 10 aees. $1. Sell wood Land & Imp. Co to Jennie 15. F. Martin, east 200 feet tract 35, Oak Grove. $500. Louis Jagger ot Fred J. Moser. part Robert Arthur die. town 2s, range 3e, 20 acres. $1200. H. F. Gibson to Isaac Scott, part Thos. H. Farrlster die, town 2s, range ,".e, I acres. $200. K. L. Thorp to H. C. Myers, lots 1, 2 and 'i, bik a, Falls View add Oregon City. $500. Victor Kriekson to James C. Russell, 5 acres sec. 31. town Is, range 2c. $1. To correct old deeds. James C. Russell to James Gully, 5 acres sec 31, town Is, range 2e, wilh limitations. $1000. Nancy J. I'axton to Alfred S. Ileti nett, und. !;( wVi of se'4 and e'.2 of swTJ. see 3, town 2s, range lie. $200. W, S. Hush to Anna Marchbank, lots 2, 3 an I 4, bik 15, Estacada. $;&. Wm. ilayhnrst to Western Hanking Co.. lot 1, bik 5. Kstacada. $22."j, Laura L. Haviland to 15. L. Fraley, i lot 20. bl!( 32, 1st add Kstacada. $500. i Tlie President finds the inliind folic? ! 15. L. Fra ev to John ohrlsl, lots ! ready to agree that the salt water j 7, H and 9, Fraley's add Kstacada. j needs alf shall receive attention. j $ 15". j St. Louis Olobe Domoerat. i O. C. Yocum to Elva A. Dolan, lots j That's as Due as eosiH. The neo- 7 and S. b!k II, Pompeii. $100. ' ! pie living on our inland water courses j Susan C. Uvans to Sarah M. Chllds, j iwi.;h to see them improved, arid those I lots 1 and 2, bik 2, Harlow. $300. i Kstato AHsn., to A. 4, 13 and 14, bik 49, ceejingiy anxious, but we doubt it' j there are those with a fe wexcep- 1 1 ions to prove the rub:' who wi ;h are Democrat - who jthat they may hav all the benefits, persuade President or receive attention to the exclusion I again some very of other t.ungs equally as imperative, j 'ederal pit counter I What the peoule living on the inlan 1 ' ite'iiof.'iats ! waterways want is to have them im-; :ny i proved just as fast as possible, an I itie 'equable division being made among I Maybe, (here are trying to Koo:;ev(ir. to run nice H'-dti at the f are bing he'd down by but that's no sign that he'd get considerably mweber of Democrat votes if he did. Kup.ene Daily Guard. ; Even. Democrats must mcede that President Roosevelt has ncomn!is'ed more in an effort to curb the power of the trusts than any previous adminis tration. And with the Government or ganized as it is, and as it would con tinue to be even with the ( lection of a Democratic President, it is a fair guess that Teddy vould f-nd couid do more against them in four years more than any Democrat 1'ait could be elected. Why not, then, continue Roosevelt in the chair If he is willing to continue there himself? The good of fie country should .stand for more than the good of any party. And the fact that the trusts would not support Roosevelt, but would aid any Demo crat as against him, is a, fairly good reason why even Democrats should have a warm feeling for the Presi dent. ' and legislative branches tree to dis charge tlKdr respective duties." From; what we learn of Joe tiiaj' Is about what he thinks. Me wants it 'so that if the Bt.atndai'd OH Company buys 'wo or Uiree judges, and they band the people a lemon, the. Government Gladstone. Real Kstate Assn. to. lac-j oh Spangler, Iota Do 8, bik 45, Glad- j stone. $1050. j H. C. .Stevens to Orpha F, Cross, lots 15 and Hi, bik 85, Gladstone. $1 ' 15. L. Shaw to J. 15. Jack, lot 8, bik 1, Darnell's add. Oregon City, $125. . j W. If. Hughes to Deamor Gannlne, ( is, range 2e. , as constituted will say to the people "Be good now." the Standard in the ' 02 acres sec 22, town meantime laughing in its sleeve at t $2700. the plight of those it Is robbing. No! Kdward G. Jones to J. 11. Wlest, wonder 'Wall Street endeavored to sw'4 sec 28, and ueJi'. wsc 81, town 4s, start a "call" for Uncle Joe. range (je. $10. Look over our stock carefully you will find it full of attractive designs, snappy, stylish, economical. New Idea Fashion Sheet for November now in. SflOCS pky f shoes is the best in the city. We have all the better grades in sizes to fit. Our prices are cut very close; we can please you with some of our many bargains. Clothing- N otner merchant can & meet competition. Lat est styles in cloths and the best of workmanship. You are certain of a fit; if it don't fit don't buy it. Everything in Dry Goods, Notions, Ptincy Goods, Trimmings, Neckwear, Hosiery, Underwear, Cfc. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR THE GORDON HATS S. ROSENSTEIN Cor. Main and 7th Sts. at Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE. 0 JJk70 MAIN STREET, CORNER 7TH OREGON CITY, OREGON A sweeping reduction in oil our deport ments. I dm going to put in new lines ond must therefore sacrifice my entire stock in order to make room. ABSOIrlTIEILY MO FAKE Following are a few of the many lines we are trying to sacrifice : 9 H. Muikey, h.u :j, 4, 13 and 14, bik 49, V Gladstone. $1500. l Kred Cooper to John V, Tnggart, ne'i i'ud nM. of nc',4 and ne'4 or nw',4, j kit, ;:o; nw'4 and n' of H'.v't anil j sw'.i of kwVj, '' acres, $2:100. J. Ta'gart to V. V, WillianiM, e' j of nwVi end ne'.;of nwVi.' n"c. HO, I town. !N, rungr: lie, 120 ucich. $1000. j J. W. TilHU.'H't to K. K. William, n those 1 improvement which it fx tin; j '4, nV- of w;V4 and nw',4 of sw4. hoc i ffl duty or the government to make. '': nw'i, nu ot kwVi, tov'4 ol hwvv,; i.i..,.f liivi. n.tu 1 uiiii ' uon I ; I;: nw'4 of nw4 aec':i2; e'a of ct& J Sneaker Cannon is said to bave of nw14 pec. neVi nee 1'J, except 5 a criticised Roosevelt nome months ago ! aerest; all town, 'in, range 'in, 055 ; v in the statement that what we need j acres. $10,000. is a president tnat will "keep on his Janen Bingham et, nl. to Henry (). ; own Hide of the fence, attend to bis Lneas, Ion Hand 4, bik III, Gladstone, j own business and leave the judicial ; Sl!i(i. CARPETS GLASS I CROCKERY G&fS,COlr'5(1C ,5X!?' !CeaC!l 60c cups and saucers, set 40c now 35c per yd. 10x12, 6c each 75c " 50c Half wool, 65c carpet now 45c I0xl4 7r each n - i j- t All wool 90c carpet now-75c 2l4, lr a"d aU Ur Stck "g' $1.25 wool carpet nowJ.OO Hxj8; joc each . A T . A I6x20, 20c each WALL PAPER LINOLEUMS fjl' Hi I0c paper, 5c per double roll 'iwc cacti h in. . t 75c values now 50c per yard 24x32, 45c each ,t Jr; tl (t $1.00 " " 75c " " 24x28, 40c each c tt J 28x32, 60c each tl c i( D A TMTC 30x30, 60c each 40c 30c r A11N 1 C 24x36, 55c each X3576"5 ' Kitchen ChaifS per quart 35c p .. 75c values - - 55c each rrUll $1.25 values - 1.00" $1 .25 screen doors for 75c each $2.00 ' $1.25 " I firs 25c val. window screens 15c" vuio AXFS 35c " " " 20c" j. CIS $1.25 values - - 75c each $3.50 top matress $2.25 4-50" M 300 LOSi Ranges and Stoves 2.50 spring mattress 1.50 iwuSw dno owves 3.50 " " 2.25 Ranges from - - $22.50 up These are facts, and be convinced. If you see it in our ad it's so. Call The Home Furnisher Main and Seventh Sts V i