OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1907. ASSESSOR'S NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice Is hereby given that upon the third Monday of October, to-wit October 21st, 1907, the Board ot Equal ization will meet at the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas lounty, Oregon, and publicly examine the as sessment rolls and correct all errors in valuation, descriptions 'or qualities of lands, lots or other property. Dated at my office this 24th day of September, 1907. JAMES F." NELSON. 4V3t County Assessor. LOT FOR SALE. Clackamas County is owner of Lot s ninrk 111. In OrcKon City. Oregon, jupon which there Is an assessment due for street Improvements to Ore gon City, Oregon, in the sum of 1367.18. i , . Bids will be received for the sale of said lot up to Saturday noon October ,13th 1907., Purchaser to pay street Improvement assessment. I COUNTY COVRT OF v I CLACKAMAS COUNTY. THE COURTS County Treasurer's Report SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT of the County Treasurer of Clackamas tv Oregon, for the six months ending on the 30th day of September. lVo7 ot money received and paid out. from whom received and from conn A. P. what source and on what account paw oui. AMOUNTS RECEIVED Special School Fund April 1. 1907, to Oct. 1, 1907. Amount on hand from last report Amts. rec'd Sheriff s Rept. 1&0C rec'd Sheriff s ipt imi rec'd Sheriff s report 104 rec'd Sheriff's report 1303 rec'd Sheriff's report 1902 US Amts. Amts. Amts. Amts. tax., tax., tax., tax., taxx , r.90.C7 732 07 42.91 9.95 8.21 106.49 Total Special City Fund April 1, 1907. to Oct. 1. 1907. Amount on hand from last report.... Amts. rec'd Sheriff s Rept 1906 tax Sheriffs lept. Sheriff's report Sheriff's rciiort Sheriff's report Amts. Amts. Amts. Amts. rec'd rec'd rec'd rec'd 1305 1904 If'OS U0 2 tax... . tax.. . tax.... tax.. . Total 121490.30 $ f.06.70 2217.50 7.7S 3.78 C.12 2.C3 $ 2904.51 Not Cry, but Flnad For Crutlty., Richard Kublsch was before Judge Plmlck Wednesday on the charge of Insanity. The charge was dismissed and then he was taken In hnnd by Re. cordor Plmlck on the charge of cruel ty to animals. Mayor Canfleld had filed a charge of cruelty, having been witness of Kublsch s cruelty to his horse, whom he was seen beating on Seventh street hill. He practically ad mitted the act and was fined 130 and costs and wtth a suspension or fine during good behavior. He was told he must pay the costs In the case $5 and having but five cents he pro posed leaving his clothes as security. Defendant Declared Negligent. The civil suit. Fred Itenfleld vs. Al- bln Floss, tried In Justice Johnson's court, tlresham. last week, was decid ed by his honor In favor u the defen dant. It appears that defendant Floss had tied a horse in Benfleld'a barn. The horse got loose, and Is believed to have killed a colt ej plaintiff's val ued at $150, The plaintiff brought suit on the grounds that defendant negli gently tied the animal In the stall, and placed him In the barn without per mission from the plaintiff. i a.f f t.ti v : A woodman vvnose : Chopping Sa ving Means a to You General Fund April 1, 1907. to Oct 1, 1907. Amount on hand from last report Amts. rec'd Sheriff's Rept. 1906 tax Amts. rec'd Sheriff's iept. 103 tax Amts. rec'd Sheriff's report l."04 tax Amts. rec'd Sheriff's report 1903 tax Amts. rec'd Sheriff's report 1902 tax Amts. received from delinquent taxes....... Amounts received from fines Amounts rec'd from liquor license Amounts rec'd from junk sales Amounts rec'd from County Recorder Amounts rec'd from County Clerk Amounts rec'd from County Sheriff r19."0.56 17137.71 110.35 117.19 125.54 197.19 25.72 295.60 1400.00 15.45 2S50.50 2496.50 130.30 Total J76S5S.61 County School Fund April 1, 1907, to Oct. 1, 1907. Amount on hand from last teport 4lil'5f Amts. rec'd Sheriff s Rept. 1WG tax Sheriff's rept. 190j tax Sheriff's report 1S04 tax Sheriffs report 1903 tax Sheriff's leport 1902 tax Amts. Amts. Amts. Amts. rec'd rec'd rec'd rec'd 62.92 41.93 54.96 47.26 Total... .' $30434.43 Disk Road 4. Spl. Fund Apr. 1, '07, to Oct 1, 1907. Amount on hand from last report $26795.92 Amts. rec'd Sheriff's Rept. 19"6 tax 93-. .6 Amts. Amts. Amts. Amts. rec'd rec'd rec'd rec'd Sheriff's rept. Sheriff's report Sheriff's report Sheriff's report 1905 1904 1903 1902 tax. tax. tax. tax. Amounts rec'd from Junk sales. 74.01 23 04 50.34 69.42 24.45 Total $36364.94 State School Fund April 1, 1907, to Oct. 1, 1907. Amounts rec'd from State School fund $13454.90 Total $13454.90 Institute Fund April 1, 1907, to Oct 1, 1907. Amount on hand from last report I 208.87 Amts. rec'd from Supt. for Certificates 168.50 Total $ 377.37 Claim More Pay Due. Adklns Bros, have filed a suit In the Circuit Court against the Greenwood Lumber Company for $353. alleged to be the balance due for lahor and ser vices in logging In the yards of the mill. Tb plaintiffs allege that the service was rendered between May 5 and September 25, at an agreed price of $3550. of which $366 has not been paid. Attorney George C. Brownell appears for Adklns Bros. Notes. The estate of the late Charles H. McCheery was admitted to probate Wednesday, Oct. 2. The property Is located in Polk county and Is valued at $700. McCheery died In Clackamas county, July 15, 1907. Samuel Mc Cheery. of Boring. Is one of the heirs of the estate. Suit was filed by James Gibson, Jr., last week against Clarinda E. Gibson for a decree ofdlvorce. They were married In Portland. May 2, 1905. and Gibson says his wife deserted him on August 8. 1906, and that while they lived together he provided her a com fortable home. - The estate of the late William Bee- son, who died at Schubel, August 29. 1907, was admitted to probate Satur day. The value of the estate Is $350, consisting of personal property. Small sums are left to children or the de ceased, and the bulk of the estate to the widow. Bceson was about 75 years of age. F. S. Baker and Margaret Baker Tuesday filed papers for the adoption of their niece, Frances Hastings, aged 13 years. Suit for divorce has been filed by Ellsha Adamson against Susan Adanv son. I hey were married iM-cemoer 28, 1905, and Adamson, alleges that his wife deserted him August 10. 1906. Marie P. Curtis and Cliff R. Curtis were married in Portland, April 5, 1905. and Mrs. Curtis alleges that her husband possesses an Irritable tem per, tnat ins nature is lauii-nnaing and that she found It Impossible to live with him and retain her self-respect. A Large city dealers eawaystelHng yots of the wonderful bargains Jthey . offer. Just come to my store and yog can see for yogrself yotf can handle them; you can look them over before yot ptftyo money down. V. 1 I. , S I III 1 BEST LINE OF PAINTS IN AMERICA ( Vs- ran J M ( Ih I twin . J Klnnimtv vjxiL Don't let the buildings ro through the rainy season without some protection. We can out sell all competitors. Stoves, anges Heaters : We can sell you stoves that are fuel-savers and heat generators that will surprise you. Prices al ways below competitors. We are chopping both ends off all prices. Indigent Soldier Fund April 1, '07, to Oct. 1, 1907. Amount on hand from last report $ 55.98 Total. Library Fund April 1, 1907, to Oct. 1, 1907. Amount on hand from last report $ Amts. rec'd Sheriffs Rept. '0C, tax Amts. rec'd Sheriff's rept l:05 tax 55.98 754.28 154.08 1.20 Total $ 909.56 AMOUNTS PAID OUT. Special School Fund April 1, 1907, to Oct. 1, 1907. Amts paid out Special School $19170.90 Balance 2319.40 Total : $21490.30 Special City Fund April 1, 1907, to Oct. 1, 1907. Amounts paid out City $ 2626.44 Balance 278.07 MIXTURE TO RELIEVE PREPARE THIS SIMPLE RECIPE AT HOME AND TRY IT. I. TOLPOLAR MAIN STREET OPP. POSTOFFICE OREGON CITY, OREGON J . . MANY WAIT TO LONG Total $ 2904.51 General Fund April 1, 1907, to Oct. 1, 1907. Amounts paid out County Warrants , $57794.15 Balance .". 19064.46 Total $76858.61 County School Fund April 1, 1907. toOct. 1, 1907. Amts. paid out Co. School Warrants $33175.00 Balance 17259.43 Total... : . $30434.43 District Road Fund April 1, 1907, toOct. 1, 1907. Amounts paid out Road Warrants $25008.48 Balance 11356.46 Total $36304.94 State School Fund April 1, 1907, to Oct 1,1907. Balance ; $13454.90 Total $13454.90 Institute Fund April 1, 1907, to Oct. 1, 1907. Amounts paid o'ut Institute $ 67.50 309.87 Balance Total. $ 377.37 Indigent Soldier Fund April 1, '07, to Oct. 1, 1907. Amounts paid out Soldier Fund $ 30.00 Balance 25.98 Total. Library Fund April 1, 1907, to Oct. 1, 1907. , Amounts paid out Library Fund $ 11.47 Balance ; 898.09 Total '. $ 909.56 State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, sb: . . ' I, J. C. Paddock, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid put, and remaining on hand, in the County Treasury of said county for the six months ending on the 30th day of September, A. D. 1907. , Witness my hand this 30th day of September, A, D. 1907. . J. C. PADDOCK, County Treasurer. Druggist Here in Town Say They Can Supply the Ingredients or Make Up the Mixture. Get from any prescription pharma cist the following: Fluid Extract Dandelion, onetfialf ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, three ounces. Shake well In a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meal and at bedtime. The above Is considered by an emi nent authority, who writes in a New York dally paper, as the finest pre scription ever written to relive Back ache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all form of Urinary difficulties. This mixture acts promptly on the ellminative tissues of the Kidneys, en abling them to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism. Some persons who suffer with the afflictions may not feel Inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried It say the results are simply surprising, the relief being effected without the slightest Injury to the stomach or oth er organs. , Mix some and give It a trial. It certainly comes highly recommended. It Is the prescription of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by it. A druggist here at home when asked stated that he could either sup ply the ingredients or mix the pre scription for our readers, also rec ommends it as harmless. Robert Olph, of Prairie City, ' a freshman at Corvallls, stabbed two up per classmen and cut the clothes from a third Friday last while the latter were engaged In an attempt to haze him. Young Olph gave repeated warn ings before he pulled out his knife and began to use It. A Portland woman consulted a me dlum and was told she should get a divorce from her husband. She tried it, but when she told the court what the medium said, he advised her that what- she needed most was dlvoroe from the medium, and a guardlart, which the court recommended In the person of her husband. Fuv Carnival GLADSTONE PARK: The Great Attraction is now in Progress Monster Carnival 200 PEOPLE 200 2 BIG BANDS 2 One Ring Country Cfcctis l FUNNY CLOWNS- 6 Do not fail to attend this great annual event IT CLOSES SRT. NIGHT Saturday is Children's Day and admission is free -to the little ones Magnificent & Display & of & Exhibits ofall-j?Classes I0MHMII LIST$ J 000 L Old Clackamas is on Exhibition this week.