Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 11, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Thuro I every rxnmin to expect tho
moat urntlfyliiK ri'Hiilta from tho cur
rent trt im of Nonrotary Taft and Hoc
rotary Hoot. In Japan Secretary Toft
la curry Inn nut the policy of ttin
ministration with that rare tact and
KIHIll InllllOr Wllll'll COIlMtltlltll one of
his greatest faculties, demoiintratliiK
to tho Japanese that the United Mutes
entertains Hi" frli'iultlnHt fueling
toward the Flowery Kingdom, dnaplto
the fuel that this roiititry cannot ac
commodate groat numbers of Japan
h InlHircra without upsetting local
labor condition. No nation on earth
would Imi wllllriK to permit great In
fluxes of foreign lulior, disturbing
homo conditions and antagonizing her
own workmen. rogardlmu of tho ox
twit of friendly fueling which sho
might entertain for tho country from
which Unit labor rami), and tho United
Btotos Ik no exception to thu ruin.
lu Mexico Secretary Hoot In making;
n tiiiMt of friends and doing everything
poHHlblo to commit tho frelndly rela
tions which already exist between thn
United Stales and her little sister
republic to tho aouth, Tho combined
Influence of tho two nation potent
for Rood, a in nhown by tho reKines
of tho Central American republics to
thn tender of khmI oITIcom which came
from I'ri'Mldcntii HooHivclt and lHax,
und there can bo no question In thn
minds of peraona who lMk at tlx alt
nation without prejudice that tlm
utroimer bond of friendship which
must follow from Mr, lloot'i visit will
make for even greater good In tho
Snagboat Mathloma and Dredgs
Claar Upper Wlllamttts.
Iierause of tho splendid work don
by tho NtiaKlHiat Muihloma and dipper
dredgo No. 2. Captain Graham of tho
Oregon City TraiiHportotlon Company
says tho channel of thn upper Willam
ette In In fine shape. Cut have ben
corn jiN'ird throuKh several bar, on
which tin water wan mi low a to
make It decennary for thn Itoat to
rnoort to tho method of Itnlnx before
they could Ket over them. Now thin
does not Imve to be done at any pidnt
and tho ntcanteri are In position to
maintain fairly good achedulea.
A la always tho ca at thla partic
ular soaaon the river U at a low matte,
which utnkea navigation more or Iik
difficult. It l aald tho points at which
th gravel bara wero located do not
afford any more trouble than any
other part of tho stream. Tho only
Government Improvement now tinder
way on tho upper river la tho building
of tho dam am! revetment near Wheat
land Work on tli l project In being
rapidly punned to a concluaton.
Inside of 30 day tho t'nlon Pacific
wilt call for bid for the conduction
of tho new line from Tacoma to Port
land. Tho plana havo been fully ap
proved and tho work la to be rushed
an font aa possible. Tho contracta
will be let In aeveral aectlona. The
material hn been secured and tho
rail will bo laid aa fast a tho road
bed I completed.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon for tho County of Clarka
man, Mount Hood Hallway and Power Com
pany, a corporation. Plaintiff,
Jl. W. Jonea, W. M. Hudson and John
Nolan, Defendant.
To II. W, Jone and John Nolan, do
fendanta above-named.
In the name of tho State of Oregon,
you arc hereby aummonod and requir
ed to appear and make answer to tho
amended complaint of plaintiff, filed
against you In tho atovointltled milt,
on or before tho 2Hrd day of Novem
ber, 11)07, which date la aubsequont
to tho expiration of six week after
the 10th day of October, 1907, which
la the ditto of tho first publication of
thU aununona, It being prescribed In
Ute order for aald publication that
aald auniinona bo published once a
Boots and
?ot Printing
All Hinds t '
Low Prices
Prompt Service
Stat Ptess Job Room
week for alx successive weeks, and
If you full ho to appear plaintiff will
apply to tho Court for tho relief pray
ed for In It amended complaint, to
wit: First, a Judgment appropriating for
a rlglit-of-wfty for If railroad tho fol
lowing described real property owned
by tho defendant, II, W. Jouei, la J-he
County of Clackomaa, State of Ore
gon, towlt:
A atrip of land one (100) hundred
feet In width, being fifty '(50) feet on
curb aide of and parallel with tho fol
lowing described center line, aa the
same U aurveyed, atuked out and lo
cated by Mount Hood Hallway and
Power Company, over and aero the
landa of the defendant II. W. Jonea, In
Cluckamaa oCnnty, Htate of Oregon,
and particularly doitcrlhnd a follow:
Commencing at a point known a
aurvey Htatlon No. 107 plu 93.98 of
tho railway aurvey of the Mount Hood
Hallway and Power Company, aald
point being located In the North line
of the ICuHt half of the Houthweat
quarter of Hectlon twenty-five (25), In
Townhlp one (1) aouth of Hange
four (I) eoHt of tho Willamette Meri
dian. eaHt 235,04 feet of tho Northwext
corner of tho Kant half of the South
weal quarter of aald Section twenty
five (25); thence aouth 39 30' cant,
.116.02 feet to aurvey atatlon No. Ill
plu lu aald aurveyed center line;
thence following tho center lino of a
tapered curve to tho right, aald taper
ed curve changing at the rate of two
degree each 30 feet, CO feet to aurvey
atatlon No. Ill plu 70 In aald aurvey
ed .-center lino: thence following the
center lino of a alx degreo curve to
the right 119.41 feet to aurvey atatlon
No. 112 plu 19.44 In aald aurveyed
center line; thence following tho cen
ter line of a tapered curve to the
right, aald tapered curve changing at
the rate of two degree each 30 feet,
00 feet to aurvey atatlon No. 113 plu
49.44 In aald aurveyed center line;
theneo aouth, 28 41' eat, 117.50 feet
to aurvey atatlon No. 114 plua 6? In
aald aurveyed center line; thenco fol
lowing the center line of a tapnred
curve to the left, aald tapered curve
changing at tho rate of two degree
each 30 feet, 60 feet to aurvey atatlon
No. 115 plua 57 In aald aurveyed cen
ter line; thence following tho center
line of an eight degree curve to tho
left 335 feet to aurvey atatlon No. 118
plua 92 In aald aurveyed center line;
thence following the center lino of a
itapered curve to the left, aald tapered
I curve changing at the rate of two de
Igree each 30 feet, 90 feet to aurvey
Htatbm No. 119 plua 82 In aald aurvey
ed center lino; thenco aouth, 62 44'
cant, 347. 77 feet to aurvey atatlon No.
123 plu 29.77 In aald aurveyed center
line; aald aurvey atatlon No. 123 plua
29 77 being In tho Eat line of the Kant
half of tho Southwext quarter of aald
Section twenty-five (25). aouth 1024.5G
feet of the NorthoaKt corner of the
eaHt half of the 8outhwet quarter of
aald Section twenty-five (25);
2nd, aaaeaalng the damage that
plolntlff hall be required to pay you
and each of you for aald appropriation
of aald land: and
3rd. that plaintiff recover It costa
and dlaburaenienta herein.
Thta aummona I publlHhed purau
ant to the order of tho Honorable
Thomaa A. Mcllrlde, Judge of tho
above-entitled court, made and enter
ed the 8th day of October, 1907.
405-0-7-8 Commercial Plock, Attorneya
for Plaintiff.
Dote of flrat publication, October
10, 1907.
Date of luttt publication November
,21, 190. 44-7t
I now have money to pay Hoad War
ronta endoraed prior to December 11,
1900. Intereat ccaaea September 18,
County Treaaurer.
Notice la hereby given that the un
designed admlnlHtrator ha filed hi
final report In the eatate of Dora Kell,
deneaaed, and the County Court ha
net Monday, the 11th flay of Novem
ber, A. I). 19I7, ot tho hour of 10
o'clock A. M. of aald day, In the Coun
ty Court room a In the County Court
HotiHe, Oregon City, Oregon, a the
lime and place for hearing any and all
objection to aald final report and the
discharge of thl admlnlatrator.
Admlnlatrator of tho eatate of Dora
KajII, deceaaed.
Dated October 7th, 1907. 44 5t
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
ma. Colla Etta Oarven, Plaintiff,
W. H. Oarven, Defendant?
To W. H. Oarven, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed agnlni
you In the above entitled cauae within
alx (C) week from tho date of the
flrat publication of thl aummon up
on you, to-wlt; within alx (C) week
from the 11th day of October, 1907;
and If you fall ao to anwer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In the
complaint, towlt:
For a Judgment agalnat you In the
um of $300.00, together with tho fur
ther um of 150.00 attorney'a fee, and
for hi-r coata and dlaburaementa here
in, and for an order directing the aale
of all your right, title and Intereat In
and to the following described real
property altuated In tho County of
C'lackamaa, State of Oregon, to-wlt:
The Norlheaat Vi of tho Northwest V,
and the South V of the Northwest 14,
Sec. 27, Township 7 aouth. Range 4
east, W. M., containing 120 acrea of
land, more or less, to aatlsfy aald
Judgment, which aald property wa
attached In tho above entitled ault on
the 20th day of September. 1907.
Thla aummona la aerved upon you by
publication thereof In the Oregon City
Enterprise, weekly newspaper, by or
der of the Hon. Grant D. Dlmlck,
County Judge for Clackamaa County,
State of Oregon, which order la made
and dated on the 7th day of October,
1907, and prescribed that thla aum
mona be published once a week for
alx successive weeks.
The date of the first publication of
thla aummona la the 11th day of Oc
tober. 1907, and the dote of the last
publication of thla aummona la No
vember 22nd, 1907.
44-7t Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for Clackamas
Oounty. Oregon. '
Mary M. Dickinson, Plaintiff, -
John Dickinson, Defendant.
To John Dickinson, the defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are herooy required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and
cause on or before the 8th day of No
vember, 1907, that being the date fixed
by the Court for auch apfearance or
answer In and by the order of the
Court for the publication of thla aum
mona, and If you fall to ao appear
and answer, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In her
complaint, to-wlt: For a decree for
ever divorcing plaintiff from defend
ant, and for the custody of their mi
nor child, Oracle.
This aummona Is published by order
of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge
of the County Court of aald county.
The date of the flrat publication of
this summons Is October 11, 1907.
44-7t Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Appointment of Executors.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been, by order of the
Honorable County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, appointed Executors
of the Estate of Jonas J. Kauffman,
deceased. All persons having claims
agulnst Bald estate are notified to
present them duly verified, to us. at
either of our residences at Needy In
said county, within six months from
the date of this notice.
HENRY DEETZ, Executors.
September 27, 1907. 42-5t
H. E. CROSS, Attorney for Estate.
S will give you com
plete protection
and long service
You carit afford
to buy any other
Every garment
Th best dealers sell H
Timber Land, Act Juna 3, 1878,
-United State Und Office, Port
land, Oregon, July 19th, 1907.
Notice la hereby given that In com
pliance with the provision of the act
of Congreea of Juno 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for th aale of timber land
In tho State of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory, a
extended to all the Public Land State
by act of Auguat 4, 1892, Maude L.
Trulllnger, of Mullno, county of
Clackamaa, State of Oregon, ha thla
day filed In thl office hi aworn
statement No, 7497, for the purchase
of the 8, W. V4.of S. W. V ot section
No. 27, In Township No. 4 8., Range
No. 2 K., and will offer proof to ahow
that the land sought I more valuable
for Its timber or atone than for agri
cultural purpose, and to establish
hi claim to aald land before Register
and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 5th day of November,
He name aa witnesses:
John Mulvaney, of Mullno, Oregon.
John Darnall, of Mullno, Oregon.
John Keller, of Mullno, Oregon.
William Husband, of Mullno, Ore
gon. Any and all person claiming ad
versely tho above-described landa are
requested to file their claim In thla
office on or before aald 6th day of No
vember, 1907.
Thla notice must be published once
a week for nine consecutive weeks In
a newpaKr published nearest the
land, and must a I no be pouted In a
conspicuous place In the land office
for the ame period. 38-9t
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Clackamas County,
Blanche S. Martin, plaintiff vs. El
mer Martin, defendant.
To Elmer Martin, defendant: In
the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and ans
wer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or be
fore Saturday the 9th day of Novem
ber, 1907, aald date being more than
alx weeks after the first publication
of this summons, and if you fall ao to
appear or answer herein plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for and demanded In the com
plaint, to-wlt; for a decree forever
dissolving the bonds ot mat'Jmony
heretofore and now existing between
plaintiff and' defendant.
Service of this summons Is made
upon yeu by order of Grant B. Dlm
lck, County Judge of Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, made and dated the 11th
day of September, 1907, designat
ing the Oregon City Enterprise, a
newspaper of general circulation, as
the paper most likely to give notice
to defendant.
First publication thereof September
13, 1907.
Last publication October 25. 1907.
40-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Jennie A. Johns, Plaintiff,
Robert Johns, Defendant
To Robert Johns, defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 4th day of November,
1907, that being the last day prescrib
ed in the order of publication ot this
summons, and If you fall to bo appear
and answer said complaint, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the re
lief therein prayed for, to-wlt: For a
divorce from the marriage existing
between you and the plaintiff.
This summons Is published In the
Oregon City Enterprise for six con
secutive weeks by order of Thomas A.
McBrlde, Judge of said Court duly
made on the 14th day of September,
1907, the first publication being on
the 19th day of September. 1907.
41t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Martha Johnston, plaintiff, vs. Edward
Johnstone, defendant. v
To Edward Johnston, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, on or before
the expiration of "six weeks from the
date of this first , publication of this
siuumons, and if you fall to so appear
and answer plaintiff's complaint, for
want thereof plaintiff will apply to
said court for the relief prayed for,
to-wlt: a decree of the said court dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and defend
ant, and for such other and further
relief as to said court may seem equit
able. This summons is published by or
der of Hon. Thos. A. "McBrlde, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas county, made
this 11th day of Sept., 1907.
First publication of this summorfs Is
Sept. 13th, 1907, and the date of last
publication Oct. 25th, 1907. t
'40-7t Attorneys for Flalntiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Jennie Bussey, Plaintiff,
Martin Buey, Defendant.
To Martin Busaey, defendant above
named: -' I
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are berebyf equlred to appear and
anawer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before the lat day of November, 1907,
said date being after the expiration
of six weeks from the first publica
tion of the summons and If you fall
to appear and answer said complaint,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief demand
ed In the complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. O. B. Dlmlck, Judge of
the County Court for Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, which order was made
and entered on the 15th day of Sep
tember, 1907, and the time prescribed
for publication thereof Is alx weeks;
date of first publication is Septem
ber 13th, 1907, and the date of laat
publication, November 1st, 1907.
40-7t Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for Clackamaa
County, Oregon.
Emma J. Buchanan, Plaintiff,
Charles Edward Buchanan, Defend
ant. To Charles Edward Buchanan, the
defendant above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled Court and
cause on or before the 26th day of
October, 1907, that being the date fixed
by the Court for such appearance or
answer In and by the order ot the
Court for the publication of this sum
mons, and If you fall to so appear
and answer, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In her
complaint, to-wlt: For a decree for
ever divorcing plaintiff from defend
ant, and for the custody of their mi
nor child. Grade. ' ,
This summons Is published by order
of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of
the County Court of said county.
The date of the first publication of
this summons Is Sept. 13, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administrator of the e
tote of James E. Currle. deceased,
has filed in the county court of Clack
amas county. State of Oregon, his final
account as such administrator, and
that Monday, the 14th day of October,
1907, at ten o'clock A. M., at the
court room of said court, has been set
as the time and place for the hearing
of objections to said final account and
the settlement thereof.
Dated this 6th day of September,
Administrator of the estate of James
E. Currle, deceased. 39-5t
Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land
tilea examined, estate settled, general
law business transacted.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
When yon require an Abstract of Title
v to lands in Clackamas County, have
It accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company Incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We Invito you to ex
amine our complete set ot Abstract
60S- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bid.
Money to loan on Clackamaa County
Oregon City, Oregon.
Will practice In all courts ot the state
Office In Caufleld Building.
Justice of the Peace.
Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City
W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V.
Graduite of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
at Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street nearMain.
Both Telephones.
Fanners' ija Matt ijii
Choice Cigars and Tobaccos,
Ice-Coli Hop Gold Beer,
High Grade Bottled Whis
keys and Wines.
Hnapp& Nobel
Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau
lic Rams a Specialty.
' Phone 2682.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Clothes Washed "Walter Than
Snow." Family Washings at
Reasonable Rates No worry,
no regrets if yon phone 1204.
Oar wagon will call.
Phone 221 Office P. O. Bid. Main Et
Pioneer Transfer
And Express
Successor to C. N. GREEXMAN
Sand and Gravel
Oregon City, Oregon.
Plumbing & Tuning
lot Air FartKes, B Pipes, haps,'
Spray Pimps, Water Pipes,
Spraytaj Materials.
All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty
Estimates G'Ten on All Classes
of Work.
Res. Phone 1514 Shop 1616
914 N. Main 8t, Oregon City, Or
Strictly In accordance with the
Pure Food Law,
4 J 7 Main St. - Oregon Qty
Heckel & England
The Hub Saloon has changed
hands, Carlson & Block sel
ling out to Heckel & England.
W. H. SILCOX, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant
Best Service and Accommodations
Main St., 0pp. suspension Bridge
For sale by
If A TSt
8 jLT-rr-; '