OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1907. THE HOUSEHOLD PAGE. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE LADIES SOLIC ITED FOR THIS DEPARTMENT. TELL YOUR VAL UABLE RECEIPTS, HOW YOU MAKE FANCY AR TICLES AtyD ABOUT THE DESIGNS AND CARE OF YOUR "ROSE GARDEN." GOOD THINGS TO EAT. Lady Baltimore Cake. One cupful of butter, Two cupfuls of sugar, Three and one-half cupfuls of flour, "Whites of six eggs, Two level spoonfuls of baking pow der, Teaspoonful of Rose Water. Mix as directed for White cake and bake In three layers, with this filling: Dissolve three cupfuls of granulated sugar in one cupful of boiling water, cook until it threads, then pour over the stiff beaten whites of three eggs stirring constantly. After this icing, one cupful chopped raisins (seedless), one cupful choppel nutmeats, pecanr preferred, five figs cut in thin strips. Ice and emboss top and sides. Devil's Food Cake. Two cups of A sugar. One-half cup of butter and lard, Two eggs. One teaspoon of cinnamon. One-half teaspoon of cloves. Three tablespoons of cocoa. One cup of buttermilk or sour cream, t One teaspoon of soda dissolved in the milk, Three cops of flour. Beat the eggs and sugar together then add the shortening and beat again, then add the rest and beat all together and bake in three layers in medium oven. Use chocolate iceing. Sugar Cookies. Two cups of granulated sugar, One cup of butter, One cup of milk, i arIte?y,gS8 wltb wh,te' j Tapioca Pudding. One teaspoon of soda, dissolved in ! Soak one cup of tapioca In one boiling water, quart of water over night. Then take Two teaspoons of baking powder, .one quart of water, two and one half Flour enough to make a soft dough, cups of brown sugar. Bake In a mod flavor with nutmeg and bake in a ;erate oven, when cool flavor with va- auick oven. KeeD in a vessel covered with a cloth to prevent drying out Lemon Cracker. Two cups of soft A sugar, One cup of lard. One pint new milk, Five cents worth of baker'a ammon ia, One tablespoon full of lemon es- sence. GET IT i we mm FREEt- ON 30 Save Her Time Save Her Health Save Her Weary Stepa Save Your Money Save Your Clothes Save Her Temper Save Her Complexion Fill in coupon and mail to tis The hen will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, absolutely free of charge CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY nsn-r-i Inn n A , . ... . y I C. G. Miller, Agent, Oregon City, Ore. Gentlempn You may deliver to me one Electric Flat iron, which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory to rae, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do not return it at that time you may charge same to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be made for the iron if I return it within 30 daya. Namo Address DEPT. O. C. IJTHE THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL OFFER APPLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT. jAvvvvWWVVVVV o Rest the sugar and lard together and add three well beaten eggs. Dis solve the ammonia In a little milk over night and use enough flour to make a stiff dough, work well with the hand, salt to suit taste then roll thin, cut in squares, pick with a fork and bake In a quick oven. Cool on a table or a board then place In a tin vessel with a tight fit ting lid to prevent thera from getting dry. Bread Dough Crullers. Mrs. L. H. Mowry sends Mrs. S McKee of Pikedale a recelpe bread dough crullers. for One pint yeast beer, One egg, Three-fourths cup of sugar. Shortening the size of a hen egg. Thicken the dough, roll one-half inch thick, cut In any shape desired. Then let raise until light, fry In hot lard and roll in pulverized or granu lated sugar. Cream Pie. For two pies take: Two large tablespoons of flour, sev- en tablespoons of granulated sugar. L..H i KJ- t.kA. ' ( mmer sue oi u ess. mix wiarr until It crumcH then add fou teacups of rich, cream and bake without up per crust. Peach Fritters. I Peel and cot In halves peaches not over-ripe. Sprinkle with sugar, then :roll in regular fritter batter, powder ed macaroons or fine stale cake crumbs. Fry in deep fat and drain and 'roll in powdered sugar. nllla. Baking Powder Biscuits. To one quart of flour add two rounding teaspoonfuls of baking pow der and a half teaspoonful of salt. i shortening. Add a cupful and a half jot milk, slowly take the mixture out on the boaiu, roli out. half an inch FOR HER. DAYS TRIAL M it a nnUf ED -AMD A MV aim a uu icosu.m w aa.i, . - -... ,..,, sift twice. Rub in quickly and thor-,gown '8 ,a Perfumed tablet which la ouehlv on re-n.l tabi. smxinfu' of carried in the pocket, Bllpped Into ougniy one rc-nd tau.o i-px nru oil nrHain an. '... , nv . In thickness, cnt with a small round 'cutler and place the biscuits In a 'baking pan sufficiently fur apart not (to touch each other. Ilrutih the top jof ench biscuit with milk, and bake In ' quick oven. Hl.O degrees Fahrenheit, jfor twenty minute. These shuold be brawn top and bottom, the Hides (crusted, but of a HOw color Have just as little center aa possible. The biscuits must be light, but simply two crust. Soft doughs produce Indiges tion. Cream Candy. Three cups of granulated sugar, One cup of glucose, One teaseoon vu m arable.. One half cup sweet milk. One teaspoonful of butter. Roil until It hardens when dropped In cold water. Pour on buttered ! plates to cool. Salmon Salad. Squeeze the liquid from one can of cin.n ft. lit trt n,u iin,,i,i ,, tnt.t... .spoon of butter, one egg. one-half cup l-'of sugar, one-half cup of vinegar. Bring this dressing to boll. After I mincing the salmon meat very fine land adding to It one cup cracker crumbs pour dressing over and gam- Ish It with hard boiled eggs. , rnn M.n Piri.1.. dieting that the whale would die. Canning Mango Pickles. Knpol,n,nt , ,h diversity at An Enterprise reader recommends 'Eugene now stands at the C70 mark, canning mango pickles for spring use !,) fw students are registering in the same manner as cucumber jPVery day. A number of old student pickles are put up. This keeps them wn &rv ol,t with surveying crews will more solid than when put down in !IK)t return to college until next month, vinegar In a crock. . jHnj tlt.rw WM good sired enter- Ing class for the opening of the sec Wild Grape Jelly. ;omt emester. Ikn fjve pounds of wild green I . . grapes wun two quarts or water one hour. Do not stir. Put a piece of flannel In a colander and a bowl un- week the Oregon & California Kail derneath; pour In the 4 apes, let I road Company has acquired or U them drain without disturbing the 'entitled to 4.214,850.28 acres of vol fruit. Measure the liquid. Allow for liable timber and agricultural land, each pint one pound of sugar. Re- under government grant, all of dure the grape Juice by boiling to one- which, with the exception of 1.710. 11 half. Remove all white scum. Add acres, for which patents have been la sugar and stir and boll five minutes, tsued, Is located within the state of Fill the Jelly Into glasses. Rub the Oregon. grape pulp left in the colander Aa a Wet ing held Saturday, l.lnn through a sieve and measure. Add-to Cunnty Council, Patrons of Husban each pint of pulp one pound of sugar, idry. passed a resolution offering a Doll and stir ten minutes, then fill the marmalade Into Jars. Heliotrope Sachet Powder. One pound of rose petals, one-half pound of tonka beans, two pounds of orris root, one fourth pound of vanll - la. two drams of musk and fifteen grains of oil of bitter almonds. Age improves all perfumes, especially if they are kept in the dark. A Bubstl- tute for perfumed sachets In the where. The only disadvantage Is that the perfume Is seldom delicate enough. A strong odor of musk Is frightfully unpleasant The woman whn ..... .imno u. i,.,,. 'so acustomed to them that she does not know when she has used too much, Lewia Lye Soap. To five gallons of rain water add Two pounds of rosin, Three boxes of Lewis lye, . two One bucket of grease. Roil hours. ley-car Monday morning. He suffer . How to Whiten Yellow Silk. with frequent convulsions, and his rc When either white silk fabric or .covery Is very doubiful. Mr. Collins embroidery has become yellow from ;w,nt to Portland to attend the ses careless washing It may be bleached 'll'' f,f the Federal Court, ho having in the following manner: Dissolve two lounces each of salt and oxalic add In Islx quarts of cold water. Soak the 'Bilk In this until the yellow tinge dls- 'appears. This will take about an jhour In ordinary cases. Immediately rinse in several clear waters to re- move everv trace of the arid. Sweet Pea Fans owe" t . A late summer fashion Is the sweet pea fan for bridesmaids. The early autumn weddings win bring them in- to full vogue. These fans are to take ym. c (1 urn m.uwrr iMJuqutu, which Is often carried out In these favorite flowers. The smart girls at summer dances carry these fans. and they will produce a pretty lively I breeze, odd as it may seem. I Care of Children's Teeth. Children's teeth seldom are lven the proper care and attention. Every child should be taken to the dentist at least three or four times a year If a black spot appears on a tooth, no matter how tin if mv w it once should be placed under the dent-'t , lst'a care. Notes. Youcan t ove a tough girl tenderly jMont , ftm, Hnct, th(r) a Clean oilcloth with a woolen cloth !coni),1(.ra),ie panning has been made moistened with turpentine. This, as from fne Kravp ,, an(1 an(1 alway() with a carpet, is preferable to am- !geveral KoJ, coorg were found In each mo. ' j , . , , , , . I pan. Mr. Montgomery says they have A good mouth wash is made by put- ha(, chlckcn m,ar)y evfry nu.ai Klnce ting a few drops of peroxide of hy- :b t no more ,,, nft8 ,,,,,. fmind ,n drogen In a glass of water. Rinse the ;th , gIzzar(lH. mouth well and It always will bei , . , . . mo ,,. sweet and clean. A, CHW, '""KlitK to a man named To brighten a faded carpet sweep 'Soetey. living four ml n"rt n ( with a broom dipped In turpentine wa- iyallls, fell into a well that Is thirty o .,i,in,..nf,,i un,r I feet deep. Water broke the cows v. f u. moo now-niim nan t JJOIII 111 iof water. Shako the broom well to j remove all surplus moisture. The ef feet is no better than with ammonia land water, but it is more lasting. There are more women cashiers than men. Tho universal stores and .shops of almost every kind employ j women to handle their receipts and to Iglve change. Yet, says a London pa- per, there were a hundred cases of 'men cashiers stealing it) one case j where a woman cashier took her em ployer's money. Kvery one knows how hard It is to iturn a narrow and perfectly even hem jon a table napkin. Put the hemmer 'attachment on the sewing machine, but do not use thread. Just run the j napkins through the hemmer without j sewing them and they are creased I as narrow as desired, and they are all ready for hand sewing. It is a well know fact that persons living in the Pine forests do not suf fer from kidney diseases. One dose of Pinnies' at night usually relieves jbackache. 30 days' treatment, $1.00. iYour money refunded tf not- satisfied. Sol(1 by Huntlcy .Iir STATE NEWS. A dispatch from Forest Grove says: Pacific I'nlverslty students and cttl sen of Forest Grove are Indignant over the action of Portland High School students who went to the con fectionary store of Oscar Unldwln on their way to the depot after n football game here and secured candy and re freshments which It Is alleged they did not pay for. Honore Palmer and his niother.Mrs, Potter Pnlnier, the social leader of Chicago, spent several days last week at Med ford. White there Mr, Palmer purchased the Alfred Weeks proper- ty, two miles south of Medford. lie has arranged to erect a largo resi lience ami live a part of ench year i thereon. The land purchased con- slsts of 100 acres, for which Mr. Palm- ,,r I"11'' ;lr' nn , . Another large whale, about the slue ,f the une washed up on the Netarts My f'w ; a P ; ho wt7ttn J1"1 ,f Hayoeean Park i" "' - I"""'1' ' leviathan a steamer :,m ln, l"n with when she ran j'" wbiwl t shales off the const about two weeks ago, the officers pre- According to a report mude to the ... . Oregon railroad commission and giv en to the papers for publication lust reward of J 50 to any one who would give Information leading to a convic tion for violation of the local option liquor law In Linn county. This Is ,!ho "f"1 tlm 8 1rt,ar,i thU k,m' !!,a!, bw',n 0,Iert'1 nC ,he ('mn,y lWtn,t l,.ry mor than a year ago, conference was held In Astoria tjuesday between William H-KI. of .rtlaiul. Oregon, beacoast Hallway jCompany. and the executive commit if" ,f th0 Ast,,rl1 haraber f toM: merce to arrange Tor securing me f ,h , , OI 1 . . t- VL Uwls and Clark River to the Neha- lem river and thence to Portland. Senator Pultoa has received an In vitation to deliver an address on the 'Initiative and Referendum" before .the American Political Association. ivvhlr.h m't:'8 l Ma,(ll,,,,n- W!H: n.J if'-mwr i. i no nenau.r u m he will be unable to accept the Invl- tatlon as he will be busy In Washing ton at thj time. . Alexander Collin, a well known farmer of Suver, Polk county, lies at the point of death In St. Vincent a Hospital, as a result of a fractured skull, received by falling from a trol- ;b,,n calle" B a Juryman, The Oregon Railroad Commission ivislted Airlle and Suver, on the West jSlde branch of the Southern Pacific, , i'l county, where hearings were MM upon complaints by shippers against mo company, m imw ..... (company agreed to build a depot and Istock yards as desired, so the pro- ceedlngs were dismissed. Soldiers from Fort Walla Walla are '.COuring the country looking for a trooI),.r narm Robinson, who desert- e(1 tlw Hi.rvU- with two nun under :arrftst Troopers Palmer and Hockman. ; wh(,m ilP jl(1 ul)(..r guard. It IS 'thought the three are In hiding near 'Fr(,Pwa.r fr thr.y w,.re last seen iabo0t two mlt,8 rom that pac,.. n,H.c ', ,i.Sf-rt,.! (.np hefore and Is known BH a pm mst, Mrs, Francis E. Fonts died at her (home In McMlnniviiie uiursnny nimu. j0ctu,?r, 3' fafu:rhoa !ln,'MM "f I "ra!g!a of the acl h. Mrs j01"? waH an M ,Vneru ,hat co"nty an'' WBS aKwl f a,rH; ar L Montgomery s Ranch Hotel, near 'Eugene, is situated near the banks of the McKenxle. A few days ago while the cook was dressing a chicken she ,took from Its gi.ard a pure gold nug- get weighing over o0 cents. There Is !a .....all f.rr,.lr i-ltr. n I ri tr tht-fi.ltrh t h )( - i fall and when she was hoisted up with a block and tackle she at once Pr1('l ' Kraz(!- ow wa9 ln th0 well three hours. Mr. Lisle, near laurel wood, sue- 'ceeded in growing a second crop of j potatoes on his lots this season, some 'of which measured over six Inches 'long and over two inches in inamerer The Klamath county fair has been postponed for two weeks, It will be held October 17, 18 and 19. Wm. 8. Barstow, head of a New York engineering firm, which Is building tho Oregon Electric Railway line between Portland and Salem, says cars will be operating between tho two cities by December 1. The principals of the high schools of Western Oregon met at the Eugene high school Saturday afternoon tore organi.e and discuss details of tho Western Oregon high school athletic association, Duerst Tiros., of McMinnville, have sold two of their best Cotswold ewes to Hector Bros., of Albany. Messrs. Duerst received first and second pre miums on their sheep at the recent Oregon State Fair. "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE" u u It Costs Less to Fill Small Cavities And the pain of having one filled is less also. Save money, pain and your teeth. Consult us when you discover the first break. Plates $5. Crowns and Bridge-work $5, Painless Extracting, and fret when plates ara ordered. Tn-year guarantee with all work, OREGON DENTAL PARLORS Over Harding's Dreg Store and Postofflce. One of the hardest rain storms often seen recently visited Forest Grove, and at times the streets hsiked as If a water spout had struck them. Thero was considerable hall with the rsln and In front of Marsh Hall, where It ran off the roof, there was several Inches piled up after the storm had passed. I'nder the recent tax levy made for State purposes the county of Clark will be called upon to pay Into il." State treasury the amount of H'J.iX'. an Increase of $12,000 over last year. Tho Stale levy Is largely Increased this year In order to meet the larite expenditures of the lust leKlslatuie The total amount to be raised by tno'to Salem. State Is $3,8:i,J,67fi. F. F. Weavers, who owns a flvoacr A notice from the Forestry Service tract In Henton county, across tho of the Department of Agriculture says that Oregon's share of the receipts from Forest Reserves In this stale for the past year Is approximately $1.1,980 h!. the total receipts having been 1139.80X 91 and, under an act of 1907. Oregon will receive 10 per cent of that amount. The money Is to bo used for public sc hool and rouil building purposes In the counties In which the Forest Reserves lie. Hlrch & Jacol.sen have been award- ed tho contract for the construction of a wireless telegraph station and tower for the t'nlted Wireless Tele - graph Company, on tho hill south of Astoria. Work on the erection of the station was commenced last wetk, The Congregational Association for Oregon will meet at the First church In Salem on the 17th. It will be a ses sion of three days. Great Itrttlan's Importation of ap ides has reached 9.0oo,owi barrels a vear of which oee -half Is from the I nlted States of America. It Is suld j Tel graph Company's ofTU-e In this, the favorite apples of Old England , city, Mr. Phillips was formerly man are those that are raised In Oregon-- ager of tho Pacific Telephone & Tele our Yellow Newtons, .Spluetiburg. 'graph Company's local office, and left Northern Spy and the wonderful IIh- i to go to th II. une Company several nana bring higher prices In F.ngland .months ago. Ho superintended the than apples raised In any other section 'construction of the new system of tho of tho t'nlted States. If we had the Pacific Slates Company, and last week acerago this State would be receiving be suddenly left the rlty without notl about fifty million dollars of Hrltlsh j fylng his employers, and hli family gold annually for Its apple crop. ! followed a few days later. It was re One of the largeat chicken hawks j ported that Phillips had gone to So ever killed In this section was, shot attl.j. No reason for Mr. Phillips' de Saturday by Willie Fry. near Hul-! partuie Is known. bard. The bird measured four feet I from the tip of Its wings, and had talons like an engte. H had done much damage and the young lad whs watching for It. Andrew Quail's barn near Silverton was destroyed by fire last week. Six- " " J" " ty tons of hay and winter's feed also " -n'. tatrlny '""' Tho burned. Origin of fire unknown, in- ?.rKtt,,,,'a, .?H n''( U'' ! ,h "l',c" surance. f200. U'n !' r M"r "'T' "f 3?,,,,1'!1 Vt" Ohllng & Taylor lust week started lUt; u' ,uf' ,,f the first disc gang plow to running In ""''"J': I'rlnWpnlr Raker, of ltoMe, Linn county, on the farm of Ilert ,,np. '''' vlcpresldent. and A. M. Sand er, of Tangent. With his traction en- . --r. It was nr glno he pulled a Lacrosse plow, con- '.""f,"' . . slstlngof two gHngsof four discs each. ' "Ih ln '!'' U ,kl",wn ..... .. . - ..f.tho league, which consists of Kugenu. - B OI1K ll lll ll enmei ll.u.l a ne" " horses ran draw a common plow, thus making eight "furrows at a time. Twenty acres a day can be plowed Twenty acre easily. Mrs. Lizzie roughen, formerly post mistress at Gold Reach, was fined $-5 by Judgo Wolverton In the Federal Court lust week. The charge against Mrs. Coughell was that of opening letters sent to her office addressed to other persons. According to a new ruling or the Indian Department meh who lease Indian lands must live on tho lands jof the arrangements for the big cele aud farm them personally. This will juration. Washington and Oregon will mean that tho big wheat kings of the work hand In hand to persuade tho Umatilla Reservation cannot renew 'first citizen of the lnnd to bo here next present leases. lJune, and both Seattle and Portland Eugene Is to vole October 15 on the t desire the presence of the great fleet proposition to Issue $1100.000 bonds (of warships, in Evans' . command, for the erection of a new water sys-1 which will be on the Pacific Coast by tern for that city. 'tho summer of 1908. We have a buyer for timber lands and for two ten acre tracts. We have for sale some fine river front properties. Have made some nice additions to our list in last few days. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. 606 MAIN STREET This is gospel truth when applied to the care of teeth. A small orifice today becomes treble in size in a few days, or weeks; and in cases where it lays the nerve bare often causes untold suffering. Two strangers riding along tho road near Corvallls shot a chicken and picking It up went on their way. Tho owner telephoned to a constable a few miles ahead and the parties wero arrested and paid l-,U to secure their liberty. Henry II. N'lchols. who as a deletsattt from (teuton county was the lrt signer of IIih Oregon statu constitu tion, died In Salem Thursday, aged 83 years. lereaei was bora In Lime, Conn., In lsjl. and came to Oregon In s:,i. He settled at Mnnro, Denton county, and there mado his home un til recent years, when he moved U ConsUI. About a year kko he move 1 river from Albany, has jooo .li j Rock chickens which he has raised ;slnre starting into the poultry l.usi- ness less than a year k. Mr Ha vers raises poultry on a scientific bas is and says he has little trouble In keeping his poultry In r. health. "Hero's consistency for you: The State Fair munaKotuetit stopped tho selling of pools at the rare track, say ing It was done to lend a mm o ino.sl tone to the fair, but they allowed Uq- juor to be sold on the ground, and a 'great long bar, with elwht to ten ba. Slenders was running day and night, The bsr did the biggest business of .any concession on the grounds. I Aurora lioreall. WHAT WAS THE MATTER? Tim Telegram of Monday says: Much rpeculMiloii Is Indulged In as to the whereabout of L. L. I'llllJIpS, i manager of the Home Telephone &. Football in Willamette Valley. Tin' Wstern Oregon lnlerscholas tic Athletic League whs orgaiil.ed at a meet lug of the principals of several -..i .1... ti-m... iu.i, ... .,, ,r, ,., 11 " A""ny-r rh" ''''"''" f K K '1' ?: 1 ""A,;,,,K"m;; N,,v",nr r 'R?r ..A,,,anfc"K,,nr.'. Nf- vember 10, at Albany; Salem-Albany, October 20, at Salem, Roosevelt May Visit Rose 8how. Official Invitations to President Roosevelt and Admiral Robley T. IOvbiis to attend the Portluud Roso Festival. June 2 7, 19oH, are now being prepared by the executive commltteo of tho association, which has chargo OREGON CITY.