OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1907. CI si elk sunn :AND: Coo AT Nat great Reiss Carnival One-Ring Circus Contortionists, Horizontal Bar and Trapese Artists, Musical Acts, Dixieland on old-time Mississippi Steam boat, Ferris Wheel, Baby Incubators, Merry-go-round, Glass Blowers, and many other high class attractions. V ' . V' W:, I v ; '" , i ' . - M ' A " " ;' r - : ' ' '' . ' ft. ' , . -ctr-Tss' -'r. Gladstone Park Oregon City Thurs., Friday and Saturday Oct, 10, 111 11,(0) flD Premium List Cash Prises and Special Pre miums for Stock exhibits, etc GATES OPEN DAY AND EVENING. COME AND BRING YOUR FAMILY! Admission, 25 cents Children, JO cents Season tickets, 50 cents. SATURDAY IS CHILDREN'S DAY ADMISSION FREE! Read the Papers for Detailed Information. Apply to C. E. SPENCE, Secretary, Oregon City, for Premium List oost for lacbias and Attend the Fair Next Week THE COURTS j Charge tarty with Fraud. The Clackamas Mining & Milling Company has filed a suit against Charles A. Early, foreman of the Ogle Mountain Mining Company for $5k0 damages. It is stated that Early, as serting title to the claims of the plain tiff company to himself, by threats of bodily harm and force cf arms, eject ed the employes of the company and began to take valuable gold ore from the mine, preventing the company from doing the labor required by law. Judge McBride has signed an order restraining Early from continuing his Interference. The Clackamas Mining & Milling Company represent that it has been the owner of the Elkhorn mine in Mineral Mountain, South Mo lalla and Ogle Mountain mining dis tricts since May 2, 1902. and has had possession since that time. Pulls In the Latch String. Mrs. Pearl Ritter wants a leeal sep aration from her husband, Nicholas Ritter. The couple were married in Multnomah county, and the wife has considerable property in her own name. This the court has ordered shall not be disturbed while the case is in progress, and defendant has been ordered to keep away from and re frain from annoying the plaintiff. The main charge is drunkeness. The couple have one son, aged 5 years, named Harold. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mrs. Sinclair and son Leonard are on a visit to friends in Kansas and Missouri. They expect to spend the winter there. Mrs. Malloy was quite poorly for a Jfew days back. John AV. May, of Aberdeen, Wa-ih., was visiting for a few days. I Mr. Dorsey has newly furnished his home here. j Mrs. Jennie May, of Portland, was a jguest last week of Rev. Malloy. Mr. and Mrs. Ott are proud of a (young son that arrived Friday, Sept. 27. Elmer Dixon has left on his rounds of the poultry shows as Judge. He will attend a show in California firft. I J. M. Heckert. from California, is ihere for the winter in the interests of the Ogle Mountain Mining Co. Mrs. Grace Ely is entertaining a I cousin from Iowa. I Mr. and Mrs. Wiley ". May cele brated their fiftieth wedding anni versary October 1. Children and the jgrandchildren joined in making the (occasion one of pleasure to the old l couple. i Mrs. Matchett Brown was a euost 'at the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Gladden, of Sell wood, Sunday. Rev. J. R. Landsborough assisted Sunday in re-organizing the Mountain iew Sunday school. The new offi icer3 are Mrs. Skinner superintendent, Mrs. Grace Ely assistant superintend ent, Mrs. S. A. Giilett secretary and I The Clear Creek Creamery turned I power to name the teachers. PERSONALS -o Mr. Allen Adams has entered Pa cific University at Forest Grove. Miss Vara Caufleld visited frivnds jover Sunday in Portland. Pitnnfi' .lil.lir ntmifl; Af f fritlfrl a road meeting at Garfield on Tuesday. , ian nr l"Ty "I1!1 at th.-lr bi.mo Mr. and Mrs. John Albright are vUlt Ing friends In this city. Mr, and Mrs. I. F. Hurst, who were on their way to their tumio In I.os Angeles after a pleasant trip to Chi cago, were guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Warner, of Mount Plaesant. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robertson en tertained members of the Presbyter Night Officer Shaw is back on duty n ho nlll Th affair was Informal after his summer vacation of two wun a" "J"y"e evening lor tnose weeks : present Mrs.' C. L. Latourette and little son I -M"- S: S- N,I of Onon City, left this morning for a visit In Oregon 'w,ho baa bep" " relatives In this City. Capital Journal, Salem. f city, returned to her home this morn- Mm nmr p fnrrv ah fcaa h,.n :'"? She recently arrived from Hun In the hospital at Portland, arrived F""'1. where she visited for home Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Soule, of eral weeks Capital Journal. Salem. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Harding. I Portland, were Sunday guests at'the'who have b?n "doing" the East for jhome of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Osmund. ,l,('v'ral wk8 were enjoying thni- Mrs. Wm. Myers and George Cofc. "y'Vu 81 ""nL?1 v - ,no nm yers. of Portland, were Sunday guests ?,f thp, wf,''k- Th,,y eci to arrive at the home of Mr. Chas. Albright. "e abo,lttwo, Mr. George Randall, of Oregon City. Annie Shannon are home from a pleas-. ar,rlv(;'1 ,n Sal,'m t,(la)r f, visit with I ant visit with friends at Vancouver, Mr. Elmer Dixon is attending friends and transact buslnenn, W Is ft i"i iiivi nLtj'ii-iiL ui UlUllieilt? t . Ill' poultry show at Spokane, where he I vf,y- a"'1 ,h n,an fr,,nrt tnls 'acts in the capacity of judge. iclty -Capital Journal, Kalem. Miss Ella Shaver visited Oregon L Ms- J ( 7Anf arrived home the 'Citv friends Friday whilH on hor wav first of ,he M'k Pck the house- Notes Celia Etta Garven has filed a suit against V. H. Garven to recover 300 on a promissory note executed in San Jose, Cal., July 5, 1904. An attach ment has been levied against the prop erty of Garven. Mary Sarah Bennett, whose mother resides in Portland ,was yesterday legally adopted In the county court by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Miller. The child is aged 4 months, and her name was ordered changed to Miller. Advertisement for Hood River Apples. The order from the Chinese govern ment for ten boxes of Hood River ap ples to be placed on display at an ex hibit to be made at Pekin this winter would seem to indicate that the long talked of awakening of China has ar rived. However, it appears that China has been supplied heretofore with Japanese apples, and having de veloped an appetite for the fruit that is supposed to symbolize man's fall from grace, wants a change. The Japanese fruit is said to resemble its native sons, being both small and brown, and to have become particu larly unpalatable to the residents of the Flowery Kingdom since the con quests of its smaller but more enter prising and energetic neighbor. Let us hope that the flavor of American fruit will create as fervid desire for more as did the poor house gruel to Oliver Twist, and that the countless millions of China will soon be munch ing them. Better Fruit. DEATHS. MASON At the home of its parents in this city, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mason, October 2, 1907, Henry C. Mason, aged 3 months. NICHOLSON At her home near Bar low, September 21, 1907, Mrs. J. C. Nicholson, at an advanced age. SHORTLIDGE At his home in Ore gon City, September 27, 1907, at the age of 72 years, Jesse Shortlldge. MARTIN At Nome in the early days of September, E. F. Martin, aged about CO years. itr. Qtion.i th n, foi. o f,.tn ;noi(i eirerts and nas since moved them Miss Anna Hosey. who has been '"IC fa ln f"'k wnty. where they visiting her sister for the past month w 1 ' .rt'l(le- A boHt of frl'"n,,;1 al at Chenowlth, Wash., has returned ",h tf B"e Mr"; zlnK,r an,) h,;r 'anlly home leave Oregon City. Mr.' and Mrs. Charts Latourette, of! M,r- w v,r- at one tlm nuporln Salem. are visiting friends ln this city i1"""1 "hw! In Oregon City, guests of Mrs. Norrls on Twelfth i, h'f wlfe arHl '"Khter, are home street iirom Alaska after a stay In that cold Mrs. May Mills and son, Glen, re-!counAry1 "f flv,e, earH' They will take turned to Oregon City yesterday after "P their residence at Green Point, a visit with friends In this clty.-8a- lhtLlr J h"m; ; , lem Statesman 1 1 r 1 "Hard, of Marcola, and Captain J. T. Apperson, of Oregon br,,le ar,r'y!'1 last night from City, spent some time In the city with 1";B?n t,tyr"n thelr way t0 the Haw relatives this week and attended the lmlH !wn- Th''v were married at Ore- fair. McMlnnvllIe Register. !fff,nc,t'r a f"w (a aK0- MrH- , . . . , ilard s name was Miss Giissle Randall, In n; r, V ett"rne:1,t hr hvme a rMCnt Krn,lllat of Wl'lamete Uni: in Oregon City last evening after hav- verslty Eugene Dallv Guard ing spent several weeks picking hops y' U "a"y (,"ar"- near Salem.-Salem Statesman. . 0. F. Wilbur Is something of a sat Miss Sarah Morley, who has been llrlst and when he " takes his pen In the guest of Mrs. F. L. McKimsey of ,hand" continues to sling Ink until the una ciiy, nas returned to ner nome in bare spots show In bold relief. A "The only rival to Santa C!aus In the hearts and mln.U of tt, children." Coming with Banners Flying Glorious Revels In FairylandWon derland Transplanted Two Bfg Overwhelming GENTRY Performances Rain or Shine at OREGON CITY, SAT., OCT. 12 Rarest and Most Remarkable Exhibition of all Times Geaitry Bros FAMOUS SHOWS UNITED THE WORLD'S BEST TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION Twice Bigger and Better than Ever Before, Royally and Radlently Rein forced by the Original Historic - MRS. GEN. TOM THUMB (Now the Countess Magrl) together with tho Count and Huron Magrl, the Royal Twin Italian Lilliputians, comprising the world's Smallest living Family. DAN PATCH (1:55) marvelously reproduced, break ing World's Record by 28oo miracu lous moving pictures. BIRTHS. BOY To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barnes, of Hood View, September 24, 1907, a son. GIRL To Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tooze of Hood View, September 21, 1907, a daughter. GIRL To Mr. and Mrs. Hofstetter, a daughter. MARRIAGES. TELFORD-LUTZ At the home of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Lutz, In Falls View, September 29, 1907, Maxwell D. Telford of Canemah and Miss Ella Margretta Lutz, Rev. J. R. Landsborough officiating. PETERS-BYROADS Wednesday, October 2, 1907, Captain G. W. Peters of Portland, and Mrs. Anna Byroads, of Forest Grove, Judge G. B. Dimick officiating. Oregon City. Salem Statesman. Miss Mary Sunderland of Sheridan Is attending school in this city and United States deputy marshal last week asked for the loan of his wheel and after knocking about five dollars living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. !f"t of the wheel gave Wilbur 25 cents. A. Nash. This led .Mr. Wilbur to sit down and Mrs. M. G. Cleaver, who visited wrl,e to the dpP,'ty' chief and tell of city last week has left lUl(L &eroHlty" by which he had friends in this city last week has left for North Bend, where she went to join Mr. Cleaver. Mrs. Roy McFarland, of San Jose, Cal., and Miss Maud Cleaver of Leb anon, are visiting their brother In this city, Superintendent McKee. Miss Myrtle Martin, who was elect ed teacher of the Mount Pleasant schools, has decided to teach at Hub- suffered. What the bill of expense was which the said deputy turned In to his chief the letter from Mr. Wilbur Is likely to bring forth. " Pompeii, the new town platted on the site of the Government camp at Mount Hood, Is said to have a sawmill and a boom. A number of Oregon City bard, and so informed the M,,rnt ther? ?.n.'i Pleasant school officials. C ' "u,,u , ' , couaf? n ln's r di . L, . hew sawmill, being erected by O, C. sleJ?ht RaI)h M'l'an. David fYocum, Is to provide lumber for cot McMillan, Marshall Lazelle, John Han- jtage purposes. It is predicted that ny, Lester Marrs and Joo Ganong Pompeii will become a famous sum have returned to Corvallis, to resume mer resort within a few years, and the r work at the Oregon Agricultural many Oregon City people are getting Lollege- " I In on the ground floor. MILLE MABLE, youngest, sweetest. prettiest of all animal trainers, with her troupe of trained dogs, eyclo rid ing monkeys and rope walking ba boons "Darktown" and his Famous Mule "Ginger" Just Added, "OKLAHOMA" the dearest, cutest and only Babv Camel In America, (born in Norman, Okalhoma, April 19), and 50 other new and entrancing features Including Prof. Crigler's Splendid Military Bund. 300 Ultra Marvelous Animal Actora Equities, Canines, Monkeys, Goata, Pigs, Sheep, and Elephants, that charm, thrill and da..le by their al most human Intelligence. 50 Beautiful Ponies In one act 50 THE B PEERLESS PETITS America's foremost acrobats, THE 5 LANDAUER8 In Magnificent Poslngs of Ancient and Modern Statuary The Cleanest and Absolutely the Best Tented Exhibition in the World The Children's Perennial Favorite. Sights, Scenes and Sensations that nowhere else can be seen. The Greatest Ever. Absolutely Unique, Unpar alelled and Unapproachable. " PEERLESS AND POETIC STREET PAGEANT Unfolding to Public View all tho Vast, Varied, Picturesque and Fairyland Processional Resources of Gentry Brothers' Tented Establishments. Parade Starts from the Exhibition Grounds Promptly at 10 A. M.