CITY ENTERPRISE THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR No. 43. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1907. ESTABLISHED 1868. OB GIN THE FAIR AT ' GLADSTONE ARRANGEMENTS PERFECTED FOR A GOOD EXHIBIT AND A GOOD TIME REISS GRAND CARNIVAL Ball Campus to ba Given Ovtr to Pop ular Carnival Entertainment Company That Will Make Good Fun Clackamas fount y'M first annual Full', which will hit held In tJludxtone I'urk, Thursday, Friday mid Haturday, October in, 11 mid 12, Is attracting attention from every part of Clacka mas, mid from Multnomah mid Marlon a numerous variety of tricks. Two of tin) (Iokm will give a boxing' xhlbl flin that la truly remarkable. Tho Hnillcf.tR ftlslnra, contortionists, and the SinlMta lii'iM., horizontal bur and trapese artists, will bo the chief at traction In tho circus programme. Ferella, In the aerial trapeze, musical act, gives one of the most skillful ex hibitions of the kind. Roars of ImiKhtetr aro always caused by tho troupe of dv very humorous clowtiM who etiiertulri in audience dtirlnx Hi" Intervals between thH main IterriH n the programme. Besides the altractlims put up at the citrus, iln visitors to tin Cam! vnl are entertained with Ulxleland, where u larite (roup of very comical neitro minstrel entertain the audi vticex with a dejection of old South fin plantation melodies and a realls tie performance of huppcnliiKs on the iddllmi' Mlstflsslppl steamboat. Among the other attraction at the Carnival aro the, Ferrla wheel, the merry-go-round, the glass blowers, where the iniiiiufucture of all Mm! a of kIuhm articles la practically demon strated to the visitor by the workera; Ak'. a ahow where th audience la treated to a wonderful hypnotic per- CHARTER APPROVED COUNCIL MEETS AND PASSES LEGISLATION NECE88ARY TO SUBMISSION TO PEOPLE - CITY MAY OWN UTILITIES o o () o o o 0 Q O Next Week the County Pair What Will You Wear? $100,000 In Bonds to Refund Pretent Floating Debt Bonds to be , Issued In Popular De- , nominations. Council met In special session Mon day evening to consider the new donated by the merchant of Oregon j "" " ur,K.,n vai ....... ter Power & Hallway Company to run , 17 inn i ...r inn -" - car from Oludxtone Htatloi, rluht Into .n.-ri, .n ,.. r... ;,, Kro,U am, ,n ,rI1HIMirtal n embracing horses, cattle, sheep ana ,.,, , . ,,,.,. . ,. icl(ir Campbell sum-xted o o foi'lliance. the exeunt from Si! ml- KIiii? .y , .. ,.,orH, n.e u. oilttrt,.r whrh tn charter Commls- wlierw a litKb-cIiiHH vaudeville per- , ,, formaline la Riven. beside other aide '" " l,,,,'n woi kfiK on so Indtmrl Mtowa and places of Interest. Ounly for aeveral weeks pant. Three This year's Fair la only a forerun- i membera assembled at the antiolnted an well, This la to be the first fes- tier of what In to come In followliiK !tlrnf but thoKe present wr deter tlval of this kind ever held In old ' ',"ir1H' " n.any exhibits are promised ; f ( ,!, vr(m cIiikhi h and the ). of . ,r ""u ,4""ul" quorum lackamaa. and the members of th"!,h4, ,ir.,.,mK h attrartliiK many land the jKillce and friends made a various fommlttr-es ar working over- Krowers and breeders. Tho Carnival jaklrmlsh which resulted In rounding time to k t the urouiids In shape In ; feature Is aomethlriK tliat Is not uaunl-lin ,,, refnilred number the brief time that remains. Th(, ,,re-j 'Xlven t County Fairs. The pre-, ,r Cail,e!d Recorder Dlmlck. ... 'mluiu lint are now ready and may be j 'r v """ 1 1 i'ui.. mluni list iontlniii's to grow and In ad- .,, ,,,, nll,,,.ttlln , t,: Hpence, j Councilman Williams, Knapp, Andre- ulllon to the ciiHh prizes, mat aKrfrts- (Hc. retary of the Fair Association, at am, Metre! and Meyers answered at Katu Htm, there aru many premiums , Oregon City. Special ttrrariKements ro ra, amj (.olln.Iman ilgas came In later. The first business In order was tho reading of the charter. City Pruse- 'cutor Canmbell aueueHted that , the swine, poultry, vegetables, fruit, farm !,.... ,h .,.., , charter be offered for armroval in products, flowers, sewliiic and fancy j The annual CranK" Fairs will lie a "ir,,' chapters, that the different work, domestic prM-ess, pickles and K()lir(. (lf ni,,,,,,,,.,, t ,t) Countv 'items of special Interest mlKht be amices works of art and ornameiita-j Far f)f hll wlll voted on separately, and by unanl- tlon. domesilo process for Mrls und-r lranMfl.rrw, t() Oadntone Park. M.v nw vote accepted the plan. 15 years of ae. fancy work fop k rU 1ft ,;,. K(lr ,K)k gpw , . E fc , ( u under 15 years o aK" minerals, doKs. Mllw81lUtl., , ,)(.,n(? Ivl.n a (i,HPUHSon wHn .tt.Kne0 to t.raiiK" and tlio uau Know. i)n Thl,rMt,Iiy( yrMny and Saturday of nformltii? the Council thoroughly on Th" construction of stalls, pens and this week and Maple Une (iranite i the projstsed changes, and by unanl: liisdhs for the exhibits Is now In i Fair will take place Saturday of thlsjmous vote Council approved and pas proiirexs and, there will be ainpU' leek. The Fair of Abernethy Cranite Ued the charter and urovided that It apace to house all of the displays of-iWm nt be held until next month. be submitted to tho people for their acceptance or rejection at the election In December. The principal Items In which changes occur have reference to the power of the city to build and operate, lease or otherwise maintain, auch put He utilities as a lighting plant, public wharf ktreel rnllunv etc, AIko nro- vldes for the Improvlm? of streets, ;etc. In districts, according to beneflf? i f ariTnlnif I'errnlts th Isune rif . iW ooil of 5 per cent bonds with which to redeem the city's present floating in debtedness, with the proviso that from the first of the year Council may not go Into debt without tirst securing the permission of the people by ll Q splendid service and keep on looking well. X 1 v M .1 I NEW RAILROAD TO SALT LAKE CITY BELIEVED MT. HOOD ELECTRIC IS PART OF NEW SYSTEM TO CONNECT UP PORTLAND. There Is abundant reason to believe ,dcct vote, but must keep within the that Portland and Salt Lake City &r ; appropriations and tliose approprla: soon to be connected by a new link In tlons must he within the levy; the a transcontinental railroad chain. Jevy, too, being specified in the char Concealed behind the seemingly local ter. And these bonds are to be Issued electric line enterprise of the Mount In sums of 100 or upwards, placing llisid Hallway & Power Company are jthO' debt In popular form so that the sidd to be the matured (dans for tU, 'people of Oregon City may benefit as o D O O There 11 be big crowds, of course. And you'll meet nearly all your friends O O that live within a few hours journey. ., Q 0 ' You'll want to see them well-dressed and they'll be making a close in- 0 0 spection of your clothes. O What will you wear? Why not settle the problem by wearing a 1 "Palmer CSarmesvi" 1 0 : o o 0 Then you'll be absolutely sure of the correct style and the garment will give you Q O O O O O a a o d- o o a a o o o o o a o o o o o a o o a o o o a a o o a o o MM Ik t S i Am i i Wm o O f 8 Lo o i If you'll buy a garment here you'll have cause to be thankful, because we provide you only with Garments of Quality No matter what you pay for a "Palme Gatment" you'll get a big value and practice genuine econ omy. For a "cheap" garment is almost always dear. Now, this week preced ing the County Fair, we shall make special in ducements on garments, and in every case we'll Guarantee Satisfaction ADA MS Mr. Nat Relit. fered. The gates to the Fair will bo opened on Thursday morning of next week. The admission lias been fixed Salt Lake project, backed by the mil lions of Senator V. A. Clark and his associate Interests. With secrecy that smacka of the previous conquests of tleorge (.Sou Id, much as Is possible by their own bond issue. Council referred the charter as agreed upon to a committee of three Andresen, Meyers and Campbell but which. It Is believed by persons fr engrossment and publication ac; well advised. I:i In reality the linking 'cording to tho several amendments of the Rock Island system and the and changes as agreed to. at 25 cents, with a rate of 10 cents tojMoffatt Rallrond between Denver and) Council ordered that the broken children under 12 years of age. Sea-; salt Lake City, the plans for tho new 'sidewalk on Seventh street between tickets for the Fair will be M) cents, i mad into Portland have been practi-lMaln and the S. P. depot, on the Saturday, the last day of the Fair, rally completed. Though It has been 'property of Mrs. Welch and the M. K. will he Children's Day. and all chll- denied and will be denied again. 11 Ichurch be replaced with a cement dren under 12 years of age will be ad- can bo asserted with confidence that ntlt tti.l tt ttfittittilu fsi.ii on (hal day. The Nat Ilelss Carnival Company lias been engaged to furnish Its pro ductions at the Clackamas County Fair, and this will be the means of at tracting thousands of people during the three duys. In fact preparations are being made for the entertainment of 15,000 visitors at Gladstone Park the latter part of next week. The main feature of the attraction is the big one-ring circus. Madame Wanda'a troupe of trained English conch dogs will give an exhibition of almost hu man Intelligence, being put through the site of tho Inman & Poulsen Lum ber Company yards and docks be tween East Sherman and East Caruth ers streets will be the water front tor- walk Ordered that a cement walk six feet wide be constructed on Water street, from Eighth street to Fourth, on the property lino and according to grade minus of the new lino and that It will ,,t street enter Portland over a route lying .,., r,iorAfi ,04 through and across the Ladd farm. Practically all of tho details for the entrance of the road to the city over that route have been concluded and I. -I I . . n V" . mciinw .no ..k nee ,,K !.. ;out a fire hydrant Eastern slope of tho Cascades, thence southeasterly toward Central Nevada to tho eastern terminus at Salt Lake City. j Fourth street on the ' Hill near the residence of Councilman Botzel. It seems there is a long stretch of terri tory In that part of the city now with- Farms to be listed with us. WHYI BECAUSE We advertise extensively. That gives us a market. BECAUSE We have many Inquiries. That gives us customer. BECAUSE We go after business. That helps us to sell your farm. BECAUSE We are wide awake. ' That brings quick returns for you. COOPER & CO. New walk and other needed im provements ordered on Seventh (street from Center to the brow of the Hill. Councilman Hands was granted an additional leave of absence of CO days. Successor to Adams Bros. g Woodmen Building, Main Street OREGON CITY, ORE. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOOCOOOCGOO NEW YORK CITY AS A CROAKER THE WEST INTERESTS THE EAST ONLY FOR WHAT IT CAN BE BLED OF. Under the head, "New York as a Panic Breeder," the Portland Tele gram says: ( "Ezra Meeker, the pioneer who has completed a trip with an ox team to the Atlantic seaboard in the hope of arousing Congress to build a macad- am road along the. length of the Ore- j gon trail, admits in an Interview that ' and the people have no Immediate fear of the poorhouse, we do not like this sort of croaking. New York has always been so Intensely selfish and so utterly indifferent to the welfare of the rest of the country, except in so far as New York might be affected, that no bursts of grief are drawn from the average citizen when he reads of panics in Wall Street. Indeed, he Is i inclined to be entirely indifferent. Like ! breeds like, and the indifference of iNew York to the rest of the country has bred up a feeling of Indifference Jn the rest of the country to New! York." SALOrfNISTS MUST OBEY THE LAW ATTEMPT TO LINE COUNCIL UP AND RELIEVE THEM OF PUB . LICATION FAILS. TWO PRISONERS ON "FRENCH LEAVE" Two prisoners escaped from Jailer he found the greatest interest in his Nehren this week while that official A CLUB ROOM FOR OREGON CITY PLANS ON FOOT LOOKING SUITABLE QUARTERS IN THE MASONIC ROOMS. a matter of profound Indifference to these people. It was the show alone that appealed to them. "It is put In a different way, but It amount to practically the same criti cism that every Western visitor to New York feels, even though he may TO !not openly express it that Is the pro vincialism of the city and state. The whole country besides affords nothing that quite equals it. The outlet the New lorker Is still east, across the water to Europe. He knows scarce- ilv anvthlnir of the great countrv back I Oregon City Is to have a club, ;0f him, and has no understanding of planned on the lines of those popular now insignificant he might be werr'it Institutions in the East, if present inot for the products that How so plans fall not. The prime movers in ceaselessly from the boundless. West the enterprise are A. A. Price, Harry j into the lap of New York. E. Diaper, 0. W. Eastham, H. S. "The whole country feels this pre Moody and E. L, Johnson, and the 'occupation and is Inclined to resent club plans to occupy quarters in the it. There has already been one rather Masonic building on the corner of nuie awakening. In the panic of nine Main and Sixth streets. !nr ten years ago New York was ob- I The upper floor of the building Is nged to appeal for financial help to now used by the Masonic lodges as a jt8 great neighbor in the West, Chi meeting place, but the new Temple ' cago. Since then, sad to say, it has will be completed this fall, and Mr. had Its panics which have involved Price, who has leased the building, none but itself. It Is now tndustri pplan to have the rooms fitted up 0usly at work seeking to bring about lavishly for a club. The proposition general hard times! Its financiers Is meeting with favor on every hand, whenever they go abroad all give forth The absence of a club Is particularly the same croak. They, have recently noticeable here, where there are been pretty hard hit, but the rest of many unmarried, men, and, aside from the country has not. yet felt the blow, tho saloons, there is no place In the Here in the Pacific Northwest, where city for men to spend evenings and nearly all of the producers aro out of leisure hours. (ebt, where tyie crops have been good progress until he reached the western ihad them assisting in putting the win boundary of New York State, after iter"s supply of fuel into the basement which he became merely a spectacle, jat the Court House. After the work and nothing more. What he stood (had been accomplished Nehren went for, what it meant to the great section ! across the street to sweep the walk of the country far away to the west, land when he returned he found his what trwWri that erpnf eectlnn of the I nrlsoners had taken "French leave." - ...... g-..... ... m - i Liaso. country itself meant or stood for, was J The men were Jacob Kramer, bound As a regt only five dispensers of Council had more business at its meeting Wednesday night than a lit tle boy with a new red wagon. All because the saloon interests of Ore- !gon City, under the leadership of one who does not like to patronize the printer, wished to make the printer take his dictation. The dispute was over publication of applications for license. The old rate for these notices would not pay for typesetting so the official paper advanced it to about what would be legal in Ohio, or a dozen other East ern States, and this particular sa loonlst kicked and "run the-town" to get the rest of the saloonists into his over to court on the charge of larceny !,lqul(1 refreshments were in shape to anu rreu omun in jau lor carrj ins ask Council for a new license, in concealed weapons. The latter had stead tney begged Council to put a but two days remaining of his sen- brick on tne head of ye editor. But tence and it is wonderful that he, left knowlng the propenslty to evil of ye When last seen they were running editor man Council wisely refrained for the cover of the Abernethy ravine. lfrora "getting in" and the saloonists - I who had neglected to advertise in the that Pminr-U wrmtrl rflipvf thfm thing The girls' dormitory and the new of the burden were compeiied to beg ,k of (library building at the Unlvers ty of (or more Ume promislng ln raean. ysuu. uvB urcu cuuip.cic. uUt time to he good. Council gave them Is not probable that they can be used ten day80 comply with the law. this year, on account of lack of money Thoa R Rvan comDiained that the for furnishing and heating them. BSSfiSSPmfnt for street improvements for his Madison avenge property tlQi uraa tm MrVi and ha nsUprl tn - ..i... 4 vl i iv. 1. :'" " " ' " " " l" u''6 .have it reduced. He gave as a reason the University of Oregon within thethat h,g property nad ,n Bome ways been damaged and in no way enhanc ed in price to the extent of $194. Re ferred to finance committee. The Beaver Creek and Molalla Rail way Company wants to talk with the Council about a right of way and a franchise Into the city. The Mayor reach of the teachers of the State who find It Impossible to attend the regu lar sessions, the department of Ed ucation of the University is announ cing a number of correspondence courses. No charge is being made for tuition, and the only expense at ached will be that of postage and , appolnted a committee consisting of books. Wm. Lawlor. Any information regarding my brother, Wm. Lawler, who was In Ore gon City ln 1893, since which time no word has been received from him, will be thankfully received by MRS. P. BURKE. 43tl himself and Messrs. Andresen, Pop and Betzel to confer with them. Box 117, Oregon City, Or. :work, "Uncle Josh Perkins," at Shively'a Opera House next Tuesday evening. The New Era bridge Is to be repair ed, new bents being made necessary ! by the bad condition of the structure. E. D. Olds is superintending tho