OREOON CITV ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1907. 7 DIVISION M. Oomstlo Procss Bread, Caktt, Prtservo, Etc.. for girls under 15 pear of agt. . Int. 2nd. i . . i . y. . . r'r(,m' t'rm. ioaf of bread, potato yeast.,, , , ,50 j 25 Imf of broad, graham '50 25 Ut of broad, rye '50 2r lAint of bread, corn..,., ,,, f,o " 25 Itnf of bread, hop yeast.. ......,;,,,.,.'., ,' ,2 Itrnt of bread, Malt rising r,o 25 :HiIii blMoiillat ) co ;2r Hop yeast hlscrilt , 50 j;r, '"i ...... !r,o !zb ., 50 .25 Two pound of butter ,r,o ,28 Three kIumnom of Jolly 60 ,25 Thr't varieties of preserve 50 ,25 Two varieties canned fruit ,,, ,50 ,'25 Urabsm gem..,, 50 .25 Cookie , 511 .25 DoiiKlinula 60 ,25 DIVISION N. Fancy Work, Sawing, Knitting, Etc., for girls undar 15 yeara of aga. Int. 2nd. Entry Prom. Prom. Jullt, neatest patchwork fl.GO ft. 00 Embroidery, one piece , 50 ,25 Pair hoMt, knitted 50 .25 Knit lace, one yard or over,... 60 .25 Crochet lace, one yard or over. , .,, .50 .25 Drcnn, neatest madu 50 .25 Apron, neatest made 60 .25 Pillow ram' 60 ,25 tfklrt, hand ewed 60 .25 DIVISION O. Farm Product and Machanlcal Work, for boys undar 15 yar of ag. lMt. 2nd. Entry Prem. Prom. Dlxpluy of vegetable 11.00 f .25 Display of mechanical work 1.00 .25 Threw iar Mip corn , 60 ,10 Largest pumpkin 50 .20 Prat display f wood 1.00 .25 Hunt display of pet 1.00 ,50 SUMMONS, J In the Circuit Court of the State if Oregon, for Clackamas County, lllanche 8. Martin, plaintiff vs. El- mer Martin, defendant. To Elmer Martin, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anr- wer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or be- fore Saturday the 9th day of Novera- br, 1907. said date being more than six weeks after the first publication of this summon, and If you fall to appear or answer herein plaintiff will i apply to the Court for the relief prayed for and demanded In the com plaint, to-wlt; for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant. Service of this summon Is made upon yttu by order of Grant II. Dlm lck. County Judge of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, made and dated the 11th day of September, 19h7, deslgnat- ing the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation, as the paper most likely to give notice to defendant, Flrst publication thereof September X?. 1907. last publication October 25. 1907. GRAHAM & CUCETON1. 40-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator's Flnsl Notlca. Notice Isiereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the em tote of James E. Currlo, deceased, has filed In the county court of Clack amas county, State of Oregon, his final account as such administrator, and that Monday, the '14th day of October, 1907. at ten o'clock A. M., at tho court room of said court, haa been set u.4 the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 6th -day of September, 1907. A. M. CRAWFORD, Administrator of the estate of James K. Currlo, deceased. 39-5t 8UMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Fannie Holloway, Plaintiff, vs. Harry O. Holloway. Defendant. To Harry O. Holloway, the above named defendant: In the name of the Stai of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed existing between plaintiff and defend against you In the above entitled ant, and for such other and further Court and cause on or bofore the relief as to said court may Beem eqult 7th day of September, 1907, and if! able. you fall to appear and answer, fori This summons Is published, by or want thereof, the plaintiff will apply jder of Hon. Thos. A. McBrlde, Judge to the Court for tho rellof prayed for 'of the Circuit Court of the State of In the complaint, to-wlt: for a decree Oregon for Clackamas county, made dissolving tho bonds of matrimony existing between you and the plain tiff, upon the grounds of desertton, and that defendant be decreod to have no Interest, right, or title In or to Lot 9 In Dlock 77, In Sollwood, Multnomah County, Oregon. HOLD UP! and consider II KI ALL 10W WATERPROOF CLOTHING. limadr of the best matnioKin blackorytllow fully ftiitanlftiUK! wld rrliAWt dMlr fwrywhrre, l7 STICK TOTHr. SIGN OF THE FISH """ TOUONfO, cam. V77 (M BRANDtJA. X "NTT tlM V V 2& Entry Best display of minerals 15.00 $2.00 Host Grange Display by Reed French Piano Mfg. Co,; second prnmlum, hand spraying outfit, donated by Mitchell, Lewi & Btaver Co.; third premium, John Deere Plow. Entry Best dog of any breed First premium, Blue premium, Red Ribbon follow: Prettiest ly baby Prettiest girl baby Prettiest boy baby Prettiest Klrl baby Prettiest youngest baby. Prettiest twin. Special Exhibit Any article of merit, not embraced In thl premium lint, will be recognized by the Judges, and a number of special premium have been provided. Special Premium Victor Talking Machine, purchased from Sherman, Clay & Co. Special Premium Studebaker wagon, donated by Stu debarekr Bros. Co. Special premium Harrow Cart, donated by Munsell L Scott. Special premium 8et pruning aw. donated by Atkln Saw Co. Special premium Tree valued at $50, donated by Rus ellvllle Nursery. 1 Tnhi summons Is published by or-j dor (rf ornt jj. Dlmlck, County Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, and I nM orjr WM mtt,je an,i give by hlm on u,, 25th day of July. 1907, ,ccount 0f the absence of Judge ot tM circuit Court for ald County Bnij pigtrlct, and said order Is made returnable to the Circuit Court of Oregon, for Clackama County. The fln)t publication of this summons Is m4tltt the 2flth day of July. 1907. tnd tb0 last publication is the Ctb day o( geptember, 1907. p. m. DONAUGH, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of 1 Oregon for Clackamas County. Jennie A. Johns, Plaintiff, vs, Robert Johns, Defendant. To Itobert Johns, defendant: In the name of the State of Ore son, you are hereby required to ap .pear and answer the complaint filed against yon lnjhe above entitled suit on or before the th day of November, 1907, that being the last day prescrlb- 'ed In the order of publication of thl summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer said complaint, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief therein prayed for, to-wlt: For a divorce from the marriage exiting between you and the plaintiff. This summons Ih published In the Oregon City Enterprise for six con secutive weeks by order of Thomas A. McUrlde, Judge of said Court duly made on the 14th day of September, 1907, the first publication being on the 19th day of September, 1907. 8. R. HARRINGTON', 4117 Attorney for Plaintiff. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Martha Johnston, plaintiff, vs. Edward Johnstone, defendant. To Edward Johnston, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled stk, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of this first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer plaintiffs complaint, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief prayed for, to-wlt: a decree of the said court dls- ; solving the bonds of matrimony now this llth day of Sept., 1907. First publication of this summons Is Sept. 13th, 1907, and the date of last publication Oct. 25th, 1907. DIMICK & DIMICK. 40-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned have boen appointed by the Count Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, executors of the Last Will and Testament of Margaret Jane Saw tell, doceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undOralgned at Molal la, Clackamas County, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated August 23, 1907. RALPH SAWTELL, JAMES L. TUBDS, Executors of Last Will and Testa ment of Margaret Jane Sawtell, de ceased. 37-5t DIVISION P. Mineral. 1st. 2nd. Prem. Prem. DIVISION Q. Orange. First premium, $175 organ, donated DIVISION R. Dog. lHt. 2nd. Prem. Prem. $1.00 $ .50 DIVISION 8. Baby Show. Ribbon and preaont, each; second and present, each. Six entries, a under 2, and over 1 year. under 2, and over 1 year. - under 1 year, r under 1 year. In the Circuit Court of the State M Oregon, for the County of Clacka- , '7, I). C, Yoder and Levi Yoder, Plaintiffs, vs. Fannie Yoder, Dellla Troyer, Zeph nlah Yoder, unmarried, Sarah A. Youer, unmarried, Mary E. Hartx ler, Ella Miller, Fena Yoder, Silas Yoder. Oliver Yoder, Fannie M. Yoder. John L. Zook. Olla M. Zook, and Elsie P. Zook, Defendants. Suit In Partition. To Zephnlah Yoder, Mary E. Hartz ler, John L. Zook, Olla M. Zook and Elsie P. Zook, of the above named defendants, In the name of the state of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer (be com plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 27th day of September, A. D. 1907, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and It you fall to so appear and answer said complaint. for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, to-wlt: a decree of partition of real property, accord' Ing to the respective rights of the owner therein, In and to the follow ing described property, to-wlt: The South half of the Northwest quarter ot Section One, Township Five (5) South, Range One (1) West, except Three (3) acres In the North' west corner lying In Marlon County, Aiso beginning at the Southeast cor ner of the above described parcel of land and running thence South elgthy (80) rods; thence East Sixty (60) rods; thence North One Hundred and Sixty (160) rods; thence West Sixty (CO) rods; thence South to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the half mile corner stake on the West side ot said Section and running thence West to Pudding River, four (4) chains, more or less, and theuce down said river to the section line; thence South to the place of begin ning, containing In all One Hundred and forty (140) acres, more or less. Situate in Clackamas County, Oregon. Also the following: Begin ning at a point 2.74 chains North of the Northwest corner of Section 18 In T. 5 8. R. 1 E. of the Willamette Meridian, running thence East One Hundred and Fifty-two (152) rods; thence South One Hundred and Seventy-one (171) rods; thence West Seventy-two (72) rods; thence North Eighty (80) rods; thence West Eigh ty (80) rods; thonce North to the place ot beginning and containing 120 acres, more or less. Also the South west quarter of the Northwest quar ter of Section Eighteen (18) In T. 5 S. R. 1 E..of the Willamette Meridian, containing 45.72 acres, more or less. Situate In Clackamas County? Oregon. This summons Is published by or der of the Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and entered on the 6th day of August, A. D. 1907, and which order required that the first publication of this summons be made on August ICth, 1907, and the date of the last publication thereof on Sep tember. 27th, 1907. DIMICK & DIMICK, 3fit7 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Jennie Buasey, Plaintiff, vs. Martin Bussey, Defendant. To Martin Bussey, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 1st day of November, 1907, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publica tion of the summons and if you fall to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demand ed In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bond of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published by or der of Hon. O, B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court for Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, which order was mad and entered on the 13th day of Sep tember, 1907, and the time prescribed for publication thereof I six weeks: date of first publication Is Septem ber 13th, 1907, and the date of last publication, November 1st, 1907. GEO. C. BROWNELU 40-7t Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. United State Land Office, Port land, Oregon, July 19th, 1907. notice is nereoy given tcai in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congresg of June 3, 1878. entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Qregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, as extended to all the Public Land States by act ot August 4, 1892, Maude L, Trulllnger, ot Muilno, county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworu statement No. 7497, for the purchase of the 8. W. Vi of 8. W. V of section No. 27, In Township No. 4 8., Range No. 2 E., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, 1907. He names a witnesses: John Mulvaney, of Muilno, Oregon. John Darnall, of Muilno, Oregon. John Keller, of Muilno, Oregon. William Husband, of Muilno, Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 5th day ot No vember, 1907. ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Register. This notice must be published once a week for nine consecutive weeks In a newpaper published nearest the land, and must also be posted in a conspicuous place In the land office for the same period. 38-9t Summons. In the Circuit Court for Claokamas County, Oregon. Emma J. Buchanan, Plaintiff, vs. Charles Edward Buchanan, Defend ant. To Charles Edward Buchanan, the defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 26th day of October, 1907, that being the date fixed by the Court for such appearance or answer In and by the order ot the Court for the publication ot this sum mons, and it you fall to so appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree for ever divorcing plaintiff from defend ant, and for the custody of their mi nor child, Grade. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, judge of the County Court of said county. The date of the first publication of this summons Is Sept. 13, 1907.. ED MENDENHALL and A. R. MENDENHALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ' 40-7t SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for Clackamas County, Oregon. Josle Smith, Plaintiff, vs. Floyd Smith, Defendant. To Floyd Smith, the defendant above named: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above-entitled Court and cause on or before the 30th day of September, 1907, that, being the date fixed by the Court for such appearance or answer In and by the order of the Court for the publica tion of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief pray ed for In her complaint, to wit: For a decree forever divorcing plaintiff from defendant, and for the custody of their minor child, Grade. This summons Is published by or der of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, judge of the County Court for said County. The date of the first publication of this summons Is August ICth, 1907. ED MENDENHALL and A. R, MENDENHALL, 36-7t s Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Racheal V. Buckland, Plaintiff, vs. . Frank C. Buckland, Defendant. To Frank C. Buckland, the ' above named defendant: ' In the name of the State of Oregon: You are required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the 16th of September, 1907, and If you fall to appear and an swer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint; to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the above named plaintiff and defendant, and allowing plaintiff to resume her maiden name, Racheal V. Maham, and such other and further relief as In equity shall seem meet and unto jus tice shall appertain. This summons la published In pur suance of an order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the above named court, made and entered on the 5th day of August, 1907, specify ing that the same be published for six consecutive weeks and ordering August the 5th, as first publication. J. T. ELLIS, 70M7 Attorney for Plaintiff. PUBLIC SALE. On October 19, J907, the under signed will sell at public auction at his farm near Clackamas Station all his farming machinery, horses, cows and household furniture. C. F. CLARK. Roosevelt Will Triumph. The Roosevelt policy will triumph The Rockefeller policy will fall. If In this transformation financial disaster fall upon us, the promoter of that dis aster will be Rockefeller. The pro tector of the people from the worst consequences of such trouble will be President Roosevelt. Louisville Post. The following face powder formula Is excellent: Two ounces each of zinc oxide and precipitated chalk, seven ounces of rice powder, one ounce each of talcum and orris root, a suggestion of powdered carmine and a few drops of oil of rose. This will protect your complexion and refine it Mother Jimmy, there were three jars of jelly In the cupboard and now there Is only one. How Is that? Jimmy I don't know, ma, unless I overlooked It. An exchange says: "When God gives a man a wife and six children he has done a good deal for the fel low. But when he gives him a society woman and a poodle dog be has done him up." A French writer gives this anec dote of King Edward. His majesty was driving along a country road If Scotland one day, and came upon an old market-woman struggling under a load which was more than she could manage. "You might take part of this in you carriage," cried the old woman to the king, whom she did not recognize. "Alas, my good woman," replied his majesty, "I'm very sorry, but I'm not going the same way. However, let me give you the portrait of my mother." "A lot of good that'll do me," was the reply. "Take it all the same," said the king, smiling, and he put a sovereign, bearing Queen Victoria's effigy, In the palm of the astonished old peasant. O. D. EBY ATTORNKT-AT-LAW. Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land tiles examined, estates settled, genera law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. When yon require an Abstract of Title to lands in Clackamas County, have it accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rate are reasonable. We invite you to ex amine our complete set ot Abstract Books. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY. 606- 608 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. PORTLAND. OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas Count; Property. J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, .... Oregon. Will practice In all courts of the state Office in Caufleld Building. LIVY STIPP ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City W. S. EDDY, V; S., M. D. Y. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located an Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Fanners' 131 Mail 131 1 HEADQUARTERS n tor Choice Cigars and Tobaccos, Ice-Cold Hop Gold Beer, High Grade Bottled Whis keys and Wines. Knapp& Nobel MAIN STREET STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mill, Pumps and Hydrau lic Rams a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. LOG CABIN SALOON BENNETT & F0UMAL Proprietors. OREGON CITY. - OREGON CASCADE LAUNDRY Clothe Washed "Walter Than Snow." Family Washings at Reasonable Rate No worry, no regret if 70a phone 1204. Oar wagon will call. Phone 221 Office P. O. Bid. Main 8L Pioneer Transfer And Express E. P.GRISEZ, Prop. Successor to C. N. GREENMAN Sand and Gravel Oregon City. Oregon. PRED C GADKE Plumbing & Tuning Hot Air Faruccs, Bp Pipes, ftmps. Spray Pumps, Water Pipes, Sprayis Materials. All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimate G'ven on All Classes of Work. Re. Phone 1514 Shop 1516 914 N. Main 8L, Oregon City, Or CALIFORNIA WINES Strictly in accordance with the Pure Food Law. COBWEB WINE HOUSE 417 Main St. - Oregon Gtv Hecket & England The Hub Saloon has changed hands, Carlson & Block sel ling out to Heckel & England. 523 MAIN STREET THE BRUNSWICK W. H. SILCOX, Prop. Hotel and Restaurant Best Service and Accommodations Main St., 0pp. suspension Bridge M DELICATE BEVERAGE A SAFE STIMULANT, A GOOD MEDICINE. , For sale by E. MATHIES. O Air? 1 1 fi 11