OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1907. THE HOUSEHOLD PAGE. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE LADIES SOLIC- v ITED FOR THIS DEPARTMENT. TELL YOURVAL UABLE RECEIPTS, HOW YOU MAKE FANCY AR TICLES AND ABOUT THE DESIGNS AND CARE OF YOUR "ROSE GARDEN." TRIED AND TRUE RECEIPTS. Carmel Cake. Two cups of light brown sugar, Two eggs, One halt cup of butter and lard mixed. Stir together and then add, One-third of a bar of bakers' choc olate dissolved in one-half cup of boil ing water, Three teaspoons of baking powder, One teaspoon of vanilla, Bake in layers in a moderate oven. For filling use: One cup of light tirown sugar, One-half cup of cream. One teaspoon of vanilla Boil the mixture until it hardens when dropped in cold water. Wen cool enough spread between layers and on top. Silver Cake. Three cups of pulverized sugar, One cup of shortening, butter and lard, One cup of sweet milk, Three cups of flour, Three teaspoonfuls of Royal baking powder, The whites of nine eggs to be added last Bake in one pan for one hour. Lemon Pie. One and one-half cups of granulated sugar, Yolks of four eggs. Four tablespoons of flour, One tablespoon of butter, One grated lemon. Pour over this three cups of boiling water stirring it constantly while add ing the water. Then add the well beaten whites of four eggs, beat all together, divide into three pies and bake in moderate oven. Fruit Cookies. Two cups of brown sugar, One cup of butter. One-half cup of sour cream, Two whole eggs and yolk of another, One-half teaspoon of ground cloves, Two teaspoons of cinnamon, One teaspoon of soda, One grated nutmeg, One pound of seeded raisins, chop ped fine. Mix all thoroughly together, then mould by pinching off pieces of dough and flattening between hands. Glaze the top of each cake before bak ing with white of egg spread on with a cloth. Bake in a moderate oven. Soft Ginger Cookies. Two cups of Orleans or sorghum molasses, Twelve tablespoons melted lard. One tablespoon of ginger, One teaspoon of soda, dissolved In eight tablespoons of hot water. Flour enough to make a dough as soft as can be rolled. Bake in medium pvea. To keep cakes soft keep in a tin buck et In cellar. Graham Gems. One egg, Three tablespoons of granulated Bugar, One and a half cups of butter milk, Pinch of salt, Graham flour enough to make a stiff batter. Add one teaspoon of soda dis- Ived in one teaspoon of water. Beat well, pour in buttered gem pans and bake in a moderate oven 30 minutes. This will make eight gems. Ammonia Cake. One pint sweet milk, Twq teaspoons ammonia dissolved in the milk for one hour before ad ding. One teaspoon of soda, Two cups of granulated sugar. One cup of lard and Flour enough to make a soft dough. Roll, mould and bake in a hot oven. GET IT FOR HER, 1 ffl MM FREE:ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Save Her Time Save Her Health Save Her Weary Steps Save Your Money Save Your Clothes Save Her Temper 8ave Her Compl 5m? Cottage Pudding. One cup of Bugar, Two-thirds cup of sweet milk, Onohalf cup of lard, One and one-half j cup of flour, One teaspoon of baking powder, Ouo egg. Flavor with either vanilla or lemon. Bnke in a square pan for ten min utes. Serve while warm with the fol lowing dip: Ouo cup of sugar, One tablespoon of flour, One tablespoon of butter, One pint of boiling water. Boll until it thickens. Popcorn Balls, Top the corn in hot lard to which add a little salt, pour out in a large pan, then make the wax or taffy by taking two cups of sugar, one cup hon ey drip molasses lump of butter size of a walnut, boll until medium waxy when dropped In cold water. Before removing from stove add one-third teaspoon of soda. Stir corn constantly with a large spoon while pouring in the boiling syrup. Dip the hands In cold water and mould in balls while warm. Salmon Balls. One can of salmon. Fifteen rolled crackers, One egg. Mix all together, make in balls about the size of an egg, roll the balls in cracker crumbs. Fry in lard the same as potato balls. Premium List Clackamas County Pair DIVISION A. Horses. 1st. "Entry ivein. Host stnlllon. any age. any grade f 5.00 Stallion, any grade, 3 years old 5.00 Stallion, any grade, 3 years old 5.00 Best stallion, Clydesdale 5 00 Host stallion. English Shir 5.00 Host stallion, Percheron 5.00 Best stallion, French Canadian 6 00 Most stallion. Cleveland Buy 6.00 Brood mare having foaled one or more colts, . 6.00 3.00 Brood mare having foaled one or more colts. roadster s.OO Colt under 8 months old. draft 5.00 Cult under S months old. roadster 6.00 Colt, yearling, draft 5.00 Colt, yearling, roadster K on Colt, 2 years old, gelding or fllly, draft 5.00 Colt, 3 years old, gelding or Ally, roadster... 6.00 Colt. 3 years old, gelding or filly, draft 5.00 Colt, S years old, gelding or Ally, roadster... 6.00 2nd. Prem, $3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 A Dinner Menu. As an Introduction to dinner a soup with meat as a basis or with a bisque of vegetables and milk is an admirable aid to digestion and acts aa a spur when one is too weary immediately to assimilate more solid food. A roast or a broil of beef, mutton or chicken, following soup, accompanied by two vegetables, sufficiently fills the bill for an ordinary dinner. After this may come a salad or a sweet, accord ing to choice. In the daily menu these are not necessary at the same time, although when the dinner is a function to which guests have been asked nei ther of these courses can be omitted. CJ Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, absolutely free of charge Ripe Tomato Preserves.. Select solid tomatoes, not too ripe (yellow, pear-shaped are best). Scald and peel carefully, prick with a needle to prevent bursting, add an equal am ount of sugar by weight and let He over night. In the morning pour off all the Juice into a preserving kettle, and boll until it Is a thick syrup; add tomatoes and boll carefully until they look transparent, A piece or two of root ginger may be added, or one lemon to each pound of fruit. Slice lemon thin. Spiced Grapes. Pick the grapes off the stems, sep arate the skins in one dish from the pulp In another, add a little water to the skins and cook both ten minutes, until, you can press the pulp through a coarse sieve to strain out the seeds, and add the skins to the pulp. Meas ure this and to every seven pints allow three and one-half pounds of sugar, half a pint of grape Juice made by boiling whole grapes to a pulp and straining, and a half pint of cider vin eger. Cook half an hour, then add one teaspoonful of ground cloves and two tablespoonsful of ground cinamon. Cook until as thick aa desired and put into stone Jars or glass cans. These do not spoil easily and old cans which do not fit tight may be used. Serve with roasts. This may be made from the wild grapes or the green Concord or the Isabellas. DIVISION B. Cattle. 1st. Entry prem. Bull, any age, Red Polled... $ 3.00 Bull, any age. Shorthorn 3. 00 Bull, any age, Hereford 3. 00 Bull, any age, Holntelh 3. 00 Bull, anv ace. Jersey n nn Bull calf, any grade, under 8 months 2. 00 Meirer calf, any grade, under 8 months 3.00 Bull calf, yearling 2.00 Heifer calf, yearling 2,00 Bull, 2 years old 2. 00 Best milch cow 5.00 Best milch cow of any breed, each 6.00 Best herd of 5 or more 10.00 DIVISION C. 8heep and Swine. 1st. Entry Prem. Sheep, buck, Dorset Horn $ 3.00 Sheep, buck, Shropshire 3. 00 Sheep, buck, Cotswold 3,00 Sheep, buck, Lincoln 3. 00 Sheep, buck, Merino 3,00 Sheep, ewe, Dorset Horn 3.00 Sheep, ewe, Shropshire 3.00 Sheep, ewe, Cotswold 3.00 Sheep, ewe, Lincoln 3.00 Sheep, ewe, Merino 3.00 Lamb, under & months, Dorset Horn 2.00 Lamb, under 8 months, Shropshire 2.00 Lamb, under 8 months, Cotswold 2. 00 Lanib, under 8 months, Lincoln 2.00 Lamb, under 8 months, Merino 2.00 Wool, 1 pound i.oo Mohair. 1 pound 1.00 Herd of goats. 3 or more 6.00 Boar, any age, Berkshire 3,00 Boar, any age, Poland China 3. 00 Boar, any age, Yorkshire , 3.00 Sow, any age, Berkshire 3.00 Sow, any age, Poland China 3.00 Sow, any age, Yorkshire 3.00 Pig, under 6 months, Berkshire.. 1.00 Pig. under 6 months, Poland China 1.00 Pig, under 6 months, Yorkshire 1.00 DIVISION D. Poultry, 1st. Entry prem. Best collection of Chickens any breed $10.00 Trio chickens, White Wyandottes 1.00 Trio chickens. Black Wyandottes 1.00 Trio chlcksn. Light Brahmas 1.00 Trio chickens. Dark Brahmas 1.00 Trio chickens, Buff Cochins 1.00 Trio chickens. Partridge Cochins 1.00 Trio chickens, White Langshans 1.00 Trio chickens, Black Langshans 1.00 Trio chickens, White Plymouth Rocks 1.00 Trio chickens, Barred Plymouth Rocks 1.00 Trio chickens, Black Spanish 1.00 Trio chickens, White Leghorns 1.00 Trio chickens. Brown Leghorns l.OO Trio chickens, Buff Leghorns 1.00 Trio Chickens, Rose Comb White Leghorns.. 1.00 Trio chickens, Rose Comb Brown Leghorns.. 1.00 Trio chickens, White Mlnorcas 1.00 Trio chickens, Black Mlnorcas 1.00 Trio chickens, BlueAndaluslnns 1.00 iTrlo chickens, Buff Orpingtons 1.00 I Trio fancy fowls 1.60 Pair Bronze Turkeys 1.00 Pair White. Turkeys 1.00 Pair Buff Turkeys . , 1.00 Pair Black Turkeys 1.00 Pair pigeons, homers 1.00 Pair pigeons, Runts 1.00 Pair pigeons, Fantalls 1.00 Pair geese .GO Pair ducks 60 CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY C. G. Miller, Agent, Oregon City, Ore. Gentlemen You may deliver to me one Electric Flat iron, which I agree to try, and If unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do not return it at that time you may charge same to my account at $4.00. It Is understood that no charge will be made for the Iron if I return it within 30 day. Name Address DEPT. 0. C. THE THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL OFFER APPLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF QUR CURRENT. Notes. When a woman wants to get rid of her husband for an hour, she sends him up sialfs to get something from the pocket of her dress, Milk as a beverage should be dilu ted and then drank slowly, sipping a little at a time. People who will fol low that rule will find little trouble in drinking it. The soil to be used for potted plants should be mixture of leaf mould from the woods, sand and good luam, a lit tle powdered charcoal being an Im provement. Beaming, oily noses may often be cured by bathing the entire face with a weak solution of soda water. Use common washing soda a bit about ;the size of a filbert to a quart of warm I water. The circulation is usually at j fault in these cases, and sensible wo men with troublesome noses should jtake plenty of exercise in the open air ,and eschew all highly spiced food. Fn.en Peaches One qnart of pared ripe peaches, cut fine; one quart of water, one pint of sugar. When the sugar is dissolved, freeze. A delicious desert, yet extremely simple and in expensive. Never use a large size pot for a small rooted plant. If. you do the soil will sour and plants sicekn and die. Rancid creams become active poi sons, and a woman cannot be too care- 1 ful about the purity and freshness of I the cosmetics she uses. Many a blotched and irritated skin is caused jby Improperly laundered towels and ;wash rags and foul sponges. 2n,d. Prem. $2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2nd. Prem. $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .60 .60 .60 .60 .50 .50 2.00 1.00 , 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .60 .60 .60 2nd. Prem. $3.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .60 .50 .60 .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .60 .50 .60 .60 .50 .60 .50 .60 .60 .60 .2:. T. DIVISION E. Vegetables. 1st. Entry Prem. Best collection of vegetables $10.00 Six best table beets 1.00 Six best Mangel Noiirzel 1.00 Six best Sugar beets 1.00 Six best rutabagas 1.00 Best exhibit of cabbage, not less than 3 var. 1.00 Six best cauliflower : 1.00 Six largest carrots, table 1.00 Six largest carrots, stock 1.00 Six largest parsnips 1.00 Three largest pumpkins, table 1.00 Three largest squash, table 1.00 One largest squash, any kind 1.00 Three largest cucumbers 1.00 ppst collection of pumpkin and squash..., 1.00 Three best citron 1.00 Best half bushel early potatoes 1.00 Best half bushel late potatoes.,,., 1.00 Six largest potatoes . , 1.00 'Six largest sweet potatoes.,'. 1.00 'Best display of onions,..,,... 1.00 I Six largest onions 1.00 jThree largest watermelons 1.00 Three largest musk melons.. 1.00 Six largest ripe tomatoes 1.00 Best box of merchantable tomatoes 1.00 Best exhibit of seed beans and peas, one quart each 4 1-00 Six largest turnips 1.00 Six best kale 1.00 Best display of peppers 1.00 Largest sunflower 1.00 DIVISION F. Fruit, 1st. Entry Prem. Box of Baldwin apples $1.00 Box of Northern Spy apples. '. 1.00 Box of Yellow Bellflower apples 1.00 Box of Spltzenburg apples 1,00 Plate, five specimens, any variety 1.00 Exhibit, any five or more varieties 2.00 Display of grapes 1.00 Display of Fall pears 1.00 Display of Winter pears. . 1.00 Display of quinces 1.00 Display of peaches 1.00 Display of plums .. 1.00 2nd. Prem. $3.00 .60 .60 .60 .30 .50 .50 .60 .50 .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .no .50 .50 .50 . 50 .50 .60 .50 .50 .60 .50 .50 .50 .60 .50 .60 .50 '2nd. Prem. $ .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 ,50 DIVISION G. Farm Products. 1st. Entry Prem. Best display of furm products, 20 or more varieties $10,00 Half bushel white winter wheat.. 1.00 Half bushel Km m wheat 1.00 Half bushel Kidney wheat , 1.00 Half bushel Deriunce wheat 1.00 Half bushel Kinney wheat 1.00 Half bushel whlt oats 1.00 Hulf bushel white winter outs Ilnlf bushel barley. 1.00 1.00, Half biiHhel buckwheat 1.00 Half bushel chess. Quart of beans, white. 1 . 00 1.00 Quart of beans, colored 1,00 Six ears of earn, sweet ,. 1.00 Six ears of corn, field , 1.00 Dlspluy of coin In the ear ,,, 1.00 Display of corn on stock l.oo Quarter bushel timothy seed 1.00 Host sample hops, one pound 1.00 Best display of grains and grasses, properly arranged and labeled with trim name Display fruit trees, yearlings 1.00 DIVISION H. Flowert Amateur. v Entry Display of flowers, not to exceed 12 boxes. Display of geraniums, four boxes,.,., Display of furhlas, four boxes Dlspluy of begonias, four boxes.,, Display of foliage plants Bouquet of green flowers Bouquet of dried floweri and grasses. Display of roses Display of carnations Best display of floweri 2nd. Prem. $5.00 .50 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .50 .50 .60 .50 .60 .60 .60 .50 .60 .60 .50 .50 DIVISION I. Sewing, Fancy Work, Knitting, Crc Etc. Entry Quilt, hand made Quilt, log rahln Quilt, crazy, silk Quilt, crazy, worsted Quilt, worsted Crochet work Knit lace, one yard or more Tidy. Java canvas Tidy, crochet Tidy, knit .. Tidy, outline Tidy, crazy Tidy, drawn work Tidy, lace and ribbon 60 Kmbroldery, hand madn corset-cover. . , Sofa or chair cushion, rnihroldonnl Sofa or chair cushion, crazy work 60 hora or chair cushion, worsted Set of ladles underwear, hand trimmed 60 Knit skirt Shirt, hand made Shoulder cape, crochet.... Shoulder cape, knit Shawl, crtchet Embroidered shirt waist., Child's dress, hand made... Shawl, knit Fascinator, knit or crochet Scarf, chair, crazy work .50 Scarf, chair, crochet Scarf, chair, embroidered.. Scarf, chair, outlined Scarf, table, drawn work.. Scarf, table, embroidered. Scarf, table, crazy work.. Scarf, lounge, drawn work. Scarf, lounge, embroidered Scarf, lounge, crazy work Rag carpet 1 Rug, home made, knit.. Rug. homo made, croche Rug. home made, yarn.. Rug, homo made, rag... Counterpane, knit Apron, hemstitched .... Centerpiece, drawn work Centerpiece, embroidered Apron, hand trimmed.... Home made yarn Darned work Stockings or socks Toilet set. hand made.. Afghan, hand made DIVISION J. Domestic Process Bread. Cakes, Preserves, Dried and Canned Fruits, Etc. 4 1st. 2nd. Entry Prem. Prem. Loaf of bread, potato yeast $1.00 $ .25- mt of bread, graham 1.00 Loaf of breud, corn 1.00 lmf of bread, rye 1 .00 Loaf of bread, whole wheat 1.00 Loaf of bread, Boston brown l.oo Imf of bread, hop yeast 1.00 Loaf of bread, salt rising l.no Soda biscuits 1.00 , 1.00 .60 , 1.00 .60 1st. 2nd. Prem. Prem. , $i.f.o $1.00 , .60 .25 , .50 .25 . 60 . 25 .60 .25 , .60 .25 .50 .25 , .60 .25 .50 .25 . 5.00 2.60 Needle Work, 1st. 2nd. Prem. Prem. , $1.60 $1.00 , 1.60 1.00 , 1.50 1.00 . 1.50 l.OO , 1.50 1.00 . .60 .25 .60 .25 .50 .25 .60 .25 .50 .25 , .60 .25 . .60 .25 .60 .25 .60 .25 .60 .25 .60 .25 , .60 .25 .60 .25 .60 .25 .60 .25 , .60 .25 .60 .25 .60 .25 .50 .25 . 1.00 .&( 1.00 .60 .60 .25 .60 .25 .60 .25 .60 .25 .60 .25 .60 ,25 , .60 ,25 , .50 .25 . .60 .25- .60 .25 . .60 .25 . '.50 .25 , 1.00 .60 . 60 . 25 . .60 .25 . 50 . 25 , .60 .25 .60 .25 .50 .23 . .60 .25 .60 .25. . .50 .25 .60 .25 .60 .25 . .60 .25 . .60 .25 .60 .25 biscuits 1.00 no two alike 1.00 1.00 50 50 50 Hop yeast Three pies, Two cakes Cs)kles .. Doughnuts Graham gems '. Two pounds creamery butter l.oo Two pounds fresh dairy butter 1.00 Twf poundB packed butter 1.00 Cheese 1 Honey, two pound comb 50 Honey, extracted, quart 30 Beeswax, two pounds , 30 Two pounds dried apples ru Two pounds dried plums, Two pounds dried prunes Two pounds dried penrs Two pounds dried peaches Two pounds dried cherries Assortment of dried berries, 2 pounds of each variety Three glasses of Jelly Assortment of Jellies, C or moro, no two alike Right varieties of canned fruit Three varieties of preserves Assortment of preserves, S or more, no two alike 60 60 60 50 50 .60 1.00 1.00 .60 DIVISION K. pickles and Sauces. Entry Dill pickles .... Sweet cucumber plcklei Sweet fruit pickles..., Sour pickles Mixed pickles ........ Sauer kraut Catsup Chili sauce Chow chow 1st. Prem. .$ .50 . 50 .50 , .50 .50 , .50 .50 . .50 , .50 DIVISION L. -Worka of Art and Ornamentation. 1st. Entry "' Prem, Ornamental work $ .110 Display oil painting . .. 1.00 Display water painting....... l.0 Display crayon 1.00 Map U. S. Raffia work Paper flowers. .... Dried flowers Soap, home made. .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25-.25 .25 2nd. Prem. $ .25. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 2nd. Prom. $ .20 .60 .25 .25 .15 .15 .15,