OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1907. 7 liEAL ESTATE Chiru Mourn to Win, C Caution, purl IoIm -I hihI C, nr., Oregon City. Chiiuneey .Snv.fr to Wllliorl, I'. dill 'ote,'lu ucre Mfc. !!) (wi, Is, reu ;(!, f.'ll'no, ' ii 1 1 Hlntott to John Munifitii. w',i of iid'.i iiml n'i of hi-'4, hit, 21. twp. 4m, run ;iu, n;o ucriM, riitcni, K. H, Alexander to It. a. mi. I j. tf, CiiiIhou, hi"4 or Ml' ft, HIT. 1H, twii, 'Jh, IK" Hi', Hi) ncrmi, $2111111. Arthur JIoIiIimi to c, . Ouiti'H, hi-ft of ni.;, hit. IN, Up, ., iKi. 2(.( r,u IKTcH, J.'ilMI, Ai'loiiilMHlii K, Thompson to ('has. TllOIIIIHon, MI'ft jtt tU' BIT, 0 tWl. ,'!H. IV.t III, U IMTI'M. $1, Win. Henderson to T. P. Randall iiml ', K. liiiiriMliy, lulu a anil I, hit, 12, ti -Ih, rKe Hi', 45 acres. $xim, Ili-iiJ. V. Tyler to H, H. Prentiss, 28 urii'M Hi'f. i;m, ti. i;i, ikh 2t. $:ir.uo, (', F. Velt.e to Ellabet), WVII.i'l, f'il lll'Zllllllll JllllllHOII die., nith, l't and twj. 2s, re 2e, 201 acre. $22'H. C, I, Conk to .1. ! Kruse, ,'H acres kit, IS, lwi. I!m, rge li; also 1 ui'li'M hit, i:t, ti, ;ih, iii-H I. II2UH, c. I, CiKik to (ifu. 'li. Kiiii' iLii, r,:i lll'll'S HIT. JH, ll, lis, TK" It', fl. ' AniiiH .1. Tucker lo . Waller P. iiriink, pint Munich Tucker tlli., twp. 'Is. ikii c, III) nrl-t'N. $211011. Tims, Duffy to Ailnlph mill Fred MiUUili'H, 21 nrrtM hit. 2, twp, 2s, IK- 2". $1. lr. K. to Win. Hunch, f1; of huft (. I", twp. 2h, IRi. fif. Ml lures. Patent, Jane E. Aubrey to Gilbert nml Rob--rt Joirtrud, i.j of hi'1 hihI e'j of iit-'f hit W, tp. 2i, w r.i'. $r..uo. Frank Wolf lo Olof Johnson. K iirrca tnirt II, Cllickiiiniis ItlviTHl'l". $12ini. John HiiKi-r lo Ixulxit Tueholhe, mMi if ciift (ii'O. Crow i!lr, No, 4:i, t 2ni, iKK lr. iuti'h. $ior,o, Jiiiiii-h Ijh'tII lo Mohillu l.iiinlirr Co , W'S Of II ft MIT. 21, tWp. K !(' II". V luTi'M, $ ir.no. Id' mi Mithlor ti John It. Davie, tind. Inf. I 'j itlc. Clirion It, Cullchnn. hi'tv I'.i, tp, tut, rg "i". $2.i. Ut Ciilli'hiin to John K. Davi.'s. tind ii(. i'i ,i'. CHfion It. Ciilluhiin, hit. 10, twp. rK" "' $I!0, peter SIoIUt In Oi'orK'' Dlnghum. lui-. r,, f, mid 7. ttR h",, rir.Ht Mih-Uvl-jluti OuU (inivit. $1200, Ait'-niU-lii Hiillnn lo Ji'kmi' Wr!H, to iini'H hit Hi, twp I'm, rKiir 4''. $1. W. A. (iiinuT to Altn-rt It. HoKiHl, lou II, IT,. If!, 17 Hint IS. pnrt J. I), (iiiinit illiv, r:s. kit ?,, tp k, rv't? ". 5 iiiti'h. $I12."i, Ihnry H'TilIni' In Hiinmi'l I'owlcr. hw's irnct r.:!. Wlllniiii'Ui- trtict. 2.".o, Wi'iihr Kiipiirnliftiilrr to K. (i. nn.l Hurry !itl!, y, pint Wm. Annpili'Ht 4llc. town ::h. tri' 2' lot ncrr. JIICo. S. 0 llallry to Hurry llnllry. unj. 'j purl Win. Aruiprlrjt die , twp. 2m. rn 2i', lo I urn'. $1. C M. Dlnilik lo A. Ni'ppiirli. w'i (,f wft Hllll III-ft (if HWft HIM', (li, twp. 3n, rt!" 'r. 2l licri'H. $10, lv S. HollliiKi'r to X. b'ltvr. nil hlk 211. I'liii'Kiiiiiiin IIi-IkIiIs, $7,",i, ll.'Mcr I,. luliiilnt I'liiklry to John Sihiuht, 73t nrri'K hit. i:2, twp. Ik, fK" Hi-. $:iS0. I". S. Ciiiiflrlil to Clara Moori, lot Jt. I.Ik lii, Ilolton. $2.",. U. II. I Ifii tlx to It. . A. M. Ki'l hKK, loN 1 iiii.I 2. hlk. I, iiml IoIm I, 2, ami li, hlk. ft, Ili'iitlc'H Ailil. Orrgon city. $::;,o. Mury It. Cmifli'lil to Myra 11. Urn Hi iMon, a 2. II anil 4, hlk. 2. llrnllr'H Aihl. OrcRon City, $2r,(i. C. Krrr to Mrn. I). S(iiK'iit, hit fi, I.Ik. It, Urn- K Shlnillrr first Ail.l, Mlluiinkli'. $2t'0. C. Ivrr to Drllnh SiiiKcnt. lot n, hlk. II, Kri'r & Shlndlrr'H flrnt Add. Milwiinkli'. $2."0, Canprr Krrr to KIhIo (ialliiKhn-, lot 21, hlk. A. Krrr & Hhln.llrr'H flrxt Add. Milwiinkli". $17.". Ili'ii P. Ki'IIokk to Mary KrlhiKK. lots :i and S, hlk. nr., central Add. Oro Kon city. $::r.o. Victor Mack to Mary V. HoiikIi num. fl.77 iicrrM of Philandrr die, mar Howard's Mill, Cnnhy. $2000. Krcil J. Mcyrr lo Clins. II. Miller, lot. ft, hlk. 211, Ori-Kon Oily. $1200. TIioh F. Uynn to J. A. Tufts, lots r.,' , 7. S, 0, 10. U, 12, 1.1. 11 and lli, hlk. 1, West CladMlono. $500. I. W. llrlilrnHtlno to A. F. Urnntnor, 20 iicii'h sue 27, Frnnklln Fierce die. $7oo. Uiinlco S. SaiKent to Portland Trust Co, of Oregon, pnrt HeHtor Campholl When you buy WET WEATHER CLOTHING you want complete protection and long service. These and many other good points are combined tn TOWER'S FISH BRAND OILED CLOTHING You ert wfqrd to buy any othar b4i (Hutu U1WH CO kOtTONUt. TOWI CANAD'AM CO b- I'OWONTO CM. V' Ml I Ml die, Hec. 2!, twp, In, i?e 2e, 12 mrren. $1. Akih-s Hwert c,t. ,, ( c, (;, Wo,. col;, loin 2, II mid 4 and nrft. of nwft H"C, III, Iwp Is, I'KD fill, ir.l) IICI'iJ-l, $.",000, (iiiMiafo Jiiltni ICrlrksoii to K. V. Krlcksnn, i:w ft of nwft hec, !), hIho 2 nrre hw corner w4 or swft hoc. '.). ahio lift of h of Hwft nee (, all twp, M- ML Hood Ily &;ln the above i nlHled milt on or he - Power Co., i-iKtit of way. $7R. fore Saturday the tu, ,,iy 0f Novcrn- C, A, I'wls to W, P. Hiiilth, wV4 of, her, lii07, nald date beinf; more than tract II., Oak (irovn$l, jidx weeks after the flrt publication ,iiriiiue ivioii to way Keiii.KK. lots oi miis HuninioiM, ami tr you rail ho to land the Inst publication In the Ctb Hundred and Flfty-two (152) rods I. 2, II, I and r hlk 1, Itealle'ii add. Or- u.pear or at.Hwer herein plaintiff will day of Heptemher, VjM. (thence South Ono Hundred and Sev- w;" VUy- ?'"' !,l,,,,y '" lh" ('""rt ''" r,-l"f l). M. DONA I'C If, ier,ty,ne (J71) rods; thence Went l-iaiiini'l Jilpatrlcl( to Harry Kellom;, lot , blk. ,'iii, Cetilnil add. Oregon City. ' plaint, lo-wlt; for a decree forever $l"0. ' iiissolvln the bonds of matrimony C, M, Ware to Alpha Ware, ncft of heretofore and now fxlstlni; between iiet,ij sec. no ,twp, 2s, niKo r,e, 40 'plaintiff and defendant, acres; iil: neft of ho',;, nee. 2:!, twp, I Kervlre of this hiiinmons Is made 2, ikk r,e, 10 ai res. $. 'upon ywu hy order of Grant 1J. Dim- Myrt F, Donahon to Portland Hy. & Ick, County JuiIk" of Clackamas Coun Power Co., sft of neft. Nec. 11 and ww;, Orison, made and dated the 11th ft of nwft hit 12, and swft hit 12, all j'y "f September, I'.)07, denlAiis' ti Is, rtt" 4e, 2S0 acres. $10, , ln the Oregon City Unterprlae, a Carrie M, Crupy to George (ircro, ii"wspaier of general circulation, as 10 ucres hit. r,, twp 2s, re 2e, $1. jibe paper moist likely to jflve notice Mary K ItoHeiiHleln to Ed C, Drown, jt" defendant. Heft of swft and swft of seft hit. 31, twp, lis. iki' 2e, 8 OacreH, $:!ooo. Inils Dlcbelmun et al. to Fred Hoele , miinn. lots I), 10 mid n lot It, b!k. 47, Parlidiice, $102.'". WORLD NEWS jCoiiut Onirt of Clackamas County, (JeorKo I I.llley, member of the ;Oreon, executors of the IlHt Will HotiHe naval affairs committee, who "d Testament of Margaret Jane Saw has been criticised because of his out-deceased. All persons having Hpukeii attitude on Charh'Hton harbor, claims against mild estate are hereby has written an open Inter In whlrh !""",lf,'l preaent the same, properly he says: "If I had the Mipreme law- vrlflftl, to the undersigned at .Molal makliiK Miwer In this country, the only I'1' 'lackamas County, Oregoii, with crime piinlHhnb. with death would he I" ix loonths from the date of this Unit of Kinfilnif. Murder won hi -e- . Hoi Ice. i culve HiToiuhiry coiiHldrratlon. Iii a dlspaii-h from Havana Oover ti or Miikooii nays thai four new raxes of yellow fever were discovered In Cleiifiit-KOH Thursday. All are .Spain-j lard.1. exrept r.tjr. American soldier,! Private William Foster. i The Sun Francltro b.'winl of b"n!th .oimy iurere.1 n iH.unty of ten feiiN for every rut cauirht In th city nml I "'iniy, Oregon, count v of Sun Frnnchco, Emma .1. Huchanan, Plaintiff, Fairbanks saved a girl from drown-1 VH lug. Bryan saved another from nn auto- i ri,ar!l" Kdward Buchanan, Defend mol.ib. and now I'ncle j(,e Cannon I n!lt' cuiues Into the Carnegie medal nnd ! T" 'nnr'08 I'-dward Buchanan, the presidential class by l.lrklng a dug. 'l' f,',"lH,u nl")V'' "":n,,,l: The dlspatch.'s my the ,,,g was tnnd. ! '" th" mnu' "! t?,!1,ft of Oregon, but whether he was mad before or af- v,,u Br" '"'reby required to appear ter Joe kicked hliu Is nut stated !a"(1 answer the complaint filed against . . . i mil IV tt. lllll loll, or .M'Vnua. M s- sourlLthiMiewcommanitorlnchiefof the C.ra,..! Army f the Tinmblle. r ' Captain Iti. lmion.l P. Hobsoi'., re- CTlitlv elerti'il to i'iiiiL'ri fmni A In. liania. has rimiplrted n very Interwtlntr trip through his tllHtrii't in the Interest of fi.rrNtry. ilnilnuge, road building ami improve. ..criruiture in general, SIl.VS tllf (..Mid lt.MI.ls Mllg.Tlne. Saill- M..I Hill ..f K,.iti.. u.i i .....i the otlieo of pl.!le 'nads,' am)' 'other experts of the rnllel States depart- lltOllf tit ft f lira Hi'fittMifittltt.1 f 'int. r i - . . m --' 'i'.,,tv tain llobstm on tl,N trip, It Is be - lleved limt iiiiirh g Kd will result from nr -iiiiiiiiikii nun mat as sunn mi tne benefits reMillliig fn.iii It, b'.tli to the district and i t!ie cuiigretstiinu. are innde Known other meiubers of ruu- Kress Will Iliiiie-Mivite ulmleip nntii palgns In their district. Summons, .In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Jennie A. Johns. Plaintiff, vs. Robert Johns. Defendant. To Robert Johns, defendant: In the name of the Slate of Ore - gun, yon nr.' hereby required to up- 'of September, 1907, at 10 o'clock, a. m., pear and answer the complaint filed jand the Court room of said Court, as against you in the nbove entitled suit j the time and plnce for the hearing of mi or before the 4th day of November, (objections or exceptions to said final 1907, that being the Inst day prescrlb- . account nnd the .settlement of said od In the order of publication of this jestnte. All persons having objections summons, and IT you fall to so appear jto said final account or to tho settle nnd answer said complaint, the plain-iment of said estate are required to tiff will apply to the court for the re- present the same on or before said lief therein prayed for, to-wlt: For n divorce from the marriage existing between you and the plaintiff. This mminioiiH Is published In the Oregon City Kuterprlse for six con secutive weeks hy order of Thomas A. Mcllrlde. Judge of "said Court duly made on the 11th day of September; 1907, the first publication being on tho 19th day of September, 19(17. S. R. HARRINGTON, 41t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator's Final Notice. Notleo is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the os tote of James 15, Currlo, deceased, has filed in tho county court of Clack amas county, State of Oregon, hla final account as such administrator, and that Monday, the 14th day of October, 1907, at ten o'clock A. M., at the court room of said court, has been set as the time and place for tho hearing of objections to said final account and the sottloinent thereof. Dated this 6th day of September, 1907. A. M. CRAWFORD, Administrator of the estate of James E. Currle, deceased. , 39-5t BCMMONS. In Hie Circuit Court of the, Htato of Oregon, for Clackauiai4 County, lllaiichn H, Martin, plaintiff v, HI- hut Martin, defendant. To Hlmer Marlin, defendant In tho name of the Hlate of Or. on, you ;on account of the ubHenc, of Jud art. hereby required to appear and nr.of r,ald Circuit Court for hald County "ii in'i ii'Miiuiuon. men niiiiiHi you ,. , . piayed for and ileinanded In the com First publication thereof September PI. J HOT. Last publication October 25, 1907. Oil A HAM & CI.HHTON, lo 7t Attorneys ror Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby Riven that the un derslKiieil have hern appointed by the Dated August 21!, 1907. RALPH SAWTEI.L. JAMES L. TrilliS. Executors of Ijist Will and Testa- iii' tit of Margaret Jane SawtoM, tie craned. S7-3t Summon. " -'rnilt irt for Clacl.nmas ' i.. ii,.. i ,...i.i. i . . . ' vu n.uu uuu . . r Tre tho 2;.l. day of Oetob.-r. 19-.7. that being the date fixed by tho Court f..r s.ui, ..onenrin, ; answer In and by .the order of the j' t,!!: ; i,,r U1 P'lioication or this sum- i lilotirt, and If- you fail to so A nnear nd answer. plalntilT will apply to the Court for the relief tiraved ror ln her 'eomplaint. tn-wlt: For a decree for - ,,y,,r ,iVorclng plaintiff from defend.;9 oome r"rover llvorcInB plaintiff ..... - , .. ....... .... . ! rrom .lefrmlnnt nn fr tl, ,.. .i "" "i m-ir mi-. ,. n . I ..- 41... .... ...... ,1...... . , ' li ir c 1 1 1 i 1 1 . tVRr ip. ..... hi I This summons Is published by order i"f the Hon. Crant It. Dimick, Judge of 'tlli fViimtv fourt if ..1.1 ,..,.. v.-u.i tt r.nu t'.uiuj.. 1 The date of the first publication ofjC",lnt'- !tiis .summons Is Sept. in. 1907 KD M ICNDENHALL and a. n. mkndi:nhall. Attorneys for Plaintiff. el-it NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the tin- derslRuetl, H. Llesmnn. administrator .of the estato of Henry niockman. .tleceuseil. has lile.l his llnal account ias such administrator in the County ; Court of the State of Oregon, for Clacknniits County, nnd that the said 1 Court has set Monday, the 30th dav date iiIkivu mentioned, Dated, August 1G, 1907. H. LIESMAN, Administrator of tho estate of Henry Dleckmnn, deceased. StU3 SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Fannie Holloway, riaintlff, vs. Harry O. Holloway, Defendant. To Harry G. Holloway, tho above named defendant: In the name of the Statu of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you ln the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 7th day of September, 1907, and If you fall to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for ln the complaint, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the plain tiff, upon the grounds of desertion, and that defendant be decreed to have no interest, right, or title In or to Lot 9 in Block 77, In Sellwood, Multnomah County, Oregon. IhU HuinmoriH Is nuhllnhfid hy or- der of Grant B. Dlmlok, County Jtnlso , .... ... ir.f Clackarnas County, Oregon, and .aid order wan mado and giver. hy'UlenC0 South to th place of bcK!n - him on tho 23t(j day of, July, 1007, tiltiff. containing In all Onn itumirwi umu u mtr ci. ami Mail oner i mniin .. ' . retui nahlo to tho Circuit Court of jnlng at a point 2.71 chains Xorth oflCbamber of O Oreo,,, for Clackamas County. Thojtbe North weat corner of Section 18 34-7t ! IlrHt( publication of thU summons Jujln T, 5 ti. II. 1 II of tho Willamette madu on the 20th day of July, 1907, j Meridian, running thence East One I C2F7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka- mas, Kacheal V. Huckland, Plaintiff, vs. Frank C. Huckland, Defendant. To Frank C. Huckland, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You. are required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you the Cth day of August, A. D. 1907, and In the above entitled court and cause which order required that the first on or before the ICth of September, publication of this summons be made 1907, and If you fail to appear and an- on August ICth, 1907, and the date of swer the plaintiff w ill apply to the j the last publication thereof on Sen Court for the relief prayed for In her ;tcmber 27th, 1907. complaint; to-wlt; For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing; between the above named plaintiff and defendant, and allowing plaintiff to resume her maiden name. Radical V. Maham, and such other and further relief as In equity shall seem meet and unto jus tice Hhall appertain. This summons la published In pur suance of an order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the;namC(1: In the name of the State of above named court, made and entered ! 0rc'S"n, you are required to appear ion the 5th day of August, 1907, specify- lug that the same be published for!you ln tho above entitled Court and six consecutive weeks and ordering I ca,ls or before the 13th day of August the 5Ui, as first publication, j September, 1907, that being the day J. T. ELLIS, j fixed by the Court for such an appear T0M7 Attorney for Plaintiff. ancf! or answer, In and by the order of the Court for publication of gum SUMMONS. .moms, and If you fail so to appear ,n . ..... ,.. ... . mi mi 1,'u.i tin v,iticHama3 ' County, Oregon, jjosie Smith, Plaintiff vs. Floyd Smith, Defendant. To Floyd Smith, the defendant above named: I In the name of the State of Ore- gon, you are hereby required to ap - pear and answer the complaint filed asajnfi you in inn iiove-tnt tir.,t , f imri nml ranun ..t. ... t. nn.u J)"":;"- vio- h V , , )f jtember 190., that being rl,m "au? W the Court for sue appearance r answer In and by the order of the Court for the publlca- ! Hon of this summons and if you fall : to 8,) "flar nnd answer, plaintiff will in,,,,,y to 1,10 c,)urt for the relief pray- !0'1 ff,r ln lu'r complaint, to wit: Fori ' I i r Hnnp h ii ( can n . ' Vl,,,,1 Miovii-. I ThU BI,mmon8 ls Polished by or- ,!or of the I!on; Grant B- Dimick. judge of the County Court for finl.l ( - The date of the first publication of this summons ls August 10th, 1907. ED MENDICXIIALI, and A. R. MEN'DKN'HALL, C0-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff, I In the Circuit Court of the State f Oregon, for the County of Clacka- mas jD. C. Yoder and Levi Yoder, Plaintiffs, vs. j Fannie Yoder, Deiila Troyer, Zeph- niah Yodor, unmarried, Sarah A. Yoder, unmarried. Mary E. Hartz- solving the bonds of matrimony now ler. Ella Miller. Fena Yoder, Silas jexistinS between plaintiff and defend Yoder, Oliver Yder, Fannie M. !ant ' an;i for such other and f'ther Yoder, John L. Kook. Olla M. Zook. irolkf as to sald co,!rt ma' scenl "'t- and Elsie P. Zook. Defendants. Suit tn Partition. To Zephniah Yoder, Mary E. Unrtz - ler, John L. Zook, Olla M. Zook and Eisle P. Zonk of ll, .,.a defendants, j In the name of the state of Oregon, I you and each of you are hereby re- quired to appear and answer the com-1 plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 27th day of September, A. D. 1907, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, n..t tli.i.,t..P ,lnt..,iW ...Ml 1 in nuiti im-n-wi iduillliu will tH'l'1 to the Court for tho relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wlt: a decree of partition of real property, accord ing to the respective rights of the owners therein, Iu and to the follow ing described property, to-wit: The South half of the Northwest quarter of Section , One, Township Five (5) South, Range One (1) West, except Three (3) acres In the North-1 west corner lying tn Marlon County. Also beginning at the Southeast cor ner of the above described parcel of land and funning thence South elgthy (80) rods: thence East Sixty (60) rods; thence North One Hundred and Sixty (160) rods; thence West Sixty (60) rods; thence South to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the half mile corner stake pa the West W of ald Ration and running thence Wear, to l'lutdinir niv,f r,. i (4) chalrm, more or Iuhb, and then "L u. uimicK. county down ald river to tho Boctlon lino: "and forty (140) acres, more or 'lexa. situate In Clackamas County, n.,.n aiu,. f. n.....i , "' "" "wii.ft. I Seventy -two (72) rodi; thence North Eighty (80) roda; thence West Eih - ity (80) rods; thence North to the i . i Vlace of beginning and cintalnlng 120 jacr,'B' moro or '"KH- A!i" tf)e South' j WMtt 1,,artf-r the Northwest quar- jter of Section Eighteen (18) In T. 5 I S. R. 1 E. of the Willamette Meridian, containing 45.72 acres, more or less. jyu the above entitled auit on or Situate In Clackamas County, Oregon, j'fore the 1st day of November, 1907, This summons Is published by or- rai(1 date ,,f!ln aftor the expiration der of the Hon. Thomas A. McBride, of Blx weok'' from the f11 publica Judge of the above entitled court. r"n of the ummoni' and if you fall which order was made and entered on I !3Ct DIMICK & DI.MICK, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. SUMMONS. . In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, Jennie L. Bowers, Plaintiff, vs. A. M. BowerR, Defendant To A. M. Bowers, defendant above an'1 answer the complaint filed against land answer, the nlaintitT will annlv to .the Court for the relief prayed for!in the States of California. Oregon, oi hit complaint, town: tor a decree dlsolving the marriage contract now existing between piaintil and de- f,nilIant and to al!ow her to resume )her maiden name of Jennie L. Wil- 5 1Bihy, and for such other relief as to the Co,lrt maX seem meet and just. iThis 8,immons 13 to be published In jine Oregon City Enterprise for not ' le than o of,b. i . ' man once a week for ri eon ! "tive weeks prior to said day of . pn l "a'd r-y v,ur Ul lu Honorable Thomas A. McBride, Judge of said Court, made and entered on this 30th day of July, 1907. First publication August 2, 1907. Last publication, Sept. 13, 1907. T. B. McDEMTT, 3t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. T i . ry. ... . iu i ue circuit l ouri cr rnft sratA r Oregon for the County of Clacka- mas. iMnrthn T,l-ntrtn v1qn,;r' r.i .....v..,, iiu.i.iiii, ts, Lunuru Johnstone, defendant. To Kdward Johnston, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and janswer the complaint filed against you the above entitled suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of this first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear ni,1 nnc.-c. ii,:' , , . , atut answer plaintiffs complaint, for want thereof n a nt fT w 1 nnlv said court for the relief prayed for, to-wlt: a decree of tho said court dis- ( able. This summons is published bv or- rr of Hon- Th1s' A- Bride. Jdse of the cil"cuit Court of the State of T ' " " 11 ' eo.iiuy, maue this llth day of Sept., 1007. First publication of this summons Is Sept. Kith, 1907, and the date of last j publication Oct. :5th. 1907. I DIMICK & DIMICK, '40-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas H()(V ' ' vs. Henry 0. Hodges, Defendant. To Henry O. Hodges, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the time pre scribed in the order for the publica tion of this summons, to wit: on or before the ICth day of September, 1907, said date being the expiration of six (6) weeks from the first publica tion of this summons, and if you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wlt: for a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony and marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant. I Thin mtumom n publlKhed by or- -a,,. ,., tr , . .. . Judijo of the above named county- In t,h ahsenm r,r iin t a nfTi.i.i 'judgo of tho above named 'court' !,i,Ww,i, ,, .. , the 20th day of J r i OKO. J. CAMERON i . .... Attorney for Pantff-71ft onimeree, Portland, Or. 8ummons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Jennie Bussey, Plaintiff, 1 vs. jMartla Russey, Defendant. To Martin Dussey, defendant ahova named : In the name of the State of Oregon, W" hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against to appear and answer aald complaint, for want thereof the plaintlf will ap ply to the Court for the relief demand ed In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dlssolvinthe bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published by or der of Hon. G. B. Dimick, Judge of the County Court for Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, which order was made and entered on the ISth day of Sep- jtember, 1907, and the time prescribed for publication thereof Is six weeks: date of first publication la Septem ber 12th, 1907, and tho date of last publication, November 1st, 1907. GEO. C. BROWNELL, 40-7t Attorney for Plaintiff, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. United States Land Office, Port land, Oregon, July 19th, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled An act for the sale of timber lands -evaaa, ana Washington Territory, as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Maude L. Trullinger, of Mulino, county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 7497, for the purchase of the S. W. ft of S. W. ft of section No. 27. in Township No. 4 S.. Range No. 2 E., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri- cultural Purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Register ana Keceiver at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 5th day of November, 1907. He names as witnesses: John Mulvaney, of Mulino, Oregon. John Darnall, of Mulino, Oregon. John Keller, of Mulino, Oregon. William Husband, of Mulino, Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this ivembe?" MO ' ' I 1 .,pBYn., rinc, I A-,tc.aoii.t, This notice must be published once !a wee!t for nine consecutive weeks in la newPPr published nearest the lauu, aim must, aiso ce posted in a conspicuous place in the land office for the same period. 3S-9t O. D. EBY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. -": ii.iru. uusiracis iurnisned, lanH j tiles examined, estates settled, general " imnsnciea. Over Bank of Oregon City. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands iu Clackamas County, hare it accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rates are reasonable. We invite you to ex amine 6ur complete set of Abstract Books. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY. 606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. Will practice ln all pourts of the state Office in Caufleld Building. LIVY STIPP ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City. W.s S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College of Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, bas located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones. Farmers' 13a Mail 1311