Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 20, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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' Puff Cakes.
Two cups of sugar.
Three cups of flour,
One cup of butter.
One cup of sweet milk,
Throe eggs,
Threo teaspoons full of baking ,
powder. Ilako either in layer or loaf. !
Flavor to suit taste.
filling or icing: One cup of sugar.
one-fourth cup of butter, one-third cup
of sweet milk. Let boll until waxy,
Btirring until cool.
Ladies Yellow Cake.
One and half cups of flour,
One cup of sugar.
One-half cups of butter.
One-half cup of sweet milk,
One teaspoon of soda.
Two teaspoons of baking powder,
Yolks of four eggs,
One teaspoon vanilla.
Bake in layers in medium oven.
For filling use one cup of sugar,
enough water to melt the sugar. Boil
until waxy then stir in the well beaten
vbite of one egg.
Home Made Buns.
One and a half pints of bread sponge,
One pint hike warm water,
One cup of granulated sugar,
Two-thirds cup of lard.
Sift in flour enough to make a
oougn as sort as can be kneaded. Let
raise three hours, then pinch off pi-ves
of dough half the size of an egg. handle
carefully and gTease each piece of
dough with a little melted butter;
place in a pan leaving space of an
inch between buns, let raise four hours
and bake in a quick oven.
For delicious
cream one cupful
cupfuls of sugar.
Cookies. . . '
marbled cookies j Mixed Greens,
of butter and two : Use sour dock, dandelion, wild let
Add four well-beat- 'teuce and mustard leaves; clean thor-
en eggs, then three scant cupfuls of
i electric mm
FREE: -ON 30
Save Her Time
Save Her Health
Save Her Weary Steps
Save Your Money
Save Your Clothes
Save Her Temper
Save Her Complexion
Q : i f I III
Fill in coupon and mail to us
The frcn will be delivered, with
all necessary equipment, absolutely
free of charge
C. G. Millery Agent, Oregon City, Ore.
Gentlempn You may deliver to me one Electric Flat
iron, which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory to me, to
return to you within 30 days from date of delivery, If I
do not return it at that time you may charge same to
my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge
will be made for the iron if I return it within 30 dr.
DEPT. 0. C.
Hour sifted with two heaping tea
'spoonful of baking powder. Divide
:tho batter In half. To one-half add
either half a cupful or a cupful of
grated chocolate, according to prefer
i once, some people liking more and
other loss of this flavoring. To the
j other half add the juice and .mated
,rind of an orange. After Havering
:both parts, combine them in one-
streaked lump of dough, and roll It
Ivory thin. Cut the dough Into fancy
cookies with diamond, heart-shaped
and triangular cutters. Pake them in
a rather hot oven. If the butter is
! fresh add a pinch of salt.
Sponge Cake,
Four eggs,
Two cups of soft A sugar,
Two cups of Hour.
Two teaspoons of baking
uu iwo-iuiru cup oi uou.uk
Flavor lth vanilla. Hake in two largo
.,, .... . 1 . . ......
layers and use chocolate filling.
Dutch Apple Pie.
To make Dutch applo pie
apples for each pie use
One cup of water.
One tablespoon of vinegar.
One teaspoon of butter,
One scant cup of granulated sugar,
Season with nutmeg.
Crumb four crackers In an ordinary
!pie crust and pour the mixture over
.the crackers. Put on top crust and
j j0 cook Mushrooms,
j Wash mushrooms thoroughly. Place
Enough butter in a skillet to fry a
chicken and let it get hot. Put in
mushrooms, sprinkle wlih salt and
-pepper and fry about ten minutes tin-
;der tight-fitting lid.
.oughly, wash, then place them in a
O ' of boiling water with a luun bono
ithat Is about half cooked before add
ing tho given. CiKik altogether unill
tho moat is done, Servo with vino
.ur to suit taste.
Preserved Qulncs.
j Teel and cut some fine ripe apple
tpiiuees in quarters-if large In
eighths; remove the core and drop the
fruit tis soon as peeled in cold water;
;drnin and weigh the quince; place
them in a ki ttle of boiling water and
i'ooil until tender; remove with a skim
, mer to a largo Mat dish. For six
'pounds of quince allow four pounds
'of sugar and one quart of the water
;the quinces were cooked in; place
water and sugar over the fire, boll a
few minute, then add the quinces;
(cook five minutes, fill them In jars to
'overflowing, close nt once and set
Underwear Other Than Wool.
People should begin to understand
the benefit of wearing light clothing
In the winter time. Old- time flan
nels are ruinous to a healthy, robust
life. They keep the pores of the skin
ed and moistened with presplra-
tlon. which forms a crust over the
skin, interfering with It natural func-
jtioIls Undergarments of linen
cotton are heavy enough for winter In
th,8 cllml,tl. The only need I a
j heavy coat.
Considering tho extreme
departments anil office
heat or our
it is absurd for any sane In
to wear heavy things In-
Figure Developer.
Vaucalre tonic Is an excellent fig
ure developer. It I not a drug but a
food, and act directly on the glands i,,n S n hearty accord with the agl
and tissues. Formula: Four hundred 'tatlon for the establishment of a hlo-
grains of simple syrup, ten gram of
'extract of galega. ten grams of tinct-
i ii re of fennel. Take two soupspoon
ful In water before each meal. Kx
itreme emaciation Is a disease ami Ispeetion trip to the Ontario and Wal
.shouid have the attention of a physl-owa salmon hatcheries, will take the
dan. ! mutter mi with n!l of the loilviM-slt li's
jln the state In an effort to get them
A Fine Salad. ,to work together for a fully equipped
An attractive winter salad I made (station, that the student and profes
of comrpint orange and white grapes, Uors may curry on experimental
the grapes being cut In half, with the 'work.
.seeds removed, and the little orange
cut in slices, served on crisp lettuce
leaves with French dressing.
I Green Grape Preserves.
Take six pounds of green grapes,
cut them open on one side and with a
jsharp knife remove the seed. Weigh
the fruit and use equal miantitlos of
(sugar. Put the grape in a kettle with
just enough water to enver; bring to
a boil, skim, then sprinkle over the
grapes one-quarter of the sugar allow
ed. Itring to a boil again, pressing
the grape under the syrup, but use
care to keep them unbroken; add
more sugar, ook fiv minute, repeat
ing th'1 operation until all the sugar
has been used. As soon as the syrup
'Jellies turn into small jars. When cold
.the grapes should show distinct in the
clear jelly.
Vine Plant Pie.
Make a mixture of
One cup of granulated sugar,
One-half cup of water.
j One egg and yolk of another,
, Lump of butter size of a walnut,
One tablespoon of Hour.
Place crust in pan, .'dice vyino plant
in the crust and pour the mixture over
it. Bake without upper crust, then
make a frosting out of the white of
jono egg, and spread ovr the pie. Set
.back In oven and let get slightly
i brown.
Notes. i
I .v koou way io use poactK-s too,
! green for the table is to bake in a!
Jd'-ep pan until tender, with enough '
j water to keep from burning and half;
la cup of granulated sugar. j
j A splendid way to cook mushroom. i
Is to split in halves, soak for a few 1
hours in salt water and then roll In '
icraek'T crumb and fry until brown, :
issinie a young chicken.
j For furniture polish, take on"-third
linseed oil and two-third turpentine; i
! shake well, apply with a very thin '
cloth, and wipe with the s-anie, j
j For marred furniture, take half an i
jounce each of turpentine and llty-eed
'oil, an ounce of coal tar and shellac.
'Keep in a wide mouthed bottle tightly
corkod. Shake
before applying with
;a sponge.
! One of rny earliest recollections I
of being set down upon a low stool on
ithe hearth rug with mv hack to the
fire, "to roast out. a cold." And when j
I was presumably) done to a turn I
I was raced about and made to "toast
my feet" until I was In a glow from
jtop to ton. It was one of my
jCr's "ways," and no woman or
nurse jever had a 'better.
! Farm Page
It Is said with much truth that t
woman will condone any offense which
she Is convinced has been committed
for love of herself.
A powder for moist hands: Two
drams of oxide of zinc, two dram of
boric acid, four drams of lycopodium,
one ounce of Btarch, one-half ounce of
powdered orris. Add a small quantity
of spirits of camphor to the water
when bathing the hands. Puffy places
rr nr i .
rori nin,
Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine
tested l0 years! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
L:xperienee with Ayer's Sar
saparilla; the original Sarsa
parilla; the Sarsaparilla the
doctors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
Hut PYfii thU RrM nltt mmltcttit tAtttiot 0i
tti (m i unik II Ilie tivur U limi'liv Mint Mm
It.tWflu rMltlKltt. lt lt tx'at ioiilili I
nM, vi-ii iliuithl tuktt latittlvA (fot' I A) '
I'tttt lilltf Ukilttf ttto Nll;.u.rtUU.
Vtt J. CT. Arr Co., T iwU, Vui.
.a WtumfWoluntm of
rutin U10K.
AUt ': CI lit!.
Cllt.KKY I'lCTtlRVl..
V hv no rt.rt'U I W putillih
tt,6 f.'t-niuui of nil our mtuiii.
under the eyes signify kidney or liver
trouble, lack of rest or nervousness,
Stringy locks A good hair curling
fluid Is made of one half ounce of pure
powdered horux. fifteen grain of gum
arable, three fluid dram of spirit of
camphor and eight ounce of. warm
wnter. Dissolve the solid in the
warm water, cool and add the cam
phor. Apply to the hair, which can
then be curled on the Iron or arranged
In flat ringlet and pinned with an in
visible halrplu until dry.
Oyster Culture on the Oregon Coast.
Master Fish Warden It. (', Van lu-
jlogleal station at Newport, for the
'purpose of studying and fostering the
oyster Industry on the Oregon ("oast,
and when he return from a, brief In-
Narrow Escape From Waterspout,
Cap.iiln Jorgenseti, master of tin-
jschooiicr And .Mahmiey, report that
, his vessel hal a narrow escape from
Idcstruetion t.y a wat'-rpent on Sun
day morning. About S o'clock, when
the schooner was between the light
ship and Tillamook Head, the water
spout appeared In t;H. dlctanc,) uieb r
a thick black cloud. While small at
first, the cloud gradually increase.! in
size as It u;ipro;iched the Vessel. All
on board the schooner were thor
oughly al.trn: il. a the craft wto di
rectly in tin, track of the sxiut, but
when only a .hort distant';- away Lie
sprout suddenly broke and dropped
Into the sen. with a report lUo Lie
discharg" of a heavy cannon,
i Captain Jorgensen say he ha
jseen many waterspout during his life
at sea. but never before witnessed one
as latge and so dangerous 1'iol.ln;; as
thin one.
The Future American Highway.,
The "future American highway," ac
cording to an Inventor whose pam
phlet 1 reviewed In 1'ugineerlng .New,
will be a paved roadway - feet la
total width, divided by longitudinal
curbs Into eight separate roadways,
four for passage In each direction. Hu
provide twij sixteen foot roadway
for animal traction vehicle and a four
foot walk tit each side for tho stray
pedestrian who may stll! Indulge In
tho nntiiiuatcd tnetho l of locomotion
that nature furnished. The rot of tho
width Is devoted to automobile roadfl.
As tho cost of this remarkable high
way would mount up to between $1HV
000 and $".00,000 per mile, the Inventor
docs well to call It a "highway of tho
To Build Automobile Roads In Nevada.
A good road association J reported j
to have been formed In Nevada for i
tho purpose of stimulating the build- j
ing of road exclusively for tho uo
of automobile In the southern part of j
tho stale, Vhore automobiles are be-
coining tho means of rapid tramtlt
across the desert. It Is proposed to j
build, among other, road from Tono
pnh to Coldileld to connect the mining
amp of Manhattan and Itttllfrmg mid
other smaller mining camps, later ex
tending the road to Waller I.alo
ervati in and then north
r( t.c toad, Tt?
lit S
,laine Lewi of Terrell, Tex., wan
excused from Jury duty recently be
cause he hn Iweuty lwo children,
Henry TI(iuiimui of I'lilliidi'lphlu
shot himself two .Mar nun, and now
he must explain In court wliethur he
did It accidentally of Intentionally,
For thirty -one year .luhu F, Twls
Iim been station nu'ent at Shaker Sta
tion, Conn, He Iim itlu been postmas
ter of the town for the Name length of
Albei t Sult'iu of Denver recently dis
covered a pure ituggei of gold at the
foot of a peach tree, supposed (o have
been buried there by a former owner of
tho f a rtu.
Complying with an order of the court
to pay Id w ife $;i, Joseph Fix, a New
York car conductor, tendered her ;ioo
pontile. Till she refused, but the
court decided Unit It wax legal tender.
I r. .James 1 Wellington of Swansea,
It. I., posse-ise the oldest lullltla com
mission In that state. It hour tho date
fit Sept. Ul, ISItt, and iv im signed by
tiovcftior MarciiH M rtun, Tim doctor
1 eighty nlno yearn of ago.
Although Daniel Kinsley I seventy
eight year old, hi face In still fni
from wrinkle, his eye are clear and
steady mid hi step I clastic. Ho Iiiin
been employed for ilfty year In tho
Worcester (Mil.) courthouse.
Frank It. Mowrer of Ohio, at present
consul general at Leghorn. Italy, ha
t'oii transferred to lw consul general
at Copenhagen, Denmark, exchanging
place with Lriiest A. Man of Florida,
who l-cooiue consul general at I.eg
F. It. Kllng, n railroad bridge builder,
fell sixty feet from a bridge at !!ruc
vllle, Md., recently ami lauded In shal
low water. H" wa smoking when ho
fell, lie didn't bse a bit of tobacco
and kept en smoking when he walked
out of (he stream nnlujurisl.
Dr. Franklin Sloeuui of Liidlugtuti,
Midi, l;;n been advised by the ittlM-
slau ambassador at Washington that I
the I'.ar ha decided that he I entitled J
i to the Sl.ooo.uoo fortune left by hi fa-
lin-r ami couiwcuicii oy tne litiNsuitt
government In the uprising of 1h;i,
Senator Tillman I by birth ami by
education n polished gentleman. No 1
mini I mere familiar with nil the en- ;
gaging conventionalities ,,f hocUiI Inter- f
! course, and few men In the senate are '
! better vered ill literature and lilsory. j
! Mr, Tillman I growing richer every ,
j day. Ho I nun of the popular Icetlir- j
; or of today. I
i Leorg- Mayhew Motiltou, who u III
t lie the tirst major general of the I!!!-
Iloj national guard. Is an architect ;
! mid builder of grain elevator and ha
i been connected with the national i
guard since 1s.m;, He wa Inirn In '
; Keadsboro, Vt In ls.M, and when two ;
! Jeiir old wa taken to I'lilcngo by hi ;
' parents. Ceiieral Moulton has U-eti '
1 brlgadli-r general since l'.ioj, and pre
! vlomdy wa Inspeetor general of the ,
! stale orce and l ol'nel of tho Second
regiment. ,
i What ha become nf the old fash-
i loiied man who said of hi dog, "It 1
j doe everything but talk?" 1
I What hn Im H f the old f ish- j
! loued man v ho told of his great fear
' by saving. "My lialr stood on end-;"
What ha ecome of the old fash-
; loiied woman who prepared for a com-
: puny supper cold sll 1 ham, Ibmtlng
Island and marble cake?
i What ha become of the fellow who
'', went to nee hi girl every other Tltes-
day night until they were engaged,
1 and then Im went regularly every Ttie
! day night''
; What ha become of the old fasli-
; oml boy who went down the street
1 holding up two linger a a sign that
ho was going swimming ami wanted
company? Atchison (ilebe.
New York city lias 10." bunks.
New York clly ha .'1,11-7 tit-emeu be
sides the member of twelve volunteer
companies in Klchinond borough.
New lork city 8 acreage I more 1
than that of Chicago and Philadelphia
combined, or '.'1!,21S as compared Willi
Although New York I a "hitching
posth-ss" city, there are less runaway
horses In It streets than In the ator
11 go city of one-tenth of It population.
Thousand of travelers on New
York's elevated railway regret, tho
poorly maintained and dilapidated sta
tions on tho lines, and In Kevenil In
stances tho attention of the board of
health has biui called to their insani
tary condition Now York Herald.
When they enter a (heater women
should check their hats and men their
thirst Chicago News.
Kven Luther Ilurbutik hasn't yet suc
ceeded in grafting tho milk weed to
tho strawberry plant and producing
strawberries and cream.-Sotnervlllo
Possibly tho abolition of reduced
railway rates to clergymen will result
i In the congregations paying their min
ister enough to travel as other per
sons. Kansas City Times,
Whenever n ball player makes nn
error It Is published In tho papers. Tf
tho sumo thing should bo done of ns
whenever we make errors tliero would
bo Homo pretty black records. Akron
Choice Cigars and Tobaccos, .
Ice-Cold Hop Gold Beer,
High Grade Bottled Whis
keys and Wines.
Kiiap'p& Nobel
Wind Mllltt, PumpH and Hydrau
lic IUm n Specialty,
Phono 1!CK2.
Oregon City,
Clothes WasliKd "Whiter Than
Snow." Family WashlnK at
HeanonahlH listen--No worry,
no regret If you phona I2U(.
Our wsgon will rail.
( .hon, im- Omro I. (I. Hid. Main St
Pioneer Transfer
And Express
t I. GMM!Z, Prop.
Successor to
C. N. (illKICNM AN
nd Gravel
Oregon Clfy
' . . ...
Plumbiiuj & "i.'iino
Hut Air lurttdrci, tlup Pipes. Pumpi,
Spray Fumpi. Kittr Pipe.
All Klinl of Juldilng a Specialty
nstliuates (i'ven on All Classes
of Work.
IJes. t'hciirt 1514-Hhop ISIfl
914 N. Main St., Oreaon City, Or
! Strictly ill .KCOrJ.WCC With the
Pure Food Law.
4 17 Main St. - Oregon City
Hcckel Si England
j The Hub Saloon has changed
hands, Carlson & Block scl
; ling out to Heckel & England
W. H. SILCOX, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant
Host Service and Accommoihiiionii
Main St., Opp. suspension Bridge
si tf imM Hjfih: :
For sale by