OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1907. 0 LOCAL liMLTS o. -o Went Oregon (ily sehoobt open next Monthly. Ti't'MjiiiHs , not Icon printed iiiul for wnlii nt this oITI'm'. Tho rll I'M'iu tif MeMlnnvlllo Col- ll'K" Opened Wl'llllllMllliy. WlllllllM'llO FlIllS l'HIIIl, W. of V has 4 Ml mi' in In-i-h. Inn Ink Initial"!! 11 lit Mt Wl'I'k, The opening bull of Un Hi'iimm was jelosod Wednesday, account Yom Kip kIvhii In Mi'lKi-r'n Hull, (JruMhitiu, on i per, Urn ilay of atonement. Oi'i-koii Saturday nluht, Michael .1, lliiyhiui, of Vancouver, was in i'i'nIimI Sunday for kocpliiK bin hiiI'mhi open for IiiihIiiumh, W. (', Ciiluion Iiiim Mit'(-hio4ii tlm A. II. MiMiro property on Fifth Htrri't between t'i'iitiT mid WaMhliiHlnii. Work on Main Hi rout In boliiK pnili ml to completion In nn effort lo net It finished before t lit ralna of full roino on, (JiiirK" Cublek, a native of Austria, want to become nn American rl.lli'i mid to that end hit flh'd IiIn flint oi- pl'l. Millinery opening, Friday, Septem ber 20. Mas, It. I.. SLAIHCN. A urn ml parade. of school children will hit oiin of thn principal events of ,tio Intermediate depart mi'iit, tho roinliiK Yamhill minify hcIiooI fair, j n,.w k,M),h fr (,0 faij an,j holiday It will occur at 2 o'clock, September jtnid are bolim opi'iii'd In th tuw -' ihulldliiu of Prank Hunch on Main nt. riiHiiniiHlor Itnndall and ItccoriUT 'Only immIh ni-i-dod for lmmiialo aalit ItaiiiHliy hav.. piirclinHi'd 5 acrca of ttr), tntfii lo tlm old Htorn and It will tlmhi-r tiiuil at Highland, from Wll- jt.i. hut a f.-w wim.Km until tlm now atoro Hum C. llondiTHon, Tlm prlco wn (W jM. runnlriK In full hliiht. Tlm ' jtiow hulldliiK will mako a very com Maii.Uoin.) HtrawhorrloH wiro oifipi,.!,, and commoillouH Morn, ono of milo at OioKnn City fruit atoroa tlmthi. hint and nii.Nt convoiilont In thin pail wci'k, OriKon chiiioh pretty rmar prodiicliiu Htraw liorrliH half tlm year In iiitini lili k for wulo If tlm f.w ninaliiliiK elk In tho conn- J room a the placi-a whero nmn and wo try an- up to HiiufT. the ywlll lake tojn,,.,, nri, tutiKht to he pure, morally the tall tlmher and lay Inw for tlm 'and aoclally," Haya nn Ohio profeaaor. m xt f.-w woeka. Ivnth for them In To which an exchange, adda: "Hut tlm MtalUiiK alMiiit on a whlto ImrHe. 'teacher ahould not ho nuked to Hear Tlm HctuMil law require ti achera toj,,!! tho load. Tlm parent ahould carry fllo tlo lr (outraci with tlm county 'a part." H.,p. rln...nde..i and provhloa that on-j Mlllll).r. OIM.(lln)? Vfi,iay til Hii.h Htep are taken ltcl,er ,H,r MW L KLA,.:N.. cull collect fur aervlces rendered. l'arkplaci, hcIuk-U opi ned Monday Th" Krtt"Ut ,,f Mw,,"t rorn f,,r Ul" win. fn mi,..,,!.., t., ...,.,l.r. ,,,0,,,,u,', "1,,rk('t ' I"11" " are: 1,. A. Head, principal; Anna T, Smith. Unlay McAnulty, Alice Mark art, Minnie Markart, and Kdlth Arm utrniitf, Work on tlm new Man.mlc Tompln Ih ln'liiif rtiHhed aa fant a imihhII.Io. Tlm Miihoiih ar NtrlvltiR to keep ahead of the had weather that may cotim at any time at thla Hcaxon of tlm year. Mr. Illchard Schoneborn of Carua, .. Air, i . li. MaiiillttKr. proHperomt , farmer m-af Molalla, and Win. K. Mar ahall, m.-rrliant nt Huhki-IIvIIIi) were i ..... i i.. i. ... .i i""""".' iniiiioi oi mi, con my hcbi IIIIM WI'.'K. 1 JihIko Mcllrlde. w ho him been Hmnd Iiik hi vacation at Marlon like, r t limed lait week. Th la week ho la lioldln Circuit Court at Antorla. A atiort term of court will aoon ho held In thla county. Court Kohln llood haa appointed a riunmltteo of entertainment to look after tlm needa of tho officer of tho (iratid Court of Foroatora, who will ronio nn from Portland next Tliura ilay to visit tlm local IoiIko. The St. John Itevlew aaya: "Tho tiananrlit flht ended an It oiiRht to. Any white, man who will mako audi ft holy allow of hlmiudf an to flubt a colored Ri'iitlcnmn in public oimht to bo whipped and whipped hard. The plan for tho reorganization of tho OroKon Trimt & SavlnKa Hank will B ook and Job Pointing i ' Ail Kinds -Low Prices Prompt Service 0 . Sta? Press Job Room OREGON CITY, OREGON O ---------'- jlm placed before io' depositors of tho 1 n h I It nt li mi Hut unit! y night, hI. a moot ing lii tlm Armory, ut Portland, and will In- explained In nil Uh details, Tho liuy,it iiiinihi'r of farmers who ill'! not il cli tlii'lr tiojm for vurloiis reasons Iiiivm done the trade K"tiera1 ly un Immense amount of good. Al ready prima have boon stimulated uml it Ih believed that even greater ad vances urn certain to follow. 'I'hi! alorea belonging to tho orlho ilox .l.ws till over tlm country wero t'liy h,Iimi'H owned hy tni'ii with Jew hih church affiliations with all closed until () p. mi., tin end of tlm day. Oihkoii City pIlKiims to tho Statu Fair at Kali'iu this week with: County Recorder Uuumby, Wallace Col", Frank While, J. W. Wood ward, Kvor tn ii 1 1 rt Itollilnx from Molalla, and Miss Iva llarilnKton, MImh Myrtle Too.e, Miss Si'dotila Hluiw mid William Mul voy, Till1 lOHlliril'Ill fill 111 IC Kf'hool (IJH'IlCll with professor Flint ax principal, Ho jtook Hi" plneo of .1. IC. Htublm, who Iiuh Ikoih' to Hood River.' Minn Hay Steve than charmi of tint primary room, and .MImh I'va Primer, who tauk'lit tho Car Iti'ld school Inst yi'itr, has charK! of hi-( l Inn of tlm Htato, "Thorn la no euro for tlm evlla of iMK'li'ty except lo maki our hcIuhiI I Important IniliiHtry with many of tlm farmera In tho vicinity of OroMham. Thla year the crop li kooiI and price have alHo averaged a llollar a Hack or better. At thU prlco tint farmera aro K"ttln(? aliundred dollarn n aero, or more, roKn, for the crop. McUiuKhlln Iimtltuto will open lt Hchoolrooma for limtructlon next Mon day. Klx rooma will lie opi ued to idvn IllKlrilftlnn Tlio inulltn.rt 1,.. , ,,, , . bo dodlcated with apiiromlato cere- nionlea on Sunday. October fi. Tlm xpeakor o far announced fur tlm oc .. . t" i.i i . iiiii,,,, ir i ri'ii ill Hiiiiii ainvnn ittr r " ;('j,rW((, jj W. Scott, and Frederick V. Ilolman. The iHmtoffleo and atoro of Mr. Markondale, at Falrniount, waa rob bed Tnemlay nljiht September 10. The anfo waa raiiHJickod, nil papery, hooka and other eontenta atoleii. Tho ihlevea aecured $1,10 In Ro!d, $."i) worth o"f Ktainpa ahd 150 peiinlea. The re Islereil lettera wero alao taken. Tlm nafo waa not bursar pnnif and waa caally entered. Tho Southern Pacific Iiiim let tho contract for a now biidKO to apan tho Willamette at Elk Hock. Jim Wllaon vlllo cutoff. Thla la the outcome of tho aiirvey work which has been pro KroHNliiK for montliH and la brought almut by tho doHlro of tho 8. P. to run Its West Sldo train to the ter minal urounda via the Bant Sldo and avoid Fourth at root. 0 o There Ih a veal famine. In the mar kets at Portland, tho Hupplloa helm? tho low'tHt In yoarH. Auction null, of Poland China awlrm at tlm farm of 8. W. Mlloa, near I ml is- Jpendoiicii, Origon, Tueaday, Septum ilmr 21,, Slxly flvoof hla boat ouch will ! bo olfoi'i'd. Hi'crolary Hpenco of tlm Clackamaa Fair AnHoiiatlon, waa attondlng tlm Statu Fair at Salmon thla wook pick ln up what exhibit 1m could for tho local Hltow ut Uladatoni; Park . Tlm Ilttlo lU-inontha old baby of Mr. and Mr. Win. Davla, Jr., of Garfield, f.il down a nlim-foot (light of atalra liiHt, week Wednoaday, and had the lower Jaw bono fractured. Coiincllmiin Burfacu and Recorder JohtiH'in wero at Oregon City TueHday flguiink' out how much money la duo lM road illatrlct from tlm county. l''ntucin!a NewH, IK'Klimlng tho flrat of next month nothing but cream will bo received at iho Extacada creamery. Tlm patrona are InveatliiK in separators and teama will gather tlm cream twico a week. Receiver fievlln ban mado hla re port on tho affalra of tlm Oregon jTnwt & HuvltigH Jiank, and tho report JhIiowh tho concern In belter Hhapo jthan many aiippoHi-il It to bo, Rtlll ( runny Irregularities In bimlnoHH meth- oiih were iiiacovereil It Keenia a cano whero tho dlreclora failed to direct. Chan. AlriHworth, who gavo the name of Kleo when applying for lodg ing at tlm Anderson lodging limitm and who db-d In tho night, laat Wed ,111'H.lay waa burled at Mountain View j cemetery ThurMilay. Hu waa 19 yoara of ago and waa tho Hon of Mr. Prlco of Portland who camo to claim the ro i main. J The Improvement around tho Cath olic property, corner Main and Tenth atroetH aru very notleoablo. The Mc jlughlln Inatltute haa boon oncloaed, 'old biiiidlnga moved to more dealrabli) iiKatioiiH, building repaired and the (1ot graded until that corner proKenta jna flno an 'appearanco aa any on the jHtreet. Tho pwipl.. of tho Catholic church aro to bo congratulated. i I Jacob Kraemer waa lodged In jail 'Sunday on tho charge of atcallng hats ,from tlm lodgo room of tho Odd Fel low. John J. Cooko and John K. MonioH nilxiied their hats and It Is charged that Kramer was found with ;th goods In hla poHaeasIon. Iteport jaaya a companion of Kramer was Im plicated In tho thoft but ho escaped, i Kramer will bo given a hearing at tho : November term of court. J Rounds ladles orchestra played to a small audience In Shively Opera louse Monday evening. The house jKhmild have been full as the ladles gave a very creditable entertainment. (Nwt onjy jI Id tho orouoiitra acquit It self with credit, but tho special num bers by members of tho company wero jof more than ordinary Interest. Thoae worthy especial mention wero the vlo lin solo, tlm tromhono solo, readings I by the elocutionist and a baritone so jlo by tlm lady who played tho trom bone. Oregon City patrons of the house who wero not present missed a good entertainment. KILLED IN WELL Skull Crushed by Falling Plank, Drop ping Many Feet. Word Is brought to Oregon City tel ling of tho snd death by accident of a Damascus farmer. The story says: Ernest Lehman was' Instantly killed Wednesday afternoon at Damascus while cleaning out a well. His two sons were In tho well with him, and a heavy board, four feet in length, fell from the top of the well, striking Leh man's head and crushing his skull In a terrible manner. Lehman was 49 years of ago and one of the best-known farmers of Damascus. Ho Is survived by a widow and several children. Jars, Fruits and Spices Tlm pnnnlni'' uiidumii la ilin..iiv I I . . . .... close but wo aro still in the midst of tho season of Preserves and Pickles. Nice Preserves and Sweet Pickles prove very toothsome. FULL LINE OF FRUITS IN SEASON And the prices are always as low as good Fruits can be sold, and we enn sell you spices and seasonings to pre serve them and to give flavor. GROCERIES IN ALL BEST BRANDS In convenient shape for delivery and In best possible shape to keep until such time as you can use thorn. A little cash goes a long way at our tore. We are buyers of farm produce, and imy i ne ingnesi price lor nice goons, Always In tho market for good butter and fresh oggs. A. ROBERTSON I Seventh St. Grocer. ' ' A STORY. It alt bfunn wtmn tin was ynun. Ttirotoch fortune' Imrd mlsolianc i ' t r.,.m, u,.....t 1 , ... - ' Ilia rt;'l'ly' cut linwn pants. I If thnn arw up t' mn' i-lnl, . t (.'ontlriijeil us l-r.,ra, Arl when tie wnt lo p,lttl(' Tlm tt'mn' cillnr worn. If next bnearnn tiftifJitct, 1 Of courso w nmy mirrnliio From color r (imlilinillons stranj Jt woro tils ti.-lpni,rt'a tl.ts. nil (hough In his apparnl, thua. Hi, n.'V.'r fiiiml to choosn, lf nirt'lo a fiillur.) wticn h tiieil To fill a grnt iiimi's nho. Tlm morn! of this tul Is this: For clihur fiiini) or pelf A tHllor w,or Is rlrcuiiiHtanca. You'd h,ili.r ilrcsn yoursitlf. M.i.unilhio'Kh Wilson In Upplncott'S. Young Wife (w ho has cooked the din ner for the llrst time)-Whatever will my hiisbaml say when lm sees that I have iilte spoiled tho joint? Come, Anna, wo will t ss w ho hIiiiII take It la tr blm.-Fliegoiide flutter. Th Amataur Chauffeur. "How do you adjust your carburetor, Blgglnsr "I'll show you. You see that nut? "Yes." "I carefully turn that. You see that Krer "'f'-" "I gently loosen that. V.. AUU IHTU Ulltfc I rlngr Taking No Chancs. "I slowly tighten that" M- Metta Hnley Thayer of Taco-! ur Hlu,us m lDe C01le&e- "Yes, but what d the nut and the ma Is a guest at the home of Mr. and !Cr0SS graduated last June from Park acrew and 'the ring control? What do Mrs. John Lewthwaite. place Hlgh Scnw)I- they mean?" Mrg. Thos. A- Pope and Miss Mr. John Adams, who has spent tho "I don't know." :Popo are home from a month.g B0.,last month In the East arrived home "Then how can you get a good ad-!,,. ot . . (Wednesday. He says he saw no place Justmeiitr "Y ou d dn't let mo finish. After crw lng through the manipulations already cited I turn the crank." "Thou what happens?' "Nothing." " "Well, what is the next move?" "I walk carefully Into the telephone room, gently take down the receiver and pleaiuntly summon aid from the factory." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Suspicious. 3me, Cal. "I guess Mr. Hyxley ain't as rich as j Mr. W. E. Bouney of Colton has re omo people think," said Tommy. "You turned from a pleasant two weeks' vis- said he didn't have to work, but could ;,t wlth hls son j. Bonneyj of j,,. Henry W. Stratton, Mrs. Maud Rob Jest go around eujoyin hlsself wber- , h . . erts, L. E. Williams, Judge Grant B. ever he nkmsed." "So he kin." salii kl "Well, he wasn't at that dandy Sun- j day si hitol plculc of ours yesterday, an" the tickets wuz on'y 25 cents." Catholic Standard and Times. Noble Critic. Seasoned Publisher My reader re ports that your manuscript Is worth less. He Is a very fine critic, sir. Aspiring Author-Er-dld your reader ever write a novel? Seasoned Publisher Xo, but he has turned down hundreds of 'em.-Puck. 'n ,925 De Style-Wl, a circus Is stranded nowadays tho slack wire artist Is the envy of all the performers. Gunbusta How so? De Style Why, lie Is the only one wuo is able to walk home on tuo gyro- acople railroad track Judge. Tha Secret Out. Neighbors I hnve no secrets from my w ife. I tell her everything. Nextdoor Y'es, I know you do. Neighbors--How do you know It? Nextdoor-Oh, your wife tells what you tell her to my wife, and she tells me. Detroit Tribune. Not the Same Bill. After much persuasion Sir Johu Ast ley allowed himself tu some years ngo as a Conservative can- didate for parliament from Lincoln - shire. He confessed he knew little about polities, but entered Into the campaign as rare sport. One day he ,.,; , ' , , , K !r4e'wt0M t a village In the KWt- m .Y.W.l.lie. 1111(1 wheu hi had finished somebody chal lenged his hearers to fire questions nt him. Presently there came the ouerv. "What do you think of Sir Wilfrid Lawson's liquor bill?" For a moment Sir John was nonplused, but only for a moment. Pulling himself together, he replied. "I cannot answer for Sir Wilfrid Lawson's liquor hill, but I do know that last your my own was a deuced sight too big!" Hnrduppe Say, old man, uo you rem ly believe there Is such a thing as hard luck? Cynleusse Certainly. Otherwise how is It that whenever I have $5 In my pocket I happen to meet you? Wall Street Bulls and Bears. Why Her Hair Wat Light. "The ends of your hnlr are light, areu't they?" be naked. "Thoso Ilttlo etuis are a shade lighter than your hair at the roots." "I know," snld she, "I couldn't find my curls. These are my sister's." Denver Tost. "A STITCH IN TIME C A 1 rT7r TlTTTlTrJ l It Costs Less to Fill Small Cavities And the pain of having one filled is less also. Save money, pain and your teeth. Consult us when you discover the first break. Plate $5. Crowna and Bridge-work $5. Painleaa Extracting, and free when plates are ordered. Ten-year guarantee with all work. OREGON DENTAL PARLORS Over Harding's Drag Store and Postoffice. PERSONALS Mlss Hazel Uingham the State Fair at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Finucane are home from a delightful stay at Edy. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Bond were up from Lane county the first of the week. Superlntedent McKee and family are home from a pleasant sojourn at ! Lebanon. ' Minn 1arvarttt n.w.l ,.f UII.I...II ' " ' - . a guest at the home of Postmaster T. i P. Randall. : j Paddock and Mtas Ioira ! Mnl- J' c- ra,u)K an M'ss laura -Paddock have returned from a pleas ,an- visit at Umg Ueach. Mr. E. Albright left Monday night for St. Helena. Cal., w'here he will re side. His 'family will follow Thurs day. I Mrs. Jennie E. Wlthycombe and her sister, Miss Cathie Shelvock, left Mon jday night for their old home in San Mrs. Rachael Allen has left for the I nome of ner son- J- M- Allen' of Med" ifwr(l. Jackson county, where she will 'spend the winter. Messrs. Jack Latourette and Guy Mount started for New York City on Tuesday, where they will enter Col umbia University. Mrs. Mary Lucas and son, Henry, of Napavlne, Wash, are visiting her j sisters at Canemah, Mrs. Julia Frost and Mrs. Jennie Bingham, j Miss Martha Francis Draper and iMiss Cis Barclay Pratt are visiting !friends at Grants Pass, guests of .Mr. and Mr9 Arthur Howland. , Mr- Kenneth Latourette, who will jtake his second post-graduate year at Yale this coming school year, left for New Haven, Conn., Tuesday. Mrs. McBride, who has been visit ing her son George M. McBride for the Jast two or three weeks, departed yesterday morning for her home at Oregon City. Toledo Leader. Mrs. Robert B. Beatie and son, Al- if red, and daughter, Lenora, are on a visit to friends in Tacoma, where they will be guests of Mrs. W. A. Fair weather and Mrs. F. Holden, sisters of Mrs, Beatie. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Taber have re- !turne'1 from Sylvan Park, Cannon 1 Bi:acn- having spent several weeks at ttieir cottage there. Mr. Taber made 'extensive improvements on his beach j property and will return in the early spring to prepare for the accommoda- tlm. . lrlmato Arin tfc0 cncr. eon. son. We have a buyer for timber lands and lot two ten acre tracts. We have for sale some fine river front properties. Have made some nice additions to our list in last few days. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. 606 MAIN STREET OREGON CITY. This is gospel truth when applied to the care of teeth. A small orifice today becomes treble in size in a few days, or weeks; and in cases where it lays the nerve bare often causes untold suffering. o j Mrg. Verna Phillips If Portland is i visiting friends In this city. j Mr. George J. Gill of Orient was cal- ojiing on Oregon City friends Friday. Is attending ' iIr'. Luther Moore la home from Bil j lings, Mont., where he has spent ser- !eral months Attorney and Mrs. Will H. Fouta, of Dayton, Wash., are guests of Mrs. Ro alna Fouts. Mr. A. B. Marquam, formerly a resi dent of Marquam, this county, but now living in the southern part of the State was In the city Thursday calling on , friends. Miss Juliette Cross will leave Mno day for Eugene, where she will com- l8' looked so good to him as the West in general, and Oregon In particular. Mrs. E. Albright and children left Friday morning for Xewberg, where she will visit friends until Tuesday, when she will return. She will leave Thursday for St. Helena, Cal., to re side. Thursday and Friday scores of Ore gon City citizens took in the State Fair. Among those who the number were: Messrs. H. E. Cros3, L. L. Por ter, James U. Campbell, George Ely, Dimick. Sheriff Beatie, Treasurer Paddock. Assessor Nelson. Represen tative Dye, Postmaster T. P. Randall, Patrick Harris and a host of worn we were unable to secure the names. AUCTION SALE. On Saturday, October 12. 1907, at 2 p m., the personal effects of J. B. Robinson will be sold at the office of the Electric Hotel to pay board and other expenses of said Robinson. Fol lowing Is the list of articles to be sold: 4 Robes, 7 Blanket Table Cov ers, 2 Bath Robes, 1 2-piece Suit, 6 pairs Pants, 1 Smoking Jacket, 1 Mac Inaw Coat, 1 Coat, 4 Flannel Shirts, 3 Pillows, 1 Linen Coat, 2 Vests, 2 Hats, 4 pieces Flannel, 1 pair White Blan kets, 2 Cotton Shirts, 1 Fishing Rod, 1 Rule, 1 pair Overalls, 2 Whisk Brooms. 1 pair Io Skates, 1 Suit Pat tern (blue flannel) 3"4 yards, 2 pairs Shoes, 1 pair Gloves 41-3t LIQUOR LICENSE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to the council of Oregon City at its nest regular meet ing for a renewal of his liquor license until April 1. 1908, at his present place of business, 40S Main street, Oregon City. 41-2t BENNETT & FOUMAL. Money transferred by Postal Telegraph. I