OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1907. Jl.50 .75 .25 PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR HOMES. Tho government has been enriched to the tune-of $t.50rt.0tt0 the past your by sales of federal lauds In Oregon alono. Exchange. Klirbt bow Is tho mot of tho whole evil. It Is entirely wrong for tho piv ormnont to ho enriched In any such way. Tho public domain Is not for such a purpose; I. o.,tho enrichment of tho government, or tho tuKlns from Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday. Dy THE STAR TRESS. Entered at Oregon City. Or.. Post office as second class matter. Subscription Rate: On Year Six Months Trial subscription, two months Subscribers will find the date of e ... a tkAl nnari fnl ZZZrulZ paTment is .ho shoulders of industry any part of rrdttfld. kindly notify us, and the tax burden. The business of tho the matter will receive our attention. oouutry s able to boar nil just ox- !ponso of tts operation, and that with 'out holdinaSHip. at the outset of his The new Oreson town named Taft jrarwr a man who wishes to make a will be a hummer If It ever takes on i,onu for himself and family, the proportions of the big secretary. I Tlu, wm wno Wants to make a - 'home for himself should be Riven a The wage paid to laboring men Is 'slice of the public domain, so Ions; ns much greater now than a few years jthero is any public domain, on eondl- ago, but it will not buy more; and in turn mat no win mane a nume ... ... And only such safeguards suouiu no thrown around that promise as will wm) ensure the rummneiu or . mm whether or not the land be timber or WHAT; ROOSEVELT HAS DONE, j When we figure on Roosevelt, and j w hat he has done, we don't want to ; lose sight of the fact that no man has boon free from mistakes; no man has Tho Standard Oil Co. now says that Mr. Honors Is too 111 to appear In court and tell what he knows about the methods of Standard Oil. Wo can't see bow one who keeps the American PUBLIC 8ALE8. I t.t. n Jit it tt Mm itmrl iMt ii ii tvitt'it limn t boon free from criticism; no man who 1 " , i- dancing around as Mr. Roger has. can ho too ill to toll about il ; and we I'll IIU'U, VII. .1-1 I" I liv . I,1,. it I . ,, . , ,. ,t .can t see why ho xhouldn t ho culled fo ow a vllllau or because of that , '...S. IiiiM III III., illilliiill.-.ni Ui.liilliiiiu outer laci inai u u uis uuij, un lu-. n John Acker, on the Aliernalhy road four miles from this city, will sell at public auction on Thursday, Sept, X farm machinery and stock, bunnies, harness, olo. Sale at 10 a. in., with II. Samson as auctioneer. COUNCIL WILL VISIT (Continued, from pugo One). the Improvement, l hey wer.t entitled to consideration, and that us soon as Council could net around to grunt It. Mr. Anderson wanted It settled oim many cases not so much. pretty, but some are prettier others," must have visited Oreson , City in disguise some time in the past. The Crown Prince of Sweden, .ti . I. Imaran wnllien 1110 saiu uiui .1.1 . . , h.w., than ; prairie u mumuu ,.-.. conditions and those conditions oniy. if timber, the timber properly mnnsig- led ought to pay for the clearing of the land; not to go to enrich some one who With Japanese bonds selling at So!can paj. a dollar and a quarter an acre cents on the dollar it don't look much jamj then sell the timber for double like a yellow peril for auy nation with that amount and hold the land itself a strong financial standing. But thore practica!ly free from taxes, until such are people who would never come in-. time as the crowding of bread-getters to public notice except as prophets of ;wjn raise the price to several times some dire evil. With Bryan and Taft hurling shafts of rhetoric at each other from distances It may he safely said that the campaign of 1903 has begun. And the funny part of it all Is that if these two men were to meet they would prove as chummy as first cousins. This is the way th Salem Journal editor puts himself on record: '"The horse-.editor, being somewhat inclined to democracy, hereby expresses his in dividual choice for president of the United States George E. Chamber lain. His second choice is for Gov ernor Chamberlain, of Oregon, and his third selection Is "Our George." what he paid for it with the timber on it. The government did not make tho afe Ipublic domain, or any part of It; nei ther did the Creator make it tor any such purpose as that discussed above. It was made for the man who w ished to rear a home and (hen rear a family. And those are the men to whom the Government should turn it over, the 'Government simply acting as trustee or steward to the Maker of It. popular. Hut Roosevelt has done one thing which should endear him to the hearts of many people, and that Is, ho has had the courage to take hold of tho misdeeds of men hlnh In polities, high In financial standing, and with a host of fighting friends at their back. In other words, he has been a public ser vant who had the eotmiso to call at tention to the misdeeds of men whom the people wanted to reach, and who wished to secure a public servant to do such a work; ho has had tho cour age to do the worlt for which he was elected. And like Solomon, who wanted his enemy to write a book that ho might attack the literary style and thus humble the enemy, these plunderers are longing to have the President run again In the hope that they may de feat him and In a measure pay off an old score. The newspaper writers who think It, Is fun to dig their spurs Into the Hanks of Mr. Bryan are fooled If they Imagine It hurts hliu. Ho has itm for President until he can command $.'.i0 a night as a public lecturer; and there are thousands of American cltl nous who would be pleased to turn the same trick. Humphry Jones, on his farm rtvtjwny or the other quick: said lo had miles Month of Oregon City, n-ur ' been chaiK d with opposing the lui Carus, will sell at public auction on ' provouieiit utid would show Hint ho. Saturday, October 5, horses, cattle, was not by standing ready to act at hogs, wagons buggy, farm machinery, Unco. household effects, etc, Sale at M a. i Street Conutilssloner ordered to m..wlth sums over $Hon lime, W, W. 'doxo the Moujit lHoamni road to trnf- It. Samson, auctioneer. !flc until thoH"w grading could hnvu time to settle; traffic at this tlinn likely to cut It up and practically destiny work being put on It. The San Francisco police commis sioners are considering; the subject and may put a stop to prize fights In that. city. There can be little good come from prize fighting, tint when fakes are put on the boards with a view to fleecing the sporting public then there are two reasons for stop ping them. NEW EVIDENCE SHOULD BE "NEW." The recent trial and conviction of Glass, of San Francisco, with the promise of nullifying the action of the lower court through steps to be taken Word is being passed along the line , , jer court in an effort to that Eastern Washington railroads re-bring in new evidence, brings to the fuse to accept orders for cars from ln-lfront this fact No man smn,Id in dependent grain buyers and insist that !granU,,- a new tral in anv ctirt tn orders must come from warehouse jonW to get bet()re the nigner court managers. Mr. Roosefe'.t can't be !evU-ence that was known, or even sus every where at once but if he will bring I)(,cti at tne time of the earlier trial, that big stick out this way he will find u js a game -of certain law yers to hold much against which to swing it wiiile back Ilortion!. of evidence from an hers- j early trial so that it may be used as 'Ian excuse to en up the case again, The Pinkertons have a bill for $29.-or failing in that to open it up in a 000 charged in the exnense of the trial ihicW'r court. All known evidence of Haywood. Seems a very heavy ex-!should bo bcought'into any and every pense for the State to pay for the per-J trial as it progresses, or the accused secution of a labor organization, at made lose the benefit of sifch evl- the behest of the rich mine ow ners, jdence. And when new evidence is But then, the State is always asked to (dragged out every one in connection i,ear the expense for holding any mean! with that side of the case should be advantage which a rich corporation j put on record as to its "newness" so w ishes to continue against the right- ,that legal process may be had aganist ful owners the people. them in case there is any falsifying in order to secure a second or third Here is the answer to the charge arin- s"ch a ,pP mM renwve a that the President by insisting thatl" farcial flav"r from more the railways deal honestly with the !than one case In which guilty people, was destroying the railway property of the country, and incident ally destroying legitimate values: "In crease of $1,700,000 in the earnings of the Denver & Rio Grande would not be worthy of note if it did not cover the year during which t'n-i Ad ministration is charged with its utmost to destroy railroads. men, have escaped from just punishment. TIME TO AWAKEN. How long will the people sit Idly by and allow such men as Harriman to play the dog in the manger? How long doing. will they sit idly by while such men 'as Harriman pretend to serve them and all the time are robbing the pub "'. . . ,, , .,, i 'lie in every way conceivable to the People with guns should be careful i"1- ". ' ,nnn,,r . .., nerverted m od of such men? Read the where thev shoot. One man in the v1 . ..".n r.r of tho State recen 1 1 V f(1 an(1 h W,me "vlnwa itT-f. npn.-Kidt v for artion on the Dart shot a boy because he "thought tie i ' , , ' , , ... was going to raid his melon nateh.f "e Pop.e-the whole people, with- The boy was able to demonstrate thatj""1 reanl Pmlcan: , f . , , , , , thn That the Oregon Railroad & Navi- be was on a business errand and the " , , . . , . , . . ,f gation Company s not adequately man was heartily ashamed of himself. .h ' ' ....,. . , .v . . i m a ,v, -.it -equipped to handle the traffic Intrust Had the bov been killed the result ' ' 1 wonl.l have been the same. It is not enoush that one thinks they should f,n'1('r know in most cases before they shoot. The question between the trusts and the people Is not. "Are tho Ameri can people making more money now than ever before;" the question Is are the increments that conies as the re sult of Investment by capital ami la bor by skilled workmen broken even or equitably? There is an honest dl-1 lstoti Dolnt and men who know most about those things say that the work ingman does not got an honest break. And when we see men who started ithout any capital making millions hile others who work as hard remain poor we may rest assure.! mat tne man with borrowed capital who bo- comes excessively ricn noes not in- Ide honestly with labor or with his backer and in many cases with nelth- r. The press dispatches tell us that Congressman Hull, of Iowa, he of the "Hold tho Philippines till we bust" proposition. Is long on timber lands In those Islands that he can't realize cm for a generation or so. Hut of course that little fact has nothing to do with his feelings as to the "hold tin" senti ment expressed. TREASURER'S NOTICE. now have money to pay Hoad War rants endorsed prior to lieceuilier II, I'Ji'.ll. Interest ceases September IS, J9H7. J. C. PADDOCK, County Treasurer. TIME CARD. LIQUOR LICENSE. .0. W I Arrive P. RAILWAY Leave Not let Is hereby given that the' un dersigned will apply U the council of Oregon City ut Its nest regular meet lug for a renewal of Ids Jlquor license until April 1. I'.ios. at his present place of business 5(1" Main ntreet, Oregon City. II 2t H. M. McIIKNHV. 3 t. 4 u I, t 3 y a 3 t Arrlvn Ui u v Why not recognize facts as they are and give the farmer his Just duo. It well known that the school lxok trust had tho general public by the throat, txith in this and other States, and is It any wonder that the farmers of Oregon, on awaking to that fact. took 4 crack at it even If It was nec essary to hit their own State schools a severe jolt In delivering the blow to the trust, which was the object they sought tn reach? The sehood book trust should he put out of business; and it would be a wise move to close every school for a year if such a mea sure were necessary to break Its hold on the achool system, and through it on the nocketbooks of the people. When a big system like the South ern raeinc talis to provide car in take people from Portland to the State Fair at Salem, with hundreds of cars standing Idle In tho yards. Is It not time for the people to sit up and take notice? Sir Thomas Upton Is to make another try for America's racing cup In ll'os. Sir Thomas .knows how to g.-t a lot of cheap advertising to help along In the sale of his brand of tea. You can't convince the American citizens at Helllngham. or the Kngllsh citizens at Vancouver, that the Japan ese are Invincible. Want Bryan to Keep Out. j Senator Simmons, of North faro- , Una. regards William J. Hryan as the i "greatest advocate of tho piople'M t rights and interests which this goner- j atloii has produced," but fearful that ! he cannot poll the full liemocratle vote, wnuls tho peerless leader not to lie a candidate for the Presidency, but j to "lend bis great Influence In the par ty to the selection of a ticket that will heal the factional breach and draw j the honest and the hearty support of u!l elements" 4:oui 6:40 &: :&'' 'i "o :& f.:2:.l 7:2o! 7;i) : 2T.' dir.! 7:29 7:0l 7:S.-,j 8:t)f. 7:00' 7: to! 8:04 7:ar. 8; a 8:401 7:3ft- 7:45! 8:39 8; Irt! 9:05' 9; 15! 8:10' 8:20' 9:14 8:4.'.! 9:40' 8:45l 8:55' 9:49 9:20 10: 15 10:2r. 9:2o' 9:30 10:24 9:65 10: SO' 11:00! 9:55 lrt;o:. 10:59 jo:30 11:25 il:35 10:30 I0;4u tt:34 11:05 12:00 ii:io ii:or, II: 15 12:00 11:40 12:35 12:45 II : 40 1 1 :50 12:44 12:15' 1:10 1:20 12: 15 12:25' 1:19 12:i0 1:45' i:65 12:50' 1:00 1:54 3:06 2:00 3 MO; 2:33 The Harmony Home coming picnic that was postponed from August 21. j will be held on th" oi l pioneer ramp-j lug grounds at Sandy crossing, Sept.' When one stops to consider the present demand for teachers In Ore gon It would look as if a few normal schools were a necessity. 2H, There will he, a fat man's race, n fat woman's race, races for bachelors and married men, sack and jsitato races, young girls'-races and boys' litres fur which aiiuroiit lule nri.es will be given. Dinner and refresh-' l,u"llllv!' juientu will bo served. 1:25' 2:20 2:30 1:25 2:00! 2:55! 2:35' 3:30 3:10 4:05! 4:15' 3:10 J:45i 4:40 4:50 3:45 4:20: 5:15' 8:25' 4:20 4:55 5:50 5:30 6:25' :05' 7:00 6:40' 7:35 7:15 8:10 7:50: 8:45 8:25 9:20 9:00 9:52 10:00 10:52 11 :oo 11:52 12:05 12:i2 1:35' 2:29 2:10 3:04 2:45? 3:39 3:20 4:14 3:55' 4:49 4:30 6:24 6:00 4 : 50 5:05' 6:59 6:35' 5:30 5:40 6:34 7:10 6:05 6:15i 7-.09 7:45' 6:40 6:50' 7:40 8:20 7!15' 7:25' 8:19 8:65 7:50' 8:00 8:64 9:30 8:25 8:35'. 9:29 9:00 9:56 9:35 10:00 10:55 !ll:00 11:55 12:00 IMlOO' To Mllwaukft only, !Vla I.ent s Junction, dully exenpt leav on Sunday, 4 30 a m. figures lu Unman; P. M. In black. There is one question that all men may concede now, before the cam paign for President gets so hot that no one will make concessions on either side, and that Is: The better men In both parties wish for a good govern ment economically administered. The question then arises, how to scuro that end. Here Is where men differ; and again they differ as to how far they are willing to go Into evil In an effort to line up voters, and men who have large Influence with big blocks of voters. 'And here Is where one wants to focus his weather eye. W IT. MAIN STREET, CORNER 7TH LOOT OREGON CITY, OREGON A sweeping reduction in all our depart ments. I cim going to put in new lines and must therefore sacrifice my entire stock in order to make room. ABSOlLUTvSIfY NO FAKE ed to it. and that it is the worst of- In this respect in the entire territory of the Northwestern lines, is the verdict of Interstate Commerce - : Commissioner Franklin K. Lane, The average citizen need not worry jwhfjf.e ,nvestigatlons in Portland in when stocks go down on Wall street. 'c)ui,ed a look int0 tne rar shortage. The enterprises represented are just Hp foum, the fmtIook VPry gioomy n as valuable whether prices are up or thjfj statp IJe takf((, wjth Ulrn,)Prrn..n down; when down the watered Prod-i othor 8nipi)er8 and expressed him tict does not show up so well. Fact U s(,,f freey on thiH Buljjf.ct. if there could be some scheme devised j for taking all the water out of rail-. - - - ways it would be a blessed thing for j Tne In,tting into effect of Statement the country at large, and would simply N.() t mmm simply this, that the peo put the gamblers who hold the water- ple (jf Oregon insist on the choice of ed stocks back to the place from their j-njte,i states Senators. Under which they started, when they were th(; fjonstitution of the United States more honest than they now are. 'senators are elected by the legisla- ' . , tors, who in turn are' chosen by the The agricultural college and tech- people. This may mean and it has nical school of Wisconsin has accom- often so worked out that a man dis plished wonders in finding out scien- tasteful to th" people is chosen to the tific facts regarding growing crops, Senate. Now the people of Oregon etc. The latest sensation from that in- wmh to chxse their United States Btitutlon is the discovery of a spray Senators or we so think but to do that will destroy weeds and at the this they must adopt a plan similar to same time p-ove a stimulant to grow- Statement No. 1 to accomplish that ing crops. The discovery was made end. And Statement No. 1, though it months ago but it was only recently may compel a legislator to vote for a that data covering its successful use man of opposite politics, simply in was given the public. The solution sists that he vote according to the will 'kill the weeds; the solution "is a vote of the people of the State at the stimulant to many growing crops. election which chose him. People with plans to save the world generally want, to start In some for eign nation, away from home they want to save the heather of some far off land. So, too, with these men who want to play for universal peace who want to forever still the noise of the cannon and stop the death-dealing bullet. Why not begin at home? It would be so much easier and less ex pensive to try and disarm the small boy with his toy pistol; and the toy pistol has claimed a score of victims herealxnits within the past few weeks. Following are a few of the many lines we are trying to sacrifice : And now the drink demon Is charg ed with the trouble that recently oc curred among the nurses In the Fran cis Wlllard temperance hospital In Chicago. Either this drink demon is a very persevering fellow or else there has been gross carelessness In choos ing nurses for this new temperance hospital. In either case It seems to lie the fault of the man or woman and not entirely the blame of the liquor. Men and women who recognize, af finities and at once proceed to live j with them do well provided they j have not previously seen an affinity , and married, In other words, don't , marry until you are certain you have found your affinity; but if later In life you think you have made a mis-' take don't tell the world of it, nor' your life partner, but grit your teeth and stand by your first error. j Young Rockefeller has resigned as ! teacher of the Bible class in a New York Sunday school. We think It. is j well; a man who participates In 1000 per cent dividends on an article of , general consumption, Is certainly not the person to teach the Golden Rule. CARPETS GLASS CROCKERY Granite Carpets, fast color, 50c 8xl0, 5c each 60c cups ancj saucers, set 40c now 35c per yd. J0xl2, 6c each 75c , " " 50c lf ?l'anSz Carif nW lC ,0xI4' 7c each and all our stock accordingly. All wool 90c carpet now 5c 2x4, 8c each . $1.25 wool carpel now $1.00 .Jxjg. JOc .WALL PAPER LINOLEUMS ' gHS: 40c lit p 75c values now 50c per yard 24x32, 45c each t, tl tl $,00 . 75c " " agcud, ;; n ATMrc 30x30, 60c each 4Uc JUc PAIN 1 O 24x36, 55c each T 1fi$tus Kitchen Chairs per quart 35c 75c values - 55c each rrUll $1.25 values - 1.00" $1.25 screen doors for 75c each $2.00 " " "$1.25" IfiPS 25c val. window screens 1 5c " U 1 AXES 35c " " 44 20c" f ' CI I $1.25 values - - 75c each $3.50 top matress $2.25 r i-IS " . " ?S L0ST Ranscs and Stovcs 2.50 spring mattress 1.50 3.50 " " 2.25 Ranges from - - $22.50 up ,BMvvvvvMvWv-vWvvvMvvvvvMvMvMv These are facts, and be convinced. If you see it in oar ad it's so. Call w JLji The Home Farnisher Main and Seventh Sts.