OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1907. 0 - NEWS OP THE COUNTY SHERWOOD. lYrmolia. llakor was born In Ten nessee, Murray county. May ", ULM: was married to N. J. Tuekness April 6, lS4t. Mr. Tuekness, who died at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Ooo. Itailv. of Sherwood. September II. was an old Oregon pioneer, bavins crossed the plains w ith her husband and three small children, one a babe of six weeks, in an emigrant train of ox teams; starting In May Slid arriv ing in Oregon November 1S5I1. Resid ing on the donation land claim of John Zumwalt on the Willamette Riv er in one of the then famous log cab Ins 10x20, with mud and stick fire place. The first winter they took up their land claim on the Tarrott Mountains in Yamhill county, where they continuously resided for fifty years, when their home, in which they had passed their fiftieth wedding an niversary was consumed by fire. At this time the old people barely escaped with their lives and a few of their many cherished keepsakes, among them some old pictures, and a very little bedding and some clothing. They then moved to the home of their daughter, where the husband died in January 1905. There was born to this union seven children two sons, Thomas and Wil - Ham. Thomas died at the age of five months and William at the age of nine years five daughters, one, Sarah, having died at the age or two years, and Mrs. Eliza E. McConnell, who died August 1", 1S92. leaving nine children. Grandmother was of very small stature, at her best weighing 10.1 pounds, but for the past few years 60 and TO was her usual weight. She) was seldom ill. and at most times was ;For thc. 2nil t,ost display mechan able to attend to her own wants. ' ! jca wol.ji 50 She died of an attack of grip nnd!FoI. tno 1)t,st display fancy work 1.00 old age. She was confined to her bed iFor ,hl, 2nd best display fancy only five days. She passed away so j work 30 easy they thought her simply sleeping Fnr t,lp ,,c,t composition, .tiluo ribbon a little when death had claimed her. ! A ,,al,y smw ls tt) llf OIU r ,llP She leaves one sister. Mrs. Adams, j--,muy" things of this Pair, when old now living at Wilsonville, TO years ,,acheU,r nu,n an(1 women are to be old; three brothers 1". P., Matt and ni,,. judge. Melvin Baker, all of Sherwood, and! Suitable prizes will be awarded: three daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Pai!yFirst f()r thfl ..1)pit pr(.tti,,st and Mrs. Saphronla A. Jones of Sherwood, jsmartest" baby not over six months and Mrs. Jane Bonney, of Hubbarik '0d. Twenty-six grandchildren and twenty-! Second, for the "best baby" over three great grandchildren mourn their six nimns nn,i not past m, v'rar o!,, loss. . Grandfather and mother Tuckness had always lived the good and honest lives of the farmer, and were devoted Christian people, having joined the United Brethren. MIDDLETON. ; The funeral of Mrs. John Winters, an aged pioneer of Washington county. jsho died at her old honvstead Sei- ; temtW 11 occurred tne I2tn. in tn- emeterv civta the comKuni! v by her self and hiHland manv vears asro. -u ., 1 t... lau.hr.5 and four sons besides many; granicnuiren, great-grandchildren and friends. Mrs. Winters hail been a sufferer an I confined to h"r the past six years, and was ' old at t'i time of h.er death. terrible bed for 'C vears MOUNTAIN VIEW. The "tmants" have about all re-j turned and the town begins to look liomelike. Mr. E. C. Srlby and family are home airain from a six months' outing in a Ingoing camp at Rainier. Ore;,':,n. John Golett and family are home from the Silverton eopficlds: also Sam Francis and family. Frank Albright and family are hoinc once more from the logging camp. Th" hop picking in the Herron Chapman ard here was finished la -t Friday; a fine yield for fu small a yard. Mi;s Pearl Ctirrin started on a trip last Thursday to the home of childhood in Kansas. She will h r also visit at MorningjSnn. Iowa, and will the largest apples he ever did see and lie absent three months. jhe largest Fart let t pears. Charles Dicky and wife have gone to j Samuel Elmer has purchased 200 housekeeping in the J. D. lotke prop- Macros of land in California, lb: is go erty on Duane street. jing to go down soon to look after 11 W. D. Cuirins and family will re- and see if ho likes it. turn from the Superior Lumber Com- j Elmer Lee has been disking his liany camp and be ready to send the stubble land to kill weeds, children to school. 1 J. Lowell came home from a trip to Mrs. Sinclair has started to visit at Portland last week and also J. Man lier former home in Kansas. Having ning. poor health, she hopes to be benefitted I William Donauohe was out from hy the change. The Sunday schcol at this place will lie re-organ i.ed the last Sunday in this month; a new superintendent will That hacking cough coitinues Because your system is exhausted and your powers of resistance weakened. Take Scott 's Emulsion. It builds up and strengthens your entire system. It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites so prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest ALL DRUGGISTS. 50c AND $1.00 0 s. I ho elected, also other officers. Mr Crown having resigned as superinton- screw from Mr. Schlewe to raise their dent, expecting to leave for ('.rants house. Pass in a few days, where she will : Kugono ('nmiuln Is building a new join her husband, house; Mr. Itrown Is building it and The More of Kverhnrt Ji Co. has pot Mr. Shotl. Is assisting hltn. sold out vet. and from the amount of j l-co Masou Is working in I'ummlu's !goo, Is sold one would think they would jdo well to remain. Mr. and Mrs. John t.owellen, Mrs. .1. ill. Kaireiough and Mrs. H. M C. Hrown went to the State Fair Thursday. Mrs. j Mrs. Click Is In Clarkes again to C.illett and others will go (.range Oay. ;tuy with her daughter. Mrs. llofstet- What has become of the electric tlr line that was promised this Kali? If j The M. 11 church held Is quarterly it doesn't pass our way we feel In- j mooting last Saturday and Sunday; tercsted In knowing something about 'Klder llepp and Pastor Mann were it MOLALLA. Molalla CI range Pair will Saturday. September 2S. be held Molalla Granse. No. 310, Invites everybody to nL, .vi,iiir t its n.i.-,i Aiouiut Pair, at Molalla. of the mvducts of! South Clackamas County. Cash premiums will be paid on stock and poultry according to class; 10 per cent of premium charged as entry fee. No entry fee will be charged on exhibits in pavilion. Age limit H years In the juvenile (department cash premiums will be !pa,j as follows: jFor tne largest pumpkin h. - 0r the 2nd largest pumpkin., por the 3rd largest pumpkin.. .por the best display vegetables For the 2nd best display vege tables iFor the best display fruit .. .r,o I 1.00 .50 j For the 2,i best display fruit For t)ip llt,st display mechanical work 1.00 . Third for the "best baby" over one year ami not six yars old. t The Molalla Military Baud has been 'engased to furnish the and music, j Many and varied amusements are be ing srrang"d by the committee in charge Entry must be made on Friday, Sep- t'-mber 27. and all exhibits placed by Sa. m.. of the 2Sth. No license will be granted to any immoral exhibition on the grounds. The management will solicit what Is 'wanted in the wav of stands and enter-1 ',..1 ... Season tickets for adults. 20 rents; cniniren unner 1.' arm past 1, years, 1 10 cents. Babies, only, free. Friends, this is your local Fair; bring out some thing and assist in the show and gxd time to be had at home. j J. W. THOMAS, i Secretary. j ; Tin CLARKES. rain has started to come again; this time we lad a hard wind storm from the southwest, which win hard on fruit trees and made many prunes and apph-s fall. The hop pickers are now coming 1.01111.. Dave Miller and B. Sullivan .and Mr. Hoag earne home,' hist week and Mrs. Ed llettman. Sh claims she- made $1 a clay picking Imps; she made a stake then. ' There was a man in Clarkes last wee k from Wisconsin. He was looking around for a farm. He said the grain is better here than there and ours are Portland to visit his uncle Christ Kenie has purchased a farm at Canby. Mr. McAfee is coming out again 3 1 0 tills week to Clarkes, Samuel Klmer has flnlshoij thrcslf Ink; lie nn 5 days this year, Kd llettman has purchased a steam engine and a chopper and he will soon 'chop In full blast. Kuiina Klelnsmith cot (ho jack- sawmill, Mr. Pete Sehlovvo came home last wook ami he was out looking for some land, i present. Mr. Martpiardt went to tow n on Mou- on business. Fred Scherruble has bought a He '"HVn' cream separator. T 1.... I.I. I . " i raise her house uud buihi on a kitchen. AU,,,,t IU,w.r W('nt l W'X'dbum to 'get his folks home from hop picking. I. NEEDY, j The State Fair will be pretty well 'attended by Needyltes this week, j Mr. and Mrs. Weaver and son left jfor tjuir home- In Seattle Monday. I The Needy schools are nearly all i taken. Ray Fish will teach the Needy j, 00 'district, Percy Hitter the Dryland ills r0 irict and Alice Rltter the Marks ills- j Qrt j Miss (Iraco Thompson visited at An jrora Sunday. Mrs. John C.ahlor, Sr.. spent Tues day at Aurora. Mr. Mctionegal has begun his work of hop sampling. I). H. Yoder made a trip to Smyrna ' Monday. I Gas Stlewe left for P.alstoii Sunday, where he has a position with Mr. iCook. j Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rltter spent a few days of the week with the form lor's parents. j The Banner Show will give perform ances In Thompson's hall here Sep tember 20 and 21. beginning at 8 io'doc-k P. M. I The threshing has alt be n done, 'the hops picked, and the next will be baling hops and digging potatoes. I NEW ERA. I Farmers with potatoes to dig wel comed the recent rains with a smile. j Menil Davis of Tillamook is visit ing old friends here. I Mr. Hughes and family have moved into the Tiepolly home, recently pur chased by them ,and are fixing up In 1 fine shape. They came from St. John. I Mrs. Chinn and family are home , fcitn Horst Bros.' hop yard, near Sa lem. ! Mr. and Mrs. Dust in were Stat" Fair jvisi,"!S th flrst "f w,"'k- Vv'e have a new physician located at 'Central point. ! Harry I.ewls and wife- moved to Or egon City the fir-t of the wo"k. I Miss Grace 4'lomerits of Portland jVlsitod the family of Inr undo, Mr. ' Kline, Sunday. 1 Mr. Kline and family are cm a visit ,to friends in Spokane-. Wash. j Mr. Endicott and family are home from the I'ppc-r Willamette, where Mr. Endicott was foreman on a' log drive. 1 ! SHUBEL. j People in this locality have not yet stopped applying severe epithets to Fruit Commissioner Held , (luess he will know better next time than to s-tir ill) a nest, of farmers. ' The young women of this neighbor hood demonstrate--.! their ability to out talk the- tele-phone man when he was he-re with his lecture' th" other oven ing. j Road Supervisor buihllng thn-e. fiiart''rs of a mile of rock road here; .we ne-enl a mlli! or two more right away. I Patrons of the telephone' he-re ap preciate recent Improvements in the se-rvice and hope there will be more to feilklW. , I Hop picking at the! Staben yard was finished Friday; crop gejod and looka 'as if price's would be, too. j He nry Henricl is baling hay In this .neighborhood. SPRINGWATER. Raining as it almost always is the I mieblle of September. As I have J lived in Oregon 40 years It might be : Interest ing to give the dates that we jmay look for rain and sunshine. From i the last week In September to the first week In November, sunshine, may have some showers; from the first week In November to February look for rain and mostly see It; then two weeks fair weather, then somewhat blustery weather, until the last of April; then sunshine until the middle of June, then one week rain, then sun shine until middle September, occas ionally nice showers. 33,000 bushels grain threshed In Sprlngwater; estliflated 15,000 was cut for hay, as clover was light. Ed Clasner and family have not got back from Marlon county, whore they jvvont to the hop field; ami on a visit; guess they are picking prunes now, Several mow dwellings went up in 'Sprlngwater this summer. W. II. Kan- die Just commenced on his, j Would like to give you the output of the creameries in thin part of Claekn ;mas county, but for hoiiio cause the jbraucli of tlu llii'iiwood Creamery at iKstacadn will not give nu tlie flguret. (luess they must have reasons, The (output llu hut mouth of the Clear lfelv Creamery was nearly jriOmt, VIOLA. The church and parsonage have a new coal of paint, Messrs. Ioren Tenney, John Hamil ton, .lames Sevier and Kdvviird and C, C, Miller went to Oregon City Monday. Mr. Kopp made a trip to the metrop olis the first of the week. l.oren Tenney will attend the Lay men's Association of the Oregon Con ference, w hich meet In Portland next week, Mr. Craft has been shipping plums to Portland during the past month, lie found a ready sale at a good price for his fruit. . The telephone leeture .Momlay even ing was well attended. All report a profitably spent hour. Karl Ward has spent t.evertil days recently looking for a site to locate Ja shingle mill. BEAVER CREEK. Wedding bells rang out last Sunday; Mr. ONoil and Miss Bertha Hughes Were married In Portland. j Otto Moohnko Is homo, from a stay (in California. i Johnnie Ihddander Is going to East jern Oregon next week to look for a team of horses, J Frank Eugle of New Era was Sun day guest at tin' home of Mr. and Mrs. Jw. K. Young. I Miss Rebecca Klabflehh and Eiie-r- son Spat of Portland are guests with '.Mr. Spat, and family, j Henry Hetirld Is baling hay for the jfarmers In this neighborhood. J Mrs. C. Rowlands and Laura Parry ,aro here from Portland visiting their parents. ELWOOD. The railroad here was verv busy Sunday night. Nearly all our hp pic kers an- home, with plenty of money In their pockets. The Hendersons enter t:ilned Clias. Freenmn Sund.iv. Mat Parks, Henry Candtiunu and Mr. Dibble formed a huckleberry party last week, returning with ler r'.es to spare. Miss Barbara Candanau has been vl.-it'.MK friends in EIwcmmI and MUs Anna Candanau Is attending school nf Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. Raker spent Sunday with Oregon City friends. Feaster Caiidanau has moved to Eagle Creek, COLTON. Corbett pros, hi" cbanlng out tho mill cri-ck In preparation to float sblnttle holt when tin- rains come.. Sam Elmer had ove-r 23 clays of threshing he-re lids season, moving to iCIarkes last we-elr. j Hop pickers have- be-n straggling (homo by twos ami threes until nearly jail are home. I Walte r Corb'.tt. Le w Hubbard ami jCust Cot there.', three of our mighty ilmrods. ilh! some' successful hunting iln the mountains last week, j J. A. Str'Uiigrceu has a new t 0 , phone and he-llos as big as life. MACKSBURG. Fartni'fs neiyiiy through thre-shlnjr inn. I with a fair yield of grain of all Inds. j A. H. Reynolds, who Is a sufferer , fr'im rheumatism, Is out again but finds It. necessary to use crutches, j A new seh'ied hoimo on the division Cllstriet is being rushed to rapid oom ph Hon. I The Fruit Comtnisseme-r reminds us nf what He nry Ward Beecher used to say: "If you try to pproa.il a $ 1 'i0 .preacher over a $10,(1110 congregation and field he is likely tei become a little I tli In be-fore he covers the whole field." 1 Perhaps ,the Fruit Commissioner has too large a Job. The hop Industry was discouraging this year awl many yards were not picked at all. LIBERAL. I Having their threshing clone and out ,of the way the farmers are now turn ling their attention to their corn and dlier late crops, Since the rains the 'grass Is growing nicely and stock Is clolng well. j There are plenty of hogs but feed is too high to fat. for present market. There Is very little wheat In this sec tion. Hay is high and nearly all sold that can be spared. Hogs are getting all the prunes they want and will soon he in condition for winter. Apples are not up to the standard In quantity or quality this year. Misses Burns and Moors are visiting friends at Vancouver Barracks. Our hop pickers are all home. Newton Farr of Oregon City ls In here buying up cattle for Swift & Co. YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED with us will be a working asset, Rood to keep and tohavc for an emergency or op portunity Wise is the man who has his capital, no matter how small, deposited where it is at work earning more capital. The Bank of Oregon City for their Portland branch. I S, Wright visited his -mother, who lis verv feeble, tit Nnshvlllo recently. A new bridge U being erected III front t if our store. Goose are Hying south but too high to reach with an ordinary rifle. Prospects are good for a mw saw mill oil the old site. CARU3. Everybody busy picking and drying prunes. Help Is scarce ami people must do their own work, Property sold well at Win, Smith's auction Saturday. I Everybody Is healthy hereabout. In jthls ciimo It Isn't peruiia. but prunes St. Johns Is to Maine of a new family 1 ln this neighborhood May they live long and prosper. S. I,. Casto win over from Oak Grove to Isit his father. MEADOW BROOK. Carl and Oleva Larson were Sunday guesH of Mr, and Mrs. Cha. Hall. j Hop picke rs are coining home and 'many a sliver dollar U heard to Jingle iin the hind. The President's advice has been heeded nrd a nice boy baby calls dally for attention at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hall. , .lane s Mallat Is moving to his Mew home near Molalla. , ! ('has. Hobnail s4 visiting frb'tidi here for a few clays, j There Is 110 scarlet fever scarce here; only one ciie uud that coiivab s 'cent. j The driver of Mr. Schaff- r's donkey 'lentil hitched them up wrong side to jiicst week and came near having a bad ipinawny. He'll know better next time, j Certain of our people think they hnivht be abb' to decide where to build that lo w brldg-' at Estacada. HIGHLAND. ' ; Tiiredilng Is nearly flnUhod In .Highland. John Heft with his steam .tlit'e-dilng eeitfjt will wind up tie' af fairs this week. He-nrhi was at James Finish's with his sle-iuu bay bab-r last we'-k. ' Jaiiii-s Parbdi, formerly of Highland, but now of Elyville, Is hauling hay fiom his farm. I Amos Harrington, the only lop grower In Highland, finished picking, his hops by local pie-kern last week. The heips were of a good ciiullty. ! Jack Wallace and his wife received a new addition to the faml'y. a son. j We notice with much regret along the public highways many obnoxious jweed.. such (u burdoik. bull thl-'lh-s, ;eto. Th,. road supervisors cither can't jsi e! good or are woefully negligent of ;duty. The Caiiiullail thistles tie-ed sotue attention also In certain locali ties. Thi'se woe-els are' a nuisance', niv iin'awful, are propagated only by In different ami careless people, ami the j public at large, the- careful, Innocent people-, should In' protected from their encroachment, f Hie road ioip -rvlsors I There's a Reason v possible. Our recent trip East ro the great centers of dental edu cation, was for the purpose of Rlvtng you the lat est and best, up-to-date dentistry. Our seventeen years of suc cessful practice In Oregon City the best guarantee any dentist can g ve you. A guarantee Is good mly as long as you can find one who gives It, and then not always. We are careful not to hurt you as we have feelings ourselves. Wo want your work ami want you' to send n8 your friends. Have an eastern expert graduate assistant dentist. We put our own name back of our practice. Our prices are the lowest in the city for good work. Dr. L L Pickens Post Gr.du.U Haskell & Chic. fl0 School of Dentistry, City Phone 2671 Mutual and Independent 131 would read the road law occasionally ami aei In tucoi daiiee', thi'se t It litK would not exist. DARTON. a.li'ob Cooper of oer Is at Dlx'i saw mill. Th" Dlx sawmill Is iiIhhiI to begin saving idabwood l'iie-1 Is high III Port lam!. A city of Z'.'.Vuuo pimple at ones I coi'el each In going to use lot of ( wood. J C. P. Dlx. who mi iiml tho Bonnie jSawuilll, ha t.'il.e-n Me,senioii of It. ..Mr, loiilili has retired from tho bust- , MOSS. j (lay Waul, who has been at Flrwooil 'alt-summer, returned tn Barton and imw wlili his hroth'-r, I.10, U louring 'the Willamette Valb-y and vliltlng the (' illeg.. (own of NVnlic-iK j II. L, Ward Is se-oding L'3 acres of .newly burned laud Ward think Hint siaidi fires are fierce ihlngi. j Sherman Lyon U Miiroiiiielltig his plae-e th a w lr f tie i'. Mr, Dallas has traded team villi 'Mr. (ilbsiui; he- got only J'loo to I nit. I Mrs. Millet went t i Portland Men ;day. ' Jo,- Point, the tie hauler of Barton, Ii "Mil hauling tb- but will epiit now. ntid In n few woe ks will move to Ore K n City. I Aren't Von l.-rrlblv 'ic.-iri"l of th' .Chinks and Japs' Th" ay they nn .arming and organl 'ing theme-lvoH U ; awful. PUBLIC SALE. i On Oe tobi-r 10, Hi";, tho tindor-hlgm-d will he tit public loicthm at his farm mar ("aekiiuiu SttiHou all his fanning machinery, bor--H, cow ami I oiceluihl furniture. C, F, CLARK. ' Letter Llit. i Letter I'M for week e nding Se-ptelit-her 'o, '"T: I Woman's II.t -Mlsx Dora Bake-r, 'Mrs, J. It. Rlatieharel, Miss Den b- Cole, .Mrs, Jaije Jewell. , Men's list - T. F. Itiiiwn. Marlon xiieix, Duncan M. Wilson. TWO WEEKS TO PAY TAXES. I Sheriff pe at ie and De-puiy Baker re port themselves as extremely Kratlfleel eive-r this year's c-ol ect Ion" cif laxe-s, I The total llNiiiuilt of the roll Is t'i'.'S, 731 Ss ami then has been colb'i t"d In cash, $.'17, Lll mi',. The' amount of tho ; re bates given for prompt payment ,of taxes Is $37ls.s. nmkliig a total, of $2J.S7f. ':. nnd leaving balancee jof $n..S73'lt. The time for the pay inenl of the last ha'f of the l'.ioi; ia Vxplros the first Monday In Oitol.i-r, jwhen the' (b-llnepient list will be made up. I'p to April t, w In n the time for giving Fie ; pen-e-nt rebate expired, tiie She-tiff's office had eolloeli-td ; $'jnx.r!2s.ii. HORSE WANTED. Would like to hire a sabllo horse for two or three' days n vvee-i;, will be given good rare nnd not overridden. Address. IXL, care Enterprise. lot Everything Thb reason wo enjoy largest dental practlco Oregon City Is because tho In we try to excel In our Our work lasts, we do poor work. Tho work, ne vet people know it. Our consttht of fort Is to give not "Just as Rood" but the best work, and Hint fiw na lltll.i ........... 0 DENTIST Weinharcl Building, Oregon Citv. Ore. i