Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 20, 1907, Image 1

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iliiy Hint prospects are fuvorablo for
bringing Hi" permanent Hi t of Hut
Clackamas County Fulr to Willamette.
Gladstone I'ii rk was offi'irilhy the WII-
Iiiiiii lli.1 Valley Chautauqua AsMoela
tlon iin h temporary fulr ground only,
and next year ti Fair Association
will hove to seek new quarters.
Tin' land fronting the Willamette
river In-low the town of Willamette Ih
a beautiful spot that nature seems to
Iiiivii provided for a great (llHilny.
1 li'-rii In ample room for a race track
oni mile In, length, Tim officer of the
Wflliimetli' KuIIm Company, of which
th" Portland Hallway, Light & Tower
A RARV HftW PI AMMFni''""11"" H a mrt'nt '''''Poratlon, are
i Jtui JllUTI rUlllilL.1 v,.ry v,iIll? , ,. cr.,.MM
seem t r overlook th fact that, the
President has very clearly Indicated
to his friends, at leant, that ho known
precisely what ho wants to do, and
that In to come to this Senate as Sen
ator from New York. There Ik Homo
question an to whether Mr, Roosevelt
can achieve his arnhltlon, and some of
the political wiseacres of the Empire
State Hfl v ho cannot, hut once It he-
Wants Steel Trust Lawyers to Handle the Knife, Un- vs t rank ami fn Iboard of trade and subscrib
However, and the Steel Trust Itself
Uncased In Armor Before
Pruning Begins.
Willamette Wants the Permanent Lo
cation on Bank of River, Adjoin
ing That HuMling Little
of New York Republican that such Ih
it ho President's ambition, accurate
'prognostication will be easier. Sena
tor Piatt's term In the Senate expires
on the same day that President. Roose
velt leaven th'; White House, and It
would Ik- the. occasion of the 'it most
few short moons since Interests of the dear good friends who gratification to Mr. Roosevelt If lie
ibavc been kind to him. lint, when drive oown rennsv ivama
the Republican party ouce undertakes
I to revise tho tariff, steel will ho one
It. Ih but
Dalzell, the Pittsburg lawyer re
tained byjhn steel trust to repreiient
nue to the Capitol and take this oath
of office as a Senator without a mo
ment's Interim In hit) public career.
The premium lu for tint Clacka
mas County Fair has been completed
and the ropy Is In the bunds of the
printer fr publication. Judge Dim
Ick, T. J. Gary and Mrs. Maggie A.
Johnson, tho committee on premium
list, comiilet-d their work WViliiemluy
and It I Kiild tint range of prcmiuuj
In very wlili but that the premiums
t.,....,.l...... Mr,, (ii.l K'i.rv lilt,,., .lU'lllt '
to a luck of appropriation. .
Tim fair will he he, In GladKtoiie
Park, October in, II and 12, and the
opening duy ImmcillaU'ly following the
nmslon of tin Cluckiima County DIs
trlcl Grange at Clackamas Station,
prli-n will bi offend for inhibit of
liortteN, cattle, sheep, nwlne, isiultry,
vegetables, fruit, grain, frumii'ii, flow
er, m-wlng and fancy work, domestic
work of art ami m riaiiu-nta-1
tin Fair Association and will kIvo a
jleiiHe on them- ground at an advan r
;tiit;coiin figure,
I Uiimor hiiM It that tho Canhv do
vclopimnt l,e,ii;ui. will make an ef-,11 ln ' W' Ka iu-ran " u" of the flmt nchedulen attacked, and It
jfort to m-curo the permanent Kite of (ilalcmcnt that theio would be ! In one of the Hchedulen moKt certain to
Ithe CliickiimiiH County Fair l that ; tariff revlalon for koiiio time to come, U(, teduced.
place. It In Hiild clllzeim of Canbyjliut a few day ano, Heelm,' that the Tn rat(. m foreitcn ttteel wn !
j will bid IiIkIi In order to m-enre the .people lire determineil there Khali bjBdopted at'atime when the ni eel truat
iCounty Fair. OreK"ii City merchantu tariff revlHlon, and fearinK that If be-an an Infant Induntry, compared to
....... 1. 1 ill.,.,., . l.... . ,., .,.., l.lu ,. u',.,-l,,.rit f,,f II,,. ulei.l trimt ...t... i. ,.. ......... ,t ...... i .-.... 'v
niMiiu nn-ijr iiiimi- a ti-."i'iNi ,i i ,i i-r i nun in" , Mn-,n i,.- n in niiliiy. mil me Hi-.-ei iuf,lt)P leavCR of & tree for
iifaltiHl Midi a utep, do not kWc r,.n,.f other repn-Henta- ,tlK hur, graduated from the Infant ; -sjothine serious
O. J. HayfH, while cm hunting near
iKuKcne Sunday, had hl head and
!arm filled with arnall ahot by a com
panion, who took hlH head, bobbing in
the coon.
0. W. P. Ry. Co. Aaked to Repair
Trestle on the Abernathy Planks
Bad Condition, Mt. Pleasant
Road Closed.
tlven of the people will, and that they ;rUi,H ,,, now poaltlon alonK-
wlll ko further if they take bit In H,i, tnf. standard Oil Company. More
thelr teeth than will be the caw- If he ;,ver. the Htcel trunt Ih liKted as one of
iiiml tin- Hteei mini lawyer lane inu the n-ally bad tniHtH. becauwe It Hells i
lifUIC lit fftllTrCT lead In the revltdon, leadH Mr. Dalzell ;U r)ro,luctH abroad cheaper than ln
7! Ill J 111 IU11ILJI to
now rhanxe front and fcO he ad- u,. American market. Thin very fact
ivlaea that the tariff be revled but.iaH created much general critlclatn of
by Its frlendH. The Afiocbite PreaH jtho high tarriff on Htcel, and thin fac
dlHpatchea quote Mr. Dal.ell about an jtot- will force a reduction of the utcel
followH: rate an noon an CongrcHs taken up the
"There will probably be a cleclara- (tariff f-ucHtlon. Mr. Dalzell to the
thm by the next Republican platform jcontrary notwithstanding,
favoring tariff revlhlon'aalil Rpre- Tariff reviHionlHta have something
Hcntatlve Dalzell. of PennHylvanla, ;to hope for when Mr. Ualzell, of Penn
when awked If he hal yet been conver- jayivanla, admits that there la a like
ted to tariff reform. Thla Htatement .jihood of tariff readjustment. It la
"""" " ",l " " " jcrporatlon thwarted, haa won
I mil, nii'i r mi I'lriiniiiua i' i v
JU1I, K,rH niil victory over the Chlppa Ixg
Willamette .and IIihuii ompatiy, and will get
John F. I'lctz. "the outlaw of Cam
eron I lam," WIhcoiihIii, after a fight
taxiing fur yearn. In which men were
shot, Hlurlffn were defied mid a great, by itaelf Ih not asumlHhing or even aomethlng he has never before con-
a alg
Council met in npeclal session Wed
nesday evening with Mayor Caufield,
Recorder Oimick, and MesHrs. Meyers,
Pope, Anderson, Knapp, Logus, WII
jliarns and Betzel present,
j Ordinance making aMsessments for
improvements on Fourth street passed
first reading.
The condition of the plank road
way on the bridge across the Aber
nathy at Green Point was discussed.
It was reported that the planking on
jthe O. W. P. & Ry C.'s portion of
that several heavily loaded wagons
The Oregonlan has tUtrfollowing to
.had broken through. It developed In
jthe discission that the city's portion
of the bridge and roadway was in good
condition, and that the railway's por-
isay concerning proposed fish culture!
tion of the trestle also. Rut it seems
workmen for the railway persist In
cutting loose from the railway trestle
the city's woodwork and that for lack
of being tied together the two sepa-
inidltorlum lie utilized K,M,V" "," "'"w'y rotting away
which exhibits may tut
armed to the teeth, stood guard night
ami day to prevent anyone tampering
with the dam. Kven the women niem-trt-rs
of his family aided him In some
of bis fights with state and county of
ficial and the lumber company's men.
IMetz claimed toll of lo cents a
Secretary Cross of the
Valley Chautauqua Association, which
has provided tlx Krounds for the fair,
lias come forward with a novel prop
osition that In receiving hearty sup
port. Mr. Cross promises that a space
about ten ft-i-t ldo alona; the outer
circle of the
for boothH, In
placed. The circumference of th" big
auditorium in clime to 275 feet, am!
fully 2(MI f"'t of this spare can be used
to advantage, Including tin platform.
This scheiui Ik entirely practical, and
Its adoption by the executive com
inltti" Is looked for.
It was originally planned to us- the
dining room for an exhibit pavilion, j
but It Is likely that arrangements will j
be made to open the Chautauqua r-s- j
tnuniiit. and this movenent will not j
oblige people in cetiHtnnt attendance lit
the fair to k to Oregon City for their
meals. The experience of Mr. Cro'-'S j
In handling crowds In (iliid.i'on Park. ;
roverliiT It t ir-t. Is large, and the
fab- hiiilii;;eTiient c .mini do liett- r
thin in consult hi'ii on ninny ques
Hons certain lo urlst.
During the fair time w ill be a Imby
show, for w!-rh II f-!:-. In inf. wl'l be
offered. A i.ub-tiliit lul prize will be :
given f -r the bet grange exhibit.1
The tl.ise uutll the opi nln day Is very
worthy of notice, but, coming from Mr. Iredcd. It Is possible that Mr. Dalzell """"" -"'-'- -
Dalzell. tho high priest of high tariff. ' Jh even now talking merely to placate Irvln8 H- Wilson, fish culturalist of
and particular friend, of the steel ',! "hillv" the Renubllcan tariff re- the United States Bureau of Fisheries
tniKt. K Is worth more than passing jvlslonlsts, and that he has no fxpec- !at Clackamas Station, has been offered rate frame works draw apart and
notice. It Indicates that the most vlg-.tatlon of aiding in formulating tariff). ,...,.,.. ,k n.,..t, ri,eavo a 8Pace wlde enough to make
to pass the dam.. blocking Thornappplu joroua opiMim-nt of tariff revision Is legislation.
Hlver, on property uhlch ho claim:). : beginning to hear from the masses of t Color Is lent to this suspicion by
v.,r v,.r Miiiu,,,,. ,,r r.... ,.t t,.'the people and has come to under-reason of the fact that Renresenta-
stand that the pt-ople Intend to be con- ;t!ve Payne, of New York, the Repub- oner emuraces a mree or uve years .um wr
(urn for allowing the company's logs I
I a position with the Department of
j Fish Culture of the Argentine Repub-
lie that he will probably accept. The : them tied together was good provia-
trouble. City Commissioner reported
ithat as both were narrow, to have
have been lying In the mud and slime i
JK It . .. !i. 1 t
illcan fbsir leader, and Mr. Dalzcll'a ! contract with a salary of J1500 and Kecoroer auinonzea 10 wrue rn-
ii, ,, vi ti,.t..M .,,,,. !i .., ,.. L ' .,.v .i.-. ...i !way company asking them to see to
Meanwhile Diet and his stalwart sons ! ' " " v""im" . "' ipene. wun u uiu.w ...u , - " - ,tins? lln.
express uu le-iiei mat a larm revi- nounces mat tie iinds no, general ae- transportation home at tae 'termma-, " - -
sloii plank would !., Inserted In the JBro f()r tariff revision, merely scat-1 tion of the contract. Mr. Wilson has der circumstances, and to remedy the
I IwiiiMimiL feet fur iilliivvliiif flw, tnL'4
.? . ., , , duties on other products than steel,
to naxs tin) dam. The lumber comimnv '
i i . i , i, .. i ,i i .. i ' iThere will he no Change
, uiirii'', ii ,i i in, iiiiiii
new platform. "If such a plank ly tering evidences that there Is "some
adopted." he said. "I believe the tariff 'slight dissatisfaction." Mr. Payne Hot
should be revised along conservative jonly declares that there will be no
protectionist lines." Of course. Mr. tariff plank in the next Republican
lDalzeH'p Idea of revision "along con- , platform, but says tho tariff will not
been in the fih cultural work since e" onc'5-
1885, and if he goes to Argentine, he ! -' eneineer sported that the sur-
will start in about ten days for Buenos 1)3(1 bwn mad,e an,i rade estab
. . jlished on Eleventh street to the river
The streams of the Argentine Re- i"" al lue ,UL -
that it owned tlio land on
which the dam was built, and refused
to pay. Then the long struggle be
gan. Early In the fight, before fire
arms were resorted to the company's
men blew up a part of the dam with
dynamite and some of tho lugs wire
liues"means a reduction of ibe an Issue in the camnaiirn. and fol-i nubile are naturally destitute of fish.
lows this with the declaration that ;but J. W. Titeomb, Chief of the Divi
Congress will not take up the tariff sion of Fish Culture of the United
question after tho election unless states Bureau of Fisheries, went to
there should be a marked change In j Argentine three years ago and made
public sentiment In the meantime. 'an Investigation of the waters and con-
Uiitions, and made a favorable report j
jupon his return, whereupon E. A. Tu
ilian, then superintendent of the Lead-
i There will be no change in the steel
.tariff If Mr, Dalzell can prevent it.
That Is what he Is In Congress for.
ami naturally he will not overlook the
run through. Diet and bis relatives ,
til 111 D'-tlitwt Itlta, f(t,(M,l
Chinese Whip the Japs.
man, however, won him many admir-i-rs,
and the proposition to use the mi
i lit In. against him found little favor
rushed to the scene sism after the ex- lum,m, ,aU, t f r (t-i I Diet had said
p'osli'ii. drove off the company's em- ' ,.. u.l)(i ,,.,, the. il.i-,i wtt'i M 1'tv.
eloyr and soon had the dam repaired j ,, ,,,, j,roVtMl it. n wa8 ctTtaln that I IoruU
in as to hold the greater part of thejnmnv )f j(
log back. " :i,,.f,,i- i... u ..i,.,-,,,,,,, .,,i -iu,, 'er Elertra. which loft Alaska a few
build the public wharT, and the grade
is almost inaccessible as so estab
lished. After discussing the subject. Coun
cil by unanimous vote agreed to set a
day and ask that the Board of Trade,
the subscribers to the public wharf
land Mr. Frank Busch and all other
(citizens interested in the proposed
i : a r :l , i.
vllle. Col., station, went to South ' ,m',,u"mt ul- UJWl uu"" u"
One hundred and fifty Japanese and Amcrlca and es,alliis!,e(l a blireau at 'ground, at the intersection of Main
! Chinese cannerymen engaged In a des- jpenos Ayres, where he has since ; and Eleventh streets, and go over the
lives would be sacrificed ;Snn Francisco last week on the steam
battle on the hich seas near sheen In charge. Eggs from Chinook
Silverside and Bluehack salmon and ;wnigent action may ue nan.
I site and make careful survey that in-
!from nearly every variety of trout
Iset Sunday. September 22, at 3 o'clock
a? the day and
I' ' ' I !, f,m the, T't,UJ Cll ! " iirnioii
Then the company reiorted to the sin officials did not consider a lis- 'lays ago for that port. The encoun-, " time
i . to Argentine. In everv Instance tho tll,1,t-
law. Diet, bad little faith In his abll-jpute involving the saving of a few ,"'r was a desperate namt'to -nana at-, h,.,,.,, , ,v0 ,.,. I The 0. R. & N. dock near the falls
it y to fight the corporation In the thousand dollars to a rich corporation ! fair nf,or 11,0 first fe,v niinute.j of
nh-ut n-id the olcers are working ' courts, and so made no contest. In-, worthy of the sacrifice. jfightlng, and the contestants were sep-
lu. i! to get things In r-idlni-is fur that , stea l he laid In a supply of food and j Public sentiment has been with "rated by the ship's authorities only
oviit. ammunition, gathered In nil the ivla- , Diet. In his fight to such an extent fter 11 of the participants were
."ready cut hu il.i-uii h:n so taken lives he could muster, fen! decided to j t hat It is believed no effort will be wo,lmo1- and as many inure put In
hold 'Hi fie officers ;f tin association hold the fort by force. Soon,
under jmftde
!:) priKecute him or his rol:t !I'"m. The Chinese outnumbered the
that they are IooMimt i-hcml to next c iiu I order, a sheriff's posse was sent jtlves for the wounding of various offi
year's exhibition,' And a- races Is to out to demolish the dam. and see that; per.
be one of the feutur-M of the fair, If the logs were tun out. The posse was
made per iiiinent, im th" Chautauqua met by bu'let ', and several men were
officers cannot sanction them mi tlu Ir Aouniled, Tl't'-e and again this per
grounds, the I-'alr officers r. casting fornmt-.ce was reneat";?, a . I finally
ttlNvit for a permanent site. ttu:e was t:il: of calllag v. it the 111-
Siiherlnteiiilent Miller, of tho WII- Ha to fore Die!, t.i yieitl.
lame to Falls Railway, said N 'dnes-, Tin vai n- ;f the star ! hncUsv iods-
.laps and were victorious. No cause
;for the affair is given.
Farms to bo listed with us.
We advertise extensively.
That gives us a market.
We have many inquiries. ,
That glvoa us customers. .
We go after business.
tThat helps ua to soil your farm.
We are wide awake.
That brings quick returns for you,
fish have thrived In the southern
waters, and eggs' have been taken audi is built on a Rrade of nine lnches
successfully hatchc from the fish 'rise- and the eleven inch PrI,0Re1
that were pronagated from the eg?s!in the olJ urvey of Eleventh street
that were shipped from this country. iis saSJ io be impracticable.
j Mayor Caufield thought that as the
The much-talked of raise in fare on j petplo interested in the dock were
the S. P. between Oregon City andi'm,nS t0 Put ,m n,oney for the dock
j Portland has been posted, to take ef-';3"'1 l,av the nessary assessment, for
I feet October 1. The new rate is 50 j :
j cents between points named.
(Concluded on page Four).
Pretty Home Wedding
"Grey Gables," Mt.
Ceremony at Keeps Things Moving in the Courts at
Pleasant. I Astoria.
A very pretty home wedding took
place at "Grey Cables," the home of
Mr. hnd Mrs. J. M, Warnock 'of ML
i Pleasant Wednesday, September 4,
when their only daughter, Catherine
j Evelyn, was married to Edgar II. Red
jdaway of Vancouver, Wash. Rev. J.
jR. Lnnilshorough, pastor of the first
jPreshyterinn clptrch of Oregon City
performed the ceremony in tho pres
ence of relatives and a few friends,
i Promptly at 8 o'clock to the strains
of Ijohengrlne's wedding march, play
ed by Mrs, Helen Yonk, the bridal
party entered the parlors led by little
'Miss Ruth Ketchum as ring bearer.
, The bride was beautiful In a gown of
I white crepe over white silk and car
ried a hoquet of white carnations.
I Tho parlors were beautifully deco
rated with asparagus ferns and white
asters, whilo autumn leaves and red
geraniums gave color to the hall, and
the dining room where the wedding
flipper was served was in pink sweet
peas and asparagus ferns with a back
ground of autumn leaves,
' Mr. and Mrs. Reddawny will reside
In Portland after Spending their hon
eymoon nt Clatsop Beach.
Information was filed bv District
Attorney Hedges, In the Circuit Court
Thursday afternoon against J. H. An
drews, charging him with larcency
from person. Andrews is accused of
stenllng J70 from a fellow logger while
on a steamer en route from a Grays
Harbor camp to that city. He was
arraigned and allowed until next
Tuesdaj; to plead.
An information was also returned
against Wan, a Chinaman, charging
him with gambling. This makes 10
white men and one Chinaman who are
under Indictment on the charge of
gambling, and it Is understood several
more arrests in the same chargo will
be made within a day of two.
j For Sale Cheap j
150,000 i
A great many people are Indulging
much speculation as to the future of
Theodore Roosevelt after he leaves
jthe White House. Some suggest
that he be mado Governor of the Phil
llpplnes, others that he become presi
dent of Harvard, others that he be
jcome manager of a big metropolitan
'newspaper, and so on. But. all these
0 0 -