Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 06, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    uteoo r.iTV r." Ttra f-vijf. .-ft. hay, n i-ember , iwr.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon fur Clackamas Count.
May L. Hlcklln, Plaintiff,
William T. Hlcklln, Defendant.
To William T. Hlcklln, the above
named defendant:
In tho namo of tho Stats of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint flld
agalnat you In tho above entitled aultL,
In the aliove named Court, on or bo-
foro Friday, September Cth, 1907, the
aaiuo being hIx Wonka from tho fliat
publication of thla aurotwma, and you
will take notice that If you fall to no
appear and answer mild complaint,
tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court
for tho relief demanded In Maid coin
plamt, tihwlt: That tho bondit of
iitatrluiony now exiting between you
and plaintiff bo dissolved, and that
plaintiff bo given tho faro, custody,
education and control of their auld
minor child, Kin llnry Ilk ktlo,
ThU summon la publlwhed by tho
order of tho lion. (J, 11. Dlmlck.
Judgo of tho County Court for Clack
amua County, Statu of Oregon. In
tho Oregon City EuUtrprlae, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation In
Clackamas County, for tlx aucoeaalve
ami consecutive wooka, commencing
Friday, July 20th. A. I). 1907, and
continuing to and Including,, Friday,
Hcptcmber Cth, A I),, 1907,
3:it7 Attorney for rialnllff,
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
limn. limine Hodges, Plaintiff,
Henry O. Hodge, IWcndant.
To Henry O, Hodgoa,- defendant:
In tho nanio of tho State of Oregon:
Yon aro hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint filed agalmit
you la th above entitled ault on or
before tho lat day of tho time pro
scribed In tho order for tho publica
tion of thla aummoii. to wit: on or
before tho 16th day of September,
1907, aald date being the expiration of
nix (fl) week from tho flmt publica
tion 'of this summons, and If you Tall
to no appear and answer, for want
thereof tho plaintiff will apply to the
Court for tho relief demanded In tho
complaint, to-wlt: for a decreo dis
solving tho bond of matrimony and
marrlago contract exlittlng between
plaintiff and defendant.
ThU aummona la published" by or
der of Hon. Grant 1). Dlmlck, County
Judge of tho above named county In
tho abaenen or Hon T. A. Mcllrlde,
Judge, of tho ahovo namod court,
which order waa made and entered on
tho 3th day of July. 1907.
Attorney fur Plaintiff, 710
, Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.
34 7t
Notice la hereby given that the un
deralgnod have been appointed by the
Count Court of Clackamaa County,
Oregon, executor of the Laat Will
and Teatament of Margaret Jane Sajw
tell, deceaaed. All peraona having
claim agalnat aald estate are hereby
notified to preaent the aame, properly
verified, to the undersigned at Molal
la Clackamaa County, Oregon, with
in alx month from tho date of thla
Dated August 2S, 1907.
james l. Tunns,
Executors of Laat Will and Testa
ment of Margaret Jane Sowtoll, do
ceaHed, 37-5t
Justice Court, for District No. 13,
State of Oregon, County of Clack
amas. Civil Action for the Recovery of
Bert Hollls, Plaintiff,
C. Bobbins, Defendant.
To Bert Hollls, Defendant:
In the Name of the 8tate of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
Court within six weeks from the date
of the publication of this summons
upon you. And If you fall so to an-
awer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will take Judgment against you for
the Bum of Thirteen Dollars and the
costs and disbursements of the within
entitled action.
Given upder my hand this 17th day
of July, 1907. T. 0. JONSRUD,
33t0 Justice of the Peac
First insertion July 26, 1907.
Last Insertion, Sept C, 1907.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Jennie L. Bowers, Plaintiff,
A. M. Bowers, Dofendant
To A. M. Bowers, dofondant above
named: In the name of tho State of
Oregon, you are re'qulrod to" appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and
cause on or before the 13th day of
September, 1907, that bolng the day
flxod by the Court for auch an appear
ance or anawer, In and by the order
of tho Court for publication of aum
mona, and If you fall no to appear
and anawcr, the plaintiff will apply to
tho Court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint, towlt: for a decree
dlaolvlng tho marriage contract now
existing between plaintiff and do
fendnnt and to allow her to resume
her maiden name of Junnle L, Wll
loughhy, and for auch other relief aa
tho court may seem meet and Jtint
Thla aumniona la to tin published In
tho Oregon City Enterprise for not
leu than onco a week1 for alx con
secutive weeka prior to aald dny of
September, 1907. By order of tho
Honorable Thomas A. Mcllrldo, Judge
of aald Court, made and entered on
thla 3mh day of July, 1907.
First publication August 2, 1907.
Last publication, flept. 13. 1907.
3417 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Tho undersigned will present tho
following petition to the County Court
of Clack ama County, Oregon, on
Wednesday, tho 4th day of Septem
ber, 1907, for a llcenao to aell aplr
lloua, matt, and vlnoua liquor. In leaa
quantities tbun one gallon, at a aaloon
In Handy, In Cascade precinct, Clack
anma County, Oregon, for a period of
one year.
In tho County Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clackamas.
In tho matter of tho petition of Cou
pe r Junker for a petition for liquor
To the County Court of tho above
named County and State: Your peti
tioner would renpectfully repreaeat
that they aro legal votera In Caacade
J Precinct In tho above namod County
and State and actual realdenta there
That they would renpectfully re
quest that you grant a llcenao to Cas
per Junker authorizing and permit
ting him to aell splritou. malt and
vlnoua liquor In a aaloon located at
what la known aa Sandy In uld pre
cinct. And your petitioner will ever pray.
I)ate, tula July i:th. 1907.
Joe Ilrlgg.
J. N. Orr.
II. O. Woolen.
Ed Miller.
Herman Flacher.
11. W, Laraon.
8. E. New.
H. Itoenatedt.
John Miller.
E. W. C.Illara.
Julius Wendland.
O. Hauglum.
Albert Hell.
J. C. Ixundrlc.
Ed, Suckow.
Ceo. A. Wolf.
Paul Dunn.
Herman Itldder-
Willard Doahohn.
Martin Mlkkelaon.
Gottlieb Mullor.
J. D. DeShaiter.
M. C. Donahue.
J. F. Amend.
M. Kllgel.
Henry RldderbuschWm. Waespe.
J. M. Kebre.
T. 0. Jonanid.
E. S. Payn
J. H Molar.
A. Molar.
Fred Kelaecker.
Henry Kelaecker.
John Strauss.
John Gibbon.
J. II. Maronay.
Q. C. Maronay.
P. R. Melnlg.
II. Kllgel.
W. Allen.
Geo. M. Dickerson.
John Waespe.
R. A. Wendland.
G. W. Bewa.
Thoo. Koenneke.
John Buabolm.
Chas. Sharnke.
F. W. Alt.
O. H. Wewer.
Chaa. Kreba.
O. Relm.
C. Huott.
Geo. Meyer,
rerry Kltxmlller.
Ulrlch Trubel.
Henry Rldderbuacb
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned. H. Llesman, administrator
of the estate of Henry Dleckman,
deceased, has filed bis final account
as auch administrator In the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas County, and that the said
Court has set Monday, the 30th day
of September, 1907, at 10 o'clofli, a. m.,
and the Court room of afcld Court, as
the time and place for the hearing of
objections or exceptions to said final
account and the settlement of said
estate. All persons having objections
to said final account or to the settle
ment of Hald estate are required to
present the same on or before said
date above mentioned. 1
Dated, August 16, 1907.
Administrator of the estate tof Henry
Dleckman, doceasod. 30t5
in the" Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Fannie Holloway, Plaintiff,
Harry G. Holloway, Defendant.
To Harry O. Holloway, the above
named defendant: "
In tho name of the Stam of Oregon:
You are hereby required ' to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
Court and cause on or before the
7th day of September, 1907, and If
you fall to appear and answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court ior the rollof prayed for
In the complaint, to-wlt: for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
oSctstlng between you and the plain
tiff, upon the grounds of desertion,
and that defendant be decreed to
have no Interest, right, or title In or
to Lot 9 in Block 77, In Sell wood,
Multnomah County, Oregon.
Thla summon 1 puhllahed by or
der of Grant 1), Dlmlck, County Judge
of Clackamaa County, Oregon, and
aald order waa made and given by
hi in on the 2Gth day of July, 1907,
on account of the abaonce of Judge
of aald Circuit Court for aald County
and District, and an Id 'order la made
returnable to the Circuit Court of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County, The
flint publication of thla an mm on a la
made on the 20th day of July, 1907,
and the laat publication la the 6tb
day of September, 1907.
62K7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
la the Circuit Court of the Stat of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
maa. Ilacheal V. Iluckland, Plaintiff,
v. ,
Frank C. Iluckland, Defendant.
To Frank C. Iluckland, the above
named defendant:
In the name f tho State of Oregon:
You aro required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed agalnat you
In the above entitled court and cause
on or before the ICtb of September,
1907, and If you fall to appear and an
awer tho plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In her
...... . .. u,i. .
For a decree dissolving the boiAaof
matrimony now existing between the
above named plaintiff and defendant,
and allowing plaintiff to resumo bt-r
maldea name, Racheal V. Maham, and
auch other and further relief aa In
equity shall aix;m meet and uriro Jus
tice shall appertain.
Thla summon I published In pur
suance of an order of the Honorable
Thomas A. McDrlde, Judgo of the
above named court, made and entered
onth5tb day of August, 1907, specify
ing that tho aame be published for
alx consecutive week and ordering
August the 6Ui, as first publlralbn.
70M7 Attorney for I'lalntlff.
In the Circuit Court for Clackamaa
County, Oregon.
Joslo Smith, Plalntirf.
Floyd Smith, Defendant.
To Floyd Smith, the ' defendant
above named:
In the name of the 8tate of Ore-
pear and answer the complaint filed
j against you In the above-entitled
(Court and cause on or before the 30th
day of September, 1907, that being
the date fixed by the Court for auch
appearance or answer In and by the
order of the Court for the publica
tion of this summons, and If you fall
to so appear and anawer, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief pray
ed for In her complaint, to wit: For
a decree forever divorcing plaintiff
from defendant, and for the custody
of their minor child, Oracle.
Thla summons Is published by or
der of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck,
Judge of the County Court for said
The date of the first publication of
thla summons Is August lGth, 1907.
3C-7t ' Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. D. C. Yoder and Levi Yoder, Plaintiffs,
Fannie Yoder, Dellla Troyer, Zeph-
nlah Yoder, unmarried, Sarah A.
Yoder, unmarried, Mary E. Harts
x ler. Ella Miller, Fena Yoder, Silas
Yoder, Oliver Yoder, Fannie M.
; Yoder, John L. Zook, Olla M. Zook,
'and Elsie P. Zook, Defendants.
Suit in Partition.
To Zephnlah Yoder, Mary E. Hartz
ler, John L. Zook, Olla M. Zook and
Elslo P. Zook, of the above named
I In the name of the state of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and anawer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above
entitled suit on or before the 27tlv
day of September, A. D. 1907, said
dato being after the expiration of six
'weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fall to so
appear and answer said complaint,
for want thereof plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
in said complaint, to-wlt: a decree
of partition of real property, accord
ing to the respective rights of the
owners therein, in. and to the follow
ing described property, to-wlt:
, The South half of the Northwest
quarter of Section One, Township
Five (5) South, Range One (1) West,
except Three (3) acres In the North
west corner lying In Marlon County.
Also beginning at the Southeast cor
ner of the above described parcel of
land and running thence South elgthy
(80) rods; thence East Sixty (60)
rods; thence North One Hundred and
Sixty (1G0) rods; thence West .Sixty
(60) rods; thence South to the place
of beginning. Also beginning at the
half mile corner stake on the West
aide of aald Section and running
thence Weat to Pudding River, four
(4) chain, more or lea, and thence,
down aald river to the auction line;
thence South to the place of begin
ning, containing In all One Hundred
and forty (140) acrea, more or
Ilea. Situate In Clackamaa County, i
Oreiron Aluri tha following' J'.Cfln.
nlng at a point 2.74 chain North of
the Northwest corner of Section 18
In T. 5 8. It. 1 E. of the Willamette
Meridian, running ther.ee East One
Hundred and Fifty-two (152) rods;
thence South One Hundred and Seventy-one
(171) rods; thence West
Seventy-two (72) rods; thence North
Eighty (80) rods; thence Weat Eigh
ty (80) roda; thence North to the
place of beginning and containing 120
acres, more or "less. Also the flouth-
west quarter of the Northwest quar
ter of Section Eighteen (18) In T. 5
S. II. 1 E. of the Willamette Meridian,
containing 45.72 acrea, more or less.
Situate In Clackamas County, Oregon.
This summons Is published by or
der of the Hon. fhoma A.,McBrlde,
Judge of the above entitled court,
which order was made and entered on
the Cth day of August, A. D. 1907, and
which order required that the first
publication of this summon be made
on August 10th, 1907, and the date of
the last publication thereof on Sep
tember 27th, 1907i
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Culled States Land Office. Port
land. Oregon, July 19th. 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
. r . , .. a 1.1.,. n to-o .1.1.1
of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
In the States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory, as
extended to all "the Public Land States
by act of Auguat 4. 1892, Maude L.
Tnulltnger, of Mullno, county of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, has tils
day filed In this office his swW-n
statement No. 7497, for the purchase
of the S. W. Vvof 8. W. M of section
No. 27, In Township No. 4 S., Range
No. 2 E., and will offer proof to show
that the land aought Is more valuable
for Ita timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before Register
and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 5th day of November,
He names aa witnesses:
John Mulvaney. of Mullno, Oregon.
John Darnall, of Mullno. Oregon.
John Keller, of Mullno. Oregon.
William Husband, of Mullno, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims In tht
office on or before said 5th day of No
vember, 1907.
This notice must be published once
a week for nine consecutive weeks In
a newpaper published nearest the
land, and must also be posted In a
conspicuous place In the land office
for the same period. 8S-9t
The following data, covering a
period of 35 years, have been com
piled from the Weather Bureau rec
ords at Portland, Oregon. They are
issued to show the conditions that
have prevailed, during the month In
question, for the above period of years
but must not be construed as a fore
cast of the weather conditions for the
coming month.
Month, September, for 35 years.
Mean or normal , temperature, 61.3
Till wflrmtial mnnlh wna thnfr rt
1SS8. with an average of 66.0 degrees.
The coldest month was that of 1895.
with an average of 57.4 degrees.
The highest temperature was 93
degrees on the 11th, 1SSU.
The lowest temperature was 36 de
crees, on the 21sL 1895.
The earliest date on which the first
"killing" frost occurred In autumn,
October 13.
Average date on which first "kill
ing" frost occurred in autumn, No
vember 16.
Average date on which last "killing"
frost occurred In spring, March 17.
The latest date on which last "kil
ling" frost occurred In spring. May 9.
Average precipitation for the month
1.78 Inches.
, Average number of days with .01 of
an Inch or more, 8.
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 4.25 Inches in 1SS9. r
The least monthly precipitation was
0 inches in 1873.
Tlie greatest amount of precipita
tion recortied in any 24 consecutive
hours was 1.27 inches on the 20th and
21st. 1898.
Average relative humidity, 5 a. m.,
88; average 5 pvm 55.
Average number of clear days012;
partly cloudy days, 10; cloudy days. 9.
The prevailing winds are from the
northwest; the average hourly ve
locity of the wind is 5.5 miles; the
highest velocity cf the wlnif was 45
miles from the south on tha 2nd, 1897.
Money transferred by Postal Tele
graph. -
A C, ; 'dy et al. to Mra. E. 11
Btirmeistor, e4 of ne'4 and nw4 of
ne'Aj, sec. 27, twp 6s, rge 2e. 120 acres.
Mrs. B. M. Burmelster to O. B.
iDlmlc "d rof ne KW' 27'
twp 6s, rge 2e. $240.
J. L. Vosburg to Mra. Kate A. Blood,
09 acre ice 34, twp 2a, rge 2e. $2400.
Edwin Hedges et at to Frank E.
Zook, lot 7, blk 12, Gladstone. $100.
J. R. Shaver to Louis Gerllnger, n
sec. 10, town 45, range 5e, consisting
of 320 acre. Taxes.
Adrian Bowman to Bowman Lumber
Co., part die Daniel Herron, sec. 4,
towa 3a, range lw containing 82 acres,
8. W. Stryher to C. E. Moore and
R. II. Powers, aec. 20, town la, range
2o, consisting of 25 acres. $2500.
Sidney Clark to C. A. Cramer, VA
acres blk 69, Clackamas Helghta. $400.
T. L. Charman to C. L. Cramer,
part blk 69, Clackamas Heights. $200.
Lon Kester to Horace Blgelow, sw
'i of se'4 lot 5, sec.1 2, town 3s, range
2e; also lots 3 and 4, same description.
H. H. Howell to Lon Keater, same
as above. $1.
Paul Freytag to C. B. Huych,' lot
111, Oregon City. $700.
J. J. Cook to G. E. Hargreaves, lots
7 and 8, blk 7. Gladstone. Taxet.
-0. C. Yocum to H. W. Mitchell, lots
7 and 8, blk 6, Pompeii. $100.
W. P. Rihorn to J, F. Nolan and R.
E. Butler, s lot 5, blk 2, May wood,
2.54 acres. $800.
Alma Murdock to J.'. D. Beanert, 54
acres aec. 5, twp 3s, rge lw. $2700.
' Sell wood Land4& Improvement Co.
to F. H. Harris, lots J2 and 13, blk
96, Oak Grove. $100. .
A. v. LAmoert to m. M. Hartun,
121 acres section 28, twp Is, rge 5e.
Willamette Falls Co. to A. Berry,
lot a, tract 01. Willamette tract. $125.
John M. Snyder to Joseph Dobbins,
Hands near Mllwaukle. $1000.
-Lydla Scott to Thos. Scott, lot 115
Friends Oregon Colony. 1 acre. $146.
L. Dahle to J. A. Martin. 34.66
acre, sec 15, twp 35, rge 2e. $300.
Santa Fe Pacific Ry. Co. to John T.
Buckner, ne'4 of nw sec. 10. twp 7s,
r 2e. containing 37.81 acres. $39.19.
J. L. Hartman, trustee to Edward
Hyde, lots 1 and 2, sec. 24, town 5s
r 2e, 82 acres. $1.
J. L. Selgbrlst to M. F. Donahue, e
V4 of se' and nw4 of seH sec. 32,
twp 2s, r 7w, 120 acres. $700.
E. C. Chapman to W. L. Chapman,
undivided 62 acres sec 9 and 10,
twp 2 s, r 2e; also 15 acres sec. 9 and
16. twp 2s r 2e. $5000.
Henry W. Fritz to James S. Hicks,
jneVi sec. 28, twp Is r 2e, 160 acres.
Frank Habelt to Myrt F. Donahue,
of se4 of nw; sec 12 and swtt
sec 12, twp 4s, r 4e, 280 acres. $10.
Mrs. Addie Burnett to A. E. Al-
spaugh, part die John B. Childs, sec.
5, twp 3s. r 4e, 3 acresv $375.
Willamette Falls Co. to Wm. Wod
the, lots B and C, tract 58. Willamette
tract. $300.
Thos. J. Kirk to Molalla Lumber
Co., set; of nw4, and n of ne of
aw sec 3, twp 4s, r Se, 60 acres
Observation of Harrlman.
T am not prepared to make any
announcement regarding new lines.
"What Oregon needs most for de
velopment is a different policy on
forest reserves and some way of open
Ing the land granted to military road
companies. We will sell agricultural
,and to settlers. but not to sPecHla
tl.,rs- The "mber we will keep for
tfes and bridge material
"I made a mistake in not providing
pew steamers between Portland and
San Francisco two years ago.
"Oregon, in August at least, has the
1 C"mate 1 T f"nd
I know as much about Oregon as
any one In the city of Portland.
"To obtain te best results, there
should be a better feeling between
the public and transportation compan
ies. Railroad commissions are good
things when not used for political pur
poses and when the Commissioners
exercise Judgment
"I've had a fine ime. Never saw a
reporter or newspaper for two weeks.
Portland Issued 225 licenses to mar
ry In August. This Is a little below
the average.
Hay and Grain.)
Hay The price of hay Is soaring,
with those who have it for sale asking
$15 for clover and $18 for timothy.
Few sales at thpse prices are recorded,
J usual sales being made at $15 for tim
othy, clover $12, oat. hay . $12 and
mixed cheat $11. Farmers seem dis
posed to hold for higher prices.
Grainr-Nw 'oats are selling at 22
nts wh holdeas asltng alittle more
for choice Iota. Wkeat Is looking Bp
and those who have considerable are
In many Instance holding for $t. No
sale have been reported at that fig
ure; 80c Is ruling price where con
siderable quantities are moved. Many
farmers think $1 Is a safe holding
Live Stock.
Mice show but little change. Steer
are quoted at $3.50 to $3.75, helfera
$3.00, cows $2.50 to 2.75, sheep $4 to
$5, lambs $6, all per cwt.
Produce and Poultry.
Butter Choice ranch butter Is
bringing from 60 to 63c the roll, and
creamery 75c to 80c. .
Lard 10c lb.
Eggs 22c per doz.
Chickens Hens 10c, rooster 8 to 9o
young fries 12V4C,
Fruit and Vegetable.
Appli Bring 75c per box.
Pears Bartletts 60 to 70c bu.
Plums Peach lc lb. Green Gage
lc, Italian Prunes 16, Hungarian
Prunes l'c.
Watermelon Choice 90c to $1 per
cwt., Canteloupes 45c to 90c dozen.
Green Stuff Corn 8c to 10c dozen,
green and yellow string beans 3c lb,
summer squash 25c dozen, crooked
neck 35c dozen, potatoes 90c to $1.10
bu, turnips, carrots, parsnips, beets,
75c Back, wine plant 2c lb, green on
ions 40c doz. bunches, rhubarb 3c Tb,
cabbage 40c, cucumber 10c doz or
pickling 2c lb.
Flour and Feed, ,
Flour sells at $1.50 for Valley to
$5.25 for Oregon bard wheat.
Core $1.65 per cwt., cracked J 1.70.
Shorts 90c per sack.
Baley $1.15 per sack.
Oats In sacks $1.25 per cwtj,
Hay Selling In retail way at 83c
cwt for timothy and eScfot clover,
other varieties same proportion.
The weather report for the last week
in August: The week was unusually
cool, and frosts occurred In exposed
places on several mornings in the
southern and seastern counties. They
were damaging In the central counties
but elsewhere they caused no harm of
consequence. There was only one af
ternoon with the temperature above
eighty degrees and the average of the
daily maximum temperature was
about seventy degrees.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the council of
Oregon City at Its next regular meet
ing for a renewal of bis liquor license
until March 1, 1907, at his present
place of business, 417 Main street,
Oregon City.
38-2t E. A. BRADY.
Private Money To Loan, 6 Par Cent.
On real estate ecurlty. M
$1000.00 two to five years. '
500.00 one year.
750.00 three year.
1500.00 five year. . .
400.00 two to four year.
600.00 three year.
500.00 two to five years.
2500.00 one to 5 years.
Call, write or ,'phone by July 1, 1907.
Attorney at Law, Stevens BIdg., Ore
gon City, Ore.
Money loaned, abstract furnished, land
tile examined, estates settled, g-enri
law business transacted.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
When you require an Abstract of Title
to lands In Clackamas County, have
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We Invite you to ex
amine our complete set of Abstract
606- 608 Chamber of Commerce BIdg,
Money to loan on Clackamas County
Oregon City, .... . Oregon.
Will practice In all courts of the state
, p fftce In Caufleld Building.
( Justice of the Peace.
Office in Jagger Bulging, Oregon City
W. S. EDDY, V, S., M.D.V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, baa located
at Oregon City and established an
office It The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephone.
Farmers' 133 Mali 131 1