Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 06, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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("Wcrnn Otv Fntrnrtv saU1 secretary Garfivui in a recent
wregon viiy Enterprise UervU)w ..0ur ltm,8UKatUm hM
Published Every Friday. IhronRht to light the fact that 'there
By THK STAR FRESS. j,8 a ummr trust, Although I cannot
Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post- say when the first action will be com
office as second class matter. Imonced, I presume it will take the
Subscription Rates: form of an Inquiry before the Inter
One Year fl.SO state Commerce Commission. The
Six Months .75 lumber business la a National tnat I-
Trial subscription, two months.. .25tutton, and one luterest now controls
Subscribers will find the date of ex- the entire business."
plratkm stamped on their papers fol-j
lowing their name. If last payment Is , , , . ,
not credited, kindly notify us. and ! There Is no place la which Congress
the matter will recelre our attention, can spend the money of the Nation
. : r---r-r-r- Inhere the returns to the whole peo-
MR. U'REN FOR SENATOR. pie will be so large as lu the Improve
The Oregonlan doesn't like Mr. ment of our rivers and haroors. A
U'Ren for some cause or other. ' million dollars spent on the Columbia
Whether it Is because he continues and the Willamette will bring returns
to live In Oregon City rather than , many fold what the same amount of
Portland, or because he has aecom- j money spent in railway construction,
plished some things in politics dls- And in the improvement of rivers and
tasteful to the Oregonlan man. de-j harbors the benefit is not limited to
ponent saith not; but it stilt remains ;the few but to many, and with an ever
that the Oregonlan man doesn't like : widening prosperity
Mr. U'Ren. We make this statement
as a preface to what that paper says
of this citizen of Oregon City
Raflroad regulation seems more pop-
for uilar than railroad ownership. This la
the fact that the Oregonlan will say ,as 11 shouK1 be th railway should
anything about a citizen of this city be amenable to wise laws; the country
mar be of Interest to others Hvlnsr ! should not be forced to buy them In
here. Under the headtng."Mr. U'Ren a
Candidate," It says:
order that they may be wisely oper
ated. And in case of sale the people
"Mr. U'Ren has expressly reserved ma" be certain of one thing-that the
his constitutional right to become a!rall,a' Wo" a"' to man
candidate for the United States Sen-jiP111816 tnlnK3 aml men tnat ,h l,e
ate but says he Is not a candidate at Ple win be certain to pay two prices
this tlmft Rnf nhv ahnnl.l ha anal- a 'for them.
seat in the United States Senate
when he can accomplish so much
more outside? Mr. U'Ren was once
Hurrah! The city is to have a new
public wharf at the foot of Eleventh
a member of the legislature from j street. This is good news; news of
Clackamas county. Can anyone point ; all Improvements Is good. The Enter
to a piece of legislation originated by jprjse congratulates Frank Busch on
him while he was a member of that, the success which has come to his
body? As a private citizen, however, 'perseverance, and it also congratu-
he has accopmllshed much. To hini
is accorded credit (or censure) for
the adoption of the initiative and ref
erendum, the direct primary, the
home rule for cities amendment, and
several other measures of minor im
portance. Not In a thousand years of
service in the legislature could Mr.
U'Ren have done so much legislating.
If he aspires to be a national law-
lates the citizens of Oregon City on
the adding of one more new enter
prise to those which go to make a
live and hustling city.
We are in receipt of a 36-page pam
phlet published by the Standard Oil
Company telling all about "how It
happened." We are not even sorry
Oregonlan Is not willing anyone else
should have healthy "kids" except the
machine, and It wants a hand in their
early training.
Michigan Is looking Into plans to
reforest Itself. If the state had ap
plied the principles of forestry long
ago It 'would bo Immensely better oft
Oregon people should bear this In
mind and act before It Is too late.
from a six weeks' outing at Ocean
Park, Wash.
Hew R. 0, lllackwoll and family ar
rived home from Ocean Park Katun
Mrs viola ii,irm u vi.itinrf I'1?. ftml r,,l,olt I'Wwmt vacation
friends lu White Salmon.
Washington has put the ban on the
cigarette, so far as the sale Is con
cerned. Hut you can roll a fresh one
each minute of the day for yourself
and thus your personal liberty Is
Attorney W, S. U'Ren made a busi
ness trip to Salem Friday.
Postmaster Randall Is on a visit to
friends and relatives at Elk City.
MIbs Martha F. Draper has returned
from a pleasant sojourn on the Coast,
Mr. R. I ltolman had as guest last
week his brother, W. P, ltolman, of
Misses Ethel Craves and Jessie He
bee are homo after a pleasant stay at
Mr. George allnklns Is homo from
- a pleasant slay of two weeks nt Ya-
Two saloons werev "held up" In julna Ray.
Portland last week. Will the next Miss Alverna Horn Is homo after
news bo from the other extreme and snomltng her vacation pleasantly at
tell the story of holding up a church Puget Sound.
Just after the collection. Mrs, C. O. Albright Is homo from
- " Seaside, called here by the lllnoss of
Now we are told that llonaparte has 8 llt'1 Rrandehlld.
decided that the Alton road has been Mr- Frank T. Griffith has Joined
given an Immunity bath. If this is ,lls family at Tioga, where he will
true perhaps IUmaparte's retirement rwt for a few days,
wilt come too late. Prof. Zlnser has gone to his farm
' near Lincoln and will bo followed
later by Mrs. Zlnser.
State Senator J. E. Hedges and fam
ily have returned from a pleasant so
journ at Yaqulna Ray.
Mrs. A. D. Allen Is visiting friends In
Newberg, where she will remain for
If Coxey's army will march to the t,, (ltty or two w,,okf
at that popular resort,
iMIss Nora Gregory and Mrs, Edna
Hughes of Oregon City arrived this
morning to Join the campers at the
Itlnxe hopyaid, Salem Ex.
Mr. and Mrs. I.lnn H, Jones have re
turned from u prospecting tour In
Ogle Mountain, whew they are In
terested In mining operations.
Mrs, F. S, linker and daughter, Miss
Charlotte Maker, are homo from a so
journ at Pendleton whoio Mrs. linker
went to take the baths for rhmimntlsm.
Switzerland has Just celebrated the
600th anniversary of Its Independence.
How would you like to be here when
America celebrates her 600th Fourth?
Northwest there will be no trouble In
every man, from the captain down,
finding a Job at good wages.
Following is the estimate given by
a Seattle hop dealer of the 1907 crop
of the world:
Russia 50,000 to 70,000
Germany 400.000 to 450,000
Austria 320.000 to 350,000
France 60,000 tp 75.000
Belgium 40,000 to 50.000
England 400,000 to 420,000
America 500,000 to 550,000
Mr. Fred J. Nelson underwent an
operation for appendicitis In a Port
land hospital last Friday.
Miss Eva Moulton returned Tues
day from Long Beach, where alio
pleasantly spent her vacation.
Mrs. Belle A. Sleight, deputy clerk,
Is back at her desk In the Court House
after a pleasant vacation of two weeks.
Miss Louise Cochran is homo from a
Mrs, Chan Fitch of Seattle Wash.,
Is a guest of friends In this city. Hhrt
was a former resident, mouio yoars
ago Mr, Filch, since deceased, pub
lishing what was then known us the
Oregon City Herald,
Miss Vanda Coffey of Eugene Is the
guest of Miss Angelluii Williams In
this city. Mis Coffey, who Is a grad
uate of the Statu University at Eu
gene, Is on her wuy to Wellesley,
where she will take a course of study
at that college,
MIhs Edith Cheney returned to her
homo In Oregon City on Monday after
noon, She has I u III the rlfy for
the past month hiking charge of Che
ney & Kruuiunts' photograph parlors,
Mr. C. Schuebel and daughters Eu-'tn their absence nt the beach,-Mo-
lalle and Roberta left Thursday for
Ocean Park, Wash., where they will
spend ten days In rest and recrea
tion, Dr. Strickland Is on a trip through
the East for rest anil recreation.
While there he will Blend a course of
lectures by one of the big Eastern
Miss liotta Uveriuore left Wednes
day morning for her home In Pendle
ton, after having spent the Summer
with friends and relatives In this city
and Portland.
Miss Lillian Orlessen lias gone to
Seaside for a visit at the Albright
cottage. Miss Nan Cochran will Join
the Jolly party now lu possession the
last of this Week.
Miss Edna Park, has gone to the
bedside of her slster ln law In Van
couver, where she will endeavor to
be of assistance In nursing her friend
back to health.
Mrs. W. H. Wiggins and her rhll
Mlnnvllto Register.
Miss Nan Cochran, who hs a posi
tion on the editorial staff of the Ore
gon City Courier, was an over Sunday
guest of Mis Ethel Cheney lu this
city. Miss Cochran as a former com
posltor In this office two years ago.
McMlnnvJllo Register.
Mr. and Mrs, Daniel S. Dolman, who
were married, In Polk county August
31. 1817 celebrated tlelr diamond wed
ding nt their home In MeMlnnvllle.
Mr. Ilolman crossed the plains In 1S43
ami Mrs. llolmnn. who was Miss Mar
tha E. Burnett, rame In IS 10, This
worthy couple raised nine children, ,
all of whom are now living.
Miss Mary Conyers. at one time a
popular employe In the Enterprise of
fice, Is making a hit us a soloht at
Mendota, III. In a report of a recent
concert at which she snug the Mendo
ta Bulletin says of her: "Miss Mary
Conyers more than exceeded the antic
ipation of those who had heard her do-
dren have returned to their home jllKhtful singing here before and with
Portland after a pleasant visit to h"r ful1- w,, controlled voice brought
Mrs. Wiggins' parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,h rest to the opinion of the others.
James Wilkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cheney. Mr. O.
jA. Cheney and Miss Edith Cheney left
visit to Newberg where she was the Thursday for Lafayette to attend the
for the Standard. Its promoters or its
maker, why not devise a National in- beneficiaries, and we are In sympathy
mauve ana referendum and get it
adopted, and then proceed to remedy
all the governmental Ills to which
this country is heir? Place limitations
upon me acuviues or so effective a confiscation
man as Mr. U'Ren by electing him to
the United States Senate? It would
be equal to burying him alive."
with the big fine Imposed and hope
It will be collected to the last cent
even if it becomes necessary to take
I old John D.'s benzine buggy in the
A western senator, writing to a
friend, says: "The corporations, here,
as elsewhere, are all against Roose-
Prof. Ernst Heckel of Berlin says ve:t- and are doing all they can to
man Is but an ape with two pairs of jdown him and to prevent a contlnua
legs and that he is simply an animal. jtion. of nls policies." That is the whole
We suppose the Professor is irritated story of the political activities of the
with the old theology which proclaims Present year, and the effort to down
man made In God's image, separate j Roosevelt and his policies will not end
and distinct from the animal kingdom, until iafter the next election.
and that he wishes to belittle the "i. -
creator of man. But if man came up Senator Foraker says that before we
from the animal, or even through the think of revising the tariff the people
animal from even the lower types of should be heard from. Does Joseph
life and this theory has many imli- j Benson mean that for a Joke? It Is
cations which bear It out the creator : because the people have been heard
Is not belittled because of the fact, .from that the President is so anxious
but rather gains glory in it. To us it to make a start along that line. For
seems more wonderful for a being to aker should learn to be a good listen-
be able to develop man from the ac- er; he has already shown himself to
tive protoplasm, through the many
and varying steps which science says,
than to have simply set alut it to
make man as a distinct individual or
be a ready talker.
Total 1.770,000 to 1,905,000
Total last year 1,577.000
In the State of Washington It Is
estimated that there are fully 50.000
bales on the poles, but since a good
many growers have decided not to
pick, in view of the present ruinously
low prices of the product, It is Im
possible to more than vaguely guess
as to the size of the Washington pro
Estimates of the California crop
place the output for that state at 90,-!
000 to 95,000 bales, and the product
there Is said generalry to be of good
quality. New York will produce 43,-
000 to 50,000 bales, as against 05,000 j
bales In 1906, and the quality of the !
New York product Is said to be ex-'
ceptlonally good. !
It Is believed that Oregon has fully I
160,000 bales on the poles, but prol-1
ably 20 percent of the crop will not !
be harvested. The rule In this state j
this year will be to pick only the best '
of the hops, and samples of the new
crop that have already been received
by Portland dealers are equal In the
quality to any ever seen In this mar
ket. '
guest of her sister. Mrs. J. P. Keat
Mrs. M. K. West and daughters,
Emelle and Bessie, were up from Port
land Labor Day visiting friends In
this city.
Mr. Oudln Roberts Is home from a
vacation at Newport. He will got to
Oakland next week to visit friends In
that city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sawyer and their
daughter. Mrs. C. B. Frlssel. are home
funeral of Mrs. Willis Johnson, who
died Monday at Helm,
Mrs. E. E. Brodle has reutrned to
her Portland home from the Coast and
resumed her classes In vocal music.
Mrs. Brodle has as pupils several
bright young singers from Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Huntley were
registered at Hotel Astor, Now York,
Monday of this week. They are mak
ing an extended trip through the East
combining business and pleasure.
The duets by her and Mrs. Frit were
particularly pleading numbers." She
will return to her home In Portland
within a few weeks.
Fifty bop pickers Have 23 acres
to pick; two yards. Good new hop
shanties for pickers. Good water and
plenty of wood at camp. Free vege
tables for pickers. Will begin picking
about August 21. Write at once so
we can place your names on our
books. No boon fighters need apply.
Box 6S, R. F. D. 4. Aurora. Ore.
S sweeping reduction in all our depart
ments. I am going to put in new lines
and must therefore sacrifice my entire
stock in order to make room.
What's become of the Clackamas
: county fair proposition? What are
type. To us science seems to magnify the officers doing at this Unify The
rather than take from the powers oflate set Is not very far distant and
the Creator of all things. jif the project is to be a winner every
. j minute counts in preparation for the
Considerable criticism is heard event- Ever-one interested in see
from farmers relative to the removal inR a s,Iessful exhibit should be up
of hitching posts from the side streets aiul ,oing from now t0 the tlme. the
in this city. It has been said that gates are PeD
many farmers will go to Canby to j
trade where the merchants are work- The latest announcement from
lng zealously for farmer trade in Secretary Garfield is to the effect
case there are to be no racks on Or- tnat tl'ere wi!1 no delay from this
egon City streets. But it is the pur- on ia t!ie matt'-r of granting patents
pose of the Council to make certain to those entitled to them. This means
improvements, one of whicii may be that actual settir.-rs are to be eneour
to keep hitching racks off the main , a?f:1- at the same time speculators
streets, and if so. places will be pro-;wi!1 prosecuted for any infring
vided for hitching elsewhere. The m,jnt f'1? law.
side streets, with electric cars and '; - -
autos on one side and S. P. trains on ' Council voting to indefinitely post-
the other, are not ideal daces to pone consideration of the petition for
hitch. Some place will b? and ought an election to determine whether or
to be provided for the convience of no the citizens of Oregon City want an
people from the country. Those who excise board does not mean that there
intend to stay for several hours, how- .will be no ebction. The law provides
ever, will find it removes a load of other means of getting it before the
care as to safety of their rigs if they people besides the action of Council.
will hitch them in some feed barn till i
ready to go home. j The Oregonlan should not stab In
Would like to hire a saddle horse
for two or three days a week. Will
he given good care and not overridden.
Address, IXL, care Enterprise.
Following are a few of the many lines we are trying to sacrifice :
0. W. P.
I Arrive
3 ! C
the dark at the "Oregon City divorce
Now that nearly every writer with niH1" TllfJ "n,i!l" ' maintained prin
"a pen in hand" Is telling how to ri!'a,1y f'"- the dissatisfied hubby and
raise a child the Roseburg News con-,w!f('' "f Portland, and the Oregonlan
tributes the following: "To bring up shl,"ll not get miffed because so
a child the way he should go, travel nian' 'i'mons publications get away
that way yourself. Stories first heard !" tho "tle.
at a mother's knee are never wholly
forgotten; a litle spring that never ' Walla Walla prison, Wash., Is to
dries up on our Journey through the have a newspapar printed In the in
scorching years. The sooner you get stltutlon. We hope It may meet the
a child to be law unto himself the fate of the paper printed in the Ohio
sooner you make a man out of him. penitentiary die because there are
Children need models more than crlti- no dishonest printers to be found In
cism. We can never check what is the state at. least there were none In
bad in them unless we cherish what prison.
Is good in them." i
I The Oregonlan presented Ex-Sena-
"The lumber trust is td be the tor U'Ren with a pair of healthy
nor fno with which the Roosevelt "kids" last Sunday. This seems fun-
a 2
! 4:001 5:401 5:48'
C:2.-)l 7:20 7:30!
7:55! 8:05
8:30 8:40
8:10 9:051 9:15'
8:45 9:40! 9:50!
9: 3f.il 0:05'1 0:59
1 0: 30 1 1:25'11:35!10: 30110:40 11:34
1 1:0512:0012:10111 :05'lt :15 12:09
ll:40:i2:35!12:45lll:40:il:50 12:44
12; 15 1:10 1:2012:15!12:25 1:19
12:so 1:45 1:55'12:50 1:00 1:54
1:25 2:20 2:30 1:25 1:35 2:29
2:00 2:55 3:05 2:00 2:10 3:04
2:35 3:30 3:40 2:35 2:45 3:39
3:10 4:05 4:15 3:10 3:20 4:14
3:45 4:40 4:50 3:45 3:55 4:49
4:20 5:15 5:25 4:20 4:30 5:24
4:55 5:50 6:00 4:50 6:05 5:59
5:30 6:25 6:35 5:30 5:40 6:34
6:05 7:00 7:10 6:05 6:15 7:09
6:40 7:35 7:45 6:40 6:50 7:40
7:15 8:10 8:20 7:15 7:25 8:19
7:50 8:45 8:55 7:50 8:00 8:54
8:25 9:20 9:30 8:25 8:35 .9:29
9:00 9:52 9:00! 9:55
10:0010:52 9:35
11:0011:52 10:00 10:55
12:05 12:52 11:00 11:55
I 12:00
Granite Carpets, fast color, 50c
now 35c per yd.
Half wool, 65c carpet now 45c
All wool 90c carpet now 75c
$1.25 wool carpet now $1.00
75c values now 50c per yard
$1.00," " 75c " "
Imperial best garanteed 5 years
per gallon $1.25
per quart 35c
$1.25 screen doors for 75c each
$2.00 M " 41 $1.25 "
25c val. window screens 15c"
35c " " " 20c "
$3.50 top matress
4.50 "
2.50 spring mattress
5c each
6c each
7c each
8c each
10c each
20c each
25c each
40c each
45c each
40c each
60c each
60c each
55c each
60c cups and saucers, set. 40c
75c " " " 50c
and all our stock accordingly,
10c paper, 5c per double roll
20c " 10c
25c 44 15c 44 44
30c 44 20c 44
40c 30c 44 ' 44
Kitchen Chairs
75c values
$1.25 values
55c each
1.00 "
$1.25 values
75c each
Ranges and Stoves
Ranges from. - - $22.50 up
administration will measure swords," ny When one stops to consider that the black.
To Milwaukle only.
!VIa Lent's Junction, dally except
Sunday, leave op Sundays, 4:30 a. m.
A. M. figures In Roman; P. M. in
These are facts. If you see it in our ad it's so. Call
and be convinced.
Main and Seventh Sts.
0 UmUO
The Home Furnisher