OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1907. a OUR FARMERS' PAGE. ENTERPRISE READERS ARE INVITED TO CON TRIBUTE AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, DAIRY OR "BIO CROP" ITEMS FOR THI8 DEPARTMENT. Horses In Norway, You never nt' a broken-winded borau In Norway, aald a horn" doctor. That In because (hii horaea thre urn allowed to drink whllo tln'y eut, the MttlllO nit mankind, Our Ikiiucm, U't them be fever mi thlraty, mil mL Mill eat thlr dry fod der, their dry tiny and oata and corn, with nothing Ui wash thm down. Hut In Norway they order things better. Evry Iwrstt haa a bucket of water be stdo Mm manger, and, an he eat, ho drinks, also. It U Interesting to a how tin Nor- ahould be kpt, If for no other pur pose than to supply the family with Choice IIU'Bt. Chlckant for Market. Chickens aell In tho market at as high a figure, compared with beef and mutton aa ordinarily, If they aro In good ahapo and condition. Fancy fowla for breedera command aa high figure aa heretofore, whenever flrat cIuhh api'dmena change hands, and every one who can turn out a better trio or two next fall than cut! bit neighbors will find a ready market weglan horses rdlah their water with ,for them tven at the advanced price, their inealH, Now they alp a little i from the bucket, now they eat a Protection From Files, mouthful, then another alp. then If you have on the farm a patch of another mouthful Jut like rational brush, either acrub timber or a peach human being.. You never ae a broken winded .tb calvea and cowa, thft land will hor In Norway, and the. natlvea ay probably pay better than for any other Item of Intercut, bring or phono It to thin office. . Tho gueatlon la often asked If male plica can be castrated In the aummer with no aorioua result. We never llko tho practlco of caatratlnK after tho middle of July. With tho work teama select tho feed with a view to quality, tho leas tho bulk tho better, ao that tho strength ening qualities are contained In tho food, Fur gaps In chlckcna, swab tho throat with a feather dipped In tur pentine, If file have worked In Korea or wounda on anlmala, cleanao with tur pentine. It Ih not good policy to forco tho growth of colt a by giving them stlrn littlriK fiKxlM and over feeding them. It ia cheaper to take good car of borne than to employ a veterinary surgeon, Tho aowa ahould be bred early ao that the pigs will come in time to DUELINGJHTHE NAVY The Tragic Affair That Put an End to the Practice. A MIDSHIPMAN'S CHALLENGE. o 0 OS DISS 'BOLL Mb3 It Waa AeoapUd by tha Lawyer, and the Battle Waa Fought In Delaware. Sad Fata of the Two Prinelpale In the ! Unfortunate Meeting. make good growth. Feed your hogs on a feeding floor and not in tho mud. Live aock ahould be kept tinder tho TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON A. f. ARMSTRONO. LL. B., PfliNCiPAL Educate for aucccs in a abort time and at email expense, and aenda each atu dent to a position aa aoon a competent. Quality i our motto, and reputation for thorough work bring na over 100 call per month for office help. Individual in ttruction insure rapid progret. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the That settlement of quarrela by appeal ; voucher and other modern method of bookkeeping. Chattier i our ahorthand ; to the code of honor waa no longer to j eaay, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, bninea forma and penmanship free bo tho unwritten law of the American i it Reference: any merchant, any Unk, any newspaper in Portlanc. navy waa determined by a duel In which William Miller, Jr., a Philadel phia lawyer, waa alulu In a pcntonal affair fought along the northern circle of Delaware, The man who fired the fatal abut waa Mldahlpiuan Char lea G. lluuter, and tha encouuter took place along Nunman'e creek on the afternoon f Kuuday, Murcb 21, 1830. or plum thicket, and will fence It for jM"" condition or light, go air ana pure ioou a tin water. It la becaiiMK they aervo water to tho anlmala with their feed. Profit In Clover, An Oregon farmer who renta a farm nay ho harvested about one hundred tone of clover thin aeawm on thirty-eight acre. Such hay la ael ling readily at $12 per ton baled, which, after allowing $2 10 per ton for baling, ahowa a good margin of profit. Thirty head of stock are now nm. ii will provmo anaue ami matte fly fighting eaay for the anlmala. Give the calve and cowa the run of a heavy brush thicket and yui need not worry alanit recelpea for fly protec tion. Plant Apples. Hy all rneana plant a r,oo sized ap ple orchard on tho farm. It never de crease tho value of your land and will at aome future time, if properly being pantured on tho aecond crop of cared for. be a source of conalderable clover at $t jMr head per month, and i revenue. Select tho beat winter va the aoll la being mado better all thorletle that are mostly aotight after by time, limtead of Impoverlahed aa lt' "" It seem that red apple, waa formerly by continued grain grow- ',lf "f fair Ue and shape, usually havo Inir. Thla la what may bo termed , preiereneo in tne maraei. farming at a profit. Singularly enough, neither Miller, who lout bla life, nor Hunter, who kill ed him, waa principal in the original quarrel that led to the meeting on the bank of the llttlo creek In Delaware. Neither bad seen the other until a few hour before the challenge waa aent and accepted. 4 Kltnply a mlaabot In a game of bil liard Played ot Third and Cbeatnut ' ati-eeta. I'Llli.di-liilila. led to the trairedv Injury Alreedy Done In MaeaachuartU tbat pUUK, tw0 llom,.g jDto sorrow Eatimated at 150,000. j an(j mutt).rei tne life of tho man "It ia bard to aay what will be the wuow, pHt0l ahot cauaele:ly abed hu nltlmate damage U the roada," aald a , nian yo,!, tuember of the Maaaacbuaetta coram!- I n,.ury W harton Orifllth and It. Dll- H0W AUTOS DAMAGE ROADS. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HARVEY E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Heal Rotate. Lnana, Innorance Main Street, OREGON CITY An Emulalon of Keroeen. Keroxeiie emulnlon fr lice ahould be atrong. it la mado a follow: Two gallon kenmene, ono gallon water, ono pound bar of aoap, one pint crude carbolic acid, lioll the wan In water until dltNolved; remove from the fire and while tho watrr la boiling add the kenmene and arid, churning with a apray pump for ten minute, and then add elx gallon of hot water, atlrrlng well. Apply on wall, floor, Hen Manure and Aahe. Don't mix hen manure and aahe for fertilizer, berauae the reuniting chemical action will camto tho loxa of ammonia, a one can readily detect by the odor. If theao two material are to be applied to the aame ground mix tho axheH well with the Roll flrat and later apply the manure. The day. Notea. Ilfi? of a working beo la 40 It take 20,000 bee ten trip naiat. Mice, yard, etc. A aecond a day to produce flvo pound of honey, application ahould bo mado In ten Don't forget to give the jxiultry day. fnh water, and plenty of It. kept In !the ahade. Stale, aunheated water Ion to a repreaentatlve of tho Boaton Globe, "but It haa recently en eati mated by the board that $.V),00 dam ago hae been done already by auto. "Tbl la email In proportion to the coat of tho rond, but unleaa aome new method of applying anrface la dopte4 the damage la likely to be contlnuoua that la, repeated aa fat a it 1 made good. "There 1 aomethlng almut the broad rublier tire of motor vehicle on wheel of amall diameter peculiarly damaging to macadam rond. A vacu um la created by tho tiro w hich auck the aurface, or binder, from the road, and It la blown away, leaving the tonea eipoacd. "The commlHHlon 1 experimenting with tar urfaclng. rwulcu haa been uaed In Franco uccefully. Experi ment have also lxen made by the park commlaaloner wltb an oil havlns an aaphalt bae. Something new mut I adopted, and I have no doubt Maa aachuaett will' not be tiehtnd In It adoption." MARRIAGE LICENSES. Keep Sheep. Kvery farmer ahould have a few ahi-ep, In order to aave much of the material grown that may be waited. Shep will eat planta which cattle re ject, and they graio cloaer to the I not conducive to good health. It la a tnlxtake to try to rulne hog on paaturo alone, although It can l jdono up to the time for new corn, and tho pork crop can be mado without ny cah outlay fur mill feed. ground, Young and tender weed are Tho hen will return about a much dellcloim to abeep and the-y. therefore, money for aklmmllk a anything elne aaalHt In ridding the field of auch jon the farm perhapa more. poMta. A email flock of mutton aheop j If you know a farm, crop or stock ton J ( ,N 1 mK J t Ftill line Heating Stoves, Cook Stoves and Ran&es . See my line before yoti bay. Glr ASS WARE' There is nothing more delights the housewife than a handsome display of Glassware. And the methods of manufacture make it possible for every housewife to have handsome Glassware. We show a complete line of Pitchers, Goblets, Tumblers, in sets or singly, Berry Dishes, Honey pishes, Sugar Bowls, Butter Dishes, Spoon Holders, Creamers, etc. Assortment large; prices very low. A. L. William and Vernetta Flat-d(rf. K. H. Reddaway and Kate B. War nock. F. AuguBta Maddock and Mary Rub aell. Oben Tonkin and Arvle Beryl Rat dorf. Joaeph Harris and Mary Ann Pld- cock. C. Van Orden and Mary M. Bell. O. B. Miller and Ltila Holcomb. Leonard 8. Maaon and Minnie Grace Herndun. II. E. Woodward and Clara'Roache. John II. Cogan and Daisy Llveaay Albert Kltching and Susie Lltm. Daniel S. McLean and Annie r. Thlessen. MARRIAGES, t GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in Czufietd Bld., M2!n ard M t: Sts 'STKWAUT-SMITH August 2(1. 1907. Rev. L. C. Hoar officiating. Alexan der Stewart and Fannie C. Smith. WEIOHTMAX HALLINAN At the home of the bride, August 20, 1907, Rev. T. O. Rollover officiating. Wm. S. Welghtman and Margaret M. Hulltnan. KITC1IIXG-L1NN At the home of the brldo in Currinsvlllo, Sunday, Sep tember 1, 1U07, Albert Kltching and Susin Linn, Rev. C. O. McPhoraon officiating. CARTER-PADDOCK At St. Johns- bury. Vt.. August 30. 1907.' Edgar M. Carter to MIsh Isabelle Paddock. The groom ia well-known In this city. WILLIAMS-RATDORF At tho Pies- i carriages. liytertan pivrsonage, epemuer , 1907, Rev. Landaborough officiating, A. U WllllaniH and Vernetta Uut dorf. both of Oregon City. VAX ORDEN-BELL At the home of bride, Oregon City, September 3, 1907. Rev. E. Clarence Oakley of ficiating, Charles Van Orden and Miss Mary M. Hell. TOXKIN-BATDORF At Baptist par aonuge, Oregon City, September 4, 1907. Rev. John M. Linden offlcat lng, Oben Tonkin and Miss Arvle Beryl Batdorf. BIRTHS. I. TOLPOLAR Main St. Opp. Postoffice v Oregon City, Oregon BOY To Mr. and Mrs. W. Shcpard. Oregon City, a boy, born Sunday, September 1. DEATHS. TALLBY Drowned in the Willamette August 29, 1907, George A. Tallo-y. aged 20 years. BEESOX At his homo In Estaendn, Friday, August 30, 1907, Wm. Beo Hon, aged 75 years. , RIDDLE At her home In Willamette, September 4, 1907, Mrs. Mary Bid die, nged 83. years. She was an old pioneer aniL well-known. lLEIt At the home of her sister in Portland. Mrs. S. C.' Catching, Aug ust 81, 1907, Sushi B. Her, aged 39 years and 5 months. JOHNSOX At her home in Hebo, in the mountains near Tillamook, Sep tember 2, 1907, Mrs. Willis Johnson, aged 31 years. ' BABCOCK At his homo in Oregon City, September 5, 1907, dropped 'dead, C. C. Babock, Sr. aged 75 , years. Ion Drake, prominent eoelety men of Philadelphia, played the game of bll- lhirda, and lirlltlth made the mlaabot which called forth a taunt from Drake, who waa Immediately atruck In the face with a cue by Griffith. A cbal- lcufce to a duel waa aent by Drake, but Griffith declared that the challenger waa beneath hla notice and that he would not deiueau blmaelf aoclally by conaeuUug to meet him. Then followed a long and wordy war fare In which each joted the other aa a cowara. Lieutenant uuryee or me United Btatea navy waa called to make an effort to aettle the dispute, and It waa then that Miller, the lawyer, and Hunter, the midshipman, became In volved In the quarrel. In the heated dlacuHitlou Hunter accused Miller of publlablug a confidential letter, ana a challenge waa at once aent by the mld ahlpmau and accepted by the attorney. It waa decided that the duel ahould be fought early on Sunday morning of March 21, but It was nearly 10 o'clock before carriage containing the princi pals, aecouds and aurgeoua left a house that atood on Chestnut atreet above Sixth. The presence of the company excited some suspicion at Cheater, where the party stopped for lunch, but they hurried down the post road, tied their horses close to tho highway and proceeded 200 yards behind a clump of trees that would ahleld them from ob servation, i Aa the sun waa setting two pistol shots rang out simultaneously as one of the seconds counted "One, two, three fire!" lluuter at4od unharmed as the , ball frotu his opponent's pistol struck at his feet, but Miller cried out that be waa shot, placed one hand on hla breast and fell with a bullet lylug close to hla heart. In a few minutes he. died, while pule and anxious faces watched the convulsive breathing of the dying man. "Gentlemen," said Hunter, "I had no enmity ngolust this man. I never heard of him until two days ago, ' Let those whose quarrel embroiled him be responsible for bla death." After a hurried consultation It was decided that the midshipman should leave the state at once, and he was driven rapidly to Xew Castle, Del., where he boarded a boat for Xew York and rejoined the nary. In order to bide the tragedy It waa decided to wait uutll dark and take Miller to Philadel phia In a carriage. Seating the dead man between them, two seconds held him In an upright position on the long journey to Phila delphia. News of the duel bad reached Chester, and a crowd of men stood at Third street bridge to Intercept tho The first buggy contained the surgeon, and, as his explanation was satisfactory, he was permitted to proceed. The dead man in the second carriage was driven through the crowd without the ruso being detected, and at midnight tho body was placed In a house in Wuluut street, where vigil was kept by the seconds, who drank heavily to support them lu tho terrible strain under which they had been placed. , Miller's father said that he held no malice against lluuter, but the mid shipman, who was suspended for a year for punishment, was haunted by the specter of the dead man lying on the bunk of Naamnu's creek, sltilu by his hand, and died a prematurely old man after a lonely life, shut off from all hope of preferment In the navy. He was buried by the newspaper men of New York, who erected a tombstone over his grave. Philadelphia. Ledger. THOS. F. RYAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse, W. S. UTtES C SCIIUEBEL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW- -DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice ia all courts, make collections and settlements of e5tates Fnrnun. Bbatiacuoi title, lena you money on nm montage. umce id ciitarsuc Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E HEDCES F. t. GRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House WORLD NEWS Announcement Is made that there will be no further effort to get Arizona and Xew Mexico to unite in one state. St. Louis brewers have combined to suppress the saloonist who attempts to sell liquors on Sunday in places where forbidden, or who maliciously violates laws and restrictions for other days. The dreaded disease known as 'blackleg" has been found to exist among several bands of sheep In Nor thern Idaho. No more cigarettes are to be sold in the State of Washington. Smokers have laid in large supplies and as the law does not prohibit the smoking of cigarettes it will be some time be fore the effect of the law will be noticeable. In his last speech In Texas, Senator Bailey said: "A Texas negro can be made as good as a Massachusetts white man, but he can not be made as good as a Texas white man." In 1817 one Richard Thornton, called to the bar of the King's Bench, charged with the murder of Mary Askford, in open court threw down his glove and defied his accuser. Where upon there was a pretty to-do. Wager of battle, it was supposed had died a natural death In the dark ages, but Ixird Ellenborough, after much consul tation of precedent,, held that it was still the law of England, and ordered a field to be prepared. Thornton's accuser thereupon declining combat, the prisoner was discharged. Next year parliment passed an act abolish- ng this privilege of appeal to the strong right arm. A macadamized road between St. Louis and Kansas City will be com pleted within two years. Construc tion work will be begun next spring. The Missouri legislature appropriat ed $500,000 for the purpose at its last session. The road will be sixty feet wide. On Its completion, another, ex tending from north to south through the state, will be undertaken. Here is a nut that some philosopher has cracked: Everybody would be willing to live on the give-and-take system If they were allowed to be the sole Judge of when to give and when to take. On. the ground that the movement is in the interest of corporations, Gov ernor Sheldon ot Nebraska has de clined to appoint delegrjtes to tha national convention called by St. Louis business men to recommend amend ments to State and National constitutions. The Southern Pacific through Texas was tied up on the El Paso division the first of the week with a wash out. New Zealand's exports of butter will probably amount In value to ten mil lion dollars this year. In 1898 the number of Immigrants arriving in the United States was 229, 299. The total, for the last fiscal year was 1,285,349, and for the last ten years 7.208.746. At a bull fight near El Paso. Texas, Labor Day, Morento Chico, matador, was caught on the horns of a bull in the Jaurez Plaza del Toros and was horribly mangled In the presence of thousands of spectators. It is believed his injuries will prove fatal. , The Philippines to date has cost Uncle Sara the lives of a goodly num ber of his young men, and he has gone down in his pocket for $300,000,000, besides. Mentally. "You have been abroad, haven't you, Mr. Suiplelgh?" "No, Miss Sharp. What made you Ihiuk I had been abroad?" "Why, I heard papa say you were way off." "-Cleveland Tlnln Dealer. MARE EVERY DAT COUNT- no matter how' ,ld the weather: You cannot afford to be without & TOWER'S WATERPROOF OILED SUIT OR SLICKER When you buy looK for the 5IGN OF THE FISH .. feat . . i, .mm M wm. ii.. Candor. Mabel (aged six) Ain't you afraid of our big dog? The Parson (very thlu) No, my dour.' He would not make .much of a meal off mo. Mabel Oh, but ho Ukes bones best Chicago News. Every brave henrt must consider so ciety as a child and not allow it to iie tate. Emerson. f areful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co, Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street 0 I I