Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 06, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Nearly all our people have gone hop
plcklng. Mr. Wilson Intends to extinguish
the race of wild cats from this neigh
borhood; he has a new hound pup.
Mrs. Alice Henderson has as guests
her mother and aunt.
Henry Cadanan and Misses Josle
and Mable Cadanan are visiting with
their sisters In this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell and Miss
Freda Latourette have been enjoying
their vacation with friends here.
Last week a party of friends joined
your scribe in a visit to the south fork
of the Clackamas. On the first day
out we spent our time in viewing the
scenery below the lower falls, and on
the second day we went to the upper
falls by following a trail from John
Bton's cabin and coming out just
above the falls. To get a good view
of them we had to climb over a point
of a mountain. These falls are di
vided into four benches and there are
bluffs that form a half circle around
them which reaches a height of
about 300 feet. The first falls have M""- King of Arleta Is about to pur
cut a channel or gorge Into a bluff . chase the Geo. Lockerby place of J.
about 150 feet deep and falls over a ' w- Reet'-
nreolnlro hnn 150 fut ,! --I i Albert KlrMilnv on.i o..-;.. i i
v- v miu aim
spreads Into a spray before it strikes
the ground and the second fall pours
over a precipice about six feet high.
Just back of the first, and has washed
out a basin in the shape of a teacup.
with one side knocked out to let the
.vv rvvv wui, w in inr .
water flow over the first bench. The
third falls are about 30 feet high and J 2300 sheeP were driven through the
are shaped like the second, and the j Falmateer's settlement, on the way to
fourth are about ten feet high, resemb-,! Troutlla!e- They were Wned by Mr.
ling the others. In all, they are about Glle of Waplnitia, Wasco county.
250 feet high and so formed as to j F- M- Gill filled the pulpit at Cur
make a good contrast. Just to the; r'nsville . E. church Sunday ifore
left of these falls Is a deep gorge cut j noon and at Mt. Zion Sunday after
Into the rock about 20 feet wide. 200 I noon- 4
feet long and from 60 to 200 feet deep j Saran Palmateer went to Silverton
and these walls are so straight and ' ,ast weelv"-
so formed that it looks as though they J "
were laid by human hands. After j STONE,
looking at these falls our party decid- j Farmers around here were agree
d to go home feeling well pleased JabI-v surprised with a better yield of
with their trip. , , grain than they anticipated. Oats ran
Died, at the home of her brother-in-
law. S. C. Catrhin nt PrM c..D-
-o j v viuuu, j u -a ii j
B. Her, aged 39 years and 5 months. '
Miss Her wa3 ill since July 1 and af
ter several weeks at the home of her
mother near Sherwood, with no im
provement, she was taken to the Good
Samaritan hospital, where she re
mained until the day before her death,
when she was moved to the home of
her sister, Mrs. Catching, where she
died August 31, at 7 a. m..
This Is Labor Day and all the bridge I .
. , , , - iuwi paicn mis weeK .
laborers, fJieir f?isters, oousjns and xfr. r P rvi u
... , , . . i -Mrs. si. E. Ekjnley sold a cow a few
their aunts are taking in the hop-;daysaeo
ia!,d'. ,.. , . . , A- L- Hunter went on a visit to his
Hoppicking is in good progress. A:parent9 at Beaverton Satu
few yards are showing signs of th" I returned Monday
mold and a few are being left for w a f
lack of funds to gather with. 'Vr, Ppf. norH,-- , .
, . 'r- ieo. Deardorff s ast Sunday:
Mrs Fowler, of Portland, has been Mr. and Mrs FA
spending several weeks vis.tlng with Mrs. Geo. Ha and go
friends near Sherwood. 'and Mrs Hubtard flnd
Mrs. Allen, son and daughter, are a pieaSant time
visiting friends and hoppicking in our , Monday w La,K)r Day nm
m!2f carrier had a vacation.
The pew mmister and family. Rev.' Mf. and M E,
Reed, are duly installed in the Hood Mrs. Estes
Mew church and parsonage. California to spend the winter.
The busy season of threshing is Mr. Petzold, the butcher from Ore
about over in this neck o' the woods, gon City, purchased beef cattle from
Hop-picking is the order of the day Mr. Margredt.
with a busy and jolly throng gathering O. Brower, working in Portland,
in the festive hop. was out to visit his family and 3.
Three of our townsmen Kargraves Lowell last Sunday,
brothers and Henry Fisher captured V. Dix is threshing for Mr. Freeman
about COO finny beauties in the river in El wood.
at Molalla last week. i Mr. Krander sold his farm to Mac-
Mrs. L. Livingstone is visiting her f?e last week; all timber,
parents, Mr. and Mr.i. P. Bonney. ' Mrs. Fisher of Portland, is visiting
P. Bonney and several companions in Ciarkes as guest of her daughter,
have gone to the mountains for a Mrs. Ben Marshall.
g00d time- B. Sullivan went hop-picking last
Sunday to the McCormlck yard.
DOVER. Dave Scherruble bought a cow last
Mr. Dickerson's daughter and her week from Charley Moehnke.
husband are visiting their many Sam Elmer was threshing in Mary
friends in thi3 neighborhood. Their ville last week and went to Timber
home is in California. Grove to thresh this week.
Mrs. Knlghtman and son, Walter, J. Lowell, J. Manning, Pete David
left Saturday for the hopfields near son and Mr. Wallace have sold all
Aurora- their timber land and It looks now as
Frank Morrison has gone to the if everybody wants to sell.
Aims sawmill to work. Fred Scherruble sold 80 acres of
Rev. McPherson. will preach his timber land for $300 to Macfee, and
farewell sermon on Sunday, Septem- Macfee has offered Peter Sch'lewe
ber 13, at 10:30 a. m. The ladies of $5000 for his property.
Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones
tktto nnf fnriTiinrr rnniJtv ahahmL
Lack of nourishment
Scoffs Emulsion nourishes baby's
' ntire system. Stimulates and makes bone.
Exactly what baby needs.
the ch trch will serve lunch and Capt.
Rranson will preach in the afternoon.
All are cordially invited to come and
bring their friends.
Mrs. Cooper, and family and Miss
Lulu Morrison have gone up the Val-
ley to plcK hops.
Rev. J. V, Exon and famllv onter.
talned Capt Branson and wife at
dinner Sunday.
Mrs. Guy Wodle and babies are
spending a week with Grandpa Wodle
and family.
George Kitzmiller and Berch Rob-
ertson were calling on Dover friends
A Portland syndicate had an agent
at Garfield Thursday looking for 200
acres of land to plant In apples and
other fruit. Mr. Raker, the agent,
liked the looks of John P. Irvln's farm.
The Garfied country will be a sec
ond Hood River if It keeps on. Dr.
J. L. Hew It, owning the Bill Palmateer
place, will plant 10 acres of apples
1 in the spring.
, '".?) tw ou.-ir I..U1I1 were
married at 4 p. ni. Sunday at the
home of the bride's father. G. n. I.lnn
of Currinsvllle. the Rev. C. T. Mc
Pherson of Estacada officiating.
The Garfield school board has
elected Miss Bertha Pruner of Doug-
f i vuo i iuurr OI Util
las unty to teach in their srhnni
ii .a ousneis to the acre, wheat
20 to 25. Nearly everyone is through
threshing, and all are glad to have the
ib over ita.
Potato buyers were contractine for
potatoes in this neighborhood, to be
delivered at Clackamas station, pay
ing 11.30 per hundred.
I The women had a union effort and
I cleaned up thechurch and grounds
recently. They proved to the men
; that woman can do a thing when she
: undertakes it
Several of the families ground Sun
, nyside and Damascus went ,to the
is the cause.
AND $1.00
p Mr. 1 J. Olsen and aon went hou-
I picking last week.
Miss Tresa dimming Is going to
teach the Marysvllle's school.
Hen Marshall was In town last week
to get his mother-in-law. Mrs, Fisher,
from Portland.
Our Mayor says we are to have a
dry town; he put the lid down Sep
tember 1.
Mr. Wlnfleld will preach here on
Sunday, at the school house at 11
Our sawmill Is soon to resume op
erations. Miss Kdna Staudlnger Is rviwrted
as convalescent.
We are promised another sawmill.
the new one to locate near the soda
spring on Milk Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornell of Portland !
are visiting at the Holman ranch.
Threshing and haying
are nearly
over for this season.
Grain made a fair yield this year.
Wheat shows about 30 bushels and
oats about 40 bushels to the acre.
Fred Gerber rcHrts the banner crop
90 bushels to the acre on four acres.
Henry Hairier and the Kohl boys
have purchased a steam baler and will
go Into the business for keeps.
Fred Moser's little one is reported
on the sick list
S. E. Gerber Is home from Alaska.
He had a fine time and was favorably
Impressed with much he saw, while
L. O. Gerber is visiting friends In
Miss Emma Stucke Is visiting the
Gerer's who are her cousins. She lives
In Missouri. ,.
Luther Ford and family returned
to their home at The Dalles after a
pleasant visit at Robert Moores'.
Mrs. Parker. Elma and Ela Parker. I
have returned t Albany after a two
weeks' visit at R. R. Thomas.
Mrs. Margaret Englo Is having her
Molalla residence repaired with a view
to moving into It
C. W. Hendershot has his new
home nearly completed.
W. S. and C. G. Tull report a Rood
yield of hops, and the quality fair.
George Newton has moved to his
farm. Manuel King will occupy the
home here the next year.
The Berky sawmill is shut down
E. M. Fellows sprained his ankle j
recently while at work cutting logs
for the Tull mill.
Mrs. M. W. Shennard has rnslirnoH
as postmistress and Mrs. Kldd Is an
Kldd Is an
applicant for the place.
V. S. Armstrong lost the flneers
or tils left hand while running the
ger at the sawmill.
Misses Mary and Marpnn.t m,.evIi, ,
have returned to their home In Port-jwe
land after a pleasant visit with Mr.
and Mrs. T. Duffy.
Mrs. E. W. Hnrnsihiih han ko.l u
" ' ' .,' 1
guest her mother, rs. F. Grimmer, of
Chas. Moehnke is moving to the
M.- Moehnke farm
The Pacific States Telephone Co.
will give a free lecture and maeic
lantern show in the school house on
September 12."
The Beaver Creek telephone com
pany will hold a business meetine on
C. Bluhm has moved back to the
home place.
Hop-picking Is on In earnest but
many things point to a short season.
O. S. Boyles Is home from a trio
to the Blue Mountains. He tells a
story of a heavy shower that raised
the water two feet in ten minutes:
guess that's going some.
Portland buyers are scouring this
country for beef cattle.
Jim Tompkins, the Mount Hood
wooumiian, wnose prediction or a
hard winter irr 1906 was verified, Is
again out with a pronounclamento to
the effect that the coming winter will
discount that of last year, and will in
effect be a "peeler." Mr. Tompkins
again bases his predictions on the
habits of the bears, which, he states,
are more numerous In the lower val
ley than last year, and are foraging
almost; in the dooryards of ranchers
to fatten up for a "powerful spell of
kllln' weather."
"Them snow storms we had last
winter," said Mr. Tompkins, "won't
be a marker to what we'll ketch this
winter. Every sign known to natur'
Is hollerin' It out loud. We're goln'
to get a dandy, I tell yer. I aint been
a-watching fer these signs In the Or
egon woods fer 25 years fer nothln'.
and the bears comln' In close to town
with us will be a working asset, good to
keep and tohave for an emergency or op
portunity Wise is the man who has his
capital, no matter how small, deposited
where it is at wrk earning more capital.
The Bank of Oregon Qty
bark on the trees. Whenever It gits
as thick as It Is now, look out. Git
plenty of wood, friends." concluded
the woodsman, "and git it Quick.' fei
you'll have use fer It mighty midden."
CMIt... .... I it... If.
Reld is going far out of his way to
cast slurs at Clackamas county farm-
ers and their method We will ad-
it that r f.m miu i .i
therefore need to be shown. Hut it
was our humtU opinion that that
was what the commission was for, and
with that op'nloit In mind we wrote j
about a year ago In regard to
certain pest that was affecting our
orchard. In three short (?) eek z
received an answer stating that thei""" "nU'w l "
specimens sent were in bad shape,
but that he would make a personal In
spection and advise as to what the
best remedies were to rid the trees of
the Insects. If Mr. Held or any
other fruit commissioner has made an i
inspection of our orchard he must
have done so after night for to my
certain knowledge he has not been
around in the day time.
As to our cattle being nothing but
"horns, backbone and talis." ami our
hogs of the ferndlgglng. razor-back
breed we emphatically deny. Every
other farmer In this section has a
cream separator, and we have the
checks on the Oregon Trust and Sav
ings Bank to show that we sell cream.
Our cattle are the Red Polled stock, I
and therefore It Is not true that they
are nothing but horns and tails, and
we are not ashamed to show our
""K e,thpr- The, writer has raised
ianJ fattened hog for the last forty
lyear" ln tnree different mates, and
ed-,naa made more c,,ar lwllr ot hogs,
iln Clackamas count r than anvhm
True, we ae not riding around the
country In antomnMlon n.itiir
drawing pay from the state, and
" 19 "r opinion that were the fruit
I commissioner as readv to arlvian Bn.i
'consult with farm or. rf klu ,lluf ,l
- - .... , ' i . . . ') U t" . I ,1 V
a he Is regular In drawln his oav.
there would be less excuse for mirl,
tirades as that recently reported
the Oregonlan.
Fifty hop pickers. Have 23 acres
to pick; two yards. Good new hop
shanties for pickers. Good wator and
plenty of wood at camp. Free vege
tables for pickers. Will begin picking
about August 28. Write at once so
we can place your names on our
books. No booze fighters need apply,
Box 58, R. F. D. 4, Aurora, Ore.
There's a Reason
possible. Our recent trip East to
cuuon, was ror the purpose of giving you the lat
est and best, up-to-date dentistry. Our seventeen years of suc-
cessful practice ln Oregon City is the best guarantee any dentist can
give you. A guarantee is good only as long as you can find one who
gives it, and then not always. We are careful not to hurt you as
we have feollngs ourselves. We want your work and want you to
send us your friends. Have an eastern expert graduate assistant
dentist. We put our own name back of our practice. Our prices are
the lowest ln the city for good work.
Dr. L. L Pickens
Poat Graduate Haskell & Chlca go 8chool of Dentistry,
City Phone 2671 Mutual'and Independent 131
. A r"Mt,'- wh ,,w,wl
,lau"ch uml ',tlK '
,n0M ni root "r hl,Uh Htr,,,,t- w
'"' " mnmeuo inver last
jfteek. The last mn of him was by
I two small lads. living on the west
' slde of the river. At that time he was
.trying to get through the rapids In an
a!'""'1 ' """ "'" " lnrh
!" ""ai
"in""1 ",r ' nl
The boys say the current was too
strong and dragged him down and
that he made a hard fight for It but
that they were tinnblo to aid him.
They say that when he wa pulled
back Into the current ho tried to
climb Into the launch but when last
seen hail not hoen. able to do so.
When Talley failed to come home
search was made for him and hi
boat located further down the river
where they had been picked up and
tied to the ahore. Eifurts have been
made to find Talley's body but so
'far without success. River men say
.that If drowned his body will come to
jthe surface In from seven to nine
days, Friend have Utth hope that
he will ever be found alive.
Talley was about 20 year of age,
and has a wife and three children n.
iMl,Iln HI Eighteenth street. The J
.unfortunate man had only one arm.
laml ' r,r,,t " " supposed that he
"""" overooarn and could not
" m me treacherous current. He
lunnl Kt !,..!,.. t ,
i ,iiiaiiu tin iiuHminii pttntiri.
, W U1 n'8 ' ha'f Interest
... ... .
irwuiiiuunf? inure.
All three referendum petitions which
were held Invalid by Judge Galloway
were declared gKd by a decision of
Justice Eakln Tuesday. In which Gal
loway was reversed. This means that
Sheriff Stevens has lost his fight
against the County Commissioner of
Multnomah county over the feeding
of prisoners; the Igan compulsory
pass measure will bo put to a vote of
the people and so will be the Tnlver
slty of Oregon appropriation bill.
As the situation now stands, the peo
ple will vote on the three measures at
the coming June election,
The present price of hops Indicates
that If will be wjso to take precaution
to have this year's crop In perfect con
dition If one wishes to reall.e quickly.
for Everything
Th, reason we enjoy the
largest dental practice In
Oregon City Is because we
try to excel ln our work.
Our work lasts, we never
do poor work. The people
know It. Our constant ef
fort Is to give not "Just as
good" but the best work, and
that for as little money as
the areal centers nf Hant.i a.
Weinhard Building,
Oregon Citv. Ore.
Choice Cigars and Tobaccos,
Ice-Cold Hop Gold Beer,
High Grade Bottled Whis
keys and Wines.
Unopps Nobel
Wind Mill, Pump and Hydrau
lic Kama a Specialty,
Phone 2082,
Oregon City, Orgon.
t'lotbea Washed "Whiter Than
Snow." Family Waihttift at
ileasonahla Ratnt--No worry,
tio mgret If you phou 1Z04
Our wagoo will call
Phone 221 Office P. O Bid. Main Rl
Pioneer Transfer
And Express
C. P. ORISCZ, Prop.
8ucceor to C. N. OllEENMAN
Band and Qraval
Oragon Clry -Xrgof.
Plumbing & J nlng
t Air FurtKo, flsp Plati Pumii,
Ira Pumpi, Water Pipe
Spnylsf MittrUlt.
All Kind of Jobbing a Specialty
Estimate 0'n on All Clause
of Work,
Rs Phoua 1S14 Shop 161
014 N. Main St., Oragon City, Or
Strictly in accordance with the
Pure Food Law.
4 1 7 Main St. - Oregon Citv
Heckel & England
The Hub Saloon has changed
hands, Carlson & Block sel
ling out to Heckel & England.
W. H. 8ILCOX, Prop.
Hotel and Restaurant
Best Service slid Accommodation
Main St., 0pp. suspension Bridge
v.i; ,. i,' fir ai
int nuniu,
For sale by
2i m i i
U-'tt- J
9 I'll
is a sure sign. Another one Js the