Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 30, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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In the Circuit Court of the State 0f
Ontgon for Clackamaa County.
May L. Hleklln, Plaintiff,
"William T. Illoklln, Defendant.
To William T. Illoklln, the above
named defendants
In tho name of the Stale of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the aliovo untitled unit
In tho ahovo narnnd Cotlrt, on or be
fore Friday, 8ptotnlwr Cth, 1907, tin
name being six weeks from the first
publication of thin summons, and you
will take notlco that If you fall to so
appear and anawer aald complaint,
the plaintiff will apply to th Court
for the rellof demanded In said com
plaint, to-wlt: That the bund of
matrimony now existing between you
and platntltt be dissolved, and that
plalntllf b given the earn, custody,
oducatlon and control of tholr aald
minor child, Klnir Henry Hlcklln.
This aummona I published by the
order of the Hon. 0. n. Dlmlck,
Judge of the County Court for Clack
amaa County, HUto of Oregon, In
the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation In
Clackamaa County, for alx. successive
and consecutive weoka, commencing
Friday, July 2Cth. A. D. 1907, and
continuing to and Including, Friday,
September Cth, A D., 1907.
3317 Attorney for Plalntllf.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mat. Louise Hodgea, Plaintiff,
Henry 0. Hodgea, IXfendant.
To Henry O. Hodgea, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled ault on or
before the laat day of the time pre
scribed In the order for the publica
tion of tula aummona, to wit: on or
before the 16th day of 8ptembr,
1907, aald date being the expiration of
tlx (6) weeks from the first publica
tion of this aummona, and If you fall
to ao appear and anawer, for want
thoreof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In the
complaint, to-wlt: for a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony and
marriage contract existing between
plaintiff and defendant
This aummona la published by or
der of Hon. Grant n. Dlmlck, County
Judge of the above named county In
the absence of Ho T. A. McBrlde,
Judge of( the above named court,
which order was made and entered on
the 30th day of July, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff. 710
Chamber of Cornmorc-Jrtland, Or,
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned have been appointed by the
Count Court of Clackamas County,
Oregon, executors of the Last Will
and Testament of Margaret Jane Saw
tell, deceased. All persons having
claims against aald estate are hereby
notified to present the same, properly
verified, to the underatgned at Molal
la, Clackamas County, Oregon, with
in alx months from the date of tbla
Dated August 23, 1907.
Executors of Last Will and Testa
ment of Margaret Jane 8awtell, de
ceased. 37-Bt
Justice Court, for District No. 13,
State of Oregon, County of Clack
amas. Civil Action for the Recovery of
Bert Hollls, Plaintiff,
C. Bobbins, Defendant.
To Dert Hollls, Defendant:
In tho Name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
Court within alx weeks from the date
of the publication of thla aummona
upon you. And if you fall so to an
swer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will take judgment against you for
the sum of Thirteen Dollars and the
costs and disbursements of the within
entitled action.
Glvon upder my hand this 17th day
of July, 1907. T. G. JONSRUD,
33tG Justice of the Peace
First insertion July 26, 1907.
Last Insertion, Sept 6, 1907.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Jennie L. Bowers, Plaintiff,
A. M. Dowers, Dofendant
To A. M. Bowers, dofendant above
named: In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and
cause on or before the 13th day of
September, 1907, that being the day
flxfld by the Court for aucb an appear
ance or answer, In and by the order
of the Court far publication of sum
mon, and If you fall ao to appear
and answer, tho plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for
In her complalntMowIt: for a decree
dlsolvlng tho marriage contract now
existing between plaintiff and de
fendant and to allow her to resume
her maiden name of Jennie L. Wll
lotiKhhy, and for such other relief as
to tho Court may seem meet and just,
This summons Is to be published In
the Oregon City Enterprise for not
lss than once a week for alx con
secutive weeks prior to aald day of
September, 1907. IV order of the
Honorable Thomas A. McDrlde, Judge
of said Court, made and entered on
this 30th day of July, 1907.
First publication August 2, 1907.
Last publication, Sept. 13, 1907.
3U7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
The undersigned will present the
following petition to the County Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 4th day of Septem
ber, 1907, for a license to aell splr
Rous, malt, and vlnoua liquors, In lesa
quantities Ufan one gallon, at a saloon
In Sandy, In Cascade precinct, Clack
amas County, Oregon, for a period of
one year.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the petition of Cas
per Junker for a petition for liquor
To the County Court of the above
named County and State: Your peti
tioners would respectfully represeat
that they are legal voters In Cascade
Precinct In the above named County
and State and actual residents there
of. That they would respoctfully re
quest that you grant a license to Cas
per Junker authorising and permit
ting him to aell aplrltous, malt and
vinous liquors In a saloon located at
what la known as Sandy In aald pre
And your petltlonera will ever pray.
Dated thla July 12th, 1907. v
Joe Drlgga. J. C. Loundrlc.
J. N. Orr. Ed. 8uckow.
II. O. Woolen. Geo. A. Wolf.
Ed Miller.
Herman Flacber.
II. W. Larson. .
S. E. New.
H. Boenstedt.
John Miller.
E. W. Glllam.
Julius Wendland.
O. Hauglum.
Albert Roll.
Paul Dunn.
Herman Rtdder-
Wlllard Boshohn.
Martin Mlkkelson.
Gottlieb Muller.
J. D. DeShazer.
M. C. Donahue.
J. F. Amend.
M. Kllgel.
Henry RlddorbuachWm. Waeape.
J. M. Kehrea.
T. O. Jonsrud.
E. S. Payn
J. II Molar.
A. Molar.
Fred Kelsecker.
Henry Kelsecker
John Strauss.
John Gibbons.
J. R. Maronay.
0. C. Maronay.
P. R. Molnlg.
John Waespe.
R. A. Wendland.
O. W. Beera.
Theo. Koenneke.
John Busholm.
Chas. Shamke.
F. W. Alt.
O. H. Wewer.
Chas. Krebs.
O. Relra.
C. Huott.
Goo. Meyer, .
Perry Kltxmlller.
Ulrich Trubel.
Henry Rldderbusch
B. Kllgel.
W. Allen.
Goo. M. Dickenson.
Application for License.
Notice la hereby given that the un
deraignod will apply to the County
Court of Clackamaa County for a li
cense to sell spirituous, malt and vin
ous liquors for the period of six
months from the 2nd day of August
1907, at 10 o'clock A. M., and that I
will present the following petition to
said Court on said day for said li
cense. T. M. ALLISON.
Dated August 2, 1907:
To the Honorable County Court of
Clackamas County:
We, the undersigned residents and
legal voters of Boring Precinct, in
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
hereby respoctfully petition your hon
orable body to grant T. M. Allison, a
llconso for the period of alx months
from the 2nd day of August, 1907, to
sell spirituous, malt and vinous
liquors, in loss quantities than one
gallon 'in the town of Boring, Clacka
mas County, Oregon.
D. J. Kite.
S. E. Card.
O. S. Roe.
G. Dooley.
B. Holtz.
E. Ellsworth.
D. Hedermann.
John Musa.
H. Hem. .
K E. Herx.
C. S. Palmer.
Joseph Borde.
S. E. Ellsworth
B. F. Donahue.
James Larsen.
J. E. Wilson.
Guy Wilson.
Peter Dlcken.
H. McGlnla.
L. RlUer.
A. II. Barbur.
II. Fredrlch.
J. J. Ztmmermann.
F. M. Morgan.
H. Ellsworth.
F. Irvln.
II. Anderson. i
Adolf Hers.
U. Bernegger.
W. Woollos.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamaa County, admlnia-
trator with. Will-Annexed of the
tate of J. 8. Vaughan, Deceased. All
persona having claims against aald
estate are hereby notified to present
tho same to me, properly verified at
the office of my attorney, Thos. F,
Ryan, on Main atreet, Oregon City,
Oregon, within alx months of the
date of this notice.
Dated July 29th, 1907.
Administrator with Will-Annexed of
the Estate of J. S. Vaughan, Do
cased. THOS. F. RYAN,
Attorney for administrator. 3415
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned, II, Desman, administrator
of the estate of Honry Dleckman,
deceased, has filed bis final account
as such administrator In the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas County, and that the said
Court has set Monday, the 30th day
of September, 1907, at 10 o'clock, a. m.,
and the Court room of aald Court, as
the time and place for the hearing of
objections or exceptlona to said final
account and the aettlement of aald
estate. All persons having objections
to aald final account or to the aettle
ment of aald estate are required to
present the same on er before aald
date above mentioned.
Dated, August 16, 1907.
Administrator of the estate of Henry
Dleckman, deceased. . 3615
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Fannie Holloway, Plaintiff,
Harry G. Holloway, Defendant.
To Harry G. Holloway, the .above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
Court and cause on or before the
7th day of September, 1907, and if
you fail to appear and anawer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
In the complaint, to-wlt: for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
existing between you and the plain
tiff, upon the grounds of desertion,
and that defendant be decreed to
have no interest, right, or title In or
to Lot 9 In Block 77, In Sellwoed,
Multnomah County, Oregon.
Thla aummona la published by or
der of Grant B. Dlmlck, County Judge
of Clackamas County, Oregon, and
aald order waa made and given by
htm on the 25th day of July, 1907,
on account of the absence of Judge
of aald Circuit Court for said County
and District, and said order is made
returnable to the Circuit Court of
Oregon, for Clackamas -County. t The
first publication of this summons is
made on the 26th day of July, 1907,
and the last publication Is the 6tb
day of September, 1907.
62F7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
maa. Racheal V. Buckland, Plaintiff,
Frank C, Buckland. Defendant
To Frank C. Buckland, the above
named defendant: ,
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are required to appear and an
awer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and cause
on or before the 16th of September,
1907, and if you fail to appear and an
awer the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In her
complaint; to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between the
above named plaintiff and defenAant,
and allowing plaintiff to resume her
maiden name, Racheal V. Maham, and
such other and further relief as la
equity ahall seem meet and unto Jus
tice shall appertain.
Thla summons Is published in pur
suance of an order of the Honorable
Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the
above named court made and entered
on the 6th day of August, 1907, specify
ing that the same be published for
six consecutive weeks and ordering
August the fth, as first publication.
70M7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for Clackamas
County, Oregon.
Joale Sralfh, Plaintiff.
Floyd Smith, Defendant.
To Floyd Smith, the defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer" the complaint filed
against you In the above-entitled
Court and cause on or before the 30th
day of September, 1907, that being
the date fixed by the Court for such
appearance or answer In and by the
order of the Court for the publlca-
Ea-'tlon of this aummona, and If you fall
to so appear and anawer, plaintiff will
anblv to the Curt for the rBllf nr.v.
ed for In bor complaint, to wit: For
a decree forever divorcing plaintiff
from defendant, and for the custody
of their minor child, Oracle.
. . ,, . ,
er of the Hon. Grant B Dlmlck
Judge of the County Court for said
ntr !
The date of the first publication of
this summons Is August 10th, 1907.
36-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Clacka
D. C. Yoder and Levi Yoder, Plaintiffs,
Fannie Yoder, Dellla Troyer, Zeph
niab Yoder, unmarried, Sarah A.
Voder, unmarried, Mary E. Harti
ler, Ella Miller, Fena Yoder, Silas
Yoder, Oliver Yoder, Fannie M.
Yoder, John L. Zook, Olla M. Zook,
and Elsie P. Zook, Defendants.
Suit In Partition.
To Zepbnlah Yoder, Mary E. Hartz
ler, John L. Zook, Olla M. Zook and
Elsie P. Zook, of the above named
defendants, .
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled ault on or before the 27th
day of September. A. D. 1907, said
date being after the expiration of alx
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and if you fall to so
appear and answer said complaint
for want thereof plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
in aald complaint to-wlt: a decree
of partition of real property, accord
ing to the respective rights of the
owners therein, in and to the follow
ing described property, to-wlt:
The South half of the Northwest
quarter of Section One, Township
Five (5) 8outh, Range One (1) West
except Three (3) acres In the North'
west corner lying in Marlon County.
Also beglnalng at the Southeast cor
ner of the above described parcel of
land and running thence South eigthy
(80) rods; thence East Sixty (60)
rods; thence North One Hundred and
Sixty (160) rods; thence West Sixty
(60) rods; thence South to the place
of beginning. Also beginning at the
half mile corner stake on the West
side of said Section and running
thence West to Pudding River, four
(4)- chains, more or less, and thence
down said river to the section line;
thence South to the place of begin
ning, containing in all One Hundred
and forty (140) acres, more or
less. Situate In Clackamas County,
Oregon. Also the following: Begin
ning at a point 2.74 chains North of
the Northwest corner of Section 18
In T. 5 8. R. 1 E. of the Willamette
Meridian, running thence East One
Hundred and Ftfty-two (152) rods;
thence South One Hundred and Seventy-one
(171) rods; thence West
Seventy-two (72) rods; thence North
Eighty (80) rods; thence West Eigh
ty (80) rods; thence North to the
place of beginning and containing 120
acres, more or less. Also the South
west quarter of the Northwest quar
ter of Section Eighteen (18) in T. 5
S. R. 1 E. of the Willamette Meridian,
containing 45.72 acres, more or less.
Situate In Clackamas County, Oregon.
This summons is published by or
der of the Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde,
judge of the above entitled court,
which order waa made and entered on
the 6th day of August, A. D. 1907, and
which order required that the first
publication of this summons be made
on August 16th, 1907, and the date of
the last publication thereof on Sep
tember 27th, 1907.
38t7 Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Tlmber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office, Port
land, Oregon. July 19th, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
In the States of , California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory, as
extended to all the Public Land States
by act of August 4. 1892, Maude L.
Trulltnger, of Mullno, county of
Clackamaa, State of Oregon, has this
day filed In thla office his sworn
statement No. 7497, for the purchase
of the S. W. of S. W. 4 of section
No. 27, In Township No. 4 S., Range
No. 2 E., and will offer proof to show
that the land Bought is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before Register
and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 5th day of November,
He names as witnesses :
John Mulvaney, of Mullno, Oregon.
John barnall, of Mullno, Oregon.
John Keller, of Mullno, Oregon.
William Husband, of Mullno, Ore
gon, Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 6th day of No
vember, 1907.
This notice must be published once
a week for nine consecutive weeks In
a new paper published nearest the
land, and must also be posted In a
conspicuous place In the land office
:WT ln am VTUa.
jnarion w. Miner 10 H. u. Berg, 4a
towfl 4- '
irama waiiey to z. u. Uattey,
e& tract 64. 1.
Olive O'Nell to Ellis Garrett, 23a
town 25, range 4e and town 25, range
3e. $1350.
Sheriff to T. F. Ryan, lot Oregon
City, sold for taxes due by II. M. and
W. M. Cake. 19.
J. W. Reed to Mary Adams, lot 15,
blk 6, Estacada. $275.
Western Brewing Co. to E. L. Fraley
lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 6, and lots 4, 5 and
6, blk 7, Estacada. $115. '
Helnrlch B. Mann to Ludwlg Tu-
scholke, lots 12, 13 and 14, blk 1,
Oak Grove. $450.
E. L. Fraley to 'C. W. Seymour, lot
6, blk 21, Estacada. $300.
Eliza D. Miller to Elrlna M. Miller,
e of ae Vt sec 32, town 6s, range 2e,
consisting of 80 acres. $5.
C. A. Frost to O. Gorbett, lots 6 and
7, Heckert's add. to Ore. City , $1100.
J. J. Johnson to F. F. Johnson, lots
and 6, Oregon Iron and 8teel Co.
add. to Oswego. $1. I
Luclnda Ross to Minnie L. Foster,
undivided 1-9 lnt In 32 acres adjoining
John 8. Howard die, nVi lot 1 and
8, blk 27, Oregon City, 13 acres town
'. range 2e, 153 acres sV4 James Wol-
dref die. sec 11. 12 and. 13. town 3s,
range 3e. $1.
T. J. Gary to Sadie A. Colson, tract
11 of J. D. Miller's die, 24 acres. 11200
Sheriff Beatle to E. O. Jones, 30 a
owned by A. D. Nlswonder, sec. 8,
town 3s, range lw. Foreclosure.
Mary Mader et al to Roslna Ball, 5
acres from Robert Caufleld die, town
3s range 2e. 1212.15.
H. Grebe to Alfred Keller, lot 2,
blk 2. Maywood add. adj. Jenntng's
Lodge. $10.
Anasa Ma goon to Society Saving &
Trust Co., Portland, lot 1, aec. 14,
town 2s. range le, 10 acres. $10.
C. W. Yergen to Oawego Electric
Ry Co. 50 ft right of way through lot
4, aec. 27, town 3a, range lw. $1
Albert Durst to Edna E. White,
wV4 of nw14 aec, 17. and ne4 of
ne sec 18. town 4s, range 3e, 120
acres. $4000.
H. E. Noble to Molalla Lumber Co.
aw4 sec. 14. town 4s, range 3e. 160
acres. $10.
Gottlieb Kunzl to Molalla Lumber
Co., aw aec 15, and ett of se sec
16, town 4s. range 3e, 240 acres, $7200.
Anna J. Relnhardt to Eva and Elva
Miller. 210 feet west half lot 1. blk 19
of first subdivision Oak Grove. $1.
Aaron J. Walker to Cbristlna Kunzi
ne of seVij sec 16, town 4s, range
3e, 40 acres. $1.
Wm. I. Harris to M. J. McNall, n
of neU of neVi sec 29, town Is, range
4e, 20 acres. $1000.
John M. Kelly to John Acher and
Annie W. Kenney, lot 3, blk 5, Green
Point. $1150.
Emery L. Thomas to Joseph L.
Udell. 14 acres aec 7 and 8, town 4s,
range 2e. $350.
BenJ. F. Forrester to J. C. Elliott
King, trustee, lands section 29, T. 2
S.. R. 4 E. $1.
John W. Robinson to Belle B. Splcer
Rutler. acre in W. T. Matlock D. L. C.
Gilbert Ward to Wm. M; Smith, E.
M lot 1 and E lot 2. blk 47, Ore
gon City. $1.
U. S. to Wm. Lush, S. E. U section
6. T. 6, S., R. 3 E., 160 acres! Patent.
Doule Latourette to Frank M.
White, E H of S. E. K section 28. T.
3 S., R. 3 E., 160 acres. $2800.
Maggie M. Cross to Bertha Lavader
and Ella Mae Cross, minors, Inter
est lots 13 and 14 blk 98, Gladstone.
Henry Kraus to School Distlrct No.
llO, part section 15, T. 4 S., R. 1 E..
1H acres. $112.50.
Jos. H. Colt to Chas. G. Oberg, tract
south James W. Foster D. L. C, sec
tion 32, T. 2 S., R. 4 E. $300.
Francis P. Hainan to Wm. F.
Fleblg, part tract 25 in Oak Grove. $10.
Alkerzalne Lawson to Wm. Smith,
lots 10 and It blk G, and lot 2, blk K,
Clackamas Heights. $800.
Christian Ewold to James Bilkter,
lota 6, 7, 14 and 15, blk 98, Oak Grove,
George A. Cable to iJ L. Porter, be
ginning at Geo. Crow D. L. C. 49 in
T. 2 S., R. 1 E., containing 3.9 acres.
Hay and Grain.
Hay The price of hay Is soaring,
with those who have It for sale asking
$15 for clover and $18 for timothy.
Few sales at those prices are recorded,
usual sales being made at $15 for tim
othy, clover $12, oat hay $12 and
mixed cheat $11. Farmers seem dis
posed to hold for higher prlees.
Grain New oats are selling at 22
cents with holders asking a little more
for choice lota. Wheat la looking up
and those who have considerable are
In many Instances holding for $1, No
sales have been reported at that fig
ure; 80c Is ruling price where con
siderable, quantities are moved. Many
farmers think $1 is a safe holding
Live 8tock. ,
Prices show but little change. Steers
are quoted at $3.50 to $175, heifers
$3.00, cows $2.60 to 2.75, sheep $4 to
$5, lambs $6. all per cwt.
Produce and Poultry.
Butter Choice ranch 'butter Is
bringing from 60 to 65c the roll, and
creamery 75c to 80c.
Lard 10c lb.
Eggs 22 c per doz.
Chickens Hens 10c, roosters 8 to 9c
young fries 12 c.
Fruit and Vegetables.
Apples Bring 75c per box.
Pears BartletU 60 to 70c bu.
Plums Peach lc lb. Green Gage
lc, Italian Prunes lc, Hungarian
Prunes lc. '
Watermelons Choice 90c to $1 per
cwt., Canteloupes 45c to 90c dozen.
Green Stuff Corn 8c to 10c dozen,
green and yellow string beans 3c lb,
summer squash 25c dozen, crooked
neck 35c dozen, potatoes 90c to $1,10
bu. turnips, carrots, parsnips, beets,
75c sack, wine plant 2c lb, green on
ions 40c doz. bunches, rhubarb 3c lb.
cabbage 40c, cucumbers 10c doz or
pickling 2c lb.
Flour and Feed.
Flour sells at $4.50 for Valley to
$5.25 for Oregon hard wheat
Corn $1.65 per cwt, cracked $1.70.
Shorts 90c per sack.
Barley $1.15 per sack,
Oats In sacks $1.25 per cwt
Hay Selling In retail way at 85c
cwt for timothy and 65c for clover.
other varieties same proportion.
The commute having in charge
the Harvest Picnic at Willamette on
Labor Day announce the following
10:30 Ball game, Oregon City
Grays vs. Blues.
12:00 Basket dinner at the springs. ,
12:30 Speaking by Judge Hayes
and State Labor Commissioner 0.
P. Hoff.
1:30 to 3:00 Foot ball races, sack
races, wheelbarrow races, egg race
and other athletic sports.
3:00 Second ball game, St Johns
vs. Woodburns.
Oregon City band will furnish mu
sic for the occasion. There will be
a large dancing pavilion with dancing
afternoon and evening. No liquor
will be permitted on the grounds.
Private Money To Loan, Per Cent,
On real estate security.
$1000.00 two to fire years. . .
600.00 one year.
750.00 three years.
1500.00 five years. -
400.00 two to four years. "j
600.00 three years.
600.00 two to five years.
2500.00 one to 5 years.
Call, write or 'phone by July 1, 190T.
. Attorney at Law, Stevens Bldg., Ore
gon City, Ore.
Money loaned, abstracts furnished. land
tile examined, estates settled, general
law busineaa transacted.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
When you require an Abstract of Title
to lands In Clackamaa County, havt
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company Incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We Invite yon to ex
amine our complete set of Abstract
Books. t
606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg,
Money to loan on Clackamas County
Oregon City, .... , Oregon.
Will practice in all courts of the state
Office In Caufleld Building.
Justice of the Peace.
Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City
W. S. EDDY, V, S M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, bas located
at Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
8eventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
Farmers' 131 Mali 1311